xXaHaaassassslassssssssassBiaTssywsw,'".l'Vlsmi .'"is ' ' 1 "?. jff.ryx-'' -' -" -Jiei; frm 5S? " v A3 - - MfiR??T i -wrssftifoL 6V V? " ' psg:.i3 yBSWH'Miw"'1 rK 'irv BSSfe Brails- I && 'Ac? ' 1 M i- im MfAn"iBK Wc , would : outi Affuaii Ca: c - 13VENING LEBGEB-PHJLADELPHIA, MONDAY, .NOVEMBER 10, 1011 MUCH TO ATTRACT - INTEREST TODAY IN FINANCIAL CIRCLES SOJDcning of Federal Reserve Banks, Cotton Exchanges and New York Curb Held Attention. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Thfe were many thlnss which nt trutittd Interest In the financial com rMinlty today. Chief of theso wan the opening of tho new Federal reserve banks, while much attention was Blven o tho official opening of tho Now York curb and the Cotton Exchanges In New York and New Orleans. Prices on the curb wcra cenernllv firm Tmdinn- In ContrvMfiht on the New York Cotton Exchange Jlfee'jid prices were far below thoso pre- bioni """"" v e cioso on July 31, GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. Receipts, 3A.082 bush There w a fair export Inquiry and prices were Mt higher, Quotations: Car lots In export elevator. No. 2, rert, spot and November, fl.l-t!fH.10!4; No 2, red Western, 1 1AIM 1 2H4; No. 1, Northern Dululh, L2!fh.28. CORN. Receipts. JOOO hush. Supplier were small and the market ruled nrm though o.ulet quotations: Car lots for loeel trade, aa to location. -No. 2, ycllotr, old, 84fl8H4c.i steamer yellow, old, 834flic. OATS Receipts, 14.709 bush. Trade oulet and prlcea steady. Quotation: No. 2, white, HOMSc. standard white. 33J(ei'4c.i No. 3, white, S2eB2;io. ILOUK. Receipts, 2.10.1 bhts. and I.Ml.MH lbs. In rack a. The market nulet, with mod ST"? ..m" "'Pie offerings at former rniea. i. TiiJi;! J '' Ji !" in wwiu. lyinipr. near, i KSi?." ?," trrtht. Ml5.2."lj do . pnbm, ;VOiS.73i Kanaaa, straight, jute Sacks. 3 20 I3.4U; do., patent, Jute sacks. J3 inn 3.03; 1803 1WV King. JJ.J01TJ.SSj !CrJ!!f. tlrtt. clear, tS.lWNV.'SO: do, straight. Outlet t&lor.ih time an and I'rlees on tho Now street curb reflected the Influence of the Increased demand and doploled supply, 8ome of tho quo tations were: Unlttd States Steel com mon. ; New York Central, 80; Amalga mated, 8j Southern Hallway preferred, tt; Baltimore and Ohio, 67; Heading, 133, nnu i-ennsyivania, 10114. The crowd has diminished to a hand iul of brokers, ns buyers can now do 3ubI as well In pulling their orders through the Stock Exchange Clearing Jlotlec, as no many stocks are up to tho minimum prices fixed by tho committee of five. Sterling oxchange quiet, with demand .8Sla and cables i.m',. rtcldhsmarks cables were quoted 87. Organization of tho New York Federal Kcsorvo Bank kept many bank ofllclnla nnd employes busy, and special arrange ments were mado at the Subtreasury nnd Clearing House to fncllltnto this work. Tho coin rooms of tho Subtreasury wero taken up to extend to tho hall doors on each aide of the Pine street entrance, and eoelvtng windows were placed In tho old doorways. While cold was being received In these rooms, the rotunda was busy with deposits of national bank bills, which "were stacked up In high piles In the fwork of retiring emergency currency. These arrangements, however, did not disturb tho money market on the lending Hide, plentiful oilers to loan time nnd call money at 614 per cent, being mndc, but borrowers were disposed to hold off for n, lew days because of a belief that with tho Federal banking machinery In work ing order tho rate will quickly drop below-5 per cent. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Nov. If). HOas. Receipts. lxi; market -iuc. higher: mixed and butcher! ST.W8.?.-: gi-od heavy. fT.6nfiN.2.i;, rousli heavy,. T.50e7.73: light. 7.i;0flS.20 pig," S3.1Jlf7.': bulk. tt.NiaS.10. CATTL,E.-lV: celpta, TOCO; market strong; beeves, to.rjOfill rows and heifers. f.'t.T.'