tto- "- ' " '-iL'A ,m in- ,. " .. ! ..... sSP MSJ EVENIN.G LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER. 21, 1014. i r-1' k "OUlt TORN EXT" IF GERMANS WIN, SAYSJ.R.DREXEL American Back From Eu rope Declares Kaiser Has Army or 300,D00 In U. S. Tells of Atrocities. NEW TOItK, Nov. !t.-"acrmanjr hns 800,000 oniccrs and men In thin country already, and If nho wins the present war, It will bo our turn next." This ntntcment tue made by John It, Drexcl, of this city nnd formerly of Phtln Uclplila, when ho returned from Europo last nll't tin the White Star liner Adri atic. Ite linn spent most of tho Inst two month!) In Vichy, France, nnd declared he had n splendid opportunity to see tli nj German fighting machine at work. ' 11 la a wonderful machine, and la bo Ing very cleverly handled by the moat astute group of men In the world, the German General Staff," ho continued. "It la up to this Government to take Imme diate steps to Increase tne strength of our , standing army and to double our ilqet. "My brother, Anthony 3. Drcxel, la lighting with a French regiment, lie wan In London two days before I left, having brought hbme Lady Sarah Wilson, whoso husband had been killed at the Alsno. Lady Sarah up to that tlmo had been with tho Itcd Cross. Her husband'B death nnd tho Icrrlblo wenther on the Continent prostrated her. "You aro going to hear of more atroci ties before this war Is over, and somo of them will be more horrible than nny one ever Imagined. While. In Vichy a wounded German soldier was brought Into the hospital. In his pockot was tho hand of a woman, with four valuable rlnss Btlll on tho fingers." ABBESTED AT MAN'S HEARING While attending tho hearing of a man charged with robbing grocery stores In South Philadelphia, George Allen. :'.: years old, 27th and Federal streets, was arrested today charged with being nn accomplice. Lawrence Tleiney, 21 cais irtd, M15 Slgel street, was tho man being tried. FTJNERAi OF J. P. MORRIS The funeral of James P. Morris, n re tired hotel man, who died Wednesday rom an attack of licait disease, was Laid this morning from St. John's Catho lic Church, 33th below Market trt.t Mr. Morrla was 70 jcara old and for many jtArf was connected with th Con tinental Hotel, the Bingham and the Glrard House. He made his home at JU Bouth 11th street OBITUARIES BROTHER QUINTONIAN For Several Years at the Head of Philadelphia Protectory for Boys. Brother Qulntlnlan. a well-known Chris tian itrother, until recently head of the Philadelphia Protectory for Boys, died yesterday nt St. Agnes' Hospital. He was TO yiara old, Brother Qulntlnlan was known as Thomas F Meade before he entered the Christian Brothers' novitiate In Montreal. In 1W ho came to this city from New Tork as principal of the Cathedral School. He Inter became director of he Christian Brothers' Academy, Hartford, Conn., and soon afterward accepted a like position with the La Salle Commercial Institute, cf New York He returned to this city In 1501 to asiume charge of the Philadelphia Protectory for Boys, and continued at Its head until last yenr, when falling health obliged him to retire. His funeral will take place from La Salle College on Monday. A Solemn Mass of Hcqulcm will bo celebrated In the" Cathedral at 10 n, m., and after the final services he will be burled In the Christian Brothers' Cemetery In Ammendale. CHARLES QOTILOB BERUNOER Charles Gottlob Berllnger, a director of tho Integrity Title Insurance Trust and Safe Deposit Company, died