0-Ih ?V . 'r ri WHWmm pt yjjw,n "rTVIJT'iilgfPWPCTasgWTO WCTJrwjtMrMraM i fii war mn wTn.aajMMum)3- M-l'lr'a' rnccm-g.ffi!3 J8M-... ffl1Mjrfftra.wJ,w:,aidbMeM b-a.jna iw mw;uu ''' j":,-""""r' " i !' ' & if 7M SOCIAL LIFE IN AND ABOUT PHILADELPHIA Mtt. AND MnS, EDOAIt SCOTT hav Issued Invitations for n dinner nl the mtg-Carlton before tho Assornbly In honor of their niece, Miss Henrietta' Howard Sturgls, daughter of Mrs. Robert Sturgls, of New York. itr. and Air. Edward AValter Clnrk have Issued Invitations for a dinner done on Satur day evening. December 6, at 7 o'clock, al Kee waydln, thlr homo at St. Martin's. hIIm Susan B. Iimoritott, daughter of Mr. and Mr Kdward Ingersoll: Mlaa rtuth Coxe, daugh ter of itr. nnd Mrs, Henry Brlnton, Coxe; Mist Hilda Tunis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas tt. Tunis, nnd Miss Mary Wood Unity, daughter of Mr. and Air. Charles Winter Bally, -will go over to New York to receive at the tea Mrs. nobcrt Sturgls will give at the Colony Club on December 4 to Introduco her daughter, Mlsa Henrietta Howard Sturgls, A prlvato exhibition of the IHst episode of a, serial motion picture play was given Sunday night at tho Central Theatre, 4th and Market streets. Among tho Invited guests wero Mrs, Robert W. Downing, Mrs. William Coleman Freeman, Miss Ines Dayton. Mlsa Elsa Heath, Miss Phoobe W. Adams, Mlsa Enilllo Duval WllllamB, Miss Elisabeth Thompson, Miss 1,11a Flshor, Miss Iloberta Brown Downing, Miss Alya Sergeant, Ludwlg Clifford Lewis, Francis B. Reed, Joseph Mouttom Oeorge J, Harding, Harry Morris Adams, William Davis, Oeorge Rowland Sergeant, Dr. Frank Dickson, L. Brooko Edwards, John Meant and Cowan Bain, Spencer Downing and F. B. Foster, who Is Mr. Downlns's roommato nt Harvard, spent Sunday with Mrs. Downing, nt 1624 Locust street, returning to Cambridge last night. Mr. and Mrs. David (3. Myers have Issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, JUiss Edna Coulson Myers, to William Tyson Vtoorhead, Thursday, November 19, at 7.30, at their homo. A reception will follow Immediately after tho ceremony. Mrs. Charles E, Orme, who has been spend ing tho summer and fall at Atlantic City, has returned to tho city, and Is occupying her apartments at the Stenton. Mr, and Mrs. Richard D. Wood, of 63 South Ed street, will entertain at dinner tonight in honor of Miss Violet Rldgway, whose marriage to Theodore Jackol will tako place next Satur day, ALONG THE MAIN LINE DVEnnnooK Miss Elliabcth Hardwick will be hostess today at a luncheon and cards. Her EUcsts, who aro members of her card club, wilt bo Mrs. Alexandor M. Pntton, Mrs. Alfred , Miller, Mrs. Charles J. Thompson, Mrs. How ard Bougher. Airs. Adelo Garman and Airs. I. 'E. Adams. Mr. nnd Airs. C. W. Hlnkle will leave next week for Denver, Col., uhcro they will spend the winter. MEiuoN-Mrs. A. G. Sparks, of Highland ave nue, chaperoned a motor party of young peo ple up to Princeton, Saturday, for tho game. They had luncheon at tho Charter Club. Thoso in the party ivero Airs. G. A. Blilor, Jr., of Bala; Alias Kathleen 'Fitzgerald, AIlss Jessio Sparks, Archie Sparks and Walter Sparks. nAVERFORD Mrs. Charles Z. Tryon, of Rose lane, Is visiting- AIlss Katherlno Walker at her country place, West Park, on tho Hudson. Air. Tryon, who, with a party of friends, attended tho Yale-Princeton game at Princeton, on Sat urday, joined Airs. Tryon for the week-end. IIOSEMONT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKcan have as their houso guest Mrs. William Lee, Jr., of Baltimore. AIlss Harriet AIcAlpIn, of New York city, Is tho uueat of Airs. George Fales Baker. Mrs. Baker ha3 recently returned from Lakewood. VHXANOVA-Mrs. Lawrence Dllworth Begga Is visiting friends In Pittsburgh. Air. nnd Airs. Francis Bonner and Mlsa Cole man will open their town ,house, 103) Spruce street, the latter part of this month. nADNon-AIrs. William Innes Forbes is visit Insr friends In Ashevllle, N, C. Mrs. Frederick W. Schmidt will give a series of luncheons this year at the Wtz-Carlton. ST.DAVID'S-Rcar Admiral and Mrs. W. W. Meade have returned to their home on Aber deen avenue after visiting friends Jn Kentucky