.irilt: atockera and feed ers, IJKarT.HO: Texans. 7.4(if(8.M. calves, M.50 1 10.23. SilnKl'.-llecelpts, l.s.ono; market strong: native and Western, J-T.M'Jl 10: lambs, 93.1&1i8.83. BANK CXEABINGS Bank clearings todaj compared with corre sponding day laat two years: 10W. lOW. 1912. 1-hilad.elphla J23..10T.B11 J23.012.SM 27.1T7,SiM inoston 20,004,813 28,843,107 21,031,039 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Massachuaetts Mills In Georgia, regular semi annual 214 per cent., puyablo December 1 to etok of record November 14. . ysolar Rennlng Conpany, regular aoml-annutl (3 a-share. VoV2. . H vicar, ...iirnv,.'; no, sirnignt, f.33tift.ptij do., patent, .7313 0(l: do.. faor. He brands. 0l.,-,0; rliy mllla. choice anil LVJSy W.,.nt' ""' so- tltr "i"1'- regular jrjdea--vinier, clear, f 1.7MN 00; do., straight, 3S.2.ti do.. tfltent, ??, 30113 73, IIYB l'I.Ot;tl. Trade ri'ilet nnd offerings moderate, but anirde. Prices iinriiAmrisi 'n juoto nearby and Wcitern, In wood, at Jiff PROVISIONS The market quiet and without Important change. Uuotatlonsl City beef. In seta, smoked and alr-drlnl. aitJ.tOc.i Western beef. In aela. emoked. 2li30c : city lef. knuckcl and tenders, smoked and alr-drlcd, 301T31c.: western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 'WII0.1 beef hams. S3H8lSi pork, family, 5 H5flj ham, H, l cured, loose. HffH'kc : do,, skinned, loose. ltfrllHc. ; do., do., smoked. l.MrlBVic : other linms, smoked, clt cured as to brand nnd nerage. ir.fciridc , hams, rmoked, western rurrd. I3'5lric,: do., boned bonders, 20tr2lc.: plcnle shoulders, H p cured, loose, 1IM1 12c i do., smoknl, 13i;i.,e.' bellies. In Pickle, according to at erase, loosed lllfriil'sC.;, breakfast Imcon. as to brand and average, city cured. lllS0c : breakfast bacon. Western cured. l:i2tic.; lard. Western, re flnel. tierces, ln-i,illc.; do. do., do., tuhs 10llc ; ard. pure city, kettlo rendered. In tiercea, 10;Hlc: lard, pure city, kettle rcn- utim, ill luun, aitiia)1i;, REFINED SUGARS The market firmly held, but trade unlet, rie nnera list of prices- Standard granulated. .i.lSc.i nne granulated, 3.10c. ; powdered, S20c.; confectioners' A, 3c; toft Rrades, 4.23B4.83C. DAIRY PRODUCTS IltJTTKlt. l.nncy stock sold fnlrly and ruled firm under scirclty, tjuotnllnns: West ern, fresh, solld'pnckcd creamery, fancy specials, 37c; exceptional lots higher: extra, 33c.; extra firsts. 33iS3lc; firsts. 30ff;ile.; sec onds, 282Sc.i ladle-packed, 2Hj2.:c. as to quality; nearby prints, fancy, B8t: do., aver age extra, 3na"17c.; do., firsts, 32ntlBc.; do., aecemts, 3031r. Special fancy branda of prints jobbing at I.1I3e. K(!(1N. Supplies of line new-lnlil eggi .,,..,. n,. iuia in in iinucr n gooo uemami. quotations: in rrco cases, nearby, extra, 3Sc. per dos.; nearby firsts, lln.RO per atandnnl case; nearby current receipts. $0.00010 20 per ......u...,. - ",vi uiiu nuuinwesicrn, ex- bbl Jonathan. WI0M1. IJ..02JW.23; Ttaldwln, U.75ffl2.80 dreenlnr. Sl.i3fl2.fi0: Tlrmtvnn ; tW,iX rippln, l 759.M; Tork Imperial. . il.T3a other xorjl eating vorletlea, t.TBQ2.TiU medium. il no crab. 44.5o: crab apples, per bushel basket. 1 B0l 73; apples, Westi ern, per box, lim.lio, apples. Delaware and Penniytvanla, per hamper, eofldOo.i aulnces. Ser bbl., Man BO. Lemons, per box, l.lff , ranges, Florida, per box, tl.eoaa n. Grape fruit, Florida, per box, ll.Wsi.ai. IMneapptes, per crate-Porto nico. M.Snfl'S 23; Florida, 11 w t-Jr- Cranberries, tape Cod, early, black, pei bbl., J3.;OJt4 : Cape Cod, early, black, per 1.23. Pears. New Tork, per bbl Seckel, No. 2, f2.30.1; lleurre Ilosc, $lif3.M); Sheldon, sieS: lleurre Clalrgeau. 