Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 14, 1914, Night Extra, Image 3

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    1 JPHlPl'lilPf "P P"
VOL.I NO. 54
CoriitianT, 1814, t ins Tobmo Lsdoe Company.
Advance at Bixschoote in
, Face of Furious Resistance.
Canadians Rushed to Bat
tle Line.
French Claim Successful Stands
AH Along Lino, But Berlin Re
ports Further Ground Won.
A gain by the Allies of about fivc
fcigliths of a utile cast of Dixschootc,
Belgium, is announced in the official
communique issued this afternoon by
fthc French War Office. So desperate
is the lighting in this region that even
so slight an advance is regarded as
The French maintain that all Ger-
nan assaults have been thrown back,
( an, un uic oiucr naiui, ucrnn agum
:1aims the capture of St. Eloi and re
ports that the German forces have
crossed Yser River near that point.
The Canadian contingent, which
Handed in -England several weeks ago,
las been rushed to the battle front in
elgium, according tcKtlispatchcs from
!'aris, and is now engaged in the
llcspcratc fighting in the neighbor-
lood of Yprcs.
The recapture of Dixmudc by the.
Allies, reported from London, has
riot been confirmed in official dis-
jpa,tchcs reaching Paris from the bat-
Mr. Wilson Will 3o to Piping Bock
With Friend Today.
NEW YOflK, Nov. H.-President Wll
son came to New York todny to spend
n two-day vacation ns the week-end
BUcst of Colonel 13. M. House, a pcrnonul
The President Arrived on a special car
at 6:30 o'clock and wut mot nt the Penn
sylvania stnllon by Colonel House, with
whom he brenkfnstcd. Later the Presi
dent went to the Colonel's residence he
fore going to Piping Hock, I 1., wheie
he plnnned to spend the day.
President Wilson will spend the night
at the House residence, and tomorrow
inoining will attend services In the Flflh
Am.iiuo Presbyterian Church. After
ward he will go to the residence of Cleve
land It, Dodge for luncheon returning
to the House residence late In the after
noon. He will return to Wnshlngton to
morrow night.
President Wilson nnd his host motored
to Piping Hock nnd soon nfter their ar
rival, were on the golf links. Miss Mar
garet Wilson, who nccompnnled her
fnlhcr front Washington, remained In the
city during tho day.
It wns reported before the President
left Washington ho would discuss- the
personnel of the new Federal Trade
Commission with Colonel House during
his stn here
Oh the right wing the French are
f Making kinothcr desperate effort to
retake1 .t Mihicl, moving on the Ger
man position at that point from three
Picture Shows Battleship
Audacious Half Sunk Off
Irish Coast Hit by Mine.
Olympic Rescued Crew,
Says Report.
he French army now under arms
..:j . :. r -.nrtnnnn ..,:.,... I
ncn, but only half of these have been
under fire. Reckoning in the British
and Hclgians, the Allies nave J.ouu.wu
on the battle front, opposed to
2,500,000 Germans.
Berlin reports that the German
encral Staff is well satisfied with
Bnne progress ot me campaign in uei-
Tjgium, The Belgian contingent of the
ucu lorccs nas Dcen virtually ac-
oyed, Berlin hears.
Russia is invaded by the Turks,
i -. ...
I says a, Constantinople otnciai state
L 'Intent. A movement is directed
I t - t-. r : -ni.-i- c-
against nuiuui, iiussiau uiav.ii jm
port, Kurdaghln barracks were
bcized, The Turks report Russians
I retreating from Armenia after losses
of 8S00 in a two days' battlev
Austria admits the successful con
tinuance of the Russian column ad
vancing through northern Galicia to
Crsmw Th Wnr Ofliri" rpnnrt
ftithat the Austrian evacuation of cen
tral and northern Galicia is proceeding
s planned ana tnat tne auvancmg
, liKsinns linvf! entered Tarnnw. Tasln
knil Kosno, important centres of com
ronunication within 40 miles of Cracow.
