ini.m.. ijijiin.Jiniiiijjpiiy rMUAJ ma jfcli. jJv.J-jt. - 'sT ,.y . Hea in.- I lfi,A -....& 1014. 11 K CHURCHES BAPTISTS TO BRIM ALL WORK UNDER A CENTRAL HEAD Mealing to Consider Im portant Matter Called for Thursday Evening in Me morial Church. An effort to bring all Baptist orgaillaa (lions Under tho authority of one central iuody will bo attempted nt nn oxtru ses sion of the Philadelphia Baptist Asso ciation, to be held next Thursday eve ning in Memorial Church, Broad and Mas ter streets. Bnptlsts all over tho city ure manifesting much Interest In the pro ject, which would put that chUrch In lino with other denominations. The subject was discussed at tho an mini meeting of tho association Inst Oc tober. As tho time was too limited to .fully consider such an extensive reorgan ization, an extra session, In tho form of nn adjourned meeting, was Killed for next Thursday. At the present tlmo all Baptist organi sations nro working by themselves and "Clergymen havo pointed out that the best results can not be obtained by till plan. The Idea Is to bring all of theso organi sations under one central body, nnd to bo .governed by a central head, but at the same time preserve tho congregational in dividualism of the church. To succeed In such a plan tho church must completely .reorganize its varloui associations nnd societies. Tho support of theso associa tions, however, has been promised. It lifts been suggested that the central or Kanlzntlon be named tho Ilaptlst Execu tive Council, nnd It is believed this tltlo will bo accepted. NEW YORK BISHOP WILL LAY CORNERSTONE HERE Elaborate Services at Russian Ortho dox Greek Catholic Church Tomorrow Elaborate plans hnve been mado for the laying of the cornerstone of tho new Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of Bt. MIOhaot'B, 6th nnd Spring Qntden streets, which is to take place tomorrow. fcgiirainire&&. ijJ!gM6bWirtiWfrtte!ftmniii.iu f 'U. Ji y ...w.tJ&23!xiinfti ST. MICHAEL'S RUSSIAN ORTHODOX GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH a r ,i. . Bishop Alexander Nemolovsky. of New York, will offlclnte, nnd he will bo as sisted by priests from Now York, Balti more, Berwick and this city. The Rev. J. Th,. Krohnmnlney, rector of tho church, will preside. The services will bo attended by nbout a. dozen Russian and Slavonic beneficial societies, nnd the honor guests will be B. Wllllnm Tucker. Russian Consul at this plnce. nnd the Rev. E. M Frank, rector of tho Church of the Advent. The Russian choir, under tho direction Of V. Orcevsky, will sing somo of the se lections of tha best-known Russian com posers. Including P. Tchaikovsky, N. lllmsky-Korsakoff and" A. Archnngelsky. ASBURY CHURCH REOPENS Mother of Methodism, in West Phila delphia, Has Been Greatly Improved. The newly renovated auditorium of Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church. SSd nnd Chestnut streets, will be reopened with special services tomorrow, The paB tor, the Rev. O, 0. Duftleld, wilt preach in the morning and evening, 'and an elab orate program of muslo -will be given by the choir under the direction of A, L. Keel. More than )i00O has been expended on Improvements to the church during the summer and autumn. The auditorium has been redecorated and the building Is now among the most beautiful In the city. Asbury Church Is the mother of Meth odism In West Philadelphia, having been founded In 1837. The present church building was dedicated In 188$. BIDDLE BIBLE CLASS NEWS A. J. Drexel Diddle will be the speaker before the Men's Forum of tho Drexel Ulddje Bible Class of the Reformed Epls. opa Church of Our Redeemer tomorrow afternoon. On Tuesday evening he will be the speaker at the supper of the "Up lift Club" of the Pennsylvania Railroad Y. M C. A. Samuel P MaoKenile, chief director of Scotland, will lead the Men's Bible Class of Holy Trinity Church tomorrow morn ing. The visiting speaker will be the Rev R. K YerkeB. Frederick W. Nor croia will oddfcss the class of Rlchardsoa Memorial Presbyterian Church. XiAV PBEACHEBS TO MEET The 86th anniversary of the FhlUdeJ. phis. Local Preachers' Association will be held In the "Old Brick" Church. Marlbor ough and Richmond street, tomorrow. There will be a love feast at 9 a m., and at 18.J0 the Rev. W. B. Woodrow, presl dent of the National Assoelatlon of local Preachers, Is to preach The He v. D. II. Kenney. president of the Philadelphia as sociation, will preach at 7: it In the even- MASS jfoB LABORING MEN Delegates to the Areerttmn Federation of Labor, which began tBM here on Moods, are Invited to a Man Jh, fee Cathedral temarrow. A sewnon vvHl be preached at