2 nftfia.m; lleurre d' Anjou. J.231.tfi Utieness, 2 2SSI.T21; Howell. ?2ti2W). other arletles, I2fin. l'ears, Uartlett or Meckel, per bushel basket, ft 2.1n2. Orares, New Votk-Concord. Per 8.1b. basket, Mnl3c.. do., per 4-1 Imstcet. Innlle.: vinrm per l-lb. basket, 8flllc; Delawares. per 4-ln. basket, 12tlc.i Concord, per 2Mi. basket. VEGETABLES TI10 general market quiet and without Im portant change. Quotations: White potatoes, per bush.-Pennsylvnnln, uonfl3e,i New Tork, IJfrftic.! whlto potatoee, Jersey, per baaket, SI.I sweet potatoes. Kaatem Hhore, per bbl, No. I. Jl.S3ifl.T3; No. 2, Jl! sweets, Jer- ,14 "5r ui. p,n. 1, x-j.outf.l; o. x, lI.fHiy l.i.i; aneets. Jersey, ler liasket, JtSOO", onions, per bush., 4030c.i do., choice, per I0 .b. bag, Slfil 10; do., medium, per loo-lb. bag. sfWjtMic,, do. seconds, fiOflfiilf, Cabbage, domestic, per ton, J7flS: do., Danish, per ton, P10 Cauliflower. New Tork, rer crate. 83f 'sic. Lettuce, Florida, per basket, JtOI.no; ib .. North Carolina, per basket, JlOl.39. Ilcans, Florida, per basket, J1.7nci2.23; do.. North, Carolina, per basket. Jl.7302.30. Celery, New York, per hunch, 1 ."J.l.'c. Mushrooms, per l-lb. biskel, JIR1.40. 308400. smalt. Shipments from North America for the week were 1M.OOO bushels. Provisions were a little easier. Leading futures ranged aa follows: , Noon. Sat. TVhest Open. High. Low. close. December l.tfCH 1.13 l,144 MRU May 1.21H 1,21 H 1.21 alJ21i Loni'inew aeuveryj December milt Oats December ,.., May ,, Lard November . . . , January ,. May Jrnuary May I'otk- November January Mav Did, TAaked, ,na 71ft Mia 7 Hi TOtS 7lft 49H ....10.42 ....lO.flfl ....10.20 10.27 ....10.30 110.33 ....17.30 ,...10.12 10.33 '11.27 10.43 10.12 110.47 10.00 110.52 10.57 10.17 10.02 10.20 10.22 10.30 1 10.3.1 '17.00 10.12 10.10 10.33 tlO.OU urday, while In Bro6Wyn, N. T after n brief Illness. For many years Mrs. Colt was evangelistic superintendent of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, of this city. She Is survived by her husband and four sons. Funeral services will bo held at Bloomricld, N. J., tomorrow afternoon. X tssisi 3 fssin-f .'i T- tlVATTTll lKsn ntcATns WHEAT IN CHICAGO MARKET IS FIRMER AT OPENING TODAY Steadiness Partly Due to Fact That War News Does Not Confirm Rumors of Peace. TBUNK IjINE PASSENGER HATES WASHINGTON. Nov. 16,-nallroads op erating In trunk line territory (lied with the Interstate Commerce Commission to day proposed Incrcnses In passenger fares In this section. A definite estimate of the Increases has hot yet been fixed by tho commission, but tnrlff experts of the Commission said the advances would average approximately 6 per cent. In some Instances the rates affect part of tho Ccntrnl Freight Association territory. up to the present tlmo no tnrirrs pro posing Increases In passenger rnes ef fective on Western roads have been filed with the Commission. !jaAnr"' M0.S0 per case: do., firsts, J1.00 10.20 per case; do., seconds. J7.20J17.SO per case: Southern, J8.4OS0 per caso, refrigerator eggs. 21027c. per doz as to quality. F"ancy tl,.cd..cnndlci1. trC8h ' "cro Jobbed out at 4.1(rl3c. per dm. CUKES!:. The market steady under amall supplies, but trade quiet. Quotatlona: New Tork. full-cream, choice, l.lHc; do., do. fair to good, llMVlSc; do., pnrt skims, 813c POULTRY ...F'IVET"TJJ8 .n,r,et I"'', with modernto but ample offerings at unchanged prizes, yuu tatloni: Fowls, 12I4c: old roosters, lOflllc.; spring chickens, according to quality. Ilftuc : turkeys. 18i20c.; ducks. i:ini4e.; geese, "& 14c; guineas, joung. weighing 2 lbs. and ?.v,c.r WJ00' .t palr" ",0'i ll- weighing 114 1 lbs? npleco, por pair, fi.1i(f70c.: weighlnl 1 lb. npleco. per pair. .Mw., old, per pair. 30c pigeons, per pair. 35t18a. IKK8.SIjn. Demand fairly nctlvo for One dcslrnble-alied stock, and inluea of this de scription firmly maintained, with fowls le higher. Quotations: Turkevs fine, l.irife' spring. 