yesterday after a long Illness nt his home, 2033 North Hancock street. Mr. Berllnger retltcd from tho wholesalo meat business some time ago. He was a member of several German societies, tho Cnnnstatter Volks Test Vereln, BchuoUcn Vercln, tho l"or mnn Lodge, No. 1Z, F. nnd A. M and atllllated with tho Hoynl Arch Masons, the Knight Templarn nnd "the Lai, Lu Temple. He was a well-known resident of Kensington, where he lived for many years. The funeral will take place Tues day afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late residence. W. D. BEERS WILKES-BABBE, Pa., Nov. 21.-W. D. Beers, r,5 years old, for many years ono of WH'is-Harre's most prominent mer chants, died at his home here of apoplexy today. His death came suddenly and ho showed no sign of Illness until nn hour before tho end. Ho was born In Rockdale, Lehigh County, His widow and two chil dren, Balph E. Beers, of Trenton, N. J., and Mrs. Gcorgo L. Fcnncr, of Ashley, survive. years established at Ho North lth street, died Thursday at his home, 2204 North 20th street, after n long illns. He was actively Interested In the Caterers' Asso ciation. He laes a widow. The funeral will take place from his late residence Monday morning JOHN B. FROXHINOHAM NEW YORK, Nov. 21. Brigadier Gen eral John II. Frolhlngham, assistant cc retftry of the National Lead Company, died nt his home hero this morning aged "3 yenrs He served with tho Btlv Massa chusetts Heglment during the Civil War Scntfi BAVMB. On November 20. 1014, , WIL LIAM Funeral on Ustunhn. nt 9 l. m., at tha residence of his son-ln-lsw Ctarge It. Mundell. (w Delaware ave., Nor wood, Delaware Lotmty, Pa. Interment Ham ilton. Ontario, Canidn, on Honda)-. Iir.ltIJNORIt.--On November 20, 1014. CitAItLKH OOTTI.OU JIRIll.tNOnrt, hus hand ot the late ltorlna nerllnger (nee Km lei). In his Slth rear. Itelattvee and friends, aim lUVman Lodge. No 12.1, V. and A. M.I Kensington It.. A Charter. No. 231! Mary Uummandery, No. an, K, T.: I.u I.u Temple, A. A. O. N M. a.: directors of Integrity Title Insurance, Treat and Pafe Deposit Com ranrt Cannstatter Votksfest Vereln. .Schuet sen Vereln, Philadelphia quartet Club nnd all other societies of which he was n mem brr, are lnlted to attend tho funeral eerv leu, on Tuesday, at 'i o'clock, at his Jato residence, 2ivts North Hancoek at Interment private, at German Lutheran Cemetery. HI.tlM. JOHN BLUM, 2004 Franklin at. llOH.EAt On No ember 17, 1014, CATH AHINK. widow of Altrrd Ililleau funeral on Sunday, Nov 22. nt 1.10 p. m., irom her late residence, Southampton, Pa, Inter room pmnte. at William l'enn Cemetery. IlltADI.EY. nOBINBON BltADLCY. R02 W .Noirla t. -s CI.AMPFIKH. OMVEIt CbAMPFFER,2S30 York tt. CLARK. LnTTICE CLARK. 4200 Chester DIAMOND. On Nov ember 18. 1014. PAT ItlCK, htishnnd nf Mary Diamond (neo Haley) Funeral nn Monday, at K'tn a. m , fro-n 2K01 OIIo at. (2".th and Fn'rmount ae.). lllsh Mnss or Itequleni at St. T'rnnels' Church, nt 10 a m Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. TCIHIAIt. On November IT, 1014. MAIIOA .ItF.T .1 . nlfe if loinca It. IMgnr nnd daugh ter nf nitnheth j ani xh" late William II, Sttnson Funeral on Fundny, nt 2 p. m , from her late r-tldtncc. n:u Wlnton at. (Dtli nnf,Tnrkon ati ) Interment nt I'ernnooU Cemetery , EIt IN. On November IS. 101 JAMBS It. IlltvIN. I'unernl nn Monday nt 1. . m., from his Into rnldcnce. Mnrtdo, Del Co Pn. Intrrnicnt nt Media Cemetery KVANS On Noember 20, 1014 ltA 1IKI.I.A L., nlfo of (lenrKe H. JTtnna mil ilauirhter nf Abel B. nnd Cni'j llaltonell, In hr T-4tlt yenr. Funeral nt llio cuncnlcm.i. ot the foinllj. JtBAL KSTATB IX)It SALK City JOHN "W. HOIiIiAND John W. Hdlland, 70 years old ly known caterer and a wide- for tho Inst 22 DEAL KBTATK FOll 8ALK Nonfood. Vm NORWOOD Two ne houses. 