Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 14, 1914, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 8

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    afgyy Jr'3LiAAjfiMBBHBW
Mtpm&Q&iver, -w)ijitiB": 'firiljilhfys'wii4vi?
i is.
I f I
Attff. F. A 8toW, KeW Yet. A iBp
kh or Montana aim two women nro im
c Mariners in eno or me most dpioiii
cmetlre American noteta. . .
France, Jonn un (jomixinjr new
ln ivhuh iht trreatMt lltlnl norellM
It the. teoli of tt fatten antela .In
m time. Un of me most wttmlorfm
e of th century. ....
VIA-a AlAHUlAUK." I)y Upton Sinclair.
imm V. Wlh.tt.tt HMrhJ. riuiaqelMlw. A
nwat poInit the "eur of false modest!"
W H.lnR with ttre probteiiu ot itAi
4l& WAItD DP MCtiUfBtt." Ur CritUn-
Marriott. J. U Uipplneotl. ja'r,n?
Afl htotwkal romance, uflstllns With auien.
Wsff Cullom... 0t, 'S&'Wi
prim. A Mtai t,oiei, ra-iow"", "WJL!
wtfh a tret.tonM labor lr. .. "Wjit
,t ntiri iha c-ftnuiri imwrcii vimi w
e" 4ff wirs op silt Isaac HAnMofc." ir
fit Ui O, Vlls. Th. MserMIInn Company. .
var. 4talinst -with n womans '
indtpensenca and ieIf-eprtslon.
ItAr.F-HOfn PLAYS." Dy J. H. lUrrio.
t3Smi i Brtlllnef- Hon.. New .Con win
lh Mr. uarrlo- mom .lellahtful ri-cent plays,
with Inimitable tK direction. ..
'una. PASKiit-nars own stoiiv. uy
Mr, ttmhullng Vankburst. Jlmfat 'J A
national l.lorary Company, Nw ,i4.1oI
grlpplne account of llie origin ami "'"EK
menl at miutancy, wlih a """'."X.JSfi nt
Into th Uie of one of the grtet wvmrn ot
4immiTennANKAK nnoTURnuooD."
Hy. Julian jiawimrne. 'c"',U'-,.1;vm.ni In'
K i'ork. A Mlrrlnit human '""'
: pritont.
SftnVr- Bona, Saw York. Colonel nooje-
valfa account of Ilia haaroou cPii- -
hoI AT Di.on. V. A. BJa. ?n
A book de.ltt.fd iBmikt IMrjn ttJL,5iV,m"
adults familiar wllh tho 'S.,1J,'nS0,Jl;
Vaicinatingiy treata plants a? creature
human attrlbutra.
Books for Boys and Girls
Teeming With Humor and
Adventure A New De
velopment in Literature.
Wo all remember If we nre old enough
or young enough tlie adventures of tho
Frinccrts Unpunzel. of the golden hair,
and tho Gooso Girl In Grimm's "Fairy
Tales": tho marvelous tales of Andersen
find the ndventures of tho Brownies.. And
then os we grew somewhat older' we fol
lowed the trails of Indians In tho Leather
tocklnc Talcs of Fcnlmore Cooper and
vlcrtrlouBly had adventures on the sea
with Captain Marryntt's hefoes. "Little,
Lord Fnuntlorpy" beguiled us In more
uedate and pollto hours, and then, hy
candlelight or with the volumes hidden
within the covers of our geographies In
school, we surreptitiously reveled In the
forbidden exploits of Nick Carter and
Diamond Dick.
Twenty years ago the literature for chil
dren and young people was decidedly lim
ited.' It was concerned chiefly with woolly
Wild West stories, sea adventures ana
fairy tales. Of late years a change has
Tho rarlety and Interest of books for
"Perez, the Mouse," in the fairy
tale written for the King of Spain.
John Lane.
young folk la almost equal to that of fic
tion for their elders. We have fairy
atorlea still, to be sure, for the allure of
the Imaginative Is eternal. Now, where
IHb Unwnles once delighted children, we
have the fascinating youngsters of Jessie
Wilcox Smith and the "Kewples" of Iloae
O'Neill. What Is most notable In the
season's output of Juvenile books is the
place taken by tales of school life and
healthy outdoor sports. There are books
dealing with baseball and football and
the nodal life of colleges; books telling
of life In the army and the navy and deal
ing vlti modern methods of warfare with
aeroplanes. There are romance and ad
ventura In these boobs, but they are tho
edventufW) of believable actuality, pic
turing tho Ufa of the modern boy. In
beauty of Illustrations and attractiveness
of manufacture the publishers have out
done themselves.
