Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 19, 1914, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 13

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Uncertainty of His Playing Spirit Dims Rccordf but Coaches
Wjll Use Him Against Cornell Murdock May
Prove to Be Pillar of Strength. .
' Can tho University
of Pennsylvania
football authorities, by an eleventh-hour
Bhlft, save their team from destruction al
tho hands of Cornell? No team In Penn
sylvania hlBtory ever had to face such
a trying situation or had less reason for
hopo. Tllelr hopes aro built on Mtlo be
Bides experiments. They may do better
than, many persona anticipate, but It docs
no' iftok as though this Cornell team
fid lend Itself to this sort of a pro
gram. They know too much football.
Tho action of the Pennsylvania coaches
In putting Avery at fullback to replace
Tucker may work tho charm, for Avery
has carried good luck with him most of
the seaeoii. Ho beat the Navy with an
Intercepted forward pass and an 0-yard
run, and he triumphed over the Indians
with a forward pass which ho sent to
There Is no reason why Avery should
not bo a wonderful player. He has every
requisite for It, speed, strength and
weight. That ho has not been Is duo to
the fact that he doesn't play overy
mtnuto with the sort of fighting abandon
that characterized cx-Cnptnln Hill llol
lenback. But Avery has been known to
play this sort of game, and tho writer
has seen him do It more Minn. once In tho
dally practices on Franklin Field, but
never In a big game. Tho stago Is now
sot -for Avery, and ho has the chance of
his life to distinguish himself. This Is
Ills last game for Pennsylvania, and If
ho goes Into It. with tho proverbial do or
die spirit ho will make a namo for him
self, '
The coaches nre uncertain In their own
minds whether to use Merrell or Murdock
al quarterback. Each of these men has
qualities which commend him to tho
coachos. Morrell has the advantago of
being a known quantity, although ho
doesn't measuro up to what tho coaches
expect of him. AH of them hope and
some think that Murdock, If given tho
.Wintry Winds Drive Devo
tees of the Links to Warmer
Climes Pinehurst At
tracts Many Philadelphians
Tho Northeast exodus of golfers will
eoon begin. Golfers In this city who plan
to play In tho annual autumn tourna
ment of tho Pinehurst Country Club, from
December 2 to December E, have not long
to arrange for tho Southern trip. Spencer
D. Wright, Jr., of Bala, one of tho
younger stars who has played brilliant
golf In recent tournaments In this sec
tion, has signified his intention of enter
ing tho Pinehurst ovent this season.
Edwin H. Filler, of Rlverton, la usually
Included among the Southern contestants.
Hundreds of golfers plan to vlstt Southern
courses next month. Tho cold weather
haa at last arrived and It will bo only a.
matter of a few wp eks before many, of our
leadlrig tournament stars will bo hurrying
off to warmer climes whero golf may bo
Indulged In to their heart's content.
John J. McDermott, formerly of this,
city, now professional of the Atlantic City
Country Club, and Gil Nicholls, of the
Wilmington Club, contemplate. a trip to
the Pacific coast. Nlcolla' right knee Is
still stiff as a result of an autompbIe
accident. But. despite this fact, he Is
still playing good. golf. At the time ho
waj.,liurt It was thought that his golfing
days were over.
Many professionals will turn their at
tention to duties an Southern links. Aleo
Smith will go to Georgia for a, week of
hunting and will then report at Bellealr,
Fla, He will he assisted by his brother.
Macdonald, Smith, of the Oakmont Coun
try Club, Pittsburgh. Jim Ferguson plans
to go to Nassau, In the Bahamas.
The contemplated changes for tho Phila
delphia "Cricket Club course have already
been discussed, but It will Interest the
golfers to know that the committee, of
which Francis B. Warner Is the chairman,
has, .endeavored to make the SL Martin's
links" "one 'of the very best Inland courses
In the country" and has asked tho mem
bers of the club to subscribe $10,000 by
Individual subscriptions.
terday afternoon Coach Keady, taking; advan
tale of the half holiday, gave tho Lehigh
vanity Ita laat hard work before th Lafoy
tt same on Saturday. All or the regular
were out on tb Held for ttia first tiro thla
week, Th practice went through with a daan,
most pronounced and pleasing.
Brat time In three weeks Penn State's canity
waa aba to work with Ita regular llne-un yes
terday afternoon, with the rounding up of
the cripple. Coaoh Hollenback tried out a pew
liaeklleld combination that ao well satisfied htm
that h ald he would, stick to It tor the Vltt
Indiana's Secret Practice.
V BWOMINQTOrT, Ind Nov. 19.-In-tUana
University's football squad Is pre
parlnsr for Ita final game of the season
with Purdue at Lafayette, Ind., next Sat
urday, in a large barn, the winter quar
ters or a circus. The plan was decided
upon to Insure secrecy.
Coach Ayrea Deposed
NBW YORK. Noy. U.-IIead Coaoh
Ayras, of Stevens, today nM relieved tf
bit duties. He Incurred the displeasure
of Mje athletic courvgil by tending: tkok
Into the New York University game a
man disguised with plasters over his
rage. The player bad been ordered out
for slugging.