10th nnd Amoaland roid: Inrne lots; 0 larso room" and both; hot-water hent. gas and electric light; sewer; water; I'cment nlka, tno squares to train or trolley; prices J4U00 and 4200: tenna to suit; owner un premlaea. '. HARRY MOORE, Moore, Pn. ANew Operation OF THOSR LOUGHRAN HOUSES JUST L1KB Tim 11-i THAT WB TJUILT ND SOLD LAST Yn.n Sec Sample Houses 4832 North Fifth Street Price $4000 ALSO 516 Eleanor St Price $3200 These Imv porch fronts, nil modern lm- firovement bnnement Inunilry, electric Ichts llullt nllh the stability Hint hai mnde the I nuchrnn bnuve n atnndnrd of icood ronntrnrtlnii. Kee JOHN LOUGHRAN'S SONS 6TH ST., DELOW ROCKLAND ST. DEATHS DEATHS FADLOIT. On November 19. 1011. at resl denco of his son-in-law, llllsm II, Howen, Audohon. N. J., WILLI-AM II KAIHXIW, Fineral serrlces on Sunday, at 1 p m , at residence of Wesley llnwen. 1018 South .2d st, Philadelphia Interment private, nt Green Mount cemetery. Fflll.ONa. On N'ovemher 20,1914, PrtANK, husband Of Winifred Furlonr and nn of the late Michael and Mnry Furtons. Funeral on Monday, at " 10 n m , from 1T44 North nth st lllsh Requiem Mass at St. Malaehy's Church at lo n m. Interment prltnte, st Nev Cathedral Cemetery. OIIINKY. On November 10, 1014, MAHT A , nlfe of Alexander Olbney. runeint on Mon day, nt 2 p. m , from 2210 Dieklnmm t. In terment nt Mount M"r1nh Cemetery. , OltAHAM. On November 10, 1014, IIUBH TON J., hufbnnd of Radio (linhtrh luneinl services on Sunday, at 1 p. m at 1700 North Tanev t Intetment at Hillside Cemetery ln Tunernl csr, 1IAINKS. On November 20. 1014, AnrtA II AM W.i husiand of Mnggle It, Maine. Funtral on Monday, nt i p m from lion t Ilerks tt . to proceed to Palmer Vault Inteiment prlvtte Ml. Pence Cemctco, HALL-CAntllB IIALU 2080 Carpenter at HASLKTT. On Nnv.mlr 1J. 1014. FIIANK C, lmtband of Mary llnslett, nnd eon of Mnry A. nnd the late William tlanlctt Due notice nf the funeral will he siren, from his Into resilience. 12.f Rait Palmer st linnDKUT. Near M.iaonlll. N. J, on No ember It, 10H, HAIlItY W husband of rule Herbert Funernl on Ftundav. at 2 n. m.. from Mason Wile. N. J Interment nt Lutheran cemetery. lir.ItM'IILL. On Noxemher 50, 1n4, nt Mllhllle, N .1 Mt'LrOTtn, preeldent of the MtllWIla Nattonil Tlnnk. nscd ST Nenr Rcla tlten and friends nrc Inxlted to ntteh I tho funernl. from bla late residence, 221 Hnrt Main street. MIlHIIIe, N. J., oh Xlonday. November 2.1, at 10.10 n m. Interment at Mount Vleasnnt Cometerv JONF.S. On Nox ember 20, mil HOWARD husbnnd of nitnbath A. Jones, Funeral er Icea on Mondaj, at 2 r. m nt Ills late resi dence, "21 South eoth st. Interment prl ftte, nt fcrnwood Cnrtery KENNEDl. AONCH WflNNDDV, 1810 In ternoll at KOLODNElt. OITTI.E KOLODNER, 1037 Nottli Pnttnn st LETTF.NOt'ItOEIt CATItAniNn LETTEN- (ll'llliril 11214 Dlikenn ae. MACNAMKK. At his relrtenee, Tlerwyn, Pn.. on No ember ll. 11114, HICItARD S. MACNAMKE Duo notice of tli funeral nlll he Riven. MeCAFFllK.On Noremoer 1I.10J 4.Tn08. McCAFFRBr. husband of Itsfinah JJeCat fry and son of Patrick nnd Alice, McCaf frey jaee MeCauley). Funeral on Monday, ft o W , m., rrom 2823 Oaul st. Requiem Maes st st .Anne's Church, at 10 a m. In Itrment st Holy Cress