t,ht tint by tfej Rev Or, Charles BrueU. of St. OfcatftW Betataaiy. Overbreok. tH Jo) KMk0fur wftl Breech to misrw morals to toe KaMfh Jwael Tsojpla ob the uW ' Who Will t iha "ivlear' The nrml cIum in ralialou 4uaUou wtM be Instruct! by lUbM l-Mdwan ant WxtnewUy Jews a4 nam-! nre weltum at the service o AND THEIR QDijc jf ricttblp $atlj Happiness Is Iho ono thing that everybody seeks But to many tho task of finding It is like clmstng the end of a rainbow. And, finally, they give Up their quest and decide that even thing Is wrong In the world. Thrrt they become pcsilmlsts who mnko life miserable for themselves and those about them. The (rouble with so ninny is that thej think only or themselves The happiness of other people never enter their minds. With others the dim culty Is ihrlr pessimistic view ns they daily go about their tasks. They tiro usually so Imay looking for the short comings of their follows that they do not have tlmo to see the good In them. Ultimately there I nothing left In the unlvcrso but ntlf the ero, subject, nnd ellcr too, object. The happiest people nro those who are making thoio nbout them happy those who love their fellow men ho much that they nre constantly think ing of some means to add enjoyment to their lives. Faithful servloo to brighten the pathway of the unfortunates about us Is the key that unlocks the vault wherein Is stored tho priceless Jewel of content, real happiness. Wealth, high posttlon nnd pleasures nil fall by tho wnyaldo to the seek ers after Joy In life, when they come to r renlltatlon of tho happiness tnnt comes to them through tho thankful lovo of those whose sorrowful faces havo become wreathed In smiles. The man who Is busv trying to cheer tho brother who Is "down, nnd who tries to point out to tho world the grand beauties all about him, will nluays nnd lit own pnthwny glowing In the sunlight Of contented Joy. PHILLIPS. LECTURE COURSE ANNOUNCED i - - - Prominent Men to Hpoak In Glrard Avenue Unitarian Church. Tho Bev. K. E. Evans, minister of tho Qlrard Avcnuo Unitarian Church, has an nounced the- following evening lectures lor the next few weeks: Tomorrow, "Itaco Prejudice In tho Mght of Modern Science," Prof. F. O. Speck, University of Pennsylvania; NoVombor 22, "Etncloncy In tho Homo What It Might He." Mrs. Bcott Ncnrlng: November it. 'Is tho World Ovcrpopulated?" Frank Stephens, Ardcn, Del,; December . "Ildu cntlng Women," Prof. Charleg Itcltel. University of Pennsylvania; December 13, "Religion nnd Social Revolution"; De cember 'JO, "Buddhism nnd Christianity," Albert ndmunds; Dcccmbor J7, "Tho New Economies," Prof. Scott Ncnrlng, of tho University of Pennsylvania. CHURCH 61 YEARS OLD Week of Services Planned to Cele jhrate Birthday ot Tabernaolo Congregation. The Rev. A. E. Crowell. pastor of the Tabernacle Methodist Episcopal Church, has made elaborate preparations for thd observation of the 61st anniversary of his church. The services will begin to morrow and continue through Sunday, No ember a. The Rev. Gladstone Holm, a former pastor, will preach In tho morning to morrow, and Mr. Crowell will speak in the evening. On Monday evening there will be a meeting for prayer, praise nnd testimony, Tuesday evening tho Rev. E. F. Hann .will give a lecture on "Hop, klp and a Jump," At the mid-week meeting on weanesaay evonlng the Toll of members will bo call ed, and an effort Is being mado to get everybody, out at that time. The Ladles' Aid will serve a supper on Thursday eve ning. The Rev. Dr. Oeorge Gaul, an old pastor of the church, is to preach at the morning service on tha last day of the observance a week from tomorrow, and In the evening there will be a Jermon by the pastor. , HOLINESS MEETING ENDS Services Today and Tomorrow Will Close 20th Annual Convention. The :0th nnnial convention of tho Phil adelphia Holiness Association, which has been in progress in Old Bt George's Church, 4th street above Itaco. for the last week, will end tomorrow. Today, at I p. m, Miss Clara Uoyd will lead a praise service, and at 3 o'clock the Rev. 11. C. Mrrlspn, of Loulsvtllo, Ky , will preach. Doctor Morrison will also preach this evening and tomorrow morning and evening. Tomorrow after noon the .sermon, at 3, will he preached by tho Rev. George W. Rldout CLERICAL MEETINGS Tift Rev. F. C Hartshome will address the Clerical Brotherhood in the Church House Monday forenoon on "The Church and the Temperance Movement." As next week Is the 51st anniversary ot the dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg. Dr. Horace C. Stanton will address the Presbyterian Ministers' Meet ing In Westminster Hall, at 11 o'olock