Vln the Stryj Valley, at the foothills
; fbf the Carpathians, the Austnans have
('repulsed the enemy in several cngage-;ments.
Uneasiness ts felt in Berlin at the
ussian movement against Silesia,
but denial is made of the report that
the Czar captured Pleschen several
ays ago and is now moving on the
brtress of Posen. Repulse of Rus-
ian cavalry at Polo and near Kalisz
s said to have blocked effectually all
danger of a Silesian invasion.
.From Petrograd announcement is
jade of a severe defeat inflicted on
e Germans at Kalisz, of control of
iiportant railroad lines in East Prus-
a and of approach to Cracow within
tew miles pf .the south Poland col-
rnn, which lias taken Tarnow and
ther strategic centres.
Reports that the new British dread-
pught Audacious, built last year, had
rivfK a mine oit the Irish coast
iyed London.' It was said the
jnpic hail towed the Audacious
r harbor, where it was beincr re-
erman warships, the Leipsin: and
fesden, coaling" at Valparaiso, left
Search of British shins in , P-.1
fie. The two declared they had not
;;" ciinuycu in me uattie of No
:mber 1, off Chili. They bore no
title scars
The Karlsruhe, German raider in
c oumn .-Miantic, is reported trap
id. To strengthen this, insurance
tea tn London have been cmdv r.
y;ed. It is stated also that two
prman Giihmnrina hnua K.. (
jman submarines have been sunk in
viori" sea
P ' Ji?
for Pktiadelpkta ami vicinity
inwsg aui xuartusr; light Vrii
oeemmg nwtMSMt,
NEW YOP.K, Nov. U.
The British dreadnought Audacious, one
of the newest and most powerful ships in
the English navy, has been sunk oft the
coast of Ireland, presumably by a mine.
If n photograph received today by1 the
International News Service Is nuthentlc.
The picture shows the Audacious half
submerged. Tho photograph also shows the port
deck of the dreadnought crowded with
sailors, while about her were several
small boats from the liner Olympic and
two torpedoboats that had been called
to the scene to aid in the rescue work.
The picture of the stricken dreadnought
shows her listing to starboard, with the
water almost to her forward deck and her
Hern high In tho air. The cssel ap
parently had a hole torn In her star
board side.
News of the disaster to the Audacious
Is told In a story by mall from London.
It says:
"For almost a week Fleet street has
known that H. SI. S. Audacious had been
In collision with a mine, off the north
coast of Ireland. Later the news was
spread about that tho survivors from the
dreadnought had been picked Up by tho
White Star liner Olympic. The Olympic
meantime was reported to have put In
at Lough Swllly on the northeast coast
of Ireland.
"Although application was repeatedly
made to the censor for confirmation or
denial of theBe reports, none was forth
coming. On the contrary, the censor pro
hibited any mention being made ot the
"The first of tho Olympic's passengers
arrived tn London at 6 o'clock this
morning (November 4). Announcement
had been made yesterday that the pas
sengers would arrive on a special train
today at Euston station. Newspaper
men learned that the passengers had ar
rived over various roads at tho stations
at various hours.
"Two of the passengers were located
at the Savoy Hotel. One of them donled
that he had been on the Olymplo and the
other refused to talk. It Is believed the
Ilrltlsh Government Issued Instructions
before the passengers were allowed to
leave the Olympic nt Belfast to keep
secret what they may know of the dis
aster, "Charles SI. Schwab, the only pas
senger to be allowed to leave the Olympic
at Lough-Swilly, admitted today that he
had obtained this permission only on the
condition that he keep silent,
"One report of the affair Is that the
Audacious sighted and sank a Swedish
steamship laying mines off the north
coast of Ireland, The Audacious la said
then to have wirelessed the Olympic of
the danger, only a moment later herself
emphasizing It by coming tn contact with
one of the mines.
