imm mnmmwimmim, ,ilf 'Maptl Bgr.TO.gM1 fhf r F'S I TRADING IN COTTON LIGHT AS NEW YORK EXCHANGEREOPENS Market Steady, With Prices Far Under the Closing on July 31 Attendance Is Large. i CMv0? Kov' 16 Tho Ncw york fiM? Li c"a.M8e feoiKiicil thl mornlni? SrJLit"513: ,nrR0 "limbed of traders Urgent and TMth the galleries crowded. w. Tarkct. 1,onc'1 '"end.v, but there half h mi!Sh tra(U"B durlns the llrst JI?iV. i ' Tho prlcc,s wero fftr um,c- "u 1 rices when ll,0 market closed In July, but JL ,of what has happened since then i,,.;,. . . Wcro Ratlncd that tho llgures levels Ctrtl0n t0day wero ttt falr December opened ot 7.45c, January nt 700,. March nt 7.85c. aifd May at 8.10c. .'.!, .. mlnue these prices had ' m?etl .BlEhJ'- However, there was ?i!l..n ., ot C0fntlnce among the traders ,,-- . . nmrk' soon would begin nn upward movement. Everything was done that could be done to help out tho cottrti market while tho radiance was clcsed. Committees wcro appointed to take care of the unliquidated Holdings of cotton here, and these com mittees Woro fnlrly successful. Further than this, tho Cotton Trading Corporation was formed to take over the OUtfltUndlllir lnnrr mulnicl. Tl,l mnJ. ration was backed by a syndicate of bank ers and guaranteed to tako over 2C0.CO) bales of cotton nt 9 cents. When the oxchannc closed last July there was a big drop In the price demand ed for seats. Some scats weru offered nt prices around JfiOOO and $7000. with no takers. This morning 10,000 was bid for a seat and $11,000 was asked. The prices when tho market closed In July wero ns follows: August, O.Wc.; Sep tember. 10.40c.; October, 10.40c; November, 10.50c; December, 10.75c; January, 10.iCc.: March, lo.79c; April, 10.00c; May, 11.10c FINANCIAL BRIEFS New York banks Rained from tho Sub treasury Saturday $1,126,000 nnd slnco Friday have lost $2,108,000. Tho special committee of seven of tho New York Stock Exchange gave notice that dealings In unlisted municipal nnd State bonds for domestic account may now be conducted without restrictions. AH transactions for delayed delivery or seller contract should continue to bo sub mitted to tho committee. Tho Consumers Power Company of Michigan sold $500,000 tlrst lien and re funding 6 per cent, bonds to Harris. Forbes & Co. nnd Perry, Coffin & Burr. The bonds aro part of nn authorized Issue Of $33,000,000, of which $12,936,000 have been Issued. The minual meeting of the Nevada Wonder Mining Company will bo hold on December 2 at 2 p. m. In tho offices tit tho company In tho Bullitt Building. It Is announced that Frank M. Dick nnd Marshall Gecr, of the firm of Dick Brothers & Co., havo retired. Thero were 371 business failures In tho United States last week, according to Bradstreet's, compared with 317 In the previous week and 305 for tho same week of the previous year. NOTES, OF THE RAIL Allowances to be made by trunk Una carriers to industrial railways and short lines serving Industries was considered at a meeting held today by Examiner Car malt, of tho Interstate Commerce Com mission. Most of the claims presented wero from representatives of short lines In the Mlddlo West. Tho Interstate Commerce Commission ordered a reopening of the caso which concerned the division of through rates on coal from Virginia mines to various Southern and Western points. It Is the purposo to fix a proper division of these rates, amending a former decision by the commission. The divisions are made with short roads by trunk lines, either serving industries or small places. An order was issued by tho Interstate Commerce Commission permitting tho Chicago, Milwaukee nnd St. Paul Rail road to establish class rates between St. Paul, Minneapolis, Winona, Minn., and I.a Crosse, AVis., nnd rates on wheat, corn, rye, oats, barley, cattle, horses, brick, salt nnd cement to stations on the Water loo, Cedar Falls and Northern