on "The Battle of Gettysburg, and Lincoln at the Dedication pf the National Ceme tery." Tho piiblle 1 welcome. The Philadelphia-New Jersey Methodist Episcopal Preaehers Sleeting In Wesley Hall. 1018 Arch street, will be addressed, on Monday morulng by the Rev. F. A Pellarls. of Vlnelahd. N J , whose sub Jeet Is to be "The Btnpbast of Metho dic m." The Rev. William J Miller will speak on the Lutheran Brotherhood at the meet ing of the Lutheran Ministerial Associa tion, at 142S Arch street, on Monday Y. M. 0. A. HESTHTO "The Greater Frt-a Working T-day Tor a Betty Cwftwualtj-" M the subject to be tMreeaKUwT r Dr. J Grant Newman Vf Ue piMjuAVJ-Wytte Presbyterian Cfeurk, at (lie regular meeting tor men In tbe audiWWluw Ot Ceatral Branch Y M C A , Utt Ajtjti atrejt tomorrow aft errioou. at &'& MU Bertha Juhn sen will dunsrtv (be wetfe at tbe mtsnuq to tfier Taw Rev Dattu & vtty h eutered uun ate 4ttM M ft ret aMiaiaat et the i cjiurtn ox ins cuaur twm. si n ' pnmtn at tt fWBlaeT MTvlce tkwrruw. r . : .. - ..-- .'-. . ,- j .. ... WORKERS-RELIGIOUS ORACR tfWON CHAPEL. OAKMONT , i . - . . j , i DION CHURCH WORK PROVES SUCCESSFUL IN PRETTY OAKMONT Grace Chapel, Which Rep resents Six Denominations, Is a Monument to Co-operation. Grace Chnpcl, in tho beautiful town of Onkmcnt, Delawnro County, along tho Ardmoro trolley line, Is nn excellent ex ample of whnt can ba done In any com munity When the church people cb-oporate for Christian sotUce thtough a union organization. On October 4, 1, feeling tho need of Christian work In the growing village, nnd knowing that It was Impos sible for nn' ono donomlnntlon to Huccccd alone, a union Sunday school was or gnnlxed In tho parlor of one of the homes. Just six jenrs later, on Octtfber 4 last, the congregation ot a prosperous church that has grown from tho school, hnd tho pleasure of seeing tho handsomo new Graco Chapel dedicated This new church-home, with a com fortable parsonage, was erected nt a cost of moro than $17,000, nnd tho last payment Is to bo mado on it nbout the first of noxt month. Tho chapel It should be called n church, for It Is bettor than hundreds of buildings that are called churches in tho towns around Philadel phia U thoroughly modem nnd is well adapted to all tho usci of the congrega tion and it amilatcd organizations. It is of beautiful architecture nnd adds much to tho beauty of tho tovin. Tho Interior is neatly decorated, nnd magnifi cent memorial windows, the gifts of members, add much to its attractiveness. Much of the success of the congrega tion has been due to tho untiring efforts of the minister, James H Fcely, for merly a local preacher of the Methodist KplBcopal denomination, but since May, 1913, a licensed lay evangelist of tho Pres byterian denomination. Although Mr, Keely, who is a native pf Clarion, Pa., has been busy doing every-day work every day since coming to Philadelphia In 1S3I, he has found enough tlmo to make a remarkable record in religious work. After coming here, ho pursued a course of study in the Theological School of Temple University, and did much evan gelistic woik In this part of Pennsyl vania. When he became Interested In the Onkmont Sunday school work, ho wns enthused by Iho united support given him by tho residents generally and by working together tho people and Mr. Freely havo built In Grnoe Chapel a mon ument to Christian people that Is a strcAig argument for church union. The Grace Chapel congregation was for mally otganlzed ns a Betf-governtng organization on Eastet- Sunday, 1913 It started with 77 members, 27 of whom were received by letter and 60 on con fession of faith. Now It has KM members, and Its Sunday school. Young People's Society and Ladles' Aid Society are all active and have done much for the growth and prosperity of the work. When the chapel was dedicated, the Inrg est single gift was a donation of $1000 from the Ladles' Aid Society, presented through Mrs. W. II. Roberts, its presi dent. Many of the active workers were Phlladelphlans, among them being the superintendent ot the Sunday school, D, W. Stewart. Six denominations are now represented In the church membership, and It Is ex pected thatrepresentatlves of two other denominations will be admitted by letter soon. Baptists, Methodists, Presby. terlans, Episcopalians, Lutherans and Friends nre all working together for the success of the church and In the inter ests of the rellgloqs growth of Oakmont. The by-laws of the organisation are so broad that members of no Protestant denomination need hesitate to enter It. Provisions are made so that tho cus toms of the denominations to which the