Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 14, 1914, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 10

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TITa'"? 'WS'"
fflVftttliTO LtKH-BeiXAfifililIA, SATURDAY, NOVtfMMR 14, 1014,
- " ' "-- 1 "-1I llJ-1 "'f - '
umtlttg ifcftger
CTIU58 It. K CUHTIS, rurstmsxT.
00, W. Ochs, 8erlarjr; John C. M&rtln, Tressureri
felierlM It tarilneton, thlllp B Collins, John ft. V7II
Hem. Director.
I'Titin tl. K. Corns, Chslfmsn.
r. It WHAt.BY .. .Executive Bdllor
30US C MARTIN Otnernt Diwthm Mahtter
..- -
Publlahtd lllr nt ft otto t.iPOtn tlullJInr.
Indtpn0fneo Square, Philadelphia.
Xitbom Ctvtnv. nrotil and Chestnut Streets
Atlantic I'lTt Vrttt-Untea Building
JJHr Vok ItO-A. liropollln Tower
cmciiio S17 Ilom lnranr8 TJullillinr
Loxts S Waterloo Dace, Tall Mall, 8. W.
iriimKmtpo rutjo.... Th rairtoi nuiiitim?
WaMI'vuto IIuckau ....The nt DnlldlnR
Nw VoK niBRttl .........The rime llulldlnpt
Hmmn nrnFo ..no Frle'lrl'hmrae'ti
lAxto;i Hi imii ..J Pall Mall Ram. 8 W.
ttts llcnruu ..32 Hue Louis le Urand
sunicmrrioN terms
TJr carrier, Ditr OtLT. ltrent. Tiy malt, rntpall
Cnlihln of I'hlladelphln, excent where foreign poaiam
Je required. UaiIt unit, one month, twenty-five rente,
Dlll.l UM.T, nun )ear. three iloltam All mall uh
cHptlons payable In adnnte
inxt, .tooo walnut kkystom:, main 3000
... 1 -. 1
I W Address nil comnimt'eelloni lo Evening
' ledger, lndepcndenee Square, Philadelphia
I iMTninn at Tim rnit.AnEt.rnlA roaTorricn is srcoNn-
rillLADELrillA, SATURDAY, .NOVtMUElt 14, 1911.
Future of Mr. Palmer
IN THE event the Senate concludes that
Mr. 1'onrosc Is without right or title to a
neat In that august body after t!io 3d of
next March, following the Investigation pro
posed by tho Norrls resolution, A. Mitchell
Palmer will not be a candidate In the extra
ordinary election. Neither will ho bo Attornoy
General of tho United States, as was bruited
nbout. Nor, on the other hand, says Randall,
will he bo forgotten by tho Administration.
lie led a forlorn hope, as politics go, Just
as any man docs who puts conscience nhead
of the pockotbook; a forlorn hope, yes, us
tho protugonlst of futile tariff Iowb, but a
liopo far from forlorn considering him as
the champion of elements which refused to
hold their noses In order to vote for a, system
which temporarily controls tho destinies of
a great party.
So the President will make Mr. Palmer a
Judge, If a suitable vacancy arises. If not,
he will appoint him to soma other olTlco of
Importance. Even Mr. Palmer's political
enemies will applaud such recognition of his
ability and trustworthiness. Mr. Palmer Is
such a good Democrat that he ought to be n
No Hectoring of the President
DISRESPECT to tho President of the
United States Is disrespect to tho whole
people of the United States. There Is noth
ing that can excuse it. It behooves the Chief
Executive at all times and In all places to
maintuln and vindicate the dignity with
which ho has been clothed. The spokesman
of no delegation, white or black, of capital
ists or of laboring men, of any creed or race
whatever, can bo forgotful of this fact with
out meriting tho rebuke which ho Is certain
to receive and which he ought to receive.
The reports Indlcato that W. Monroe Trot
ter was guilty of gross Indiscretions, for
which ho was very properly reprimanded.
The case of the National Independent
Equal Rights League Is altogether different.
There can be no question that there hns
crept into tho departments nt Washington
an un-Amcrlcan attitude toward colored
people. The necessity for segregation has
been forced, wit,h the connivance of nt least
one member of the Cabinet. Tho precedent
thus set cannot endure. It simply aggra
vates a serious problem and gives It a form
which intelligent, broad-minded citizens
have labored for years to take from it. In
the service of the Government all men must
have equal privileges and equal rights.
" Know-Your-City-Better"
A GOOD show and n rolltlcal demonstra
tion In one that is the "Know-Your-City-Better"
exhibition In the City Hall
pavilion.' The little building Is an ocular
demonstration of what the Blankenburg ad
ministration is trying to do for Philadelphia.