Cornell Working for Perm
ITHACA, K T., Jlor. iB--.npe7t from
PfcilaaelpeU that lb Pcan team litd Wa
ahakea u awl that a snueh stronger eleven
wuuM tea, OMWeJVthan haa to far appeared
on the rraukUu Field gridiron efturred the
f""rH """A4 ywtyrdey. and M Ik
bardeat practice of the aeaaaa waa staged.
Caesmar Five Challaugas
IM Jhaij baakettMlI tcun would WM
,, arrant yajn with favig
luurs Thaxe bi art U maou to-
iddrea. CNuriM WteMU. jHSralTlS
ws, Wh ftjfefljlsfcta.
chance, would show tho qualities of lead
ershlp that Merrell lacks.
Morrell's strong point Is his Individual
playing and his certainty In the handling
of kicks. To Merrell's credit It must be
said that he hns not lost a punt on
Franklin Field this year. He did lose One
In the Michigan game at Ann Arbor, but
the sun was principally responsible for
Murdock, too, has shown keen ability In
handling kicks and In running them back
has equaled Merrell. What Murdock
needs to do to win his ptaco Is to show
that ho possesses superior ability In
selecting hli plays, particularly In meet
ing new crises. Merrell has rather shown
a lack of Initiative nnd quick Judgment
all season. i(o follows too closely n
prearranged plan of attack, and Is In
clined to hold to It even when conditions
Naturally, the coaches wish to select
tho man who will do tho better work.
It would seem to tho writer that if tho
Individual skill of the two men Is equal
tho wisest thing to do would bo to try
Murdock, In tho hope that he will lead
tho toam out of the wilderness. They aro
certainly In n bad way now; they have
nothing to lose and everything to gain,
Tho Insurrection against a coaching sys
tem that lost them tho Harvard and Yale
games, nnd by which they managed to
win several other games only by the skin
of tholr teeth, has started at Princeton.
There -were murmurlngs after the loss of
the Harvard game, and In spite of tho
brilliant rally against Yalo In tho final
quarter the Tiger undergraduates nre not
satisfied. They don't think tho coaches
made anything llko tho best uso of their
material. And they, wnnt a change.
Ono suggestion Is that Keene Fltzpat
rlck, trainer of fho team" and coach of
tho track team, bo made head coach of
tho footbult team. This Is the most rad
ical kind of a suggestion, and Is not
likely to meet with much favor among
tho old football players; but there Is
plenty of reason for suggesting Fltzpat
rlck It a now coach Is needed, for Fltz
patrlck knows Ofootbal from the rudi
ments up.
W. O.Stovenson In Tie-off Proved to
Bo Winner of Tourney.
The winner of the Ocean City Yacht Club's
pocket billiard tournament, for members only,
played during, tho season Just closed, was not
definitely decided until last week, when a tlo
tor firth prize between H. n. Hrlnchurst and
W. O. Sloven ion was played off, and won by
tho Utter, CO to 47.
The tourney was a decided auccesa nnd
reflected credit upon both the management
and the players. It la truo tho handicapping;
was rather crude, the ability of the respective
players being-, to a treat extent, unknown.
The prlies were flvo tn number, excluslvo
of the trophy contributed by Commodore
Charles J. Curran. which went to the winner
of tlrrt place. In addition to tho prize Intended
for that posltlun. Uxpenso was not spared
In their purchase and suitably engraved they
will scno at reminders of the event and of
a pleasant summer spent at the shore
Tho following members participated: John
It. droves. Cleorgo C. Ilexamer, John R. l'lte.
Joseph L. Sthmltt. Dr, Norman J. Slckcle. Dr.
Fred A. Slack, William JI. Henszcy, n. n.
Brlnghurst. J. II. Holme, Jtnrtman GUmoro,
Commoitoro C. J. Curran, J. IVoerner Dels
wancor, William H. -Hexamer,- William P.
iralllnger, II. N. Munger, E. W. Stlnson.
Krd. B. Drlesbach, W. If. Myers, w. O
ANNAPOMS. Nov. 10. The Rthletlc an
thoritlts of the Naval and Military Acad
emics hae nxreed upon the same ofllclala for
the Army-Nnvy football game In Philadelphia
who acted last year. They ar: nr.rei. w
fc. Langford. Trinity,' umpire, Al Sharpe,
auk:. ,ir-u .i.icii.n.i. .ari larcnaii
A field Judgo will also bo i-elected.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 10. Tale's foot
ball team had Its last hard work-out yesterday
In preparation for the arame with Harvard
Saturday, There was an hour's signal drill be
hind closed gates on old Yale's, field, and then
tho squad had a sharp scrimmage In the bol.
In which the Aarelty scored 2 touchdowns and
thrxscrubs 1.