Sleuths in Mexico
The enthusiastic youth with healthy red
giooil in his vein fairly revels In heroic
narratives and tales of adventurous
achievements, especially in the face of
..verwhelmtng difficulties. Topulcr indeed
ttien wilt be "Our Army Boys in Mexico."
bi Captain C. J5. Kilbourne (Pcnn Com
Ii4Bi J. which relates, of th secret mission
icnKt with hardoua risks that takes
Boo " and Harry Kearney, two young
Amtricun offleers, to Mexico, there to ob
tairi Information and make; maps for the
ttfturnment Their encounter with the
Ynqul Indians, apd how they eventually
overcome many obstacles, u),timatly wn
yitnK honor and sueoew, makes stirring
a s-w
jt o vel
m$ CtRAR
if me won? pr
a younf phjW who
savea tiw sou m ms
tNi tkiii wheit fee tatuui Uwt
i iiu bodily m were ir3trbte.
IJf.fS attj pe
-. "
m--i'":- t safTiiiiiiiiirnii wMiiiiilii 'TMPIlHi HW Ill ill, i' , "i " Ml l f 1..:. -. . 1 tgifgtjiggfMaamjMgjjLiagjiga
Baby Darling and the Kevvpies
And We Have With
Us the Kewpies
Most children have already met tho
"Kcwplcs," those droll creations of Itose
O'Neill, Children nro now nfforded a
more Intimate acquaintance In "The Kcw
plo Kutouts," Just published by Stokes.
Miss O'Neill, tho nrtlst, explains her
book, which Is replete with charmingly
colored "Kewples," which can be cut from
paper and clothed:
'This tells the Kewples latest caper.
With Kowple dolls cut out of paper
And how a sad affair was mended
And Baby Darling's sorrow ended."
In thi5 book Miss O'Neill recites tho ad
ventures of various children with the
"Kewples." She advises:
"When parents lean more than thej ought
To harsh censorious -forms of thought.
To systematic growls 'and gi'umbllng,
'TIs best to do a little tumbling.'
They rind themselveB fur leas sarcastic
When their habits nre gymnastic."
Then we see the Kewples and parents
doing most amazing acrobatic stunts on
horizontal bars nnd Jumping.
The Kewples exist tor the purpose of
malting peoplo happy. They are never
Batlsfled unless trooping off to kidnap a
poor little girl nnd tnke-hereto ''the-country,
or reforming tho .scolding aunt, or
helping poor Mrs. McGraw to take care
of her children nnd doing tho washing.
Their continual broad grins and mis
chievous eyes are Irresistibly contagious.
Miss O'Neill concludes truthfully:
"Thanks to goodness, children bad
.Arc very seldom to bo had.
At least, 'tis sure thoro nren't many
In fact, we don't believe there's any."
Mother Goose in j
New Garments !
It has remained for Jessie Wlllcox
Smith to present "Mother Goose" nnd all
her children as they have never appeared
before. Of course, all of you, big and ,
little, are familiar with SIlss Smith's II-
ItiafMtlAiiB TlHf fla Smith linM HAV,r !
been more happy than In her pictures for
the "Mother Goose" book Just Issued by
Dodd, Mead & Co.
The frontispiece. Illustrating the "Hush-a-by
baby, on the treetop, when the wind
blows the cradle will rock," reveals a
bonny Infant In n crib way up among
the boughs, almost nenr the moon.
We learn from the historical note In the
book that tho first eight ''Mother Goose"
tales were published in France In 153S
by Charles. Perrnult. ,Some years later
these tales reached England. There were
only 51 rhymes In the original English
edition, and ns tho years passed others
crept in. In tho present book there are
more than 200 thymes that have not ap
peared In any volume Issued before.
Miss Smith's Illustrations include both
full-page color pictures and pen draw
ings. They will add a new charm .to,
"Mother Goose" and delight the child
A King and a Mouse ,
Once upon a time, according to Padre
Luis Colona, who wrote this tale for the
King ot Spain when he was a child, there
lived a king called Bubl I, who was Very
kind to poor children and mice. For tho
children he built a factory for making
dolls and cardboard horses, for the bene
fit of the mice he made wise laws to
stop cats catching them, and absolutely
forbade the use of mousetraps.