"The explosion is said to have caused
her boilers to burst, scalding JiT men,
three of them fatally. It Is said the
Olympic came up In time to tow the
Audacious Into a small harbor on the
Irish coast, where she sank In 21-feet of
water. It Is believed that the Qovern
ntent Is withholding news of the disaster
In the hope that before It Is given out
efforts now being made to raise the
dreadnought will have been successful."'
Tne areaanougnt Audacious was com
pleted and launched last year and was
one of the most powerful warshlna in it,.'
British navy. Her displacement was 25,000
tons; she was 5?4 feet long and S3 feet
(n the heam. She carried a comprement
ot $00 men.
The Audacious was heavily armored
and carried tho following armament: Ten
l&l-lnch callbie) guns, ranged in pairs
In turrets,' all on the centre line; 18 Mnch
(.60 calibre) guns in casemates Iq the
superstructure, 12 forward and four after,
and flva 21-Inch torpedo tubes, all sub
merged. The ship had a speed of ?2H knots. She
was a sister of the AJax. Centurion and
Jdpg Qeorge V. She was commanded by
Captain Cecil P. Pander. The other offl
cer of its complement included: Com
mander Lamicelot N. Turton, Lieutenant
Commander Philip V. Douglas. Lieuten
ants Henry p. Prldham-Wlppell, Francis
.., ,-,.-. 1. lima ii ii IWMiUMmtt,..,,, Jh. ..,..,, , .,,,. ., -. " .'.'.-'' .. T"Jm "-",-J .a '"""""' ' ' ""'' '" " " " " "'''
' i v v" '" -" - Ti $ 'A
wWHKKKSS' Juc digs mS4
. v mmTj oew wnKw i$m?r .Ss&v.Ah
i.i.,UL4LggB . liwmltimmnW? w.Jtnr-
.ymmmmK mm mifkm'mmJMmm-.
Sun Shines on New Stadium
From Cloudless Sky as
Thousands Yell for Orange
and Black.
2 P. J3P. 4 p.
T"" ..
Malady First Diagnosed as
Foot and. Mouth Ailment
Proves to Be Much-feared
Anihrux, a disease much dreaded, and
one usually fatal, has nguln made its ap
pearance i(i Philadelphia, and already has
caused the death of n woman. An epi
demic, according to physicians, need not
be feared. The case was first diagnosed
as foot and mouth disease.
The victim of the malady Is Miss Isabel
Agnes McFadden, 33 years old, 172J North
lOlh street. She was taken III last Wednes
day and died In agony last night. An
nouncement of her death was not made
until toda.
According to Dr. Joseph Hoffman, 126
West niamoml street, JIIss JleFadden
was tho flrbt anthrax victim he has treat
ed In 20 years. He Is unnblo to learn how
sho contracted the disease.
The young woman developed first symp
toms on Wednesday when a small pimple
appeared on her nose. Nothing serious
was suspected until a day later when a
second spat developed on her mouth and
several others made their appearance on
the side of hor fuco. one In her eyo. Luter
sho suffered great pain and grow steadily
worse until death came.
Doctor Hoffman says Sllss SIcFadden
was tn no wise associated with any oc
cupation through which she was liable
to contract anthrax. The disease has Its
genesis tn a smalt bacillus usually found
In the wool of sheep and the hide of
horses and cattle. Sllss SIcFadden was
not employed In any factory and spent
most of her time at home.
He says there is 'no danger from nn
epidemic, as the disease lajnfectous and
not contagious.
"The Bureau of Health," sad Doctor
nonman. -win maKo cultures in this eas,
In Slonduy's Issue ot the Evening
Lrdcieii will bo piintcd n notable ar
ticle based on the foregoing text, from
the pen of
himself a stateman and writer of
woild-wlde celebrity, who first achiev
ed fame as the author ot
Sir. Townsend, who Is a member of
Congress from New .Tci sey, writes
with authority nnd from Intimate
knowledge of Hie playtime and recrea
tion customs ot the notable figures In
our national life in Washington, His
nrtlclcs are Instructive as well as
Second Belgian Relief Ves
sel Soon to Follow Thelma
With Additional Supplies
for the Starving.
