Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 14, 1914, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 16
fc BIGGiiblRON CONTESTS rrrTrTrrT rUUlMLL WILL HOLD GEHTRE OF THE AREM TODAY Soccer Games, Cross-coun try Runs, Boxing, Horse Racing, Shooting anct Bas ketball on Sport Calendar. SATURDAY'S SPORTS FOOTDALU Pennsylvania-Dartmouth, at FrAnklln Field. Tale-PHnfeten. at Princeton, tlnnmrd-nronn. at CambrMe Cornell-Michigan, nt Ann Arbor. Carllslo-Notro Dame, at Chlcngo. Amherst-Wllllams, at Amherst. , Cathnllo University-Dickinson, at Carlisle. T. and M -tlrslhus. at CollcRevllle. Fordham-ir. of Vermont, at New York. daJleudet-ra. Mil Col. at Cheater. Georgetown-Maryland ' Aggies." at George- n?tJihurR-tmcknU, at Twlibur. Haverford-Johni Hopkins, at Baltimore. Lafayette-Albright, at Eaeton I-ahlRh-VIUanova, at South UetWehem. Merceribura Academy-Pcnn Stato Fresh nun, at Merccrsburg ..... Mutilenberg-trfbanon Valley, nt Allcntown. N. T. U.-Stcvens, at Hobokrn. Syracuse-Colgate, at S recuse Army-Maine, at West Point. NavyColbv, nt Annapolis. Plttsburgh-Camegto Tech.. at Pittsburgh. Vlrglnla-Swnrthmorc, at Snarthmore. Wnynesburg-Delhanr. at Bethany. Western Mar land-Delaware, at Newark. SOCCKII. Penn-Harvard, at Cambridge. Philadelphia league games. Allied League games Inter"lub League gnmea American Ieaguo games. Penn second-Philadelphia C. C , at nonalr. Otorgo School-Westtown, at 'Wcsttown. SHOOTS. Independent Gun Club, nt Holmesburg. Point Breeie Clun Club, at Point IJreete. Du Pont Qun Club, nt Wilmington. Eagle Qun Club, at Manoa. CROSS-COUNTJIV RUNS. Junior event at Talrmount rark. rhllopatrlan Club run, York mad. Penn Freshmen-Dartmouth Freshmen, at Falrmount Park. ' HOnSE BACES, Charaounlx Speedway races on Falrmount track. . Havre de Grace races at Havre do Grace track. Directum I. exhibition race against tlirm, on Wawaset track, Wilmington. DOG SHOW. At Continental Hotel. UASKBTBAT.U Jasper-Da Nerl (Eastern League), Musical Fund Hall. BOXING. National Athletic Club. Tho bis football games on the docket tor today somewhat overshadow tho usual list of sporting events over tho 1 whole country. In the Uast tho I'rlnce- ton-Yale, Pcnn-Dartmouth nnd Hnr-varci-Brown games hold the centre. , -while the? Cornell-Michigan fray In the " "VVeat la the most tolkcd-of feature of the football day. As usual, there will be an almost unending list of athletic events In Philadelphia today, Including football, basketball, boxing, cross-country run ning1, racing, golf, soccer, hockey, shoots, dog showa and several events of minor Importance. Dartmouth's 31-21 victory over the Ponn team last season has greatly Increased the Interest In this afternoon's contest between these same teams on Franklin Field. The Big Green eleven from Han over Is a decided favorite In the betting, both because of her splendid showing In all the games this season, except tho Princeton battle, and because Penn has proved to be woefully weal: In most de partments of play. Tale and Princeton will go Into the same today In the Tigers' lair on almost equal terms, so far as the "dope" Is con- ,eemea. There is a great aeaj 01 unuw. f-en the result of the contest, because backers of the Blue and tnose oi me Orange and Black are equally con fident of victory. Princeton's weak at tack In all the games played to date In dicates that it the Tiger Is returned a winner it will be either through extremo sood fortune or because Yale is much waaVar than is Renerally supposed. The intersectlonal fracas between Cor nell and Michigan is apt to be an ex ceedingly interesting one from every .i..,inninr rvirnell hns been coming for- We -ward by leaps and bounds, offensively and defensively, juicnigan imomni on done brilliant work since her defeat at the hands of Syracuse. The Wolverines ahowlnr against Harvard and their over cowering defeat of Penn last week have roade them the favorites In today's game. However, It Is certain that Coach Al Bharpe has been teaching his charges how to best meet the varied attack of A. i.i.i..nrf,n. if thev are able to 1 prevent the Yostmen from successfully E V"" " , j j l.l.rol nausea. working tne lorwnru .