members formally belonged may be con tinued. Ono of the members said a few days ago: "We have not forgotten our old de nominations, but we know that It was Impossible for any one of the denomina tions to support a church here itself, and, therefore, we Just got together and have done the work as though we were all of the same creed. AVe are all working for the same result, anyway, so why shouldn't we unite for Christ?" Mr. Fccly Is a business man as well as minister of his flock. From 8:30 every weekday morning until 8.30 every after noon he Is engaged In helping the Inter ests of the industltal and commercial urnrlit as the sales manager for the Rech- llnrbnker Company, wagon manufac turers of this cly- All his pastoral work he must da In the evenings and on Bun dajs. It Is doubtful If there is a busier pastor In the country Mtuhadift t.;,rti vr 5f K t THE SINGING PARSONS s JL W MsWnk. IfiXPSMi fll-9f nKHUeW jjiBISEXHlHRBS 1 ACTIVITIES OF ALL DENOMINATIONS ' JAMES H. FEELY, PASTOR STARVING CHILDREN GET CHRISTMAS CANDY MONEY Germnntown Sunday School Inaugu rates Self-Sacrifico Plnn to Aid Belgians. On tho suggestion of tho Rov. Charles Wesley Burns, the Sunday school of tho First Methodist Episcopal Church, of Germnntown, hns Inaugurated a move ment for the pupils of that school to sur render thcit Christmas gift of candy In older that the money may be contributed toward the Belgian relief funds, to help buj food nnd clothing for tho starving children In tho war-torn country In Eu rope Tho movement lias mot with ready icsponxo, and other churches aro con sidering pursuing n like course. MANY BANDAGES SOUGHT Salvation Army Workers Want Old Linen, Woolens nnd Flannels. Salvationists in tills city are collect ing old linen to be mndo into bandages, pads and other article for use with the wounded on the European battlefields Any kind of white goods and woolens nnd llnnnols can bo used and especially targe quantities of absorbent cotton nre desired. Much matorlal has already been sent to tho Salvation Army sterilising plnnt In Now York to bo prepared for shipment. Announcement has been sont out from the Army hcadquartere that such mate rial may bo loft at post headquarters, or that notice to he headquarters of the Atlantic Coast Province, Colonlnl Trust Building. 13th and Market streots, will bring a wagon for It. OLD ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH IS ALMOST 145 YEARS OLD Special Observance to Begin on Mon ,day and XaBt a Week. The lth anniversary of old St. Gcorgo's Methodist Episcopal Church, 4th street below Vine, will be celebrnted by special services which will begin on Mon duy evonlng nnd continue through the week. PaBtors ot different Methodist Episcopal churches will speak each evert ing and members of their chUrohes will assist in tho services. Tho week's services will culminate In n full day a week from tomorrow, when tho Rev. Dr. Frank P. Parkin, district superintendent, will preach In the morn ing and Bishop T, 11. Neely will give a hlstoilcal sermon In the evening. FINE MTJBIG AT GARBIOK Nonsectnrlan Services In Theatre Will Be Addressed by Dr. Ely. A fine musical program has been ar ranged for the half hour preceding the nnusectarlan services In the GarriCk Theatre under the auspices of tho Lemon Hill Association nt 7:50 o'clock tomorrow night The organ numbers by Park V. Hogan will Include the organist's own Im provisation on favorite themes and Han dera "Largo," Corlnne Wlest Anthony, soprano soloist, will slnff. and F. Nevln Wlest will give cornet solos. The Rev. James B. Ely will speak on "Sinners In God's Hands." NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL BUILDING Calvary Lutheran Church Erecting Large Structure, A large Sunday school building Is being erected adjoining Calvary Evan gelical Lutheran Church. West Philadel phia. When the Improvement is finished the main auditorium of the church can be arranged to accommodate 900 persons The basement of the addition Is to be used as a gymnasium, the pastor, the Rev, J. Milton Tweedale, being much Interested In tho work among the young people of the neighborhood. ERECTING S. S, BUILDING Work has been begun on the erection ot a one-story Sunday School building ad. Joining the Talmage Beformed Church, Roborough. the Rev. W. It. Hearlck, pas tor. The structure will be of brick and. stone, nnd will serve for nodal work in the church as well as the regular sessions of the school. ; 7vc a c r - DOCTOR BRATENAHL WILL BE ELECTED TO PROVINCIAL OFFICE Churchmen Expect Him to Become Secretary of Prov ince Instead of Superin tendent of City Mission. Tho Itcv. Dr. G. C