Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 14, 1914, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 9

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The ultlmfilo solution of tlio public
iilltlllAa nnftlAtvi la m lltil M rtfl 1 OWtlAN
I ship Whether tlio public utilities en-
lerprises are owncci uy imiiviuuuig
operating prttntcly or by the munici
pality, thcv must serve the people
economically nnd In the best Interests
of the people
The time has passed when public
utilities corporations nio entitled to
extra dividends because of tho haz
ards of operation. Thesucccss of
public utilities enterprise-? Is prac
tically assured, nnd tno dividends, If
higher, should bo only slightly higher
than those of other enterprises.
The people are the masters of the
public utilities.
In Chicago for a 'long while tho
utilities corporallftns controlled the
situation; but now the conditions have
been reversed, and the utilities ore
tho servants of the people.
Mayor of Chicago,
November It, 1914.
,v Continued fromraire One
than in tills country, ino lurciRn, sys
tems givo best possible sorvlco at mini
mum cost, they relieve the burdens of
tho taxpayers by contributions to the
city budgets, their operations widen the
boundaries of tho English cities, Improvo
housing conditions, nnd they are ever
looking to tlir- Improvement of conditions
of tho employes.
"There Is ni question about tho financial
euccess of the public operation," he said.
"Tho street railway systems In Great
Urltnln are constructed with more per
manences than In America. Aside from
tho large Investment In capital account,
every provision Is mudo for the comfort
and convenience of tho people."
His assertions were regarded as having
a distinct relation to the transit problem
confronting Phlltulclnhla todnv and tho
'Implied prediction mado jesrerday by
Director Taylor, of Philadelphia's De
partment of City Transit, that public
funds would construct and operate the
lilgh-Bpeed lines projected In this city
In tho absence of co-operation of the ex
Istlng compnnlcs.
"Tho passengers on all of the publicly
owned street railways In Great Britain
paid $17 437,170 on an average of 2.1 cent
fares, as opposed to $105,125,150, which
would hnvo been paid on a Ilvc-ccnt
fare," said Mr. Howe.
"Tho public undertakings are under thu
strictest kind of paillamentary supervi
"Thero is no sentiment for a return to
private operation from nny class; tho
financial gains are too obvious The serv
ice Is undeniably better on the public
tramways than on the private ones.
Cities, too, aro eager to introduce new
devices and new comforts, nnd represen
tatives are constantly siuuyuib uiu dki v
ilce of other countries. There has been
a steady improvement In cars, a con
stant effort to hotter the service and
consider the well-being of the com
munity. "In addition there has been little trou
ble between the city and its employes,
such as prevailed under private opera
tion. "In Germany, as In England, public
service corporations are run primarily for
service rather than for proflt, although a
number of cities do derive a substantial
sum.fpu the relief of taxation from this
Nowhere In Germany wnere puoitc
nershlo prevails Is there any sug-
tatlon of a return to private ownership.
'Officials, business men and nil classes
unite In approval of tho transfer of these
agencies to the public.
"The financial gains are the least Im
portant. The real gains aro social, ethical
Cm! nntltleal. There are no franchises
o scramble for, no great privileges to be
ecured through tne Drioery oi (jouncus
nA tho control of the city. Men In these
mintrie a free to enter municipal poll-
lcs. Their purse Is not at war with their
(Mayor H. C. Hocken, of Toronto, re
newed with obvious pride the success
of the municipally owned and operated
electric light and power enterprise in his
AI.b.JI.h U(i Tniln 4a nnA -vt rt mil
nlcipallUes In the province of Ontario
l' "whlih supply, through local distribution
.i -...... a.4 n Wl n t-nffi
BytL ems, power bciiuiu.u . '.!'
Falls by the Hydro-Electrlo Power Com
mission of Ontario. The Toronto system
Is In charge of a commission including
the Mayor and two other Commissioners.
"The use of electric power has Increased
enormously since the municipal system
began operations. In 1810, the connected
load of tho Toronto Electrlo Llsht Com
'pany was 11,500 kilowatts; now the con
nected load 'of the two systems la 127,000
lsllowatts, three times as mucn as was
five years ago.
"Toronto hua the lowest average rate of
any city In tlio world of 500,000 population
or over."
fi. Wellington Kolner. electrical en-
glneer and general manager of the Mu-
lniclpal WEIUins worKS uepanmciH. oi
Pasadena, uaiirornia, wnera u city
owned nroject was launched In 1803, told
HJiow rates for electrlo ourrent dropped
from 15 cents a kilowatt to 3 cents a
k&watt and even less with tho Instal
lation of, the municipal -plant. Phila
delphia pays from 10 to 13 cents a kilo
watt. The Edison Company was the
private, corporation opposed In Pasadena.