-.- r -- they have an excellent chance for vic tory. NATIONAL CUP GAMES. Inasmuch as the first round games of the National Cup competition are sched-..-j .,,, tnr th soccer teams, the Allied American Football Association has only five division games for this after Son. Viscose will entertain West Phlla SelpJii at Marcus Hook. William Hinds being referee. Putnam will travel to Bethlehem to see what It can do with tha Steel Workers, and George Young will referee. Kensington will try to re neat last year's performance by heating tu- w.ii. The latter game will be played at Washington Park. Kth street lad Allegheny avenue, with Ed Waldron u referee, and should prove a good at. fratolon, Peabody won Its first round ujjiia by forfeit from Irish Americans, rf Wilmington, who have disbanded. Vlo 7 ..,. Tii.inn ara to Dlay on the Diss- to Club grounds, and James Wilder "DrS in the allied first division are o wU matched that there la liable to be difference of only three points In th utanding of the first seven clubs after th two games aoneumeu ., '"J'- Thta Is a remarkable state of affairs a local "" oomr-3llljn Twenty- thre 8W have been PlVtd ,.. B4va have resuinni " :"- . r'awveo. In one-goal viotones. wimo uur r " " y" n wnn hv two-iroal vle- tatriM; therefore, only seven games have HI ZT LZ hv three iroals or more. In all : divisions, up to date. 989 players ' aartlclpated in league games, as men were nitwu '"r ' irlH Y. M U has used 39 men up to date; 39 goals have bna scored, the ham tn having scored MB. TM University of Pennsylvania soeeer t.a . m Cambridge today and U ready rTjunra ih crimuR at the British LiV The Red and Blue has dan geed XT.u. th. r fl.M sa far tils sea- 3qT It i eacBeeUd that it n add Un ! ta Its list of vletarke. in. i u iim uissp Vymmj O'Xeif e Beats) v , kov n.-rtii uii Tvtumt v I UtU In a sTlU.' ??. Ml MM jtackttll Uv frtsM, LbJhO, . ta. --: i . iei-uj i -vstoatasj m " T -:-- j T.,i ,ku h Usuimia at acsxwi 'jw, mt Mffi.. . - - z ut elijfe SB-is? i liea) SSMIMI wSBJS rer tut ls m a ice mrwxTTTft .,... "Five! h mat "foiwi Yeasi ttOTTBM OTrNKT. FOUPK . J)3S5Va05 300 YARDS 5a8VAD 1 1- - SBBew esaTBjBVsaala)BeB)aBSBNlsM)sHsnst3a :lseee3siWBsvMsaaeasEBsWr Si I 1 AUWAOtt T&T Oive YA IP I HAP N'T BM, KICK OH -rtjnjr" " rAHe rr if "? AT TM MOST! 21G YAHD3 EASTERN LEAGUE TEAMS IN HOT FIGHT FOR PLAGE Jasper Five and De Neri, Tied for Second, Will Meet Tonight at Musical Fund Hall. The Jasper llvo will travel to Musical Fund llnl!. Sth nnd Locust streets, to night, where It meets the De Nerl quin tet In mi cndcaor to break the tie for second plnce. The Camden team, which leads the league, will go to Reading tonight to play tho Pretzels, and will endeavor to keep out In front. So far'tho Skecters have won three straight games, and will give tho Reading five a good run for tho con tests Playing n extra ne minutes, tho Grej stock Ave. of the Knstern Ilnsketbnll I-nRiie. won from Trenton b) a scoro of t to 27. nw:YSTOCK. r.a n.G a. tVIUnn fnmnrrt 1 It O ris. is n 4 II O Sucerman. forwanl 3 0 rashman. centre - Cross, guard 3 MctVllllams, guard o ii 0 0 Totals , ' TRHNTON". r.o. no. Hough, forwanl - Franckle. forward o Detzlnger. centre ......... O 0 Qeir. guard I o Kane, guard " Totals n n Cl.tin STANDING. -W. U P.C. W. LPC. Catnden nnl.noi rteadlnff I 2 M-l Tt Vrl . 