and Washington, D. C. Airs. Alcado'a friends will regret to learn that alio has been quite III since her return. Air. William Watson nnd her children, who have been the guests of Air. and Mrs. John W. Yeatts. of St. David's road, has returned to . her home in San Juan, P. R. Doctor Watson preceded Mrs. Watson, havliur returned to Porto Rico a month ngo. WAYKE-AIIsa Emma Godwin, of stratfnr ! Conn., is the guest of Air. and Mrs. Frect.riri, SP. RadcllfCe, Jr., at their homo on Midland avenue. rAIIss Elsie Leonard entertained nt n. hi-Mn.. Eiuncheon on Friday, at her homo on Rnmmi. Favenue, in honor of Miss Florence Janeson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Jr.. h.v returned to their home on Poplar avenue, after having been tho guests of Airs, Ring, of Oer mantown. Air, and Mrs. W, Paul Sheaffer have as their guest Mlaa Helen Stevenson, of PJttsfleld, Mass, Friends of Mrs. Matthew Randall will be Blad to learn that she has returned to her ; home on Woodland avenue, from the Bryn Mawr Hospital, where she has been ill with typhoid rocr, GERMANTOWN Miss Helen Van Duen. dauchter of Mr. .nH LMrs. Samuel B. Van Dusen. of 5131 Morris treet, baa been spending' several days In New xurK, Mr and Airs. Samuel W. Steekel. fnrm.,i of 7W Creshelm road, are occupying their new noma on queen Jane, Mr and Mrs. John Barl Marsden, of i7 East oum rjeasant avenue, Sedgwick, gave a small pinner, Saturday evening-, November 14. In honor of their house guests, Mr. and Airs. W. Biley and Mr. and Airs. "VHHam Rookstool, Washington, D. C, Mrs. Paul Pearson, of the Queen Lane apart inent. is at present visiting- fHn,i i t.iti hnore " """'' iLflatf If.. .....,.. - . ........ .i6i,n jutrtieer, or West TJDsal itret. Is In Atlantic City for several days. CHESTNUT HILL Join H. Mason, Jr. of 30 Chestnut aveaue. htstnjt HH1, who Is at present a tudeat at Sle, SOent Frtdo.v In Stiilladjd&u. j .... j. he Yale-ErtwHtit east faJMMay. i m mmmmm EVENING EEDGEB-PHIIADELPHIA', MONDAY, NOVEMBER. 1G, Ipl-jt. wHBPfPP BIS l'hotn bjr Mrcati MRS. LOUIS IL SCHWARTZ Mrs. Schwartz will bo remembered as Miss Mario Hcxamcr, whoso marriago took place last Wednesday. tonight at Airs. E. Hnrrlson Taylor's homo. Tho nKmbors aro Air. and Mrs. Georgo C. Thomas, Jr., Mr. nnd Airs. John H. Whtttnkor, Dr. nnd Airs. J. Alurrny Ellzey, Mr nnd Mrs, Charles S. Hebard, Dr. and Airs. Blddle R. Alarsden, Air. and Airs. James B. Coryell, Air. and Atrs George B. Llnnard, Air. and Airs. Edgar P. Knrle, Dr. nnd Airs. J. B. Browder, AIlss Pauline Davis Bowie, AIlss Gcrtrudo Homer, AIIbs Ger trudo Allen, Dr. Charles J. Hatfield, Robert Pcarsall, Joseph Jennings. ALONG THE READING Air. and Airs. John Worrell Pepper will spend the winter at Fair Acres, their country place at Jenklntown. There will bo n card party at the Old York Road Country Club, on Wednesday, November IS, at 2:30 o'clock. Airs. Louts B. Fortner and Airs. Alary Smith will act as hostesses of the occasion. All Hallows Parish House, Wyncote, will hold an attractive bazaar on Thursday, No vember 19, from 1 until 9 o'clock, tho proceeds of which will bo used for tho missionary work of tho woman's auxiliary. Tho attraction of a tearoom will be added, where lunch and sup per will be served. Air. and Airs. Edwin L. Cross have closed their bungalow at Gwynedd Valley nnd aro oc cupying an apartment at 1433 Pino street for the winter. The next meeting of tho Woman's Club of Wyncoto will take placo at tho resldenco of Airs. James J. Sill, In Wyncote, on Wednesday, November 18, at 2 30 p. m. AIlss Janet Rlch ards will give a lecturo on "Current Events," On Friday evening, November SO, at 8 o'clock, the club will bo entertained by Mrs. John Grlb bel nt St. Austell's Hall, her home In AVyncote. A Ira. James Stephen Alartln will give a talk on "Scotch Ballads," while John Grlbbel's sub ject will be "An Evening With Burns." There will also be a reading by AIlss Abby A. Suther land, principal of Ogontz Seminary. WEST PHILADELPHIA Friends of Air. nnd Mrs. Joseph Lewis gave them a delightful variety shower in their home, 4613 Walnut street. Airs. Lewis will bo remem bered as Miss Edith Keflor before