Regulation Theory for Utili
t ies Has Been in the Main
Neglected Mayor Baker
Presiding Today.
W. Craven, Kdward B. Arathoon
Thomas V. Ualbraith.
(Dispatches last week said that Captain
Fox, who was the captain of the Am
Phlon. the first British war vessel loat
In the war, Tiad been pJace4 In command
of the Audacious. The Amphlon strusk
a mine In the North Sea and several
hundred of her crew perished. Captain
Pta. therefore, owns the distinction of
havlitg been in charge of two vessels
wrecked by mine already, with the
war yet young).
but aside from that I do not believe
anything will be done, because it Is prac
tically Impossible to trace the aliment
which caused Sllss McFadden's death."
Sllss SIcFadden Is survived by her
father and mothers, a younger sister,
Mary, and a brother, Samuel.
"It is Impossible to say how the woman
contracted the disease," said Dr. A, A.
Cairns, chief medlcallnspector of the
Bureau ot Health. "From what I have
learned she had not exposed herself to
the only sources of Infection known the
hides or wool ot animals who have died
of the disease."
Anthrax was described by Doctor Cairns
as a malignant pustule, much like a car
buncle. It Is a rare disease, he said.
Since 1905 Philadelphia has averaged only
from t to 10 cases a year.
"The danger of all epidemic ts remote,"
continued Doctor Cairns, "because the
disease is not transmissible from person
to pyson. The only possible way in
which a person may become infected Is
by handling the hides of catties or the
wool ot sheep which have died ot the
"Anthrax make Its vay to this coun
try In the bides of cattle shipped fronj
Europe. Kvery case has been traced to
this source. The hides of European
cattle who die of the ailment are pro
hibited from sa)e In Burope and they
aro shipped to. America, bringing with
them germa of the -disease."
In an endeavor to reach tHe many
churchgoers In tho centre of the city,
the Belgian relief station In the base
ment of the Lincoln Building, where
contributions are being received for
the Thanksgiving ship, will bo kept
open tomorrow.
"Mr. Doaley' Sister W
CHICAGO, Nov M. - Mrs I Amelia
HaakaLV. utanaJ ett tka ItAttiitttaji i.f.f
i ittvtsi: r " r- rr- - m
-. whvtmmm JSWS SSKT " m'
80.20 "Spilt" Best fqr Alimony
NEW YORK. Nv M-Tte .weil-lfimwn
"fltty-flfty" split of tb hubjttd's salary,
which ha ben customarily observed by
nusy New Ysj-k Judges in awarding all
many, gofca (teat Mow is Justice Guy's
court yesterday.
"A smj mut have soaie incentive to
work;,-' Mid tiw Justice. "I tbluk er
cent. el bis s&Jary la enouch tor him. to
.have to pay out as alimony."
The "ourt then awarded Mr. Pauline
L. Serrj W0 u. week from the WO salar)
et William H Bern a department Mojo
With the mercy s(iip Thelma more than
PC) miles out at sea, contributions for
the second ship continued to pour into
the relief station today.'
Gifts of various amounts reached the
relief Btutlon In tho basement of the Lin
coln Building. All the contributions re
ceived in letters today were labeled: "For
the Thanksgiving Ship."
The second ship, which has been
chartered, will arrive here next week, and
it Is planmd to till her holds before
Thanksgiving Day.
The total ot contributions received yes
terday at the Lincoln Building was
12163.87; at the Philadelphia National
Bank. 1513.87, and at the offices of the
morning newspapers, JiOS.OT. The entire
receipts were 13371.21.
As soon as the second ship docks here
the committee Jn charge of the Belgian
relief expedition will make public her
name. At the present time she is known
generally as the "Thanksgiving Day
Contributions are coming for the second
shin Just as fast as they came for the
Thelma- The committee announced today
they felt confident that when the second
ship weighs anchor she will be just as
heavily freighted with food as the Thel
ma was when she sailed away last Wed.