Cemetery. MeCOltMICK. On November 10, 1014, AN WIIFW Met ORMIr K. hutband of Msry Mc CormlrV Funeral en Toesdsf, t J M a. m , from 2T2 Kst Ihlsh ae. Solemn Reaulem Mass nt at. Apne s Church, st 10 m In ternimt it Holy Sepulchre Cemetery MeELlIATTON. Suddenly, on November 18. inn, MICHAEL, son of the late John and Msry McElhstton (nee Devlin). Funeral on Monday, at 10 s m from 2!W llelsmde st Solemn Reaulem Mass nt tho Church of the Nativity nt 10 a m precisely Interment nt New Cnihedrnl Cemetery .,. MILLER Buddenly, on November 10, 1014, DOROTHY r. , twin daurhter of Charles . and ITmmn E Miller tneo Pntrlenn) Funeral serl'e on Pundny st 2 p m nt Maple ae abovs Ujomlnir ave. (WvomltiK nve. and .It st ) Interment nt Oakland Cemetery Mt'I.roRD. At Mllhllle, N J on .Novem ler a I. 1HH, 11! n , , MPl.roltD, presi dent of the Mllhllle National Hank, nsed ST years, ltclathes and friends are invited to nttend the luneral, from Tiln Into reldence, 2JH rM Main st , Mllhllle, N J . on Mon day. November 21, nt 10 10 a m Interment st Mount Ptcnrant Cemeterv POTTH. On November 10, 1014. CHAR LOTTIE POTTS, widow of John Potts and daiiuliler of the Inte Jacob It and Jane Pntterron runeral services on Funds), at 2 P in. nt 1242 Enst Susouehanna ae In lerinent nt Mount Peace Cemetery tlt'INTINIAN. At St Agnes' Ilnspltnt. on rrl.lnx. Not ember 20. 1014, , nllOTHKll Qt'OTINIAN The eercnd clersy, board of minnuers of the Philadelphia .Protectory nnd friends ore tmlted to attend tho funeral, from La Sillo College, on Monday morning. At I' o'elnrk. Solemn llenulem Sfnss st tho Cathedral nt In o'clock. To proceed b) tho 12 10 train from 24th and Chestnut sts. lo Animnndale, Md . for Interment REYNOLDS. on No ember 18. 1014.WILL IAM A son of Margaret nnd the Into Onen Remolds, funeral Monday, nt S 30 n. m fiom 214 E Cambria st Folemn Requiem Mass nt O-ir Lnd ot Visitation Church st 10 a m Interment Holy Sepulchre Ceme tery. SATTERTIMVAIT. At the residence nf his son, Thomns C Sntterthnalt, Lnnsdowne, la nn llth Month. 2uth. ini 1. OX)ltlI: T HVTTKIITHWMI'. in his "nth seor. Funernl nt West Oroxe Friends' Meetlna- House, on 8ee0nd day, 2.M lust , nt 10 n. m REAL ESTATE l'OH BALE Olney REAL ESTATE FOUS I.K Olney m,MWti. .., , M-" "''m."m,. ' , i'j- mmm K-tnn rnali lilll ttln vmi In n iiomc or our nun nnil ivIII mnke ou tlitinkfiil fur your tlirlrilncxx. NOVEMBER 25161718 19Z0Z1 291301 1 1 W"m m v On the Famous Wellcns Aenue Purchase One Aon See Whelan's Olney Homes PRICE $2300 Duncannon Ac, S.UiO. and 5th SI. Price S36S0 Including Street Improvements The (motion la conveniently near storea irhnols nnd churches of nil denomination On fnro to eerv part nf the city Sth st ure nnss door. Tabor and Olney Stations. "tillndclphlH and Rending Rallun), Mlthln , s minutes waix P. J. & James T. Whelan .E.Cor. Sth St. & Fisher Av, (.1100 North) Acent on Premises 'A 'm :j DEATnS BCHlCfU.Ea, On November 20, 1014. flEOHofc T. BCIttCKLRIt. husband of Resin Kchlckter Funeral on Sunday, at fl p m., at tha residence ot his son, Wil liam F. flchlekler. C20 Moyer st To proeeed to Psimer Orourd BCHOFIELD. On November 20, 1014. WILL IAM HCIlOFIDI.b. ssed 70 years Relstlvea and friends, slso Abel Lodto, NO 2, A O H, ot An and Shepherds Social Club, are in vited to attend tha funeral,, on Monday, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, lad anl Clearfield sts. Falls of Scliujlklll Services st church of St James the Less. 2 30 p m, Interment In adjoining grounds SCIinOEDER