her marriago last June. Among those present at the shower vrere Miss Florence Tldeman, AIlss Margaret Kcan, AIlss Anna Kean, AIlss Alary Burke, Miss AIny Wollbank, Miss Alargaret Taylor, AIlss Hay Kelly, Miss Rose O'Connell, Air. and Airs. T. J. Burns, Francis Carr, William Duffy, T. O'Rourko and J, Barnes, Air. and Airs. Milton A. Hudson, of 5119 Re gent street, gave a delightful bal masque at their home, Saturday night. About 30 guests attended. Air, and Airs. Emit Guenther and J. Jan! en Guenther have recently returned from Paoll and opened their Hamilton Court apartments for the winter, Mrs. Edwin Huston, of 1305 North Alden street, has announced the engagement of her daughter, AIlss Edwlna Huston, to Bruce Lauch len. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Mary McEvoy and Miss Anna AIcEvoy will entertain the members of their sewing circle this evening. A small luncheon will be served. Their guests will include AIlss Helen Boyle, AIlss Mario Boyle, AIlss Edna Collins. Miss Elizabeth White, Alias Irene Collins, AIlss Sarah Allen, AIlss Lucy Love and Miss Anna Alagulre. Mr, and Airs. H. Hayos will entertain this evening at their home, 2193 Christian street. Their guests will Include Miss Lillian Collins, AIUs May Collins. Miss Margaret Burke, Mr, and Airs. J, Mllnamow and Alessrs. William Collins and Edward Faster, Mrs. Daniel Ryan will entertain the members of her Card Club on Wednesday next, at her home, 2111 South 15th street. She will have as guests of honor two members who be longed to the club in former years, Mrs. Clarke, of Chicago, who is at present visiting friends in Philadelphia, and Airs. Korbe. The members of the olub who will be present are Airs. Coultess, Mrs. Hogue, Mrs. James J. Cornell. Mrs. A. D. Rodgers, Mrs. Arthur Mor row, Airs. J. Coburn, Mrs. Tarbox, Mrs. .Wil liam R. Moffatt, Miss Elizabeth Walah, MJ9 Alay Walsh and Airs. Galely, A luneheon will be served after the game. Mlehael Franais Doyle1, of 1S33 South Broad street, who was sent abroad by the United States Government on August 14 to take cars of the American refugees, has cabled his fam ily that he Is oa his way to Brussels, and hopes ta salt for horoe In about tea days. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. m4 Urn Iuia Biw. of am WulM TmA atam. Wfca wlU give a (teiMg $ "ps nesday night at tho Alnnufaeturers' Club, will be assisted In receiving by Miss Ethel Ruth Burk, Airs. Walter B. Scott, Airs. William B. Baker, Airs. Bayard C. Dickinson and Airs. William D. Burk. The clubhouse will bo dec orated with roses and chrysanthemums, -there will be 250 guests. Afr. and Airs. George W, Walton, of 13i7 Green street, will give n dinner dance on Fri day, November 27, at the Adelphla, Gordon Davis, of 1809 North 18th street, epcnl the week-end visiting friends In Lnnsdale. Mrs. F, AI. Fulton, of 1332 Hunting Tark ave nue, has returned from a visit to York, Pa, and has as her guest for tho next two weeks AIlss Peg Alanlfold, of York, Pa. The members of the German class will cele brate the 20th anniversary of the organization with n dinner followed by nn opera party nt the Aletropolllan Oporn Houso, on Tuesday evening, November 24. Airs, Loui'i Schllt, of Now York city, Is tho guest of hct children, Air. nnd Atrs. Simon Katz, of 1W3 North 12th street, with whom Bhe will visit for sevt'al weeks before Joining Air. Schllt nt Mount Clemens. Air. nnd Airs. N, C. Welnrelch, of 2227 North Park avenue, announce the bctrothnl of their daughter, Isabella V., to Laurence Gassen helmor, of Washington, D. C. Reception day will bo announced later. AIlss Henrietta G. Loob, of 1SE1 North 17th streot, who had been In Atlantic City for two weeks, hni returned home. Airs. Harry Loeb Is spending a few weeks at tho Dlcko Cottage, 203 South Rhod6 Island avenue. Air. and Airs. Eugcno Af. Stern nnd children, of 2109 Spring Garden street, have gone to Baltimore and will remain nt tho Hotel Espla nado until Thursday. Airs. S. Rubin, of 1807 North 33d street, nfter a serious Illness of Ave weeks. Is now con vnltsclng at Galen Hnll, Atlantic City, where sho will stay for several weeks, Airs. L. Harris and daughter