In the first mall which reached the re
lief committee this morning were several
letters containing stamps. These con-'
tributlpns came from, boys and girls.
The relief bureau will be kept open
until- 8:80 o'elook tonight.
The Pen and Pencil Club wilt donate a
part of the receipts taken In at Its "A
iNlsht.ln Bohemia" performance, to be
held on the evening at December 19 at the
Moving picture theatres and playhouses
in various parts of the city sent word
today they Intended to turn over a half
of their receipts toward the fund- (
Visitors arrived at the relfef bureau
shortly after the doors were opened this
A white-bearded man carrying a yel
low leather satchel walked into tb re
lief bureau and etated he bad walked
downtown from 9th street He opened
the aatebe) and banded over several en-
vMope. anon avloi car tamed a
Tho people of Toronto have made up
their minds to have all those services
which are natural monopolies owned
by and operated for the rate-payer,
l'hcy have tried regulation of the
treet railway system, and by general
consent it is declared unsatisfactory.
When the franchise expires In 1321 the
jystom will undoubtedly be acquired
by the municipality and operated by
in appointed commission for the ben
efit of the people.
They have established an electric
light and power system, into which
they have put $6,000,000. The commls
sinners In charge began operations In
1911, nnd this ear will have a gross
revenue of I,BO0,000. After providing
a sinking fund, depreciation and all
other legitimate charges, they will
show a profit for 1911 of $100,000. This
has been accomplished after reducing
rates to per cent, as compared with
those prevailing before the civic sys
tem was established. The low rotes
for electric power have greatly en
couraged manufacturing In this city,
and have enabled the humblest citizen
to have electric light In his home.
Qwlng to the low rates, the use of
power has Increased In Toronto from
42,500 K. W. In 1910 to 117,000 K. W.
this year.
A similar local system has been es
tablished In all the Important munici
palities in the province of Ontario,
under the direction and with the sup.
port of the provincial government.
Nov. H, 19H.
Mayor of Toronto.
The trend of American municipalities
toward public ownership and operation
of the utilities plants Is remarkably
demonstrated in the conference of
SI a yore, city officials, students of mu
nicipal economics and corporation officers
now In session In Philadelphia,
The dominant note In the declarations
of virtually every city official speaking
before the convention Is emphatlo. de
mand for public ownership and operation
ot the' utilities. Continuance of private
ownership under State regulation Is the
policy almost universally advocated by
the representatives ot the corporations.
Although, one less radical group of of
ficials from Pennsylvania cities are ad
vocating municipal regulation, home
rule for public utility plants, instead of
the present State commission control,
that, activity la regarded as only a step
toward ultimate municipal ownership and
adapted to meet present conditions in
Frederick C. Howe, Commissioner pt Im
migration of Mew York, drew a Sarallet
today between the pubUsfy owned street
railway systems of Great Britain aad the
privately owned AmericaB systems that
was decidedly disadvantageous to the oor
poretlons in the United States.
Bates of fare on the publicly owned
ooAtfibuUAa. The contributor earn ayateau abroad ha declared to be lew
from ft lends tb old urna, ws k4
In the first period Yale made a
Trnou a vtai? connrronKT.
The curtain rose on the annual football
classic between Yale nnd Princeton to
day with every one of the 26 entrances
to the spacious stadium feeling tho
strain of lines of ardent fans slnco noon.
In nn almost cloudless sky, the sun
shines down. It makes conditions Ideal
for the spectators, but a trifle too warm
for tho nirnored players. The breezo Is
too light to Intcrfeie with the kickers
of elthfr side.
Although Princeton men feel that tho
chances of tho Orange nnd Black team
aro slight, that could never be "detected
In the cheers and songs ot encouragement
bursting on the air. Tho famous loco
motlvo yell rises vigorously and in It a
note of challenge Is sent forth.