UAVEUFOnD. Ta,, Nov. 10. Although Hav
erford plays Its flm Intercollegiate aoccer game
on Thursday, the soccer team gladly turned Its
field over to Doo Ilonnett and the football team
yesterday afternoon, to that Walton Field
might bo left In a good condition for Satur
day's game with Swarthmoro. This Is as much
as to say the heart and mind of the wholo
college haa but one real objective this week,
and that Is the Swarthmore came.
Swarthmore Oat for Blood
SWAnTIIMORE. Pa., Nov. 19. "Heat
Haverford." These words have added the Im
petus which the football team needed. En
thusiasm Is at Ita tlghest and alumni and
students ore thinking of nothing else but this
game. In' the practice which was held yes
terday behind closed gates, tho team went
through the hardest workout It has had this
MrjCaa Drives Muhlenberg
AI.LBNTOWN. Pa.. Nov. 10. Scrimmage
lasted an hour yesterday afternoon on Muhlen
berg Field, Coach McCaa being determined
to harden the player to the last degree for
tho swllt contest Inevitable with Vlllanova
on Saturday, The varsity was divided Into
two elevens aa nearly equal aa passible in
strength. In charge pi Ilennlnger and Weber
as quarterbacks
Harvard Refuses Western Offer
rASIDRIDQE. Uut Nnv. ID-Thnm,. v
ntctards.undergTad.uate manager of the Hari
yard football team, last night said that his
oislblltty of a football
game next year for the
country, reported in a dispatch from Lincoln.
cnampionsnip of the
Nen.i waa based merely on a hope that such
a contest might b arranged.
CAMBRIDGE, Ma., Vov. 19.-AII Harvard
turned out to thy atadlum yesterday afternoon
ihs undergraduate marching to the a!d with
their band, and after the team bs4 put on It
last drill. warmtng up onto the stone seat
I"1 JFhAt,nB th". ""., It ran up and down
the field half a dozen time on signals. There
wr songa as well as th cheers, and not a
player or coach was forgotten.
Signal Drill at Easton'
JUSTON. Pa....Nov. 19.-Th regular Wed-
niadav half holiday enabled th ltavmn
;..'. .. ,:. .- i. -,r - c -
f ef
(vain &a ib ui inurv iiun inrce nour
ncmit praciic on arcn rieia
aiternogii. 4n squaq ganertc
after' colnr through the Uaua
:d at 1:30. and
I kicking and
pasainc exorcises, divided Into
anises, divided Into teams and
th a long- signal drill. In which all
went inrougn a
the Dlay that
111 be used against Lehigh
were rprald
Player. llotltlon. Years.
LCoKIn, Itft end IS
'ft-.3Tfe (captain). l(t taekj 18
Ilsee, left guard ...,..,.,,., 16
raw ford, eentr , St,. IS
iiartllog, Tight guard ,
V. CUHe, right Urtl.
Cahall. rlcht and
Haujtdeil, quarterbajik ..
urflac4, rignt naiioaex
Lamb, left halfback
llolines. fullback; ..,
Taussig, uack. i
Sbebl.. Una IT
SharpIsM, Ha IT
Player. PeitIoa. Tears.
Moor. ItJt ad. 1$
Brows, Utt tackle ft
Last, left juard 18
Vaa DflB, eentr , 1
L4y ard, right guard .... IS
fumatf. r
igW JM.
H ptat0, qmuwt&f
K. ItauaweJ
Victory Over Jasper Tonight
.Will Put Alpha Team at
Top of Eastern League
Cninden's speedy five has a chance to
night to leap Into first placo In the
Eastern league race. Jasper will open
Its cage to tho Jersey players. The up
town"" quintet Is one game behind Cam
den In the number played, hence a de
feat at the hands of the Alpha men will
mean that Jasper goes down the laddor
to a tlo with DoNerl for second place.
Although Camden was beaten last nlBht
by the Musical Fund Hall boys, the traw
Dclawaro men put up desperate resistance
against tho enemy and they expect to
night to como away from tho cage In
Kensington leading the league. Tonight's
game will be a battle between the guardo
of Jasper and "Jackie" Adams, tho won
derful little left-handed goal tosser of
tho Cnmden team. "Jackie" has been
watched closely all this season and It It
rather raro for him to make any great
number of field goals now. However, with
the opposing guards watching and fol
lowing him so closely, Adams helps his
teammates with clenn assists and the
team plays Just as strong a game with
him practically useless as far aa goal
shooting Is concerned, as though he wero
caging tho ball from all angles.
Tonight's game at Jasper will begin at
9 o'clock.
De Ncrl, 35; Camden, .11.
btajndino or the ciajds.
W I.. P.G. W. Ii. P.C.
jasper : 1 ." Heading ....3 .5
Camden .... .1 a ." Trenton .... a 3 .$00
Do Nerl.... 3 3 -000 Ores stock ..14 .SCO
sciicdulb ron this week.
Tonlght-Cnmden. ftt Jasper.
Frldav-Rcadlng, at drestock.
