ii, mi rtwi ajtwrwirrt , w I ,., i . i y 9 , n n " " ' ' ' ' ' " .i ...!. w , ., .. . ,i i - - ,,. . ' " ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' T ,liiiiin.l SOCIAL LIFE IN AND ABOUT PHILADELPHIA THE Itev. and Mrs. Clarence W. Blspham will entertain In honor of their daughter, Jtlsa Sophy Blspham, at the Army and Navy same, November SS. The sucsta will be Jtlss ltuth "Wilson, dauithtcr of Captain Wllsori, U. S N., of Woshlnttont Miss Dorothy Mason, daughter of Admiral Mason, U. S. N or Wash ington! Miss Belle Thompson, of Baltimore, and Miss Eleanor Eyster, of Charlottesville, Va. After the same Mr. and Mrs, Blspham tlll entertain a. number of the naval officers and their wives at their home. There will be Informal dancing1 and n, burfet supper. Mrs, Casey, wife of tho late Admiral Casey and mother of Mrs. Elspliam, and Miss Sophy Casey will arrive in this city today to bo the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Blspham over Thanks giving Day and the same. Mlssf Sophy BIs pham will so to Washington the first vcok In December with Miss Wilson, where she will receive at Miss Wilson's debut She will re main In Washington for several weeks Mrs. Percy C. Madeira will entertain at din ner Friday nlfiht in honor of Miss Marie Louise Wanamaker and Miss Mary Broun Warburton beforo tho danco which Mr. and Mrs Warbur ton wilt give in honor of Miss Wanamaker at Llndenhurst. Mrs. Madeira's sucsts will bo Miss Mary Campbell Morris, Mies Elsa Heath, $Ilas Inez Drayton, Mlsa Wanamaker, Miss Warburton, George D. Wldoner, Jr, James Gamble, Andrew Gray, Theodore Voorhecs, Jr , Benjamin Brannan Iteath, Id, and Livingston Sullivan. Tho ZeU PsI rraternlty have Issued Invita tions for a dansant, which will be slven at tho Fraternity house at 3tth and Walnut streets after tho Army and Navy same on Novem ber 18. At the wedding of Miss Violet Bldgway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kldgway, to Theodore Jaeckcl, of New York, the bride wilt have' Mrs Edward Fales Coward as her only attendant and Mr. Jaeckcl will have his brother, Albert Jaeckel, as his best man. Among thoee who attended the dinner danco Which Mr. and Mrs. James Fahncstock gavo last night to their daughter. Miss Charlotte Tahnestock, were Miss Phoebe Williams Adams, Miss CUnor J. Bean. Miss L'leanore Blspham, Miss Margaret H. Burton, Miss Roberta B. Downing, Jlisa Hansell French Earle, Miss 1,'dlth Gllllngham, Miss Jane Harding, Mlas Jean Morris Llllle, Miss Hope McMlchael, Miss Huberta Potter, Miss Katharine Z. Ogden, Miss Dorothea Oberteuffcr, Miss Frances Stoughton. Miss Katharine Tenney, Miss Anna Mary Wal thour, MIsb Elizabeth E. Wlster. Miss Emlllo Duval Williams, Henry Morris Adams, George Barker, L. Brooke Edwards, Samuel Blspham, Jr., Norman Dunning, Towell Fenton, Charles Y. Fox, George Harding, Woodson Hancock, Ludwlg Clifford Lewis, Joseph Moulton, Joseph M. Patterson, 2d, Thomas Robinson, Alfred S. Reeves. George Roland Sergeant, Charles Wet ter, Andrew Van Pelt, Arthur Sayres, Henry B. Hodge and Ashton Soudcr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawronce Flick. Jr., and their children returned to the city' after several months spent In Chelsea, Mrs. Horace Pettlt, of this city, has moved to New York for the winter, and Is at 106 River side Drive. ,. ALONG THE MAIPT LINE oVEIumoOK Mr. and Mrs. John S. O'Connell have returned from their wedding tour, and are occupying their new homo on Wjnnewood ave nue, Overbrook, where they will receive after December 1. Mrs. O'Connell will be remembered as Miss Alice B. Mullln, the Bister of Sir. and Mrs. Francis T. Mullln, of 1901 Spring Gar den street. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Bookmyer and their on returned from Atlantic City the latter part of last week. .CVrfWYD Among the numerous Main Liners who always make the cross-country trip to Cynwjd every year to see the Cynwyd poya' show were several who deemed last Saturday night's play, "Down on the Farm," so excellent that they arc endeavoring to have a second pro duction at the Merlon Cricket Club In December, for the benefit of the Belgians. Mrs. Stephen B. Knowlton, of Haverford, whose son, Donald Knowlton, played his part as one of the town boys, was the first to start the Idea, and now a number of other prominent Main Line women ore working with her toward this end. Starting last Monday, the Monday Afternoon Dancing Class will meet each week, from i until 5 o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. John Story Eberbach. on Colwyn road. Tho mem bers arc all from the school set, and so far they Include Miss Clara Farley, Miss Katherlne Mlrteenes, Miss Eleanor Fltr-lmmons, Miss Jean Scott, Miss Margaret B. Eberbach, Miss Reba Moore, Miss Marlon Morse, Archer Cross, Gordon Craige, Francis Supplec, Olln Mlrteenes, William Herbert, Howard Cross, Wendell Stew art and Junior Stewert. Mrs. Van Orden, of New York, Is visiting her on-ln-law and daughter, Sir. and Mrs. Charles Gallaudet Trumbull, at their home, on State road. MEWON Mr. and Mrs, Lincoln Godfrey, Jr., will give a dinner at their home ' Bowman avenue Friday, November 27, In honor of Miss Eunice Hlnman, of New York, who will be their guest over tho Army and Navy game. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Montague Lewis enter tained Informally at dinner last night at their home on Btlrd road. Mrs, Lewis, who la de voting a great deal of her time this winter to Red Cross work, has organized a little club that meets at her residence every Wednesday after noon at S o'clock. Numerous surgical pieces have already1 been forwarded to Miss Christine Blddle, and other boxes will be completed by December JO. Those assisting Mrs. Lewis In this work o relief are Jrs. George Watt, Mrs. Xeonard Flnletter, Mrs. James H. Moffatt, Mrs. John B, Packer. Mrs. J, W, Lee, Jr., Mrs. Dougherty, Miss Marie Custua and Miss Helen Dodge. &' VYNNEWOOD-Mlgs Euily Ellison will enter fcn at bridge this afternoon at her home. Her jjB" w,u ba M'" Amy Hexamer. Miss Ethel 3. MlM Jane Curran. Miss Kathryn Lar- W Wlsa Carrie Beck, Miss Minnesota Craig, V4 Roy JlMon, Mr. Fred Gelr, Mrs. Louis j Befcwartz, Mrs. Charles Gullok. Mrs, Rad- ffeMr. Bay Sianjor, Un. Lasore. Miss Leona Fvm and MUa, Eleanor Long. tu?' "" Wrp- Arthur rlrarcs Baugh and wa family will spend the greater part of the Winter at their country place on Lancaster road. GERMANTOWN MM, H,$iry 8. Ourrn. of the Fairfax A&art. MS Mmto tfcm m guesta this Jft af Mr will fa a BMwleal, asd EVENING LKPGB.B PHILADELPHIA, i Paolo br Mitttiu MUS. BASIL HARRIS Mrs. Harris, beforo her marriage, on October 19, was Mies Mary Ursula Dcmpscr. Mr. and Mrs. Harris have taken a bouse at St. Martin's on Willow Grove Avenue, wbcro they will be at home after December 1. Fairfax. Tho assisting artists will be Mrs. Sarah McDonald Sherrldan, who will arrive from New York for tho occasion, and will sing several songs; Mrs. Charles Willis, at the piano; Miss Helen Donley will play the harp, and thero will also bo tho Russian 'cellist, Rogavoy. Thoso assisting Mrs. Curran will be Miss II. Huntley, Mrs. Charles Willis, Mrs. T. Conway, Miss C. Malcolm, Mrs. Samuel Blspham Bowen, Mrs II. MaBOn. Mrs. H. Beaver, Mrs. Paxson Dooter, Mrs. F. Williams, Miss Gertrude Douglas, Mrs L. Pratt, Miss Anna Lorlmcr, Miss Beatrlco Lorlmer, Mrs. W. B. Hill and Miss Lillian Hill. Mr. and Mrs Gcorgo B. Warder, of 3119 West Penn street, have had as their guest for the past few days Joslah Harmcr, of Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Cruse, of West Penn street, have Issued cards announcing the mar rlago of their daughter. Miss Margaret Louise Cruse, to John Recce Lewis, on Saturday, No vember 14, Germantown. Among those who will entertain at dinner Friday before the dance at Manhelm given by tho auxiliary of tho Germantown Hospital are Mrs. Warner O. Earnshaw, Mrs. J. Nelson Purvlance and Mrs. George Cameron. Mr. and Mrs J. Evltts Coulbournc have re turned from their wedding trip and will be at home to their friends at 261 West Walnut lane. Mrs. Coulbournc was Miss Margaretta Madeleine Quiii. A senlng class has been organized at the Trlends' Meeting House, Germantown avenue and Coulter street, which meets every morning at lb o'clock. The articles are to be sent through the English branch forall refugees. ALONG THE READING Mrs. A. M. McBurney and Mrs. E. A. Welten mayer.. of Elklns Park, will give a large luncheon nt tho Huntingdon Valley Country Club at Noble on Friday, November 27, at 1:30 o'clock, followed by brldgo and "600." There will bo about 125 guests present. On Saturday evening, November 21, there will be a card party of "Military BOO" at the Old York Road Country Club. The committee In charge Includes Dr. and Mrs. Samuel La rz el ere and Dr. and Mrs. Walter Lake. Mrs. Horace Klclnfelder, of Glenslde, was hostess this afternoon to the members of her card club at luncheon and COO. Her guests were Mrs. John C. Allen, Jr., Mrs. Penrose Amtlei, Sirs. Irvln Balr, Mrs. Harry Haug, Mrs. Edward E. Dals. Jr, Mrs. J. Eltwood Wicks, Mrs. Benjamin Foster. Mrs. W. P. Squibb, Mrs. Harry Rlttenhouse, Mrs. Fred erick Dlttman, Mrs, John Stlef, Mrs. John ' Wurst, Mrs. W. D, Chambers and Mrs. Edward Crawford. The Tuesday evening dancing class of Oak Lane will meet this evening In the home of Mr and Mrs. William E. Groben, of Lakeside and Valley roads. The class usually meets alternate Tuesdays, but on account of Thanks giving week comI"g in, the members decided on this Tuesday, and eliminating the next sev eral weeks. The members of the class are; Mr. and Mrs. William E. Groben, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deardln, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barnes, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Dougherty, Mr. and Mrs. John Halg. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr, and Mrs. Lewis F. Clark, of 6S05 Chris tian street, are being congratulated on the birth pf a daughter, born November 9. Mrs. Harry B, Hickman, of 617 South 4Jth street, will give a luncheon of 45 covers today at her home, to be followed by auction bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F, Bonsor, of 1100 South 46th street, gave a dinner last evening at the Manufacturers' Club and attended the club dance later In the evening. Their guests were Miss Claire Robinson, Charles T Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. George V, Ketterer. Miss Maria Kelly, of 19 South 39th street, has returned from a trip to Porto Rico. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. D. William Flemmlng, of Hffl Girard avenue, announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Sara E. Flemmlng, (o Wilbur B. Fawcett, of Tioga. No definite date bu been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Ashbrook. of sat North 17th street, wilt entertain at cards this evening. Their guests will be Dr. and Mrs. G. Bardsley, Dr. and Mrs W, A. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. M. I Flnkbiner, Mr. and Mrs. J. Board man and Mr. and Mrs. William Rowbottom. Invitations havo been Issued for the wedding Of Mis Violet 8. Mansbaeh, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Mansbaeh. of H Diamond street, to Maurice Bendann, of 40S Eulaw place, Baltimore, which will take place Thanksgiving night MIm l$tfiU KntAM. or XU North Uth street, itrtatiw4 W yesterday afttr- Boo. HT ? Ja B HIM Regina Lent. Mrs. de6rge N. Nicholson and Mrs William Blletter. Mr. and Mr John J. Grells, of 2608 North 29th street, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary Grells, to Harry Foley, Of Tioga. Miss Kneass had for l.er guest ove- the week end Miss Ada Run on, of New YorK, who has been visiting In this city for the last three weeks. TIOGA Mr. and Mrs. H. Palmer Millard have re turned from their wedding trip, and will hold their wedding reception this evening, from 8 un til 10 o'clock, at their home, 3318 North 16th street. They will be assisted In receiving by Dr. and Mrs. Frank E Uuch, Mrs U. E Brooks, of Allentown: Miss Helen Smith, of Bryn Mawr, and Dr. Ernest Carr. Mrs. Millard was formerly Miss Mabel I Huch. Sho Is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Buch Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Haymaker have re turned from their wedding Journey and are occupying their new home, 3133 North Cnmac street. Mrs. Haymaker will be remembered as Miss Clara Wans Mrs Franklin Krlbbs, of 1401 West Tioga street, entertained her card club at plnoohte yesterday afternoon. Tho game was followed by a buffet luncheon. Her guests Included Miss McFarland, Mrs. Ernest Ermhold, Mrs William Schuttz, Mrs. C. Edward Hallowell, Mrs Fred erlck Jennings, Mrs. James Hogg and Mrs. Henry Barry. Miss Florenco Irey, who has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. W. Irey, of 3H2 North 18th street, has returned to York, Pa , to remain through the winter. ROXBOROUGII Miss Ray M. Sumner, of 4215 Boone street, gave a dinner, followed by cards, last night. Yellow and white chrysanthemums were com lined with oak leaves In the decorations. Mr. and Mrs. James Hlndle were tho guests of honor. Others present were Miss E. Jones, Miss Irene Vans, Miss Mary Sumner, Miss Anna Du Gap, Miss Elsie Thompson, Miss Jiae Wert, Miss Eva Sumner, Dr. G. Frederick Myers, H. Merlz, M. Kern, Alec Allan, A. West, Joseph Sumner and M. Purcell. Mrs Clifford McMaster. of Pechln street and Monastery avenue, entertained the members of tho Roxborough Thimble Club last night at her home. Her guests were Mrs. Theodore Bald win, Mrs. Waller Earley, Mrs S J. Rorer, Mrs. James Frame, Sirs. Charles Haberleln, Mrs. James Rothncll, Mrs. Verncr Frame, Mrs Robert Whiteside, Mrs. J. E. Sumner and Sirs. William Stetler. PRANKFORD Mr. and Mrs. Edward Purcell hae returned to their homo at Penn Argyle, Pa after spend ing a few daja with T. T. Taylor, of Torres dale acnue. Mrs Taylor entertained Mr. Cot ton, deputy scout commissioner of the Boy Scouts of Pennsylvania, last week at dinner. Howard George, Robert Hilt and John Hilt, of Frankford, nro on a g-jnnlnc trip in Bradford County. They aro expected to return this week. KENSINGTON A big minstrel show and dance will bo given by the Ascension Catholic Club Wednesday, De cember 2, at Textile Hall, Kensington avenue and Cumberland street. Members of the club will take part in tho minstrels. "The Jonah," a comedy sketch In three acts, will bo given on Wednesday, November 18, at the East Baptist Church, by some of tho young people In this section of the city. DEBUTANTE AFFAIRS A Tea, Three Theatre Parties, a Rabbit ud Dance Complete Today's Schedule. The seeming "let-up" In social activity which has marked the past few days will come to on untimely end today, for six events will take place In society In tho debutantes' honor this afternoon and evening. Air. and Mrs. Theodore W. Rcath will start the ball rolling with a large tea which they will glvo at their home, 1B3S Pine street, this afternoon. Tho largo house. Which Is situated at the corner of Pine and 16th streets, has long been in the Reath family. It was occupied by Mr. Reath's mother, who died several years ago. The house will be handsomely decorated with palms and ferns and many exquisite blooms. Miss Rcath will wear a charming frock of satin and white tulle which Is trimmed with silver lace. Mrs. Reath will have a number of ladles receiving with her. They will include her slsters-In-law, Mrs. Thomas Reath, Sirs Benjamin B. Reath, Mrs. George W. B. Roberts and Sirs. Thomas Roberts, Jr., Mrs. J. Cheaton Morris, Mrs. Logan M. Bullitt. Jr., Miss Elizabeth Bls- sell Roberta and Miss Nancy A. Reath. The debutantes who -will receive with Mlas Iteath will Include Miss Jean Newbold Thomp son, Miss Virginia Roberts, Miss Ruth Coxe, Miss Charlotte Harding Brown, Miss Mary Stuart Wurts, Miss Alice Chapman Thompson. Miss Margaret Hardy Burton, Miss Marie Louise Wanamaker, Miss Mary Brown War burton, Miss Edith H. Bally, Miss Edith R. Ellison, Alias Inez Drayton, Miss Mary E. Clayton, Miss Emma Ashton Dorr and Mlsa Margaret Berwlnd. In the early afternoon Mrs. William Wurts Harmar and Mrs. Joseph J, Brown, Jr., will ghe a theatre part), to be followed by tea, In honor of Miss Isabel Wurts Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Byrd Page, The guests will Include Miss Mary Tyson Denckla, Miss Charlotte Rush, Miss Hilda Tunis, Miss Katha rine Ashhurst Bowie. Mtis Edith Neville Emythe, Miss Emily La. Fargo Claxton and Miss Mary Stuart Wurts. A second theatre party -will be given by the Misses Blspham In honor of their niece, Miss Eleanors Blspham. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sainuel Blspham. The guests will have tea at the Belleyue-Stratford. Among the debutantes will be Miss Barbara C. Blspham, o( Clay mont. Del.; Miss Elinor Judd Bean, Miss Eleanor B. Watt. Miss Margaret AUee, Miss Katherlne Seeler and' Miss Christine Rehn. In the evening Mr, and Mrs. George Peter eon, of Ardmore. will give a dinner at the Bellevue-Stratford. foUowed by a theatre party, In honor of MUs Katharine Zimmerman Ogden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Ogden. The guests will include Miss Hansell French Karle, Miss Eleanore Dougherty. John F. G. Keen. Andrew Van Pelt and Joseph O. B. Molten. There will be a delightful Rabbit party to night given by Mr. and Mrs. William Strutnera Bills in honor of their daughter. Miss Helen BUU. Mr. and Mrs Charles Chauaaey Savage of frayefs !a. Chtut HtH, wp gty a tmtll SWL " " J" ffllJSM WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1914. WEDDINGS TODAY ARE VERY MAN? Miss Marie W. Young Married to Gil bert Augustus Coe hi Chapel of St. Luke and Epiphany Other Brides. The wedding of Miss Marie Westcott Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Young, of 33 South 19th street, to Gilbert Augustus Coe took place at noon today In the chapel of St. Luke and the Epiphany. The bride, nho was given In marrlago by her father, was gowned In soft whlto char meuio veiled In chirfon and trimmed with duchess lace made with a court train Her veil was of tulle, caught with orange blossoms, and sho carried white chrysanthemums The maid of honor, Miss Mary C. Blddle, of River ton, N. J., wore a gown of electric blue chiffon velvet with a picture hat of black laco trimmed with blue plumes and carried pink chrysan themums. Howard S. Coo acted as best man and tho ushers were Horace R. Coe, Curtis Fitzgerald, John Cooper and Robert P. Thomas. The cere mony was performed by the Rev. Dr. T. Will iam Davidson, assisted by the Rev. Irving Mc Grew. A wedding breakfast for the Imme diate families of the bride and bridegroom fol lowed tho ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Coe wilt llvo at 33 South 19th street, where they will be at home Wednesdays during Januar. BALTZ IlUCKEt, A quiet wedding will take place tlili after noon at 4:30 o'clock when Miss Hazel Kirk Hucket, daughter of Samuel Huckcl, Jr., will be married to Robert Joseph Baltz. The cere mony will talto place nt tho homo of' the bride's father, G02 West Cheltcn avenue, and will be performed by the Rev. Other Huckel, D. D, S. T. D , of Baltimore, an uncle of the bride. Mrs, Watkinn Bennerman wilt act as matron of honor and Mr. Baltz will havo as best man Hllllurd Bain. Mr. and Mrs Baltz will bo at home after December IS at 652 West Clfelten avenuo. CONNEU,-KtSSLErt A pretty wedding will tako place this eve ning when Miss Bessie Marie Kessler, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kessler, of 6111 Woodland avenue, will become tho brldo of Raymond Joseph Conned, of 2221 South 15th street. The ceremony will be performed by tho Rev. Father Gibbons, In St. Clement's Church, 71st street and Woodland avenue, at 5 45 o'clock. The bride, who will bo given In marrlago by her father, will wear a soft gown of whlto crepe meteor, made en train. Her veil will be attached to a dainty laco cap, and held In place by a cluster of orange blossom). Sho will carry a shower bouquet of orchtd3 and lilies of the valley. Mlsi May Shlnh will act as maid of honor. Mr. Conncll will have for his best man his brother. Joseph Elmer Connell, and the ushers will bo Wilbur Kessler and John J. Connell. A supper will bo served at the homo of tho bride, after which the couple will leave for a trip through the Southern States. They wilt bo at home after December 1 at BS-3 Windsor place. stout num.. A pretty wedding will take place In St. Vcronlca'a Catholic Church, 6th street and Erie avenue, this afternoon, when Miss Jane A. Ruhl, daughter of William Ruhl, of 443 West Erie ave nue, will become the bride of Dr. Henry J. Stout, of Erlo avenue and 6th street Tho Rev. Joseph McCloskcy, the assistant rector of the church, will perform the ceremony. Miss Ruhl will bo given In marriage by her fnther, and will bo attended by Miss Edith Colo as brides maid. Dr. Joseph Carleveau, of Springfield, Mass , will bo the bridegroom's best man. The brldo will wear a handsome gown of golden brown el vet, trimmed with ermine and a hat of white civet ornamented with a white aigrette and ermine. Wistaria crepe meteor will form the gown of the bridesmaid Her elvet hat will match the gown In color. Dr. and Mrs. Stout wilt leave for a short wedding Journey, and will be at home after December 1 at 913 West Erie avenue M.CAnTHY KtLLEHEIt. Another wedding of much Interest was that of Miss Helena Raphael, Kelleher, daughter of William J. Kelleher, of 3908 Brown street, to Charles Joseph McCarthy, of 4703 Girard aenue, which took place this morning at 9 o'clock In St. Agatha's Church, 3Sth and Spring Garden streets. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. D. M. Dalley, who also said the Nuptial Mass. The bride, who was glen away by her father, ware a handsome gown of duchess satin, mado with a court train, and a dainty overdress of duchess lace. The bodice was of lace and trimmed with pearls Her tullo veil was arranged with a wreath of orange blossoms. and she carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses. The maid of honor was her sister. Miss Marguerite Kelleher. A wedding breakfast tor about 60 persons was served at the home of the bride, after which the couple left for an extended tour of the South. They will be at home after December 1 at 1007 North 43d street. ASClI-DEAn. A wedding of much Interest In this city was solemnized In Sandusky, O., this morning, at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Bear, when their daughter, Miss Ruth Bear, was given In marriage by her father to Leo M. Asch, son of Mrs. Fanny Asch, and brother of Mrs. Emli Cohn, of 3615 North 21st street. The ceremony waa performed by the Rev, Dr. Wolsey, of Cleveland, O , and was followed by a wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Asch left for a tour through the Northwest, and on their return will live at 2113 West Erie avenue, Tioga, whero they will receive from 3 to 6 o'clock on Sunday, December 27. SMITH-MYERS. A pretty but quiet wedding took place this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John I. Myers, 4505 Regent street, when their daughter Beatrice became the bride of J. Edward Smith, Jr. son of Mr, and Mrs. J, Edward Smith, of 4005 Spring Garden street. The bride was given in marriage by her father, and was attended by her sister, Louise Lewis Myers, as maid of honor. The best man was Norman Smith, brother of the groom. After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Smith will be at home after January 1 at S!l South 64th street, SOUTH PHILADELPHIA The first game of a "bridge'' tournament was played last night at the home of Lieutenant T. If, Winters and Mrs. Winters. IE09 South Garnet street, In the Girard Estate. There will be three games In the tournament, and the second will be played on Saturday evening at the home of Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. G. A BlMttt Araorur those present last eve ning were Lieutenant Cenmatt4er 6. A. Bis tt. U S N, and Mrs BUwlt; Lieutenant Taylor, V N . LiHta,JiBt Cturies A. lntz. V S. H. , and Mr Luti; Mr. and Mrs. 041 tecs, Mr. and Mrs Chartea Pavte and Ura. THE DRAMA iwfef W dan i , , i ..mgiaBMHIIIBBI r" ' dHlKSEaiwt&SSlliifKlkfliaiiVJ jflBBBBBBBSBBBSBXsMSBHiSBBBBBBBBBBBBH IHKxLfcBHMHvEflSLaiiwHBIHILiiiflB ANN MURDOCK 'The Beautiful Advcnture"- Droad Uplift of Vaudeville There has, perhaps, never been a season when audcvllto boasted of more big stars Thero has been, during the past half dozen years, a raising of standards In vaudeville so that now, at the flrst-class houses, ono can enjoy nn entertain ment of as high quality as at the regular thea tre. Until she appears In a new play In January, Lthcl Barrymore, one of the latest recruits, will appear In audevlllc Kitty Gordon and Elsie Jnnls hae been headllncrs. Recently, nt KelthV In this city, we saw Mile. Gcneo dance delight fully, and Blanche Ring sing captKatlngly In a sketch MKs Ring declared, while she was horo, that sho enjojs her audevllle performances more than those In musical comedies. The en cores were more heartily vociferous! Douglass Fairbanks, Edwin Stevens, Carter de Haven, Clifton Crawford are all traveling the circuit. Among other top-notch stars there aro booked for ippearanccs at Keith's, Emma Cams. Ger trude Hoffmann, in her dances; Nora Bayea, Wllla Holt Wakefield and, great among singers, David BLspham, tho baritone. Speaking with Manager Jordan, of Keith's, yesterday, we commented on the Increasingly high standaid of vaudeville entertainments and thu unusual galaxy of dramatic stars booked thit. season. "Well, I'll tell jou," said Mr. Jordan. "AVhen Madam Bernhardt went into audevllle somo years ago sho opened tho field to stage stars. after Bernhardt had appeared others felt they could enter vaudeille and not lose caste. Actors find vaudeville advantageous. Thoy get consid erable advertising, play before greater numbers of peoplo and make friends, who. later, when they appear In plnjs, go to see them. Moreover, thoy pla only 15 minutes to a half hour each day which means llttlo work compared to play ing In drama." One of the reasons for the supcrexccllence of many audcvllle attractions this season Is that big European vaudevllllans, on account of the war, have come to America. Then, with tho theatricals affected by the business depression, many producers are holding off Important pro ductions until January, when they look for a reaction. Until then stars havo found lt profit able, both financially and In keeping before the public, to appear In skits and sketches FLASHES FROM "STARS" Harold Chapln. the author of "The Marriage of Columbine," whose whereabouts Charlea Hopkins, director of the Punch and Judy Thea tre, has been trying to establish for over two months, has been located. A letter r.ecelevd recenUy from Mr. Chapln in London says ha has been "wielding a stretcher" In the hospital corps of the British Army. He has been serv ing In Belgium, but at the time of writing was home on bIcK leave. James Forbes, author of "The Chorus Lady" and "The Traveling Salesman," has written a AMUSEMENTS PriPCifrmr Sr opERA I Home of World's -.Ut;bUtUL, Ol. holm: anatwl !hotnUa Aftemoom 1 to B. JO & lBc Evenings T to lt, 10. 15, S5e Thousands Turned Away at Every Performance THE SPOILEES nEV BEACH S OIOAJ.TJC MASTERPIECE With WJLLIAM FAHNUM 4 KAT1ILVN WILLIAMS Twice Dall Afternoons 2 30, Evenings 8.30 Preceded by Dally Change Flrt Run rtcturea. ACADEMY OP MUSIC Thun. Eve, Nov. 10 The Choral Society WILL BINO THE "New Life" Wolf-Ferrari In Aid of the Emergency Aid Committee. HORATIO CONNELL Baritone MAE FARLEY .Soprano liO Membera FhlladelphU Orcheatra, HENRY GORDON THUNDER Conductor. TICKETS AT HEPPE-S. 1110 CHESTNUT ST. tl to. IX 25. 11,00, 75c. Amphitheatre, BOc. oFEnf METROPOLITAN $ unti mum; ui4Ui( uuuai, jhuv. S3 PAVLOWAS1 3MPLBTE BALLET & SYMPHONY ORCHBSTI SEATS NOW. PRICES, 50j TO J 00 i3Sraffi& 1109 Chestnut St MARKET ST. OPPOSITE WANAMAKER'S VAUDEVILLE 11 SO TO 11:30 GLOBE 11,000,000 Theatre THE KU 11,000,000 Theatre S200 beating- Capacity THE KINO OF SLANQ BERT LESLIES1, 'AND CO. B OTHER STANDARD ACTS Interettlng Photo-Playa and Surprlae Peatur POSITIVELY LAST WEEK CONVICT SHIP MARKET STREET '( Q TT P P T? O O WHARF DUUUJijOO OPBN DAILY O A M TO 10 P M LIGHTED THROUGHOUT BY ELECTR ICiTY TUB MARKET. NEAR 1OTH STHEBT STANLEY Yk'oPoWL" theatre "ARISTOCRACY" AUo "SHE STOOPS TO CONQUBR" EXCLUSIVE ITBATURBS. MAYOR BliANKBNBURQ BIDDIKO BON VOrAGB TO THE MBKCY SHIP THKLUA. "luo Scaaea and toeUaaia el Paao-DartnuMua Oaa inune fw bi -i a nan EMPIRE COLLS6K OIRLS fttiutas Abe Rota&UM ana rWaace MiUe a n p U h-fV, V, . TH AND ARCH tUaWTPWW WM.MMg OP 1U AfrSfrtfAa IHMHMMMM i T-th THEATRICAL BAEDEkEIt f ADELPUI-"A Pair of Sixes," by Edwa&J reple A dramatic full hand In the floeh of success, with three Jokera-Hate Hamilton, Ittln.i Hers and Maud Eburne BROAD-"The Beautiful Adventure," comedy adapted from the French by Oeorgo Egftrton, starring Ann Murdock Immediately beforo her wedding a brlde-to-be elopes but not with the ffroom, Brightly, lightly amusing. FOHREST-"Srtrl," Hungarian operetta, with charmlnKiy catchy music, and, what la ceptlonal In musical comedy, a real plot. Irldesccntly staged, girls roaeately gowned. OARRICK-'-The Debutante." new rniulqal comedy with trite book by H. B. and K, "B. Smith and music by Victor Herbert He! Dawn Is as ever Haxel Dawn, Ingenuous, un affected and lovely. KEiTH'S-Irene Franklin, and a varied bill. LITTLE THEATRD"Hlndte Wakes." by Stanley Houghton. First productlftn In Ull city of play which creAted a sensation In London A rlrl, having been compromised refuses to marrv. thtm rhultenclnr lh oM code and asserting the Independence of Hha new feminism. Splendidly acted. LYRlC-"Tho Story of the Rosary." by Walter Howard, a melodrama staired as elaborately as the frfngerbread and candy castles of fairy lore, with n battlo off stage, artillery abdi wife saved from becoming n nun by the timely return of her husband hero. WALNUT "Damaged Goods," much discussed play b EUReno Brleux. now play, which Selwyn & Co. have accepted for Immediate production. When Luclen L. Bonheur, president bf ho French Drama Society, was at school In Franc years ago, a classmate was Pierre Wolf, who Is today one of France's most distinguished playwrights. The