Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 14, 1914, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 15
m&M ., EVENING LEDGER-PHIIiABELPHIA, SATTTRDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1914. 13 rzzs m iiitoi r1 J Mr. DRAMA John Drew, a "Country Gentleman" Most theatrc-iidora nrc fftmlllftt- with ' John Drew on 1116 stage. .Mr. Drew. Who will como to thn IM-ond Street Theatre In Tho l'rodlfnl ilu.shmiu'," November 23. Is ns. Imrhnculnto, efciroct nntl gracloun In hla home, which la at Hast llnmpton, I 1. There, Mr. Drew spends his summers with hi; family, a typical country Kciitle- man. . Mr. Drew Is one of the pioneers of rinst Hampton section of Long Inland, having tnjllt his homo 14 yeain ago fro'n doslg'is jirepaicd by himself. f Just os tho premiere of Mr. Drew x play, it th Umpire Thentre, Now Yorlt, each tf-nbov Day Is considered In tlifti- ileal chiles as the "opentiis" of a new Reason, so does his return to Kast Hamp ton each spilng mark tho beginning of the summer season. Mr. Drew has been an ardent locr of horseback riding, and n, few cars niro was an enthusiastic polo player. The lat ter sporL ho has practlcnllv abandoned, however, because of tho ninny ilsks of serious Injury. Mr ivrow docs not ride now as much as he did boforo t was thrown from his mount In Central I'ark threo years ago and biolie his arm. Hut rldlnri In moderation, accompanied by tlss Drow, Is still ono of his iccicatlons. Sir. Drew Is a most grnclou host, and itcorcs of residents and visitors cather nt his home on Sunday mrunhms. Aiiionir the distinguished actor s neighbors nro Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Thomas, Lieuten ant Gcnorat Nelson A. Miles, U. S. A., re tired, and Dr. Jacob 0. Schurmnn, piesl dent of Cornell University. D rama on reminism at Little Theatre When "Illndle Wnkcs," by Stanley Houghton, was produced a couple of years ago In London It created a sen sation. This piny, which deals with a new phase of feminism and a new type of girl, will bo produced, for tho first time In this city, at the Little Thcatro next week. The title of tho play to Americans Is yaguc,v of course. Illndle is tho town wheie tho play la located. "Wake" Is an lCngllsh term for bunk holiday. In the play a. girl, Fanny Hawthorn, tho daughter of a mill hand, spends a. viol: end with Alan Jeffcotc, son of the mill owner. The Unison Is discovered, and how the clrl, with her advanced Ideas, proceeds to work out her problem, forms the basis of tho drama. Kor this production the Llttlo Theatre Company will bo augmented by Miss Adah Unrton, who will take tho part of MrB Jeffcotc, tho socially ambitious mother of Alan. Wallls Clark will play Alan, and thus makes his debut In Phila delphia In his own youthful personality. Irene Franklin a Doting Mother Irene franklin, who will make her first appearance here In threo jenrs at Keith's next week, has soernl hobbies. One Is to-tour tho country In a Bhow of her own Another is tennis. But the most on grossing fs her family. Burt Green, Mlsi Franklin's husband, writes tho lyrics which she sings. On arilvlng In town tho fond parents showed pictures of "Elizabeth, the latest addition to the fam ily." "We're both just rrasy about Eliza beth." Miss Franklin declared. "Yon Untight to seo her! She's a swarthy little 'Wap! When she was born she had hair ,tc her shoulders, and blacK ai Ink. -Tnc- jang nuir is inning uui nuw imu in ruin ing In red underneath. She's going to look like her mother. Elizabeth has the right Idea already. She has a grent big summer house, a trained nurse, n cook n chauffeur and nil the rest Just for her special convenience, while poor mother ,and father do two shows every day and 'sleep In n hotel, Margaret Is G now and he's an awful 'tike.' "High Jinks" Coming. "High Jinks," by Otto Haucrbnch and Rudolph Frlrnl, which rnn an entire sea son at tho Casino, New York, will open n limited engagement nt tho Lyric No vember 23. Moisrs. Uauerbach and Frlrnl nre well known as the composer nnd librettist, respectively, of "Tho rirefly" and "Naughty Mnrletta," In which Kmma Trentlnf was last seen here. "High Jinks" Is n mnglqnl perfume which give happiness. The plot of tho story concerns the enreer of an American nerve speclnllst residing in Paris, who comes under the spell of "High JldKs." He kisses his patient, tho wife of n volatlje Frenchman. lie tt discovered nnd challenged to a duel, but the en counter never takes place, as