Of course, the mice were grateful, and
the king had a charming time with his
friends, A quaint child story of humor
and pathos, translated from the Spanish
by Lady Moretop, and published by the
John Lane Company In a series of dimin
utive, exquisitely Illustrated books. In
the series are also "The Three Bears and
Mother Hubbard," The Sleeping Beauty"
and "Puss in Boots," done Into verse by
Walter Cranu "Puss In Boots" will ap
peal to all children:
"A miller lay dying he made his last
Ha left his three sons his oat. ass and
To thi eldest the mil;,' to' the second the
The third Md the eat, and he cried out,
I must starve now unless I take pussy to
eat.' '
The modern woman
fpaWMaaiM aaasjsisiswaBaiBSBsaMaBas-aMaBi maBaiaaasMamaBa
is the subject of the sparkling new cora-
Satirising the conventional view of marriage
which involves the iubjctien of woman,
and bristjiitg with the present advanced
ideas ajr her right to independence and' indi
vickia! dvelopfnnt. t
$1.25 aat; pottage sirs..
-. - -
"The Kewpie Kutouts" Stokes.
History Dramatized
for Children
The valuo of drama In education Is no
thoroughly accepted now that each new
book which adds to Its lltcraturo Is
eagerly accepted. Tho "Little rlays from
American History" (Henry . Holt, New
YorkJ which Alice Johnstone Walker has
arranged for young folkfl are excellently
composed so as to give some breath of
tho ntmosphcro of life to- the scenes of
American early nnd middle sears.
It Is not so hnrd to make children
learn facts as some peoplo Imagine. It
Is u much harder thing-for children to
teallze thhti ordinary "peopre lived ami
moved in. the times they nro reading
about Necessarily these scenes which
arc suitable,, for production follow his
torical lines rather closely, hut they In
volve ordinary human beings, quite apart
from historical personages, Tho first
Jlcnls with a regicide hunt In New Haven,
(he second with Gcticral Howcln a Rev
olutionary War escapade, and the last
with the Civil War time. In which tho
figure of Lincoln, never appearing, domi
nates the spirit ot the play.
Pleasing Juveniles
"The Jolly Adventures of the Cottontail
Twins," by L. J. Brldgman, Philadelphia:
GcoYge W. Jacobs Company, B3 they
frisk and frolic through life will transport
tho little readers Into tho wildest Joy.
Tho clover drawings, full color, nro hu
morous In the extreme, nnd add much to
the gaiety of the little volume.
"The Children at the Pole." Holt.
, '.'They mounted high, they glided, low,
And from the mountain top
They sped llko arrows from a bow
Which, started, did not stop."
Boy Tires of School
"Off Side," by William Heyllger (Apple
ton's), is the story of Price, a young
orphan hero who finds school dull and
persuades his uncle to-let htm give up
school and go Into business. On the
Brlcktown Chronicle, a small dally paper,
where he has landed a Job, Price comes
under the tvholsomo direction of McCar
thy, a level-headed-and ambitious young
editor, and In this atmosphere shakea oft
the slough that has been Impeding his
progress, discovers his latent, Inherited
art talent and studies architecture.
Author f "Rout Bttf, Mti'um"
Here is the Emma
McChesney of "Roast
Beef, Medium," help
ing her son Jock begin
the advertising busi
ness, It is humorous
and touching,
' At all bookseller
'r?e'ii;r 'MBKy'y-f ,si Tv is
Fn Avm. UmA St.. mm TtilrYl
Mtr-S i'H'i ' ''' ' "i ui( kfiu)
V "' :-''':-'-"' '"':." V
1,1 -I '. '!,. ,n
I v vi'. .,u; 'i,..
W ,!,!;'!,, 'J,,'! j "kin
yvU 5Kf, !.!,; , if, fe t'-.'-lM
Adventures of Wee
Little Indian Girl
The adventures Of n. little Indian girl
who Is stolen by a young brave ot an
other tribe, as told In "The Little Buffalo
Bobe," by IlUtU Everett Beck IHenry
Holt, N. T.), make fascinating ronitimf
for palefaces of any age, If, so be It, they
have hot been nurtuied In the inllh that
all good Indians are dead.