Yetta, of 825 North 7th street, have left for Brownsville, Pa., to visit Alro. Abe Miller. From there thoy will go Couth for sovernl weeks. Alra. AI Hnrklns, of Frnnkvllle, Pa., Is spend ing somn weeks with her elstcr, Mrs. Lawrenco O'Boylc, of 2237 North 13th streot. Tho Sigma Delta Sorority of tho William Penn High School will hold a largo luncheon Saturdny afternoon, November 21, at the Adelphla Hotel. AIlss Alargaret Parker and Walter Parker, of 203.! North Lambert street, gave a masquerado party nt their homo thle week. Their guests Included AIlss Alnrgnrct Alayer, AIlss Katherlno Stout. AIlss Alary AIcElroy, Allan CnTle Bcrt nml, AIlss AInrlo Herring, AIlss Alargaret Gal lagher, AIlss Day, Allsa Alice Bcrtrand, AIlss Cutherlne O'Donnell, AIlss Nellie Alayer, AIlss Ehler, Trnncls Dewan, Joseph Thompk'ns, John Trevl, Wllllum Roach, John O'Donnell, Joseph Onllagher, Mr. Tinier, Air. Burko and Air. Parker. Tho marriage of AIlss Helen Goodman, daugh ter of Air. nnd Airs. Benno Goodman, of 2303 North 21st street, and Alorrls N. Cohen, of 1001 West Erlo avenue, will be solemnized tonight, nt 6-30 o'clock, at the Rtttcnhouse, 22d and Chestnut streets. Air. Goodman will give his daughter In marriage, and the ceremony will be performed by tho Rev. Dr. Joseph Kraus kopf, of the Kenescth Israel Congregation. AIlss Elslo Goodman, the 'bride's sister, will be maid of honor. The brldogroom will have for his best man Dr. William E. Raken. Tho ceremony will be followed by a small reception. On their return from their honeymoon trip, Air. and Airs. Cohen will reside In Logan. ROXBOROUGH Airs. Charles Jones Thompson, one of the most popular hostesses In Roxborough, gave a delightful luncheon, followed by auction bridge and COO, on Saturday at her home, 629 East Leverlngton avenue. Yellow chrysanthemums and autumn follago were used In the very at tractive decorations. There were 67 guests. Airs. Sadie Miller, of 3577 Queen lane, gave a luncheon followed by cards on Saturday for her 600 club. Her guests were AIlss Elizabeth Eckard, AIlss Grace Edwards, AIlss Rose Carney, Miss Emily Harris, Miss Helen Mitchell, AIlss Gertrude Field and Airs. Joseph Lee. Air. and Mrs. Frederick Carbaugh, of 4414 Pechln street, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son. Frederick Russell Carbaugh. Mr. and Airs. Richard H. Patton, formerly of Roxborough, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Alias Elizabeth Johnston Pat ton, to George VIckers White. Air. and Mrs. White will be at home after December 15 In Salisbury, Aid. A wedding of much Interest In Roxborough took place on Saturday night, when AIlss Edna Lane, daughter of Air. and Airs. John Lane, of 1235 South 62d street, became the bride of Rob ert A. Leforte, Jr., of Hermit lane. The cere mony was performed by the Rev. T. Z. Stroh dach, pastor or the Grace Lutheran Church, of Roxborough, at the new home of the bride groom and bride, 634 East Walnut lane. MIsh Bertha Leforte, the bridegroom's sister, was maid of honor, Bernard Leforte was his brother's best man. The service was followed by a largely attended reception. Air. and Mrs. Leforte will be at home after December 15, KENSINGTON "A Royal Runaway" and "Why Not, Jim?" two comedies, followed by a "Scarf Drill." will be given this evening at the East Baptist Church, East Columbia avenue and Thompson street, Harry Davis, of the Athletics, one of the world's greatest coaches of baseball, addressed a meeting for boys Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Kensington Branch of the Y, M. C. A., on which occasion he gave a message from the baseball diamond. A delegation of boys from the WJdener Me-. mortal Home were guests of the Y, At C, A. Saturday morning. A bazaar will be held at Mrs. Parker's home, SM North 2d street, Thanksgiving afternoon and evening, and Friday and Saturday, from 3 to It o'elook. Tho affair wH be given for the benefit of the Norrls Square U. P. Churoh. ' Morris Hoekman. of 2089 East Allegheny ave nue, gavo a "stag" party for the members of the "Ye 15" Club Saturday evening. TIOGA Urs. James Geyer, of 3J3 North X5th street, entertained at cards this afUruoon. The