wss'ss wa-j. i-y "(i f 5 Jgfeg'tert tP r ft. rw.'1 ? J Kta iiosem ls r.,f lT Uc& fte 1 l nSSom W " St ; , max y ' X- Lff b sas ' , i I, MM f Si tl; 4 J J 1 i r r B 'Jtt' H hse ' amp Pl if BarilSP" SP1 BKfll .-: i mm Pflffe ljBBIj iv ! j?' " v s W&AT EVERY WOMAN WANTS TO KNOW-THINGS JIMii-t ,n A WORD TO THE BUSINESS GIRL Exercises That Wi 11 Preserve Health. II la in tkfc olrl .hft fMn mini' 4i TVhom w takn off nnr lioln In fhl nir. fartSt to her who simply "talks" things, n wno signs ior me days ot wismng iSarpets, Seven tongue Boots and Magic Ittfages. When one stops to think, there Is Juat bne thing absolutely necessary to happi nessAnd thai Is good health. The per eon tlUs endowed may snap her fingers In the faeoof nderslt And to the pos sesMdri of good Iionlth, such things as tlhH. mil Amihl1 Anrl nnA mImam( a a 6s In no way essential. In fact, they ate sjj TCfy frequently a drawback. Good, mod erate-priced rood, and warm, substantial clothing nre better rose growers than St nigniy seasoned luxuries, silks and satins. 1 The pessimist constantly prates about juwtdv ninuiieu luxuries, siiks nnu paiins. hunting new microbes labelling germs nod Anticipating more sources of Infec tion that the contagion of health, by which mne hundred and nlncty-nlne-one-thousnndths of us cheat the undertaker Is overlooked entirely. The chances of being- Infected with health Instead of disease nro 1000 to 1 In fnvor of the former. A good cir culation And n good digestion are lusty twins that defy the onslaught of nil kinds of disease germs, and thero are very, very few of us who have not our salvation within our own grasp. Deep breathing, a few simple cxer claes night and morning and the appro priation of your nickels to our own bank accdunt Instead of that of the street railway companies will abolish most of tlio ovlts to which human flesh U heir, and remove such words ns anaemia and tuberculosis from the dic tionary The following simple exercises (and the beautiful, hopeful truth Is that nil essen tial things nro simple and primitive) In dulged In night nnd morning, nro anti dotes for poor health nnd pobr spirits: Wear a. loose, warm robe, light bed room shoes, and open all the windows. Stand on the balls of the feel, chest tip, hands on hips, breathe slowly nnd deeply, exhaling all the air from the lungs before taking the next breath. Ton times Itlsc slowly to tho toes nnd slowly sink back to balls of feet. With developing strength this movement will become easy nnd controlled. This Is n very exhilarating exercise. Ten times Standing on halls of feet, hands on hips, sink slowly to sitting pos ture nnd slowly recover stnndlng position, holding torso erect. Th value of this exercise la very great and soon estab Household Hints When eggs nro scarce, mix n dctsort poonful of vinegar with a gill of milk nnd use for making cakes. The quantity 1b equal to two eggs. To clean a white felt hat, rub tho hat with a mixture of equal paitn of chalk nnd magnesia. Leave the powder In the felt for a few hours, then brush off nnd rub with soft breadcrumbs. To remove the smell of fish from forks, wash the forks In hot water, then remove from the water, nnd rub over with n tiny pleco of butter. Wash ngaln and all smell 'With disappear. When slicing bacon, place It with the rind side down and do not cut through the rind. When the slices are cut, slip the knife under them as nenr tho rind ns p'osslble. rotted plants which show signs of fading can bo revived Sf nutered with a solution of ammonia and water, a tenspoonful of ammonia In three quarts of wntcr being the correct proportion. When cooking vegetables, remember that all vegetables which grow above ground should be put Into boiling water, nnd all which grow underground in cold water, with the exception of new potatoes. England now lino 17 schools where women are taught gardening, poultry raising, bee-kecptng, farming, horticulture and domestic science. Glynde, in the Mid lands, is one of the most famous schools of gardening for women. Moro than 13)0 servants In France have been awarded a medal of honor for hav ing Berved continuously for 30 years In one establishment. Germany, too, dec orates her faithful domestics who can show similar records of service In one household. Miss Melville, one of New Zealand's few women lawyers, shares the distinction of being ono of the two women city coun cilors In the dominion, the other being Dr. Edith Huntley, of Mlramar, Welling ton. Miss Melville was In