F. Uratenahl. of Washington, V. C, who was extended n call several weeks ago to become su perintendent of tho Protestant Episco pal City Mission to succeed tho Ilov. II L. Duhrlng, will bo chosen provin cial secrotnry at the primary snod of tho Third Province, which Is to bo held In Pittsburgh next week. Bishop Gar land said today that ho had no doubt that Doctor Uratenahl would bo unani mously chosen to tho secretaryship, which would be n position that would occupy nil of rrtie person's time. Other prominent churchmen hnvo ex pressed n like opinion and do not bo lleve that Doctor lirntcnnhl will come here, hut will nccept the position of provincial Hccretnry. As he has been tho department secretary he Is tho log ical mnn for tho position. The now position would extend his work, bb tho scope of tho province will ho much wider than wns that of tho department Heretofore Doctor Uratenahl hnt had to do only with missionary work, but the province will tuko over the missionary work and Mso be conducted with a Mew to the festering nnd developing of social service and religious education. Sessions nf tho nod of tho province, which will Include tho dioceses of Penn sylvania, Delaware, Man land, Washing ton ntul Virginia, are to open In Calvary Church. Pittsburgh, on Tuesday nnd will contlnuo through Friday. Following ad journment there will bo nn all-day meet ing of tho Ilonrd of Religious Education, and during the progress of the convention tho Woman's Auxiliary will hold a pro vincial meeting. Each diocese Is to be represented by the bishop or bishops, four clergymen nnd four lavmen. The delegates from this city, bcsldcB Bishops Ithlnelander nnd Gnrl.ind, are tho Rev. O a. Uartlett, of Jenklntown; the Rev. L N Caloy. the Rev. II. F. Fuller, the Rev J. De Wolf Perry, Henry Bonnell, Gcorgo R. Bower, W. W. FrnBler, Jr. and Dr. J. Nicholas Mitchell. NEW CATHOLIC CHURCH Ground Broken for Our Lady of Pom peii, on West Erie Avenue, around has been broken at C02-C0I West Erie avcnuo for tho new Church of Out Lady of Pompeii, which Is to be erected for tho Italians of Frankllnvillo Tho edi fice will bo of stono and will cost about JK0CO. Tho rector of the church Is tho Rev. Paul Gontlle. Services are now be ing conducted for tho parish In tho base ment of St. Veronica's Church. SINGING PREACHERS BLAZING TRAIL FOR SUNDAY'S CAMPAIGN Five Methodist Episcopal Clergymen Will Conduct Shop Meetings During Big Revival. Much of the advance work for the coming "Billy" Sunday campaign Is being done by the Billy Sundoy Group for Pub licity Work, a quintet of Methodist preachers, who hnvo been gaining wide popularity throughout the city by their singing na well as their preaching. These five clergymen have been singing together for some time and their rendition of tho revival hymna used in the Sunday meet ings arouses enthusiasm wherever they o. They are active evangelistic workers, good revival preachers, and, as singers, are known to their denomination every where In the East. Much of their popu larity vvaa gained when they sang before the big Ocean Grove Assembly last sum mer, and they have been busy all fall filling engagements in and around Phila delphia, They will continue to conduct meetings In this city nnd vicinity In preparation for Mr. Sunday's arrival, and when the cam paign gets started they will do shop work throughout the cltj. Several of them are well known to tho workers In the shops, na they have been engaged In preaching nt noonduy meetings, The Rev. Dr. A. E. Crowell hnB for two jeers been doing work at the Pennsylvania Railroad shops In West Philadelphia, and the ReV. Dr. R, i'.. Johnson Hum for some time been speaking nt the noonday meetings In the Allen shop nnd other plants in the north east. Members of the quintet, who are sent out by the publicity bureau of the William A Sunday Campaign Committee, are; Doctor Crowell, who is pastor of the Tabernacle Church, 11th end Oxford streets; Doctor Johnson, pastor of the 7th Street Church; the Rev, Dr. E. D. Decker, pastor of Mariners' Church. Washington avenuo below 3d street; the Bev. Dr. Rich ard Radcllftc, pastor of St. Matthew's Church, d and Chestnut streets, and the Rev Dr. A S Dlngee, pastor of the Cum- Qberland Street Church. n uit Sirgtj. t.e Rsvc.tJ i-wkti A ASKS AID FOR HOSPITAL Bishop Rhlnclnnder Calls on Church men nnd Friends to Help Episco pal Hospital. BMhop Ithlnelander has issued a pas toral letter to tho clergy nnd congrega tions of the diocese of Pennsylvania and friends of tho Protestant Episcopal Hos pital, asking for generous gifts on Thanksgiving Day for the benefit of the hospltnl The