-m, li'i mt", rhsm T flea oco 'J f $ W 3J"- M '-. Sfc 1L fc - jB feH life- fr Jajjpf J i, iiti-ffflr i fi 1 1. "&SI . -, -.,. .-.,. -.-,- a tr xrTrir-arT3t,l 1U iCi. EVENING LEDUiJili rHiJiADJiiJbrJbiiAr riuuvi nuvaium :. "- "-- ' " -r-nrwT FOOTBALL GAMES FOR TOMUKm AN' INTERESTING ANALYSIS IS MADE OF COLLEGE iii football games will grip Interest Saturday Dartmouth and Pcnn Clash bn Franklin Field Big 'Green Team Is Strong Fa-syorite. 1 Br EDWARD II. BUSHNELI. Ffrolbalt Interest will be dlvldetT bo twen three bin game tomorrow. They f tVnnsyltanla a Dartmouth, at Snklln Field; Princeton vs Ynle.at rftneeton, and Cornell vb Michigan, at Arjft Arbor. Each nght will have sona thW of the traffic element In It Penn sylvania will make one nnal effort toVave aofnethln-r from the wreck of this acaaon bJVtiefeatlnir Dartmouth Prlncct-ap' ends anj unsatisfactory season mid will at tempt to raise her flnal ratlnr by- a vic tory over Vale, and with tho feflront hbpe that Tale will bo able to overcome Hijr a.a a week later. Out at Aim Arbor Mfchlgatt will try desperately $ot rnaln tabi the reputation her team made .In the Harvard and Pennsjivaiifjiraniea by wlhnlnB decisively from Cornell. - In the Middle West. Chicago and''. Illinois. both undefeated to date, "III rneet, In." 'K"', which Is likely to decide the ."Western chant "'ntKUMlint the , Penn.yltanla-barlmoulh game first. It Is difficult to see how. baled upon -what the two teams have dono this .ear. the Quakers can be nnythlng but a "ond choice. At the same time, Pennsylvania should not. be counted down and out bceauettof the oterwhelmlne defeat by Michigan The dis aster at Aim Arbor was due to the fatal weak r.fj of the Pennsyltanla secondary dofense, the absolute failure of two of the backs lo do JWnat they had been taught to do. It Is hardly thinkable tht this weakness can be repeated tomorrow, at least to tho extent it fits at Michigan. . ,, Tho result will depend tery much on the work" of Pennsyltanla's back Held Tho two new men In this quartet hae a chance to dis tinguish themseltes. Neither MnfTelt. at full back, nor Matthews at halfback, has enjoird thoriull conlldence ot the rnuchca-at any pre vious time this season Thev nro getting a chanco now because men on whom tho coaches had counted failed lo come up to expectations. "What the coaches want most of them now Is to bUy their tamo on tlio secondary defense all particularly to break down Dartmouth's forward-passing same. DAHTMOUTH HAS KIX1U. In each of the four estntlal parts of the flejise, running, rushing, forward pasilng mid punting, Dartmouth seems to halo the ad nu tate. For the running attack, Qhee, Curtla anit Whitney are superior to tho Quaker, while Whitney, as a lino plunger. Is ono ot the 'bout men In tlin country, though Mullet may bo a surprise here. Pcnnsyltnnla'a for ward panning tamo will be handicapped by the? use of two now backs and possibly two new ends, whereas Dartmouth has the name combination that has beer, used all season Dartmouth has not shown any good punting thl-( eaaon, but without Tucker there Is no assurance that Pennsylvania will do any better-" Tho one point on which Pennsylvania's coaches rest assured Is that tlieli line will nut suiter from comparison with that of Dirt mouth. The success of Whitney's rushes usually depends upon the support his line gives him. Therefore, if Pennsylvania's for wards should outplay the Dartmouth line they might break up Dartmouth's rushing at tack. Then an unusually alert secondary de fense tor end runs and forward puisns might maku the game nigra at en than generally supposed Upon some such break na this, with Matthowa In reserte as a drop kicker, wilt depend Pennsylvania's chances for a vic tory. It Is not a tery conclusive argument, butstranger things havo happened, even In the present football season Most football critics who havo been watch ing Princeton and Yale this year believe that Tale will beat Princeton on baturday, but not many can gtte a reason for the faith that Is In J hem They simply haven't confidence In tberTlger eleven At the beginning of tbo season, when Yale and-. Princeton wero experimenting with various brands of open football, one of the Princeton coaches made the prediction that the Yale- -rnpcfton gajnu wouia oe prouumve or. um JUNIOR SCHOLASTIC RACE SCHEDULED TOMORROW Fftirmount Park Chosen lis Place for the Contest. Tht most Important scholastic cross-country event of the season thus far will take place tomorrow morning hen the Junior champion ship race Is run In Palrmount Park The 314-mlle championship course will be used an I tho race will be under the auspices of Pr. SI. C irnrlen. physical director of the Central Illsh school t , , ( . . .... 