If a citizen wants to know just what Phil
adelphia is, let him go look at that wide
spread relief map of the city, every smallest
house in Its place. If he wishes to see what
it may be, let him turn to tho model of the
proposed Parkway, n beautiful piece of work
that deservedly won a medal and a diploma
at Lclpslc, and is a foreshadowing of a still
mora beautiful reality to be.
If any citizen wants to know what the
Blankenburg administration has been doing
for him in its three years of office, let him
look at the photographs, maps and charts
that record the abolition of grudo crossings,
the waterfront and port improvements, the
creation of concrete sewers and better streets,
the "safety first" work of the health and
police bureaus, a score of such achievements,
and finally the elaborate rapid transit plans
of Director Taylor. It Is a magnificent record.
Child Labor Means National Suicide
CHILD LABOR is a prodigal and senseless
waste of national resources. No defense
of it can ever be valid. To work is the duty
of adults; to learn and to play are the In
alienable rights of childhood.
A nation depends for Its Intellectual and
commercial supremacy upon tho health of Its
population; to drain the vitality, fray the
serves and circumscribe the mental range of
the people by wearing them out before they
q$me to maturity is a clumsy method of com
mitting race suicide. Children who spend
the formative years of their Uvea in the
dreary and cramping work of milts and fac
tories are unfitted for the high and responsi
ble duties of citizenship In a republic.
"When President Qompera sets hU face rig
idly against child labor upon such broad and
sane grounds he has the support of all
ZMh .ogear and far-seeing; Americans. His position
' -'aspiary necessities of parents nor the demand
JfrT oneap moor oy employers snouia ever oe
idle wed in the. argument, Mr. Com per a gays:
"ft must be remembered that the children of
today are the future citizens of this Republic.
it is hot a question of dollars and cents, nor
f industrial supremacy, but of the future
development of the American race. If these
Diuldrea are going to take an active and
tenuity prt in the otvio and cultural life of
M United States, they must fee taken from
Hm factories." ,
Fala Sanctuary of Free Speech
r JOBP MSLJr Hie meajit anything, It f
1 meant a to. ft HtgriWlto 9t Ute UmtS-
us tor bums-n Ubertr- U thought ts aow.
gafrt, it by the Stes'e Taj, others have
mfUfOi tfee ie end by Cerat wean.
1ut tb rMfbuswus M4e of human frMftotn
tt b cfcMfc f Ue imoortaut tUny. It
h itey t W eSwrts.
ah aim could he devised limn tho public ros
trum for free speech now proposed. There
Is no moro precious American liberty than
this for which Joseph Kcls nlwnya fought.
Nothing so well assures Its non-abuse,
cither by fanatics who strain It or reac
tionaries who persecute It, as the setting
aside of a sanctuary for Its exercise, tioston
has long gloried In her Common, Philadel
phia should have her Kels Memorial.
liatl Bccnusc It's So Good
THE Mayor need not expect that Councils
will "relax In the Idea that this Is a bad
Administration." Councils knows that It Is
a good Adnilnlstintlon. That Is why Coun
cils, through Its unofllclnl publicity agent,
makes such a stupendous effort to arouse
tho contrary Impression.
There Is tho Bureau of City Property, for
Instance. City Hall Is cleaner and better
kept than over. There would not bo so much
objection to tills If It wero not for tho fact
that It costs $30,000 n yenr lens to keep It
clean than It used to cost to keep It dirty.
That means $30,000 less In sinecures an
nually. Nobody would expect tho Organi
zation to approve that kind of government.
If It kept up long enough there would be no
way to hold "the boys" In lino mid not
enough could be collected on election even
ing to make "Hall, ball, the gang's all here"
heard across Independence Squnro at mid
night. No, good government for tho people
Is superlatively bad government In the eyes
of tho Organization.
But tho Mayor need not worry. His Ad
ministration has been so notable tin achieve
ment that It has focused on this city tho
eyes of tho municipalities of tho country.
Nor aro the voters deceived. Thoy cannot be
fooled with old tricks by slclght-of-hand
Drugs and Dentil
INE Is a mocker; strong drink Is
raging; and whosoever In deceived
thereby Is not wise." If tho Biblical wilier
who penned those words lind known of tho
frightful ravages caused by drugs ho would
havo added: "Drugs are death; and whoso
ever Is mastered by them Is Insane." Tho
liquor habit Is a bondage of silk when com
pared with the iron tyranny of such things
as opium, cocaine and heroin.
No one knows this better than tho prac
ticing physician. So deeply has the medical
profession grown to feel on tho subject that
the Philadelphia County Medical Society Is
drafting a bill for tho noxt Legislature to
restrict tho sale of habit-forming drugs.
Tho salo might well bo prohibited entirely
and their use left solely to physicians, who
should administer them professionally only
In cascH of absolute necessity.
Harvard's Long-lost Playmates
BY THE time Harvnrd got ready to drop
Dartmouth and case up on Its playing
schedule It had learned Its lesson. Penn
supplied tho text: Don't drop a team after
It haB beaten you two years running. So
Harvard bided Its time, trimmed the boys
from Hanover and then leversed the eti
quette of poker by quitting n winner.