"We hnvc a team that can't bo beat,"
one of the favorite songs. Is defiant, but
tho Yale cohorts do not allow Princeton's
army to monopolize the cheering and sing
ing. Their struggle for vocal supremacy
is worth the price of admission.
Princeton smarts under the defeat a,d
ministered hist week by Harvard. Her
supporters know that their fond hones.'
lor a cnampmnsr.ip team were flhnttered.
Yale's aggregation, almost half a hun
dred strong, dashed from the dugout
at X-A'o.
They were prevented from beginning
immediate practice by the parade of the
Princeton students across the field. If
required minutes for the procession to
Then the Blue players threw around
forward passes galore und nttempted drop
kicks and punts.
It was estimated that the crowd num
bered 11,500.
The stands in the $300 000 stadium were
freighted with wildly enthusiastic folk.
Every seat was filled, when the referee's
whistle sent the gladiators into action.
A panoramic view of the stadium showed
a forest of pennants and streamers. The
thousands of pretty girls In their won
derful and multicolored garments defied
description by even the best describers.
The Bull-dog eleven loomped up as
giants alongside the Tigers. Yale out
weighed Princeton a trifle more than 10
pounds to a. man a bulky "edge," but
one which did not seem to disturb Prince
ton. Princeton, 'twas said, planned to
give Itself almost exclusively to an ex
hibition of the new stylo game, against
which, it was figured, the bulk of Yale
would be at a disadvantage.
A mighty roar swept through the stad
ium as Captain Ballln led the Tigers on
the field Princeton won the toss and
Ballln chose to defend the north goal.
Princeton received the kick-off. Con
roy's toe sent the pigskin to Trenkman
on Princeton's S5-yaid line, where Betts
brought him down.
Drlggs punted to Tale's 34-yard tine
on the second uown.
Legore's punt rolled to Princeton's 32
yard line, where Ames fell on tho ball.
Drlggs punted Immediately to Legore,
who signaled for a fair catch. A Prince
ton forward crashed Into him and the
Tiger was penalized. It was Yale's ball
on Princeton's IS-ynru line.
A later pass, with Legore carrying
tho ball, was spectacular, but Tlbbot
flung him to earth with a vicious tackle
before he could gain.
A long forward pass grounded, and
Princeton got the ball.
After falling to gain on two line plunges,
Drlggs punted to Legore, who caught
the ball on his 22-yard line. He was
downed In his tracks.
An offside penalty advanced the ball 5
yards. Again Princeton was offside and
Yale got'a first down.
On the next play Alnesworth smashed
through Princeton's right tackle for 36
yards. Knowtes moved the ball 8 yards
nearer the goal.
Princeton men cannot forget that to
day their alma mater meets Tale for
the first time In a setting that is in
Keeping with the dignity of her athletic
traditions. It marks an epoch and from
now o'n events will be definitely dated In
Princeton history by such expressions as
"ao and so" happened two years before
we played Tale In the stadium.
The betting favors Tale to win at odds
of Z to 1. Those are the prevailing odds
and much money has been and is being
wagered that way.
For Tale there la one change In the
line-up announced previously. Scoville
wilt probably play at (ullback Instead of
Knowles. Ollek will start at half for
Princeton. Shea wilt take Brown's place
at end.
The line-up
Princeton. )
McLean .)U tackle
Throng of 1 5,000 Turns Out
to See Red and Blue Make
Effort to "Come Back"
FRANKLIN FIELD, Philadelphia, Nov.
H.-A glorious day wns the gift of the
weather man for the annual game be
tween Pennsylvania and Dartmouth this
Some 13,000, fool ball fans swarmed Into
the big amphltthcatre to see the Quakers
In their effort to demonstrate that they
arc a leal "come-back" team.
It wns the best attendance ot the year,
nnd eveiy Penn rooter, In spite of the
team's reverses, seemed to feel the eleven
would rid Itslt of Its misfortunes.