81x local high schools and academies hats entered teams, Central High Northeast "Is" Calhollc High Vtest PhlladelpHIa High, r rank fflrd High and hpl-co-pal .Aeadenii lentrjl HUh is the fatorlte anl fatch O nrien ft eeu at least thtee of his men to finish among the first Ave tlrotes the winner of the novlfe race held lait month appears In be the most likely rholee for flrst Itrnomneld and Boss have been performing belter than any runners from the other schools while, Stetenon, t frcrttmsn whose nork Dr O'llrlen has been atohlng closely because of he eiiollen form hhas dlsolated In practice Is expected to how his real callhro In tomorrow s jauni snow mi real viitu ... '","."?tt . ;..- Jleek. captain of the. Northeast High "" fl it most to-bo feared by I enttal High School rrty-thr,e entries hate been . "''J1(.1l date Those cntcre-1 are fentral High School ilreomncbl UrotTt McKen.je rtoss. likens. Htatenson Hannum. Well lloodman Maer SI" NMtheatt lllth-lleek Olnn McCormlck Oelhard 8warr, Whartonby, Morris. Stein, llowoaSds lluckhol. Pitts, t haf Ilea rpltcopol Academj-rtlnge n.rtf0V,,,ir'H.i. HhflAftW Van Pell. Harper test rnnanei phU "trh-n"e?. WontaIIarmer. McDaiia... Ftilidi Merkle. Irwin. Itotnnn ratliollc H gh i;1.d,, .T.i.' tv.nl.ford HUh-llaltertby. Wllllsm's, Wlstar Cljlson. Majomn .r.m,r lteferee-rjeorge orlnn of li of P. rimer - Dr. XI C O'llrlen, -if f, or i-, i I! B. nos,t sensational football of the season, tvllh the Inference that .both teams- would score frequently. After Princeton's failure to gain ground against Harvard with any sort of an auaiK me 'iiger coaencs may xeei umerenciy, but'eyen Yale has not jet shown any ground gaining ability like that with whlth Harvard swamped Princeton. YALE'S ADVANTAGE. Just now It looks as though both teama Would cut loose with all they hate of open football. And In this kind of attack It Is believed that Yale has built upon a sounder basis than Princeton. Yale has met a class f opponents this year qulu as uniformly strong as Princeton, yet only once has Yale failed to gain ground consistently That ex ception was the Washington and Jefferson fame. In which Bob Folw ell's team won by 3-J. But even against W. and J. Yale scored. 'labVa attack promises to be of a dual nature. First, there is the wide, lateral passing gamo, which Yale has used effectively, and this, com bin id with a good forward passing game, ought to weaken the Princeton defense. Then If Yale bar a good line-plunging attack fur variation, the'EUs should bo mighty strong offensively. Princeton coaches may think they hate a strong defense, but Harvard made It look pretty weak Against Princeton tho Harvard tearn scored two touchdowns with plunges and nearly all of tho plas aimed between the two. ends. On one occasion Harvard marched from her own ten-yard line oter the Princeton goal without losing tho ball, Every other team Princeton has met this year has gained ground consistently by rushing, so lale ought to do Prlrce'tcn's attack Is an enigma In all of Princeton's big games It has seemed to lack di rection and sustained power Intro aru flashes of brilliancy In the forward passing end run ning and even the plunging, but It doesn't tick together Against Harvard. Princeton had the ball In the Crimson's terrltort only twice, so there was Utile opportunity for the effense to do anything. The kind of game Yale plays la sure to glto Princeton more of an opportunity to secure possession of the ball. This wilt add to the uncertainty of the out come. ITHACANS" TEAM BTnONO It. will require Corneira game against Michi gan to enable one to properly estimate the strength of Cornell this year. The Ithacans fear made most unusual record to date, pie season started disastrously for tberu, with "auefeslva defeats at tha hands of Pittsburgh tad Colgate. Put SIl-w itv,i uiv vivvbh u mails whirlwind progress, and. Judged by com parative scores, looks to ba not only the strangest team In Cornell's history, but ons at in best In ths entire East. The learn be gait to come after the Colgate defeat, and It tut. mads amaxlng progress slaa then. Brown wa beaten M to T and the ProttderKS men made their only score against the Cornell sub sfttlitis. This same Brown team held Tale, tJUHlf h weakened by tba absence of veterans, la a M- score Tha comparative score arxu meav Is weakened by the recollection that Calgata. after beating Cornell T-3, was awlPa by Ysls. T-7 Dartmouth Gets Oytjpn uiunvCR K If. Nov. IX On at Iha - iHtliit ovations aver glveo.U an athletic ! Htm !" H,n,v,'r,. "S? ,,v0 , ,ns JW SUMU la Urges far the t&i Shortly bb. StUnaI practice was over the inter lead I5S aseaeoMnled by the oolltge band went iiifcnd lbs dermltmles and roused tba stu 35i7 PraatleaBy every . student In colltga MitwrWed to he call and aecompanled taw Kasff back to tba gymnasium, where sums sJHtrs were gttea and school songs sung. Bwmett Drills Haverford ltU J?a-. Im. W,-Tltv Haewterd M5i '""BT ;TLC: jrSZSLHZ. t aims-;.