Today Harvard will doubtless recall these
things. Kor it will see the two husky
discards Joined In combat. And n. combat
it should be! Nobody but Harvard seems to
be tho loser; and even the Cambridge col
lege may well rejoice In having saved ltd
Watchdogs of Our Riches
adequate navy was a fleet or two of small
coastal craft to be used In tho defonso of our
littoral. The nation paid dearly for his attl
tudo in the War of 181L". What few Ameri
can frigates there were maintained In a
marvelous way the Integrity of tho country
on the oceans, vindicating American npt
ness for the sea. Had tho number of our
ships been at all adequate, the war would
have ended before it did, and the nation
would never have experienced the humilia
tion of the enemy tramping at will the streets
of Its capital and applying the torch to Its
The United States Is the treasury of the
world. Its Imperial cities must be guarded.
The cataclysm In Europe has proved that
men cry peace, but thero is no peace. Mara
broods over the world, sullen, insidious, des
perate. Tomorrow he may fan animosities
into fever heat. Wo must have floating bar
ricades. Our isolation makes them our sure
defense. We need not rush Into extrava
ganco or enter a mad race In urmament. But
for the richest nation of the world to be
careless In the protection of Its assets Is
Carthaglnlun folly. It invites a Znrna.
Congressman Mann is right, Mr. Hobaon
13 right nnd so. It appears, Is Senator Pen
rose. Tho nation is entitled to ndequate pro
tection, and an Administration which falls
properly in preparation for the national de
fense need expect nothing but overwhelm
ing repudiation at the polls.
Practical Gratitude
BELGIUM'S needs are more exigent than
imagination has dared to picture.
Wealthy Belgians have Just subscribed $3,000,
000, which the Relief Committee must use for
the transportation and distribution of sup
plies sent from America. The vaatnoss of the
task of feeding the famishing millions for
nearly a year will require $4,000,000 a month
In food supplies and $1,000,000 a month for
getting the food to the hungry.
Philadelphia Is nbout to send another ship
with a cargu that will be the one barrier
between thousands of women and children
and death by starvation. There must be no
pause In our charity. As the season ap
proaches when Americans turn their hearts
to the Almighty In thanksgiving for His
blessing to the nation, let every one who has
cause for gratitude manifest It by sharing
with thoie who are stricken and broken
Sympathy that is not practical is only a cheap
kind of cant.
Lorlmer pleads not guilty again.
Villa may get his triumphal entry into
Mexico City, after all.
If the suffragists of Philadelphia put a
priee on aitybedy'a head It will be on a ora
nlUm nearer home than the Kaiser's.
And now It would he Just like the hen to
tret bask at man by inventing some eemb and
ojaw disease.
The na-partlsan declaration of the suffra-
giati at HasfcvlU doesn't, however, nyj tfeef 1
eetf at patHh. ?Mr w the 11 voting States
te be reefcotted ymn.
For tine Penn-Dtittpth game tfce weath
nm ban epUd eaUy the beet weather
of the teecbali season. Eh en the players are
not likely U auarrel with it. though they
nyMWlM warm for violent exerci.
A. Mitchell Palmer Will Jic Appointed a Judge If Vacancy Occurs.
Itcport That He Would lie Attorney General Untrue Prediction
as to a Future Collection in the National Museum.
Spfdnl triilclon Corrtupondenet.
IT CAN be said with authority that
A. Mitchell Palmer Is very dear lo the
heart of tho President aitd will be conserved
by the Administration. When Mr. Molloy
nolds was appointed Assoclato Justice ot
the United States Supreme Court to succeed
Justlco Lurton nnd Mr. Gregory was ap
pointed to succeed Mr. Mclteynolds as At
torney Qenernl, It was snld nt once that Mr.
Gregory had been appointed with the under
standing that ho would resign the olllro in
older to mnko a place for Mr. Palmer In case
ho should bo defeated In his race for United
Stales Senator from Pennsylvania. It wan
a good enough story as such stories go; but
thero was absolutely no foundation for It In
fact. Tho President would not havo asked
Mr. Gregory lo tnko tho ofllro of Attorney
General with such a string tied to it, and
Mr. Gregory would not have accepted tho
ollleo on nny surh terms or on any terms
which could have reflected In nny way upon
his professional or personal character. Tho
oIlco Is not necessary to Ills standing as a
lawyer or his comfort ns a citizen; ho Is not
boholden to cither the distinction of tho
plnco or to tho salary nttaehed thereto, and
tho President knew this when ho appointed
liltn to follow Mr. Mclteynolds and appointed
him without Mitchell Palmer In tho back
part of Ills head, as tho saying goes. So
much for Mr. Gregory and for the stories
that have been told that he was only a sort
of locum tenons,
IT WAS said nt tho time Mr. Wilson was
organizing his Cabinet that Mr. Palmer
would have been quite willing lo nccept the
oinco of Attorney General and by many of
tho rnpld-IHe gucsscrs lie was slated for
that olllcc. The President Is Mild lo have
offered him Instcnd the position of Secretary
of War and that ho declined to take tho Job
becauso ho wus u Quaker and fighting was
not in his line. This story has not been
officially confirmed; nil that Is known Is that
Mr. Garrison, who was a chancellor In New
Jersey, and who would not have knowii,
probably, on sight a 42-ccntlmctcr from an
old-fashioned squirrel rifle, wus chosen for
this ofllce. It ought to be said In passing
that Mr. Garrison has mastered tho art ot
war and Is making his arm of tho service
cfllclent In a way that has surprised ail
scientific, or so to say book, soldlcis among
our land forces.