Haturda Trenton, at Do Nerl; Jasper, at
lie Nerl broko the tie for llrst place tlwn
Jasper and Camden last nlKht by defeating
the Jcreej-.nen In Camden by a score of .13
to 71. The two teams which played last night
am now dividing honors for second placo in
tho eastern League basketball eerles.
The game was hotly contested from start
to finish, but Dc Nerl set too fast a pace for
tho Jerseymen. The 8outhwark Ave Proved
the better field goal shooters and this gave
them tho victory. CAMDEN
Fleld.Foul. Ast.Pts.
Adams, forivarrt O IT 1 IT
Steel, forward ? 2 ? a
Drlln. centre n n o 0
Herron, guard J J " .",
Bronn. guard A iJ A o
Thompson, guard o o Jj
Totals, '.. 7 If a" 31
Fogarly. forward 1 I "
Dark, forward S 2 X
Vleb.ihn, centre O O -
Klnkalde, guard , 1 J 2 .
Ncuir.an, guard Z
Totals 10 1 , 3
Fouli commlttcd-Do Nerl. 23: Camden. J.
Ilcferec Brcnnan. Tlmo of halves-20 min
- - " F.'-Fl.
o. u. a. A.rts.
Fogarty. De Nerl, forward .... B 13 m 7 So
Sears, Heading, guard ..... g 60 1 70
Wilson, areystock. for 4 I'd ..B 7 B. C6
Adams, Camden, forward .... 4 60 S Tl
Hough, Trenton, fonvard .... 5 0 4 os
Kummer. Jasper, forward 5 "5 5 ?i
Kane, Trenton, guard B JO O 140
Dolln. Camden, centre 5 IT 0 3 10
Brown, Camden, guard o 13 O4-0
Bucernian, Greystock, forward. B 10 4 3 24
Cetzlnger. Trenton, centre.... B 0 11 - SI
Cross. CJroystork, uafr. nnd g"rd B 10 0 B 20
nrady. Jasper. gOird 4 0 4 0 JO
Cavaniugh. Jasper, centre.... 4 T O 1 It
Morris, Reading, guard .... 4 T 0 1 14
Hteelo, Camden, forward .... B 0 0 3 IS
Cashman. Greystock, for. en. B , T 0 2 14
Hagecrty. Heading, centre.... 3 8 O 1 12
FlUgerald, Jasper, forward.... 4 8 0 0 12
Newman, Do Nerl. guard B B O 0 22
Ktnltalde. Do Nerl, guard 8 7 0 4 12
Kenran. Do Nerl. centre 4 5 0 2 10
Kckliardt. Jasper, guard 4 4 0 2 8
Dark Do Norl. forward B 8 0 2 12
Gelg. Trenton, guard 4 3 0 6 8
Deggs, Reading, forward 3 2 0 0 4
CDonnell. Reading, for. A een. 4 2 0 2 4
Herron. Camdnn. guard B 2 0 4 4
Franckle. Tronton. forward.... S '1 OB 2
Cooper. Trenton, forward .... 2 1 0 0 a
MoWllItams. Greystock, guard S o O 8 5
Vlebahn. D Nrl, centre ... 3 0 0 2 0
Bogglo, Reading, forward.... 3 0 0 10
Frost, Trenton, forward 1 O 0 0 O
BllMon. Greystock, centre 10 0 0 0
a. F.a. Fi.a. A', pt. pt.
Trnton B 40 81 IT 13r 18T
Camden , 0 45 89 SO 161 140
Greystock S 41 B4 lfl 12a 1W
Do Nerl B 42 63 24 147 144
Hearting 4 22 GO A 144 M
Jasper 4 32 3T B 101 OT
The apathetic manner In which the De Nerl
team lias been going after Ita opponent ha
led the management to make one change and
contemplate othrs. "Dill" Vlebahn Is now
jumping centre for the iMusJcal Fund Hall
Fenn's Dental College basketball team lost
last night to the Seneca five at Pottstown.
Joe Fogarty waa held to one lone field goal
Iset night by the Camden guards, but b fed
"Doe" Newman, the latter scoring rive time
from the field.
Drown made only one field goal laat night.
In the game played last weak against Grey
stock he tied the season's record with eight.
In the North Philadelphia Cnurch League, St.
John defeated- 8lmsson Memorial 23 to U. and
Norrls Square outplayed St. Edward', 23 to 31,
There I no doubt about th fact that D
Nerl can play good, smooth basketball when It
chooses, but until last night th men appar
ently did not choose to exert themielves.
In the Northwest league. Brethren defeated
Gretna -3 to 22. and Straus won over the
Coruitblan Ave 20 to 13,
Th Xavler basketball team of th American
Lergu desires to hear from all nrst-claj
teams In the eltyhTlng hajl and offering
rood guarantee. Would Ilk to hear from
St Rita. Aqulnaa. St. Augustine er any team
In the National and Interstate leagues. For
games address William J. Devery, 2341 Penn
sylvania, avenue
.n wnnV Vau 10 TXtlIu iTIhaUtn' trJau
announced he had rectivea & cdh irom i
doa In which Jack Johnson confirm th
-a, ' av t.A wsllt maai flsm lfnVtf
fiKtW ut - - .V" "
wit tuaw v
relY 30,000
lit meet Sam MeVey In
next March. Johnson la to
Feet. Inch.