The Indian picks up the girl, nets her
on his pony and gnllopn nwny. The et
end night she slips out of the hulTolo
roho In which ho hn wrapped her nful
guided by tho Btnr-Thfil-Movffl.Not, takes
up the trail that will carry her back to
the smoke fires of her own wlgwnms.
First she faces all the terrors of the
darkness, ghosts nnd wild beasts nnd
birds of prey and then comes hunger,
which Is worse than fear. One night she
sleeps In a cave with wolf-cuba, nnd
coddles up to them for warmth. She kills
a rattlesnake Just In lime, narrowly
escnpes being trampled by a herd of wild
biifTRdoes, cats roots and birds' eggs
while the Big Light tmVels many times
around thb earth. Her llltlo moccasins
are wtrn thin and her courage, too, be
fore her adventures are over.
She encounters tho bravo who captured
here, once more, when she Is older, old
enough to llflten to the fluto calls nnd to
receive gifts left overnight outsldo her
A delightful story, told with n child's
directness nnd nalvettc. and lull of the
pagan poetry of an Imaginative race
whose signs and iiorlcnts nre tho sun,
moon and stars. i
Fairy Tales of Many Lands
Wonder tales of many countries even
from Indln make up the 60 or more
stories In "Tho Diamond Story Book," by
Penrhyn W. Coussons (DuIIIeld, New
York). Here nre fairy nnd folk tales,
legends of the saints, tnlcs of kings,
princes, fairies, of magic fishbones, Jnrs
nnd rings, wicked ogres and fair maidens.
Bobiti Hood, William Tell and Tamerlane
flguro among the characters. Few books
havo ever been published so replete with
the legends of olden days. They nre de
lightfully presented, nnd the book Is ef
fectively Illustrated.
"How All Things Began," by Emlllo
Kip Baker (Macmlllnns), tclln for chil
dren tho stories of Thor, Odin, Brunhyldo
and the finga heroes of the North.
"Imnglna," the heroine of tho story of
that name, by Julln Ellsworth Ford (Duf
flcld), Is the Imngluary heroine ot n little
boy, nn artist nnd poet, who Is very, very
lonely, and who mnkes friends with Kit.
n dog, nnd n benevolent- tree. ta should
happen to all with n happy Imagination,
"Imnglna" takes form In real life, and
this child's story ends with n symbolic
meaning for dcepcr-thlnklng adults.
Tales of Heroes
As a rulo books for children are writ
ton In a vein cither too profound for
youthful minds or so puerllo ns to make
them worthless. Frederick A. Stokes
Company, New York, has succeeded In
Issuing tho first live of a scrim of his
torical volume under the general title
of "Heroes of All Time," which are well
nigh above criticism. Well written, well
Illustrated and "wells of Information,"
they nre worthy of serious attention on
the part of adults ns welt ns children.
From a literary "lewpolnt the series is
above the average. Concise nnd Interest
ing, the fivo little volumes contain n
fount of Information. Anecdotes and
fables of other days aro so cleverly
Interwoven nnd so skilfully rclnted as
to mako them n homogenous part of a
valuable whole.
The scries consists of "Alexander tho
Great," by Ada Iltisnoll; "Jeanne D'Arc,"
by B. M. Wllmot-Buxton;' "Alfred tho
Great." by A. E. McKllllami 'Slr Wal
ter Itolelgh," by Beatrice Mnralmll, and
Augustus, by Ilcne Frances.
Either as n gift or for tho mdre serious
purpose of education the scries can be
recommended in all honesty.
Big War Series
American boys are deeply Interested
In tho war In Europe, because not only
Is It a gigantic struggle but their own
future will be largely Influenced by the
outcome. The fenr of spies In London,
Paris. Berlin, Vienna, Pctrograd and In
other cities has been one of tho early
and pronounced facts.
That the uoy reader snail gain a clear
knowledge of this great war of the na
tions, Its cnuses. deeds nnd results, Is
the object In "Tho Search fdr the Spy," by
Boss Kay, (New York. Barse nnd Hop
kins) and a thrilling volume Is tho result,
full of hairbreath's adventure of the kind
that the young thrive upon.
