Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 14, 1914, Night Extra, Image 18
wassamm m swmwyFT ipw night NIGHT Ctmttmj eaaer -i v. 33 PRICE ONE CENT VOL. I-NO. 64 PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1014. CorrmonT, 1014, t in PnM.13 I.hxieb CoMriNf . a 3 tA&r vSt y rVVi Vl t3B H I EXTRA - -.. . , ,- TWO KILLED, TWO ' HURT WHEN AUTO. . IS HIT BY TRAIN fl-Vagcdy at a Crossing of the Reading Railway at St. . Nicholas, Schuylkill County. rOTTSVlLLR, Ta.. Nov. H.-Death rode Ilu an automobile party, which was (ruck by a train nt a much-used cross ing nt St. Nicholas, over the Phlladel UhlsLnnil Reading Railway, The party consisted of Peter McCormlck, station Kent for the Reading, at Olrnrdvltle; his Mjtii Nnrmnn; his cousin, Mrs, Somner Brown, all of (llrardvllle, and his sister-In-law. Miss Mnry Horn, of Malsovllte, teacher of the public schools 'The automobile was crushed like an egg shell. Normnn McCormlck and Mrs. Brown wero killed. Peter McCormlck Is at the Miners' Hospital, at Fountain Sprngs, suffering from serious Injuries. IMIsallforn's Injuries wero of a less serious character. Tlys party spent last evening at Mahanoy City and they reached the crossing- on their return trip nt 10:20 o'clock They failed to hear the approach of a' special train being run to haul water tor' the collieries. In that section, since the drought became so severe In this ectlon. They were not nware of their peril until the locomotive loomed up grim arid mennclng In front of them. The next moment there was a crash and the occupants of the automobile Tvcro hurled In several directions. Mrs. Drown iCnd ydung McCormlck were Instantly killed, their bodies being badly mnnglcd. The senior McCormlck may not recover. IMjss Horn, It Is expected, will soon be about tier school duties again. McCormlck Is one of the most popular railroad men In Schuylkill County. The water train was not expected by the party because they always run special. SUSPECT DODGES MANY BULLETS DURING CHASE Policemen Empty Revolvers Before i Fleeing Man Surrenders. Tn capturing- Fred lose, said by the police to be a deserter from the United States Navy and the thief who robbed ruanv- houses since last June, Special Policemen Stlllman and Robinson, of tho Third and Dickinson streets station, shot BwaX all their amunttlon. Stlllman also suffered a sprained ankle, -tone, when arrested, had three diamond rlpKB' valued at J300, a gold match safe and a sliver and gold knlfo in his pocket. The knife Is the property of Albert Uleth. son of Charles Illeth, filOO Park venue, whose residence was robbed yes terday, the police say. Lose made the iti'qualutnncc of Paul Gurlch, a caretaker o( the Sailors' Home, 1103 East Moya Itienslng avenue, yesterday and asked Gurlch to go to Baltimore with him, Gurlch said Lose showed him Jewelry and admitted that he had stolen It. Gurlch guided the police to" 3d street and Washington avenue where he was to meet Lose. Lose recognized the police nnd fled. The chase went many squares before the shots frightened him Into sur rendering. DR. W. C. STILLWELL DIES JLponleoty Kills Leading Specialist in Diagnosis. Dr. Walter r. Stlllwell. one of the city's foremost specialists in diagnosis, died early today at his homo, 1248 South Broad street, from apoplexy. He was 63 years old. Doctor Stlllwell, who was graduated from the Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania, practiced in South (Philadelphia for many years. He also conducted a drug store at 8th and Wharton streets. i Doctor Stlllwell leaves a widow, who was Miss Eleanor M. Molloy; a son, (Waller A, Stlllwell, and a daughter. Miss Unna'M. Stlllwell. James C, Stlllwell, an attorney of this city. Is a brother. FIVE STEAMSHIPS SAIL Unusually Heavy Exports for Day Valued at $2,000,000. Exports through this port were heavier today than they have been since the war 1tsan. It Is estimated the five steam Blilp sailing will take out cargoes valued at about JI.00Q.0OO. .The American Line steamship Merlon, Whlh sailed for Liverpool from Wash ington avenue wharf, carried a cargo of foodstuffs that almost made her sides bills?. She