n-sssg? prr- EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, 'NOVEMBER 13, 1914. MAY SOON ALLOW LIMITED TRADING ON N. Y. EXCHANGE Financial Community Has Word That Transactions Will Be Permitted on Floor in Many Bonds, That nuthorltles of the New Tork Stock Exthnnne arc nrrnnfilnft to resume bust iiesi goon with limited trndtnB was the word the 3trect hud today. It Wns sftM that nn order will sfiortlv be Issued per mitting trntisnctlons In Oovctnment, pub lic utilities, murilclpnt nhd a number of other bonds on the board room floor. Brokers hold thnt action of this sArt would only bo natural. In view of the improved situation and the cuttlnc down of restrictions of trading, both In thin elty and New York. It can no longer be sold now thnt the Improvement In the situation Is ptocecdlnK quietly, rather the changes for betterment aro at times very pronounced. All the markets today were active and vtronic with bids on the new street curb or Union Pacinc at tllVi, llrooklyn llrtpld Transit at 80, United States Steel common At 47, Pennsylvania at 103 and Itcadlns at 131 without reaching a supply. After midday further advances were made In the open Becurlty markets. Head Inpr was In demand at 137, with none for sale at thnt price, llrooklyn Rapid Tran sit bids were advanced to 80i. Other quotations were Amalgamated, 45M: Erie, 34tt! Southern Pncltlc, E0V4, and Tennessee Copper, 2W. Further material gains were made by Standard Oil Issues on the curb. Prairie Oil, which a few days ago sold for 310, continued Its upward movement and sold nt 375, Standard Oil of Nebraska was quoted at 305 bid. Standard Oil of Indiana nt 45S and 4S3 and Ohio Oil at 1G3 and ItSfifiS. There nns llrm tone to tho curb Industrials, with British Tobacco at 3CKC1C. Pront Sharing ut 12ft and Hiker liegeman at 7. There was a supply of both call and time money at 614 per cent. In New York far iri excess of the demand; Kuhn, Loeb and Company have reduced all of their call loans to 6'4 per cent, nnd New York Institutions today loaned 4 months' money at BJi per cent. The publication of quotations and the unrestricted buying of public utility securities caused general Improvement. Tho preferred stock of tho Common wealth Power, Hallway and Light Com pany advanced Hi points over yesterday's close, American Light nnd Traction com mon gained S points In bid price, Ameri can Cns and Electric advanced 2 pblnts In b'- tfrlco In as many days, Western Power common Improved and Cities Scr vlco was unchnnged. A seat on the New York Stock Ex change was sold for r38,000. an ndvanco of ?IOOO from tho last previous sale. F"or n soat on tho New York Cotton Exchange $9000 was bid, compared with n sale at JS00O yesterday and the last previous sale of J7000. The approaching chnnge from the pres- Ant national bank to the Federal rescrvo. system will necessitate changes In tho 'ow York bank statement, and tho state ment tomorrow will bo the last under tho present method. More Inquiries were nbtcd In the local market today. Tho Inquiries, however, were more for hoiuls than stocks, al though Severn! sales of stocks were made. TJ. O. I. sold at 78, Pennsylvania nt KPi arid Philadelphia Eleotrlc was quoted nt llMtSUj. Heading general mortgage 4s were quoted 9qWi91, Pennsylvania 4s, WIS, 9Si9til, Northern Pacific 4s 891iSS!?i. And Norfolk