22fi23c.; No. 1, old. 20ff21c: ordinary: is2uc: rowis, per lb., selected heniy. Hi, do., weighing. 4l4."i lbs. apiece, 18c; do.. 4 lbs. apiece. ItlfllTc.; do.. 3'i lbs. npleco, iiu 13C: lIO.. 3 IbS. anleCe. 13c. ntit rnostnra .1-.-' nl.ti&l I'ME. . KKIlln. -t.,.1 '.'' l'".ni. .VrZ'A ".win,, k tliilKtrns. ncatbv. ueigning mti. ids. apiece, i'OflIc; broiling chickens, nenrby, fair to good, HMflSc: chick ens, Western, 4 lbs. nnd over apiece, 17c : do :i;u, ihi, 10c; O.O., no,, IVSIf. 4c; broiling chickens, West, piece, 17c: broiling chickens. 1 good, 12J?14c; squabs, pet thnig 11 to 12 lbs per dos. do., 3V4 lbs. apleco, fat. 13c. j do., do., 2U'; era. 1M02 lbs. apiece, 17c: broiling chickens, Western, fair to good. 12flV4c; equabs, per dcis.. white, weighing 11 to 12 lbs per dos., J3.PO1T4.S0; white, weighing 0 to 10 lbs. per dos., S3. 1007:1 73, white, weighing 8 lbs. per dox . S2.30CT2.TS- dn . Ho . T lbs. per dm. J2ff 2.28; do., do., OflntS Ida ner doz.. J1.23S11.G5. dark and No. 2. 30c.RJ1.10. FRESH FRUITS Trade fair and prlcea generally steady under .,,..c,.o wcNiiRs, uuimiuns; rtppiPB, per ' CHICAGO. Nov. 1C. Wheat opened firmer this morning. There was good buying on the belief that last week's selling movement had relieved the tech nical position and on the fact that tho war news In no way confirms tho rumors of peace that havo proved an obstacle to bullish developments recently. Shipments from North America for tho week were 0,237,000 bushels, of which Canada sent out 2,27C,O0O bushels. The market at Liverpool was quiet nnd steady. There was quite a decrcaso In stocks at that port for the week, but spot prices there wore unchanged. There wore some disturbing reports from Argentina. Broom hull places tho world's whent crop for this 'season at 3,613,000,00) bushels, agalnBt 3,S18,rIS,0O0 bushels In the preceding year. Italy has icduced the custom duty on wheat from 12s. 71. to 5s. 2d. nnd It Is now possible to Import American wheat. Banks In that country aro assisting pur chasers. It Is reported that heavy sales have been consummated. The Argentine ciop Is estimated at 192,000.000 bushels. Fnll plowing has been completed In Manitoba, according to reports rccolved by the Canadian Pacific. In Saskatche wan 5 to 10 per cent, remains to be dona In some places. In Alberta ptowlng was practically all finished before snow stopped operations. Corn was easier because, of ideal weath er for grading and marketing the new crop. The selling was scattered. Largo receipts aro expected. 'The market, at Liverpool was off Hd. Shipments of corn from North America for the week wore 230,000 bushclH l.nr-or exports from Ar gentine aro expected. Oats also were lower, but trade waB NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS N1!W YnilFt. Nov Id. - 1IUTTF:II. Market weaker. Ilecelpts. 4'snt packages; crenmcry, ex tra, 33c; higher scoring, 3.V,53tlc. state dairy, .Ufl33',c; Imitation creamery, 33tiff HHc. KOGS. Market Irregular. Ilecelpts, 3401 oases; fresh, extra, firsts, 371038c ; fresh, nrsts, 34J3cic. ; nearby whiles, SfiJ37c; nearby mixed, 8C!?41c. ; special marks, 23lif?20c. WILLIAM O. BOLIVAR BURIED Afro-American Bibliophile Was Ad mired by Rn.cc The funeral of William C. Bollvnr. one of the best known Afro-American Biblio philes In the United States, who died Thursday, was held this morning from his home, 761 South 15th street. Mr. Boli var, who wna 70 yeara old, was admired by his race throughout tho country. Ho received his early education at tho Institute for Colored Youth, then located In South Philadelphia. At the close of the Civil Wnr he received an appointment In the Wnr Department at Washington. MRS. JULIA BUTLER MEAD Mrs. Julia Hutlcr Mead, wife of Hear Ad miral William W. Mend, retired, died at her homo at St David's late last night. Heal Admiral Mead directed several Important maneuvers during 1110 Spanish-American War, being then In command of the V. S. 8. Brooklyn. He later was placed In command of the V. S. S. Machlas and was ni'tlve until his retirement from the navy, in liw. Mrs. Mead was a. daugh ter of a. prominent Kentucky family. In terment will be mndc nt Arlington Ceme tery, Washington, D. C., on Wednesday. 