Early Discoverers
"The Treasure Finders," by Oliver Clay
(Duffield's), is on account of the men who
explored and conquered the new world ot
Columbus. French, English, Spanish,
Norse and Dutch are all represented,
from Lief Erlcson nnd his Vikings to
Henry Hudson. The romnnce of the dls
covery of America Is picturesquely de
scribed. Tl
Asthor of "Th Boltid Door"
"George C il
bs in his new
two strongly
novel presen
a light-
house keepi r
daughter aid
s innocent
a snow-girl
"who is verj
wide awake.
Mr. Glhbs
tell a story
real people,
Sword", is
bow to
s people are
The Flaming
in every resW
ct.'.'-- Buffalo,
And company
Author of "The Conqmror," et.
Do you know Ida Comptont
Mrs. Atherton's new heroins
la one Of the big women ot
American ttctlon
Skh ot the strongest, most
MuUtwi moat carefully
asveioosa women characters
ot whts tn tftst h&it cn
tvtfy ttawt-TM Book
man. At tH $.
!RISrtsP!ssss1fek & . ,'' ' ' fM S Tsi? $
Ife i .HPS9HsBslsBHPdiBsw!9H
"Sce-saw, Margery Daw"The Jessie Wilcox Smith "Mother Goose"
.Dodd, Mead & Co,
Rousing Books for Boys
In "The Scouts of Stonewall," and
"Tho Sword of Anttetnm" (D. Appleton &
Cd, New York), Joseph A. Attshclor has
written two rousing Civil War tales.
"The Scouts ot Stonewall" Is a ro
mance founded upon Stonewall Jackson's
famous campaign In the Valley of Vir
ginia, nnd nnrratcs tho fortunes of Harry
Kenton, a Southern boy assigned to duty
as an aide on the staff of Stonewall
Jackson. Harry Kenton's friends of his
own age, Arthur St. Clair, Happy Tom
Lnngilon and George Dalton, come In
for their share of glory. Two Southern
colonels, friends ot Harry, aro also con
spicuous. In "Tho Sword of Antlclam" Mr.
Altshelor chooses for his hero n young
Northern lnd. Dick Mason. After engag
ing In the grcnt battle at Shlloh, Dick
returns on service to the East, and takes
part In the Socond Manassas, nnd with
his comrades shnres In a heroic fight
against tho triumphant genius of Lea
nnd Jackson. Three great battles Sec
ond Mnnaosns, Antletam nnd Murfrees
boro arc described In this book, but
McClellan Is the chief historical figure.
There Is n vivid picture of the scenes
attending Left's Invasion of Maryland
and tho remarkable series of events lend
ing to Antletam,
A Boy's Classic
Chnrlcs Scrlbner's Sons (New York)
have Just Issued n new edition of "Tho
Boy Emigrants," by Nonh Brooks, pub
lished In 1STC. Tho tnlo is of Eastern
boys who seek fnmo nnd fortune In tho
gold fields of tho West In other days
anil find both Incidentally aiding the old
folk on the fnrm at homo and bringing
back with them an orphaned lad who Is
ndoptcd with enthusiasm.
The book Is written In a vein n trifle
out of date, hut Is Interesting withal. It
Is a seemingly truo account of tho hard
ships the pioneers of tho gold-rush days
suffered In tho crossing of what was for
merly known us "tho Grent American
Desert." Tho trials and tribulations of
tho young heroes nro stirringly recounted,
ns Is tho love story of nn extra
territorial momber ot their camp.
But ns Is usual In such hooks, they re
turn snfely, with whnt must have seemed
a' goodly pile to them $15,000 each via
Cape Horn. And how tho home, folk
greeted them and acclaimed them ns
IT XV 0jt?
mvicp? m
Price $1.35
Books and
V O'.Jv MS -S.
x p-
Tho bravest book by tho author of THE SKY
PILOT a dramatic story of the scouts of tho
North West Mounted in a savage Indian up
rising; the wonder of young lovej the freedom
of life on a ranch in the shadow of the Rockies
all the virile fineness which has made Ralph
Connor one of the most beloved
Picture Jacket and decoratira end-papers. Net, $1.23
The Virility of "Th Right of Way" andaNtut Ttndtm
"Does not suffer by the inevitable comparison
alENT HOUSE, for in neither has Parker pro
duced such characters." Baltimore Evening Suh.
"The dearest, bravest, most lovable heroine in
many a long day."New York Times.
Illustrated, cn-i-paper and jacket in color.
14, 1014.