report of the treasurer Bhows that tip to .November 1 the over drafts for maintenance amount to $90, 370 74 BELIGIOUS BREVITIES "What the Lord Requires of Thee" will be the subject of a sermon to be preached by tho Rev I)r John C. Lcc, pastor ot the Restoration "Unlversallst Church, to morrow morning nt 10:13 o'clock. Chnrloi T. Russell, pastor of the Brook lyn Tabernacle, will preach In the Nixon Thentie, 52d nnd Market streets, tomor row nftcrnoon nt 3 o'clock on "Standing In tho Evil Day." Alfred V Martin's fourth lecture In the course he Is giving before tho Ethical Society In the Hrond Street Theatre to moirow morning will be on the subject "Am I My Bi other's Keeper?" The Rev. Robert It. Gnlley, In charge ot Princeton's work In Pekln, will speak on "Open Doors In tho New China" at tho Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church to morrow morning nt 11. In tho evening at 8 tho Rov Stanley Hlnter will preach The Rev Wllllnm Mulr Auld, pastor at Calvary Prosbj terlon Church, will preach tomorrow morning on "Getting Together." In tho evening his topic Is to be "Come nnd See " "Stilling tho Storm" will be the subject of his talk at the mid week service on Wednesday evening. .fl r. Yl'tllln... If Tlnawnlt will h IX I1U HU ..llllllll. .. ..,., .... ..... - tho preacher In tho House of Praver, uranclitown, tno iov ii. u. . ink-cm, lector, tomorrow morning. Ills subject will bo "The Gospel of Social Service." In tho evening the Rev. Gcorgo Cald walder Toole: , -i professor at tho Phila delphia Divinity School, will preach. On Tucrdnv evening, November 17. the Men's Club ot tho Market Square Pres byterian Church will hold Its monthly meeting. Dr Francis 8. Ferris, medical examiner for the Philadelphia ami Read ing Railway, will glvo a practical med ical talk to men and bovs, using for his text the much discussed book, "Damaged Goods " This Is a translation and adaptation of the famous French play of Eugene Brleux". Tho Rev F. S Underbill will occupy the pulpit of the Seventh Street Meth odist Episcopal Church tomorrow morn ing. In the evonlng the pastor, the Rov. R E Johnson, will glvo a Bpeclal sterc optli'on lectuio on 'Tho Social Mesiago of Jesus as Sen In tho Allejs of Phila delphia." Plctuics from real Hfo will be throw n on the acrecti. In preparation for tho Billy Punday campaign, tho flrut gun will be fired In tho Susquchannn Avcnuo Presbyterian Church, the Rov. Dr. Jones, pastor, to morrow, when tho Rov. George CJ. Dowey, general secretory of the cam paign committee, will speak. A special service for the American Federation of Labor will bo held tomor row morning In Old St. John's Church. Brown street below Third, by the rector, tho Rev. George Chalmers Richmond, rector, who Is a member of tho Central Labor Union In Philadelphia Tho ad dress will bo given by John B. Lennon. treasurer ot the Federation and n mem ber Of the Federal Industrial Commls- ItKLIOIOim NOTICES naptlit UETHKNY ANCJICmACin, .100 North Hth at. For the uplift of sirls anil women. M'otlngi Tucadav, Thursday and Bundny nlshts. Donation da. Tliuikiclvlng- Day. Orowrte. canned gooda. clothing, beds, etc . thankfullv ncccptcd. Mrs. Anna Jonnton. supenmenaeru CHESTNUT STllllKT I1APTIST CHURCH Cheitnut at west of 40th. OEOnOK D, ADAMS, D. D Paitor. ttn nrott.erhood of A. and P. . . 10 10 a m. Worship and Sermon by raator 2 10 p m. Ulblo School and Men'a lllble T 4'. p m Worahlp and Sermon by Paster. SliES'DllAPTfS'fTlKL.I'lNU.Tl AND "CLASS meets 2 .10. Tth below Cllrard ave. Klrat anniversary ot the John C. b'Mro Uulntet Wm II. founc. lender, Mrs Irene Conner. Mlta Ottn. Mrs .Maude Choate, Oscar Lay ton, Isaac Kingston, Wm. I! Mlntirr, Prof Clinton Hobba. cornotlst. John Dyson, grand orsanlst Jtoy undenlotvn. violinist. theVreta Ktrlng Hand and others will take part. Lady ushers One hundred men nnd women nanttJ to scent Christ Join US; Congregational CKNTHAU CHUHCH. 18th and ilreen Hev. W. V. HEItO, Pastor. 11 n. m. Usv, Charles A. Ulanchnrd. 8 p. m, Itev. V. V Ders. Ulblo School, U'4"i a. m Junior congregation In connection with mornlnc services. Drexel Middle lllble Classes DHUXEL lHDDLi: 1II11LK CLASSES Whsn In need of competent assistants In your offlre, home, storo or plant, call on our llureau of Mutual Help No charge to em plovera or membera of our clasaes. jOj laiaycim iiuuums JEtlilcICultnro Mil ALFItKD W. MAIITIN will leclura be fore the Ethical Society on "Am 1 My Ilrothor'a Keeper" Broad St. Theatre, Bun day 11 a m Franklin Home FllANKLIN HOME FOP. THE ItEFOnMA TION Of INKUltlATKt) Btl-013 Locust at Sunlai, 8 p. m. Hervlcu conducted by Dr. Carl 13. Dakar. Lutheran MESSIAH LUTHEItAN ., Tfca .Friendly Church." lotl ami jonerson sis, Daniel E, Welgle. Pastor, will preach. 