EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1914. 3 f A. F. OF L, RESENTS NONUNION LABOR ON LINCOLN GIFT Former Attorney General McRcynolds Criticised for Decision Declared Oppos ed to 8-Hour Law. Former Attorney General Mcnoynoldi, now Asfc'clate Justice of the Supremo Court of tho United States, was criticized at tho convention of tho American , foil ration of Lnbor, In Horticultural Hall, today for a decision which Vlco President Duncan, of the Federation, said Mr. Mc Itoynolds made on tho eight-hour work day as It applies to ffo-crnment work. According to Mr. Duncan, Mr. Mcltcy nolds whon-Attorney Gincrnl rendered an opinion to the effect that all material used on government bulldlnR operations was to bo considered In the nature of supplies, and vns to be put chased In tho open mar ket, ivhero tho elghl-hoiu; law was not applied. According to n report presented by Mr. Duncan, Mr. McRcynolds gave his opinion on tho basis of a statement mado by Secretary of Labor Wilson on the floor of the House of Representatives when ho was a member of Congress from Penn sylvania. Mr. Duncan Muted, as a result of the opinion of Mr. McRcynolds, tho Lincoln Memorial, now being constructed , at Washington, was being- built by non union labor with material supplied by non-union labor. INVESTIGATION ASKED. The convention adopted tho report of the committee to the effect that n thor ough Investigation bo mado on tho sub ject and that an effort be mado to ob tain another opinion from present Attor ney General Gregory, and that If the lat ter's opinion also proves unfavorable an offoit bo mudc to obtain additional legis lation from Congress which would com pel tho application of the Federal etelit hour act ndt only directly to Government operations but to tho purchase of ma terial and supplies. A motion picscntcd by Delegate John B. Lennon was adopted declaring that tho construction of the Lincoln Memorial by nonunion labor and under circum stances in accord with Mr. McRcynolds' decision "was entirely out of harmony with tho life and work of tho President In whoso memory the memorial is being constructed." Tho resolutions committee In making Its report recommended that tho framing of n comprehensive employers' liability law be entt listed to tho executive council of the American Federation of Labor, In view of tho wide differences in tho matter between the various organizations in tho Arorlcan Federation of Labor. Tho Resolutions Committee reported favorably on tho necessity of the en action of a Federal compensation act, tho principle points of which are to be that widows should have compensation for the death of their husbands during widow hood and for every child under 18 years of age, and that the law bo administered by State commissions appointed for tho purpose. A spirited discussion was held on the question of a clause In tho proposed Fed eral compensation act recommending a compulsory physical examination to bo undergono by every worker when enter ing any employment. Delegate Dauget, of the Trade and Labor Council of Schenectady, said that In many cases employers compel women workers to undergo a physical examina tion which is offensive to them, as well as UBtng the physical examination clauso In some of tho States which have a com pensation act as a means of discriminat ing ngalnst workers active in the labor movement. n. B. INSURANCE CRITICISED. Criticism was also made of tho in surance systems employed by the Penn sylvania, Baltimore and Ohio and other railroads as being unjustly compulsory upon the employes. Delegates John B. Lennon and John "Walker, of Illinois, favored a physical ex amination clause In cases where the physical examination of a workman Is necessary for tho protection of the in terests of the public and fellow employes, whoso safety Is dependent upon a man's physical ability to perform certain du ties. Delegate Walker opposed, However, physical examination whero It was un I necessary and whero such examination l -would bo an Instrument In tho hands of 1 employers to discriminate against union men. Delegate Flint, of New York, expressed himself as against all physical examina tions. Delegate Hugh Frayne, of NewYork, opposed a physical examination on tho ground that, wherever It Is permissible, employers use It to weed out married men from employment In order to reduce their risk and liability. A great congress of organized labor Is to be called at the close of the European war, If the resolution Introduced by Samuel Gompers, at the convention of the American Federation of Labor, will be adopted Muring the course of this week. The congress will be held wherever the proposed peace congress at the close of tho war Is to be held. It Is the popular belief among the delegates that the reso lution will probably be carried, In view of the, fact that it has been penned and Is championed by Gompers. According to the resolution the meeting will be held "to the and that suggestions may be made and such action taken as shall ba helpful in restoring fraternal re lations, protecting the Interests of the tollers and thereby assisting In laying tho foundations for a more lasting peace." Tha resolution deplores the war and ex tends fraternal greetings and sympathies to the workers ndw, righting In Europe. Much of the business of the convention during Its. second week's session will ba taken up by the settlement of Jurisdic tional disputes, some of tha disputes ex tending over a long poriod of time. Many of these difficulties are attributed to the constantly changing developments In In dustry and the Increasing tendency toward .specialization on one side and the llmlnatlon of skilledlabor on the other. DISPUTES TO BE ADJUSTED. It Is pointed out that whereas In for mer days the carpenter was virtually the only worker in wood, todav the -wnml working Industry Is virtually divided among several Important groups of ar tisans, each of whom are organized Into separate unions. Frequently there Js overlapping In these Industries and here the difficulties begin A dispute .whleh the convention will have to decide along this line will be between tha United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners cwd the Sheet Metal Workers. The differ ence resulted In tb withdrawal of the carpenter, the second largest union In Amwlca. from tho building trades depart ment of tha Federation ltMif. The long draws out depute Utwea the WAcfalalsU and lb elevator coas4ucters is alto oo which te eoevBMuii will tm eolta west to mU1 during Its HciMd wVa - LABOH LEADERS DEPLORE ADVANCE OF MILITARISM I am emphatically and Uncompro misingly opposed to any scheme to enlarge the United States nrmy and navy. I stand by the report of the executive council of the American Federation of Labor and reiterate the opinion that those who wish to abolish war must lose no opprtunlly to Impart the ethics of humanity, nnd to make the encredncss of human life a part Of the thought and action of the nation. SAMUEL GOMPERS, President, American Federation of Lnbor. ' It would prove a serious mistake to continue to Improvo the military es tablishment. We now see constant arming for war In Europo has pre cipitated the greate't conflict of all nges, a catnstiopho that" will perhaps reipilro centuries to recover from. It stands to reason whore a man loads himself up with revolvers, dirks and other murderous Instruments he Is bound to get In trouble. It Is Just so with nations. JAMES DUNCAN. First Vlco President, American Federa tion of Labor. I believe nn attempt is to bo made nt tho opening session of Congress to cienta n. larger army and navy. In fart, I saw a tetter sent out to subordi nates by a high Governmental omclal ordering further recruiting. Militarism Is wrong, reactionary, burdensome nnd at variance with civilized Boclcty. JAMES O'CONNELL, Second Vlco President, American Fed eration of Labor. MR S.THOMAS FREER OUTSIDE SUFFRAGE WORK, SHE SAYS Plans to Continue Agitation for Unemployed. Mrs. J. D. Thomas, who resigned from the presidency of tho Woman Suffrage Soclctv after sharply criticising tho al leged failure of Mayor Blankenburg nnd City Council to provide funds for tho re lief of the city's unemployed, will con tlnuo Independently her suffrngo work and her efforts to help tho unemployed, according to a statement from her today. At the time Mrs. Thomas handed her resignation to tho society, sho also re signed from all other suffrage organiza tions of which sho was a member. "I took the action voluntarily," said Sirs. Thomas, "because I found It difficult nnd sometimes embarrassing to speak as the president of tho society on tho ono hnnrt nnd on tho other ns an Individual. 