Sufldenly, on the 20th Inst, EI.IX.AIUCTII, wile of Frank Rchroedcr Rela tives snd friends are Invited to attend the runeral services, on Tuesdsy afternoon, nt S o'clock, at her Inte residence, I80S North Ettlnr st. Interment tt West laurel Hill Cemetery, Remains can be viewed Monday erenlns- HP.myAZI. On November 20, 1014, TIIl'riEUA, widow of Peter Serwatl. Funernl on Monday, November 21, from the rest' denco of her son-ln-lsw, Dr Charles W. Vsne-, 2123 West Lehigh ne., nt Ifli) a m Solemn High Mass at St. Columba'a Church, at 10 a. in. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, Roxborough. SlIOLENDUnn. On November 20, 1014, ELLA M , widow of Wllllnm II. Sholenberg, Due notice of funeral will he ghen front tho residence, M40 North 12th si., Loitsn BI.ArK, On November 20, 1014, ClIAn LES C, husband of Christine slack nnd ran nf the Iste John snd Mary Slsck. Funeral sen Ices on Monday, at 2 p m , at Ills Iste residence, 4(.ra Wyoming ave and Aailum Plk. Prsnkford. Interment nt North Ceitnr Hill Cemetery. SOl'TII. On November 18, 1014, In Down Irgtown, la, llroiKli: w. fiofhl runernl Mnnilny at the George W. South Memorial Church of the Adiotnte, 18th and Diamond sts, at 11 a. tn , where remains can bo yjewed Interment private, nt South Laurel MTIIKNnV On November 20, 1014, MARY, nllw of DaMl Sllhens, nged 70 jenrs Duo notice of funeral mil bo ghen, at lite rcsl itrnee. Ml North nth st SLACK, On November 20, 10t4, CHARLES JMT" ... .r ?.. htMbstnl ef ChrWIno Shtek nd soil f the late John and Mnry 8laek Relatlfe-i and fflends. aese MeWroe lxrdge, Nc. 3. I O O ft. United Rfethrrn Bncampfnent. Nfl. 2, I. 0. O F , Trastee of the odd F1lew' If all Association ot the Northern Liberties, Board of Directors ST the Marlborough 1. and L AtsoclBtlon are Invited to attend the funeral services on Monday, at 2 p. m., at his latt residence, 4W Wyomlngd Asylum pike, rrankfora. Interment at rrortft Cedar Hill Cemetery TRINKNEIL On November I"!, !?, jAt TILDA, daughter of tho late William ncj Tx)uls Trlnkner Funernl Bundny, at 11 m . from tho chapel of John II Wetrel. 2.1W Osrmnntown nve Interment private, Green Mount Cemetery TNUITZ. JEROMH TRUIT55, 1714 Nor wood st TVLK1L At Richmond, Vs , on n'ewmMf 10. 1011, 8UHAN MARSHALL MORRIS TT I.Kit, wife ef John Tyler. Jr. Interment prl- TVRELT FRANCIS TTIIEI.L, 2248 Wsl- WALDliON. On November 18, 1014, SO PHIA, widow of Charles n Wnldron. Fo nerst scflces on Sunday, nt 2 p m.. from loss Klnsev st (formerly Oxford st ), Frank ford Interment strictly pthate, North Cedar WETZEL. Suddenly, at Wltkes-Mnrre. Fa.. Nuemlier IS 11114 JOHN L., liuibsnd ot Kntle Foster AVeltel Due notice of the funeral will bo given, from his late rest denre HMO North tiideon st YITIIRIJHIN. llAItTlT VUDELSON, 610 Rrjdmnn st APARTMENTS "THE TIOGA" lfith nnd Tioga sts. t 0 and 7 room housekeep ing apattments. large porches' modern In every reepecti most desirable location In North Phils. Convenient to train and trolley) open every dsy. WORSTER & KRIDER 851S acrmnntown e., or on prsmlses. HEAL ESTATE 11)11 HALE WerrhTlsdclnliln " HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE est Phllnileliihla 0VERBR00K SECTION Something Entirely Different -Semi-Suburban Homes in the City Limits Netv Ui-lo-dntc linusrs, 23 ft, front, nllh lots 33 ft. wide Ilrnnllfiil resiliences nmhlat Oellglitful surroundings r Nassau Road between 61st and 63rd Sts. SOUTH OF OXFORD ST. Within easy road! of centre of city by way of i Iilevatcu, paaainB