Wellington last week, as an Auckland delegate to the Municipal Conference. The -women of Japan have business acu men bs well as charm. Although she is 70 years of age, Mrs. Kin Seno. who Is head of the Seno Commercial Bank of Tokio, Jap.n, Is considered b- financiers of that country to be- one of the moBt efficient bankers thej- have. TO WOMEN WHO NEVER REST 9 Chat by a Calm Girl During my college days we ran In one afternoon to see a brilliant girl In her little room under tho eaves. She was working her way through and did not have time to come and see us. She Jumped up from her books to greet us. "Just wait a minute till I get some thing to work on while wo talk," she cried. During our visit her nimble fingers new on a shirtwaist she was making, and she was drawing her needle In and out as she walked with us to the door. "Sha Is never Idle." they said of her tn college. When other girls took a nap or gathered In kimonos to loaf tin half holidays, that girl sat at her table In a high collar, grinding. If we took a walk on beautiful days, she would not Join us. T(M,tad, she sat under a tree on the iiapuB and sewed, or darned, or studied. Bfeo said In that way she "got the air" bjkJ didn't "waste any time." Twenty years afterward, I met that girt, t thought one so brilliant and In dustrious would have become rich and famous. Instead, she was a nervous wreck, dragging herself about a shabby Itttla house, that her underpaid professor- JUusbsnd kept for ner. n naggen anq efliplalned incessantly, his associates aljj, and she still despised reoreatlon so muSh that she fluttered about all day yk, a him with Its. head off and accom jmahd nothing- tt de not pay. The day Is only Just q long, and woman's strength has Its limitations. If she will not give- time Milady 8 Bath 1m aartM teUfe. Is a utt)et ( Wish cantrovwrsy- Qa y " should hot. SitTkir ya It buW b aald. The fast MM htl ar vnr sLanulaUng. TUay ipa krM94Mi cjKwIaiteB. and th Ml 'kafaM la aU oarta of tin body. TaU to Vii uh Hk th after eJtaeU of a paw- sWtf tlnIaHiB; drug WfcMhar w sot wor euMtltuttoa can taa4 tbi bad bt- tcrfaa derlie4 Mr yur physician. It t aw io rely on supposition tn this Of uwm. tt JM" v h Uii M iwtfe wr yr w m m . IMIMll BUOA 4JM4t th. hwto. h t tailJWM tto prs- MBJ lished to the exerciser's satisfaction. It gives absolute body control nnd poise. The more slowly and controlled the mo tlon tho better the results attained. Ten times Stand on ball of left foot, swing the right leg free from the hip for. ward nnd back, pendulum-like. Ten times Stand on bll of right foot, etc. Ten times Itotnle the body on the hips from the nnlst, making circle ns targe ns possible. Ten tlme Itotale the head on the neck In tho same way. Let tho head fall henvlly of Its own weight nnd thus carry Itself around. This will round out 'the nect and tnsuro a graceful nnd easy car riage of tho head. Ten times With left hand on hip, by movement of bod atone produce full rotary movement of right arm from the shoulder. Make It describe. Cull retolu lion, the nrm remaining "limber" throughout the c.crclsc. Tho moat slug gish circulation must jlcld to this treat ment. Ten times With right hand on hip. etc. Ten times Stand easily balanced on balls of feet, nmn hanging unturally, bend slowly from wnlst until tips Ut lin gers touch the floor. Do not stretch tho arms to make the touch. Let the arms swing out nnturnlly, round out the back slowly, bow-llkc, keep the knees stt night nnd rigid. To get the full benefit of this valuable excrcle, remember that jour spine Is jointed. Tho mind suggestion should bo that of relaxing ench Joint eeparntely, beginning with tho lowest. In recovering, the samo suggestions should bo npplled. unbowlng the back, unjoining It. ns It were, knuckle by knuckle, until jou hgnln stnnd erect. At first you ma) not como within thrco or four Inches of touching the floor, but gradually oti will bo able to touch It I nunc easily. This demonstrates fully the elasticity of tho muscles These simple exercHes. If patiently nnd conscientiously persisted In, are war ranted to cure Insomnia nnd obstinate cases of constipation, nnd to Insure n free, graceful and easy carriage. Make nil movement) slowly nnd de liberately. A run around the block Justlbcfore retir ing, with n free, swift stride, or nt a dog trot, sans muff nnd cumherpome wrans will help. And don't forget to walk to business tomorrow morning, and nil tomorrows, If you live nnywhere within a three to flvo mile limit: It will pay jou In health and general rejuvenation, oven If jou have to rise nn hour or an houennd n quarter cnrller to do It. Milady's Toilet Table The gill whoso fuco Is very thin, but whose tissues nro bo flabby that the ordi nary skin food seems to have no effect, will profit bj tho advice of a Trench au thority. Like most preparations, tho treatment Is rather expensive, hut tho girl who can nfTord to have nn ema ciated appearance Is cry rnre. Then, too, nftcr you have used enough of tho tissue builder, nnd gotten good results, jou can contluuo with som? good facial cream. Mix thoroughly with two and one-hnlf ounces of boiled wnter (while still hot) Olive oil 4 ounces Spermaceti s ounces Cocoa butter , l ounce White vaseline 2 ounces Benzoic acid 4 drnhms Take n bit of this on the tips of the fingers, nnd massnge the face with It. nemembor nlwnjs to use a circular move ment, nnd to see that tho cream goes Into tho pores of the skin. Then grease tho finger tips with more. Onoe n day Is often enough for this treatment, or twice for hollow checks. The Busy Bee's Notebook Needles and pins will not rust In cushions filled with coffee grounds. Pour the coffee from the grounds, rinse them In cold wnter nnd dry thoroughly In the oven before losing to Btuff tho cushions, When doing necdlowotk keep a small muslin bag of talcum powder In a covered box: In the woikbaskct. and dust the powder over the fingers when thej per spire. Cut flowers will retain their freshness much longer If a pinch of salt nnd a little charcoal bo added to the water In which they nre kept. Drcnk the stick char coal In smnll lengths. When cut flowers arrive at their destination withered and drooping, cut n quarter of nn Inch off each stem nnd plunge the ends In boil ing wnter for about Irte minutes and they will quickly revive. Pampas grass only requires washing gentlj- In a warm lather of soap nnd water, well rlnalnc. hanging up to drain, then shaking out from time to time and drying In tho nlr. in It to moments of tranquillity nnd di version, she must pny for her folly In shattered health. "Eight hours of sleep, eight hours of work, nnd eight or plnj-" Is a glorious old rule. But, of course, most women cannot so divide the 2i hours. Every woman, however, can give herself time for a dally walk, even though It cannot last longer than 15 or CO minutes; If she Is a house keeper, a quarter of nn hour spent stretched across the bed In mid-afternoon is always possible and necessary. She'll rise fit to do moro than If she'd not lain down. Business girls will find a rest room to which to go In the noon hour. There la usually a couch or two to He down on; the wise girl, If she can not get on the couch, rests In a chair or, better still, flops down on the floor and relaxes there with her head against a chair. When the floor Is of wood and the business skirt warm, as It should be when floors are cold, there Is no danger of taking cold. ,We Americana are too fond of activity, of vivacity. We do not appreciate the blessings of tranquillity and Idleness. To a woman these are more necessary than to a man Minutes, hours even, spent quietly In an armchair with folded hands and meditative mind, while we ennvm will be productive of a fine crop of steady? nerves tor use in aays to come. Dis cussion Is necessary to life, but It must be enjoyed without the nervous accom paniment of tasks like sewing, darning or embroidering. pores of the skin Just enough to be health promoting. StiMu the feeling of faint nesa whlah often fellows an extremely feat bath. Is a rather unpleasant thing. With the warsa bath there la n fear of tbi. A gd many ntepto follow the Japanese method f "siMkhig" at their ease, thus avoiding the lowenut vitality that tbe exertion of rubMaga. etc.. In a very hot bath is likely to proline. f.erreJcntfnce of gsatral lntrt U wtmM rsdo wW t printed en tfel pain- fMtftMftdtftce, hjld U MreM4f T5 WmanJa,SHe. it Minn LuiM EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER REDINGOTE OFBLACK DUVETYN WITH SEAL COLLAR AND BELT WOMAN OUTSIDE THE HOME Around Tho Industrial nnd legislative section of the Phllomuslnn Club, of which Mrs. Samuel B. Jarden la chnlrman, will hold nn open meeting on Tuesdaj", November 17, nt 3 p. m. The speakers will Include Mrs. Knte Wnllcr Barrett, of Washington, D. C, who will speak on "The Woman's Part," and Charles E. Tox and Jasper V. Brinton, who will present "The Chil dren's Side." Mrs. James P Llchlenbcrger