SO MUCH for Gregory and Garrison; but
what nbout Palmer? Tho President 1ms
a very high respect and admiration for the
Congressman from Pennsylvania. Ho rightly
appraises his wisdom In council, his tine
equipment ns a lawyer, 'his ability In debate,
his devotion to purty, the unselfishness of
his public service nnd his fighting qualities
as displayed In tho recent memorablo con
test for tho Senate In Pennsylvania ("you
can't make It too strong." said one of the
President's trusted advisers yesterday), nnd
ho will be provided for In tho distribution or
the Iron crosses of the Administration.
Ho will not be appointed Attorney Gen
eral, as that offlco 13 already filled to the
satisfaction of the President and tho coun
try, but ho will be appointed to tho llrst
vacancy on tho Federal bench In Pennsylva
nia, In recognition of his fitness for tho place
"Going on a bender" was nn old slang
phraso to signify the nlcoholtc stote of tho
bendeo. How It originated Is not known,
but Putnam's Monthly of August, 1854, dig
nifies the phrase with this llttlo verse:
I met her nt tho Chinese room;
She wore n wreath of roses.
She walked In beauty llko tho night.
Her breath was like sweet posies.
I led her through tho festal hall,
Her glance was soft and tender;
Sho whispered gently In my car.
"Say, Mose, ain't this n bender?"
Joseph Addison, tho English essayist,
used the pseudonym "Clio." When he wrote
a mnnuscrlpt In tho city ho nnnotated it
with n "C"; when In London. "IV; when
in Islington, where he lived. "I." and when
In his omce, "O," the whole spelling Clio.
The word "gauntlet" in "to run tho gaunt
lot" Is Improperly used. Tho word should
be "gauntelope." Phillips, In his "World of
Words," tells us that "to run the gauntelope"
Is a punishment among soldiers; tho of
fender having to run, with his back naked,
through the whole regiment, and to re
ceive a lash from a switch from every sol
dier. It Is derived from Gant (Ghent), n
town of Flanders, where the punishment was
Invented, and tho Dutch word lope, run
ning. When n man Is debilitated from the effects
of the previous night's debauch, ho la fre
quently counseled to take "a hair of tho
dog that bit him," the meaning being that
he should tako a little of the same kind of
liquor that had upset him. The saying Is
a remnant of an old superstitious belief that
the burnt hair of a dog was an antidote
against the 111 effects of Intoxication. In
a song of the date 1650 the following verse
"If any so wise Is. that sack he despises,
Let him drink his small beer and be
sober: . . ....
And while we drink nnd sing, ns If it
were spring. , n L t
He shall droop like the trees In October.
But be sure overnight, If this dog do
you bite.
You may take It henceforth for a
warning, . ,
Soon as out of your bed, to settle your
head, . , ,,
Take a hair of his tall In the morning."
Ancestral Bible leaves I turn.
On ancient yellow page discern
Some trace of birth, but can't acquire
The name of my great, great grandsire.
(So small the band
Bach generation,
That can withstand
The ink is pale, the pae is marred,
Good Book, you safely now may guard
His little epan of Incarnation,
Alj record gone of appellation.
nils fate the same
As millions more.
Time swept his name
On chartless shore.)
But h! the reading lens I bring
And feeus brilliant, lighted rmr,
Read name, and date, of death and birth, v
Of one who lens has passed from earth.
(When ages pile
Qht may I shun
A little while s
ie written Use can be evesed.
. - a.,d.4 .la., ta aft AIoomA.
Sut goodly lives, their ooh run.
Vrom worthy sire through better sen
CTU Good shall blend
With nun te bless.
And Bvll end
In righteousness )
-wait k Meant, in the MM 4.ufc
and not ns a reward for IiIb political services,
which nhs great, but for which ho asks nhd
would receive no reward. There is at this
time no vacancy on the Federal bench In
Pennsvlvniila, but It is not unlikely that
there will be, nnd the President has Mr.
Palmer In mind for tho first place that offers.