the French man's anger U appeased by the offer of an equal familiarity with the doctor's wife. By the substitution of another wo man the plot becomes somewhat Involved, and Is still further complicated by the presence of a wealthy American who Is looking for his lost wife, The final amicable adjustment of all grlevunces abides by no rules of dramatic art, but depends entirely uncVn the eftlcaey of tho rerfume, "High Jinks," which Is the balm for all Ills. The cast Is headed by Stella Mayhew, who Is assisted by Eugene O'Rqurke, Blllle Taylor, Philip Ryley, Emma Fran cis, Adele Ardiley, Paul Porcast, Doro thy Vernon, .Ada Meade, Oeruaid Gorcey, Elizabeth Wood, Dorothy Wolfe, Augus tus Bchultz and Alberta Devere. William Penn The bill at the Wlljtam Penn next week will consist of six acts. Including Joseph B. Roberts In a sketch, "The Bachelor Sinner" ; a tabloid musical cometjy, featuring Jack Henry and Itos Gardner, supported by a. company of 13 players; Regtna Connelll & Co., In "The Lpllard"! "The Volunteors," a unique musical and song festival, presented by George BoUford; Brltt Wood, ' "The Juvenile Jester"; Cooper and Rlcardo, a pair of advanced character and novelty artists, and the Atlas Trio, In a com bination of slack wire and wheel per? formance. Opening of the Arch Th Arch, Arch street above th street, having been renovated, will open Monday, under a new management. The Barton Circuit of Surlesque has taken oyer the house andwlll present burlesque at pop u!rTrlces. As an opening attraction J. Leubrie Hill and his Darktown Follies will make their debut. Globe Bert Lwlle, a?sted fcy Elvira Bates, will head the bill at the Glob In a aktteb. "Hcgan In London," next week. Other i Natures will be Charles B. Mlddltton and Xeora Spellmeycr. In "An Ocean Wooing" ; Mack and Williams, In a singing and talking act; O'Brien, Bennett and Qollw, In a combination of singing and dancing; Rosy La Rocea, tho famous harpy 1st; Lkjra 61 x Hoboes and Hang- and Sny der, gymnasts. Broadway Heading the bill next week at tht Broadway Theatre will be Robert DaHty Qet. In "Our Bob." an ajet wtaUb r eantly aeortd a success at Keith's. Other wJU fee Hoey and I.w, ebarasur Jfodte, te HiWHOttlwu TTtUte CMc, tbt Fstace Vour, ad Warn. a4 VruiM. wW ffi mtauUa of "aitiy aev MUSIC Yesterday's Concert Mr, Stokowskl and his men have sure ly been fortunate this year. Bo far, since I ho first concert, each Friday afternoon lifts brought cheerful, sunlit skies, keen nnd zestftil weather, which have In turn brought tho concert-goers to tho Acad cni In a fine, apturcKtlvo spirit It would tnlte a very hard head, Indeed, to lmc been hypercritical yesterday. When on hns th Msutn nnd tho Inclination to go to the Friday afternoon concerts one Is picdlspoieil to pleasure, This K perhaps, the explanation of the even device of satisfaction the orches tra ijlvcs. Apart from Hi splendid mo ments, It high spot of feeling- and ex ecution, tii oio Is a firm and solid and un varying plettoure which tiie audience re ceives. It may not be goqd for tho or chostra nftcr all, hcrnuso, with the sonm that they are giving that soft warm Blow, tho players mny become content; which would be deadly. They ought to Inspire nt more frequent Intervals. Even tually they should rise to the height where their Inspiration Is continuous. That was not the case yesterday, and the tllstrer.tlng truth Is that this Is the only criticism that can bo mndc. The orches tra did nothing bntlly, but It did not do everything" superbly well. It sntlsdcd, but It did not exalt. Excepting, to b cure, tho Snlnt-Snon3 number. Why this pleco should havo been so well done Is a, mystery. "Lo Ituuet d'Omphale" Is ono of tho most terrifying piece over written. A thomo perfectly suitable to inuslcnl treatment Snlnt-Sncns found In "tho triumphant ntrugglo of weakness." The whole poem Is an elaboration of that terrible French phrase, "tenlr do peau," In which every lortuious and degrading clement of lovo Is summed up. The loveliness of It sciludtlon nnd the stein bravery of the hciolc song In the busses (which falls In tho event beforo the strength-ln-wcnk-ncss of timorous, attraction) nrc the Iron ic turn of the screw. Once given tho legend of "Hercules nnd Omph.ilc, nnd tho composer's own note, some such Inter pretation of the music is inevitable. But It Is shockingly unpleasant. Mr. Stokouskl. fottunntel), did not hc gli. his program with this. Tho "Arml nlus" overture, brave