1 1 MRS. KATHRTN R0SEBERY Mrs. Knthryn Hoscbcry, wife of Hev. mour II. Hoscbery, who Is ercrctnry of Kuemmerlo & Co!, bond brokers, died yostcrdny nt her home In Hnmmonton, N, J. Sho wns In her 43d year. ERANOIS CADWALADER DADE Francis Cndwalader Dade, for many yenrs In the real estate business, and a familiar figuro In social and club circles died Friday at the Pennsylvania Hospltnl for the Insane, where ho has been an In mote for soveral months. He n rr r,i nervous breakdown, from which he Dover recovered. Mr. Dade, who wns graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, wan the son of the- late Captain Francis Cad wnlnder Dade, of the United States nnvy. Ho leaves a widow and daughter. Tho funeral services, the arrangement of which Is not yet completed," wilt tnke place from his late residence, 412 South 15th street. friends of the family re lajjled to W the funeral setiees on WHnesdsjr siiejf noon, at 1 o-eloek, st e residence h son-in-law. Augustus E-"5iMte it West 33d st. Interment strictly pmt- al Laurel Hill Cemetery. .,.,,. So,nfHh'uTm J gfe Church, at 10 a. m. Interment lioiy ww Cemetery. , ,. .., rm.!KIMl.l. On NyVh.'f1ali nrMgtt MtrilAIST husband ol JM lft "."."ifl d-,gmh..r JeWc S .whan 210 South Old Cathedral Cemetery. ., v GEtOKIl. FUEDnilICK Oi:iOnn,3711 Tor OmnV-MAnr OinHS.R02 South 7th st, tllOIIIlANO. ANTONIO 0!OnBA:,rj. g27 HAMTONOIIN HAMILTON, 1817 So. Ouenlher at, .... 1011 MATIT IMNNA.-On. November U.VBU. MART ii.im-n. it nannn nnd daughter or tne j.-MAnr ownNS, SIOS raltmount J OWENS. PArtnERAt lrammonton N. Jr .c1ot1Vhunn.lb..;ens PKVniCK. On November 14. 3 " V .H? AJ;: PaCif Bdward Penrlck. Puneifl en Tom day, at 8:30 a. m-, irom ,,....- - B son-in-law, James T. l"g", 'g, rrancU' inh nenulem Mass hi .clj... .... lion William II. Hanna and W'.jj, 'hr late Samuel, M. and Ueborah I, llgJ- Funeral sen ices i nn " .,;, 1711, 110 South 3Sth st.. on Tuesday, the nth Inst., at 2:30 p. m. Interment prhate. HKLLINGS-Al her late residence, 1013 rnlumbta ave.. on November 13, v AMANDA FnANCIS HELL1NUS. daughter of the late Jamea W. nn.l S arv A. Francis. IMe notice of the funeral JU' "'"...h ItlinTEIt, GUOItGll HOIlTEll, 2000 North JKNK1NSON. On November 14, lOJiJANC. . , . ....-. T..I, nin. nffsn 00 years. whww oiuroiKc "2i""""' . MJS1 day" at 8:30 m., from tne-re-.u-" -- llliem iiino-' "'.-;,.,- rA Church at 10 a. m. Interment ai x,u., High nequFsm Mass Interment FUNERAL OF E. Z. COLLINGS The funeral of Edward Znno Colllngs, one of the oldest cranberry cultlvatora In New Jersey, who tiled Friday, will tnke plnco tomorrow afternoon from his lato residence nt Laurel Springs, N. J. He wns 77 ypnrs old. Mr. Colllngs received his education nt the West Jersey Acad emy, nt Brldgeton. When the Civil War started he was appointed military store keeper. Ho Is survived by n. widow and several children. OBITUARIES ALBERT M. RENOUF Albert M. Itcnouf, head of the Henouf Design Company, died yesterday nt his home, 330R North Broad Btrcct. following nn Illness of several years. Ho was 31 years old. Mr. Honour, though born In Brooklyn, received his enrly training In the public schools of this city. He was graduated from tho Pennsylvania In dustrial School of Art and tho Drexcl In stitute. His widow, Mrs. Anna Henouf, a mother and brother survive. The funeral services will bo held Wednesday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, from his lato residence. MRS. EMMA S. COLT Mrs. Emma Stltzer Colt, wife of Dr. Olln B. Colt, of Now Ilnvcn, Conn., and formerly resident of this city, died Sat- Bcatljg HITTING KLLHN HITTING, C840 Spring field ne. 11I.AOK. MAHOAHET BLACIC. 