In tho event that thero shall be no vacancy
of this sort, It Is certain that Mr. Palmer
will bo taken care of In some other ofllce of
honor and Influence) nnd service In tho Gov
ernment. What It will bo has not been
divulged, but tho President would not caro
to lose the services of so clenn, able and high
minded a man to the country.
IT WAS said yesterday by authority that
tho President fully appreciates tho sacri
fice made by Mr. Palmer in his rnce for Sen
ator In Pennsylvania; that ho docs not think
that tho man who led so forlorn n hope
should be overlooked In the distribution of
high places not ill the nature of reward, but
ns a recognition of merit, unci that ho will
take tho first opportunity to express In a sig
nal way his sense of what tho public owes to
men who aro ready to sacrlllco themselves
for tho public hootl.
It will not bo Attorney General Palmer,
but If the clinnce conies it will bo Judge
Palmer, und that would bo better really, as
tho service of tho former would hu passing
nnd tho service of tho latter enduring. Jti
Palmer has been nt tho bar for 21 years, and
ho Is well equipped for tho bench. His mind
really runs In tho wny ot Justlco rather than
In the ruts of politics. He is Just now In the
height of his powers, and It would bo a pity
to spoil him In partisan politics. Hln famil
iarity with legislative mntters would mnko
him nil tho better judge of tho laws when
sitting In tho seat ot Judgment. The Presi
dent knows him like a book; known what he
did at Baltimore, when tho fate of the party
hung In tho balance; knows what ho did dur
ing tho recent long session of Congress and
how well It was done: knows how courageous
he Is, how unsclllsli and devoted In all his
aims; knows how ho would resent any sug
gestion that he had been working for per
sonal honor and gain and not sincerely for
tho public good, and he will tako caro of hlrn
now Hint ho hns fallen outsldo . 'o breast
works In the cause ot clean politics nnd good
THE President's secretary, Mr. Tumulty. Is
greatly encouraged by the result of the
recent elections, thinks It nothing short of
remarkable that things should havo turned
out so well and ngiecs wholly with the opin
ion expressed by Scnntor Swnnson that what
ever may happen tho United States Senate
will bo securoly Democratic until 1821. Tho
snino opinion Is held by Postmaster General
Burleson, who has figured It nil out by pure
mnthcmutlcs, and seven years Is a long time
in American polities. By 1921 tho only speci
mens of tho Bull Mooso will bo found, along
with tho Colonel's other collection, In the
National Museum, under the Berryman desig
nation, "Alecs Progresslvus," and with the
Senate on ono side and the Housu changing
its political complexion possibly from time to
time on tho other, tho country will havo the
satisfaction, It 13 hopod, ot fewer laws nnd
better laws. RANDALL.
A few years ago the short-lived Socialist
administration of Mllwaukoo tried the ex
periment of municipal dance halls. .So far
as can now bo ascertained, they accom
plished what they wero meant to do. They
supplied a plnco of amusement entirely clear
of any sinister moral Influence. Rum nnd
the debauchee wero barred, while rhythmic,
happy exercise was obtainable at a reason
able prlco and under self-respecting con
ditions. Chicago is to take up the venture where
Mllwaukco left off. Five municipal danco
halls, under tho direction of tho city's De
partment of Public Welfare, will be opened
early next month, Mayor Harrison hns an
nounced. Tho City Council, at tho Mayor's
request, recently appropriated ?5000 for tho
project. Mayor Hnrilson believes tho danco
halls will be self-supporting, as a small ad
mission will bo charged and soft drinks and
other refreshments will bo sold.
Fifty years ago the proposal would havo
scandalized our grandparents. Now, with
danco halls in worse reputo than then, tho
proposal of tho municipality's directing
them causes next to no adverse comment.
We have nt last learned the necessity of
The battle of Waterloo is a succession of
crises; it wan the turning point in the lives
of Napoleon, of Ney, of Wellington and of
the countries they represented. Wellington's
crisis came at tho old btouo chateau of
Hougomont. Tho Allies had already been
pushed back at Quatro Brns. Their posi
tion at La Haye Salnto was captured. Na
poleon realized that If he could once pivot
his army on tho hill occupied by the Hougo
mont castle, ho could turn his left and attack
Wellington's right flank. His army was
small, but It was infinitely better trained
than the army of the Allies. He therefore
determined to send his choicest troops, un
der Prince Jerome.
Wellington was not unaware of the crucial
Importance of the hill of Hougomont. He
had sent to hold it the detachment of the
Coldstream Guards, with orders that they
were to dlo before giving up the castle.
Twelve thousand men were launched against
the half-dilapidated castle, with only loop
holes for the rifles of the defenders. The
French were pushing against the very walls
of the chateau. Wellington had given or
ders to James Macdonnel, colonel of the
guards, that in such an event n sortie must
be made. Out went the guards, bayonets
leveled, and for a few minutes they pushed
back the French. But as they retreated Into
the castle again the French dashed up In a
mad charge, closing In on the defenders so
closely that they did not have time to close
the gate. There was perhaps a moment of
advantage to the retreating guards.