nnd healthy and neiorous, made a much better beginning, and was played with some, but hnrdly enough, robustness. For tho llrst Beet hoven symphony of the season Mr. Sto kowakl chose the eighth, and, without prejudice to what tho futuro jnay bring, It may be said that for Its gaiety nnd lightness of spirit tho conductor dls placd a special and remarkable 'apti tude. Madnmo Louise Homer wns tho soloist of the afternoon. It was grateful to hear Bach so sung again, in splto' of the in felicity of tho English In tho llrst song. Madame Homer's singing Is hardly cany, and in such a song ns the ecclesiastical "My Heart Ever Faithful" It was hardly happy. But tho "It Is Finished," Irt a inc.ro soberly exalted mode, was sung with such :i warmth of voice that tho question of production seemed hardly to enter In. But even that did not proparo for Mndamo Homer's superb singing of the air from "II Profcto." In this the tone-coloring wns so varlod and tho ex pression so opulent apd so JUBt, that the song's own coloratura seemed Imperti nent. It made one believe that the sum of feminine emotions which are uni versally human, npnrt from being femi nine, can never bo expressed except In tho contralto range That Is why colora tuia. which Is beautiful only when Its artlflcc Is unmixed with emotion, Bhould b) left for sopranos. CONCERTS The Philadelphia Orchestra - it mo. Olga Snmarorr, who was ' forced to cancel her scheduled appearance with the Philadelphia Orchestra a week ago, has happily lecovered from her Illness, nnd will play at the concerts of next week. This will bo practically a socond debut for Mme. Samaroff, ns Bhe has played but few times since her mnrrlago to Mr. Stokowskt. She has chosen Tschalkowsky's concerto In B flat minor, the work which she played when she made her first appearance In London under Arthur Nlklsch, six yenrs ngo. The orchestral numbers of the Friday nnd Saturday concerts include two over tures, the "Lohengrin" and "Tho Bar tered liridc." The latter wns heard hero two weeks ago under the baton of Doctor Stuck. Following a course which has already brought two excellent symphonies back to memory, Mr. Btowkowskl will conduct tho fourth Mendelssohn sym phony, known as the "Italian," for the major work. It has not been played at these concerts in eight years, Mendels sohn, while he was writing It, said that It would be tho gayest piece ho hnd ever composed. When ' he had finished It he wrote to a friend that, much to his sur prise. It satlsllcd him. These two author Itatlvo criticisms Indicate sufllclently what the quality of the symphony Is. Musical Art Club Tho second nnnual concert of the Mu sical Art Club will be held on tho evening of Wednesday, December 9, at Wlther spoon Hnll, The program Is not yet completed, but among the numbers which are assured are a group of songs by Ed win Evans, a duet for two pianos by Constantln von Sternberg and Clarence K. Bawden, a male quartet by Harry a. Baylor, Henry B. Ourney, Anthony D. McNIchol and Henry Hotr, and a group of songs by John F. Braun, Among other prominent musicians who will probably appear on the program are Henri G. Scott, Mnurlts Leefson and Frederick E. Hnhn, One of tho most interesting fea tures of the evening will be two move ments of the Svendaen Octet for strings, which -will be played by eight, members of the Philadelphia Orchestra. Mr. McCormnck's Eecltal When John McCormack, the celebrated Irish tenor, appears for his local recltat at the Academy of Music on the evening of Wednesday, December 5, his program will Include many new songs, as well aa aome of the old favorites by which ho la known throughout the world, either by his singing of them or by their re production from the hard rubber disc of the gramophone. Tho greatest favorite of all, "I Hear You Calling M," will ba among the number, and among the new additions to the singer's extensive rep ertoire will be the "The Bard of Armagh," founded upon an Iilsh air 700 years old, and "Mavis," a recent composition by the author of "I Hear You Calling Me." At his recent re-appearance in Carnegie Ifall, New York, these songs wer re ceived with tremendous acclaim. PANAMA PACIFIC EXPOSITION INFORMATION FREE AT LEDGER CENTRAL The Travel Bureau will giva you cpeclal data on tha txpoil lion, routes with th rlntst aoeola attractions, train achad ulea and connections. Pullman and boat aecomraodtioa-rovn till van tha ntctmxn- u. pejues for the trip. Including raUa aa route and, aloaj coast Call at tha Travel Bureau LEPOER GENTRM, raiSuAJaliVft WANT GOOD HEALTH? JUST DANCE YOUR LIVELY WAY THERE This Advice of Expert Ap plies to City Dwellers Who Lack Opportunity for Exercise. The easiest way to travel on the road to. health Is to dance, according to one of the most noted "health doctors" of this city. Tho only qualification thnt the expert would make to this statement wns that It might not apply to pcopto who live In tho country or to residents of the cities when on their summer nentlons. "Ono fact Is certain," ho said "Peo ple who llvo In town duilng tho winter months nre afforded almost no oppor tunity for cxcrclso unless they dance, and no uno can retain his health who docs not get n proper hmount of excr cle. Thcrcforo I say that It Is good to dance. "Llltb any other form nf exercise, dancing should bo Indulged In regularly to give tho most benellclal results Thbsa who do not Ilnd nn opportunity to go to dances several times n week ihould prac tice at home, they will not only get the exerclec. but will become moro prollclent In the art. "If there is one thing Hint makes me tired." the enthusiastic expcit continued, "It Is these inothri'i who forbid their daughters to dauco bcc.iuso It will 'tiro them nil out,' or because it will 'spoil their feet." "Such people nro so ignorant of the functions dfthc dance that It Is madden ing to hear them tnlk. If thoy would only go bnilc to their Greek histories nnd note thnt the most healthful race of people who (ever existed practiced this art almost continuously, perhaps they would not bo so c'ngcr to nlr their Mews "Of course n person who only dances about onco a month Is exhausted every tlmo ho Indulges In tho pastime, hut those who dance so regularly that thoy mny almost bo sndl to "train" for It ns an athlete docs for a race, never feel this effect. The worst that can bo attributed to dancing Is that It gives one nn nppo tltc that strains tho rccources of the kitchen "And this talk about spoiling tho feet," ho continued, "why It Is ridiculous! If the muscles of tho feet nro weak they should bo built up, and this can ho done by dancing better than any way I know of. Ono pf tho essentials Is, of course, that sensible shoes bo worn No one nan de velop the muscles of tho feet If high heeled or extremely narrow nnd under sized shoes nro distorting tho foot contin ually." Tho "common senso doctor," ns he calls himself, then showed thnt dancing de velops the lungs as well an the rest of tho body, thus rendering persons who practice the (irt less susceptible to colds nnd other affections of the lungs limn those who do nothing to maintain their bodily health, though he pointed out tho necessity of avoiding drafts when heated by tho ex ercise. In conclusion ho declared that those lances which required bonding of the body wcro most benellclal, such as the old "Boston dip" nnd tho more recent though less strenuous tangos, the maxlxe. Hie fox trot nnd the Lulu Fndo. "I have never seen any step to compare with the dip In the Brazilian maxlxe," he asserted. "The step, with the stooping movement from which one gradually rises to the natural position. Is one of the best muscle producers I know, ns practically every muscle of the body Is brought Into play. You enn't tell mo that any young man or woman who dances that step reg ulnrly Is unhealthy, because I don't be lieve such a caso exists." CLUERIES and ANSWERS Qutillans tttbmittcl fo "Ltigtr Cen tra'," (lua(d in tw Heal Bitaf Tnut, ButlitHff, at Broad and Chetttlut ttrittt, trill amwtrtd In thlt column. Q. Will you klmllr glv me the nam" of the ofnrtr nf tht following clubs: Orphrui Club ami Fortnightly Club? C. U. H. A. Tho Orpheus Club, 1520 Chestnut street. President Joseph deF. Junkln. Vice President John H. Carr. Hecrctary John Lewis Evans, 701 Com mercial Trust Building, Treasurer Clarence Gnrdner. Librarian J. Lawson Weatherly, Jr. The Fortnightly Club President Reuben Wlndlsch. Vice President George H. Smyth. Treasurer William B. King. Secretary Harrison P. Hahn, 0339 North Park avenue. Librarian Charles W. Munder, R. Can ou Inform m why Sunday la the flrit any of tha wetlc on the caltadar? I. a. N. A. A complete answer to this question Is one over which there has been much written, and the origin of the first day of the week Involves many theories and beliefs. However, we glvo the opinion of ono or two authorities of note ns follows, taking up necessarily the origin of the