1 .C1T flrejslock. i ;i ,ni jasper 2 1 .t07 Trenton 1 TONIGHTS GAMES Jasper at De Nerl. Camden at Heading. LAST NIGHTS RESULTS. 3 .250 Greystoek, 31, Trenton, 27. Fd. PI. a. o. o. A.ris. Fogarty. De Nerl. forward. . .1 10 333 fl rjl Wll-nn nreiatock. for'd & I'd 4 4 42 2 .'ill Houjh, Trenton, forward.... 4 Sears, Heading, guard....... 3 Adams, Camden, forward... I Kummer. Jasper, forward.. . 3 Kane. Trenton, guard....... 4 Sugerroan, Greystock. forw d 4 Dolln, Camden, centre a llrown, Camden, guard ... 3 rroas. Greystock. for'd & cen. Getxlnger, Trenton, centre 4 Kteele. Camden, forward . 3 8 3 S 17 10 11 11 O 3 .12 4 4H 39 1 47 17 7 41 2lt 2 40 0 O II 4 2 24 0 3 22 O 3 22 O 3 1H 11 1 17 S 14 Cashman, Greystock, for- ward and centre .... 4 Newman, De Nerl, guard . 3 Klnkalde. De Nerl. guard . 3 tllorrls, Heading, guard .. .1 Cavanaugh Jasper, centre. 3 Haggerty, neadlng. centre. J Eckhardt. Jasper, guard. . 3 v,.ffar.M Jainer. forward 3 Park, De Nerl, forward... 3 Kennan. De Nerl, centre. , 3 llrady, Jasper, guard ..... .1 Iteggs, Meadlnr. forward... 3 Herron Camden, guard. ... 3 Oelg. Trenton, guard 3 O'Donnell. Headlng.forward and centra . 3 Cooper. Trenton, guard.... -Franckle, Trenton, forward 4 jrWlllama.Greystock.guard 4 Frost, Trenton, forward... 1 1111 ion, Greystock, centre . 1 BokkIo, Reading, forward,, i CLUB TOINTS TO DATE Opp. Pts 117 111 76 87 71 u G. Trenton ...... Greystock ..... 4 Camden 3 Da Nerl ...... 3 Reading ...... Jasper 3 FG. 32 .10 34 2 18 Kl G. A, 43 HI 47 13 37 2 31 IX .18 6 an n Pis. 107 10t 105 on 7B 74 SHOTS FOR THE BASKET. Jimmy Kane leads the league on field goals, having 17, and also Is away baead of ths other guards. RUNNING A-PLENTY Week-end Events Are Planned Dur ing Winter Months. The cross-country running season is with us. ami In every I t irena now w uwv m m &; .i.7 ry Saturday during the winter period. The ntor orus-couBtnr hanipinljlp Is the first Uif wul ba a met nrty 4t,nlai- Arau&try ftMaiDIoasmD Is I nr decided an the program and It will be followed by the. race of the Frank ford Avends Twenty-one Individual, two-team and one time. oris will b fjvai in this raea. Botflsa far this raw should ta ml at wm to Hur V. ra shouft bajjad. a t Canuj Walshes .ill Hi e.t,n for Ul Brat two DMj Tlw annual raa of tb Mercury AtUlte Club .jit .akA nlau Vo,aiutwr SB Til leata ckamplosulup race will follow tt Mercury riSBts Dcoinbr tb annual nM ot thTtiauthwark Catholic Club la ch,lttls.L Ms- ft&3fejH.g5aB .thollc CU pUoaiJir Cfatx ate nwui M. ,. , vooraAU. TOOAT Dartmouth College vs Uiuverly of Pennsylvania P.UIWUN FUHUO, IP M. PrfcM jsndV8St tlO. $1 W. ItW NaUonalA.C JiftlSg SU. TOhUJUT- TOMIOHT ON un hwk - remap At Paw Of- ast-VmOtiH B 0 A. sassaiinsiii n. vats ivixk Bl. B, iOv,, Ana. 0... tea. U s. T'.Tr.nmr.T? Ttti T.AnTCT.PTTTA. WATTTRDAY. NOVEMBER FEATURE OF TODAY'S AfArCM? IrtMA'U 0IMM8 seven RIOHT ,4rM..UMT, M dtAO Tb aaT S SBVIM OH IMI) noue " 546 &SrJC " I Yards 5evG!!-0-O.'.'? n.ir Ya fs TAW! JOT A. MY ,., !IPa WauTA TALK WHSfl; retLA'k PUTTING? t :? r 452. YARD 467 YARP5 IT'S HARD TO GET TWO GOOD NINES ANOTHER MEET PROMISED ATvWEST BRANCH Y. M. C. A. December 5 Next Dnte First Meet Lnst Night. The second Indoor track and Held meet tit tho West llrnnch Y. M. C. A. will 1 held Saturday night, December 5. In the gym nasium ot tho Mil street Institution Tho drat meet, held last night, proed to bo a great success, as about HO men were In togs. IM J H McDonagh was the all-around point winner with J. I,. Drccncmln second, and H Hell, third. llreJiiemln won the high Jump with r good leap of 5 feet 2 Inches A. I.ev nurrrlfd tho knowing ones by getting first In the 12-pound shot put. Ills mark was 3D feet. The running eents were held on tho 27 lap-to-the-mllo track. Tho CO was a one lap race. The summary follows cn.nrd dashM .T. B McDonagh, first: It. Hell, second: J. C.llllam, It Itocap and J. U llrerhemtn tied for third. Time, 8 seconds tut. Standing broad Jump M J. H McDonagh, first, J I., rtrechcmln. second, i: V Selxes. third, nnd II V Shalrer and P. Waldman tied for fourth. Distance of winner 0 teet 0 inches SSO-jard run (I3'n laps)M. J n McDonagh. first. J. Holln. scrond; H. Dell third, nnd P. Conway, fourth. Time. 2 mlnutos 20 seconds. Running high Jump J I, Ilrechemln. tlrst; H. r Shalrer. second: R. Dell, third, nnd U. V Selxes. fourth. Height, f feet 2 Inches. 