' 8
,. IT
i tn
, 18
, IS
f. ,
His work this year has been exceptionally well done, and he has made a
great reputation for himself among the gridiron players of this State.
Popular Yachting Organiza
tion Will Hold Big "Un
der Electric Light" Affair
December 1 2.
The Salem Bod, Gun and Yacht Club, at
Salem, N". J la one of the live organiza
tions In the Eastern States, and every
season comes out "with something new,
novel and startllnc and th.e officers of
other sportlns oreranliatlons look at each
other and say "now why didn't some Cno
think of that before."
Tho latest stunt.pullcd off by the Salem
Club was to perfect a system of lighting
ao that It Is now possible to hold a
shooting tournament at blue rock targets
at night. Some of the menbers have been
quietly working on the scheme for several
months Rnd a private demonstration was
given before a few representatives of
the leading manufacturers and shooters
last week, and proved very successful.
Tho system not only shows up a blue
rock from the time It leaves the trap
until It strikes the ground, to tho satis
faction of the shooter, but by a separate
gystem. lights up his gun as well.
The Salem Club has decided to hold a
big tournament on Saturday evening,
December 12.
Season Opens Next Saturday, With
Xlvoly Games Promised.
Germantown T. M. C. A.'s five will
open the Interstate League season Satur
day, NoVember 31, at Association Hall,
3S9 Germantown avenue, when It clashes
with the West Philadelphia team, former
ly the St. Agatha, champions of the West
Philadelphia league.
Germantown Independents, champions
or X91S-H, have strengthened their team
and .will be captained by Kirk Thomas,
formerly of Trenton and Camden Eastern
League quintets.
' i ,
The Original Mt, Airy basketball team
management la particularly anxious to
arrange games with local nrat and second
class quintets offering suitable induce
ments and having halls. Any otae Inter
ested write John Nunevlller, !9 West Dur
ham street. Mt. Airy, Pa,
He It wry promising cross
country nutate las JPisasylvaaii,
wihrf.jm i.t IT f wninn ,inr
Good Bout Promised by Past
Performances of These
Two Fast Fighters Ham
ilton Meets Hurst.
A card which will make the "fight fans"
take notlco has been arranged by "Mug
syV Taylor, tho "Boy Impresario," of the
Broadway Athletlo Club, for tonight. Tay
lor has rematched "Al" Nash and "Lew"
Stinger in the final bout. Nash and
Stinger put up . great tight several weeks
ago, and many of the Broadway patrons
asked Taylor to get them together again.
Tho program Is:
Main bout "Al" Nash, Southwark,. va.
"Lew" Stiner, Southwark.
Semlwlnd-up "Itay" Hamilton, Gray's
Ferry, vs. "Itoy" Hurst. Camden.
Third bout "Johnny" Patey, Dock
street, vs. "Johnny" Jlussell, Dock street.
Second bout-"Wlllle" Benkert. Phila
delphia, vs. "Tommy" Burke, New Tork.
Flrat bout "Joe" O'Keefe, Southwark,
vs. "Tommy" Shields, Point Breeze.
Carey Boxes O'Neill Tonight Before
Lyric Members,
ALLENTOWN. Pa., Nov. 19 "Tommy"
Carer, the Quaker City lightweight, boxes
"Young" Nell, of this city, tn a 10-roand
battle at the Lyric A. C, tonight. If Nell
Is returned the winner In the bout with Carey
he will be matched to box: 10 rounds with
"Jick" BrlUan, o( Chicago, at th; next show.
In the semi-Anal "Spook" .IcCarron, a
younger brother of "Jack" MeCarron, will
fight "Steve" Colurnbo, of rullerton.
ALLENTOWN, ra.,Nov. lO.-The Lyric A,
C . of thla city, has drawn the color line.
Matchmaker Flank Hear announce that no
more matches with colored boica a principals
will b made. This plan has been adopted, by
the club on aocount of Ihs action of th two
colored tighter, "Jack" Blackburn and "Ktd"
Holland. Doth wer chased from tb ring at
UltTerent time for stslllnr
KUbane to fight White
CLEVELAND, O., Nov. IB, Arrange
ments have been completed for a 10-round
bout In Milwaukee, November So, between
featherweight champion ''Johnny" KH
bsne, of this city, and "Charlie" White,
tho Chicago lightweight,
Age. Weight. Height.
Player. Position. Tear. Pounds. Feet. Inches.
