.-nJpftf??S$swi' --ZI N" .LIJ?jg'l.lBiJlJ:1)gI WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18. Mi. : .- , . j.. i .... .i....... T NEWS OF THE DAY FROM THE PICTORIAL VIEWPOINT jiiijm.uniLiimni'!U niniiHii mi fefc t,, ttJ! L. 'J .. . - fit lX' i - JMmm. , . -. .. .... aettfftl (o thl buhdl but object coiidu Hencl lnaliri media A: Intr. tinn Wrfer all su it In years! lator : bnhd. ThW all, ti deal from to ntV Not I Bh And She Tha she ;cj And I 8ho To She hi ca She Bh kr. in til Ana f Inltfl ThouE Guesl For hSt Tfie : Ana bi tl Some For col ml And While AnrI I 8tB? And Fron Hor stl The 11 A r Therd nurses 1 value Now, I ffalnstj nas ltsl beef -tea not tha tea tin Some! look ati Then The lant." Do ye tween You la bet between In bog lwtf th iou horso daya lotion of a n feedlnsl This i In a ' that th but tha Bef i a contfl as nourish some flrat td tha bod Beef of fa. Seal xiaM Jha ivai jBw BELGIAN CHURCH AFTER 2000 SHELLS FELL IN YARD borne lu 'si are f uld iC,,U,rch Ux th5 1',"! village of Pcroysc after it had times ptava frM.i bPn,,)ardme.'"s suffered in three weeks. Artillery fire some iimcs piajs freakish tricks, as in this case, where most of the tower is standing. READY FOR STATE WOMAN SUFFRAGE Miss Marian Jones as chairman of the Information and Postqfficc Committees will be useful to the .100 delegates in helping them find quarters and assigning them to proper posts in the Scranton convention hall. CONVENTION AT SCRANTON Mrs. Maxwell Chapman is chairman of the Lacka wanna County Woman Suffrage Association and is known as one of the most prominent workers for votes for women among Pennsylvania advocates. m v v V $& tjm J?ifi -&? "H to n - .- Q:J $ Vh tw J" in A &?4 5X SX 1 y ,i ms&3$&z&. " -i)i ( C-sSL5 i tta tm A sft1. rH& Ibtg ?K1 'i 1 ' ' K - 'm ? .i : .-rt6X SM K4 llJ.,! a? Ji BBIkIHj iV -J1 l . . I ' BRIDGE BLOWN UP BY AUSTRIANS The Austrians, defeated by the Russians, retreated over the River Dneistcr over tliis bridge, which they promptly destroyed to prevent the enemy from following at once. I he Russians are now in possession and their pontoon bridges are shown xjMtiafiA4. S-"!!l! -.. &&L i.. iV,VS? a- f NIEUPORT'S "MINSTER" AS IT LOOKS TODAY This famous old church, a landmark for centuries, quickly crumbled in the des perate artillery battles that centred around the head of the Yser Canal when the Germans strove to push down the Belgian coast to Dunkirk and other French ports ON THE WEST BANK OF THE YSER V VTlk?' Zi!'sjhA llas bn raging on the ill" r "'i uciKiuiii, UCIWCCII Allies ne shell ripped the side out of this huge building. WITH THE WITS AT HOME AND ABROAD : &. ;fO- l; 4 n CAIvrr SOMEONE IN A CCUD-STEEl.OM-S&JrER SOMETHING UktlUlS t fr 'AS' vd .L r OH MR. HICKS HOVM . VbU ARB OOIMQ To MARHV H OeOTiruc touHO Harness MJ. FIHO twiiweul nbt-XBH HSM ri "AWn .-. jy" o, ! .3J iKy terWff T Afc AAT " 'ff s A.m . A tienu rv .u ww -.. ! Iucu.hu iLOCCJStlJl W WH,TV8 I UcU- tbu wewea Tbu co - cots or Mowsr- MFLuewce happiucxs cm Tru i veucw IfelM'S A oooo cbm. . m. nuMinw Why -mr. hicks r what so ace! MERCV w ;y .,;,' N . " - & , . -' . COotOKrrwecB'iSE A CAyENNU. PEPRB5 SMRAPNEi. rea ciwaws 7H&ENBMVS TWENCHBS ? rs s c ft.V. V " L ivj f ,' fu.f. m t 'my 737' Riv-- r '., &4V- SOMEBODY IS ALWAYS TAKING THE JO.Y OUT OF LIFE From tho Nw York World, WHEN THEIR SHIP COMES IN rv 3 liilHl a OFFK& WPM!f CKJM8ID6B6Q s tAaae fv9s raoM awcwpt? ft- &fflari Bw From London 81stch. MORE SURPRISES FOR THE GERMANS lUJJl teAar,t"iLri:ii,"??.eto?' f? p.wr tw war wm itV tkewat 1ih fa9RfSwr3lKSK TIJ a. From tn Bydnor BulUUs. THE MISSING ALLY Wlhel Since Heavea foas fail ed to respond to my demand 'for beJfi I jhall tnd U sa ultimatum. FraiH SlmpUJwlmUf. IN A BERLIN CAFE Te cartoonist hqw a cafe customer in Ctrawoy rejectiue coffee thJ b - 'TSJP .TO HEUTRiurr mJsC itWtllL KrMa th Tatltr. HELP FOR NEEDY "I'm am of empjeymwu eyttog to tke wgr," Wfl, eotne In cr and Ut'a see ycr at work. AN ORIENTAL bSS'"" , Vi V 'Y.l (Tl f k4 d '4 eWe jfrftoSS!S?gj3C l If mg!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers