Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 18, 1914, Night Extra, Image 1
LV'- - ij j w J-f t-- fcJ'--0fX-'a;!i; fe- thm'mc8tMBMiwMeim--. "-.--. -.--, ir'''',i,ij8"'? j--., (W NIGHT EXTRA GHT JLmfSJt W JL JLVatXk ...i.i.Tnu.irf ; TOI,,I-NO. 57 , PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NO VEMBUlt 38, 1914. PBIOB ONE OlBNTr Cotrntonr, 1014, r tiibPcbmo trrxir.it Commnt. U. S. Marines Fired Upon by Turks ilson Foresees New Era Commuters Fight Rate Increase -' sh Funds" Anger Grange NEWS OF THE DA Y FROM THE PICTORIAL VIEWPOINT N mBii:Jx, RHtf " &&Asj&. EJMfetrnl wlk - '. y ' ' ''"' '' ' i . ' ' ... .'. ' ' ' . "i"T W lu ,a,,i 5 im - '?.. i-'ti&V - i.Msss-Ar-', - A. v 'V ' V :k v-"f?;i'W .-'" . . c: a ' - '' ; -tJk v': VX-... tr . S A ftw,. .'v'.'v 6 r, .'-: ...-i.i.,'. , HK9Vv 1 'SSMHTBHME'V. 1 okKBEKus. r- !'- .-,.. PBBi JmMtJ'" - - " HBIB W J JHHhHM.. I ' I iH .'.:. -"-,;;-; " a. -.,&; -" ' ... . tAV w . x -.' vrv; ,s. "-"! :-S -S'i. ' . vA'T i T. VJK.- . "S'S'1 . '.-. '2rJj , .. .. .Jd . .. . " ' , , :. . V. -V-5- "".'t..w: 'O-IT TOy' -' . S - S t -i -TV -'.x ,"t mu-' -4 "-''' I -. .'k t. V '-Ik'. -.-' J I. . .Mtfl. u..uX . A ? N" .. . j. . V . " S? . t A i i?xr-fc;-roriij5evSm:;.j -.. - - 'a.v. ;. . .- 'Xti&v.n-z WmH1i.Uh V ..'- ' , ''i1'- : -)V 'v ',. ( ,v . -. .'A.-'.. '.. i ;.' s ., r .'".' ''".:r'" ' ' 'v'w? n! stici I'hotu by 1'aUl Tliouivsvn FAMOUS GERMAN. TAUBE AEROPLANE IN FLIGHT "Taubc" is the German word for dove. It is these bird-like monoplanes which the Kaiser's air men have used so effectively in scouting arid dropping bombs on cities. They are of light con struction and very fast. Higher in the air Is seen another German machine of a heavier type. l'liuto by J.mniuu UNITED STATES CRUISER TENNESSEE, WHOSE LAUNCH WAS FIRED ON BY TURKS IN VURLA HARBAR Reports say the Tennessee dispatched a force to land at Smyrna to ask permission of the Turkish authorities before entering the harbor. The launch was forced to return to the ship when the forts opened fire. The cruiser had been ordered to Smyrna to protect Christiana who arc said to have been threatened by the Turks. The Tennessee is one of the heavy cruisers of the American navy and was built in 190-1. HEAVY DISAPPEARING GUN OF MOBILE TYPE BELONGING TO FRENCH ARMY I lift HH All that an enemy's air scout can see from above is a harmless-looking metal platform. The gunners stand safely Prestol The top doors in the platform fly open and up looms the giant gun ready to pour out its terrible charge. ESP ' HHRs sheltered beneath, with hands on levers ready for the signal. The load is ready and the range has been found from The shell fired, the recoil forces the gun back on its huge hinges, the doors fall over the opening again, and nothiiu: F FT I iBBI tlie little conning tower on Jop. The operators wait til) the scout has passed and then quickly spring to their places. is in sight but the flat platform. The French had these guns ready for the Germans on their firroe drive on tan.. Si It f S lHB ': Wl9HapiMHniMMIriMWMMMMlMBMMIMHMMM L- -y-y. p r.1rTrr.t1IrnnJ . . .fm M , ,, -1 rH ' T '" 'I" lT IMMIWllll 'lll L'HBHK M OBSERVATION POST JN TREE TOP ' SHHflT J lu the ngiiunK rfiounj IUude the rtjuurteful Hclgiu troyt HHIf 3 built thi novel pUtfarm for oberviiig the movements oi th HHQP -, itneaiy. An eloitd tuiut like this a yattivuUx4d'.iiituuj, wmrnm CM GUN CARRIAGE BORNE BY MULES This British-Indian bau.ty ij tmaikable for its complete equipment and tke wonderful way in which it is ab4 to traefsc biil districts ana rough country mIhu other bowhitiii would be mrtess Tlie chutu&iuh shuws sections of uuu carriatre nacked on mules aogetisttrnhr rouch twuntiv These easih -moved batteries were . btpugut from ludia, wiuNTC the Bruih in times past, have tound them pauiula.jj useful in pufl.ujog hostile tribes of the hill and mountains in the north country. - ."i-v..grrat5Si; -- . jJZ n i- T- -it- '---vi 3 i, ' - Kto;V-,-' - ' V