was drawing 29 feet of water when i V- left. Included In the various articles stowed In her holds were thou sands of dozens of eggs. Five cabin and SO steerage passengers, all bound for their homes in England, are taking the voyage on the, liner. SCHOOL TO BE DEDICATED JBullding Named in Honor of Julia- Ward Howe, In the Presence of a distinguished as- sytibly, the handsome new school at Fern JJJfek, which has been named for Julia "Vurd Howe, 13th street and Grange ave- gm 1lU be floated at 3 JO o'eiock this .HWioon. Jr ownawiourg win oi- "4aati Aa elaborate program has been arrang ed tot the exerts attending the dedl ctry Mrvlec. At J-JO o'clock a parade will form at Spacteer street and UmkWn rtfta, voter comwaaa t CnbmtJ eias jfCrago. In w" b OWI War VtrB. Vataran at tha Tfeaetga Wan i United Slates, patriotic and ft. aiuiars. ftw Saouta, residents at stock sud'Mfceot ohBdrea. .Jfe SMUT AWag4 ; A Maw Yorkar w s4a- a main at "feet" in a HUn towa, aa wiwa Mttfft? to W was fw tha atW W few tfce csiutaa nartar tt tea vaJMa ta w,(4 rij a Out mtsntof. TM iXK-uir iHl. ". baaa, rka v. hi t (kkimMm- wlta tMaa aaae avd mtt iunAtivwt Wean you wu " U ,.,lti i 0 mAnlii' il o Imm to its t& jfst :- tineas 4 ttfejo at da ) U ;- Ds, w wff u aa saita y'. P. R. R. AND READING ANNOUNCE GENERAL INCREASE IN FARES Through Rates Raised to 23o Cents a Mile, 60-trip Tickets Advanced 25 Cents, Effective Dec. 15. The predicted Incfcase In passenger fares on the Pennsylvania Rnllrond, the Philadelphia and Heading ItnlUny and other carriers, has been announced nnd new tariffs containing substantial changes were filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission today. Warning of the Impending increase wm glten some time ago when the rnllioadn Increased the cost of mileage books nnd announced they would withhold decision on passenger fares pending tho rehearing granted on the appeal for higher freight rates. The action came ns the result of tho refusal of the Interstate Commerce Commission to 'grant freight rate in creases. The order becomes effective De cember IS. ' TK1P TICKETS GO fP. Though no changes will be made In suburban or local one-wny fares, holders of monthly trip nnd school tickets will be forced to pay from M to 25 cents nboe present charges. A number of trip tick ets will be withdrawn from salo alto gether, nnd all excursion tickets except thoso to resort points will he discontinued. The changes In Btihurban rates have been so adjusted that no person traveling on commutation tickets will have to pay more than one cent n day additional fare. In Its ofllclal announcement published today, the Pennsylvania Ilallroatl stated thut modern Improvements, made recently for the safety, comfort and convenience of passengers, have proven so costly that It becomes necessary to seek more reve nues. The following changes will be mado In suburban rates," effective December 15: The 60-trlp monthly ticket will be ndvanced 15 cents above the present rate. The 46-trlp school ticket will be ad vanced 20 cents. The 10O-trlp ticket will be withdrawn from sale. The 180-trlp quarterly ticket will bo sold nt three times the monthly rate, this ticket will be kept on sale for the convenience of those who do not caro to purchase a ticket every month. Tho CO-trlp ticket will be withdrawn from sale. Strip tickets will bo withdrawn from sale. Ten-ride tickets will be sold, good for bearor. They will cost nine times ine one-way fare. SHOP.E FARES ADVANCED Excursion tickets to Atlantic City, Cape May and other seashore points will be ndvnnced 23 cents. All excursion tickets except those to resort points will be withdrawn from sale. Hound-trip tickets will be sold at twice tho one-way fare nnd will bo good until used, with stop-over priv ileges. No changes will be made In any suburban or local one-way fares. Through, or Intcr-terrltorlal, fnrei have been revised on a basis of 2Ji cents a mllo ns the maximum rate. The following are some of the prin cipal changes made. Proportionate readjustments will be made from In termedia to eastern points to western cities. They will become effectlvo December 15. Old