and "Western convertible 4'As w?isno'4. FINANCIAL BRIEFS New Yqrk banks lost to the Subtreas ury yesterday J2 278,009 and since Friday have lost 115.778,000, Ttock Island bonds deposited with the i committee ycaieruay were ewo.uw, maK- jiig- mo mini iu umo tw.v.vjj, ana in cluding the $7,200,000 deposited In Holland the total Is 47,223,009. The New Jersey Public Utility Com mission has granted permission to the Public Service Oaa Company, one of the operating subsidiaries of the Public tictv Ice Corporation, to Issue $730,000 addi tional capital stock. The special committee of five of tho Boston Stock Exchange has ruled that members desiring to veil securities may submit orders to the committee whether or not any real necessity exists. Tho restrictions as to limits remain as here tofore. The Chicago Clearing House Committee Jias voted to. call In for -cancellation 113. 3X5,000 Clearing House certificates which have been In use slnco the beginning of the European war. The Eighth National Dank retired all the emergency currency held by It, Amounting to $105,000, 'at the Subtreasury. "The National Bank of Germantown re tired J15.000. TO OPEN COTTON EXCHANGE "Unrestricted Trading Will Be Re sumed In New York Monday, NBV YORK, Nov. W.-The governing committee of the New York Cotton Ex. change announced today that the cotton market would reopen on Monday. Tho uecision oi nt governing committee was read from the rostrum by the president of th exchange, who announced trading would be unrestricted. With the opening of the curb market fand the cotton exchange the New York TBtock Exchange s nqw the only big fcAmerlcnn market that still remains closed fn eeeount of the war. Action regarding sine atocK tfxenango will depend to a KIAge extent upon the course adopted by Gthe governors of the London Stock Ex f change relative to the future of that in. atltutlon. 9000,000 TOB COTTON POOI. Phllaelphla Contribution Will Not Exceed This Sum. Philadelphia's enntrlhuMnn in tu.. .it OQ0.GQO national cotton nnnt .m .A. .- determined, exactly until the boards of director of the subscribing banks ratify ftfc sum agreed Upon at yesterday's I'flHrrBiw-jr lucctuiji, una ,evi It. Hue, rMjaeiw or tne rnnaaeiphla. National iUk arid chairman of the commit) : the fund, today fh sum will nor b le h.M t iwiam Laud not more than W.ooo.qoo," si4 Mr Rue; "The subscriptions yesterday wjre I .., Vj fiKncuuiuiGf ws ins eanKs ana twt cumpantes subject to tbV approval n (csiiiiT iHMtras or directors. f nt tjn4 unlee the entire JIS6,- .- .-uf ,. i ttf ih juesfffil or "' " faenH Jftssrva rd l Washington autlnr IdJi.u,.. ilty" " lhM44pWs,'s quola wlsiesUy was t t hui 8cs)wss W 4 auutf vs ttiHrsuy s9tS3Sair5 7wStmSm SUGGESTS PLAN TO OPEN NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Percy K. Chandler Recommends Mor atorium and Guarrmten Fund. A btond plnn for tho reopening of the Stock Hxchanrfo Is suggested by Percy M. Chandler, of Chandler llros. & Co., In n letter which he has written to V. C. Van Antwerp, n member of tho Govern ing Committee Of tho NoW York Stock Exchange. "I think wc aro all agreed that the problem, In n brottdsense, Is threcfdld," says Mr, Chandler, pointing out tho three problems ah follows: "Protection of tho foreign exchange situation due to heavy liquidating sales by foreign holders; somn cooperative