The success of the municipal plant was
assured from the start In Pasadena, as
serted Mr Kolner.
"Vo have very little manufacturing !
tt-fore. our receipts from power scales
Provldea a charm of comfort and
araldit charaqtariaMo environ
ment tht bat eatabllahcd it as as
idaal aeaahora home.
Directly on the ocean front.
Capacity BOO.
WAI.TEH J. ntraaY,
A modern hotel with quiet sir ot domeatlclty
end a homelike atmo.bhcre
B. E- BPANaNBBJtq, Mr.
Jackaomllle, Fl.
ltbirr, riorida.
LfiURaimn wmniriA
Opened November 6th uudar the BUBareaast
of Mr J5 c. Worrell owner.
The una blah grade cubine will b main
tail All NoiKern white help, private
tatua tttiB heat, electric UUtT
Write (or booklet
! Buak 1IU1 FaU. fa.
are lower than In most other cities of like
size," he snld. "The claim, therefore, that
It Is not profitable to serve the residence
section of a city at a low rate has been
"Cities are learning that It Is far better
to operate certain of their own utilities
than to leave them In private hands,
oven under the best of regulation. "Wit
ness tho rates charged In cities where
regulating bodies have power to regulate
rates, compare them with the rates
charged by municipally owned and oper
ated plants giving a high-class service,
and you will find that the lowest rates
In the United States are those charged by
municipally owned utilities.
"The saving resulting to the citizens of
Pasndcnn by reason of tho difference In
ratei charged by both the prlvnto com
pany nnd the municipal plant within the
limits of Pnsndcna, and tho rate charged
by the company during tho same period
In the surrounding towns, since then,
amounts to 1711,033 00, or more than enough
to cover the entire cost of our municipal
plant. This Is a very conservative cstl
mnto nnd Is based on tho kilowatt hour
"Our schedule of rates nro not compiled
with a purpose of charging all that a
consumer can bo mado to pay, levying a,
high rate for residences nnd a lower rnte
for business houses, etc., but all our cus
tomers pay tho first rate for the first
quality and the same rates for tho same
succeeding qualities, without preference.
The sumo thing applies to electrical
energy for both light nnd power pur
poses. "As American cities take over all profit
earning utilities, thero will bo a manifest
lncreaso In efficiency In muntclpnl govern
ment. This will eliminate the public
service corporations' tendency to Influence
publlo officials nnd wilt take thorn out of
Mr Kolner emphatically advocated tho
establishment of n Public Utilities Bu
reau. Albert E. Winchester, electrical engi
neer of tho Munlclpnl Electrlo Works,
of South Norwnlk, Conn., told of the
success of the municipally owned plant In
his city.
Tho munlclpnl ownership propaganda
was furthered by Mayor Newton D.
Baker, of Cleveland, when he opened the
morning session.
"1 want to point out," said Mayor
Unkor, "that the movement of municipal
ownership Is the fruit of tho misconduct
of privately-owned public utilities.
"Tho movement started In Europe bo
causo of the desire of the communities
to find additional sources of revenue. In
America It Is the result of tho vulgar
warship of ft set of captains of Indus
try whom this new country developed.
Tho men who could obtain valuable grants
from city, State and the National Govern
ments were looked upon then as the
most successful.
"Ten or twlevo years ago wo came to
realize that the American city was tho
American failure' Wo realized that If
the American system of government did
not succeed, It would bo because of the
corruption nnd degradation of the Ameri
can cities. .
"Tho muckrakers caused America, to
Khnkd herself together for a new rcglmo
in cities, and tho Americans then put
their fingers on publlo Utilities as the
principal cause of coiruptlon. rractlcauy
every Stato Legislature and City Coun
cil In this country wns at that time under
suspicion of being traffickers In city fran
chises. This has In a large part disap
peared. No rnornl revolution In this coun
try has been so great as that which
bnnlsbed this cause of corruption in
cities. Where this evil now exists at nil,
It Is sporadic. One of tho chief causes
of this banishment has been municipal
"The whole controversy has come to
this, that the prlvnto utilities companies
hnvo banded together In an effort to
maintain whnt tbev have secured. They
would even be willing for every city to
lake over their plants nt their face value,
provided the cities would buy hoth thler
plnnts and their sins. But tho cities will
not buy their sins, and tho result Is that
they aro banded together In a concerted
effort to pervert, mislead and strangle
public opinion on tho subject of municipal
"Tho adversaries of municipal ownor
rhlp nro claiming that public utilities
ought not to bo In politics The forces of
privately owned public utilities nro vory
RctIo politically. Open political activity
Is better than secret political activity.