New Hate. Hate. SIH.2" iiii.io IS.L-J 1D.4T 2.V1 W..VI 1S.I2 10.1.1 11.72 IS 01 No change. Phlladelchln to Chicago ... Philadelphia to Loulullle. rh adelplila to Columbus . Philadelphia to Cincinnati. PM ade phla to Indianapolis. Philadelphia to Plttahunh.. SHALL U. S. INCREASE ARMS? NO, SAY BRYN MAWR GIRLS College Girls Wallop Militarism in Debate. The aoldlers of the and marines. Should leave their DUrehaaa firmn. U. S. A., tha sallora ahlpa and forti and Alai. there's nothing- left to them but rala- For Iiryn Mwr g!rl v.: ant no Increaae In urma. The United States of America may now give mnall Idea of nn increase In arma ment, Tf It has any respect for tho opin ions of Bryn Mawr"a Juniors. The ques tion has been decided by a debating team of three 1915 class girls who met three from the class of 1916 In a debate on "Should the United States Increase Its Armament"?" At the end of the debate the Judges de cided the best arguments had been put forth by the non-armament side. The de bate was under the auspices of the Bryn Slawr College Debating Society and was the first formal session of that organlza tlon. CHINESE EGGS BOUND HERE 8,800,000 Pounds Valued at ?1,406, 000 on Ship. Eight million, ght hundred thousand pounds of eggs are on their way to this port on the, British steamship Broad mouth from Hongkong. The cargo Is due here In the early part of Deeember by way of the Panama Canal. Only part of the cargo will be, dlseharged at Phila delphia. The remainder wll be taken to other ports. The eggs are being shlpoed by an HnslUh syudlaate, who bought them at the outbreak of the war far speculative purposes. The eggs are being kept below the freez ing pomt In aiu of M. H 30, 44 and so sound. At prevailing prleea the eargo is valued at fLM The cargo will be ud prJaalpatiy by bakers. OLD BALIi PLAYER' DEAD 1 ' i w Oreea Sucoumbs to Bffaett of Blow w Head. " BasaaaN aba,mpUat of yean ago were rUat t ta$ ftwaral yastwday of "D5Kr' "L " ' far Vm CUaage WMto Sax Warn, at Ma tor- urn wi-iwiiB, Mffww wr aaa- tha X. Homer J Vobug. of the Canaan North Bant vwaram. 'uaw year ago Qtto was struck ea tkw Ma4 aw a kail ba In a Ks.au. JParalMaa foMawaa H H4 is tb, Caa- "uni Uoaptui fja tfaa eStcm ca! TRIO OF DARTMOUTH STARS WHO PLAY AGAINST PDNN ' Ifflwl H.B3f - 39 I I HlHf flG&j lEk?p,3$wk k&&m - mMMImWmjMMS ' ; W A f rjm ' WKWftMfw, r H mUflS ' "M rtB?m Lftav. ilHSB 'mc300c:, fc&L&ffccand. OMITf-t, (jClD.UfSTArOVTi LABOR WILL HOLD BALANCE OF POWER IN NEXT CONGRESS Announcement Made at A. F. of L. Convention That 1 7 Representatives Will Carry Union Cards. FBANK WALSH ON LABOR'S "COLLECTIVE BARGAINING" The Insistent demand of labor Is for the complete, democratization of in dustry, meaning that every worker shall huva u compelling vote In the fixing of his compensation, the hours of his labor nnd the conditions under which he shall work. Labor claims that Justice can not bo assured except through a freo nnd voluntary system of collective bar gaining between employer and em plojc. Tho meaning of the term "col lective bargaining" may be had by paraphrasing tho lines of Charles Ferguson" the author of "Bellglon and Democracy": "It Is the machinery de vised by studious and sclf-sacrlflcing men toprevent the well-fed from driv ing hard bargains with tho hungry." Chairman U. S. Commission on In dustrial Itelntlons. November 14, 1914. It became known today at the con vention of the American Federation of Labor that 17 members of the next Con gress will be union card men. Labor, therefore, will control the balance of pow er. These men are Frank Buchanan, of Illinois; William Cary, of "Wisconsin; John Casey, of Pennsylvania; G. G. Hel vering, of Kansas; Albert Johnson, of Washington; Edward Keating, of Colo rado; John Key, of Ohio; David Lewis, of Maryland; Meyer London, of New York; James Maher, of New York; John Nolan, of California; VS. E. Roberts, of Nevada; Isaac Sherwood, of Ohio; Charles Smith, of New York, and Carl van Dyke, of Minnesota. The Democrats will havo IB more than enough to control the House. It Is evident, therefore, that organized labor, represented by 17 members, can hold (he