effort by pool, or otherwise, for the organized support of the mnrket, and 'h" adjustment of tho collateral lonu situation In such a way as not to force Immediate liquidation by weak holders." "Assuming Hhat tho Hi st two factors nro beliu, or will be, satisfactorily solved by the International bankers nhd larger Interests on or before the opening of the exchange," says Mr. Chandler, "tho fol lowing plan might avoid tho dangers of the third problem: "Establishment of a moratorium of loans for a pqrlod of SO dnya, more or less, from tho dnto of the reopening of the Stock Echangc. "An assessment on all collateral loans a ITected by Block otchnngo operations of, say, 2 per cent, to be charged directly against the borrower or his clients, tho same as nny other enrtyim l)iirgc. Tills, on nn estlmotcd J700.OCO.000 of collateral loans, would net a guaiantee fund of $14,000,000. "No loans to eomo within the guar antee fund except those cnrrjlng n 20 per cent, margin at the time of tho re opening of tho Exchange, based ort the olllclal or closing prices of July 30, 1314." FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD CONSIDERS DISCOUNT RATES All Banks Heard From ns to What Suits Them Best. , WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. Discount and rediscount rates to be fixed by the Federal reserve banks foimed tho subject for con sideration today by the Federal Hcscrvo IJourd. Approval of theso rutes Is sought, or dellnltc rates fixed In order that the Federal reserve banks may enter Into uctlvo business relation with .member banks of tho Ilrot day of opening tho regional reserve system, November 16. All reserve banks have been heard from ns to what rntea woutd bo best for their particular section, and It now remains for the Federal Ileservo Hoard cither to fix these rates or approve the suggestions made. An announcement of tho action taken by the board Is expected Imme diately. As purely routine matters have been under consideration by tho board tho Inst week, nn opportunity could not be taken by members to confer with Sir George l'alsh, of the English Treasury. BANKS LOSE CASH Loss of New Tork Institutions in "Week Was ?2O,500,OOO. NEW YOUK. Nov. 13.-Tho reported movements of currency this week Indi cate a loss In cash by banks of $20,594,000, largely due to retirement of emergency currency nnd shipment of gold on account of New York city rnnturltlos. " Banks received from Interior $14,414.00) nnd shipped to interior J5.6J7.000. Gain from Interior was $7,757,000. Ordinary dls bujsements by Subtrcnsury were $20,061, 000. Payments by banks for customs, Internnl revenue, retirement of untlonal bank notes, etc., were $36,389,000, showing a loss on Subtreasury operations proper of $15,423,000. This made a net loss by banks of $20,090,000. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Bun and Tides Sun rlica.... 0:42 a.m. Sun sets.... 4:40 p.m. PHILADELPHIA. High water. U:3l n.m. I High vter,10:lT p.m. Low water.. 4:28 a m. Low wutcr.. 4:S3 p.m. ItEEDY I8LAND. High water. 11:40 n.m. I High water. 7.0(1 p.m. Low water.. 12:111 n.m. Low water.. 1:11 p.m. UrtL'AKWATEP.. High water. .1:&4 a.m. I High water. 4. in p.m. Law water,. 0:58 a.m. Low water.. 10. 