Old Tales in New Verse
Children, gather round and listen, and
having listened, tell your parents buy the
four llttlo boolts In n scries known as the
"Willie Pogany Children" (Henry Holt,
N. Y.. You will enjoy tho treat and your
parents will have a few hours of quiet.
These boolts will keep youngsters en
thralled until they havo been devoured
with oyes and cars.
Tho first of tho books Is "Bed Riding
Hood," In prose and verse, by Edith L.
Kilns, with a plentiful sprinkling of col
ored pictures. As tho book relates:
The prandmothcr wn 111 In bed.
And loud In rear she cried.
The hungry wolr no mercy knew
And toon she was Imlde,
"Hiawatha" Is also depleted and In a
manner truly engaging. Third on tho
list is that noted Infantile epic, "Tho
Three Bears," nnd last, but not least
bv any means, "Robinson Crusoe." Of
him the book rclntcs;
And then, nln, the rhln was wrecked.
Ail elre on board were drowned,
TJut ho nehore alone was snept
And Rvnttv put aground.
Tho cornea tho movlui; talc of Robin
son nnd his man Friday mid how finally
they were saved from their lonely late.
A ship wna sighted nnd Crunou signaled:
Tlifn,Cruo' elirnl enuRht their eye,
And out they put n bont;
They ftlched tho couple to tho elilp
And both were nafe nflont.
So whence our. Crusoe first set out
To leave his home tind friends
He now returns, hln pockets full,
And hero the story rh.ls.
"Scintillates with wit, keen humor and pure comedy"
The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
BY H. G. WELLS " ""
Author of "Tono Bungay," "Marriage," etc.
"Beside the interest of the theme, this book is full of the most
amusing reflectiona of life and character which Wells has ever indulged
in. You are constantly being surprised into delicious chuckllngs, you
find yourself responding vividly to the author's felicities in summing up
a situation or n nernnnntlfu nr n t.-lti of mind. . . . Mr. WcllS'
style in this book has found a
vim a jcuccuun not niuicnu atincvcu.
Hildcgardc Hawthorne in the N. Y. Times.
"The book has all the attractive Wells whimsies, piquancies and
fertilities of thought, and is absolutely good to read."
AT. Y. World.
"Mr. Wells is a writer of brilliant parts. His latest novel is filled
with wisdom and it scintillates with wit. Sir Isaac Harman has in him
the red blood of a vital character in fiction."
Boston Transcript.
"This wife of Sir Isaac Harman is one of Mr. Wells' most successful
woman characters. . . . The ending is humorous. . . . Alto
gcther Mr. Wells is atTtis best, which is just a bit better than anything
else now being done in the story line."
N. Y. Globe.
Cloth, $1.50 net.
FubDy8hed The Macmillan Company 64ew5tUve- j
r B", o m j
four s5ig iv
among authors.
Nat, $1,25
A Contemnorary Account
.... ..hiuhrs of
. "S- --
' . t.H lllftl
. nf n. little Scotch '"V" A....
received on original ri0taZmZe.
seems a man nsmed Gray, ot
nothing now Is known except that ne
wi poo r and lived In a auLt -
some obscure part of the town,
bured In old Greyfrlars Churchyard
Kndg a", these , th. ,
faithful dog has kept ---- .
! KIM ""'
from his master "-
Heroes of Chivalry
Heroes of chivalry bdoniC to no on
age or land. They nre not necessarily
clad in armor nor riding war horses.
Young Louis Qrandprc. defending tho
Spanish fort at Baton Rouge against
overwhelming odds, was as truly a hero
of chivalry as was tho famous Chevalier
Bayard or Sir Philip Sydney, and so.
was General Gordon, holding the EWP""1
outpost at Khartoum. With this In view,
the author of "Historic Heroes fit
Chivalry" (Georgo W. Jacobs, Ph lndet
nlilal 1 Rupert S. Holland, has gathered.
C her the life Incidents of famous
men of chivalry that take us back to
the early days of Chorlemagno down to
the more modern time of Gordon. Writ
ten In simple stylo for the young patriot o
nnd ambitious reader, It attards romantic
nnd delighting reading and should prove
a popular acquisition to the " "toi-lo
Scries for Young People, of which n
volumes havo already appeared.
Boy Scout Heroes
Tho Boy Scouts (Penn Company), as Us
name Implies, portrays the dally exP-.
enco of Scout life nnd nl that PorWlns
to It These four Scout heroes, with rt
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