balance of power in the House of Representatives If these members were to lay aside party dissensions and vote as a whole on labor measures, or united In filibustering in order to force conces sions along the line of labor legislation. It Is pointed out by delegates at the convention that the passage and adoption of the "labor-exemption clause" In the Clayton anti-trust law was due entirely to the co-operation and the united stand taken by the "labor group" m congress. It Is also pointed out that should the 17 "laborltes" In the 64th Congress continue this co-operation they would be In a posl tlon to force many other valuable con cessions. Delegates said today that there Is every indication that President Wilson will call an extra session of the new 61th Congress next spring to consider labor legislation. TODAY'S SESSION SHOUT. This morning's session of the conven tion was the shortest of the week. Sev eral resolutions of minor Importance were read. The convention adjourned then until Monday. Tomorrow the delegates will hold & me morial meeting ln memory of the late P. T. McQuire and'deorKe Chance, both of Philadelphia, "wh were Instrumental In the earlier days 64 labor, organization in giving life and shape to the'movement. MAN ACCUSED OF ARSON Arrested After ' TaUjdngr Freely in Saloon About Camden Pire. Lawrence Merry Held, who gave two ad dresses on Buttonwood street, was held without bail today by'MaTltrate Belcher, at the 10th arMButtenwtod streets sta tion, an 'a charge of anon. Merryfleld was arrested, by Speolal Policemen Barry, Ernest and Clark, after they had sought him for'mnra than a week. The man was taken in a Aaloon at Uth and Balnbridge streets. The police say he was dismissing the big tiro that de stroyed a lumber yard Ja Camden Thur day sight James B. Halnesl 1TM North S streat. amployad la a stkaU at UT and North Hi street, testified that UartyfteM td . toiter(Ag4 about the place far sewarat 4ai, sad ,ivas is the table several days ago. jusr before a lira waa iHacovef'iflifl Tbrea ottoer stable Area have occiwxed la that neighborhood, ell at th hbi plate, m ana t North Sth Lre. within tha last neek liu police, aay JaefryAetd amt having turued tn lintel JLiiMU s tvitK v"w'nrrTMswKvira , O9STMOUTH . INCREASE IN FARE TO ATLANTIC CITY ANGERS RESIDENTS Merchants Incensed by Amendment Following P. R. R.'s Refusal to Build New Station. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Nov. 14. Indignation over an announced Increase of fares from Philadelphia to Atlantic, Slty, following close Upon the heels of a refusal of Pennsylvania trnfllc officials to accede to demands oft business for shore betterment, rnn riot In the busi ness community this morning. "We have been uniformly friendly toward tho railroads and this is what we get for It," said Benjamin Bacha rach, president of the Chcmber of Com. merce. Merchants who are not so close to the railroads ns the big hotel men of the beach front are particularly incensed be causo repeated efforts to prevail upon the Pennsylvania to build a modern sta tion In the place of Its antiquated fram tenhlnal have been fruitless. Feeling Is particularly strong over the raising of fares for the third-rail line frorn Camden to the shore, a return trip ticket for which will in future cost p. When the line was first opened with hourly trains, theare was il.EO.for the round trip. Subsequently It .was .Increased to $1.75,, with a decrease of train serv ice, Now with still fewer trains, the fare is to be K. TakingMnto consideration the fact that it Is possible to ride 10 miles in New York for a nickel, business men today said that It would be an ample figure for the electric train trip, considering the time consumed. Some professed to be lieve that the fare advance is a move to compensate the line for the enormous bill of damages Incurred when an electric train dashed from the Thoroughfare bridge with heavy loss of life, some years ago. ' Moro optimistic citizens expressed the opinion that the railroad is after more revenue to provide for the long delayed new station. McADOO GIVES OUT MEDALS Pive Persons Remembered for Deeds of Heroism. WASHINGTON, Nov, H.