2338 Webb street. IIOVD. At Uurllngion, N. .!., November 13. 1014, WILLIAM If. HOVD. In his 77th earl Kunernl from 20 Fdernl st.. Uurllngion. on Wednesday, November IS, nt 2 p. m, Inter ment Odd Fellows' Cemetery. IIUAIII.KY. On Not ember 12, 1014. WILL IAM J. 11HADLKV. Funeral on Wednesday. nt S:30 a, m from 2321 Mast Somcrsut st. Solemn Ilequlem Mass at St. Anne's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment New Cathedral Ceme tery. 1101)1). Suddenly, on November 14. 1014. JOHN WKSLHT 11UDD, husband of Mamie Iludd (nee Moss), nnd son of Isaac W. nnd Jennie Iludd (nee Scudder). Funeral services on Tuesday, nt 2 p. m , at ills parents' resi dence, 1401 llalrd avo., Cnmdcn, N. J. In terment private. Heddlng Cemetery. nUTLEIL CLAIIKNCK BUTLEK. 1323 Bo. Wartteld st. CLAKKE. On November 13, 1014. MAR THA J., daughter of Samuel and Anno E. Clarke. FMnernl on Tuesday, at 1 p. m.. from 3300 Modla t. gervicos In St. Jamea' Episcopal Church. 32d nnd Kershaw ne,, at 2 pm. Interment at Mnntroso Cemetery. COIT. Mrs. EM.MA 8TITZER COIT. wife of Dr. Olln II Colt nnd sister of Dr. Laura Stltzer Chapln, of this city, died In Hrooklyn Kovemner i-, jiu-i. unerai services xuea day, 2:30 p. m.. In the Methodist Church, llloomlicld, N. J COI.TJIS1L ALBERT COLLIER. 2720 Cam bridge at. CO.MHKIt. ELLA COMBER, 1303 Summer street. ClinsO. ROSA CROSO. OOd Annin st. HAIIi:. On November 13, 1014, FRANCIS CADWALADER DADE. Duo notice of the. funeral will be given. DEIHINGKK. November 13. 1014, GEORGE, husband of Anna C. DeWnger (neo Burk hardt). Funeral services Tuesday, nt 2 p. m., nt his late residence, 174S North Hodlna st. Interment at Nortnwooo; ucmctery. DILLON. On November 14, 1014, MART 13.. wife of Patrick C. Dillon. Due notice ot tha funeral will be given, from her lata resi dence, 3202 Hartvllle st. DIVKIl. On November 14. 1014, MARGA RET C wife of Harry Diver. Funeral on Tuesday, nt 7:30 a. m from 1432 North Feltnn at.. West Philadelphia. Interment at St. Denis' Cemetery. DOLAN. MART DOLAN, 1S74 South Amer ican at. DUNN. On tho 14th Inst.. ELIZA P.. widow of Jamea Dunn, aged 82 yeara. Itelatlvea and nstM af T,W,v. nt 1:30 n. m. Queen lane. F'nlis of Schuylkill. West Laurel Hill Cemetery. .-.tiPTlt HELM. On November 14.1014. E''IBAfTII O., wife of Charles Kelm and daughter or the late John and Elliaboth Quinn. Iunfl' Tuesday, nt 8:30 n. m.. from 333 North 1 lstn St. Solemn Requiem Mass at the Cathedral, at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre Ceme- ..W, KLMltHL.- On November IS, 1014. JffTA1, AIIINK A, widow of On en K. Klmbel. Funeral on Thursday. November 10, , at 1 p. m., rrom the residence of her son-in-law, Amoa It Allen, near Hatboro, l"a. Inter num Hatboro Cemetery. ,nr KLEIN. On November 13. 1014, JOSEPH, husbnnd ot the late Wllhelmlna Klein (neo Ilartle). aged 73 ars. Relatives and friends, also Sanitary Improvement Assn., Coach and Wngon nullders' Hen. Poc, directors of Ken sington llldg. Assn.. Constatter nnd Pchttet xen Verelns, Ravarlan Society, Maennerchor, Columbia. Allemnnla nnd Pfnelzer-Caslno flesang Verelns, nnd all otber societies of which he was a member, are Invited to attend funeral, Tuesdiy, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 2107 North 10th st. Interment rienanmnllnl fmBtfV. LEAHV On November 14. 1011. JOHANNA, wife of I)nbl Leahy. Funeral Wednesday, at H:30 a. m.. from I3rt Harrison ave., Glenside, Pn. Solemn High Ilequlem Mass at St. Luke's Church nt 10 n. m. Interment nt New Cnlhe dial Cemetorv. I.n.VTIinitlinitltV. On November 15. 