Otey, I(t nd ... 18 183 6 Ttt
Puroell. left taekl ,....,,..,.,,,.,,,..,,. , 10 ISO B lit,
Crowell. Isft guard. ......... ...,.. ,,.,.,,..,.,, 10 300 5 ' 10
McCormick, centre ,.,..,,,..,.,;,,,...,.,,,,,.,, IS 16$ G 10
nichardso;), right guard ,,..........,.. IS 170 t S
Klnchnr, right taekl ............,,',.,,....., IS 1M S la
Pfell. rlaht end ., .......... 4.. ... ..... IS ISO a ID
Captain wageaKBignt, quantrnacK ........ ....... is I8i o
Kills, left ha.l(bfk .....,,,,,..... 18 U$
l-rnulu rlht fc.llfKarlt1 1 1ft 141 &
W. FsasUr. fullback , ,........,
-' Ag. W.lghL Height.
Player. Position. a . , Year. Povmia. Feet, Inches.
Henry, halfback ... .,.,.., It l&S 5 Is
Chambers, guird ...., IS iTB g Jl
Stephen. hilfWek ,...: '.., , IS .in B
Butler, ulfbk .' .,; , IT 'xtf ' Sjj
Qotwals. Quartrebtek ,..,...,....... IT . 115' f 8
Wlrkwan. taekl ,,.....,...,,....,, IS 145 a -JO
Ronilg. tsakU" ...., 38 in o
Tounr. guard ,,,. 18 1M g
btelnbach. Ua - .- IS " j
Faggen. guard ,,..,.. 1ft IBS 6
HateU, guard 13 JSJ 9 .?
BwU tW H
OoooVl. avsKack TO .., 8
Beoattt, i W I t It
Wtlsoe, bMbck it lM J T
STfi&tt ..:::.:::;:.- ::::::::: j Ig I j
iToBbl rat ''':::'. ; ::!:;;.-:: if g 1
TtMMsaan. halrck IT tW I
" ' iiim.ii 1,1 i
. . .... . . . .
Scholastic and Academic Football Contests Hold Centre of -1
Stage Penn Charter Plays Germantown Academy. ' '$
Teams Old Rivals Other Games Scheduled. t .
Tho second big Intersoholastlo gania of
the three-cornered scries to decide the
winner of the Ellis Qlnibel Cup will be
played tomorrow, when Central High nnd
"West Philadelphia High meet on the grid
Iron at the P. U. It. Y. M. C. A. grounds,
at 1UI1 street and Parkslde avenue. This
contest should draw a crowd of more
than 6000. Including many ntumnac, as
well as the schoolboys themselves. Odds
favor Central High, but a closer contest
than the Northeast High-West Philadel
phia game should result, ns Central has
by no means tho perfected array tho
Archives are putting on the field.
Another contest tomorrow that will at
tract a lot of Interest Is tho Penn Char-ter-Germantown
Academy game, at
Queen Lane. These teams are rivals of
long standing and always put up a brand
of football that Is of first-class order.
Bovoral other scholastic and academic
contests will also bo played tomorrow,
among them being the Episcopal Acad
emy and Friends' Central match. Lower
Merlon clashes with Itadnor High, and
this should also prove an interesting
About the tlmo of Central High's de
feat at the hands of Atlantic City tho
team was reported to have struck a
slump, and recent practices seem to bear
out tho opinion. Injuries to Captain
Stephens nnd Fullback Butler have no
tably Impaired the playing of theso two
mainstays, whllo the team haa become
somewhat lax on the defense. Most diffi
culty seems to be encountered broaklng
up forward passes, which may provo dis
astrous In the Northeast game. The ends
are easily enticed to rush In and the sec
ondary defenso Is slow to size Up the na
ture and direction of the play. The
tackling has also been uncertain, but
Coach Howell expects to overcomo this
falling by continuous practice this week.
The smashing backflcld and tho heavy
line, however, will prove difficult for West
Philadelphia to combat. Captain Stephens
Harvard' eleven Is first In line for the col
legiate football championship this season. If
the Cambridge representatives conquer Talo
the matter will be settled once and for all. Tho
students of the game are unanimously of tlu
opinion that Harvard will win tho 10M laurels.
Harvard's team has been proved to be a most
remarkable one.
Not only will New Haven be the scene ot ths
Harvard-Vale football game Saturday, but an
other Interesting Athletic event Is scheduled.
It Is the annual Intercollegiate cross-country
race. Unless thero la a most sensational upsot,
the Cornell University squad should romp sway
not only with tho first Individual place, but the
team honors as well. The Ithacans appear to
have the most remarkably balanced distance
team In the history or th Institution, rotter
and Wlndnagle will probably light It out for
flrat place, and It would not greatly surprise
to see the pack mako a perfect team score aa
It has done twice this year. Pennsylvania ap
pears to havo an excellent opportunity of land
ing tho eecond team honors. If the locals show
the speed expected of them tho squad' score
should be a lalrly good one.
Golf has come to be a sport of auch great
popularity that It holds the attention or the ad
vocate even with tho temperature bolow tho
freezing point. Tho sportsmen here havo been
taking advantage of tho clear days and frigid
weather the last two davs haa not dampened
th ardor. Not only Is the Interest finely devel
oped here, but In oilier sect!on-the name spirit
Is evidenced. From early spring until anow
falls the golfers now have their swing.