That moment meant the victory of the
day, and it was taken to the utmost by two
Englishmen, Colonel Macdonnel nnd Ser
geant Graham, who stepped quietly forward
under the galling Are of tho French and
slammed the heavy gate to. Once closed,
they were never opened until the French at
taok had ended.
Wellington said afterward that closing the
gate was the bravest deed he had ever wit
nessed or heard of. It was that deed which
turned the Waterloo decision in his favor,
Still to be Feared
From the Ohio State Journal. "
" The gnawing fear is that, when Unele Joe
Qannen. Mr. McKjBley and Niek Lnng-wprth re
JJn Senator Penrose In public life and resume
central charge of our UbertitJi, K Will develop
that their experience in the outer darkness
hasn't chastened 'em any more than a rabbit,
Fale of the Moe
fiom the SDrlncAeM fUnnetLee.
j t wgg etr months age that, if reaction came,
the new i'roKreskive party woukl. puffer e
Wtly. For the Progresses party, to a degree,
was the culminating political xpresiou of the
radical movement which had been forcing reiu--aMlen
of Ua claims b all pat tie for don
rente. Ha4tcllea was the eupfewe tepee uder
President Roosevelt, and it destroyed tjie Tart
Administration the moment Mr. Tnfl ' d" 'on
to the Progressive cause fell under Pjn:
The long-tlnift opposition was suddenly wept
back Into power under radical auP , mm
the Wilson Administration has. In reality. t)n
desperately engaged In clinching, us best "
could, so much of the radlcAl program ns
possible betote the onruehlng tide of reaction
Should become Irrcfilstlblo.
Republican Progressivism
from the New York Globe.
That the progressive elements In some way
will take command ot the Republican party
does Hot seem open to doubt. It Is to be re
membered In this connection that political pro
gressivism, as the term is now used, orlglnaieu
within tho Republican pnrty-wlth the group
calling themselves "Insurgents" that arose some
yeats ngo. Practically every reform that outer
parties hao since raced to adopt whs devel
oped by them. Control of corporations, direct
primaries, conservation, enforcement of tne
nntl-trust laws-all these and many like mem
were specialties of the Republican Insurgents
when Colonel ltoosovelt was but partially edu
cated, and President Wilson was teaching semi-
torjlsni nt rrlnceton, ami Mr. ryn ""
futllely waged titrce foolish campaigns-each
on an 1-ssuo that ho wns compelled to abandon.
Contributions That Reflect Public Opin
ion on Subjects Important to City,
Stale anil Nation.
To the Kdllor o the EvtAng Lcdgeri
Sir-As an American whose ancestors have
boon In this country Blnce tho early part ot
the Inst century, which ancestry happened to
be Ooinian Jewish, nntl as one whoso nearest
approach to any religion Is Hint of tho Jowhn.
I wish to protest most strenuously against the
nnlnuii (I will not sny "picJudlco"-the arti
cle nntl even drawing do not nppenr to niti
prejudiced) of tho artlclo with the title "Lternal
Trngcdy of Jow Theme of Yiddish Drama, ami
the accompanying sketches,
Any attempt whatever nt seriousness on the
stage in these days of desuetude of the Ameri
can drama Is a thing of commendation In the
highest degree. I liavo witnessed but one pro
duction on the Jewish stnge-tlmt of tho
"Merchant of Venice." by Jacob Adlcr and I
must honestly state that, compared with Mr.
Adler's Shylock, tho Into Sir Henry Irving s
wns ns a pnsto diamond Is lo n genuine gem;
nntl Mr. Ir lug's Shylock was a peculiarly
pathetic nntl humano creation. The attitude
ot the audience Is n compliment to the author
of tho piny rather than "a Mudy In mob psy
chology worthy of Mucnsterburg," and cannot
have been much other (except, perhaps, that
It wns moro sincere) than was wont to sway
tho nnlvo souls of the melodramatic denizens
of tho Tenderloin In tho good old National In
tho merry dnjs of ore.
The lotto ol the urllclo Is too paltonlzlns. It
Hatters too much the Ignorance of your read
ers. It it on n par with tho tone of patroniz
ing lemlcis that cull attention In "starving
Belgium" .ind forgot to call attention to how
much misery and suffering and want und priva
tion nro cnuicd by a rotten political and social
syfctcm right In these United States. It might
be a good thing for us If come thrifty alien
stock tho Ilclclnns themselves, for Instance
wtro assimilated Into tho race. I hope
you will not neglect to publish tills.
M. K. M.
Philadelphia, No ember 12.