It was one supreme effort which Dart
mouth determined to make to keep their
?e,v n. '" the flrat nU- Beaten by
Princeton, this game with Pennsylvania
was their second big contest of a cham
pionship nature. Last year they tri
umphed over the Ited and Blue by the
score of 3i to 21.x-
The team which Coach Cavanaugh
brought down with him this year was
stronger than tho one that visited
I-ranklln Held a year ago, nnd the
Dartmouth men were confident of vic
tory. As for the Penn men. they were hope
ful and determined. They knew their
record did not justify any optimism,
but they were filled with the spirit of
do or die.
The enthusiasm of the crows increased
when the Penn band, CO Btrong, wear
ing brand iigw uniforms trimmed with
red, marchoiTthrough the archway out on
tho gridiron. They circled the field and
tntfn marched back, passing beneath tho
goal post at each end of the field. After
having done this to give their team
good luck, they performed some evolu
tions at tho east end of the gridiron,
which drew forth cheers from Penn stu
dents. They received a tumultous wel
come ns thoy marched to their seats In.
front of the Penn undergraduate delegation.
Ssealc leftaiwrd
Qtnntrt centre.
K. Trenhmaa riant ciucd
rlfffct tackle....
i . . . .quarterback .... A Wit
V. S. Asks What Closed That Body
of Water to Neutrals.
WASHINGTON. Nov. H.-The State
Department, through Ambassador Page,
is endeavoring to ascertain the exact elt
uatlon In regard to the mining of tha
orth Sea. which has resulted, practi
cally, in closing that body of water to
nmtral trade.
Until a more definite understanding of
the facts Is obtained the TJnltixt Rt.t..
Government does not feel In a position to
net on the suggestion made by other
neutral Governments, notably Holland,
Denmark, Sweden and Norway, that a
protest be made to the British Govern
ment. The difficulty lies In the fact that the
Infromatlon which has so far reached tho
State Department does not make It clear
whether the mines in the North Sea are
German or British mines. The only an
nouncements on the subject have come
from Great Britain and these have, in
seme cases, declared the Germans were
responsible for the mine menace and in
other cases have not indicated whether
oi not British mines were also being laid
in iurB wuiers.
Consequently the United States Govern
ment Is at a loss to select the one to
which protest should be made.
IUisolaii Embassy at Rome Hears
Oallclan. City Has Fallen.
According to a news agency dispatch
from Borne, the Busslan Embassy there)
has received a message stating NthaS
Cracow has been captured.
This news has not been confirmed from
any other1 source.
beeu wintisd uwaurw.
flsBsteawi pt ri sa el iiary tttwrca.
Ied Frank Again Loses in Court
AtlJLUTA, Nv. M.-Th (3wHa Su
pjtewe Court thi afternoon decided
ayaiMt Lea M. Prta on the araaal of
the demand far the aetuog aatda f the
veMs convtetuig rcaak f tit uiuidw
Philadelphia Hunter Gets "014
Duke," Prize of South, Mountain
CHAMBBRSBURG. Pa., Nov. H.-An-drew
G. Steften, 4401 'Woodland avenue.
West Philadelphia, left here for home
this morning with the carcass of "Old
Duke," the largest stag shot on South,
Mountain this seasan- It weighed 309
pounds and had eight pronged antlere.
Mr. Steften got a bead on "Duke11' at
U a. in., but a faulty ' cartridge, hug
Ore. He threw his rifle away and a 3
p., m. with another brought oawn hja
buck near Caledonia.
Pirae 5live4 tp Have Been Started
by Hunters.
PATSRSON. DC J. Nov. II- Score j
wen are tttfmgsj in ahtliu; forest A
near tha sukuriMJs twam uf Little Fa
AtUeala, PWMfton l-k KkH ajk
tfe du Poai Powdar Wrke at Hak"
It u beliae4 t &W ware started uy
-J " '
siito -ssilC