Railroad, the same as are In effect by tho mora direct line. It Is provided that the route should not be more than 15 per cent, longer than the most direct route. Proposed Increases In rates on sand and gravel in carloads over tho Chicago and Northwestern and the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroads from points In Wisconsin to Chicago were suspended by the Interstate Commerce Commission to day until March 15 next. Tho Increases amounted to half and three-quarter fents per 10Q p6unds. The present rates from Belolt and Janesville, Wis., to Chicago are 1 cents per 10 pounds and the proposed rate Is 2!J cents per 100 pounds. m I Wu Yes Tlieresef itf s 82 B M id inns m . - Si m EVENING MERION SPEED LIMIT J5MILE5 MERION'S DECORATIVE o; MERION, THE MODEL MAIN LINE TOWN, HAS VARIED CHARM Civic Association Planning Many Additional Improve ments Community an Ideal Place of Residence. Merlon, which tho Bureau of Municipal Research of New York, tho foremost bu reau of Its character In the country, de scribes as a model town, lu planning msny up-to-date Improvements for tho benefit of Its residents. Tho prime movers for the betterments of Merlon ura tho mem bers of tho Merlon Civic Association, an organization composed of prominent men, many of whom are woll known In the business world, which recently Issued a year book containing much Information about their town, Ever since tho Merlon Civic Associa tion was formed it has been tho motto of every member to devote a part of his leisure time formulating plans for the protection of life and property In Merlon community. The president of the Merlon Civic As sociation 13 Edward W. Bok. Tho vice presidents aie Eldrldge R. Johnson, Wil liam P. Gest, Sydney Thayer and William Do Krafft, who Is secretary and treasurer. One of the first steps after tho asso ciation was formed was to obtain for Merlon better police protection. Morion Is proud over her robbery record. During the Inst year only four robberies have occurred there. Merlon also has a comprehensive plan of Are protection. Tho procuring of better roads is one of the features of tho many Improvements brought about by the Mer lon Civic Association. Negotlons nro now under way looking toward tho experiment of a modern taxlcab service at tho rail road station. , The population of Merlon la 1046. There are 4D moro women in Merlon than thero are men. There nro 100 children of 10 yours and under 52 boys and 48 girls. Thero aro 71 young persons, from 10 to 21 years of age, of whom 33 aro young men; 3S are young women. There are 412 serv ants residing In Morion. Now tho members of tho Merlon Civic Association are rearranging the police service so that three pojlcemen will be on duty at night and two during the day time. It Is also arranging for an active agitation to abolish tho tollgutes on Lan caster and Montgomery pikes. Tho association is erecting tho first of Its 109 new lamps, which have been pro ncunccd by experts and architects to bo tho most beautiful and practical lamps evei designed for any community. Five boundary signs, showing the boundaries of Merlon for the conveni ence of motorists, aro being built. A man has also been engaged by the asso ciation who drives about In a cart nnd whose duties aro to keep tho streets of Merlon clean and spotless. DOG HIS OWN EXPRESSMAN Breaks Out of Crate and Finds Mis tress in Her New Home. PITMAN, N. J.. Nov. lfl.-,AVhen Mrs. Jnmes Gordon, whose family has Just moved here from Indlanu, went to the telephone to niuwer n call from a local expressman, who reported the arrival of the Gordons' dog from the Western State, Pile tlDD linen uyivu uy a BllUlllll Ul the back door. W As the opened the door the dog came bounding Into the room. He had broken out of his crate In front of the express office, more than a mile from the Gordon home, while the expressman was tele phoning. Thero were $3 express charges due on tho dog, which the expressman gave up hope of ever collecting until Mrs. Gordon drove Into town an hour later and tojd of the arrival of her pet. for girls !" "W11'1' LEDGEBPHILADELPHTA MONDAY, NOVEMBER gfgf SIGN POSTS AND LAMPS PRICES GENERALLY FIRM AT OFFICIAL OPENING OF CURB Resumption of Business Caused No Demonstration, NEW YORK, Nov. 16. Thero was no demonstration nt the official opening of the curb market today, owing to the fact that the curb really opened last Thursday. . Prices were generally firm. Tho opening today was llko every other day, the only difference being that It was much similar to the trading dono on the nrst day when It waB ofllcially rocog nlzcd by the New York Stock Exchange. The ocenlnR prices iore aa follows: AnKlii American Oil U'iff IBM Urltlsh-Amerlcan Tobacco MtSV ll)W rto now 1 ti 17 Maxwell Motor 14 it 14S Jo ltt rrf V 44 do 2d pref 17 ft iu Trent Hliarlnir II W lHi Cigar Htores S-SV NJy HcRcmnn .. . , 7?iSf, . TJS Manhattan Tranult 7 1-iSfol) 1-10 llruden SUV Wj Nlplaalni . S ft n', StnnclanY Oil Now York 100 01IM uo California 8ih) n2l)l do New Jersey 374 (il.'tTil do Indiana Wo dt4T Pralrln it.n (WISH , if. II flCIHfl 171 1017.-. 71 SM .17 iii mi Olilo Oil I'nlon Tnn N. A. Transit Atlantic Krnnint j,,j.-, h.'i.'ip lUickeyo 11.1 ftllR Continental Oil 80 If m Creicent Plpo 40 iff -IS Cumberland M O 57 rairrkn 21 fl2:io Indiana rir ft iff ns New York TYnnsIt 21 2?.1 Ohio Oil 171 ?1T I'lerco 12 q 14 Tralrle .170 rtilKO Southern Plpo If'- 1H7 Southern Callfornlo ?.s J22 Indiana ... -ino HN70 Nebraska Sin KnntUPkv 241 fl2.w New York 1SS ff?in2 Ohio 4ln khio Anglo-American 14iffT 1.1U Standard Oil New Jersey 371 JI374. IRON AND STEEL RATES Commerce Board Allows Charge of 85 Cents a Ton Pending Final Action. WASHINGTON, Nov. IB.-Pendlng final action the Interstate Commerce Commis sion' granted permission to the Pennsyl vania and Iehlgh Valley Railroads today to charge a rate of 85 cents per ton on Iron and steel nrtlclcs shipped from Philadelphia to Bethlehem nnd South Bethlehem, Pa without observing the provisions of tho long nnd short hnul clnueo of the commerce act. Such tariffs must bo filed with the commission before February 17 next. Commissioner Meyer, at the same time, began n, hearing on tho rules nnd prac tices of carriers In regard to iron oro shipments. A comprehensive Investiga tion Is under way by tho commission into the subject, nnd the hearing today was for tho purposo of allowing carriers to present such facts as to enable tho com mlslon to adopt rules governing tho transportation of this character. TOY FACTORIES ON BOOM BINGHAMTON, N. Y., NoV. M.-The European war has brought prosperity to toy and novelty manufacturers In Blng hamton and vicinity. Tho Williamson Manufacturing Company, which until this year met sharp- competition from Ger man toy factories. Is rushed with orders and Is working three Bhifts of eight hours each In an effort to supply tho New York toy trade. At Walton the novelty works, which manufacture Christmas toys, nro running overtime, nnd 100 men are em ployed. 1IKSOI1TS The Delights of Getting Well L You an combine the enjoyments of a magnificent retort hold with ALL the TREATMENTS given at AU, Vichy, Karlsbad, Naubelm, or Ilarrogite at HOTEL CHAMBERLIN Old Point Comfort lntrrltlnhookltts.ollcdferib!nffCllel'uel, byCtumb!UaMetiuxli,eAtontqucst. Addicis CEO, F. ADAMS, Mir., Fortriu Mesne, Ya. S m good m . m k 4 SURGE OF BATTLE AS FELT BY MEN BEHIND THE GUNS Soldiers of Who Hear Roar of Cannon and Crackle Shell Tell of Experiences in Conflict That Shakes World. IMnlls of a sanguinary conflict In which the British troops in Northerg France repulsed a Ocrmnn attack under cover of darkness, and then In turn at tacked with the bayonet and routed the tlermans, who lost a number of prison ers and guns, are