17 p.m. Vessels Arriving Today Rtr. New Sweden (Swed.). nothenhurg via, Newport Newa, merchandise, Sweden-Norway Lino. Str. Anthony a roves, llnltlmore. paaiengers ami merchandise, Erleiuon Line. Str. Conrad Mohr (.N'ur.), Itargcn, etc., bal last. Joaeph C. Gabriel. Str. Tordenakjold (Nor.). llnltlmore, lallait. Str. Nor. (.Nor.), New York, ballast, Y. J. Grandrield. Vessels Sailing1 Today Sir. 01ucppe O. (ItaJ.), rnsclonl, Qaheaton, L. RubtlU'a Sona. Str, J. L. Luckcnbacli. Head, San Pedro and San Krancltco la Now York, Luckenbach Btramihlp Company. Str. Herman Traach. dray, New York, riillln Hatzell. Str. Pawnee, Rich, New York, Clyda Steam ship Company. , 8tr. Anthony drovee. Baltimore. Erlcaaon Sclir. Dorothy Hell. Sharp. IIiana nnd S!tanta, 'A. D. Cummins & Co. Hchr. Thomaa H. Lawrence, llona, Hock land, A. D. Cummins & Co. Steamships to Arrive PAasENonn. Name. From. Date. Taormtna. (lenoa ..Nov, 4 Mongolian Llerpool Nov, 10 rriEIOHT. Name. From. Sailed. r .i ...............CopcnlMBtn ,,,.Oct, la Danla ,,,.Copnihaten . ...Dct. 17 Oakland! Orange...... Hcr.leaux Oct. Id Torne .,,,, l.ulea ...Oct. 31 Cilckitt .,Ean Franclco.,Oct. it Ano ....... ..........Crlttobat Oct. 22 Virginian ,..;;,",": .Illlo Oct. S3 Amitcldyk ............Itotterdam .....Oct. 1-.' Henry Tcnger ,..,..,,Trom ,..,.Oct. .'1 Hrtptroa ., ......I'ort Natal Oct. S3 Adrlatlo ..;..,, ...;...Newcitte. N. R.Oct. 5a Monsaldala ,..,,, .....lluelva ..Oct. -'10 start Point ,,,..,,.,. .London ,,...,,.Oct. .11 Mlaspurl ...,.,f., London Oct. 2! Virginia Lelth , ...Oct. .11 Lltonla ,,,lult ,. ,..0:t. :it Oullo t'uar ....... ...Molna ,.,,,.,,Oct..11 aiullo Ceaar ........ ilrlna Oct. St UJorgvin .............. tloihrnburg ...Nov. 1 VlnUml ..............Mtilro ,Nov. ,. Prudent Flume Nov. 4 America. Barren ,.,.,,, .Nov, i l'ruden Plum , . Nov. -I John D- Rockefeller. Copenhagen ...Nov. .1 Finn '. , ..Huelva ...... Nov. 8 Maqcbeiter Sillier. ...'.Mancheiter ....Nov. n Tkeadala Jamaica. Nov. a Finrelan.l ...., ,,.Hhlrld Nov. In Ctbao .Tort Antonio.,. Nov. 10 Hul'iti I'olnt Ixndon Nov. II Palllnrton ...........Santiago Nov, U Steamships to Xeave PASSENOEn. Name. For. Data. Iterlnn TJierpool .....VAv. la llaterford ., ....Llvarpool .... Nov. Its FRKJOltT. Wet Point ,, London ...... Nov. 13 AmaUldyk ........... .notterdaoi .....Nov. 17 Virginia (..,,..Cspcnluigen ....Nov. IS New Brrdtn.,,,.......CIirlt!au!a ....Nov. II Cattrlno , ....Tendon ...Nov. 14 Linda Fell Nhnca Nov. Uaneheatar lSichang..Manehtiter ....Nov. 18 Blandford Tuharg Nov. !IUourl .....Ijnden Nov. SI UJorgvin .ChiUtlanla ....Nov. 21 PEACE RUMORS UPSET CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET Intermediate Period, How ever, Shows Weak Turn and a Susceptibility to Bearish News. CHICAGO. Nov. 13. Pence minora to day turned n promising early mnrkot for wheat Into a somewhat demoralised rtf falr. There was, however, an Inter mediate period which showed wheat turning weak and susceptible to any thing approaching; bearish news. It had fhlled to rally ,much for May delivery nlthough showing fair gain for Decern bcr 1, desplto the fact that cash prices gnlncd, lie on futures since yesterday. . Country sales again wcro small nnd "there was liberal export selling of wheat here, nt tho gulf and In the northwest, Winnipeg Included. Tho latter reported tile export to be the best on tho crop thus far. Cash Bales wero 600,000 bush .els, all for export, ilradstrect's reported the