12-pound shotput A I.i)j. nrst, J I,. Rrrrhemln second, J. Gilliam, third and M. J. II, McDonagh fourth. Distance, 3T feet. Ton Indhldual point scores follow M. .' n MeDonagh, 10, J I Drecheinln, 12. H I11I. 7, A. Levy. B, H. L Shalrer. 3V4, J. Gllllem, 3, E V Selxes. 3, I. Holln. 3. F Conway, 1, It. Jtocap, 1, and P. ANaldman, V LEHIGH EAGER FOR "GO WITH VILLANOVA ELEVEN Brown and White Season Is Ended With Today's Game. SOUTH BETHLEHEM. Pa , Nov 14 -Lehigh will close Us home football season today with Vlllamna. This game with lbs Main Liners the llrown nnd White looks upon aa one of the hardest of the season Coach "Tom" Keady has spent the past week keying the men up to the highest pitch Seieral men. notably Sawtelle. Hoban and Struggs. showed signs following the Penn Stato game of oertraln Ing. and they have been rested all week, but will be played todaj. despite tho original In tntlon of using substitutes MUHLENBERG READY FOR GAME WITH LEBANON Philadelphia Boys May Help in To day's Struggle. AlLENTOWN. Pa.. -Nov. 11 In the ab sence of Coach McCaa, his assistant, Jo seph Morrison, yesterday gave the Muh lenberg football equad Its final practice before the game with Lebanon Valley here. There was a let-up from the hard scrimmage earlier this week, and the principal exercise was punting and a sig nal drill. In the kicking the star actor was Lawrence Caskey, formerly of North east Manual, son ot the principal of the M. Hall Stanton School, Philadelphia. BIG TIME EXPECTED AT GAME AT EASTON Lafayette and Albright to Battle for Honors Today. EASTON. Pa . Nov 14 A number of things tend to placo the odds on Albright In the gam today against Lafayette The first Is that lien rer. the mainstay and tha All-American back flell man of the visitors, Is going to play to dav for the first tlmo since he was Injured two months ago. thereby adding to the strength of the team L'U P'r "" Another reason In that Kelles, Lafaettes famous punter and fullback. Is on the alck list, together with (He of his teammates, aid lastly Hartman, var sity left end, has been unable to practice all week. Cat- OA TV '1365 FOB Detroit Touring Car with Btian Top. Roailttr with Coup Top, Hits F. O. B. Detroit TIOGA AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 336 N. Broad St Belt Phone Siirue 9S JJroad and Tioga St. BH Phpoe Tl . KMlpe Pbo Park MM A. G. G. Brownlee, Mgr, OrcliflKtyrctit&ia " FOUR! I wMT 'NoTMS! !" "TWO WMA60YA , MMOW 'BOOT TmT. TnAP l fi aATisneo: UUA&NT THAT A PRBT.TT SHOTiT THAT'S . tfOMIMS SACK,,. Yards 150 Bom'1 FIVC. 'NoTHea. rive I" 56V6M 'p 230 Yard:. 1410 TARDA S80 PERSONAL TOUCHES IN SPORT Yale's big football bowl Is an example of what can be done If tho proposition Is properly pushed. Thero Is far moro need of n etadlum In Philadelphia than there Is at llttlo New Haen, jet In that small college town this monument to athletics haj been erected, halnK a renting capacity of I1I.0OU persons. As tlicro were more than 72,000 applications for scats to the Tnle-Hanard game a capacity crowd will be present, or at least tickets will be sold for eery Beat, which In turn means that the pro ceeds of that ono game alone will bo nt least 1100,000. The major portion of that goes to