10 10 a. m., H p. in. Ulble School, 2.JO.P. ra i Nevln' Wlest. Cornet Soloist 7:jS p m. Musical l'relkda. Emll V. Bahmldt, Violin. William A. Sthmldt. 'Cello (Philadelphia Or chestra). andjhe Meulahjjuartetj TABUHNACLE, B0th"snd Spruce Wm J. Mil. ler, Jr..J0:4St ti 8. 8., 2.30 p ra. r TEMPLE. !2d end Race Itev. A. Pohlroan. 10 JO a. m , 2 80 and 7i45 Methodist Episcopal THE FlUb METHODIST CHUP.CH IN QEH- ChkLE8NWBSLEY BunNS. Minister. - DOCTOR nUHNB PREACHES AT 110TH CHHRIhSMISTER WaT.UK Monday Banquet ot Klrat Church Men, Tuesdai Dr. John R Davits. -W edwsday Church Family Altar. Thursdaj Pr O. BhUtey Burns. Krldas Dr S V Purvis Music by Vtel Boy Choir. Cordial welcome aitt aia. . M. E. MARINERS' nKTHEI. Washington f v e. be low 3d. jt. EVERETT O DBCKEIt, Minister 1U..10 and 7 45 Sermona by the Minister MOUNT HERM"O.S' 10th an- Portsr. Rev. F, C. rhoinaa. 11. 8 S. 8.. 'i SO p. m. Wl-3 HPKL AIj MUSICAL t t:rt.",miaf im iTarT itti KRS 11V rHITKUIOH STRJNT AIVU A Ejr I--B-V I. CI I I1UHUQ. 2UO-SUNUAY SCHOOL DP aAQNBLL'B IJinijC CLASS FOR MEN IV THE AUDI. T07U-f LAST DAY OF MEMBERSHIP KftJ-l SUERJ k-u- TAlittRNAOLE. 11T11 BELOW OXFORD BIST ANNlVefiSARY 1,1 30 Ssrw by Raw O T 4a Th Bio Thai SUMeels " MUkiU Moods y (-CUM !d3Licri Tuts ev -LltCTURsJ tlUw.1. Rv. E F. Wad -Son "rill Ptsyrer 3evtee. THurs. s LADIsW AID SUPP-BA. CTS Uf.lS'l.AU A E CROWS1 . Pistec ' IHTLADW.PlilA S6 .& lnM eat irasi 4 m s-smssv o-v-vc il 1 f-Sldatr Leader 3IM. sermon TistUavo.)-. Mr IT jRU ISO SariBaji Or ksntsoa. Senaeai Dr MorrtM: Jtte wn W RIsVhUs laWT PrJ aranoo Or MorrUoo ,, Clan, inen: 7 --mi SLi-ii-r n .-.-.-. T .J.ASF fi U4a--.t, i-'l uses r " saass saaa L" -ar a h !.,. ,.v lfk 1 II a TiT ( i tjcuooa Rat tissrg W RlaVuU: Tali. PrsJ a i i e qu Buy moo lr -Hurr-san Nw Jerti IsBi 'SwdaVor lerusalsin 4Sw4afcawla) in; SHALL, . tb Ik vuissaifagffj qiiisrutn vft xmvmmmamm m ,tnW1or)Nw foirxitr, at Is Chujch of N Jrula M and SSSS.,' i r i Jj .v.nio at clock Sseiai tuu!c Nminsi "-- ixHtW Onaatiuma. w to sn ett of Taw evtaori 8Uiy OsarafDg by '.as ...or lis Hi klilai W Mri swss . at 11 v c'skk SuUkf bUwU U . PARK AVENUE CHllt!H Park ave and Norris at REV?. ROUBRT DAONELU D D. Minister. 10 Mr.' THE rNAPPRtWUTKD FACTOR " T Si SUBHTITUTKbHtoR RIGHTEOUS. huviltc on. uH tva. UNaMff ASSOCIATION" SPfStKBRF CUVa -K slon In the evenlngr Doctor niohtrtontJ will preaeh on "The Wnr nnd ChrlttMn lly." Franklin Lodge, r And A. M , will attend tho service The Hev. Dr. Edwin Hey) Delk, pastor of Bt. Matthew's Lutheran Church, will speak at n dinner to be given at the club of Bt. Jude nnd the Nativity by the Men Club on Monday evening-. Tomorrow at 10:45 o'clock Doctor Delk will preach on "The 'Insufferable' Chrlstlon Missionary " The John C. Bayro quintet will cele brate lift flrat anniversary tomorrow af ternoon at the meeting of the Secohd Baptist Helping Hand Class. The Frets String Band and others will take part. lnung tvomen will usher, and the ser vices will be open to the public. j- Jfnrold N'utt will bo In charge of the Brotherhood meeting In Graco Beformed r Church, Uth and Huntingdon streets, the Bov. TJ. O. Outellus, pastor, tomorrow1 morning. The Hev. 'Wilson More. upr Intendent of the Bethany Orphans' Home, Womelsdorf, Pa., will occupy the pulpit in he morning, nnd tho pnstor will prencH , In the evening on "The Fatal BefusAl " Next Wednesday evening John H Poor man will give an Illustrated lecture on ome Interesting phatcs of home and for- . clgn missionary wffrk. At the Church of Our Bedeemcr, the Bov. Augustus K. Bnrnott will preacli to morrow morning on "The Whisper In tha Outskirts," nnd In tho evening on "Com mercialism In Bellgion." A. J. Drexet t Middle will speak at the meeting of (he men's Bible class nt 2!.0. "What Shall Be Substituted for Warr , will bo tho subject of nn address in tha i Church of tho New Jerusalem (Sweden- , horglan) b the Bev. J. K. Smyth, of New j York, tomorrow evening. ' ItEMDIOUn NOTICES I'resluterlan THE KOtlttTI! PHEHliyTEHIAN CHUHCH truth 4th t. and Klngseeslns; ave Minister, Rov. John T. Reeve, D. D. 10 A a. m "The Ivimb of Ood "... 7:45 p in."1he Divinity or Christ." Au (riistlno Dnver. HOPE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ttrt and Wharton ata. Minister, nev. J. ORAY BOLTON, D.D. Rov. WILLIAM TAILOR CALDWELL, Aa- 10 41 ft', m. nV. Caldwell will preach. 7:45 p m. Doctor Rclton. "Faltlra Reward " KORTHMINSTER CHURCH .1.1th nnd Rarlne ats. W COURTLAND ROBINfcON, D. D.. Pastor. Music by a superior Quartet and Organ U iw I liroillcrjiooQ mcviinK. in si n n I PL'liLIC WOIIHIIIP WITH SERMON. a ool Bible School. 