-Secrajary of the Treasury McAdoo today awarded silver medals to Ave persons for gal lantry. 'TJie recipients are .Albert E. K$ly. pf Bqffalo, N. Y-, formerly a corporal In Battery p, 6th United States Artillery, who rescued a fellow toldler from drown ing in the Philippines' In 1S01; Ernest W, Keller, electrician In the navy, who saved a woman from drowning .off Val (ejo,' Cal., on September 28; Peter Mo Nell, of New York, who saved two men from drowning July IS and August 7; Sergeant Russell Apsley. Marine Corps, who saved a fellow soldier from drown Ing August 38. and W. J. Guerre, of New York, who rescued a boy from the North River on September 8. i, DIBPUTE OVER OUABDIANBHIP Daughters of Woman 07 Years Old Not Agreed on Appointment. The appointment of n guardian for Mrs. Anna M. Ware, ST years old. of German town, which was petitioned by two of her daughters. Mis. Margaret I. Lavers and Miss Mary Ware, and opposed by the third daughter. Miss Helen Ware, was htd under consideration today by Judge Catr, after be bad concluded the bearing of tUww- The daughters making the petition de uUrsd that, owing to their mother's a4 Tineed age tbey feared she would fall a prey 'to designing persons, other oum brs of the family admitted that a gap ba ba O9M0 in ih family over tha aMismnent by tb mother ut hr estate, worth approsiiMMty W,0W, to the Uttb- O- CANADA RESERVIST MISSES THE MERION BY FIVE MINUTES Long Journey Brings Ser geant to Dock as Liner Dis appears Philadelphia Women Sail as Nurses. When the steamship Merlon, of the American Line, sailed for battle-scarred Europe today, It carried three young Philadelphia women who will net ns trained nurses In Belgium, and nn Eng lishman, who will offer his services to the British army. Five minutes nfter the ship had start ed on Its voyage, another mnn, George M. King, who had come all the way from Canada to catch the ship, so that he might be In England on the 30th to enlist In tho English army, rushed down the dock. "I nm nn English reservist nnd must reach London, or I may be charged with desertion." said the man. "I came all the way from Canada to get that boat, and now I have missed It by five min utes. I nm a sergeant In the Leicester mrics nnd received the call only two uceks ngo," CAN SAIL NEXT WEEK. The man's ticket was finally changed by the authorities, so ho can sail on the Baltic, which leaves New York next Wednesday. King brought his wife and daughter with him to wish him "bon voy-, age," and they n'lso will go to the me tropolis. The young women who will act ns nurses aro tho Misses Cecelia' nnd Beatrice Gnrvey and Miss Margaret Har rington, all of Pelham. The other reservist Is Michael Masklll, nn Englishman, who has been living In this country two monthB. Masklll will land at London to enlist, fint flm vnllnp wnmAn wilt f-n tn TTrtllnnrl. their native home. There they will offer tneir services ana proceeq lmmeaiaieiy to Belgium. FOLLOWS SOLDIER HUSBAND. Another paasenger wns Mrs. Leah Nix on, who Is following her husband to Europe, where he enlisted In the English army. She Is from Chester and her hus band crossed about two months ago. She received a letter from him two weeks ngo saying his regiment will be sent to the front the first of December.' The Merlon carried a heavy eargo of -wheat for England. There Is also a big general cargo, said Captain Hlckson. W. LAWYER ACCUSED OF THEFT; DAUGHTER OFFERS TO REPAY Former Attorney Here Charged With Fleecing Poor Clients. Thomas W. McNeil, formerly a lawyer In this city, was arraigned at Central Station before Magistrate Renshaw today on three charges of embezzlement after being brought back from New York by an agent of the Philadelphia Rapid Tran sit Company. At least one of the three alleged victims of McNeil has since died In a poorhouse. The widow of th.ts man Is said to be in destitute circumstances. McNeil's daughter. Miss Ortha McNeil, Of 4010 Walnut street, who is said to be a graduate of Bryn Mawr, told the police she would work all her life, if necessary, to pay back tho money her father Is charged with embexzlng. McNeil