told In a letter by a French ofricor. He writes: "It was one of tho most brilliant plecest of fighting lhat has yet marked the war. The whole force of the enemy was hurled forward during the early morning. The darkness was intensified by a storm, and the rain which wns falling was accom panied by an Impenetrable curtain of mist. Advancing In the murky darknesB, over n slippery field of mud, tho Ger many canio upon the barbed wire en tanglements stretched before tho Allies',1?h.cs' TI, alarm was given and the British opened nro with small arms, nulck-nrliig guns nnd artillery. The b ackuess of night and storm soon was pierced for tho distance of n mile with sheets of llame from rifle nnd cannon, nursling shells gave off a crimson glare, which was followed Instantly by clouds of white nnd block smoke, which hung low over tho field, being unablo to rise becnuso of the heavy fog-fliled atmos pnorc. Tho shrnunel and th vnliKf from the quick-firing guns ate long InncB n the German rnnkn. Tho mlvnnrinq- lino wavered. nllri thfn tlm nvit. ....... nl i 5 . , ,lBl1 lo charge. "With I was a civilian nnd not in uniform proh- Woods, nre following up clues, which, It h.i, -' i B ,?. f?nctlsli sprang from ! nbly accounted for his nuccess. Wnt- ' is hoped, will shed light on the Identity nl.mnni Vi. 'rV m , !l s"outs of encour- kins climbed the wnlls of the fortress t of tho bomb planter who attempted Mag moved f i J!"8 of b"la'"ns "tec! wiicro ho was confined, and after n week I Jstrato Campbell's life. I..-.- . .. . . ----.. .i.v x,, v.ui nun IMltttlltl. inn llMVtt.nMK .... seized with dismay, and turned and fled, eaviiK a number of prisoners. Four ow zers fell Into the hands of the Eng- The diary of a private In tho Colds- tream Gum ds, killed lu bnttlo. wns picked UP On the flnlil T ,r,..i..i.i up on mo Held. It contained other things, this iinrncrnnlw among It Is awful shooting big. tine men who have dono us no harm, but we do it or they will do It to us." Of another engagement he wroto: "t got a good range nt 3)1 ynrds and dropped three poor men with four shots. Captain Burton congratulated mo on my good shooting, rnptnln Burton got shot In tho thigh, nnd I went back for him undor Are nnd hnd to hnlf carry him two nr threo hundred ynrds, nnd landed him ir. the doctor's hands." Tho sympathy extended to wounded British soldiers by the French pcopl". nlthough slncoro nnd well-meant. Is not always appreciated by tho "Tommies." One Englishman on a train carrying the wounded to tho renr snys: "We had stopped nt some wnyslde sta tion between Uo Mnn-s nnd Nantes. "I heard tho dreaded words 'Anglais blcsse ' but pretended to go on sleeping. It wns no use. I felt a hand fumbling about me In tho darkness, nnd found n somcwhnt overripe peach thrust Into my grasp. I aald thank ou, but I was not blesse, nnd I wished to go to sleep. THANKSGIVING LINENS $3.25 Table Cloths, $2.49 An odd lot from Belfast. Pure linen, with beautiful satin finish. All now and up-to-date floral and striped patterns. 2x2 ynrds long. S3 IRISH LINEN NAPKINS, f0 1 Q DOZEN 3i . 1 7 Extra heavy, pure lluon damask. Size. 22x22 Inches. All new floral nnd sntln atrlpo patterns. First Floor, North. Rugs As retailers $1.15 Inlaid Linoleum, 2 yds. MATTING BARGAINS One hundred rolls of Jnpnnese nnd Chinese matting all new, pliable goods M-yiird rolls. 812 Jaimnese .Matting . . , . '7.98 I5 Clilnn I Matting; Sheets, Blankets & Comfortables Savings that are well worth considering. 