Yalej hence It Is easy to see that the bowl will pay for itself In an exceedingly short time This samo thing could be accomplished In our own city If some ono were willing to back the proposition, but thero seems to bo a lack of "punch" among thoso who could do It. It would take no longer to pay for a, stadium hero than It would In New Ha,en, for tho reason that thoro aro ecnts In Philadelphia going on nine months In tho year which would be held there, thus ghlng the mm who put up the money for tho stadium a chonco npt only to get It back quickly, but to mako a big annuil percentage. Today there ara considerably moro "T Princeton than "Ullnd Tigers" Thl Tigers" was .M.a ! ,... anf lirA MAllIri llAVA DCen a glaring lack of moisture per capita had It not rained all day on the date when Hanard played the Orange and Ulack. This morning hundreds ot autos went through Trenton on their way to Princeton. The samo thing happened recently when the Uo wen basketball tiam met tho Skeelers, except tho cago men were not Princeton bound. "Larnev" Lltchensteln, manager for "Jimmy'' Clabby, who claims the middleweight championship, wants 110 ootl guarantee for ms man to meet "MlkoT Gibbons at Mndlion Square Garden. Matchmaker Jltnmi" John son offered Clabbi'a manager 17000, but Lltchensteln boosted the oner by JUiw. The new English lightweight boser, "Kid" Lewis, mado a Aery faorati!e Impression in his Initial appearanco in this count r . He easily outpointed "Phil" Hloom. of Ilrookbn, In a 10-round affair In Madison Square Garden. Lewie Is another speed marvel, but failed to Impress tho experts that ho was the equal or "Jem" Drlscoll. The latter was all ease snd grace, while Lewis at times becomes er careless, and awlnga like a slugger, thereby ghlng his opponent a chanco tor an opening. The passing of boxing In California, as a result of tho recent election, should .be .the means of Improving the qunlly of tho houts In Now York. California lias been the Mecca for all championship contests because .t'Aufon ties were of 20 rounds duration and a decision New'or"can. will ha. 10-round affair, but the purses offered there are o small that the champions will prerer to come to "" game will Improve because the promoters will try to outdraw each other by the class of matches put before the loers of the sport. ENTRY TIME EXPIRES TODAY rntrles for the Junior cross-country cham pionships of the Middle Atlantic Association of Fh Amateur Athletic Iln on of America close ISday with Charles W Datnbrldge. Jr. 21 Vest penn street, Uermantown. Alexander Drops One L08 ANGELAS Cal . Nov 14 -Thy Amerl ran 1-eaguo All-Btars won. 4 to 3. from tha NMIonaUhere yesterday Good's fast fielding was a feature RACING TODAY AT HAVRE DE GRACE Six Races Dally Including a, Stake Race and a Steeplechase , Special Trains: Penna. R 11.. leave Broad St.. 12.31 p. m , West Phlla., IS. 38 p, m.: B. and O. R. St., Ieae 15:4S p m Admission. Grandstand and Paddock, 1.80. t rii it no FIRST RACE. 2:50 r. M Ammramrw ComiTy, The All-Winter Car You've probahly noticed that the Hup Is one car that Is seldom laid up for the winter, saya Mr. G, Q, Brownlee. During; the coming- winter I predict you'll see more Hups than ever used right through from flrt snowfall to first buttercups, The detachable sedan and coupe tops for the new touring oar and road, ster will bring about this increase In winter driving, Best things pf the kind you ever saw. Especially designed for the Hup. built strongly and substantially la the Hup factory. Give you all the advantages $f the permanent enclosed car spra pletely weather-tight, and hand aQftialy finished inside. And the best thing of all ia that in tho spring, when you want per air driving again, take K the wt ter Up, store it away ad fit ths exteaslea ten Plastically two oars 1st - great bjr feature tfeat ia tta&teg p, jw Ui aptVMl to HMt tall IfWera, SPORTS - SHOOTS - RACTSSCHEglgD WMSBwni(! H THAT eTTenstP.! Am RKjMT - & k.a-v.