1 sent In my resignation voluntarily, ex pecting It to bo nccepted. In the accept ance of the resignation I find myself moro frco to work along lines whero I think I can help Although I am no longer nfllllated with BUffragn organizations, I am JiiFt as staunch a BUffrnglst ns ever, nnd shall continue to do whatever I feel capable of doing." Mrs. Thomas said further that, although she Is not officially connected with suf frngo ork, she expects her friends both In nnd out of suffrago ranks to aid her. She intimated that tho Incident of her criticism of the Mayor and city officials for the plight of tho unemployed would not deter her from further efforts In be half of the men who lack employment. "I have no quarrel with nny ono," she said. "Whatever criticism. I make or have made li entirely constructive "A critical condition exists now In tho largo number of men who have no work. There should be funds for their relief. I shall nppenl and shall nsk my friends to appeal to tho city administration to Iny nsldo minor considerations and aid In this emergency. , "Tho question is, If there Is no fund for tho Help of the unemployed. Is It not pos slblo to crcnto such a fund? There cer tainly should be some menns of raising money to cope with nn emergency like that now confronting us. I know that wo all want a city beautiful beautiful parks and bcnutlful streets but first we must have well-fed men." NEGRO, ALLEGED GEM THIEF, GIVES BATTLE TO POLICE Two Officers Injured In Attempt to Subdue Fugitive. A Negro accused of robbing threo Jewelry stores within a half hour early today put up a terrific light with two policemen, chewing the hand of ono and severely bruising the other by hitting him over the head with a brick wrapped In a bag. The man gavo his name ns John Perkins and said ho lived near 22d and Lombard streets. Perkins was held without ball by Mag istrate Harrlgan at the 3d and De Lanccy streets station. He was captured by Policemen Kelly and Jones at Gth and Spruce streets. Kelly said ho caught tho man robbing ono of the windows. Tho prisoner's pockets were filled with w niches and Jewelry, ho said. Tho pollcemon say Perkins, armed with a 1rIclc wrapped In a flour sack and a diamond tipped glass cutter, first visited tho store of Isaac Goldberg, at 270 South fith street There he scratched and broke a piece from tho plate glass window and, Teaching Inside, took as many watches and scarfplns as he could gather. The next store visited, the police say, was that of Isadore Putsten, of 637 South street. Apparently he did not Btop to use tho glass cutter here. A big hole was smashed in the window. Putsten missed four gold watches and two gold trophy cups when he opened the store a few hours later. Perkins' next stop was at 623 South street, a Jewelry store owned by iBaac Bogdanoff. Patrolman Kelly had Just turned the corner at 6th street when Perkins began work on the plate glass window. Kelly crept up as close -as possible, he said, and watched Perkins with the glass cut ter, scratch out a large circle on the window. Then PerklnsNrapped the glass with the padded brick and the glass fell In. He reached In and withdrew several watches. Kelly started forward, but Perkins saw him and set oft northward. Kelly fol lowed, firing his revolver In the air. At 6th and Spruce streets Perkins slowed down and waited for the patrolman. A furious fight followed, Perkins tore Kelly's fingers to the bono with bis teeth. Then Patrloman Young, of the 3d and De Lancey streets station, ran up and tried to help Kelly. Perkins waited for a chance and swung the padded brick against Young's head. Young's face was badly cut. Finally tha Negro gave In nnd went to the police station- The two patrolmen were treated at the Pennsylvania Hospital. BURNS BEATS HERMAN NEW ORLBAN8, La., Nov. 10. Kid Hr roan na saved from a. knockout bcrt e ttrday afternoon at tha banOa of Frank! Burn wnsa ! acoadi of the forrriar throw up tha aponc tarty In the 12th round. Burnt had. all tbo bttur ot the fray, and would aurafy hava dropped Ktrnian Iu4.it cot been JQF fUf Vl4Via VI aiua m . Our Tile, Slate, Metal and Slap Roofs Are Standard RESIDENTIAL WORK A SPECIALTY Crescent Compound keeps roofs watertight for five years, and js also guaranteed. Real Estate Roofing Co, SS43-234I Wallace - l"4 MRS. FRIEDA TROST, HUSBAND'S SLAYER, A STOIC PRISONER Murderess, Serving Life Term, Works 'at Making Prison Clothing and Ap pears Satisfied With Lot. A frflll little woman, who, for tho love of another Woman's husband and the desire to wipe out her debts, murdered her hus band by gtlng him arsenic, is In tho Eastern Penitentiary serving a life sen tence In payment for the crime. The prisoner, Mrs. Frieda Trost, foAner proprietor of a saloon M 1301 German town avenue, who, only a week after her marriage to William Trost, on August 1, tl'12, tmltdcrcd her ngtd husband, and who was sub'cciuently found guilty by a Jury In Judge Audcnrled's cdurl, has served almost n year of tho term. When sho entered tho penal Institution on December K. Inl3, nfter tho Govornor had spared her llfo by commuting the scntonco to llfo Imprisonment, sho was In poor health and It was thought she would not live long. , HEIl HEALTH IMPROVED. Although she tins been tn prison nearly 11 months, Mrs. Trost has greatly re gained her health and Is almost a dif ferent woman from tho murderess, bo hind whom the door of tho big prison closed for llfo. Warden "Hob" McKcnty said today that Mrs. Trost was a moVlcl prisoner, that sho docs the work asslgjncd to her with out a murmur, nnd seems resigned to her fate. Not once during her Imprison ment has she snld anything about tho crime for which sho Is being punished, although prior to and during her trial she steadfastly mnlntnlncd her innocence, declaring she had purchased arsenic at a nearby drugstore to poison cats, nnd not her husband. Mrs. Trost has few IMtors, the only two being hor sister nnd a minister. From time to tlmo they visit her In her cell nnd offer words of cheer nnd en couragement to the woman. Only once Blnco sho has been In prison has her only daughter, Irene, 11 years old, visited her, and her former bnrtender and lover, Kd mund Geunklc, has never seen her since December H, 1812, when sho was con victed. Like mnny other women prisoners, Mrs. Trost spends a part of each day in the workrooms engaged in making clothing. Mrs. Trost keeps her cell spotlessly clean nnd according to tho ofTlclala at tho prison. takeB grcnt pride In keeping ever thing In order nbout the cell. Whllo attendance at the devotional exercises at tho Institution on Sunday morning is op tional, Mrs. Trost always listens to the service. The service Is hold in the cor ridor Just outside of the cellrooms and during the religious exercise the pris oners are allowed the privilege of sitting on stools In the corridor while the service Is In progress. ORDEAL OF HER TRIAL. MrB. Trost wns arrested at her home on Germnntown nvenuc bv Detectives Emmanuel and Delshaw a few days after Coroner's Det'ectlvo Paul had determined her husband's stomach contained arsenic. In the trial that followed witnesses tes tified that Mrs. Trost had been unduly intimate with her bartender, Edmund Guenkle, a good-looking German. Assistant District Attorney Rogers plnced witness after witness on the stnnd who testified that Mrs. Trost refused to kiss her husband on the night of the wedding and that she waB hcavllyi In debt. He brought tho evidence that con vinced the Jury that she had murdered her husband by giving him arsenic for medicine. After her conviction she wns sent to Moyamcnslng prison. While here she be came HI, and her attorneys appealed to Governor Tener to Bavo her from the gallows. Her death sentence wns com muted. RAYMOND MacNEILLE WILL BE SWORN AS JUDGE TODAY Appointed by Governer Tener to Suc ceed Late Judge Mellon. Raymond MacNoIlle, appointed Judgo of the Municipal Court by Governor Tener last Tuesday to succeed Judge L. A. K. Motion, who died several months ago, will be officially Installed this after noon. The ceremonies will be held at 3:30 o'clock In the private office of President Judge Drown, room 601, City Hall. Judge Drown, It Is understood, will ad minister the oath of office. A number of personal and professional friends of Mr. MacNcillo will be present to offer the new Judge their congratulations. Mr. MacNcillo Is 35 years old. He at tended the public schools In Philadelphia, was graduated from the Central High School, and foV a time studied law In the office of Robert II. Hinckley. Ho Is coun sel for the United Business Men's Asso ciation, and has been retained in a num ber of cases of public Interest. He was one of the candidates last fall at the gen eral election for the Municipal Court. Night Riders Whip 13 More Men LEXINGTON, Ky Nov. 16. Thirteen more men were taken from their homes In Muhlenberg County last night and whipped by night riders. Oregon Abolishes Death Penalty PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov, It. Complete unofficial returns indicate that the bill to abolish capital punishment In Oregon car- Tied at the election on Nov. 3, the totals being, yes, 100.036; no, 03.078, English Plate Grey. hound. Old and Modern Shef field Plate English, Dutch and French Silver Fine China. A.Schmidt&Son ImforttrtBitablUhtJ Itlt Appropriate Widdinij and Holiday QUtt. 16th and Walnut Sts., Phila. New Yok City BsrHarbor. Ms. Mewpwt, R. I. MBWWa, Mass. ISBBraBBBHUMjS3HaBISBBBBBBBBBBklt V WJ? MKSBSVaSBFSsBSrHslvSBBSBBSBBBBBBBBBBn' I JMBblV8BriSBBBBBBBBBBBiiiKk !aHiSBBBBKiSBBBBPiSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKtBBBBBH I ssMIPliTlmsiTlsssssssssssssrTI yECTWlPSssBSisssssssssssfe- y mm: ?Mm L vr, J ,. v A .. . x MRS. THOMAS GREGORY Wife of the Attorney General in the Wilson Cabinet. NEW CABINET LADY THIRD TO HAIL FROM AUSTIN, TEX. Mrs. Gregory, Wife of Attorney General, Busy House Hunting With Her Daughter Tries To Be Unknown a Little While Longer. WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 There's a brand new Cabinet lady como to town a very good looking Cabinet lndy, with an equally good looking daughter Just out of collvgo and ready to mako her debut; and, what's more, she's tho third of the present group of Cabinet hostesses to come from Tcxns yen, even from llttlo old Austin. What wonder If Austin Is wearing tho satisfied Bmllo of one, who, after long neglect, Is at last being ap preciated at her true worth? Mrs. Thomas Gregory, who was spend ing tho summer nt Blue Itldgo Summit with her children nt the tlmo of her hus band's appointment as Attorney General (vlco Mcltcynolds, promoted to the Su prime Bench), Is In Washington house hunting. When a Woman with a daugh ter of "debuting" age Is known to be ton natuinlly conjures up visions of gal-huuse-huntlng In Washington, WaBhlng ety for th yqunser set. And when a now Cabinet woman comes to town, all Washington, moro or less, wants to meet her. But mooting Mrs. Gregory Just now is not so easy as those who met her last winter might expect. No, Indeed It hasn't gone to her head, or anything like that. Only she's ter ribly busy. Almost with tears In her eyes she pleads, "Just let me get a roof over my head and ft few clothes to my bnck, nnd then I'll be de-lighted I" Sho fancied she wasUravellng Incog, or some thing of thnt sort, when, Instead of going back to tho Dewey, where she spent a gocd deal of last winter, she established herself at n sort of subli mated boarding house out on G streot. But thero Isn't n boarding house In Wash ington that can serve ns a bushel to hide tho light of a new Cabinet lndy! HER DAUGHTER VERA' POPULAR. Mrs. Gregory promises to be a distinct addition to the always exclusive little group of Cabinet hostesses. She Is rather short, but decidedly graceful, has good fenturcs and lovely coloring, with deep violet eyed nnd a quantity of very dark hair. Her daughter. Miss Jane Gregory, who graduated from the University of Texas lost June, is exactly like her mother, nnd when she enters the lists some of the most promising of the sea son's debutantes will have to look to their laurels. In college her popularity Is attested by the fact that she was chosen "Lady of the University," by vote of the student body, an honor to which neither scholarship nor personality alone can attain. It argues both. It seems rather out of proportion that three of the ten Cabinet women should have been born In Austin, Not only were they born there, but Adele Stelner, now Mrs. Burleson: Helen Beall, now Mrs. Houston, nnd Julia Nalle, now Mrs, Gregory, really grew up together and were closely associated during their girl hood In the little Texas capital. Between SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK sSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BBIBIaSBISBIBlSrlalSIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBl BllSBIBISSIBIBSBIBIBIBIBIBIBi BSBSHV V-SIBIBIbH BSSSSriT7w, "TLjL '--) BBSBSBSM UsslsBf l isslsB osbsbsbIsbI 1 t& 'JbIIbIbIbH SIBIBIBIBIBIK ' "JSSSSIlSSSSsS SSSSSSSSSBPCbfcC- f - - mSSSSSSSBSM SlIsBSBSBS :S jIbBSBSBSbB t . & j "' 1 t ' . v .. V, . -' j.a Ky 'sm . '- r,j -ssffi .-- ' & it ' Mrs. Burleson nnd Mrs. Gregory the as sociation has continued nlmost uninter rupted. Both of them still call Austin "home." The Burleson girls are looking forward as keenly as their mother to the plensure of teaching Jano Gregory tho ropes of ofilclnl life In Washington. Mrs. Hous ton has not lived much In Texas since her marriage, but sho was delighted when she camo to Washington nn ab--luo stranger at tho beginning of the pres ent Administration to find her dear old college chum, Adclo Stelner, n Cabinet woman like herself, and one whoso long acquaintance with Washington would make straight many n seemingly devious way to a newcomer. Now both nro united In extending a helping hand to Julia Nalle. HAS SON AT PRINCETON. Really, so far as Mrs. Gregory Is con cerned, she will fnll very readily Into her position. Sho was In Wnsblngton a good part of last winter, picking up naturally nnd easily the little peculiari ties of official etiquette. Sho was at tho Dewey with her youngest, llttlo Miss Cor nelia, an endearing young person of eight or nine jears, who tyrannized over guests and employes alike at the hotel, and her mother says was in serious danger of being spoiled there. There are prob ably qulto a few persons In Washington today who hate themselves for neglecting tho opportunity of cultivating Mrs. Greg ory then. But her husband, being merely one of Mr. McReynold's trust busters, tbey saw no particular reason for going out of their way to bo civil to her. And now they are moaning "If I had only known." The Gregory household consists of the Attorney General and Mrs. Thomas Watts Grogory, Miss Jane, the eldest, and little Corpella, tho youngest of the chil dren; and two sons in between Tom, who Is at Princeton, and Nalle, who Is attend Ing a preparatory school. It Is one of the Ironies of the situation that Mrs. Gre gory, the newcomer, will rnnk both of her old Texas friends In the Cabinet. The At torney General ranks fourth In the Cabi net, tho Postmaster General fifth and the Secretary of Agriculture eighth. I You will be delighted wilh the 1 Hanscom Restaurants IUnl Home Cooking Moderate Prleea 1232 Market 929 Market 734 Market 1221 Chestnut and throughout tha city QRNA MENTAL Vases, Pic tures, Bronzes, Statuary, Sheffield Silver, Antique Furni ture. There are so many fine things at such a wide price-range that you can surely fill every pos sible gift-need in this one shop. THE ROSENBACH GALLERIES 1326 Walnut Street WOMEN TOILERS ORGANIZE FOR BETTER CONDITIONS 200,000 tTow Members of Interna tional and Local Labor Unions. Whllo women are battling n the auf frnge movement for the recognition of their political rights, tho 110 affiliated In ternntlonal unions comprising the Amerl- I can Federation of