Swarthmoro student steadfastly stick to their
aasertton that their eleven Is better than Hav
erford. Lafayette athletes predict they will do
feat Lehigh and vlco erss. Just to show the
tremendous spirit prevailing.
"Ted" Meredith, tho crack University of
Pennsylvania middle distance runner, showed
true form at the Newark Indoor gamea last
night by creating a new world's record of no
seconds flat for the BOO-jard distance. Our old
friend, "Mel" Sheppard. once traveled the dis
tance In 81. which was the set of figures shat
tered by the Olympic SOO metre champion.
Homer Baker was to hae met "Ted," but
failed to ahow for tho race. "Ted" waa primed
for th race with Baker and aa the latter beat
the Phlladelphlan In hta last tart at BOO yard
there was blood In the local's eyes. The meet
ing of these two wonders of tho clnderpath Is
always a treat, and the followers at the games
last night were much disappointed
The spirit of charity seems to be the prevail
ing tratt of Philadelphia's athletes, and we are
iproud to note It, The latest athletlo organiza
tion to go afield In an ffort to further a
worthy cause are tho representatives of tho
Vinoome and Illtner football teams. These two
crack elevens will battle next Saturday on the
Ktrawbrldge A Clothier field for the benefit of
the North 'American Free Children's Sanitar
ium for tho Treatment of Tuberculosis at At
lantic City, Th cause Is a most worthy one
and It will be very pleasing If a great turnout
of sportsmen l recorded.
May Transfer Kaysee "Fed" Club to
CLEVELAND. O., Nov. 13. Possibility
of transfer of tho Kansas City Federal
Leagua franchise to Cleveland was seen
here today. Local promoters who yes
terday received the sanction of the league
to put this city on the Federal map are
negotiating for a reduction from J60.0U0,
the price asked for the Kansas City
berth in the league.
That organized baseball will continue to
find opposition in the Federal League was
the announcement of President JaThes A.
Gllmore, who left Cleveland early today
for Chicago after looking over the local
Plan Prize Fight Haven
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 19. It is prob
able that; an attempt will be made to esi
tabllsh at Mexican, just over the Inter
national border and only a short distance
from Calexlco. this State, a western
Monte Carlo, where prize fighting, horse
racing and gambling -will run wide open.
The International Sporting Club, recent
ly formed, Is said to have a 20-year con
cession permitting these things from ex
Fresldent Huerta, of Mexico, which. It Is
claimed, has been approved by Carranra.
It Is believed that geographical advan
tages over Juares would enable the pro
moters to stage all of the big fights at
18 ' 160
viissjijijjpsssagifciiiii u mmmrmmm
Is probably the best line plunger at pre' '!
cnt in Interscholftstlo ranHs. and, Tvitfc-.r
lila 4Att fit MVharlaMsa r.trf .1 , J
.. wU .rvuic LAFtMtuvvii .". iuii alio
laalM arl(la Sili.ili.a ?? - &Ie.VAH tAlm af
team triui nnsui niivvi iio uikihcd iurt
and with bullet speed. "Hilt" Butler will
do the kicking and forward passing, and
Is every bit as good as Ellis, of West
Philadelphia, In these departments of the
With two teams possessing excellent
material, but characterized by obvious
weaknesses, a high score should result
It Is conceded that Central Jllgh, play
ing a nulling game, can tnaka sevefal
tallies. Whether West Philadelphia can
equal or pcllpse their scoro will depend
upon Ellis' forward passing and kicking,
Wagcnknlght's ability to gain around ths ,
ends nnd the capability of the secondary
defense In backing up the line.
The Penn Charter and aermantown .vifeiSB
Academy game practically decides th( lii573
winner nf thn IntnraraAAmln rtinmnlnn. ..!'-!
ship. The teams nre very evenly matched ttS
with a slight advantage. If any, on Ponn 4
Charter's side. rt
Punn r?Iiflrt,t t,s cmmm 4t.Ai,c). iU V-'
season thus far without a slnela defeat."'
a tie wlUi St. Luke's being the only same
to mar an otherwise perfect record. The '
team Is nvo pounds to a man heavier',
than Qfcrmantown, but the men form nn
uneven aggregation, ranging In weight
from 1S9 to 190 pounds on tho line. Sev
eral stara hao developed during the
season tn aid Captain Ilallowell keeping1"
tho team on top.
The clilcr asset Germantown possesses
Is the largo number of capablo substi
tutes It has to All the varsity men's1
places. Two complete backfields. which
Play equally well, are available and the
line substitutes are nil vp to the stand- r
nrd. Ramsdell and Tauslg will do the -brunt
of the work throughout the game,--'
Tho line Is on a par with that of Penu...r
Charter. 7
Tho game will as usual be attended by u.'h't
large crowd, composed largoly of tho w
friends of the players. Many of the prom .3,
Inent society families are always at hand ,
to view tho melee. 4"cji
, .-5
Good Fellowship Assemblyj j
nf Fnrmpr Stars nf Snnrr- ' M
' "9W' '1
Ri'rlc PniV tn Mal- n Mnct 1
Memorable Occasion.