two men also performed their military service together as comrades, anil when Mr. Bonheur went to Paris early this year to engage artist for the French season in this country, M Wolf remembered tho old friendship so well that he released Mile. Guer ando from her contract to create tho principal part In hla new play. Thus she waa enabled to como to New York for the French Soelely season. Mile. Guerando haa won a reputation as a beautiful and accomplished actress. Kenneth Douglas, leading man In "A Pair of Silk Stockings," was once a. market gardener outside of London. Cyril HarcourL the author of th6 play, was a mechanical engineer. Charles Frohman's next production, which, is scheduled to open In this city, wrlll be "Drlvtri," a four-act comedy by C. Temple Thurston, which was first given at the Haymarket Thea trc, London, where the leading parta wero taken by Alexandra Carlisle, Owen Narea and Audrey Smith After Its engagement here, "Driven" will go on tour before going to New York. "The Big Idea," formerly known as "Wanted, $22,000." by Clayton Hamilton and -A. B. Thomas, was given Its New York premiere at the Hudson Theatre Monday. The play, pre sented by Charles Gllmore, under tho direction of Cohan & Harris, has William Courtlelgh, Desmond Kelley and Ernest Glendlnnlng In the leading roles. Joseph Brooks Is planning to launch -two nw Important productions on or about the holidays. The first will be a comedy built upon the JSdna Fcrber series of stories, "Roast Beef Medium" and "Buttered Side." George V. Hobar haa entered Into an arrangement with .Mr. Brooks and Miss Ferber to dramatize Edna MaaChei ncy, the heroine of the stories, and Mr.-Brooka Is now seeking an actress for the title role. The second play which he has in contemfllat tlon for midwinter consumption Is Rachel Cro thers' "Mother Carey's Chickens." E. M. Reltcnsteln, author of the play, "bn Trial," now playing nt the Candler Theatre, New York, and a student at Columbia Univer sity, wss awarded the silver cup offered by the Columbia University Dramatic Association Tor the best play turned Into the association bjf students of the university. The title of Ae play which won the prlzo is "The Passing of Chow Chow." AMUSEMENTS BROAD ?r.pMat.Todarf:j.V.S1.5"0 THE JIEAUTIFUL ADVENTURE Y " With ANN MURDOCK "A delightful comedy alfty la Ann Murdock ' p of wlnaom peraen Murdock " Record North1 "a" f comblntlon ' fantaey and reality." Ann urapcK preaentment of the bride wai a dainty piece of work "Ledger. '.'.SrhrmlPF n'' '",loua comedy." Jnuulrer. "An antlJote for old age." Bulletin. "Ann Murdock is charming "Telegraph v. .VS' ? ?,tn'ne Last .Matinee Saturday, w&t Sea,". T&ylPtitiitJfa& John Drew Pwdtift 15 GARRICK Mat. Today irc&fflT Popular Price Matinee Today. Beat Beata 11.00. HAZEL DAWN ."& Laat Nlghta U.t Matinee Saturday.' E," I 5" ,or Thankg(vlng Matlnt b Evnlu Week I Seats Thure for Other Perform'e Nt W POTASH & PERLMUTTER "SELF-CONFIDENCE AND SELF-EXPRESSION" A LECTURE FOR WOMEN ONLY By Mary Sandall Wtork Friday Afternoon, Nor. SO, ;SO, at Lecture Rooma of Neff College, 1TS0 Cntatnul SUmI. Bend for Complimentary Tlcketa. Forrest && Mat Today & $1,50 OPERETTA WHOSE CJ A T T BVERY NOTE IS A OEM OAfti Lait Evening. Laat Matinee Saturday Next I Seata Now for Thankaglvlng Matlne A Evening Week I Seats Thuraday for Other Perforro'a Next Wk Queen & Movies SSS ACADEMY &S& l&g, RAYMOND L, DITMARS' Marvelous Motion Picture of Animal Life THE BOOK OF NATURE THE EIGHTH WONDER Of THE WORLD Price 13c to T6c Dr Dltmara' Lecture. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE METROPOLITAN OPERA CO., NEW YORK TUESDAY BVENINO. NOV. 31. AT 8 O'CLOCK t n n a "'" m&"- Br& 1 UU U JLJl Bada. RoaaL AhaBUn! Conductor. Mr TeacaaleL Seat Sala Bagia Tomorrow 0 A, M . 1 Cbeatout atreet. Telephone!. Walnut TOSS, Park 660 B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE TONIGHT" $Sf 1RHNB FRANKLIN AND A GREAT SHOW ayociAl.' rtiunw rvtn eimiiiBlis WALNUT D A M A GO Mat T- GOODS ci BVBNINOS 3Se S0c, Ife, 1U0 I&1 Wfc "THE OLO HOMTEAg ,V ' '". '" ' ' " " i'ii mmei NIXON'H GRAND Tdr 2:M.T.B Ills rALa UftBA CO.) XJeV an w; $$ imm mil TLjgm mm I "- "- 1 riimiti r TaJT.. mSSuSSP ''fJW fSMSPf V- WHSi m mnw mnm ' m X mm mm $&&& $&mt ,U&rwu (M(W V a 4MM . GJmQMo.im F-
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