norm on tum street; uvcr tironk cars on Arch street or I'ennn. It. IX. from Ovcrbroolt Station. W. PERCIVAL JOHNSON, Builder on Premises or 4039 LANCASTER AVE. f Downsbroiigli's Boulevard Homes AltE SEI.LINO I'AST Boulevard Homes Only $4700 A few left on shland Ave., between 58lh & 59th Sts. (TWO SQUARES SOUTH OF BALTIMORE AVENUE) Only $4100 ACT QUICKLY IF OU DESIRE ONE H. H. DOWNSBROUGH, Builder and Owner Take nny enr line croiiainsr 00th street (Including "I'L pass south on 58th and Aflhlnnd ne Anfforn Station (Pa. II. It ) two blocks away. Ham Die house on en eerv ilnv nml tvinliifr hv nnnoIntmenL Phone. " OOUlana 4MJ r y iv; y ,0s v r N. KIJ is Louden St. West of 5th Street 4800 NORTH DIRECTLY FACING THE BEAUTIFUL BOULEVARD , Six rooms nnd bath, electric lighting, porch fronta, ilocp lots. Price $3300 Terms to Suit J. Henry Parker, Buiidw On Premises Every Day COME, SEE THEM f?nr N'n. Rfl np ttH nn Rtl mtrrvt rtinn direct to iht nnernifotl. wsisgl:; stie m j &? "fcttlfyV. .....iA.-.. , I - ' ' " sa vhff, y HEIST'S MODERN HOMES IS IKIAK Wromln Ave. at ltth 81. 8 tarre roomi and bath. Crate Street North ot IVromlnc Are. 0 lame room ami bath. Hot-water heat. Dutch hall, tiled bathroom., marble hnwer. hardwood floor.. llarry II. Heist' OlM, mm ana l'IKe oil. VJ Rxiscomb St. woo Bet. 16th and 17th Sts. AlUtW r v. I.i M'"'TBtl"TmirJWgJnirrWFir,ittr,T "I''lirMl tare WM. D. CHAMBERS 493? North Broad Street porcnei. Urrac.d front.. A Few for llent J Boulevard Homes MODERN IN EVERY DETAIL $2800 - $3500 $4000 Terms to Suit EIGHTH, STREET AND WINGOHOCKINQ STREET South of the Boulevard One Square From Hunting Park Two sjory, porch front, 8 rooms. Hot-water heating throughout, electric and gas lighting, all gas or coal kitchen, large lots, terraced fronts, cement steps, parquetry floors ana hardwood finish throughout. Laundry in basement. Also many other new and attractive features, chief among them being the price and terms. HART & BAILEY Builders and Owners d r TUJANY of the builders and owners of houses in the Logan and Boulevard section here represented have other attrac tive homes for sale and for rent. t Photo graphs, descriptions, sale and rental prices are on file at LEDGER CENTRAL. Surely you can find a satisfactory loca tion from this wide range of choice. MaWftHiSiifSi KJ flighest Elevation in This Locality 12th and Wyoming Ave. The name etnntlnril of excellence that ha charac terized th. Crawford Home for year. I. embodied In thl new operation. A special fenturo in thee houses never before used in ttilit rliss of construction Is the "liullt-ln" bath tubs, with concealed fltlurcs nnd shower baths, reioc nlrcd by the trade lis the most sanitary and hlchest class of pluniblne Installation yet known. $"4200 to $4600 t Camac and 13th Sts. Vy 2 , . , . j&& rfie.yvWV 4800 North A complete home; S large rooms; hard wood floors through out, hot-water heat, electricity, vacuum cleaning attachment; largo yards and porches. Open daily and Sunday. Evenings by nppolntmcnt. chwingle Bros. Builders & Owners Gehlhans & Dallas Agents on Premises 15th nnd Coortlnnd Both PAoiie r r jr V BEAUTIFUL HOMES IN PICTURESQUE LOGAN and Boulevard Section On Line of Proposed Subway and Elevated A RESTRICTED SECTION NEAR CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS 18 Minutes from Centre of City by way of Reading Railway 81 TRAINS DAILY Also Accessible by Three Car Lines on Old Y ork Road viz: 4th, llth and 16th Streets; Also, Three Car Lines