period "Week;" Tho nations with whom TTia Oalcea firn Ave 1ST AND tno vsaitcaf uui. we. Ontario sts. THE ONLY SCHOOL IN PIIILADBLPIIIA DEVOTRD EXCLUSIVELY TO T1IR STANDARD AND DHlNIr'IKD DANCES Frenlc Dances Not Tolerated Adult Claif ea. Men., Tuea ,Thura , Krl evaa. HECEPTION WED. AND BAT. KVE.NINUH Tha original recoznlied achool of dancing. You'll Love the Clean Dancing Prize Masque Thanksgiving EVE. WEDNESDAY, NOV MTH DANCINO LESSONS JIAXIXK WALTZ Tli Maxlxe Waltx. or the Ilalf-and.Half. danced to waits time with Maxlxe chance 01 poemon. la practical ana neat. This, or any other rood. ern dance, 1 tausbt with au. thorltr at The COHTI8SOZ SCHOOL (Pronounced Cor-tli-oh) Uaker Dldf., 1SJ3 Cbeatnut St. Ball Phoae. Locuit SIM. PALACE BALLROOM 8BTH AND MARKET 8TIIKET8 ALWA?a THE LARGEST FEATURES MONDAY NIGHT aoLSlTAFU Ereryoae taking- part In the doldea Apple March will receive aa apple, two of the applea Will contain cold colna. WEDNESDAY NIQIIT POPULAR MILITARY NIGHT Csntlnuoue daaetar. with Urn ntilttry band and ereneetra of aiaicj muUw. 3 FRED W. SUTOR Maltre de Dams ASSIST BO BY. DOROTHY HUDDAOH Latent pieuui ta Ultra Modem Daaeea SwKt 10 S. 18 th St UOMOAY AMD WBPHaWPAY, - tmixutaxx aD yWDAT. s- WeMeBBBBBBBBBBaVflBBBBBHC tfffHW eBBBBBBBBEfLaBBBBBLVl BEVERLEY BAYNE Of the Essanay Eastern Company. u the weekly cycle has been trnccd with certainty to the greatest antiquity nro the Egyptians nnd the Hebrews. With the former, we only know of Its existence, but with the latter It had a much more Important character. Their earliest rec ords speak of Its existence nnd refer It to a period previous to thnt of the nation Itself. Tho origin of tho week Is further nscrihod In tho Jewish ficriptures to tho creation of tho world, particularly by tho consecration Of tho seventh dny to the worship of the Crcntor. The names given by tho Itomnni to the days of the week, and which have per vaded Huropc, were derived from the plnnotnrv sjstcm which wns supposed to consist of the sun, moon and IHe planets. Mnrs, Mercury, Jupiter, Venui nnd Saturn The nihllral' writlngB contain no trace of any custom of naming tha dny a of the week after the seven plnnots: nor had this custom, found nmong the Bnby lonlnui nnd tho Snbeans, any' bearing originally on the division of the week Into seven day, since it ' wns n mere numerical coincidence thnt seven planets were assumed In theso primitive nstro toglcal notations. In tho Bnbylonlnn nomenclature, the first day of tho week was tinder tho tutelage of ShnmaMi, the Sun. Observing, then, that tho fact that ac cording to the Jewish Church, the sev enth dny wns observed In memory of the rest of God nftcr the works of the crea tion nnd their dellyernnco from Pharoah's tyranny, so the first dny of tho week hns always bern observed by tho Christian Church In memory of Christ's resurrec tion, nnd therefore, under the Christian dispensation, the Sabbath Is altered from tho soventh to the first day of the week. While tho arguments supporting tho Christian belief are not satisfactory to some In placing Sunday as tho first day of the week. It will be noted that our authorities b el lovo the most Important factor to bo that of naming ono dny to bo set opart from nil others, and ns soon tui Christianity was protected by the civil government, the Lord's Dny, Sabbath, or the llrst day of the week, Sunday, was ordered by law to be kept sacred. Q Kindly rive me th trolley schedule be ttvrtn Inlratnnn and Eaaton It. It. D. A. Doylestown to Easton by trolley Is approximately 31 miles, via Philadelphia and Easton Electric Hallway Company. Kare. 55 cents; running time, 1 hour 55 minutes. Cars leave Doylestown for Easton every hour, 7:03 n. m. to 9:05 p. m. MOnF.ltN DANCING Lawrence Academy m,0rA0D,.f$',Dsm MODERN DANCE CONTEST MONDAY NIGHT Reception Monday and Saturday CLASS TUESDAY AND THURSDAY PrlTate A Claaa Leaaona I'hone, Dick, amij Y. Unirncr Entrance 1T80 N. Ilroad Street. " "6,,l- Adulta' Claaa Mon., Tuea. & Thura. Tcniaht ContinuousDance 80;n' Private Leaenna Dayaml Vc. 'Phone Dla.838. Scholara' Hesitation Walla Contest Mon Eg. COUNTUY DANCH WED KVQ., NOV. 18 P anff-Qmcaiffudio EXPONENTS OF THE MODERN PAUSE J 1609JCHESTNUTJSTREET Telephone connection Sruio 3202. OUR SLOGAN: "Personal Service" Neweat of the New Dances. Oldest of the Old Dances. NEWMAN Pioneer of Modern Dance, I'hlla, Studio, 10 So. 18th St. RADNOR FOX TROT Private Lesaone. Private Claases Superior Method. I'ronelency Aaaured CLASSIC DANCING STANDARDIZED MODERN DANCING Jenie Willson Stiles Stanley Baird Reed SPECIALIZING Castle Polka La Ruaae Ball Room Fado Parlilan Dall Room Tamo One-Step Canter Walts SUITE 304 FRE8SKM UUILDINO, 1IJ4 CHESTNUT BT. Rail Phone nruca 4441. CHIEF INSTRUCTOR 2k KssiskJraH CHILDREN VOTE ON MOVING PICTURES THEY LIKE THE BEST Census of Pupils Shows De cided Predilection for Wild West Plays Per sonalities Local Attrac tions. The chltdicn of San Francisco have handed down an cxtra-prnctlcal opinion on tho "movies." Tho question, "What kind of moving pictures do you llko best?" wns answered by 33C5 school children, be longing to all grades from the third to tho eighth. More than half of the young est boys nnd girls voted Wild West pic tures tho best; In the llfth grade, the per centage of those pictures fell sharply to one-third, and declined In the highest two grndes to one-fourth and one-fifth. Even In tho eighth grndo, however, the MVlId West.led all other subjects In pop ularity ay n sugnt margin comic pic tures' preserved a much more even courso, receiving tho votes of 18 per cent, of the pupils In the thltd grade and 12 per cent, of those In the eighth. War declined In the voting from 13 per cent, to T these choices wore mnde before the present conflict began. Pictures of ndventure, "sad" pictures, romantic pictures, and scenic views all rose In popularity with the age of the pupils. Hut tho classes shotvlng the 3IOIlEHNnANCINq GEORGE R. H. BERNARD ts clvlng private and class leasona In the lateat ballroom and state dancing at his Studio, 2142 N. Carlisle St. Phone, Diamond 4418. TUB BEST IZT TOWN ABSOLUTELY VNCUALL1SSQBD George Bernard has no connection nhatso eterjftithany othardanclngmaater In Phlla. I npPR'9 NIXON THEATRE RLDR. l.uujii kJ ft2D AUovc CHESTNUT RECEPTIONS MONDAY AND SATURDAY lrlate Leasona Old anil Nen Dances CLASS Tl'KB.. WED & FRIDAY EVQS. High School Claaa Friday Afts. 4 to 0 NioNirrAY Moonlight Dance .dancing Children's Class Saturday Aft n 'to (I Hall can be rented. Phone, Dell 8030 D. M ARTEL'S, 1710 North Broad You Should Attend Our Dance FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVEN1NO P.ISCK THE Ol.ll OK .Ytfir 11ASCES WM ROTH'S ORCHESTRA The llest Ker PRIVATE CLASS TUESDAY EVENING Prhnte Lessons Dall by Appointment PRIVATE DANCINO CLASS LIMITED TO TWENTY TUESDAY EVENINGS K1LGORE SCHOOL Hall ran bo rented for prUate dancea. Suite -'08. 1714 Chestnut Street. MISS MARGUERITE C. YVALiS Studio of Modern Dances 1604 WALNUT STREET lira. Elizabeth W. Reed, Chapeross. Spruce 1M1. 1728 N.lSthSt. PHONE DIAMOND 4813 P. LUCIEN O. CARPENTER That's All BLANCHE WEST ALL THE MODERN DANCES Studio, 1S20 CHESTNUT BT.. can be rented for select private dancea, Phone, Spruce 3 tit WROE'S Keith Theatre Ballroom HALL CAN DE ENGAGED Private Lftont Jarrird Class Tuea. Novelty Dance. Saturday, S2d & Bansom Bis. AL WHITE COLONIAL THEATRE BUILDING (HIMSELF) JSTH &CHE8TNUT STS, TEACHES ALL THE MODERN DANCES The C. Ellwood Carpenter School, 1123 Cheat nut at. Experienced Instructors. Teach the very latest steps dally from 10 a. m. llrancha cterynhere. Telephone, Filbert 4207, WANT TO FORM YOUR OWN CLASS or take a Strictly prlwte Leaaon Consult Arm-Rrust, Chestnut St.. JUS. SPECIALIST In up-to-the-minute dance. J.J Finn's Studio of Danclnr.3003 W Dauphin at, I Latest dances tauiht , claaa or prl. DU 3GOT "NICE FOLKS ATTRACT NICE FOLKS" Danse de Danceland ON SATURDAY NlGHT The larRe attendance at our popular Saturday night tlanarj is representative of the rtgpad aort at people who came here throughout the 4tW week It U a different aet of the better fort TONIGHT, SATURDAY, you W.U 4 ! JPPy. claear. up-to-date, modern dauoare on tbe eit and largeet dancing aurfeM la the State. NB3CT MOM DAY MHT QLASS INSTRUCTION. Free to our natron. , S0TH AND MONTGOmgRY AVENUE greatest Increase were historical pic tUren nnd educational ones. Bach Of these kinds appealed to hut 1 per cent, of the joungest pupllx, but grew In In tereat with every grade until In the highest 014 per cent, voted for educa tional pictures and 19 per cent, for his torlcnl, Tho educational pictures rose In Interest atendlly, but In the case of the historical views there was a jump In popularity between the fourth and the fifth grades from 2 to tb per cent., nnd again between the sixth nnd the seventh grndes from fi'4 per cent, to HV4. Four per cent, of the oldest pupils liked all kinds of moving pictures, nnd 1 per cent of every grade preferred vaudeville. FAVOR SEGItnOATlON. Chicago may segregate the sexes In Its movie theatres. Scgrcgntlon of bachelor patrons to eliminate the masher nuisance Is protldcd for In an ordinance drafted nlth the approval of Chief of Police Olca son. The Chief would have nil movie thentrcs divided Into threo sections-one for men alone, nnothcr for unescorted girls nnd nnother for married couples or women with escorts. Kxprlcncc has proved thnt such di vision Is not popular with patrons. The chief safeguard against mashers Is light. Most Philadelphia theatres are properly lighted, and while nn occasional masher still makes himself obnoxious, ns a rule, local theatres ate remarkably free from this pest. Albert (Tony) Roccnrdl, ono of the pantomimic comedians of the Vita graph Players, hat been surprising his friends lately by nppcarlng on llroadwny every evening without a hnt. Upon In quiry ns to tho cnuso, Tony Informed them that ho wni going bareheaded be cause ho hnd been told, on good author ity, that there wns n peculiar property In tho evening nlr, between 7 nnd 9 o'clock that strengthened the rotos nnd madn them grow new hair. lie that ns It mny, Tony, who has been extremely bald for n number of years, Is proudly exhibiting several new hairs thnt have appeared lr the middle of hl.i bnld spot, nntl he Insists that going bareheaded was the cause of their growing. Francis X. nushmnn, lending man with the nssnnay Cistern company, has been picked by tho Motion Plcturo Ex hibitors' Association of Now York ns tho choice from nil tho photoplnycrs of the United Stntcs to lend the grand march nt the nstoclntlon's nnnual ball on December 7 Tho ball will bo held In the Ornnd Ccntrnt Pnlnco and prep nrntlons to malic It the biggest event of its kind nro now under wny. Moro than 30,000 persons arc expected to at tend. Edward Abeles, star of "Brewster's Millions," "Charleys Aunt," "My Friend From India" and a long list of other celebrated rtngo suoccssib. Is now engaged In tho production of his llrst subject for the Famous Players' Film Company Tho vehicle selected for Mr. Abeles' first ap pearance on tho Famous Plttycrs' program Is "The Million," Henry V. Savage's great comedy production, nnd Is presented as tho second rnmoui Plnyers'-llcnry W. Snngo release. Abeles will play tho lole of the Baron. May Irwin. In the title rolo of the film version of the most celebrated of all her stage triumphs, "Mrs. nlnck Is Back," by Gcorgo V. Ilobart, Is the next ruinous Placrs' subject to nppenr on tho I'nrnmount piogram, November 30. Mn Irwin Is inlmltnble ns tho Irrepres sible Mrs. Black, who deceives her hus- MODERN DANCI.VO FRICKF N- n- con. uroad and riVlOIN.C COLUMI1IA AVE Receptions Saturday Nights I.ntret Dancea, PrUate or c'lnas Phone. Open Class Tuesday and Friday Nights HOTEL WALTON "DANSANTS" NIGHTLY 9 to 1 o'Clock Prhate Lesons In Lnteiit Dancea Dally AUOl'ST II. 1TIICICE, Maltro de Dnnsi. Diamond fis Diamond 0,70 W The School of Real Dancing McEIroy's Tioga Academy 441H UERMANTOWN AVE 23 ROUND DANCES OrAltANTEED. DEMONSTRATED AND TAUGHT SPECIAL NOVELTY LADIES' NIC1HT. NOV 10TII Scholars' Monday and Thursday Reception PI A Y T O N OIRARD AVE , RELOW V L I 1 VJ n TENTn BTREET RECEPTIONS Wednesday & Saturday Evenings Band & Orchestras (Continuous) ALL THE LATEST DANCES I OPSFR'S NLXON THEATRE RLDQ.. LUC"''X Sl'D AUOVE CHESTNUT RECEPTIONS MONDAY AND SATURDAY Prhat- Lessons. Old nnd New Dances CLASS TUE8, WED 4 FRIDAY EVOS. High School Class Trlday Afts. 4 to 0 Monday PriZe Bonbon 2R roxes Children's Class Saturday Aft .1 to 5. Hall can be rented Phone, Hell 0033 D. PHOTOPLAYS CHESTNUT ST. Afternoons, 1 to 5 10c & 15c. Positively the Best and Longest Absolutely No Repeats During Gigantically Conceived, Produced, Attended. 31,000 People Saw "The Spoilers" During the First Week of Its Philadelphia Engagement Rex Beach's Wonderful Characters --S3S.T !$X- f9ii VI u r Yv"ti fig IS fc la H It If l m VK I n DA vju SrV V rJ YIP l! I " ) Drought to Life in This Master Film Which is aeme SHOWN TWICE DAILY. 2:30 in the Afternoon and 8:30 in the Evening l'HElKDEl) V A DAILY CHANGE OF FIIihT-HUN PICTURES MUSICAL ACCOMPANIMENT BY THE FAMOUS WURL1TZER ORG AN Af ADFMY OF MUSTC i.KjtUL,lL I Ur iUUOJX. The Most Wonderful GUNDA, the Man.Killlnsr Elephant The Fox on a Hunt The Antics of the Cobra A Duet Between Grieiceta The Home Life of the Bate ffi THE JUNGLE CIRCUS PRICES-Nte hts, USc, Me, Pg. PITMAM8 WILL LSCTL'KK aMasseaaaajtMajtgsiiiwT , aas.-.. mm aa i m n band about her age, nntl who goes--' through a period of comic anguish if the result LOCAL ATTRACTIONS. Rex Bench's masterpiece, "The Spoil ers," Is making history nt tha Chestnut Street Opera House, where It enter upon the second week of Its Philadelphia engagement Monday nfternoon Never before has a film play attracted tha crowded houses that "The Spoilers" Is drawing to this, thentre. In addition to "Tbe Spoilers," the management offers a treat In first run pictures of dramatic and comedy sort from the t'nlversitl nnd other companies These nddltlonal pic tures will be chnnged dally and will ba shown from 1 o'clock until 2:30 nnd front 7 o'clock until 8:30, respectively, when "The Spoilers" Is to bo projected. The doublo bill of standard first-run Paramount plcturo offerings will provo n big attraction to patrons of tho popular" Btanley Theatre this week. During tha nrst half of the week, commencing to morrow, Daniel Frohmnn will present Tyrone I'owcr, In tho famous society drama, "Aristocracy," a dramatisation In four parts, from tho famous story and piny In which Ilronson Hownrd wort fame Following "Aristocracy," com mencing on Thursday, there will be of fered Jcsso L. Lasky's flvcpart film Ver sion nf the ringmaster under tho tltta of "Tho Circus Man." Theodore Roberts Is being starred In this photoplay. An extra added feature nt tho Stanley Tho ntro will be Jane Onll nnd Henry Alnlcy In n four-part adaptation by Georgo Tucker of Oliver CJoldsmlth's celebrated comedy, "Sho Stoops To Conquer." At tho Pnlnce Theatre this week, and the production positively limited to tha one week, there will bo presented Gabriel d'Annunzlo'g film marvel, "Cablrla," orto of tho mest magnificent productions ever staged for film purposes. "Cablrla" Is nt onco a fantasy, an exposition of history and a dip into tho mythical. D'AnnunzIo, tho npnstlo of csthctlo degeneracy, Is In his clement In this spec tacular film exposition, and ono sits breathless and wondering throughout tho cntlro performance, unable to even flgura on whnt Is likely to happen next. What arc said to bo tho most sensa tional motion pictures of wild animal life ever taken nre to have their first presentation hero at the Academy of Music, on the afternoons nnd evenings of Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Thcso pictures represent moro thnn three oars" work on the part of Dr. Itnmond L. Dltmar, curator of tlm Bronx Zoo in Now Yorlt city. What Doctor Dltmar has rchlcved In picturing wild anhnnls, reptiles, bugs nnd other creatures of the animal kingdom. Is snld to contiibutc one of the most rcmnrknblo chapters of scientific Investigation In the world. Dr. Dltmar has collected six films of Intimate nature study, to which he has given the title "The Book of Nnturc" For the Philadelphia cngage-nu-nt Dr. Dltmar himself will deliver tlm lecture nt every one of the perform ances, and will tell how thcso wonderful results havo been accomplished. PIlflrtiPLAYS THEATRE continuous II to 11 Starting Monday A $250,000 PRODUCTION THE WORLD S mnuCST PICTURE D'ANNl NZIO'3 STL P1INDOL S PHOTO SPECTACLE 1200 SCENES Cast of 5000 GIOANTIC SCENES THAT ASTOUND POSITIVELY FIRST TIME AT OUR PRICES Admission, lOo Reseneil Section. 20o Family Theatre HELEN'S SACItiri 1311 Market 8t. On, tVanuinaker's IICE K.U.EM irirut nf Helen Series) EVERLASTINU TItlANtlLE Edison. His Wife's Pet anil Dendlv Dispatch. HIOURAPII COMEDIES LAFAYETTE 20 Urn-dneton Ato. SPECIAL FEATURE TODAY The Mn.t Tulkrd-of Woman in America EVELYN NESBITT THAW and her Hon, RUSSELL THAW, in THREADS OP DESTINY 8gg& Home of World's Greatest Photo Plays Evenings, 7 to 11 10c, 15c, 25c Picture Show in Philadelphia Aft. or Evg. Performance If You Like a Love Story, Care for Thrills, Admire Good Acting, or if a Red Blooded Human Interest Tale Appeals to You, See "The Spoilers" Portrayed in the Novel, Actually (INianTS b.3QI Mon., Tuea, Wed, MATS. 3.30 1 NOVEMBER 16, 17,18 Raymond L. Ditmara WILL JbliUaTl.AJ.2i the result of aU 3 year of Motion Photof- rapfay work among wild beasts, IP sect as4 reptiles in The BOOK y-S fl tt$ffll(il?ffl i214 iV Jpl OF NATURE Films the World Has Ever Seen Heading by Fire-Flies' Light The JuggUtig Fly The With of the Frog The Walking Leaf Qu4riU The Rattier'a Fight Wife Tewrec 1 Asm 50e, teJto&lSctVk.Wc AT j u i '" J "we 8flSfc$ ixQemm . sjaw-jbttb 'fcfeAtefiiFar-s. t - 3-- -3-r -t-aC , s, jiQm j!Hi urn