---,."- .7T-Xg-"UTanngTr t tajJie wi mm "',' 1S"") JTTuii cava the whale snuad a los. AMU aad tba stodsBt body east at H toe' lm ibatr waskmtt. MRS. BARLOW WINS FINAL MATCH ON LAKEWOOD LINKS 4 Philadelphia's Woman Champion Defeated' Mrs. H. R. Stockton, 5 Up and 3 to Go Was Easy Frim First. LAKBWPOD, n'.-J.. Nov. 11 -Mrs. noi nld H Dnrlott.of. the Motion Cricket Club. Philadelphia's, woWan.-KoJfcliRm-plon, ntldcd more laurels to those"shc hns so plentifully won loda, when she de feated JIrs II. Recto Stockton, of Plain Held. b 5 up nnd 3 to play Jn the nnal mntch for the chief tioph In-the tourna ment ottr the links of the Countrj Club of t-akewood Although Mra Bnrlow vton three out of tho first four holes, nnd this ndtantafie was Increased to four by the time the turn wna reached, It ttns no sIbii that the Plalndold woman had ceased to hope Mrs. Barlow, however, was at her best There wns n stiff wind blowlnp;, which would hate made the golfer In the most happy mood tremble for her score, but It neter troubled the Philadelphia cham pion Her four on the third hole as par and her llvo at the ninth, in the teeth of the gale, was undeniable She outdrove her opponent from 15 to K nrds. Mrs Inrlpw, wjth fine threes at the short, tenth and eleventh holes, became sevenyup, butjt atlll did not trouble Mrs StocRton, who proceeded to take the next three hotcs In succession when tho Phlladelphlnn went nwrj In her putting. It was Mrs Barlow's only lapse, but she cot the hang; of It a&aln on the fifteenth and won the hole when Mrs Stockton lost her direction It wni a difficult propo sition for nn one to be seven down with set en to pint, for there are few, If an, women HtlnB who can win seven straight from Mrs Barlow. So far as is Known, no one had eter gone round Lakewood In 87 amont: the women, which was 4the medal score of the winner. The card follows: . i - """ I fTi.irf I I TIliMM- Vrtti (ZuI't w,un r n!-r fin' W6W TaW&.AWV) MfcHT SUaGGST ISMHA.T flND OF MB AT I I ,.ITr.,r-r uj TMlMtS 1 . ..... e urT I &. ws mamr ran s . I r n,& uer V -t ast -iit f WCtL - HOW AOOOT I i frF f - KSoS" 1 IWGR WP WOM 0 aJBttf THAT AND i Slrt'T CHICKCM 2 T V A CHAM68 VOO SAID bOj VJ" HAD A,NV FOR A 1 eTHW--! . . . i I- WHAT DO YOU TALK ABOlT WHEN YOU FOX TROT WITH THE WIFE? .10440(153 515 8 6 5 S T 5 5 .1 C-M 3 3 5 It 5 4 5 (1 5 45-87 Mra Barlow Out Mrs Stockton Out Mrs. Barlow-In Mrs. mocKton In . . 4 4 I 5 t 3 (I (1 7-45 1)5 In the flnal match for the cup In the second division, Mrs. Leo V. V. Wan ner, of the IJssex Count Country Club, won oter Mrs. W. I. Seaman, of the Itlchmond County Country Club, by the rather comfortable margin of 4 up nnd Z to play. In the third set Miss Grace Fnrrelly. of Englewood, trounced Mrs. J. nherharil Fnber, of Richmond County, to the tune of 7 up and 6 to play. It was also learned today that the Country Club at Lakewood would hold another tournament the three dajs be .glnnlng Thanksgiving, three slxteens being provided for. The tournament Is open to KJl members' afhllated with clubs In the United States. Golf Association, though irreeu fees will be charged be cause of the fact that the cups are offered by subscription, for the club has already held two tournaments this year. Other than that the conditions will be the same as usual. NATIONAL CUP SOCCER CONTESTS MOST INTERESTING Personal Touches in Sports Tomorrow's Schedule In cludes Games in All Leagues in Philadelphia. Disston Plays Victor. Of chief Interest among the soccer con tests for tomorrow nre the games In the national cup competition, nnd un doubtedly the one that will nttratt the moat Interest Is that at Tacon Ball Park between Disston and Victor A rare good contest will undoubtedly be wltnescd, although Disston should Just about win. There nro not so manj games In the Allied and American Leagues nB usual, but In the Cricket Club, United and Phila delphia Leagues there Is a full schedule Tomorrow's game follow: NATIONAL CUP. First Hound. Viscose ts. tt Philadelphia, at Marcus Hook neferee, W. E. Hinds Victor ts Disston, at Tacony Dall Park Hef erce, James alders. Falls ts Kensington C. F. C at Washington Park. 26th and Allegheny avenue. Htfcree, U SIMON PURES'MEET IN ROPED ARENA TONIGHT Kensington Club to St ago Amateur Affairs by Wholesale. Some attractive amateur fights are scheduled at the Kensington Club headquarters tonight. The lads who will battle In the finals are aa follows 110-I'ounrl Class "Jimmy" Clabby, "Jimmy" Ketchell and Tommy" Itian 115-Pnund Class "flllly" Wagnrr "Voung" Barriy 'WltlUms and Jimmy" Walsh. ISO-Pound Class By vlrtuo of having de feated the only other contestant In the pre liminaries 'Bddle" Kelly Is the wlnntr. JS8 Pound Claes 'Johnny" Baylen, Sailor" Bayis and Jackey" Quli-n ISO-Pound Class Mike" Howell and "Jack" Hewitt Kjfore the largest crowd of the Mason, Mdla Hart and "Micky ' Oallaiher boxed a hard six-round draw at the Droadway Atlt letle Club last nlgl t Gallagher had the tattle well la hand In the first three rounds and looked as tlMqib be could have ended nUttirs at any tl be pleased, but In the laat three sessions ha tired and It was all he could do to stay the limit .. . ' In the last torae nwuds. Jlart uaed a left lead which sot tnew'rh usllaghfr's guard olth good unset and had Micky" holding bard at the end of the cub I est In 'he stmlwlnd-up " Jim' Hooslc. of lasae N J easily defeated Battling Jim" Umsks, ot this city Ftor the first hat' of tbs ewtleat there was very little action but the osed woke theaa up and the last half waa full af aetkM. with Hate leading "Bur ChrlMU was no match for Jim ' Meteek. at the I 8. S JuDtter going down aad out la tba Bret NHHkd wader a shower of Lefty' Gallagher as oulaotnUd ear Tojn- niy wcisn ii ( haimiu smt Freaay , -- 4fchtt ek te Qama IKMMfilif wPp Bl. Mow. ll LooUarv 1 Cftu KUty t W Vi?b m In tk """'" Cor tha arab. Jld 4sBAiii Hi tttUim ktai niaaiBx arok tba aM dai irtM tiv IUW tVaoi tt isti riMr Saiuiaur raniDua waakaocaed CartMU galaed ihs deftstea vmmruM. la a iibhi .. hd en ii twle In the third Bethlehrm ta Putnam at Dethlehem Itef eree, G, Voung. CRICKET CIAJD UBAOUE. Flrat Dltlslon Merlon vs CJermantown, at Haverford Ref eree. M. Addison ,..,. Philadelphia ts Moorestown, at St. Martin a Referee, H. Bamford Second Division Moorestown Id vs Belfleld, at Moorestown. Referee. T. U. MacKentle. CJermantown 2d ts Haverford College Id. at Manhelm. Referee. TV'Alrd. , ALLIED LEAOUE. First Dltlslon. VletrU ts Smith A. A., Rt tSth street and Haverford avenue Referee, J. Kerr. Wanderers vs Norrlslown, at 21 street and Erie avenue. Referee, John W alders. Second Division. Centenary ts Rosemont Celtic, at 2Jd and Huntingdon streets Referee J Paul Bt. Nathaniel vs. Wilmington, at P street and Allegheny avenue. Referee. J. Shaw. Third Division Kensington Reserves ti Falls Y. M A . at D and Clearfield streets. Referee, r. Howley. AMERICAN LEAGUE. i,i,A -Tniifinff Machine Company ts. Hiber nians, at Camden Baseball Park. Referee, O Allen. UNITED LEAqUE. Bristol ts. Shamrock, at Broad street and Hunting Park avenue. Referee. 3. II. Will- lams. Vlncome ts American Pulley Company, at Md and Spruce streets. Referee, D. Oates O'llara vs. LaMott, at Central Park. Ref eree, J, Lyall. ' Whitehall Rovers t. Cardlngton. at Bridge etreel and Torresdale atenue. Referee, B. MFeonvllle ts. Roxborough. at Rising Bun and Wyoming avenues. Referee, T. Ferns. PHILADELPHIA LEAOUK. Hanson vs. Textile, at Cottage and Dever eaux streeta Referee, G. Warren. Ke stone vs. Central, at Tacony. Referee. J. EVest1J.nd ts Wlsslnomlng. at KM and South streets Referee. O. Wooley. Christ Church ts. Disston at 7th street and Tabor read Referee, II Emltn. FRANKLINVILLK LEAOUE. North End vs Kris at Hunting Park. MelroM vs.s Christ Church at fth street and Tabor road UR OAUE University of Pcnnsylvanoa Sd vs. Philadel phia Id, at Bon AUj CARD AT OLYMPIA Some Clever Boxers Are Billed for Monday's Show. Dave" Kum the Newark boxer, who has been creating a sensation In Wow Tork by wlnnlpg so many of hla battles by the knock out route, baa been slgnrd by Manager Harry Bdwards to meet Eddie ' Heroine, of this city la the laat bout of a great all-star show St the Olympla next Monday night Rerolre la about the moat consistent of all the local boxers, and he recently earned the diskw in 10-round bouts rflth "Jack" Me CarronVnd "Jack" Tolafld On Kurta's last sepearaaca here h" beat 'Ttaminv' Hswell. 'BattllBg" Labn of Now Terk. the real kswekout kW meets the aggressive "Toung' i-Tnnr" Mayo, a pair bi.im b io-wHo: -'V 1. .w. .I..1. In fnM n.ii m Most unaptlsfactors as the en-ling ot the St. Joseph s-Temple Lnlverslty' football gamo at St Joseph's Field eiterdny afternoon Not onlv was It a most distressing sportsman's spectacle but atwln imphaslied the lack of respect on the part of certain plaers for tho referee in n great many of our Ameri can sports n e 'all to glvo to tho arbiter of our flay the full rlaht II at la his. yesterdays game proved this The rfferee In this caso was guided by the pre per motives when he an nounced an Incompleted .forward pass on St. Joseph s part In the third period. Ills word should havo been law, right or wrong. It does one's hurt good-to note the ready response ot I'JilIadelphlana to the call for aid set up b the Belgian sufferers Phila delphia has taken a big lead In Ita very humane work of relieving the starving hordes on war-rldd.n Kuropeon soil. It must be ex tremely gratlfjlng to thousands ot sportsmen to know tint ml re oiooikd iiUUetm are doing all thct can to help the cause Golf tournamtnts hate been neld Hero, and the amount