exports of wheat and Hour for tho week nt S,Zi9,64l btishcts nnd for the seaeon 133,100.76 bushels. Corn sold oft because of fine weather for curing and marketing of the new crop atid on the advance In husking opera tions. Home export business was don by local people, but the details were kept quiet. Leading futures ranged ns follows: Yen. Wheat- Open. High. Iiw, flnso. cluac. December .. l.IS'4 1.1I1V4 1.14 1.14 H.l.vi .May !.! LSI?, l.SU tl.i'Uk l.!5 Corn (new delivery) December .. illi'i IttVi IW'l IfiSK trot May 72it 72', 71A 171. t72' Oata December .. 4t)T( r.0'4 4nu tlDS, 'inj, Hay M?, 61 MI (A.Vl'i t.VI Noemoer ..11..13 ttt.R2 11.40 Jnnuary ...,10.(10 10.M 10.4S '1D.4T H.',7 Xlnr 10,02 lO.W 10.00 MO.OO 10.70 Jamiarj- ...10.I17 10..1T 10.17 '10.23 10.33 May 10.00 10 0.", 10 80 10.07 tlMM JenuarV ..'1H.21 10.23 10.02 '10.2O 10.40 May 10 73 10.75 1U.S0 tl0.03 10.77 Bid. f Asked. MUCH BETTER TONE . SHOWN IN BUSINESS DURING LAST WEEK Virtually All Lines of Local Trade Improved Prices of Leather High Collec tions Good. Start Point. ........... Lorulon. toiinni (lasgc i-eim .Nov. 21 .Ncv.aj DIVIDENDS DBaiuiRED UldtlU Watt Ullllttaa Cqwsany. rtguUr quariarljr JlO im pmAtTad. pay a Ma Pevtm fcer 1 to atock of rord NViembr 14. fadarood Typawriter Company, regular quartarlr l par ewit. on prtftlTMl ftd 1 enL on eotaauta. wyabU Jairoary 3 (a stock ot rr.t pToir lp, lrn Steamboat Cwnpanr. of Nw Jnw. nanus.! 9 par cajif. Wsaliluston Blictrto Railway asd RaUway Cvmmpr. quaitrrty IK wr ct., MrMe lWcnVr 1 Trnafr books riim lfiigraw eta Kownbtf 14 3i4 roofwn Pwr 4. Hew Orleans Also Opens Kcsday NW ORLSANa), .. Kov. t.-Ftow-tax; Ih U4 f ttM Ntw Yqeti Coum -HW Mow QfeM CotUm JMuij Signs of Improvement were noted In virtually all lines of local business during the last week, and people engaged In the various trades look for better conditions from now on. Dettcrment was more pro nouncrd In the leather market, where there was a good demand at high prices, all grades coming In for more dealings. As a general rule, collections are reported as good. In their weekly review of trade candl tlons in Philadelphia, 11. G. Dun & Co. say: "In the local wool market prices have ruled firm during the past week, and It Is reported a better inquiry has devetooed, especially for medium-fleeced and for tine medium territories. As a rule, the de mand has been mostly for Immediate de livery, but manufacturers huvo shown but little disposition to buy for future require ments. "Pulled wools nro firm, with a harden ing tendency In values of suprra. Carpet wools art quiet and steady. Itetall mer chants In men's and women's furnishings, dry goods etc., state that there has been a slight Improvement In sales during the past week or 10 days. Jobbers of hosiery, underwear and notions, state that while trade has been quiet during the past sea son, tho trade tit present Is buying a little more actively than previously, but for Immediate needs only. "The Iron and steel marXet shows a light Improvement during the past week, though business continues dull. Price concessions apparently caused no marked Increase In buying and curtailment of production Is still going on. In the fin ished material mills are operntlng at re duced capacity and new orders are re ported light. Hut little demand is noted from railroads, though there are