is the chairman of the conservation section of tho Phllomuslnn Club. Thursday, No vember 19, nt 3 p , tn will be economics dny Miss Helen Louise Johnson, of New York, will give a talk on "Home Ef ficiency." Miss Eleanor Larrabea Lnttl more will discuss tho "Servant Question," To Learn and Practice The Business Girl Says I will control my temper nnd endeavor never to net hastily or speak angrily. I will respect tho weak and aged, nnd nlwaj-s defer to them, help them nnd com fort them. I will tcfrnln from gossip, and always endeavor never to speak 111 of others or call attention to their fallings or defects, nor will I permit another to do so In my presence. I will be sympathetic with those In sor row, and will help and cheer unfortunate ones on the road of life. I will engage only In such nmusements nnd cultivate only such companionships as tend to develop the best that Is in me. perfect my ability to do my best work, nnd lead me to the noblest life. I will consider the Inward state mote Important than the outward circumstance, and bo content with what I have, rather than sigh for what I hava not. New Cure for Neuralgia A strange new remedy has been dis covered for facial neuralgia. This Is such a painful complaint, and so lasting, that It Is worth while trying the pre scription. No reports as to Its success havp been received as yet However, If you get neuralgia about this time, and It lasts the best part of the winter months, you will probably be ready to try any thing. The treatment Is so simple that It sounds absurd. If the pain runs down the right side ot the face, fill a basin with boiling water or aB hot as you can bear and Immerse the left hand In It, If It Is In the left side of the face Im merse the right hand. It Is based on the principle that, as all nervous impulses terminate in the brain, the crossing of the tractile nerves in the hands, and the stimulus of the hot water, will effect an almost immediate cure. Hot water Is common enough, and neuralgia painful enough, to try It, as Al Jolion cays "I'll take that once." Care of the Feet Women who do a great dial of walk ing, or who have to stand In department torea or any other plaee for any length of time, know the torture of cramped feet A properly fitting shoe is, perhaps, more important to enjoyment than any other part of one's costume. Many an afternoon or evening has ben spoiled by a tiny corn or a sbon which "outs." across the toes. Tbe only remedy for the slide trouble la to study the shape of your foot and try to select a ahoa whloh confirms to It ol tfoT3M tlb$ Gads oiw ar mm1 Jf tk. 3 SitLiXt the Clubs nnd the subject of "Household Waste" will be treated by the well-known speaker, Mrs. Scott Nearlng. Tho other club divisions will meet ns usual. The piano practice class, of which Mrs llenrj T. Musten Is chairman. Is held Tuesdays at 10 n. m. The phil anthropic section meets Fridays nt 10 a. m. Mrs. Oeorgo E Scranton Is chair man Thursdujs at 10 n m. the esthetic dancing class meets, nnd Professor Wes selhoeft holds his German classes that afternoon nt 3.15. Mademoiselle C. deP. Blgeur holds her tegular French classes Saturdays at 10:13 a. m. for Juniors, Mon dajs nt 9:13 n m. for joung ladles, at 10:43 a. m. for Intermediate classes, rtnd nt 11:45 a. m for advanced classes. Tho conversation class meets Tuesdays nt 2 p. m. This Is not nn easy thing to do, for no two people's feet nre nllke, nnd shoes ore manufactured for the majorltj'. Bather than have any of the pain nnd discomfort from tight (.botes have them mado Jo order. It undoubtedly pays in the long run. You can avoid ordinary foot trouble by a little careful attention. The most elll clent remedies nro the simplest, so that any ono will have them right nt hand. If yCur feet are very tender and have a burning sensation after a long walk, bathe them In warm nlum water. This affords nn excellent relief. The warm wnter nnd ammonia bath Is good for per spiring feet. Use about a teaapoonful of ammonia to a pint of water. When the feet have been dried, dust lightly with boraclc acid powder. If you nre given to long tramps, a Aery strengthening thing for the feet Is to bathe them In salt and water. A slice of lemon bound on a corn will soften it considerably. It Is much less painful than the corn plaster, which simply ruins the feet. A soft corn may be gently rubbed with pumice stone. The Value of Paper It deserves to be better known that paper has wonderful powers of shutting In