of inone) raised haa been most sntls faitorj. Only-.)eaterda tho Old lork Road Country Club hinde up ?81l by means of a nilxr-1 fcurrame handicap tournament There are few aportamen In Amerlta who are doing more than those In this good old Quaker cltj. Pittsburgh has been awarded the Indoor Middle Atlantic Association track and field championships We are not envious of that assignment, but we do regret to sa that It noulil seoni the athletic centre, sn far as the clntlcrpath division Is concerned rapidly moved i'lttshurgh's tva. Somehow or other there Is not thai oldtlmo luteriBt In the sport here and the sooner we awaken from our Ictharg) the better It will be for all Some one has said, "What can tou expect whin there aro no pro tjslonif made for the training of athletes nmong the clubmen? It does seem a plt that there are not more athletic fields or In door places where the enthusiasts might train Let's hope the time la not far distant when we will see amply equipped public fields lor the sport. Policemen have made such sterling tvrestlera. boxers, equestitans, track anl field men and all-around athletes that It It, not surprising when one hears of a new enileator It Is very pleasing to notice that tho 'cops ' are now be rlnnlng to take Interest In bisketball Harry Fryckberg ono of the departments best all around athletes, conceived fhe Idea of de veloping basketball In the police ranks and has succeeded so well that two teams hate beet formed. It would afford the officers much recreation It sufficient numbers turned out to form a league How will Penn's backflcld compare with tha ? lasers from Dartmouth who play on Franklin 'If Id Saturday" That ts the question being eskert wherever football Is thq topic On paper,. Penn seems to hav ten little chanco acalrst that wnnderfullv fast and experienced set of opposing barks However so many aura thinga have gone wrong this season thst wa nre not willing to stake our lives on the Issue, Pena may startle the football world. Let's hope she will There are many Incidents of sameness ex hlhlled In the prize ring which never see the ilaht of dat Fot Instance, some ilasa ago ' Frankle" Rice, who nut up a rattling gool fight against Preston Brown at the National A C .was auffering from an acute attack of appendlcltlH at the time he went Into the ring Several of Rice's friends advised blm not to go Into the ring, but rather than dls annnint the crowd and Manager "Jack" Mr- Gulgan he took a long chance and went ihrmivh th hIt rnundi In llBhtnlna fashion. iJter he went undor the knife and Is now on the roart to rccotery. Before Rice can re enter the ring he will hate to undergo another operation This tlmo he will have to have The great Improvement In the quality of soceir play In the local high, achools waa ahown by the form of Frankford High School In its recent game with Central High School. This game was won by the Frankford boys by 2 goals to' I, Early In the season these teama plated nnd the Crimson and .Gold won. 2 to L In Hint contest Central lh looked much letter comparntlvoH than Frankford. In fact, for better than the close score Indlcitedrma mode Central High a strong fator Ite i In the last game between these teams, net ertlieiess, the great ImPTovePfcnt by the Frankrori I bote gntr them tho gam and Incidentally left tne SLholistlc aocccr title a matter of doubt Jackie" Adams, tho stellar forward of the ram-len Eastern League basketball team, has been held to one field goal within the lat two games. This Indicates on Its face tnai "Jacklo" Is not putting ud tho Ene,ll,ai!" expected of him But the reverse Is true. In order to keep the little left-hsnder from shooting frequent, field goals. It takes more guarding than should be given one man " result Is that "Jackie" doesn't get the goals himself, hut he Is able lo pull oft many assists and gives the men plating In the guard posi tions a chanco to do some scoring in in; Cumden-Urei slock game Adams did not get a field goaf hut be waa responslbla for at least six of those credited, to Brown by his accurate and speedy passing This ' I kind of basketball that wins. The Camden lean, herein differs from some of the other fltcs, in that It can shift Ita attack ad that If one stjle of play does not get results another does ,. . , . , ... There are two reasons why Philadelphia does not hate big flghta. Ono Is that there Is a Stato law forbidding bouta of longer duration than six rounds and tho other Is well, the receipts of the Welsh-White tight at Milwaukee amounted to ilt.SOO FOXCRAFT WINS STEEPLECHASE AT HAVRE DE GRACE TRENTON GREYSTOCK FIVE IN CAGE TONIGHT Jersey Eastern Leaguers Will Be Seen at Cooper Battal ion Hall for First Time of Season. The Trenton flte will make Us 'flrst niipenranco of tho season tonight at t'ooper Hatlallon Hall, wlicro the Jer o meet