"Tho progress of the municipal owner
ship movement In this country Is going to
be more inpld than It has been In the
past. Our effort should be to prevent the
spread of misrepresentations concerning
the subject."
The open discussion on the public own
ership theory Included a corporation
viewpoint taken by Clarke M Rosen
crnntz, of the general counsel of the Mil
waukee Electric Railway and Light Com
pany, of New York city
Another participant In tho open forum
mis Congressman Robert Crosscr, of
Ohio, member of tho Committee on the
District of Columbia.
AMSTERDAM, Nov. 14. An official
communlqup received from Berlin states
that the German troops sang "Dcutsch
land Ucbcr Albs" as they captured St
Elol. Singing by the German troops Is
now enforced by a general nimy order.
Wllkes-Brtrre Woman Complains of
Husband's Idleness.
W1LKES-11ARRE, Pa., Nov. 14. Ap
pearlng In Domestic Relations Court, Mrs.
John Shedlock, wife of the sexton of a
cemetery, declared that she was com
pelled to dig graves to guarantee support
of five children nnd the preservation of
her husband's Job. '
To Judge Wedward she exhibited a
check proving that tho most recent burial
at the cemetery wns In a grave dug by
herself nnd one bt her sons not yet out
of knee breeches, Her husband, the rcgu
lnr sexton, took the total nbstlnenco
pledge In court.
Police Believe They Have Comrade
of Man Now In Jail.
Believed to bo one of two Negroes who
lost ncelt snatched a pockctbook from
Miss Eflle McDonald ns sho was return
ing to her home, 1127 North 17th street,
Horace Griffin, of 1615 North Alder street,
was held without ball by Magistrate Mor
ris for a further hearing a week from to
day. Miss McDonald was seized by the men
nnd her purso wns wrenched from her
hand. Ono of her assailants last week
wns sentenced to serve five years In tho
Eastern Penitentiary. Special Policemen
Dnvlno and Lnrkln, of tho 19th and Ox
ford streets station, testified that OrlfTin
was the man who robbed with tho man
now In tho Penitentiary. Miss McDonald
was also convinced that ho was the man
who held her while tho other took her
LONDON, Nov. H Henry Edwyn King
Tcnlflon, Enrl of Kingston, has been
wounded In both thighs, while fighting
nt the front, It was announced tonight.
The Earl Is said to bo on tho road to
William J. nmhart, .TM2 N Front at . nJ
Alice Thom.is, .111", N. U? at.
iTmll J Mueller Lcniruo Island, and Alice M.
Urarc. Mlfl V'nlf M
Ceorgp H il. Smith 12-. Hltner at., and Anna
t:. Iloalon. S(U0 N. 2(Slh at.
ErnMt Schwlni! vrn N Dth at , and Emma
felt, r.IOl Latnrni si.
Fnmuel Kniorj 1011 Veningo at , and Sarah
II. Pord M'l N'. :.7th at
William .1 Mjrno. K2S Nelson at., nnd Kath-
erlne M. Porter, Haxennrd
Ihoninn l llenerv s2ii Jackoon at,, and Nal-
lie M. timnor, 1115 S Ncuklrk at
llcnry A. Kelly, Washington. D C , nnd Mary
SI. Mlfldletnn, Boahrook. Mil.
William f Jand. Camden. K J., and Mar
garet B. McMertx, WHS Yocum at.
John W Morgan. Woodlawn, Mil., and Mary
A. Voro.1, Honnrd Park, Sid.
Chalmers Light St
The Chalmers is the
Preferable Sedan
The Chalmers Sedan is an exceptionally roomy car. It
seats five with ease 'thr ee on the wide rear seat, two In the
rounded-hack front seats with an aisle between. You enter
through a single door on either side a unique feature, giving
the car an unusually smart and distinctive appearance.
Mechanically the Sedan offers you all the power and speed,
all the flexibility and convenience that makes Chalmers 6
cylinder cars the leaders.
The non-stallable motor with Chalmers-Entz one-motion
electric starter has already won 4i000 owners. More than
6,000,000 miles of driving in owners hands have proved this
sturdy chassis mechanically right.
Electric shoulder lights illuminate the inside of the cat,
while concealed running hoard lamps light up the step when
the door is open. Double glass safety, storm-vision windshield
makes it possible to see clearly when driving In the rain or
The body Is of solid aluminum with snug fitting doors
and windows set deeply in the doors. It is weather-proof,
draft-proof. The one piece aluminum roof (exclusive to the
Chalmers) eliminates the vibration or drumming common
to so many enclosed cars.
The interior of the Sedan is sumptuously upholstered
in blue German Wolfing cloth, brown English Bedford
cord, or leather as you choose. Interior fitting are made
to match.