1014, EDWARD M.i husband of Louisa I.rather berry. at his late residence, 1311 West Seltzer st. Duo notice of the funeral wilt bo T.ITAM. On November 13, 1014, MARTHA Ll'CAS. Dub notlco of funeral will bo given. MTArKItKY. On November 13, 1014, nt her Into residence, MART, widow of Owen McCaffrey. Duo notlco of funeral will bo given. MiGOVl'.IlN On November 13. 1014, JOHN P husband uf Emma McGovern (neo Pow ers!, nnd son of tho late Tatrick and Mary McGovern (nee Winn). Funeral on Thursday, nt 8:30 a. m., from 2710 East Thompson st. Solemn Requiem Mass nt St. Ann's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchro Ceme tery. M'tltTADE. On November 13. 1014, WIN- fieijD kccjtt, nusDnni or uiara a. aic Quadc. In his Olth year. Funeral services on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m., at his lato resi dence, 311 North Fclton st. Interment pri vate F'ormvood Cemetery. MIFFLIN. On November 14, 1014, CORA E.. wife of Thomas Mifflin. Funeral services on Ttvsday, at 2 p. m., nt her late residence. 3204 North Carllslo st. Interment at West minster Cemetery. OAT. On November 14, 1014, at her lata residence, S2: Greene St., Germantown, MARY ANN, widow of Charles Oat. Duo no tlco of funeral will be given. O'KEEl'E. At the Harrison Memorial Home on November 14. 11)14, HENRY O'KEEFE. Tunernl services on Tuesday, nt 2 p m., at the npartments of Oliver H.IIalr, 1820 Chest nut st. Interment nt Ml. Morlnh Cemetery. O'NEILL. On November IS, 1014. SUSAN, wife of Frank O'Neill. Funeral Thursday, at R:30 a. m., from 3320 llrnndyvvlne St.. West Philadelphia. Solemn Ilequlem Mass nt Rt. Aeatha'a Church, at 10 n. m. Inter ment Now Cathedral Cemetery. OSLER. On November 13, 11)14. VIRGINIA M., wife of Jehu Osier, aged 83 years. Funeral services on Wednesday, November PEIlMNoiENL-MICHELErERLtNGIENI. 2114 Toronto st. , - inii rA rETERMANi-qn N"meJ1Sc retermsn. LINDA M., widow of Lewis y. eierm.i. Funeral services on Tuesday, , at : J P- ";,, 1180 Bast Tioga st. Interment norm Hill Cemetery. ,, 1ai, . j,er rnoi.EV. Oft November 12, lwi'i fiA J ate residence. 1337 Euclid .. Mrs. IDA L. POOLET. Funeral sendees at OnetBVUn Church, nroad and Ilerks sts., on Tuesday, at V P. m. Intefment P"TIJ'e'ioii AT.TIERT ni:NHUP. On November IS, ip14'AJini".i mciit West laurel Hill Cemetery. .- ItlltlM'.r. -On November 13, 1014, ";; st Requiem Mass at the churen 01 ins Visitation, at 10 a. m. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. .,, KTj. HOSnilKKY-On November In, W l,?..h.i. VlYN btloved wife of Seymour II. Rosebery. Notice of funeral inter. nonPNTlERG. ItniHNIir.RG. PAULINE HOSBKUWiui 2040 N, Front at. ,. .PMNTW IIOTAN. On November 14, 101i Jf1lS C.vflfe of Martin II. Kotan, 8r., f B years. FMnernl Tuesday, at 2:30 p, m., from Residence. Sewell, N. J. Services at tho horns. Interment at Rlackwood, N. J. lUITTENHEnO. MORRIS RUTTENDERa, SAcV-On No'kmber 14, 1014, MAnTHA J. widow of Amos S. Sack. Funeral services on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at her late j-esIJenoe, 1012 East Moyamenalng ave. Interment pn- SHORT. On November 13. pH, ; ERICK M. SHORT, husband of Hannah Short and son of James "" A An7 drews Funeral services on 1 ednesday. at 2 p m , at his late residence. 202S Ivorth lionsnll it. Interment private. ,. SINGLE, On November 11. 1DH, IlfflBECOA "j.. life of, Gu.tav Single (nee FoItiV at her son-n-law's .residence, . IMT Eyrt it. (Palmer and Rolgraae sn.j. uue miuc. of the funeral will be given. STEEL. November 14. 1014. at New Tork city. WILLIAM W. STEEL, of Philadelphia, nged 84 yenra. Funeral aervlces at the resi dence of James S. Studdeford, Lambertvtile, N. J., at 3 p. m.. Tuesday, November 17. STILIAVELL. On November 14, 1014, Dr. WALTER COOPER STILLWFlLL. Rela- Ylies and friends are Invited to attend the funeral eervlccs. on Tuesday rnomlng. at 11 o'clock, at his late residence, 1218 B. Broad st. Interment private. .,..