waa captured after a chase that led all over this country. He Is charged with falling to turn oyer 2M0 paid to him by the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company In settlement of a suit brought by TOryear-old Thomas J. Rogers, a laborer, Injured'by a trolley car, Rogers, so severely Injured that he was unable to work, died in a Baltimore poor house. Ills wife is now said to be In a West Philadelphia home. McNeil Is alto accused of embezzling I1E00 from Mrs. Anna- C. Cox, of Downing, town, and (300 from another client in Ger mantown. The man's daughter told the police that If he took money from any one it waa only because he wanted her and her sister to be comfortable. ATJTO PERRY RATES RAISED P, R, R. to Charge for Each Passen ger Over Pour. Ferry rates on automobiles and motor oycles usjfig Pennsylvania Railroad ferr r!s will advance Npveynber Jt. The nerv lee betwean Camden and this cjty. by Pennsylvania Railroad ferry U most pop ular wjth, motpr ear owners because of the shortness of the ride compared with the Heading, but It is a question whether tbe thousands of motorists who have been uatn.g the former will stand for the In crease. Automobile have been carried at a, Sat rat of X eeats, regardless of pasnsrt. The new rata U to be 35 cents, wttb not awe than four passengers. For each add! l tonal person tn the machine the reg ular fare of 1 cent will be ofearged The motercycliM vUt be compelled iu ui ' lnte4 of v. and for an ,4euuMftl 1 50000 ORGANIZED WORKERS IN BROAD STREET PARADE Iftbor Demonstration Last Night Most Impressive Ever Held Here. Organized workers of Philadelphia turned out In one of the most Impressive parades ever seen In this city Inst night in honor of the 51th nnnunl convention of the American Federation of Labor. Fully 50,000 uplon men swept past the revlowlng stand occupied by high of ficials of tho organization In front of Horticultural Hall. The parade formed nt Diamond street at S o'clock nnd marchod to Snyder ave nue. For two hours nnd n half tho workers pnssed the reviewing stand In a steady stream, ATler tho first division had dlsbnnded at Snyder nVenuo others were Just forming nt Diamond street. Frank Feency was tho grand marshal. Fifty bands furnished music for tne procession, nil composed of union musicians, Each division wns headed by n motortruck or automobile bearing transparencies. In the reviewing eland snt Mayor IllankcnUurg, Senator Penrose. Samuel Oompers, "Mother" Jones nnd John W. Brown, who led tho coal strike In West Virginia, nnd other noted olllclals of union labor. EIGHT AIRMEN IN FIGHT; GERMAN OFFICERS KILLED Allied Machines' Plight Proves Pntnl Trap. PAItlS, Nov. H. An encounter In whlclf wero engnged eight aeroplanes, four Germans', two French and two British, occurred in the vicinity of Yprcs. Tho Geiman machines wero destroyed finally by artillery, and the eight oillcctp they carried were killed. Tho Germans wero seen npproachliig to reconnoltro tho lines of tho Allies. The French nnd British airships Immediately ascended to meet them. For sometlmo tho aircraft circled nbout one another, ris ing and descending, while machine guns spattered bullets among them. The sky wns clear, and the'gunncrs on the ground had a good view of-the aeroplanes, but fniled to cripple, any of the German ma chines. Then suddenly four of the Allies' ma chines mndo a swift dash down toward their own trenches nnd wero followed by the Germans, who too lato discovered tho feint nnd perceived tho perils of tho situa tion only when shrnpncl burst nbout them. In a few minutes the four German aeroplanes crashed to earth. BOY ACCUSED OF SHOOTING DOG HELD FOR HEARING Son of Ex-Judge Gordon Defendant In Suit Brought by Neighbor. Androw Gordon, 17 years old, a son of ex-Judge James Gay Gordon, who Is In volved In a dog shooting case In West town, will have n hearing next Monday before Justice of the Peace J. Jones Patrick at West Chester. The complalnnnt against otitis Gordon Is J. It. Dickey, who owns a place ad joining tho Gordon cstata. It Is charged by Mr. Dickey that Gordon had shot the dog nnd that tho latter had suffered for