85c Seamless Sheets at 69c Of standard makes of bleached, heavy quality sheeting, no dress ing. Size mx'ju incites. Snme quality (size 00x90 or 81x99 inches) Plllntr Cnses (15jJ6 Inches) llolnter Cmim (12x76 M Inches) 79c 18c 37c $1 Fancy Pillow Cases: pair 75c Of flue bleached and unbleached muslin; hemstitched, with initials or embroidered design above hem. Size 45x86 inches. One pair In box. $7 Lambs' Wool Blankets: pair $5 Fine quality white lambs' wool, soft, fleecy nap, made on spool cotton warp. In white and gray, with pink nnd blue borders and silk binding, Double-bed size. $2 Chocolate Sets Fourteen Pieces of Im Ported China $1.25 With floral deco rations on white. Set i n cl u d e s chocolate pot and, cover, six cups ana s i x saucers to mat;n. Mail or 'plume orders filUd. $1 Sugar & Cream Sets, 49c Dainty floral decoration, gold lined. $1 Salad Bowls, 49c German china, pretty floral dcor attoa. THIRD FLOOR iut MHtmmiis IN OVB rfaj wiytiiL II mPf 8?shZJ, Neverthelcss, a wet rag soaked In In ferior eau-de-Cologne rs deposited on my face before the hand was withdrawn and tho door shut. British marines and sailors, Interned In Holland nfter tho German occupation of Antwerp, nro chafing under the restraint. "Our life here Is very monotonous, but wo aro hoping to get away before the end of Ihe year," writes H. K. Bray, "If. 1) ," a member of the Colllngwood bat talion of tho 1st Naval Brigade, now In terned nt Grontngen, After tho British War Office had re ported In the usual form that Private Chnrlei Heath had been killed In action nt Mons, a memorial service was held nt the local church In Tipton, Stafford shire, the family went Inte mourning and tho Insurance company paid the policy on his life. Some weeks later came a post card from Heath saying that he was a prisoner of war, hut was Well and only required n supply of cigarettes to make him rensonnbly contented. The Germans guard their prisoners of war so closely that slnco tho beginning of the war only one man, It is bellovd, has succeeded In escanlntr. His name is nrt,nrr1 tt'nfl.l.m n,.1 II.a fn.,1 l.n t "ttim.u ,,, .,..i, n,.- ,u.i ititi. ; vm. (ji-iiiuuB uuvmiiiK, iiuiuuHvu iu rcucn the Danish frontier. Mrs. Mary Gaunt, noted explorer, who recently ventured to London artcr long and adventurous travels In China, nnd who herself had dlthculty In getting from Pctrograd to Hnglnnd. her ship being l.l.l . 1... M i.KMH.. .....I .-iiH 1 hold up by a German cruiser, tells how ono English youth got away from Ger many after tho declaration of war by sheer "cheek." lie wrote to an American C011311I asking for help or a passport, and a reply came regretting tho Im possibility of ncccdlng to his request. This very letter tho young man flaunted In the eyes of German officials every where. They could not read English, but they recognized the American Con sular notcpaper nnd allowed him to leave tho country without tho least hesitation. If disposition of the Victoria Cross wore In the control of Signaler George Lee, of the Boyal Berks Regiment, who Is at homo recovering from wounds re ceived at the battle of tho Alsno, the tlrst recipient would bo n driver of the Royal Field Artillery. Concerning tho driver's bravery the Berks man says: "During a flerco encounter a gun's crew woro put out of action, the men being either killed or wounded. Tho driver obtnlncd a team of horses and calmly wnlked them down to the gun, with sholls bursting nil nround. Having leached tho Bpot, ho limbered up and brought the guns safely back. Neither ho nor the horses were hit." r - STORE OPENS 8.30 A. M. CLOSES AT 15.30 P. jr. BATS TRIMMED Double Yellow Trading Stamps With Every 10c Purchase Until Noon : After That, Until Closing Time, Single Stamps Market Eighth Filbert Seventh Linoleums : Caroets ire were the InrRrnt purchasers In the York Wc secured Inlaid and Cork LINOLEUM Priced to At most Half Regular Value From two prominent manufacturers, patterns from which to choose. $1.35 Inlaid Linoleum, wide, aq, 2 yds. wide, sq. 66c . yd,, CARPET BARGAINS Limited lots. Please bring sizes. 