Grestock. A victory for tho South Phllntlclphlans will bring them up to a tie with Trenton, rollottjns tha geperal principle that Eastern Leaguo li-ams win on their oiwn floor, the chance for Grestoek lo break Its string of de feats nro good. Thus far In tho season Trenton lias lost two out of the three games played, tvhllo Orel slock has lroppe.il a. trio of contests. HourIi ttlll be depended upon as usual to tlo most of the ncorlng for the visitors. Trcii Help, the ex-Swarthmore star, who tint had less pi notice than the other numbers of the Trenton becauso much o his time )ms been taken up In coaching tho Garnet eleven, will probably bo In the jiante. tlrejstock ttlll use the same line-up against Trenton that was used In tho C.tmdcn game on Wednesday night, with Cnfeliman tit centre Instead of Cross. Fighting tooth and nail, the Jasper tinm, the JJnslcrn Basketball League, tied for sevoud Plate In tho standing with ,Uo Nerl, when It defeated tho Rending quintet 111 Nonpareil Hall laaf nlvlil liv llm si nrn nt la In in Heading. by losing, dropped back Into a tlo will) Tren ton for third place JASPER. srt. fi n A Pts. Kummer, forward 3 4 Fltsrcrald. forward 1 0 C-tvanaiiKh, icntro .1 0 ckliirdt, guard 0 0 Brady, guard 0 0 Sytrthnwre Ha Chance WaRTNUUKK. P . Nov . Tbs coaUie realm Utit awartaotnra baa u mea ehas SS'&iir'fif & & i"tar bsw email, go ariifeeut ootraetton Tsve last gaoL bant srttafiaaie U ths woelc was glum the teas. u4 twsry varsity nwo Sam through ia good eaee)Mle. KsaVllgbtweUht Cornell Ott for V?st rTHAC N Mov I. Tb CoiMIl VsasUsUtsl IseWV ate GWsUjro ., ; footkaU amiJ at 2 omu left sen but alaJtt "" " "T T ? , taTuSuM eft" -we I ta bi.a co1 i &M "Li1.V,JtzSfmuSi'tSm I to th atMj -4 MWK, .t -uu bad b jr mb asl SiaA Ti s I H TVi" ai. "ig w Tz " iauMt miss. wiBbakrtasj Jm. INDOOR MEET TONiaHT "West Branch Proijrams Truck and rield CoRteMa for Members. .b r. M C A .sUI pBte, Us asacK aaa msa smh usku ta the ooatts. tSfteiat Isas arraaa4 ajtajouo 'H issK Maryland Track Opens Fall Meeting With Crowd of Local Sportsmen Present. Boxer Captures Opener. HAVIIK DE GltACn, Md . Nov. 13. i'oxcrnft won the steeplechase, the sec ond event on the card here today, when the fall meet was opened. A bin crowd ttus on hand from Philadelphia and Haiti more Boxer, with Shilling up, annexed the opening- race with Broom Flower and Alkena, both hcatll plnycd fatorltcs, ran second nnd third respectively First race, 2-J ear-olds, selling, purse tlOO, .1i furlonzs-Iloxcr, ltr.', Shilling, 4 to 1, fl to 3, 1 to won Uroom Flower, lot, Ruxton, 0 to !, I to R, out, second; Alhrna, 10T, Mc Cahey, 7 to 5, 2 to 3. out, third. Time, 1 07. Kazan and Proctor also ran. fecund race, steeplechase, for maidens .1-yrar-olds and upward, about - mllea Fox craft, Its Jlaynes, 4 to 15, 1 to 2 and out, won, llrush, 115, Dale), 4 to 1, 0 to S and 1 to S, recend, Frog, 14R, dadd). 4 to 1, even tnd 1 to 4 third lime, 4 It .1-5 Jean Wagner, Vcllchen, Stars and Hlrlpvs also ran. Judge W'aser was withdrawn. Third race, the Mount Royal handicap, for 3-ycar-olds and up, IlOOil added, (I furlongs Pnroetto Illeu. 101. MiCahey, 7 to S, .' to 3, 1 to 4, won. Housemaid, 110, Turner, 11 to n, 7 to 10, and out. second, Slumber II, 100, nuxion u m i, i io i, HtoD mini. Time. 1:1.1. Ta-tar, Robert Dradle), Sir Blaise and Tranld also ran Foutth raco. for 4-year-olds ami up, 500. 1 mile and 70 yards Orperth. 109, Turner, 8 to 1, J to 1, 4 to S, won, Dushy Head. llW, Coleman, II to 10, 1 to 2, 1 to 8. second: Hura kan, 100, Shilling. 7 to 2, even 2 to 3. third, lime, lit 4-5. Camellia, Malay and J J. Llllls alio ran ' Fifth race, selling, for it-year-olds and up. six furlongs Htrlkcr, 111. Shilling 7 lo 2, 7 to J. 1 to 2, won, Yadopeep. 110, Schuttlnger, 17 to 10, 4 to ft. 2 to 0, second Undaunted ; 105, Ruxton, 8 to 1, 3 to 1, 8 to 5, third Time. 1 13 1-5. Uatwa, Orlar Path Dr. Dougherty, Votes, Travellght, Dr It. U Swsrlngsr. Nlgadoo. (Iraiclls, Karly Morn. Ida Lavanla and Lady Oram also ran sixth -race, maiden flU'es and geldings, purse $!, 3 furlongs-Renection. 108, Karrick, 10 Iluxton, 2 to 6, 1 to 6. out second, Thrill. 