guests were members of her card club, and included lira. Jeh Warner. Mrs, W. yl, Mrs. Qfar- mm. . wean. rs. . u, && Ml M. was, mi, awry aurwy $g. Wm Mllnes, Atrs. K. B Johnson, Airs. Charles Alax well, Airs. Louis Huston, Airs. Harry Beerhnlterj Airs. H. C. Trumbower. Airs. Walter Scott, Airs C. C. Freas and Jtlss Frens. Airs. George H. Wobensmlth, of 1813 West On tario street, left today for a week's visit in Scranton, Pa, Elmer T. Benr, of Norfolk. Va Is spending ten days with his parenti, Air. and Airs. AI. Bear, of Mtt Lenox nvmuc. AIlss Anna Cree, ot 1231 West Allegheny nve nue. entertained her newly formed BOO club nt hr home Saturday. AIlss Illnncho Dlbert won the first prize. A buffet supper was served rhoso present were Mfes Dorothy White, Atlas Blancho Dlbert, Atle Elslo DnK AIlss Grcc, Charles Brown, Rex White, Robert Jennings nnd Herman A Knnpp. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Air. nnd Airs. Archibald Kamp and small daughter have given up their home on 3d street nnd will In the future reside at 19S3 Bedford nvenue, Brooklyn. AIlss Gernldlne Stockham, of Baltimore, after spending n fortnight with Airs. Hnrold Bot tomley, of Alerchnntvllle, Is now visiting rela tlmcs at 6th nnd Linden streets. Next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock AIlss Hilda AI, Atorse, of Alerehantvllle, will be mar ried to Lieutenant Chester R. Hnlg. Tho cere mony will take placo In Grace Eplscopnl Church, Airs. W. H. C. Salmon, of Ivycroft, Devon shire, Eng, Is spending several months visiting her mother, Airs Croft, and AIlss Clara Croft, on Cooper street, and her sister, Airs. Allranda Bottomlcy, of Alerchnntvllle. Alalor Salmon Is detained In England on nccount of tho war. Air. and Airs. Solomon Glenn, of 322 Cooper street, motored to Princeton Saturday to wit ness tho Prlnccton-Yalo game. Air. Glenn Is a Prlncoton man, as Is David Balrd, of Sth and Cooper streets, who also attended tho game. WILMINGTON Airs. J. Ernest Smith hns gone to Sierra Aladre, Cal where sho will spend the winter with Air. and Airs. Fredorlck Bart Bergcr. Airs. Victor B Woolloy will entertain the Tuesday Alornlng Bridge Club this week. Airs Leonard A. Ycrkos entertained at cards for Airs. Isaac W. Reed, of Savannah, Ga. DROWNING SOCIETY Drowning Society Will Open Its Season Thurs day. Tho Browning Socloty of Philadelphia will hold Its first meeting for tho 27th soason, on Thursday night, In tho Now Contury Draw ing Room, 12th street nbovo Walnut. Tho subject for tho opening night will bo "Tho Troubadours," tho first of a series of literary studies of "Tho Influcnco of Provence," which Is tho gcnernl subject for tho winter. Tho president. Airs John B. Roberts, will mnko tho opening nddress. Pnpcrs will bo road by A. Guy H. Spiers and C. Wharton Stork. Allan Lucy Dean Wilson, Airs. Edwn,rd H. Coates and Charles F. Zlcglcr will give readings. Tho program will Include also musical selections by Airs. Franklin Townscnd, Jr., nnd AIlss Lc titla Rndcllffe, nnd a discussion on "Tho Func tion of a Literary Society," by Airs. H. S. rrentlsa Nichols, president of tho Now Cen tury Club, and Dr J. Berg Esenwcln, presi dent of tho Society of Arts and Letters There will bo nine gcnernl study meetings, nnd thoso who will tnko part nro Alias Grace D. Stew nrt. Alias Nathalie E. Browno, Airs. Robert G. Geddcs, Jr., AIlss Anno Holllngsworth Whar ton, H. Perclvnl Allen, Dr. Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie, Alias Gertrude F. Bunnell, Alias Helena I. Balbtrnle, AIlss Alary Lloyd, AIlss Emlllo Krldcr Norrls, Airs. Edith Hatcher Harcum, Alias Elizabeth Carpenter, AIlss Llda Stokes Adams, Airs. Wilfred Lewis, Dr. AIntthew Woods, Edward C Parker, Dr. Daniel Alans fleld Hoyt, Francis Howard Williams, Alias Alaude Burt AlcCnll, Airs Lewis R. Dick, Airs. Georgo Donohowcr, Dr. nnd Airs. John Clar ence Lee, AIlss Anno Hlnchman, Airs. John P. Llcgo, Airs. Edith AInhon, AIlss Rosamond Hoyt, Dr. Isaac Landman, AIlss AInrgaret Boyle, Haroy AI. Watts, A. H. Gumacr, Airs. Samuel B. Jardon, Mile I .yd la V. Alurlnger, Airs. G. Oram Ring, AIlss Cornelia E. Bed ford, Airs. H J. Howlnnd, Alias Dorothea