31.35 Milton Velvet QQ Stnlr Cnriiet, yard. "OC '8.98 $3.50 Comfortables, 52.2U Covered with figured stlkollne and satlne flKured all-over; somo plnin centres and fanoy borders of con trasting colors. White cotton Milne. Double-bed size. $6.00 Down-and-Wool Comfortables, $ 1.98 Covered with best American mercer ized satlne, figured on both sides; pure, odorless down filling: size 72x 72 Inches. Others have plain satlne borders, pure Australian lambs' wool Hlllng; sizes 72x80 inches. 85c Quilted Padding, 65c Come St Inches wide. Covered with fine bleached muslin, filled with white cotton; nicely quilted and bound. Slightly oil stained. $4 Blankets: pair $2.98 Fine woo), with cotton mixture made on spool cotton warp. White and gray with pink and blue borders and silk binding. Double-bed size, FIRST FLOOR, NORTH STOVE SPECIALS $2.50 Oil Stove, $1.98 ou Mop Quint Qfi SJJ.-., Genuine National stove; ' c. 7e Vnlno ' -' Miller burner: smokeless tf'ffliwiKSTfl and odorless. Senate Stove N8aL17,50 $S.S0 sends one home, ft a week pays for it. Six-hole top, full-size oven and fire box, large ash box, plain trimmed. Same ttyle, with high Shelf. U43 extra. $2.50 Cylinder Stove. S1.59 Mops are triangular shape Of cast iron, damper in pipe, sliding door, bet for reaching inte eor r sh pit. ner8. Complete outfit 98tu mU BlAgllAS'lWBBWr OP KVMKYTU.Ku AT LWUESXICliS--JuiKlAKSUM'UMil 16, 1914. NEW YORK GUARDED IN FEAR OF BOMBS Door Leading Under Office of Commissioner Closed After Discovery of Explo sive in Magistrate's Court. N13W YortK, Nov. lfl.-The closing of tho north door of pollco headquarters, following the nclloti of Pollcoman George L. O'Connor, who dlscoveicd a bomb and snuffed out Its fuse In Magistrate Camp bell's court, on Saturday, has aroused much speculation nnd led to tho belief that a fear of a bomb outrage nt head qiinrtcrs prompted this action. The door Is directly beneath tho ofllco of the Po lice Commissioner. However, the sugges tion wns laughed nt by headquarter of ficials. Before tho Tombs Court, where Magis trate Cnmpbell Is sitting, wns opened to day, n thorough search of the chnmbers unci adjoining hnltwnys wns made. In fact, every courtroom of tho city Is now under the closest scrutiny, detectives having been assigned especially for this task. Inspector Joseph Tnurot nnd Captain Gray, of tho detective bureau, under the personal direction of Police Commissioner ouspicun 13 uueuicu cnieny nl 11 man who left tho court room a few moments i before tho explosion. Meyer Schloss, a Inwver. anvs ho anw thin mnn. "As I left tho court room," snld Schloss. Sgf' l?3V 'TIS A FEAT Lace Boot Six Dollars I.ndlr' Shoe Parlors, Second Floor ta: X 11 1 1 I 1 I 1 November 16. Store Closes 5.30 P. M. ; mail or phone orders filled FREE OF CHARGE recent four-million dollar auction nnle really marvelous tallica In lilprh-clusa Ample qunntltles from full rolls; plenty of good 80c Cork Linoleum, c yd., 4 yds. wide, sq. yd., OOe Veliet Stnlr Cnr- CQ pet, ynid OCC FOURTH FLOOR AAA4AAU4AAUILtf.IUAUAtU.t.UUJl.AAAAUftlUUMMUUUtMMUlt ;lanj Housetvives Are Noiu Busy Making the Home More Attractive lor inc II u ami y oanoii mere t.ra Curtains : Draperies : Portieres At Prices Remarkably Low for Their Qualities $2.00 and $2.50 Lace Panels and Bonne $ OQ Femme Curtains: Each ' Cable net in white nnd Arabian, with heavy braided centre designs; some with combination of Marie Antoinette nnd Renaissance lace de signs in centre. i LACE CURTAINS: Specials Including tine Scotch lace of strong thread and durable; elaborately de i aicneil liorriers: also lmnorteil IrUh iinlnt unit SnlHK tuiuliour curtains. 3 and 3Va yards long, with plain and figured centres and wide sppllqued ! borders; some have heavy raised cushion work designs. Scotch Thread Curtains , 8I..10 Piilrn, PSi- S3 S3 Pnlrs, t.OS Pulrn, SS.U8 S3 Pnlrn, SI.S5 ; 92.S0 Palm, If I.-1U Irish Point Lace Curtains ; S3 Palm. S3.0S JKI.SO 1'ulm, JU.US ! 