-M ifTiV m Yards JOO YARDS Yardi. 186 YARDS TOGETHER! CRACK RUNNERS READY FOR WORD TO START Field of Eighty Is Entered In Phllo pntrlan Race, eighty of the best athletes In the Mid dle Atlantic Association will compcto In the first annual scratch Marathon ever given by tho Phllopatrlan Club over a sevcn-nnd-one-half-mllp cour'c. The con test will start at 3 o'clock from the City Line, and tho runners will traverse York rood to llrond street and thence south on Broad street to 1411 Arch street, where they will finish. BOUTS AT KENSINGTON Amateur Boxers Give Clever Exhibi tions in the Ring. With n scries of bonis in which several sturd) battlers of the northeastern scctlop of tho city troe for pugilistic honors. lending up to an exiltlng wind-up between Mlko How ell and Hughej O'Nell, two joungstors In tho 1311-pound class, nt the end of which the for mer was tho winner, the regular weekly ama teur boxing tournament was held last night at tho Kensington Athletic Club. 10"-pound preliminaries Joo Hilton refused to fight Tommy Gorman, and tho latter won by default. . .. , 110-pound semifinals Young lljan won from Jimmy Ketchel at the termination of an extra two-mlnuto round; Jack Mccormick was stop ptd In the second round by Tommy rtyan. 115-pound semifinals Young Harney Will lams won from Illlly Wagner In three rounds. Jimmy Walsh defeated Johnny Duffy In one 120-pound preliminaries riddle Kelly defeated rranklo Cost In two rounds 110-pound final Mike Howell won from Hughey O'Nell In four two-minute rounds. MOTORCYCLE MEETING Big Event Will Be Held on Thanks giving at Belmont Track. Molorc)Cle enthusiasts of this city and lclnlty will be entertained with some high class motorcycle racing on Thanksgiving Dav at tho Ilclmont mile track at Narberth, when flo nmateur races and an open professional event will bo staged b a local organization. The meet la eald to bo sanctioned by the h A. M., and It will probably bo tho magnet for attracting many new riders Into tho racing game. Yale Rules Favorite pniNCKTON. N. J, No II rootball held the lentro of attention here last night, and to day's anmal struggle with tho i:ils Is the one subject of comersitlon, with alumni pour ing lntu town on eery train The skies are clear and tlitre Is mery Indication ot fair weather this afternoon. In spite of a stiff breeze from the southwest Yale rules a favorite In the betting last night, at 3 to 3, with plenty of Princeton money In sight M e. 24? & M7r-v rnrn n No matter how deaf you are, unless born deaf or stono deaf, the famous "Acousticon thn world's oniv universally successful hearing device for the deaf will positively enable you to HEAR EVERY SOUND, LOW OR LOUD, NEAR OR DISTANT, INDOORS OR OUT DOORS, UNDER VARIED CONDITIONS. By a remarkable patented feature the "Acousti con" transmits to the deaf ear every sound not only clearly but naturally not a single word is blurred. Covers 48 degrees of deafness This is the moat remarkable result ever achieved it actually and positively covers all 48 degrees of deafness. We have fitted over 100,000 deaf persons with the famous "Acousticon." In all our vast ex perience we have unquestionably met with every Known kind of deafness. It make3 absolutely no difference what caused your deafness, how severe it is, or how long stand ing, the "Acousticon" will enable you to hear more clearly than any other hearing device in the world. H The Original The World's Most Scientific Invention The Famous Over 100,000 in This remarkable hearing Instrument Is the only devlcs recocnli4 by tb world's most famous Ear