You should see the Chalmers Sedan before deciding on any
car. Please call at our salesrooms. .
S"pa98enger Sedan , . . ., , ,$2TS w
7-pas3&nger Limoasina, ... 3200
2-passcnger CoctpeUt.... ...... JSOO
CFtJfjr jaJppdf. ovft. JXsfcre
Chalmers Motor Company of Phila,
252 North Broad Street
Who Was the Most Afraid?
TN A bip; fruit farm, one section was
- devotcJ to a vineyard. There fine
grapes of all sorts were grown. If
you have ever seen a big vineyard,
you know exactly how pretty the rows
and rows of trellises covered with
vines can look.
But maybe there is one part of a
vineyard you have never noticed:
have you ever seen the hosts of
spiders who live on the vines? No?
Well, they are there, as you would
soon see if you looked closely for
them. Spiders consider vineyards the
very best place on earth to live. You
sec, flies and bees arc drawn to the
vines by the sweetness of the grapes
and the spiders have no trouble at all
in finding plenty to eat at all times
of the day.
In this particular vineyard, there
lived a very industrious family of
spiders The mother prided herself
on the fact that she could weave the
biggest, finest net in the shortest
time of any spider in the vineyard.
And that was saying a good deal, for
there were many good workers around
But, unfortunately, her children
were neither as ambitious nor as in
dustrious as their mother. "What's
the use in making nets?" they asked
her. "Don't you see that half the
webs you make arc destroyed? Why
work so hard? We have plenty to
cat and we don't weave and weave all
the time as you do." Which was per
fectly true.
"That may be true," answered the
mother; "but you should have sonic
pride. Don't you want to learn to
weave fine silky nets? Yon can't
have skill without practice "
The little spiders only laughed at
her. They seemed to have no am
bition, so the mother went on about
her net weaving and left the little
spiders to their own business, which,
of course, was mischief people who
don't work always get into trouble,
you know.
The little spiders played and played
and paid no attention to their safety;
they didn't notice the coming of the
cutters, who cut the grapes for mar
keting, and so they didn't hide under
the big safe leaves as they had been
taught to do.
Tlicy were caught right on a big
bunch of purple grapes and before
they could run to shelter, the grapes
were packed in a basket ready to take
to market.
"Oh, dear, what shall we do?" cried
the biggest of the four little spiders.
"I know wc will all be killed r
"Don't get excited," said the little
spider. "Let's hide right in the centre
of this biggest bunch and maybe we
will find some way to save our
selves "
So they hid away in the centre of
the biggest bunch of grapes, and they
laid perfectly still for so longl But
nothing happened !
Finally, when they were too fright
ened and tired to say a word, they
heard a voice say, "Mother, here',
a nice box of grapcsl Let's get this
one." And they were jostled and
tumbled about and finally their box
was opened.
"Now, here's our chance run I"
called the biggest snider, and they run
for dear life out from the box, out
onto the tablet
And at the same minute a fright
ened voice cried, "Mother I Come I
Come I Here's some spiders and
they're running!"
"Don't worry." answered the
mother, comfortably, "they're more
afraid of you than yon are of them."
I wonder if that wasn't trueJ
Copyright, 1!H Clara Ingram Judson.
Store Opens 8:30 A. M.
Store Closes 5:80 P. M.
ainnmuivin!iiiii5nwKri5 1 i iunnnir.iuMiiggaup
ShnnnviTpn a n M H ., ! : liB!riii""'"i IT
The Grand Organ Plays on Monday at 9, 11 and 5:15
We Iiave Just completed
Gallery, Chestnut, above the
opened on the
Store, a-new
Shop Exquisite
containing: probably the most particular collection of
very fine and treasured articles for personal use and for
gifts to be found in America.
A woman may wish a veil, the only one of its kind
on this side of the ocean-she may find it here.
Or some bit of novelty in the way of a traveling
clock, a boudoir candlestick, an antique tray, a photo
graph frame, a lamp shade; menu cards for Christmas
or Thanksgiving occasions desiring them to be abso
lutely exclusive. This is the shop where she will find
such things ; and not expensive, either.
Besides the hundreds of little articles of intimate
nature, there is also a rare collection of very old furniture
pieces collected by the famous Aimone firm, of New York,
and with the antiques a number of copies of other
old pieces. Some of this rare furniture is surprisingly.
low in price.
It is a good shop in which to find things that are not
to be found elsewhere, and the showing of them is fight
now at its best.
A private elevator runs from the Jewelry Store to
this gallery.
(Main. CalUry, Chestnut
Kajatooe Ec Mil
The Winter Inn
MM gfigk
t mm iiragsMaa apajta
BtUppros SaW