soma time, dragging Itself home from the Gordon yard and dying In tho Dickey yard, where Its body was found by Mrs. Dickey. There was a hearing In tho case last night. Gordon was not present. He wns represented by Robert Oawthrop, nn at torney. CORSETS SAVE WOMAN WHOSE CLOTHING BURNS Gas Range Again Proves Unlucky for Mrs. Surrick. A pair of corsets probably saved the life of Mrs. Ella Surrick, tf years old, of 2313 North Boudlnot street, whose kimono caught fire ns she was lighting her kitchen stovo today. Her hair and clothing were burned. She Is In a critical condition at the Presbyterian Hospltnl. Mrs. Surrick had Just lighted the gas range when her Bleeve caught fire, John McClenlck, a neighbor, answered her screams, rolled her In a quilt and quenched the flames with water. At the hospital It was found all her clothing except her corsets had been burned off. The gaa range has been unlucky for Mrs. Surrick of late. Two weeks ago her clothing caught fire In the same way, but she beat out the flames herself. Last week she slipped and was severely bruised by hitting her head against the stove. Her husband, William Surrick, is a travel ing salesman, now in Baltimore. SWARTHMORE'S WAR FUND Leading Citizens Organize Committee for Relief of Victims. Leading citizens of Swarthmore have otganlzed a War Relief Committee of Bwarthmore for the purpose of immediate raising of funds for Belgians and other war victims. Every church, Swarthmore College, schools, various religious, social and dramatic organizations will be repre sented In tho work. . Burgess Perry Is chairman of the com. mlttee. The following were elected of, fleers; Vice Chairman, Carroll Thayer; Cor. responding Secretary, Dr. It. M. Little; Recording Secretary, Charles A. Smith Treasurer, the Ry. George a. sarr? BURIED SIX DAYS; RESCUED Miner's Family Had Mourned Him as Dead, DUMJTH, Minn., Nov. HAfter being buriedfby a cave-ln in the Ely m "! since last Monday. Joseph fibuslk. an! parently uninjured but exhausted, was taken from the shaft avo today. His dead ? chdren had mourned him as Another body was taken from the mine. taWhir ,hV0Ur men wmatalnj Intthe debris have been redoubled. Seek Accomplice of Negro Murderer JACKSONVILLE. FJa., Nov. H.-After. lynching John Bvana. a Negro, for the murder of Edward F. Sherman, of Cam! den, N. J.. In St. Petersburg, Vja. Uti Tuesday night the erowd dispersed and there was no disorder. The mob J, trying to looate the seopnd man who aided In thi murder and attack on Mrs, Sherman; The Impossible - "You can't exptet the French to h the impossible." ' Mayor Prton It a lwe . 'The &ZJZ are figbttog bravely, but they ean'tdT. the !poH. They're sot SLVSiejvI "Casey was (wagging about a dog he ones had. " 'We had a are at our house oue night,' aald he, 'and Hawser, that brave doc f asrfn. rusted in and saved my four children, one at a time. a,o4 then by ,-rMue. Mat before the " te tu be meie a grand fifth tush, and brought .. BOMB IN COURTROOM IMPERILS THE tlVES OF MANY PERSONS Policeman Dashes' Forward and PinchesFuse of Dead ly Missile Magistrate Opposed by I. W. W. NEWoniC, Nov. H.-An unidentified man, believed to be nn Italian, tried un successfully to explode a bomb In tha police court In the Criminal Courls Build ing In this city nt 10 o'clock this morning. Tho deadly missile, with tho fuse still spluttering, wns quickly grasped by Pa trolman Rlohard L. O'Connor, who snuffed out tho spark nnd throw the bomb out of the window. The thing landed on the streot close to n street car, but did not explode. Before O'Connor orpther court attend ants could get hold of the bomb-thrfftyer, tho man fled through a door Into the main corridor nnd escaped to tho street, being" swallowed up In tho throng of persons assembled In the building and on 'the sidewalk at the time. Tho man deliberately lit the end of the fuse as ho sat on a sent in the third row of the court room. Magistrate Campbell and other court oftlclnls were within a tew feet of the anarchist, but did not observe anything unusual In bis movements until O'Connor made a dash for tho fuso. The room wns crowded with spectators and