Specialists. There Is absolutely no other hsarlns; Instrument con- tructea iwe ino eooicwn .mid Several ara mails to Ii but all ethsr electrical lwarlns unsuaranteru micropnones. NO DEPOSIT 10 Days' Trial If you 49 aet live here en4 cannot visit our office, we let jou take and use the "Acoustioea" nlthout a deposit for 10 days to prove absolutely that you must use tb "AaaiM ttcoo'' It you .want perfect bearlas uaiUr all coedlUoaa. Tb 'Acoastlcoo" Is tae boarlBC device for ths ibat gives you an absolutely lesal marantee which pfo iw.ta you aialiist loss. Ask us about ibis special feature. Dosfoosa grows wrs yearly It Deflected, um even tually you become atese deaf, and srbeo doatasoa la ba jonJ UsdlcaJ ot Surgical treatnuol ibe "AcoustkOB" U 14. 10J4. ,.-... ...,i Five! "FIVE1. That awes , sPet ytT a LdNG V"" I l- VAAY t USMHH Tippy- nA-REE fiWBsiJw!' ."!S ' -V5 a YARDS A5I YARDS OH DON T KtiovJ tlfiMT, WHAT IT WJ-jiji' Nino, or tom h H3f IG Jv. 383 (l)54-4.'tART)S YARDS LEO HOHCK WILL MEET AHEARN AT NATIONAL TONIGHT In Semiwind-up at "Jack" McGuigan's Club Miskie Fights Dougherty Other Good Bouts. "Jack" McGulKnn has kept up his rcpu tntlon for first-class shows by offering; one of the best cards eer presented to the sport-loving public nt tonight's show at the National Athletic Club. In the final bout "Young" Ahearn, of Now York, will be pitted against Leo Houck, of Lan caster, Pa. Houck Is credited with being the hardest hitting middleweight now be fore the public. Ahearn has Juat returned from the war zone of Europe, where ho was to have met Georges Carpcntler, The program for tonight Is as follows: Main bout Iao Honck, I-ancaster, t. "Young" Ahearn, Now York. Scrnlwlnd-up "nil Mlskle. St. Paul. xs. "Jlmnij" Dougherty, Philadelphia, Third bout ' Johnn" Mcnlj, Sotithwark, s. "Pranklo" White, Soulhwark. Hixond bout lerrj Martin, Philadelphia, s. Ilnm tlrcli Pittsburgh Klrst bout "Charlie" Mack, Southwark. vs. "Lew" i:arle, bouthwark. Treddy" Welsli, the" lightweight chimplon of the wtrld. Is signed up to meet "Jtmm Duffy, of Iluffalo In a ten-round bout, to be pulled off In that clt rext Thursday night The bos haxo ngrecd to welsh In at l.i pounds at the ringside The gros receipts at tho Oljmpla A. A. last Jlondav night were 2(.HI, ot which "ioung Charlie" Melnirt and "Jack" Dillon each re ceded J050, being SO per cent, of the gross re ceipts. "Eddie" Campl. of CaUfornla. nnd "nddle" (Morgan, the little 1'ngllsh champion, are to meet In n ten-round bout nt the Uroadway Sporting Club, Hrookln. tonight. George Ashe, of this clt, Is scheduled to meet "Tom" McCart, tho California ilght helynelht, at the IrIns A C. Ilrookljn, to night. They are to go ten rounds. "Kid" Williams, tho bantamweight iham plon, Is scheduled to rr.oet -IteMllng" I-ahn at the Clympla A. A November :i0 .After thla Tjattln Williams will take a trip through thu Middle 'West, where he las some splendid offers. Use 3 Times More Than All A, 1 Hi I tfV - Z' S-JM 5Lp-, ;A- JL- ) 81 Is. . A -.A rA be a pan erf ut help, The delicate exercise given by the "Acousticon:' to tlw hardened. Inactive nuiKlta and tis sues of the deaf aar give these deadened parts elasticity and vitality, whleb etaie tb progress of the disease DonH pay any attention to any hearing devUe Hhiih pretslsos to cure deafness, becaus deafneas cannot ba cured, except In it very earliest stage. n" all Its futures are pat look Ilka tha "Acoustlosu," wring Oevlces are slBipte, If you live here, call at our oaace tor fre denojutra titai i "I "", V .towo- ,wr" 'or f ' lopTofou. great book aad eueclei free trial oefar Don t thlak be cause you have ba disappointed In all tb uthw tutarlu devtcee that the Aooustfcou" U Ua tbeui Son TmSL it until you bava made lb free teet we oatw you General