108, Keogh. VI, to 1, 3 to 1 II to S. third Time 1011-5 Marvelous St Helsne. Dr Cann, Wilton Lass, Lady May, Kmelda Uabe. Ilyrla. Andromeda, Miss Frances, Leda and Heverly Jainea also ran HAVE DE GRACE ENTRIES First racs. for 3-year-olda and up, selling a" j:. TUCKER TO START AS FULLBACK FOR PENN TOMORROW Coaches Decide on Last Minute Changes Before Game With Dartmouth. Brisk Signal Drill Held. Tho University ot Pennsylvania foot ball coaches decided on an eleventh hour chance this afternoon for the Dart mouth same tomorrow. Skcs Tucker, deposed from the fullback position after the Michigan came, has been reinstated and wilt start In his old place. Moffet ttlll bo moved up to hnlfback, while 1 Wray will bo the other half back and Tetl Merrcll will run the team from the quarterback post Tho coaches gave Tucker a chance to make good In last nlKht'B practice. It was his first scrimmage since the Michi gan same and the form ho showed then, coupled with the fact that lie Is by far the best kicker on the squad nnd the poor condltlrJn of Matthews, caused the change. The coaches think that under the circumslnnccs Tucker ttlll redeem hlmBelf nnd play the best came Sf his career. In the line the coaches will make two changes Captain Journeny will be nt centre and flarked In the suatd posi tions b Dorlzis and Norwald. Harris, will be right tackle, but Bussel will stnrt at left On the left end of the line Hop kins will again be the starter, but on the other wing Koons will replace Urquhnrt, who la too badly hurt to play.' This afternoon's practice consisted of the usual preliminary drill with particular attention to drop and place kicking It wns followed by a ter brisk signal drill, In which the men rehearsed nil the forma tion" which will be used for tho flrst time tomorrow. The men seemed to be In the best spirits, anil the couches are rouildent that whether they win or lose tomorrow they will do much to redeem tremsOtis. There Is the greatest speculation about tho university sts to what the team will do tomorrow. The presenco of Tucker means that tho Qunkers should outpunt Dartmouth, while In tho line the two teams are about even. Dartmouth lias had tlio more success with the forward pass and Is better at end I tinning and Jlne bucking. This means that the Penn sylvania seconoary ueieuue win riate to do about 100 per cent, better than t did last week to give the attack any thing like an even chance The reason the coaches decided not to start Matthews was tha' he has been suf fering alt week with a heavy cold, and It was feared that If he started the game l.e might not be able to finish. If the team can get the ball into Dartmouth's territory he will be t us lied In to try for a goal from Held . Dartmouth took Us final practice In New York this afternoon. The HandVer col legians will reach this city tonight. Far the first time this j ear the game will bo- gin at : o clock Totals S 4 READING. P.O. ri.a A 1 0 0 0 o "l 8 1 a u u 19 I'cggs forward u Hoggin, forward o U'UomicU, (.tuirc u Pears, guard u Mori Is, guard - 1 Totals CLUIJ STAJJDIMJ. on. Lost. Camden t De Nt-rl J Jasper J Itcudlng 1 1 union . 1 Uicyntoik u Pts. II 0 o 8 1 io PC. 1 UVO .tjl.7 .HUT .I.1J .UJ WW SCHKDUI.i: FOR NL'BK. Tonight's game Trillion at Qreyatock Tomorron'e games Jasper ut Do Nerl, Cam den at Heading Last night a result Jasper, 10, Ittndtng, 10. PLAYER STATISTICS Kd, Fog irl De Nerl, forward. J 10 ncurs. Heading guard .1 4 .taanis Luimien. roivvuru J Rummer, Jasper, Iorvvar-1 .1 Uougli, Trenton, forward.. I Wilson Ore stock. Id it gd .1 Kane. Trenton, gunid . .. .1 Uollli, 1iimden, centre . I llrown. Camden, guard.. I Sugeimmi (Irejalotk, lor d. .1 Uculngcr, Ircnton centre.. J btccle. Cumdcn. forward . .1 .Newman, Do Nerl, guurd J Klnkatde, Do Nerl, guard.. I t'rore. lire) stock, id & cen. 'I Morris, Heading, guard, . J Catnnuugh, Jasper, centre. I Cushman, 3retoik, t &.c. J liJhg'rt, Heading, icntic. 2 Lckhunlt Jasper, guurd . J 1 Itigernld, Jasper, lorvvard. I Diik, De .Nerl lorvvard. .1 Kennuu, Dc Nerl centre . .1 Hrad), Jasper, guaid . J l-.giis. Heading, lorward I llerron, Cutilden, guurd . .1 O'Donnell Iteaalng, f. u C. I Cooper, Ircnton, guard., , i Franckle, 'Ircnton, rorwurd J UHk, Trenton, guard . . . i Mc IllUni, Urcystock, g'd .1 Front. Trenton, forward. . . 1 ltllson, Ore) stock, centre .. 1 liogcio, Heading, forward,. 2 CLUB POINTS TO DATJ?. I :i s (1 .1 11 ll ll 7 .1 7 ll U II U 0 0 .- 4 1 3 I Fl U .11 .ID .17 .11 23 2-J 1 U i) 1 11 O II o 0 0 0 II 0 0 II o o I) b 0 0 II o 0 0 u u o A. Pts. 5 M . 1 47 ' u 41 i J 35 . ;t it 17 K s i 13 III 10 8 1 I) a 4 4 4 Camden . ... 3 De Nerl I Trenton .... J Uiot stock ... I Heading 3 Jasper ... 3 K O. Fl G. 3t. J7 H S.I 21 18 .14 31 .-I 311 2d A 23 IS 7 8 a Pts. in-,, DO m; 73 7.1 it) Onp. Pts. 7d UT 71 SHOTS TOR THE BASKET The Philadelphia Amateur Intel club llasket ball League will, at the next meeting nest Tuepda), have the biggest ilrcull In qny leagu. . At present thero aro ten clubs and six more hate applied mi admlttunce. The Philadelphia Iloja' Club would Ilka games at homo tor their third and fourth-class teams, also for their smeller teams the 73 pound -Midgets and the tsi.pnund rlpl-lers. ror Lames address llasketball Manager, 00 fv'orth, 23d street. l'folrfer, who four tears ago played In tha Central League un,l last season was a member of the lleu-llug team of the Eastern League, Is In a xcrlous tondltlon In thj Heudlng Hos pital, whv.ro he underwent an operation for an Injurj he received four years ago, , The game laat night resembled a football contest, with tlio two lines of scrimmage on the Mvc-jard line, and one team trjlng t" take, the ball over. At times during tho game there were at least fuur men on tho door scrambling for the ball. It was the roughest game plajed so far this season. The scboolbots bato started practice In tha cage and tbe prospectti at the different In stitutions aro exceedingly bright for n winning combination. At Southern High Mike Ha tit baa to develop a new team, aa three of tb teternna from laat j ear's tiqtarloua tlte havo not returned to school. EtenNso, baxe expeits to come through with a quintet that will keep 108, 'Black Chief S8. 