heat, and, although a complete ward robe of paper Is out. of the question. It can be used In many ways to eke out more costly garments. Paper has the advantage ot being cheap, and, as It Is so plentiful. It can be replaced as soon as It becomes soiled and worn, A sheet ot newspaper with a few ven tilating holes pierced In It answers the purpose of a blanket, and when placed between a blanket and the quilt, Is light and warm and not unsightly. Excellent lullts can be made by sewing together as many newspapers as are required, and piercing them with ventilating holes be fore covering them with sateen, chlntx or art muslin Paper torn In tiny shreds makes a good filling for" the mattress of a child's cot, and when It la soiled It can be easily replaced The same kind of paper shreds make a good filling for pillows. There la a big demand for extra pillows ALLTHATYOUGETHEREIS 008 ItKCKIVKO DAILY wwmm We rteiv bipnunu o! atrUtly frth Hi fvtry dar In order to bait tacit h demand! of discriminating- eoaiumcra. Our Eg am f uaranUtd they aul bs what wa cUlra 10 b or wa will make ie4 on your purchase Try us for your axt order W deliver aoywber. Mai) and phone order carefully ailed. W.A.Bender BKAtUNS TWHJHN.U, MAKKBT riibert, SMtvtttt Ue im THAT INTEREST MAID AND MATROTN MODES OF THE HOUR Suit of Quiet Elegance Shottin, Though Fashion Has Shifted to the Motley. One might well presuppose legerdemain to account for the things that arc seen nnd then not seen or supplanted before the Inclination has become adjusted' to the change. Once upon a time black was the wear, par excellence, for the street. Now, It Is motley. AH the colors of the rainbow were right, fitting and proper for the eve ning. Now, black has nn unassailable position and black velvet n royal place. Other times, other manners, or the world would stand still. A suit of quiet elegance Is sketched today. That Is, It would be quiet It black, If a beautiful simplicity wore not dlstrnctlngly notlcenbte in a crowd nr rajed with n Solomon-like glorj'. The coat Is unusually long, even for a cont of the rcdlngotc class, and It ob tains (tin requisite fulness by racnni o-f the unstitched plaits. They start at the shoulder In back nnd In front nnd con tinue In nn unbroken line to the very bottom of the coat. The collar, unobtrusively small. Is of seal nnd the belt Is made of sealskin fur banding about three Inches wide. MntcrlnW such ns zlbclllne, duvetyne nnd velours nro highly satisfactory for suits where the wearing quality Is con cerned. They are expensUe to stnrt with, but they will stand hard service without showing Its signs, If they nre well tailor ed In the first place. The fur coat Is too heavy for every Wit, Women and Wisdom A match-maker oftens burns her fingers. Love needs no vocabulnry. Man was made but little lower than the angels, but what woman wwi made of was left for man to find out. When a woman leaves n man, his money has generally gone before. There's little In a name except when It's In the wife's name. When a woman begins to know what she wnnts, she usually wants what she doesn't know. Vnnlty covers aitnultltude of skins with cosmetics. A good husband tells a wife her faults. An Ideal one doesn't think she has any. A glad eye and a Joy da- pftcn go together. N- A man Is an asset to n woman, but she is his liability. London Mall. To Treat a Faint The cause of a fainting fit may be fright, shock (even of pleasure), pnln, or nnj thing else, but the result Is In terference with the circulation. The blood leaves tho brain, nnd unconscious ness Immediately follows. Obviously the right course Is to get the blood back to the brain. The patient should be laid flat, without even a pillow under the head. All clothing should bo loosened, especially about the neck and waist. If the unconsciousness perslBts for more than a few minutes, heat should be ap plied to the feet, but care must be taken that tbe hot-water bottle Is not ngalnst the bare flesh, nor hot enough to cause a burn. Beauty Hints Avoid all sweets, sugar, pastry and hot cakes, for two or three months, and in dulge freely In fruit and vegetable diet, nnd you will be amply repaid by your (ff -r Wfcifllr 9 fnf ft I fr a Wf " BiBBSBjV'aiJB "Why, that's just the kind of a home I want!" "And here are complete floor plans, and costs, and and everything!" . On this convenient display rack arc shown photographs and plans of twenty-five suburban homes, costing from $2800 to $7500. Further Ledger Central will supply the