Acoustic Company 1008 Commonwealth Bldg., 12th and MTTL11 ur WJIHIO TO TAKE PLACE ON GRMON TODAY Pcnn's Champion Strong heart, Dorizas, to Match Heft and Skill With Spears, of Dartmouth. When Dartmouth and 'Pennwlvnnla meet thw afternoon on Franklin Field one have Prnctlcnlly no chanco o ' irinn li against Dnrlmotith,hut fPhnd over most spectacular game Hint ha'l over been seen on Franklin Field, tho "nni score being 31 to 21. Knowlnff that aj feat today will sot them far clown in the ranking for the year, tho rennsji vnnla men will light to tho last One feature' of thf Plnv "tls nfl"n.?,J Is sure to be most Interesting It w ill be noticed In tho line-up that Dorten the Klant Greek, has been shifted to le cunrd Thin has been done to put .him " ... e rinrtmnnth. Who 1 on tho sntno linen nn ""'""".,"'-- or.lv 's feet t Inchw mil. In nil the wimw to tlnlo he hns been playing with hH opponenl-. openlntr bis holes on the of fcnso for hla backe to come tliroujth and brcnklitB up many plays when on the de fen" Ive. Ho will find In Dorizas n worthy '" . . .,-.- ,i..i- Jl Viowen these two foe, nnn tins ii"- . --- -- , .. BlnntK should form ono of tho most In rrtlnn- side llKhts of tho afternoon. tercstlns side lights DIRECTUM I IN SHAPE Other Tcaturc Events for Spectator at Wawaset Track. WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. 14 Directum I, the great pacer, who today will go nftcr the world's record on the hnlf-mllo trnck at Wawaset Driving Park, Is In '"' h'JJ'jJ to io against his own record of 2 O.V wntrn Is the world's record on n half-mile tracK. Tho lalllon was brought from Kirk wood ami m "llo" od to walk tho entire dlslnnce Thero will bo seven events on the program to bo gli en tomorrow, 'n addition to DIrtum I there will be an exhibition mile bv Prooklyn Hal I tho fast hor.e belonjlng to C. A. Lip plncott, of this cltv Michigan Well Prepaied lcmalned until this morning Brown Teom In Cambridge CVMIIlUDni: Ma Nov Il.-Tho Brown Ilerslty football team which went to New Ilaven in week nan and hold Ynlo to a II lo core will nwillnnwl In tho Mn.llum tndav a? in this la what the poptcra sa hut. ih n mattef of fa. t "hero will ho no regulars In ii, rvimson's llne-un todnv, more than half tho .7am ha! I ""gone to Princeton to watch Yalo and tho Tigers. Morrison Drills Muhlenberg M.l.HNTOWN Pa. Nov II -t'o-uh Mifn being awav on business tho final pra-IKo ;f the Muhlenberg squad rnr to dnv s gamo h ere with lelmnon Val W wna In chnrge ot As aliinnt naaeli Jno Mnrrli-on Morrlion Pild mrtlculsr attention to flml Instruitlon. to Peto flennlniter the ulrrm hnlfb.nl. who lias been shirte.1 to Quarter. In hopes that his MperienVo and st.ndlners will greatly Improve the trnm ; THE PARLOR BASEBALL GAME, Which Made Big Players Cheer T.. Ar,. Titiuphntt Pan vvnnta the Cham- t nin..i.i iinMnlmll Mnme. the game that lending iirofesslnml pins era have dfclared ' .to be the nearest thing to the rent CJinin I plnnshlp Game vet devised. Pather should , get It for their bovs An number ran . nun i:pt niir iripnuM lu miiaiiic iiiiutf Mora fmclnatlnB than any other home ( gome or evening entertainment interests , 1 old nnd oung alll.e. nnd grips the closest , I attention of. tho most enthuslnstlo fans ir vnnr ripnler tan t sunnly you. semi ' us SI.50 anil we will forward n game to vou uy varcfi IO.I. wuiwn. pen... ...- , i for term nnil lerrltorj. i Afjr-NTS WANTHD IN EVLHY CITY , A.NW -UVV.- RI;ilVKI.I.K Mi:i.'lY COMPANY Dent. 18, Metropolitan llldg., I'hlln,, Pa; Others Combined QssBlsBm jysBBRisPMi. tassaWsa.ssaMesJ.i .SSfel EASY TERMS tVe make It easy for anybody to own a famous "Aa a," Maw nobody need be deprived of th wood sad advantage of bearing every sound dearly Call or Write Chestnut gts. t s 1 L J, .1 fi f f TO, ,