said to be some gocd Inquiries for export busi ness, particularly in rails. Buying In structural material Is light, though some small contracts' arc reported in hand. "Local houses In the anthracite coal trade report doing a moderate volume of business and state they expect business to Improve from now on. In the bituminous line conditions are no more favorable than they have been for some time past and trade is said to be very dull. Very little export business Is reported, and no appre ciable Increase Is noted In the volume of business as the result of the lessening of foreign competition. "The leather market continues firm and prices high. There is little stock of fln, lahed leather on hand, and all grades of heavy leather are In demand. Cllaied kid Is In moderate demand, but dealers and manufacturers are having dlfllculty In making shipment, due to European war conditions. ' "The paper market shows some Im provement. Manufacturers and Jobberv report a slight Increase In volume of saics and prices are well maintain, Paint manufacturers, dealers In paints and painters' supplies report a moderate, hut steady, increase In this line and pur chases are confined to all grades of ma terial. Dealers In window and Plata glass report business for the present fall aeatou very satisfactory. Soma houses state that the volume of business done during October. 1314. has exceeded that for any period during the history of their business." f RAILROAD EARNINGS BOUTIipriN ItAlLWAY. 1014. Xtofraua. Pint rk November... II.224.03T fi 13.01 1 From juiy i a,oio.ias iTeal.sis QI1ANP TftUNl? BVBTBJ1. Pint weak November. . sao&IHl 1211,708 From July 1 lH.tS.0JU J.G73,33 NEW YQHK BUTTER AND BOOS W. - BUTTHJWJIarta oackafaa. asMT - VmW TQBK. Nov eay rclBt, Tl tm. 3e.. Slahar aa uauc: lausaueii MWc.. ataU dalnr. amwu', nsFte BANK OX3AKINGS Rank vtaorlnic aoaodlax: day 14m (ter wnnnintil wttfc cor- i years PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. Trade fair, but with lower out Mae advices urlce declined 4e cjuotntlons: Cir lot. In export elMntor No 2 red, it ahd Noemlcr. fl.nni Id: No. 2 red. Writ J."1'.. l.l?l.ai; No. 1 Northern Duluth, OATS Ilerelpts, 2000 huh, The market was .pilet and 4e. lower, with ampl orter lnn. (Jiiotntlons. Car loti for local trade, aa to location No 2 rellow, RI'iflMc. ; atcamur yellow, 84?l'4c. OATS. Ilpcelpt. 7,20.1 bunh. Trade w qnl't. Iut prlcr-n were well maintained. Quo tfttlon". No. 2 white, JVKfMtte.S atandard whlto, .VlflMtic; No. 3 white, .V.,JlS2'4c. VIjOliRrHeeelnts, lTOli MU anil 0211,410 lbs. In Mrki .Mlfl HmlU steadily held, but tl.ere waa Ilttlo demand from any winrce. Quo tation per I DO lba. In wood Winter clear. fl.intH.M); dn, dtralithtvli1BS2.il do., tnitenl, .l noflri.,.-!! Kanr, atralitht. Jute Mcka J.', 2d ffJMOi do., palcnt, luto aatka. ..40ftS.ivi rrrlng. drat, clear, VliiflS.:in. do., strnlRht, jr..a.l.",.noi do., tBitcnt, MiOn.lWi; do., fnor Itu lirnnH, t(',fli!.; city mills cholcr nnd foncy patent. MJ10.50I elty mills, regitlir trades Inter, clear, Sl.T.VfM.rO, do.. ttralRht, s.-,flil.2., o.K patent, ,fi..w.-..7.l H1K l'l.Ot'lt Btendlly held under amnll auppllea, but trnrto quiet. ,Wc quota nearby onl Western In ood at JSflft.ro. PROVISIONS , Trnde quiet and market without Impor tant change, qtiotntlom: City tM-ef. In acta, moked and alr-drled, KWNio., Weatern bref. In et, aniokid, 2lMt',0c : city beer, knuckles and tendera. imoked nnd nlr-drlf.l. :i(m'lle ; JSI1.' h"f knuckles nnd tender, smoked. L'.'