witnesses, and the steel cage was filled with prisoners at the time. The news of the attempted explosion nlmost caused a panic and threw the crowd Into the wild est confusion. Inspector Fnurot, head of tho Detective Bureau, and Owon Eagun, an Inspector of the Bureau of Combustibles, hastenod to tho scene of the attempted ullage. An examination of the bomb flhowed It con tained many cartridges of 32, Si nnd U calibre, nnd a largo quantity of guncotton. The charge was sufficient to wrock the court room nnd kill or wound many spectators. Mngiatrnte Campbell has been denounc ed by ccrtajn factions of the Industrial Workers of the World and by member of the church of tho Social Revolution becauso he sentenced Bouck White, head of the latter Institution, to serve six. months In prison for trying to start a debate in tho Fifth avenue Baptist Church last nummer. Five Italian suspects and one Spanish suspect. wero released by the police be cause there was no evidence to cohncct them with the bomb explosion In the Bronx court house last Wednesday night. PORTER CALLS FOR MONEY. ?12O,000 Needed to Repair Police Stations. An urgent request that Chief Clerk M. J. Pickering, of tho Department of Public Safety, ask 'Councils to authorize the 'ex penditure of $130,000 for repairing police stations, reached City Hall today front Director Porter, who Is spending a few days at Porter's Lake, Pa. Councils appropriated 1200,000 to repair police stations from the loan of 1913, hut ndded n clause calling for an authoriza tion by Councils before any repairs could be made-. Only JSO.OOO of the money has been ppent thus far. In his letter Director Porter pointed out the need for lepalrs at many police stations nnd added that the release of tho money at this time would relieve the sufferings of the unemployed, BODY FOUND IN RIVER John J. Hamilton, Missing a Week, Drowned in the Schuylkill. The body of John J. Hamilton, of 1517 South Guenther street, was recovered from the Schuylkill River at the Walnut street bridge by the police tug Reyburn this morning. Hamilton, who was employed as a laborer In the Bureau of Highways, dis appeared from home last Saturday. There Is no reason known why he should end his life. He is survived by n widow and several small children. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON. Nov. 14. For eastern Pennsylvania-Fair toplght and Sunday; warmer Sunday; light vari able winds. Fnr'New Jersey-Fair tonight and Bun. day, except rain Sunday In south portion. The disturbance that covered the lower Lake region yesterday has moved rapidly northeastward and Is passing out near the Grand Banks this morning. It caused light rain or snow over Ita entire course, the are spreading over western and northern Pennsylvania, but not reaching the southeastern portion. The Qulf storm has caused general rains in the central and eastern portions of the cotton belt. Penracola, Fla., reports 7.50 Inches dur ing the last It hours. The northwest, em disturbance has crossed the Jt&cklea and spread southeastward over the plains States. The temperatures fell rapidly last nght in the Ohio basin and the southern Lake region. If, S, Weather Bureau Bulletin Observation maae t 8 e. m Etetern time. , UftHeln- Veloe- . Station. 8 .m n't. fall.wind. iivwuii,.. AhllMA T.r JB JG O... --"-."" - Atlanllo CUV. . 4ft 44 Illemarck. N D. 28 a Boeton. Uui. , 42 il Ihilfslo. N. T. 88 at Denver Col 4 as Dm Moloea, It,. 42 44 o dear 4 Cloudy Clear 14 Cloudy PjCtoudy la CSaar near 4 doinlv xMiroit. Mica... .14 & iDuluth. Mine . 31 & I Pebiuda Galveston, Tex . Hattuu. N. r Qtaudy ShMidy Una, Wont... 33- Jlureo. t D. 34 Aft kv i J,."" jai'Moavine, KaiuuClty, Jackasovlh. PI Aft OJo. qy 5 i $w LoulsvlU. Ky. . 4A 15 Mempste. Two . at u Naw Qritta. La. S4 it M N ?utu.'M: aa (ML. 49 n sst .. N .. SB .. W 08 W p BS J V HJS 30 so S -8? S as .oi sv rJ, n -&e 40 UM1IHM. UK. . n a EHMMphu .. 4a u , rttftaata. Arts. . S SB i PUisbdril, U. B si S 5 ' Wa' Partkaad Me M ii 'E S ' kar JMU3 law If S aw 1 t a " ul MHo, MtZ 55 so f"r 3 3 8m 1 w"'t aw mkhw mum vm rt rrftTliii. levJOc mum m m mvwm mm& & 4F Wif . i rfarfNfcMi w .nmni