A good fellowship gathering of ths
members of the Vetoran Athletes' Asso-,. V
elation of Philadelphia Is planned for to- . .
night at 7 o'clock at the Bingham Hotel.'''"
llth and Market streets, where a banquefpj
will bo the treat; Good, bright talks, re ',c
viewing past and present athletic-happen?. "i'
lugs, vaudeville turns nnd other enter-, -i? '
tatnments have been provided by the
Secretary Treasurer James H. Sterrtt .
has sent out Invitations to tho members'"
who aro expected to bring a friend along. "-?J
Tho committee In charge of tho affair Is -up
as follows: Walter Gilbert, chairman! ,.,jj,
James II. Storrett, secretary; William 3 , ,J.
Hermann, II. Walter Schllchter, Howard' ,..
M. Ambler and Herman F. Wolf. Sqme. A.
of the veteran athletes who 'will most "l
likely be on hand aro as follows: Eugene ',
C.Bonnlwell, president: Dr. Frank Fisher.
vlca president; Charles II. Mende, Will- .
lam H. Ilocap, Dr. J. IC Shell. Fred T. j,x
Harshaw, Howard C. Potts,. Dr. George,. "A
W. Orton. Frederick W Allen, D. D. S.; r
William a. Frldgen. Mtlrdo MaqKenzlet ,,
Alfred W. Ott and Edwin M. Abbott. ,,,
Mercury Athletic Club' Thanksgiving Dsx .Z.
event bids fair to ho a roost attractive holiday '
event, as there will ho an Intercity (lavor'ta fjr
the hill and dale contest. News has been re- ,;.
reived that a team, of 12 men representing thtt '
Trinity Athletlo Club, ot Brooklyn, wtll strive
for tho team tiophy In this city. A, It. -"'if
Lemlensr. the great distance runner, who la
usually Mratch In the big New Tork run., "t
will be the leader of this pack. The visitor
wtll be met by the strongest of th rhll-...jf)
delphla runners, and a. merry battle for the;
lienor I sure to be waged.
Tho Trinity runners am expected to arrive "
on the morning of November 25. and It Is fi
possible the big pack of athlete wilt stsrt , ,
In the Frankford Uuslnes Men' Association
contest In the afternoon. ' r
Women sulmmer have been put on Ui samet "
eoualtty with men In an athletic way sine, r
the Amateur Athletlo Union ha een tit to ''
grant them the privilege of reslstertng". Th t
women will not be permitted to compefv-vr
against men, but will have their mark crd- ,-
Iteit where such events ar staged exclusively- '
for women. "'
Six-day Elders In New York Ahead, V"
of AH Records.
NEW TOBK. Nov. 19. Tho slx-day
bicycle race score at Madison Square
Garden at 10 a. m. waa: Goullet and
Orenda. Moran and McNamara, " Fogler '7
and Hill, Itoot and Clarke, "Egg and Venl ''i
Lawrence and Magln. Cameron n&r$kjx
Kaiser, Walthour and Halstead Lwscin.vHi
and Drobach, Ryan and Wolhrab. 1S3I
miles. 9 laps: Thomis and Hanlsy, 'loaTI
Bedell and Bedell. Mitten and Andsrsonr ?
16J7.6; Pleroey and Dupuy, I637.X; Kopsk
and Hansen, 3536.9. .
The record was 10.7.
A series of mad sprints In the early "
hours this morning In a vain effort to
gain the covete4 lap on the rest of lh
leaders, enlivened proceedings and en
hanced the eicltement of tho "mornlnie
glories." who stayed eta. hoping agalnac
hope that some ono would steal a Up. I ?
The first ten leaders' scoro M U o.'cloojttM
was 13.. with tho others as ,iIowsj, f
v.-o. inH llanlev. 1653 2. Bedell and
Bedell. 16S3.1: Mitten and Anderson. M53H J H
Plercey and uupuy, ivx.t; tvopany ju i
Hansen. 1S6K. The record waa Mtt.1. , .
TRENTON. Nov. ll.-Or Morntagstar oj4''
a decisive victory oyr Kojt TamaAa. ti t
Player' League match her last night, ths
flul mot bSns SOO to 101. Th Ja atart4
Sft In brtllUnt styls. makUi- a run of BS Jn
fh fhtra mnlng. tut h. felTdown Umtntael
after that, and th former champion had b
?& attest difficulty In wjMUif Horsing
itar 4 hih rua f BO.
Morln Defeats Bills
CHlCAOa Nov. 1 -arhs lfria.f tat
"-" t " . T7 15. T - jr m
p-lir swt5 a m& a :
TralBj Fans. R. R . ('
a. IB.. Wt-bU-. M.W p. m.1 ,
Aftartfc'aaiWi4 4 Fttoir. fU,
I. K. lv (. p.
W S m. . tt
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