on 5th Street, Including Fox Chase, Olney, and Frankford and Midvale Cross-town Line; 35 Minutes by Trolley to Market Street. An Ideal Section for Persons Desiring a Home in a Refined and Convenient Neighborhood. OVER 1200 HOUSES FROM WHICH TO MAKE A SELECTION Variety of Styles and Prices to Please All s r v Logan I2th St. nnd Camno St. Beautiful .' story side yard homes. Uodtrn In vsry detail It a r d w od n o o r i. ; and eleetrle lights, vacu um cImbIbc base mtnt laun dry. Itro roomy porches. i-ots lusa l-lce Itlsht rrrmi to fault Ul SMITH tIKOAll ST. orfqsiTB ST.V LOOAN .on J V. The labor incidental to moving into and set tling a new house is greatly lightened by compe tent help. The Public Ledger maintains the HOUSEHOLD REGISTRY . BUREAU for the convenience of housewives who are seek ing women or girls for general housework nurses, governesses, This service is without charge to Ledger advertisers. Telephone Walnut or Main 3000 m i"StWMIlJ,JL1pM,i,mAli T6 lplhi imiiiwi.i SfrWJfillC I " fa .3 tut5ui ' WBMP v JWS. . . t The wonderful combination Coal and Gas Range. This is the greatest asset a builder can offer with a new house. Insist upon having this great range in YOUR Kitchen. Absolutely complete for EVERY use of both fuels. Send for our 80-page COOK BOOK and KITCHEN MANUAL it's FREE. ABRAM COX STOVE CO. iT'i1" '" H'lWsmwiwsirsnii : L lily MliMMMiriMBlOtMMI M Srml-Dctachrd Logan Homes SOth St. South of Rockland Six larsje rooms and bnth and outkltchen. tinsrment laundry exit to yard: terraced fronts, hnt-water heat. eas and electric lights: lamp porrhes, Vermont late roofs, back stair way; everything; com-, plete and, modern. SG I nullder nnd Owner ' r&ll ON 1'IIKMIHKH. OK y,GtttMxv4 r K. I81S VOHIt HOAD LOOKING FOR A REAL HOME SEE Mahon's New Houses FRONTING ON THE 300.FOOT BOULEVARD AT TENTH ST. AND DIRECTLY OPPOSITE HUNTING PARK t-AWN TENNIS PLAYGROUND FOR CHILDREN Large S-story. O-room, porch-front houses, open fireplaces, parquetry floors, til bathrooms, laundry, hot-water heat, gas and electric Hints, gas kitchens, terraced fronts with old shade Several with garage privileges. Sample house optn every day and on Sunday. Heated and Illuminated throughout. Come and see these attractive homes. Take Route No, St on 10th street; No. SS on llth street, or No. 03 on Sth street. Uet oft at Uoulevard (North Side) and walk tno squares east. Trice taiiO. Small cash payment, balance at terms to suit purchaser. A few for rent at . For further Information write or call. Ci K. SI A(JK.HOUSE Office, 935 N. E. Boulevard. -c W $30 s ' ' V Daces this artlstla a a a Lighting Fix ture, complete -with 14inch bowl. In your home. V,h y pay J .10 when you get same for 1T A 8PKCIAI. VALUK How else could you Im prove your parlor, living room or din ing room for such a small outlay! Opt 5&L j" 1 OsJ Beautiful $17 Cherry Dome Now Why not come to the factory and save the dealers' and department stores' profits? fel'KCIAL Monday and Tuesday Deauilful Ornamental Dome, f 7 Q 5 13-lnch, Stem end Light pJ"J Our Dome are brass, not tin brasa plated. llvtry X4i9 Tilt 0hriitma4 Erie Dome Works SSBrSfite" Q Ccroeatoaeweas. r v Itdo laid esHt- r M li ug&mm Should be fit tad with bathroom fixtures and plumbing supplies of sensible quality. MEANS SAFETY AND ECON. OMY AND UVE-ABLE-NESS. FLECK BROS CO. PHILADELPHIA. PA- i, -i. ...i,ii jihh I iii.i i mil II -ll I l M fill li li jsjmillin Q 2 ,s Wmm Of fi " NiHKiP ivmiumbuWnWr'n if TT i iT i i wT' .t '- mmmmm1 mmMiU