7.50 1'ulm, 93.0S 0 Pairs. a.t8 SID Pairs, ST.OS HVi Palm, 0.08 Swiss Tambour Curtains $7,50 to $12 pairs, $5.98 to $9.98 wuwwwwMwnwwwvwwwwwuwvww Ezy-Slip-On $1.75 Value Two separate Ant mops an oil wO mop & chem- CvmT ieallv treated dust mop, in terchangeable, on long ad justable han dle. Also -pint ea of cedar oil w .sa SaHf PViJrBi I "Just before the magistrate, came out of his chambers, 1 happened to glance at A man In ft gray overcoat sealed on th' bench beneath which the bomb nftrrward was found. He came out after me. My attention was nttracted to him because he wns very nervous. I got Into oohver( AAllnn with him Ha KAld: .m "This Judge has sent nwAy the I. W W. people. It's his turn now. una ' irolnir tn tret what Is comlna- to him.' "A moment later O'Connor ran out ofWj the court room with the bomb in his hands and tho man rushed out aftef him. I saw him disappearing around the corner of White street" ANARCHISTS DIDN'T SET BOMB, SAYS BERKMAN Unemployed Laborer May Hnva Sought Bevenge, He Thinks. MTTSBUIIGH, Pa Nov. 16.-Alex' andcr Bcrkman, anarchist and ex-con-vicl, who Is here delivering a series' of lectures, today denied emphatically that the discovery of a bomb In the Tombs Pollco Court, New York, last Friday, had anything to do with recent anar chistic meetings In that city at Which Bcrkman presided. He Is now on ball rii chntged with resisting nn officer In New Ijf York last Monday nlglit. "To my knowledge," said Bcrkman, "at 1 no time during our meetings was a cam- pnlgn planned against Mayor Mltchel, I Commissioner Dnvla or Magistrate V Slmms and Campbell, ns Deputy Com missioner of Corrections Lewis charges. "1 cannot account for any violence on the part of anarchists as a body, buf some Individual laborer, unemployed, mn have acted on his own Initiative and si tight revenge. Magistrate Slmms and Campbell were Instrumental In sending: several unemployed persons to prison recently." AUSTRIAN MONEY BELOW PAB, 'ZURICH. Nov. 16. A dispatch from -Vienna says the exchango value of tlje Austrian florin, which was 106 before the wnr, hns fallen to S3, while French bank notes still command a premium of 1 per cent. TO FIT FEET a la Militaire Fashion's latest dictate is this lace boot with vamp and heel foxing of dull calf and new shade gray topping. The nnrrow, dull leather stays, from vamp to top, and Hussar lncing, give the military appearance in vogue today. All-leather Louis-Cuban heel main tains tho shape and adds to the serv ice. The Big Shoe Store 1204-0608 Market St. You can always be sure of getting extra good values in the premiums you secure with YELLOW TRADING STAMPS If is merchandise of high quality and of wide variety. Double afawtps here in tho morning. of Alexnnder Smith A Son from New rugs. OTHER RUG VALUES Some lots limited. $33.00 AxmlriHtcr Rugs, S0 1 QC! 10.0x13.6 feet 6I1OO $27.:0 Senmtesii Vellct, f 1 Q QQ 10.6x12 feet 10.i70 ScnmlfMH Roynl Wilton, 50j 8.3x10.0 feet O ?l'.r,ll .Srnmlcss Velvet, ?f T firt 8.3x10.6 feet HiOU Tapestry IlruHsels, 9-1 O QQ 0x12 feet 1J.I70 ?I.".(I(I Tniiestry RrunselN. Sf - QQ 8.3xlO.G feet IX. IO r.nil Itont -Wilton, 36x63 Inches . 5.9S 15c Rubber Stair Qr Treads, Each ... 0i Size GxlS inches. Just 700 dozen. Mail nnd 'phone orders filled while lot lasts. 50c Window Shades at 33c Oil opaque shading, mounted on guaranteed' spring rollers. Com plete with attachments. Irish Point Panels 2i- Yards Long 30 Indira Wldei each. ........ .2.08 in lui'lim AVldei each 83.48 00 Inch Wldei cach... SJ.4S THIRD FLOOR LAMP SPECIALS $tfffi Desk Lamps $2.39 Heavy brass base, with flovlble goose neek and reflector; S feet of cord attached. $7.98 Gas Lamps, $4.98 Heavy brass base; h4 with briuf scroll around bonjer la dif fernt color wht and grteu. utunjiUU for MM. $1.75 Inverted Gas Light, S8e Complete with mantle, fey-paw Mtf Imitation cut 1 ld. HuUSlflKlKNiaUlNU HlCOTiON, 7553S3ES55SSS5Si553i5Khw& Mimim&fo Mattings lira mfLWW rTnll..rif:-"j "--'"r-iiiiiTijifif 7 I V" I" ' i ry s w i , nil