.?1'1'-! b'f hanwt. t-tlMT.ISt pork, family, 2f2ilj nam, s. V. cured, loo. 1II4Hc; do., aklnncd loose 14fil4Hc. : dn. do., amnked. l..l."Mr ; other hama. smoked, eltr cured, aa to brand nnd nxemse. 1."4fM'l: ; hams. imoki-,1, Western cured, l,1i(Tliic.: iln Imlled. honoless, 2iii2lc : picnic shoulders. H. P. cured Inns tivt;t9s .in iAt,d. i.'int.lUe.! SHU.1!?.: In pickle, nccordlnii to nverase. loose, 1 in?fniOc., lirtnkfnst lmenn, aa to brand and nvrrnae, ritj- cured, l'ij:oc. : lirenkiasi nacon, Wes'ern cured, llifiWc: lard. Western, re-PjP"'-..,l'rce lnJllc., do. do. do tutu, ln'tUlle.- Ird. pure city, kettle rendered, In ,l"re. lnijfliif : 1r,, pure city, kettle ren dered,. In tubs, IWill'tc REFINED SUGARS Tho rrnrket rirnilv held at the recent ad vance. Itcflners' list of prices: Standard Krnnulnted, S.1.V., fine Rrnnlatrd, S.lnc: pow ,JFJ: .I,lc- confectioners' A, 3c i soft grades, 4.i2 I 8oc, DAIRY PRODUCTS lU'TTKIU Demnnd fair nnd market for line atock Arm under light offerings. Quota tions Western, fresh, fnlld-imcked, creamery, fancy aploli. ,17c : exceptional lota higher: axtm, :wc. i extra firsts. .Vur.'lte. ; flrats. 3i)flr .11 o.: aoconds, !!i,H2'ic : lndlo-packcd. 2Hi2,1c. nj to quality, nenrby prints, rnncy, .isc.i do., nveragv extra, tlilfl.llc: do., firsts, :i2ffMc.i do., heeonds, IIOH lie. Special fancy brands of prints jobbing nt 4137430 Kdtl.H. Hunpllea small nnd mnrket firm under n Rood demnnd. Quotations: In Ire cases, nenrb, extra, .Tte. per doz.: nenrby nrata, Sin.M) nor standard caaei nenrhy cur rent receipts, S'l.ftlf 1(1.20 per atandnrd ens: Western and Southwestern, extra, tints, IO.!0 per case; do., firsts, J0.D Oft 1O.20 per easoi do., seconds, $7.20'57.'i per enae; Southern. fS.4D flu per caae: refrigerator eggs. 2l(f27c, per dez.. as to quality Fancy selected candled fresh eggs wcro Jobbed out at 4.IU45C. per dox. CIIKKSE. In moderate supply and steady, tilth trado fnlr Quotations: New lork. full cream, choice. l.Voe. i do, do., fair to good, 1I14U15;.; do., lart skims. 8U13c. POULTRY . I.IVK. Offerings moderate, but ample for limited requlrementa of tho trnde. and Frlce without Importnnt change. Quotations" 'awls, l'.'otllc , old roosters, loailc. : spring rhlrkens. nconllnc to quullty. Iff 14c: tur kes, 1fi20c.; ducks llliHHc: Reese. Ilia; 14c . Rtilnens. young, iielphlng 2 lbs. ana over nplwe. per ralr. i5ftH3e. : do . weigh ing U41"i lhs. nplece. per pnlr. lUIJHiUe : weighing 1 lb apiece, per trnlr. ,,pc.: old per pair Mr. ; pigeons, per pair. Iuisc. l)lti:SSi:i) Demand fnlr for desirable stock and inluc (Irmly held. Quotations: Frcsh-klllcd poultry Turkeys, fin, large, sprlnir, 2262.1c: do.. No 1. old. 20tT21c.: do., ordinary. 18i82i)c.: fowls, per lb. Selected heav, ISc ; do., weighing 4'4.r lbs, apiece, 17c do,, weighing 4 lbs. apiece, IB?! 10c: do., uelKhlns Vi lbs apiece. IViBHc ; do., weigh ing .1 lbs. and under. 12fn3c.. old roosters, dry-plckod, 13c; broiling chickens, nearby, welching 1H2 lbs apiece. 20J?22c; broiling chickens, nearby, fair to good. KKflRe. ; chick ens, Western, 4 lbs. nml over apiece, lite. ; do., do., 3t lbs. nplece. 