Thullln, Alias Jollne, AIlss Helen Baldwin, Cuthbert Lee, AIlss Alary B. Roberts, AIlss Emily Sartaln, H. La Barre Jayno, Alias Rachel Lowrle, Airs. Charles AI. Whltcomb, Airs. Otis Skinner. DEBUTANTE AFFAIRS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Ingersoll Will Introduce Daughter. AIlss Susan B. Ingersoll will be presented nt a large tea today, which will be given by her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Edward Inger soll, at their home. 1815 Walnut street. AIlss Ingersoll la a younger sister of Alias Anna Ingersoll. who made her debut several years ago, and who has been a great social favorite. Both sisters are tall and stately, liko their mother nnd aunt, who will always hold a foremost place In this city for style, charm and beauty. Airs. Ingersoll was AIlss Rita Sturgls, and her sisters are Mrs, James Potter, who was AIlss Lily Sturgls; Mrs. Antonio Y. Stewart, who was Miss Susan Sturgls, a'nd Mrs. Edgar Scott, who will be remembered as AIlss Alazle Sturgls. Airs. Ingersoll will be assisted in re ceiving by her sisters and Airs. R, Sturgls Ingersoll, her daughter-in-law, who, before her rrarriage on October 31, was Alias Alarlon B, Fowle. The large rooms on the lower and second floors of the house will be thrown open to the guests. AIlss Ingersoll will wear a dainty gown ot satin, with tiny tulle ruflllngs and lace, which will be made with a wide girdle ot satin. Sho will carry orchids and lilies of tho valley, A number of the debutantes will receive with Allrs Ingersoll, among whom will be Miss Ruth Coxe, Miss Cornelia C. Leldy, Miss Mary Frances Fisher, AIlss Marlon Henrietta Sturgls. Miss Cordelia Blddle, Miss Charlotte Rush, Miss Katharine Ashhurst Bowie and lAIissj Elizabeth Thompson, The flowers received by Alts Ingersoll are superb. Rare blooms of ttvry variety are to be seen scattered about the spaelous rooms, which are lavishly decorated with palms and great ohryjanthemums. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry Paul Bally, of Ardmore, will give a taaee at the Alerlon Golf Club in honor of their niece, Mlsa Molly Wood Bally, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winter Bally, of Strafford. The hand seme rooms and hall of the self olub will be dMtated with autumn leaves aad abrysaa themums. Mr. nad Mrs. Bally wUl be aseietad ta re ceiving their fueita by their daughter, Mtea West JUUy, aad by Mr. a& Ufa. Charles. Water a. Abwt m Stffe N! aa. nrrtiii tmnai THE DRAMA -nT1mlhn?-',iiillii-Tf,--'- rTlnrraTlrvfli Ma g'owassaggaw ANNA I'AVLOWA'S BEAUTIFUL BALLET ORIGIN OF THE RUSSIAN BALLET Anna Pavlowa, who will appear at the Met ropolitan Opera House November 23, Is one of tho greatest expononts of Russian dancing, l'av lowa's influence on the Russian ballet has been great, During her recent commnnd appearance In Petrogind, Pavlowa Introduced to the Rus sians her "Alomcnt Aluslcale," by Schubert, with distinct success. It was halted ns one ot tho most graceful and artistic efforts ever Been In Russia. The real beginning of the ballet In Russia dates back nearly a century, when the Empress Anna Ivanova Invited tho Italian composer, Francesco Araja, to Pctrograd. Ho estab lished tho ballet, which, during tho reign of Empress Anna, was given regulnrly once a week. Slnco that tlmo the baltct has been a part of tho Ufo of Pctrograd. In tho beginning the Russian ballet was largely Italian Up to 1SC0 the foreign stars wcto paramount. This wns tho period of tho Immortal Tagllonl and Fanny Ellslcr, both of whom wero rapturously received by tho Rus sians. But since Tngllonl the Russian bnllorlnnB havo gradually nnd very successfully supplant ed all other foreigners In pop'ular favor. Training a dancer In Russia Is a long, severo process. Children enter tho Imperial Ballet School when they are from 8 to 10 years of age, and remain there for from seven to ten years. Onco each year 120 boys and girls present them selves at the ballet department ot the Imperial Thcatro school, in Petrograd. By a process ot elimination 20 aro selected from tho applicants nnd put on trial In tho Bchool for a year. At the end of tho year another examination Is