'Coy. 111. Sherwood, 1JJ -Ciar Michael. 103. Fascinating 1M. No tuts Is. 103: Emerald Gem, 100, Ashcan, tjo, Anson, 108, 'Fbw, 104 Second race, tar 3-year-ol4s and up The Potomac Steeplechase handicap, about 2 miles Juverence, 137, Cbupadero, 113, 6yeasei '1M Astute 1W, Promoter. 14 Third race, f or 2 jyaar-aMa wiling V, fur loBgs-Aroturua. loi, , CoL . BaodeJl, 1W. Miss Buo. IDS, Fenrock, JW. Vldet 110 Fly Home. 107 'Star ot Love, 187. 'Minstrel, lot; Qoldni lassie 102. 'Meelleka, Its. Fair Helen. 108 FeoByrack, 106, Aldesus, IAS, Mallard. 107. Bila Boru. UD. "ftoyai Blue 108 EUa Jen StagX 81, Halt Ilock. W eAmauuswj,, 07. Fourth rase, Cor , 3- eAT-oMs and up Th Csistrbk Handicap 1 1-10 lallea Paint Brush, 109, Mtfreeo, 100, FUttergoM. Ill, Painlner; liaslfaTW. Magnet lS. G M WlJUr, Vt Basoegat, 86 If IHU V "t, "" ,, T Mm -k-sr JVtS Cubs Sold to Weeghman CHICAGO, Nov. 11. The Chicago Cuba were sold yesterday to Charbts II vVeeghman The elub onrv) owned by Frank Seles and James Hart, and later by Char Its IV Murphy ami C'hartsa P Taft slut which has been the wodge with which organlied baseball has been at tempting for soma weeks ta break open the ranks ot the Federal league, yesterday be came the property of the owner and presi dent Of tbe Cfvlcago Federal League Mm. RACING TODAY AT HAVRE DE GRACE Six rtkees Dally Including a Slsks Rase aad a Btseplsahase Sceclal Traloa Penna It It , I save Broad (St. 1S.3 p. m-. West Phil IS.!") p. m.j B. and a It It . leave 12 48 p. m Admlwleo. Oraadstaad aad Paddock, ll.BO Ladlsf, 1 00 " TFIBST HACK, 3 JW P M. Professor Cronile, physical Instructor of tho University of Pcnnsjivanla, has organized basketball teams among the students In tho different classes that attend gm vtork. Each, section Is represented by a Ave, and every afterroon there Is spirited contest between two sections of the differmt classes The win, ner In each clsss will meet the winners of the next class The sophomores and freshmen hate both good quintets ard It will be a hot fight whan me unai -,f miuiw " v j- Yale Line-up TJitchanged NKW 11 WBN Conn Nov IX - Yale football aquad yesterday paid ita last tlslt to Ysls Field before the game at Princeton With the same line-up to which Coach Frank lllnkey has adhered for ten days In signal drill 'he. varsity spent an hour In running oft signals and handling punts and passes. Con- ' eluding the ppaetlca the first-string men had their pride slackened by being thrust Into l"i ,, minute dummy taikllng. "JIMMY" PKTUNG, OF Myille-EHBERQ W40J Ci)HHt gf fee mmi MttesUti sad gewlBgS, s4iiua, H-viv uu ly yasaa cm ift. Qatuy. Wl OaltbOjat 103. Joe DUboU Te BJsVfiidy 14 Gerrard lea M7 SnUgs M Bwll lbS 'CapUlo Elltolt. 100 -Bum AsovwdT W Koitoo 101 KlAOfMiford 10 Btsj Qu' s usasnw-tr vvu mnsu jr VOOTBAI.L TOMOHHOV IIABTMOUTU CUUMCIK ts. UNlVKltJUTY OP VKltMtiLAMIA FHANKIJN FIELD. X P M Bale J tlaVsts at Cilmbeu aud U of Pa, A A.. PiaBkHu Field Prices Admlsalea, 7Bc Reserved Seats, 11.00, u ao, sjoo. WaflonaTXcT dii.w ,. for 2 vaar olds coadttlona ft fur leSg-UIbu, 1W BarseoM 1 Sorgo 106 JtarMa V. f rUlUn 107 Haosao 110 Jba SttMt. v 'e"" HI vtg- llih SCatlialaeSU. TOMORROW NU.HT TOMORROW NIGHT USO UtJliCH . YObSiO Allr-KN rur Otbsr Star Stouts -Four Other Star Bouts THE CHAMPION Roller Skater of tbe World ROLAND CIONI will try for a new record Tonight, Friday, the 13th Olympic Skating Rmk Third Regmifint Awry Broad and Wharton Streets Sessions Btery afurueoc 3 30 to 5 oo Tuesday, Friday aad Saturday evejUnga, l nlumala A A "J M UtSuUn "V"r-."- lttfr --!.. WW. lfV Hni,- IK Everybody's asking about it! mm .j.j i . n.asi nissi vnrm ts. tin tin in in c - . nr ubss i. m bivv- siB-HtB-s-Miv v .x . ' - a - i r t c .m t diun asuv a t-a nani s ii w t kbh .1 -3LaLaaaT-Wi m,ifV - "- -"" -- -- -e-" ir-lt J? "I '" - ' r I J ..J. Ul la. tuillsu'jui a MMUttl 1 -- - Pl . .. 1 .. an-i:a IlL. -aft ' W ill 1 1 II IBiJ -l kil38 ik - -- --- v r , . jm iii. KlKaS &l 1.M irMH jtA isararam.y lWalll EBaa sUWma -ltS PSH Ftmmtk. mr Sn"-" i- ' 1 T-: - I I m tee-e'eeaeMIM llMMTliri tl I ma. Hf sMafcer r arsrH -..-. . -s a - '-I'SIW. L jp4 e ti ' tLJJa. -t iHdipiBW'