- Tl'RNEIt. On November IB, 1014. MART C TURNER, wife of nobcrt E, Turner, Sr. Funeral on Thursday! at 8:30 a. m., from her lato residence, 1717 South 10th St. High Mass, at St. Thomas Aquinas' Church, at 10 VOI.LRAT1L On November IB. Ifl., ? L1LLIE, daughter of Christina and the lato Robert Vollratb. aged 20 years. Funeral on Wednesday, nt 2 P. m.. from the residence of her mother, 31)13 North 8th st. Interment American Mechanics' Cemetery. ,.. WAGNER. On November 14, 1BI4. JOHN O.. son of John J. nnd Mary O. Wagner, need 2 years and 4 months. Tha relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, from his parents' residence. 3340 Aspen st. Interment W1I.KINS. On November IB. 1014. SALLIE 11. WILKINS, matron of the Julia White I'rlrcllla Homo, at La Mott. Funeral serv ices at tho home. Monday, at 8 p. m. Inter ment ut Merlon Cemetery. HANDLER BROS 111 Ilrnadtviiy Nevv York 1338 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. With the opening of the New York Cotton Exchange, we aro prepared to offer every facility for trading in that commodity. Private wires to nil financial centres .Members of , New York Stock Exchange New York Cotton Kirhnnge Philadelphia Stock Exchange Chlrngo Stock Exchange Chicago Hoard of Trade Car. .direct tlons J'.tansfi paring Mextcc for th, will b UL Wh. when tuinoi Fl I 11 Tt J I Wnal Iff ' 11 n ifl 3 1 1 m an you ouv lor a im ore Precious Than a Human Lif ckel Yet five cents will pay for a. meal for a starving- woman or child in Belgium. Hundreds of thousands of Philadelphians have not yet contributed to the food fund for Flanders. Think what it would mean if each one of them would contribute only five cents! You all can do it. Won't you please? Will You Help Fill a Thanksgiving Ship? Never before have Americans had so much cause for giving thanks that they are Americans. If today were Thanksgiving Day, a million Philadelphians would sit down to groaning tables without having given one penny to help feed a starving nation. :'' .::.H "There are hungry people at home," you say. There are. But if the wants of our people were multiplied a thousand times, the NEEDS of the Belgians would overshadow them. It is not a matter of making people more com fortable. It is a matter of saving their lives. "Only Let Us Live !" is the Belgian Cry , , Suppose you came to the edge of a pool on which two strangers were fighting; suppose the stranger pushed the other into the water; suppose the man in the water was drowning and reached -up his hands for help. . Would you help, or would you let him drown because you had not, pushed, him in? A 1 Telephones: Filbert 2456 and Filbert 2457 ' r- Lend a Hand Here, Belgium is Dying ! The "Thelma" is well on her way to the other side, but that one shipload of food will be gone in a flash. One ship is not enough fromPhiladelphia. The response to that first appeal was so generous, so prompt, so whole-hearted, that it should not take long to fill another ship a Thanks giving Ship and speed her after the first. If you have already given to the fund, give more if you can spare it. If you have not yet given anything Give Now! Give Now! Give Now! in Pity's Name n ., J.he headquarters remain open in the Lincoln Building, Broad Street and South Penn Square fc-- Gyrtts H. IC Curtis , . Cyrus H. K Curtis , Benjamin G. Wells John I Collier , Public Ledger Evening Ledger Philadelphia Press . Evening Telegraph M.F.Hanson. , ,, Philadelphia Record James Elverson Jr.. Philadelphia Inquirer E A. Van Valkeriburg . North American W. I, McLean , . Evening Bulletin m fi'l I w. ygmmm&mm$mi9iil9 SPSt- r "-y f.W 3ifefa . 4 f -"! " mMm&&m i ftr&fii J 3S feS -fl sCfe