Lnbor have announced j their Intention of enlarging thrlr work on behalf of women In tho economic field. The fight of the Cleveland school teach ers for the right to organize has nttracted j ..ttentlon all over the country, nnd mem bcrs of the profession, not only In the . OhloRii cities but also In Washington, Tnllfornla, Colorado nnd Illinois, as welt as numerous Eastern points, are making Inquiries nnd displacing Interest In the union movement, according to n state ment by Sccretnry Morrison, of the Amer ican Federation of Libor. In other professions and trades, says tho report of the Executive Council of the American FVdcrnllon of Lnbor, prog ress Is being made in the organization of women uorkrrs. "Such progiess," sas tho report, "h bring made In the textile nnd clothing industries In particular." Rpcnking on tho question of tho or ganization of WMttpn. Mnx Itncs, of tho Typographical t'nlon, and one of tho lending spirits In the American Federa tion of Labor, said today: "At tho present there arc upward of 100,0000 women In the International unions nnd Independent locals, and nearly all enjoy tho nine-hour or eight-hour work ' day nnd Increased wngrs. Some of them had to strike, particularly In the gnrment mnklng industry, and they succeeded In a grcnt measure to Improve their condi tions ns well ns gnlnlng tho good will of public opinion." I Mr. Hnjes also discussed another Inter nal struggle In tho American Federation of Labor as a result of the split In the organization of tho United Garment Workers of America. "A peculiar situation," said Mr. Hayes, "has developed among thi clothing work ers of tho clothing Industry, numbering about 110,000. For several years tho rus tom tailors, tho most skilled and highest paid of tho crafstmen, have clamored for an amalgamation of nil trades. "Tho officers of the workers on mon's garments and women's garments, two sepnrnto International unions, opposed the Idea. Last summer, at a convention In Cleveland, the officers of tho workers on ladles' garments were not re-elected and their places were filled with men who favor a clothing workers' federation as a, first step toward amalgamation." BIG ART SHOW PLANNED 10,000 -Works Will be In Galleries at Panama Exposition. Coincident with the announcement that the Jury to select art works submitted In this cltv for exhibition nt tho Panama Pacific Exposition will meet here Novem ber T, and 25, John E. D. Trask. director of the fine art department of tho ex position, announced that 10,000 works of art will be exhibited there. Mr. Trask, who was formerly managing director of the Academy of the Fine Arts In this city, has arranged for seven selection centres, one In this city. New York, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louts nnd Pan Francisco. Judges In this city will be John W. Alexander, J. Alden Weir and George Bellows, of New York; Phillip L. Hale, Edmund C. Tnrbell nnd William M. Pax ton, of Boston; George W. Sotter. of Pittsburgh; Hufrh II. Breckenrtdge, Daniel Gnrber, Georgo W. Dawson, Thornton Oakley and F. Waltor Taylor, of this city. f'hailes F. Hnscltlne, 1522 .Chestnut street. Is tho local collection agent, nnd paintings may be sent to him or direct to the Academy of the Fine Arts on No vember 21 and 25. MBS. STOTESBTJBT PJOANS AID Calls Meeting to Discuss Belief for Unemployed. A permanent committee to relieve the poor nnd unemployed may be organized today at a meeting of between to and B0 prominent people to be held at the home of Mrs. E. T. Stotesbury. The meeting is to map out tentative plans for relief. The work of the committee will ex tend throughout the State. Mrs. Stotes bury wns appointed last week as chair man of a committee to extend the work of the Home Relief Department of the Emergency Aid Committee, and she has been busy with preliminary plans for tho organization. The meeting will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon. --''''' (-J (Pe The Season Suggests a reliable hot.ivatrr hog to ward (i IT clillla that Irad to colds. If tli rnld has nvrrtakrn you, hoir rtrr, Hpltta'a Coma Ixiirnsrs