14c; do, do., 2Vtr.l Ibk nplece rignijc, broiling chickens. West ern, mt!2 lhs, nplece, 17c ; broiling chickens. Western, fair to cood. 12911c. squabs, per doz., white, weighing 11 to 12 lbs. per dor., X.1.O0W4.W: white, weighing to 10 lbs. per doz., fMUfi.l.TS; white, weighing lbs. per doz., 2.102.75: white, weluhlng 7 lbs. per doz., S21T2 2.1; white, weighing- Btift'a lbs. per do J., Sl.23tfl.03; dark and No. 2, &Oc.0fl.lti. FRESH FRUITS General market quiet and showed i laiiii iwin nine ennnae. uuoiaiions; Apples, per Mil. Jonathan, fHj3,50j King, S2.BOB.1.25; Ulush, J2WM11.2.V, iialdwln. I1.7M12 80: ureenlnir. SI 1O6Z.0O: Tivcntv.nuilre. x?.7 JiftA l'lonln. tl 7&fT2.2.1: Tork Imnerlal. il.T.UJ'J. other good eating varieties, 1.7S02.Ui medium. iei..v; crab. IU4.K); crab apples, per bushel basket. 51.3031.7.1; apples, est ern. Der box. S14lt..VI: anntes. IvIawiim nrf I'ennslianla, per hamper, SOOfiOc.; quinces, Scr bbl J'Jiia 50 Lemon, iwr box, 1104. range. Florida, per box. I1.602 BO. Qpt- irun, riuriua, per oox, i..xmim.-:, J'lneappie. per crate Porto Hlco, SI. 2.1A.I.29; Florida. II tp 2 tw. rranberrles, Cape Cod, early, black, oei bbl.. SiMWN: Capo Cod. early, blaek. pei rrate. JIW1.10: Jersey, ner erate. tll.i.v ner erate. fll ' Vew Ynrk anil Pinnivim a nr basket Large white or lellow. uOc.eil: medium, 4ai.v)e, Tears, New York, per bbt. fteckel, X.1 .Vifl.l; Dartlett, No 1. I4R3..V), uo No. 2, S2.30S3: Beurre Hose. I.1.W: Sheldon. (fiO: Ocurre Clalrseau. 13.308.1.30: lleurrt d'AnJou, S2.23s:t.2,l: Oucness. 2.25?:i.23; Howell. 121Z.SO; other varieties. 129(1. Pear, Bartlett or Beekel. per bushel basket. tl.VWJ. Oranea, New York Concord, per 8-lb. basket. W.l.V. . do., per 4-lb basket. IdtJIlc ; Niagara, per 41b. naiket, KWllc : Delanares. per 4.b. basket, 12tfl3c; Concord, per 20-lb. basket, Mfl'lOC. VEGEl'ABLES Dralrable atock In fair request and aneet potatoes a shade firmer. Quotations: White po tatoes, per bush, Pennsj Ivnnla, COfiftlc; New Vork. 4SBS.V., whlto potatoes. Jersey per basket, 33ft40c; sweet poiatoes, Eastern Shore, per bbl. No 1. Sl.23ftl.73: No. 2. t; aweets. Jersey, per bbl. No. 1, 2.30ff.1; No. 2, 1..V)0 1.73; aweets, Jersey, per basket. 4O8C0;. Onions, per bush., 4(V'i30c; do., choice, per 100-lb. bag, 83e.xTM; do., medium, per 100-11,. bag, .lOrjtiOc. Cabbage, domestic, per ton, $7 4(8; do., Danish, per ton. 1'JOIO. Cauliflower, NeW York, per erate. (SSfflOc, Lettuce. Flor ida, per basket, ltd SO;, do,. North Carollnan. Eer baskef. 11HI.50. Tleans. Florida, per asket, fl.733.23; do.. North Carolina, per liasket, Jl.7332.SO. Celery, New York, per bunch, 10930c. Mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, iiei.fo gaamsp I rV1 Thf War and tho Outlook for Securities K!3 is the title pf a pamphlet Just prepared by us for distribution among our customers. It dis cusses in a concise and inter esting way the effects of the war ori trade, and the relation of the war to the current prices of securities. Those interested may have a copy by sending for pamphlet No. L-101, ' A. B. 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Exclusively in Sunday's PUBLIC L 17 10171 Begaus of : the ineregsed demand, for tlie Sunday Ledger it tyWb&vSell to order-'frofnour newsdealer' or earner V ' r . ' ? f t'J "'IS i .i,i,l , M. .. j7-. t t' ' '" i,H Jnh,mri J , - X 1 : j i ,1W S'J? IB3iftliJ m. Kvawnm.