To the Uditor of the Evening Lcduer:
Sit In Mr. Samuel aompers address on tho
necessity of "health protection" for tho work
ers, he Implies that the means to that end Is
a six-hour day. Ot course, labor might bo
abolished altogether, but that wouldn't bo at
all moro cfllcacloua. It Isn't work that ener
vates, except In tho very rare casoB, witero
there is really too much of It. or In cases where
tho nature of the toll Is extraordinarily wear
ing. It is worry that enervates and wears
people out. That is one of the reasons why
the American Federation of Labor should try
to Becuro tho adoption ot workmen's compen
sation laws In tho States which aro still with
out them. The fight for laws, wnlch mnko
wnge-earners moro confident of the future wel
fnro of themselves and their families, which
makes them moro secure against tho menaces
of old ngo or disease or nccldcnt. Is more Impor
tant than tho fight for n six-hour day.
Philadelphia, November 13.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Sir Perhaps there Is a mall box of some
sort on the loneourse ot lite Reading Terminal
Station, but I haven't found It yet. Even the
suburbanite mails letters once In a while, whllo
the ordinary traveler frequently finds It neces
sary to get hold of Uncle Sam's carriers. In
stead of Its being tho easiest thing In the world
to mnll a letter where the trains run that
enrry such things, you havo to hunt all over
the place ror a letter dox. surety mo i-osi-offlco
Department can afford better accommo
dations. PAUL, ItlNGBH.
Wnylio Junction, November 13.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Sir People who rule aro almost always Ideal
istic In their conceptions of tilings economic.
The reason for It is because their life Is not
practical enough, using the pen to show how
to do tilings, whllo others Ubo muscle and
grain to actually do things. Statesmen under
take to figure out on paper what cannot be
dona hi practice, and In consequence govern
ment laws or policies hurt more than they
help Industry.
Philadelphia, November 13.
A big Chicago merchant, commenting on the
business situation, rental ks that "The trouble
lies In the frame of mind of the large financial
Interests who nit on their money bags and
shout panic." There Is less and lets of that,
however, as business developments give the
lie to forecasts of disaster. Tacoma Tribune.
Reassuring features of the business situa
tion are the remarkable Increase In exports
and indications that American debts abroad
will be settled without the necessity of further
shipments of gold to Europe at present. Ac
cording to estimates made by the Department
of Commerce, exports In October amounted to
f200.000.000. The trade balance In favor of this
country was CO,0O0,0O0, a gain of fti.OOO.OOO, over
September. Rochester Post-Express.
Regardless of election, the principal legisla
tion of the 63d Congress will remain in the
statute books for many a day. The currenoy
bill will not be repealed, nor the Income tax bill,
nor the Federal Trade Commission bill, nor the
Clayton anti-trust bill, nor the labor bill, nor
the Alaska railroad bill, nor the seamen's bill.
Nor will there be an upward revision of the
tariff. Nor will there be any repudiation of
the "watchful waiting" policy or alteration of
the Administration's peace-wlth-alNthe-world
program. Hartford Post.'
By dally consular reports, by allowing banks
to establish branches abroad, by admitting for.
elgn ships lo American registry the Federal
Government facilitates trade Intercourse with
South America, Manufacturers are bestirring
themselves in the face of new opportunities.
Through associations and conferences with tho
Department of Commerce, through schools of
commerce, through advertising and foreign
agents they are adapting their several plants to
South American needs. New York Press.
Just now Rusela would feel a bit more com
fortable In the region of the Caueas.ua had she
treated her Persian neighbors with a little more
deeeney and had made a friend Instead of a
bitter enemy of the most enlightened and pro
gressive of Moslem nations. Cleveland Plain
The Progressives should have learned from
Belgium the danger of trying to" be neutral
between the big nghters PWlda Times-Union.
If men wW go after business in the usual
manner, having due regard for the safeguards
hwejness will take yre of him in like manner
But it is certain that if one undertake to carry
on business while he is Ailed with unnecessary
fear he cannot be es suicennful as he would be
If he should discount bU fears in the beginning
and go after It iu a safe and sane manner
CohMubuH Enquirer -Bun.
A little group 1 S
silently In the anww em. InMd i.
surgeon. YaB.,Mndm Thoro was no sound
iVlthtSoSI,,teno command of the
SroupTr sncennPaedlnto the hall.
Thci followed. . .
Tl).ClU is her- l ey " n WM one
of"it,0omanU.a0ny,-en wTo Tnot believe In
dWIiri.-PhoOPae-'dle?" The aulvering voice
moro kindly. silence. Tho sur-
Kcl ?orPdbnhSrmC.ehut ono of
"Vo0 yo.."amtnd Explaining, docton" he
asked, "why a case of appendicitis should he
""Certainly not," said tho surgeon. "Your
about one of his ribs.
The Paradox of Winter
Ml-Min. lldh fffotlfnot
Kor all who venture lnt,basem.entrileftepnnd
And o'er n madd'nlng furnace rave and
For him who Is without the SoWcnpcK
For hired men, and does tho work himself.