will Tfllevr the unplriuant rondltlona nnd facilitate rapid rfcoery. In eonrnlrnt boxrs, tie. LLEWELLYNS Philadelphia's Standard Drill fitorc 1518 Chestnut Street IIOT-tVATKIt HAOB, 83c and up CARR TAKES HELM FOR INDEPENDENTS; ! MAY BE CANDIDATE Manager of Blankenburgi Campaign Mentioned by Washington Party Leaders jMj as Mayoralty Possibility. George Wcntworth Carr has started Si movement to unite all of the Independent fctces In Philadelphia for the fight f against the Republican Organization In, the municipal election to be held next,, year, nnd as a result ho Is tho latest candidate being boomed ns a mayoralty, . possibility. During the last threo days Mr. Carrl has held conferences with E. A. Van Vulkcnburg and other Washington party lenders. Tho differences that havo existed between somo of these leaders for two years nro being ndjusted, and Inde pendent leaders said today that perfect harmony will prevail In tho coming fight. . As a result of these conferences, tho) t reins have been placed In Mr. Carr'sjs hands, according to Independent leaders, nnd ho will bo in command of tho inde. pendent forces In the fight. The boom to make him tho candidate of tho Independents was started Immey , dlately utter the conferences, when word) wns passed among the Independent lead era that he Is to ba considered by them 1 when they sound out the sentiment among : their constituents, Others who have beca,, mentioned for the independent nomination'1 Include Directors Porter, Norrls anoJ-Y Cooke. j WANT STRONG CANDIDATE. There Is also a strong possibility that.M the Independents wilt bnck a "dark horse'i i for the race against the Republican o'rV '' - ganlzatlon's candidate, If a man whom, tho Washington party and other leaders, consider stronger than Carr or any ofli tho other possibilities who have so farj(U been mentioned can be found. . Mr. Carr himself, said Independent'?" leaders today, had neither declined not;,; j consented to become a candidate. When ' " ,,' ho was npproached on the subject, they . , said, he announced that his efforts nro l,S now being directed toward uniting allTS of tho Independent voters In Phlladel- - I11IU, 111 U1UCI iv Bvv kUU JlCfJUUllUlIt Orcfinlzntlnn n. ntrptinntlH fltrlif. bt, In his efforts to unite the opposition,' 10 iiiu iiepuuncan urganizauon, Mr.'" Carr Is trying to muster tho Washing" ton party strength to whero It was two' years ago by combining nit of tho voters ' who opposo the Republican Organlza- If tion. Ho is counting upon little or noi help from the ranks of the Keystone) party, said Independent leaders today, i? GIBBONEY MAY R.UN. In this connection, It was pointed out that D. Clarence Glbboney, the Keystone) leader, is another Mayoralty -possibility. ': By running as the Keystone candidate.,. It was "pointed out, Glbboney would poll virtually tho full Keystone strength, nnd would hold any possible balance or. power t! In the anti-Republican ranKs. Glbboney has also been mentioned, aa t a possible candidate of the Republican Organization. An official of the Retail " . Liquor Dealers' Association Bald last - L night the liquor interests would favor tho t! J Keystono lender, beoauso of his plan to . have the State and city purchase tha business of the liquor men should they be put out of business through legisla tion. The liquor interests. Republican Organization lieutenants said, will have) a strong voice In naming the .Republlci candldnte for Mayor. Perry's For Morning or Evening Wear The Season is here, and At Perry's pt Brand new Tango Tux edo! Only shoulder, sleeve and breast'linlngs! Shawl collar or peak lapels of ex quisite satin, cord loop for twin buttons, $35 for coat, yest and trousers At Perry's I Young Men's Dress Coat that's been praised by imi- nilnMl aTnllstnn-arlfVA Klnrl- ""i intra nf clllr nn pnllar nnrl fttl sleeve-cuffs! A dream, 35 thVcoat and trousers--, i AtWerrys One button Cutaway? ., ..J.-.., t.T.' rtj com ui wuuuertiu umunct beautiful lines, fine WiFi( manship, and braid-bouRfF edges! The three-piece Suit, $30 At Perryt Perry & Co-, 'M? 16th & Chester Sit ' V -fi I ptuiw