names of builders who will construct the house at the price specified. Also, of real estate dealers ' who-have building lots for sale in any desired location. Ledger Central stands for serviceservice to Philadeinhl , Philadelphians. This "Home-Builders' Service" U .imply 5ithe? example of its usefulness. l 7 d"oiner LEDGER CENTRAL Chestnut Street at Broad 10, 1014. day, day In nnd day out, and t0 ,; pensive to be considered by the rnnK nnd file. ,. The reverse of the medal howtM coat of cheviot or serge as m,hfn,.y light for Ihe coldest days of winter Ergo, these new wdolens are deslrao e for their warmth In addition to their beauty of tcxtilre. While simplicity that verges on "VT'V has Its points, It Is not "revery one. And only a man would mn"ln,VPnurf suit to be more easily made than nure and frills. It takes a tailor of a IB" grnde to put the right Ump on suits that lack detail nnd depend on their lines for their effectiveness. Things have a way of "'" however. If the girl to whom the i tailor made suit Is becoming must pay lugn for It. she has the sntlsfac Ion of know log that she can wear It twice as long as the coat cut In some unusual or extreme way, without growing tired or it. While It may not be ultra to start out with It Is tho less likely to,bec0"?e.p"," nt short notice. No matter how charm ng the novelties may be. and very often they nro really beautiful, they are not "fast colors" from the point of view of dnlly envisaging them. . They are for the girl who can mane her own clothes, or for the woman ot means Cither woy they can be discarded In the fulness of time without extrava gance on the one hand or Inconvenience on the other. When It comes to the selection or furs, If sealskin Is expensive, yet It will out wear cheaper furs twice over and It la never out of fnshlon. complexion being clear, eyes bright, checks rosy nnd lips red, besides being the possessor of youthful energy Bnd good health. Commonsemo In eating and drinking, together with plenty of fresh air, sleep ing In a room well ventilated, a warm bath taken two or three times weekly, nnd n good brisk walk dnllj-, will enable nature to do her work properlj', and you will be glad you bear this In mind; for good health means happiness, nnd a happy, healthy woman Is a pleasing sight for all to behold. INDIA and CEYLON Gold Label $1.00 Buff Label 80c Per Pound TEA aw, lir Counter There U no itT can derive greater comfort "" good heavy cost Fashion .Anc U and turns It out In every Tw "" U.nC -a, three quttlrYUth. is made of oxford Uced, double-faced with pUW "" for 15. A close fitting collar button" at the throat, the sleeves are '" pocket shows nt each side. This coat la so conservative In stjle that It will Jo service for the winter and make a good sports coat In tho spring. A redlnsote of plaid, with a rlpptln skirt, a belt nt the back, close ve vet cellar and large buttons, as trlmmlns, now coats $11.75. ' , A coat that has a distinct military air Is made of pebble cheviot In dark colors. A collar of caracul cloth Is a pleasing feature. The price l 16 60. Trench boucle In gray makes a coat that looks as If It had come from the war xone. It has a high military collar, and a belled back that shows a swirl. The price Is 111. ,- .t .(.... .una rtment rood values Jit IIIC 1IH30VO vvk".."w- " -i i.... a .- tnat In nn excellent arc snuwiiis- " oiuum ., ... ---quality of zlbellne, belted and buttoned, costs 110.00. At the same figure coata Blmllar In style are made of chinchilla nnd boucle nnd fine vicunas and mixtures. At 18 75 coats specially designed for school or college wear nre sold. They nre In the length called seven-eighths, with belts, patch pockets and cuffa, and with collars that can be buttoned to th throat or left open. Coats of silk plush with fur collari can be bought for 115. Thla la an ex cellent vnlue nnd one that women or small slic might take advantage of. The coats nre dressy enough for afternoon wear over the one-piece frock. Tho fnshlonablo fur fabric makes at tractive coots that sell for $18 50. The nre silk lined, with collar and cuffs of silk plush. A broad belt ot the hips con fines tho fulness that escapes In ripples further down A rich looking Persian cloth makes on attractive looking cont that sella for JC. The model Is a good one nnd not too aportsmnnllke for nfternoon wear. An Inexpensive Luxury Green Label 70c Red Label 60c . Per Pound 9 m wqpWHiWMP ' I U lg ' mmmmmmv im ttowiiw wmfflw nn hi . UM'&lmkMl, h W 1