For those whose dealings with tho janitor
Are threats of dire deeds or open war.
And all the logic that n man may get
Shall not destroy this truth, nor yet upset
The basic soundness of tho words wo speak.
Nor show wherein our statement may be
Then to the paradox, ye who may reaA
Hark to our statement nnd our message
Whose home's not coaled, wo do contend, Is
Who would bo warm, his dwelling must be
Add Intransitive Verbs
Speed (on a Philadelphia street car)
Or Words to That Effect
Belgium, according to somo dispatches,
objects to tho failure of England to come
to her rescue In time.
Indicating that the British don't care n
Continental, as It were, about tho war.
The War of Words
Commend us to tho peaceful war In which
the shells aro words.
Enough, If one desire, to fill up a bulky
volume; . , ..
The war that harms tho world no moro than
caroling of birds.
We mean the lettcrs-lo-tho-papcr colyum.
An III Wind, Etc.
"My wife's parents havo como to live
with us."
"Hard luck, old man. ;
"Oh, I don't know; sho cant threaten to
go home to mother any more."
! If Germany Wins
lltiy n big gun and help the Krupps.
A Matter ofMatching
The head stenographer
was a blonde
"She had to do it." explained the office
boy; "dnrk hair looks flat against this new
mahognny offlco furniture."
Wartime Gilbert and Sullivan
(As sunn &! the Allies.)
Tito flowers that bloom in the spring, tra-la,
Have nothing to uo wun mo case.
He's trying to envelop our wing, tra-la.
The most unattractive old thing, tra-la.
We'd like to get out of this place,
Wo'd like to got out of this place,
And Hint's what wo mean when we say or wo
Oh, bother tho flowers that bloom In the
Tra-la-la-la- la Boom ! Tra-la-la-la-la
The howitzers boom In the spring.
(An aung by the Germans.)
They aro tho rulers of tho sea.
At least they think they be.
Their fleet hangs off ten miles away.
But our U-nlnes get them every day;
And thouch their banner nroudly flaunts.
Wo'vo scared out their sisters and their
cousins and their mints.
Their sisters and their cousins und their
(As sung Vy a Cockney prisoner of war.)
I sit and I loaf and I smoke,
The cullies treat me nice;
I sure am the luckiest bloke,
(Jetting caught In this here pllcc.
The company here Is werry select
And proud as an Oxford Don,
And that Is something I didn't expect
When I first put this uniform on.
Elucidating a Mystery
From the general trend of tho news, we
should judge that it was the Russian army
wnicn put tne crack in Cracow.
With Gorman submarines In the straits
of Dover, Britain has a Deal to worry about.
Accuracy First!
Found Oct. 27, a black mare, weight
about 1E00 pounds; two hind feet. Owned
answer, pay charges. II. Tetley Brother.-a
ao. in uetrott Tribune.
Between, Calls
"Peanuts!" calls the train
"Have no teeth, egad!"
Muttered Mister Toothless.
"Gum drops!" cried the lad
From the Cub's NotebooV
"Government red tape" is a phrase familiar
to the public. Its true meaning, however, can
be appreciated only by an employe of or a;
person wno nas aeaii wun a r etierai aepun-
A striking Illustration of the working of the id
vermilion ribbon is furnished in the follow!
Prior to tho change of executives from lie?
puDiican to JJemocrauc a wan clock, protiamt
not at nil in favor of the nrosnective revoj
lutlon, stopped. As the time of filing varlouy
uovernment documents is recorded, the cio
was needed for more than merely announcing
tne opening ana closing time of the aeparu
menvs nusiness. "Ken. tape" forbade any pe
sou to pay for the needed repairs unless au
thorized by Washington. So the Collector i
the Port wrote to the Secretary of the TreaM
ury ana imormea nun or the ciock 8 ""
cjuency. in repiy ne was instructed to pr
pare plans and SDeclflcatlons and auba
them to the Treasury Department for IB
provai. inis was aone. ana from wasmg
ion an oraer was issued to advertise for n
posals for repairing the timepiece, Ad
tisements were prepared, approvedrand E
mitigated. Bids were received, two in nil
ber, and submitted to Washington to
u. u. a.
Instead of the O. 1C lliora mma a. me
that inadvertently the advertisements
been legally incorrect in technicality. It
necessary to hezin oil avtr ucain. In the I
one of the two bidders, a local company
vumi ius contract, nxed tne clueK ana
muuo a mil tor W cents.
nea tape" made it require near
month's lime and th xrvaml!tnr of U
as much as tiie job cost in postage, bad
viwiwruiueui not Been using its r
wi.wic, n sy noiniug or toe wsti
MtertkMwaent and stalloutij.
te L "& fe'
BES.SSra,23fi5UA. - agawL. :sa-a-CPjaw,.MBrlf -s