7:tJ. Y. P. S. C. K. I PI'llLlC WORSHIP WITH SERMON. subject, "jesus tno I inai." OKOAN RECITAL 7:45. "Love Sons?' Wagner "To a Wild Rosa" Mscfaruno SCOTS CHURCH. Droail St.. belnw'Morrls St. 1 STUART MOORE. D. D., Minister. 10.10 "A Heavenly Vision.'' 7:15 "An Interesting quotlon." .. ST PAUL'S PREHHYTEHIAN CHURCH, ltaltlmoro ovo , cor. 30th st. n,v -7 nterldira I. II- D.. MInllttr. 10 4S n m. Publlo worship, and celebration ' 'T or tne pnerament ot ino Lora a aupper. JC.n p m. Omded lllble School. 7 45 p m Evening- worship. Uermon by Doctor Lcc. Alljieats free. TABERNACLE PRESnYTERIAN OHortCH Cheatnut at 37th. Tho. .Minister, nev. JOHN aluan in.Alll. u,u will preacii. 11 a. m. "Tho Captnln'a on the Bridie." S p m. "Put Out Into the Deep." .BTitAxonna cordTalt.y wetmmbo 1 VION TABERNACLE York nnd Coral ata. REV ROBERT HUNTER, PASTOR, -n II Erench. 10 10 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. 2-30, Sih ath School. 7, Y. P. S. C. E. 2145, IIIU1.U I'NION IN THE CHURCH t WOODLAND PnESHYTERIAN CHUHCH 42d and Pino ats . JAVKS RAMSAY SWAIN, Minister., 10 no Brotherhood. Matt., v, 7, continued, 11 on "Worship Sermon . . .... 1:4 WIMble. School, New aeholara Inyltea. 8 f0 Worship. Sermon. SAVONAROLA AND THE FLORFNTINR REVIVAL." Third In scrlca on 'The Great Revlrola of If nu aro looking for a Church Horns, "Come, thou and nil thy home." Protestant Episcopal clit'itcH of"'t'i1e"holy apostles 3tt ami Christian ata ltov Oeorge Herbert Toop, Rector. Jloly Comniunlon..... .J??'m- Mnrnlna; Prayer and Sermon. ...10-80. In. Sunday School ami Bible clasaes.. 2:10 p. m. Evenlnr Bnrvlco and Sermon..,,.. 7t10 p, m. Wvening Organ, harp end violin. Poatluus and Prelude Bpeclal ainaing. SO. imwl.nn frdsrntlon 6t Iboe will attend. 8neclal address by Mr. John B. .Lennon, of Illinois. 7:45. Dr. Richmond preaches bn The War and Masonry." Franklin Lodge; ot r. and A M. -Bill attend PARISH OF ST. I.UKE B1,pnAHr 11th atreet below Spruce. Rov. DAVID M. STEELE. Rector. 8 a m. Holy Communion 10 a. m. Punday School. 11 a. m. Mornlnc Prayer and Sermon. 4 p m. Evening Prajer, Anthem and Ad Organ, harp and cello preluds. Interlude and postlude. . , . Miss Mabella Addison, soloist. The Rector win preaeh at both services. EPIPHANY CHAPEL 17th and Summer streets. R 00 n m Holy Communion. 11 o a. m. Mornlns; Prayer and Sermon. .'41 p m. Bunday School. . 8 00 p. m Evening Prayer and Aadrel. Rev Irving A. McUrew will preach. hr tlEOBOK 8, (list and Basel ave. RtT. Q, La Pin Smith. 7 JO. 10 10 and 7tfW ST. MARfv'S CHURCH ldth r.d locust sts. ., Th Rev ELLIOT WHITE. Rector, " Huiulay. T and 8. Holy Communion, 10 SO, JIntlni, 11. Choral Eucharist, and I . n. m.t Choral Evensong. baity. 7, 7 tl and 0 a m., and B p. m ' The Hector will bo tho preacher on Sunday m On Wednesdays and Fridays at 13 m., the '" Litany will bo said and Intercessions for '1 iit-aro made. 'P"i THE HOUSE OF PRAYER, Rrancntown. Rev. II. S S. VINCENT. Minister. Services. 10 - a. m.. 7:30 p. m. Reformed FIRST N. A . 15th and Dauphin Rar. John' D. Hl-ks. Pastor. 10:30 and 8. B, 8.. 3;ate. Heformeil Episcopal 5Tnr!tETiET:iliTnrath aiuTfiitnti sts, AUal'STt'S M. BARNETT. 10 sn 1 h hlspor In the Outskirts." 2 to- J Droxel Riddle 8 no ' Conimcrclallsm In Religion." Socialist Literary Society MAX H. HAYES editor Cleveland Cltlun. wilt speak on "Tb Organised Labor Move ment " at Broad Street Theatre. Sunday, 3 p. ro.. nnt'er tbe auspices of Socialist Liter ary Sok4oty. Music by Van Den Deemt String O'lartst. Admission free. Lemon Hill Association. "SINNERS IN OOD'S HANDS" OARRICK THBV.TRE SUNDAY NIOHT, 7:50 ALL WELCOME ALL SnlrltualUts sir-i HfiltTH'AI. SOCIBTY. SIM ?T Broad. Sunday. 7 45 p ra.: ipeelal mmle, Address and spirit uessagss by Mrr. L-Tiar- . loll KlrkbrlJi uU' rlJi tir. a nna una. . "S" KOLLBR WIUs CONDUpP e- a'clarlc UJ ueeiings, awiusjr tmuus. COIUflima ave fferman and Eiuflsh SnedenborgUn SEE NEW JERUSALEM TJcltarUa FXJMT trtjlTARIASt, ,9JJi"Cbstnut at, Rsi rifTS..BC Jeha irfalsUf-JO ro.. SiJy ScuMl: 11 a m tbe Minuter wtll pnk mftAria avb hmsrwr-jf3 10 45 "Wbat Can W BsllMar- Bele.'Rafj of Ages. 7:4-Fif JFliftk Sjjjk, 'TUB FRfjuoicg ta ub of aciEeic." pjfon Ualted PreabrterUa B NORR1S SQUARE V P CHURCH ftseooak st aad a aushaana ave. Rev LXaT E "1 FX. Pastor. 10 4 . a. u - lbs Iba Walt Was BasU nt.laAi bSb il U. ktc nranjapia ttituMMI- iail WW- Ifcataurt m. avi.ysMi SW 9 P oaVNTsSL, ai Aschi" at iU J UsSlft miirp . a Jfetliw CwMeBHyi KEYOLaiT &a&mntf ?IH 4 ii ri T i T -s Ivlce. y a ymaip f5 jaam fp rw.fti7ii K2