held, and eight of tho children who show the least promise aro eliminated. Thero aro usually 16. never moro than 18, vacancies in tho ballet to be filled. Salaries paid dancers are arranged according to a regular scale Members of the corps du ballet receive 325 a week, a premier danseuso from $50 to 375 c week and a. "star" anywhere from JlOO to $1000 a week. Pavlowa, for In stance, has rcrelved as much as 76000 for a sin gle performance. Tho production of an entirely new ballet costs from 60,000 to 75,000 rubles, or approximately 25,000 to $10,000. Usually two new ballets aro produced each year. The list of Russian ballets la extremely small. Pavlowa herself has contributed six, one ot them being "Amarllla," a gipsy story of intense dramatic and musical worth. FLASHES FROM "STARS" Bllllo Burke 13 on tour In "Jerry," nnd Is meeting with enthusiastic receptions. At Co lumbus, O., tho management decided to place the orchestra on the stage to accommodate the overflow. One night in Dayton and at two night performances and a matinee In Indian apolis also the orchestra was transplanted for the same reason. Cathrlno Countiss and Charles Richmond have been engaged for leading parts in the lllm production of "The Idler," which Lloyd B. Carleton Is directing for the William Fox film corporation. Another play which Carleton haB In hand Is "Captain Jinks." He directed both ot these plays when they were originally presented on the stage. AIlss Rae Selwyn, who plays Sarah Peabody, the supposed "deaf nnd dumb chicken" In "Under Cover," was born In Toronto, Canada, and educated in Louisville, Ky, In spite of the fact that she comes of the well-known family ot producers and playwrights, she found it hard to get a start on the stage. It was through Grace George, her intimate friend, that she got her first role. Miss George asked her If ' i i i i i i AMUSEMENTS ACADEMY Of MUSIC PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA LEOPOLD BTOKOW8KI, Conductor Symphonyl Friday Aitern'n, Nov. 20, at 3:00 Concerts (Saturday Evg., Nov. 21, at 8:15 Soloiat: OLOA SAMAROFF, Flsnlitt Projrrsm VorpIel, "Lohengrin" W(nr Symphony No. -i (ItalUn) , Mendtlaaohn Conoerto for Piano. U Flat , .Tachalkowiky Overture, "Die Verkaufte Draut"..,. . . . . . .Smetena, Beata Now on Bale at Htppa'a. 1119 Cheetnut. ACADEMY 3SS 111? W RAYMOND L. DITMARS' Marvelous Motion Pictures ot Animal Ufa THE BOOK OF NATURE THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD Prlcea 16c to 78c Dr. Dltmara' Ltoturea TUB DOUBLE BIDL STANLEY TYRONE POWER theatre In "ARISTOCRACY" BXTRA ADDED FEATURE 'SHE STOOPS TO CONQUEn" Thursday. Friday. Saturday. "TH& C1HOUS MAN" WALNUT DAMAGED M&,TKT GOODS BVEN1NOS SBc. BOe. lie, t 00 Kt Weefc "TUB OLD HOMESTEAD1' FORREST Last 6 Evgs. w' S The Operetta Triumph Q A T T or the Time O A 11 I Popular Price Wedataday Matlaee. Beat Seeta 11.50 Net Week Queen ot the Movlea Muekal Comedy NIXON'S GRAND Today 3:18. TA9 DE PACE OPERA CO . KEN NEDY A HART, FOUR MELO DIOUS CHAPS. RED RAVEN TRIO: WILLIE HALS BRO. FRANOJ3 Jt ROSE. PICTURES. LVPTP Popular Wedseaday Mats, i JX X V- gut Seats 1 00 THE STORY OF THE ROSARY ADiilLFlil Ppl Mat ThiXtdwr "A PAIR OP SIXES" DUMONT'S 'SilfSSfJM? 4 "TrOliy Mi 'uiT'1."Ll Sff ifssT'legMr "1 elf I 1 wfci iff vsRrj slllk J$iaP,-. rWwjtK 1 HHHHBsBHksHbsbsbH BBBObBP JBsaaBsii! H 'Mffy-tnwBBBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBsffTBBBSBSBnBBBBBSBSBaMT X ft'lJBBBSBSBSBHBBlBilMtffiilljSBBBSBSBaW'I'l1 " pnnin IB llNlaBlBlBBBHHKKBBtts , rf.nn raiHiinn ., -.. ., i nn, n - Motropolltan Opera Hou.e, November 23 THEATRICAL BAEDEKER OPENING. nnOAD-"The Beautiful Adventure," comedy adopted from the French by George Egerton, starring Ann Murdock. KEITH'S Irene Franklin, tho popular come dienne, nnd a varied bill. , EITTEH THEATIIB - "Hlndlo Wakes." by Stnnley Houghton, produced for tho first time In this city. WALNUT "Damaged Goods," by Brleux. CONTINUING. ADEt.PHI-"A Pair of Sixes," farce by Edward Peplo. Two business partners shoot a cold hand, the winner to retain tho business, the loser to become his body-servant for a, year. Maude Eburno Inimitably tunny as a slavey. FORnEST "Sari," Hungarian operetta, with Mlzzl Hajos and Irene Powlowska. Mlzzt Hajos, as Sari, an Hungarian girl, transported to Paris, is Inimitably, coyly funny and Just captivating. Miss Powlowska sings operatic ally and charmingly. OAnitICK "The Debutante," new musical comedy, with book by H. B. nnd n. B. Smith and music by Victor Herbert. A trite plot, enlivened by bits of Insinuating music, with Hazel Dawn as roscato as ever. L,TniC-"The Story of tho Bosary.'" Elabo rately staged melodrama, which will weary noma In the first act and thrill others to the last, appreciation being a matter of taste. sho would llko to play In her company whe she gave her revival ot "Dlvorcons" about fwl years ago, nnd accordingly Miss Selwyn was given tho part of tho maid. Taylor Holmes, who plays Hillary Chester, alias Garibaldi Gazzaza, in "The Third Party," was born in Newark, N. J., and began his career as a dramatic parlor elocutionist. Later ho joined a stock company, whero he received all his early training, and then Joined Olga Nethersole's repertoire company, playing In1 the first appearances In this country of "Sapho," "Camllle," etc. Ho was with Both cm for a while In Shakespearean repertoire, nnd then plnyed stock in Newark, his home town. Then he wns seen with Frank Keenan, and filled in between seasons with vaudeville and stock In Philadelphia. Together with Rob ert Edcson he produced "Strongheart," acting as general stage manager, and later was seen In "Tho Soldier of Fortune." It wns during his year and a half run in vaudeville that David Bel as co saw him nnd engaged him to play with Warfield, appearing In "The Grand Army Man" and "The Music Master." In which piece he will always be remembered as tho Impulsive, love-sick German boy. Violet Hemlg will play tho part of Mercedes In the revival of "Yosemlte," In Daly's Theatre, New York, November 23. Until lately sho has had one ot tho leading roles In "A Modern Girl." AMUSEMENTS B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE AI.Ii FAVORITES' WEEK! Flrat Time In Three Yea re IRENE FRANKLIN The American Comedienne. With BURTON GREEN at the Piano. Soma character Typea In Sons. America's Repreaentatlre Dancers ADELAIDE & HUGHES In Dances of Today, Yeaterday and Tomorrow MME. DOREE & CO. In "Great Momenta from Grand Opera" BOGANNY'S LUNATIC BAKERS f'Fun In a Bakehouae" Foster Ball & Ford Weat: Hawthorne & Intllej Andrew Kelley; Irene & Bobby Smith; Chaa. Thom son; Hearat'Sells Motion Plcturea. Thankaglvlnr Week FUNNY EDDSfwpY GARRICK Last 6 Evgs. w"S VICTOR HERBERT Will Conduct Wedneaday Matlnet TTA7ET, DAWN m the debutantb n.JA.CtdXJ Vft. VV AN Mualc by Victor Herbert Popular Price Wedneaday Matinee. Beat Seata 11,50 Next I Seata Now (or ThankagivlnaT Matinee & Evening Week 1 Beata Thure. for Other Perform' Next We-k POTASH & PERLMUTTER ftVioofrinf Qf OPERA I Home of World' WlebUlUb OU HOUhE 1 Oieattat Photoplay Afternoona 1 to 0. 10 4 35o. Eveninsa T to 11. 10. 15, 25 Thousands Turned Away at Every Performance THE SPOILERS REX BEACH'S OIOANTIC MASTERPIECE With WIW.IASI FARNOM 4 KATHLYN WH.UAMB Twice Dally Afternoon 3:30; Erenlnja 8:30 Preceded by Dally Chanre Flrat Run Plcturea. MARKET ST. GTl O H Hi WANAMAKER'S XJ J J- - VAUDEV1LU5 11:80 TO 11 :S0 11,000,000 Theatre 2Z0O Seatlns CapaeJty SftEKS BERT LESLIE "SS1 Preaentlng "HOOAN IN LONDON-" 6 OTHERS 6 Interesting Photo-Play and Surprlae Feature W METROPOLITAN ONE NIOHT ONLY, MONDAY. NOV M PAVLOWAiT Complete Ballet and Symphony Orcbaatra. Beat Now. Prlcea Mc to ft BO Bex Seat 13 i&'1109 Chestnut St BROAD Tonightat8:15 w.tTfi. CHARLES FROHMAN PreatM THE BEAUTIFUL ADVENTURE With ANN MURDOCK Popular Prtae W4iy imubm. t Nt Weak Jeba Ore I ft Pro4I OTTLErMitSi "HINDLE W. THKATRK insAOeLassajr Ftyrfaj 1 Hai law ThsJaJea-. EMHRE-ooffig"S"ngr AJQaasBBlellaaeasagHIS- ww A fd nc .Or- N J p ifiS v aaaaB HkJw Bal II a S9' M 9aBs9a&lf 31 aaaaaHeam iff i JHk -- wi - lAeal ci -BaaBaBp'l II mm wUr flfit M tLtlaLtSsBBWIaaBaBHHH " i JHa :&Sa&lEaWaiBaF " i IjSaaReaKaV JjMBBf m Jr Taaal Kafl I .MeW. fefcr"--u jm c . kiM, - jiiKiiir- Willi ii MT" Bi-'BiSF'"" E. 'I" P i ' 11 allium mill MM I BT5- ,. J il I laaaWlaaaal