EVENING LEDGEB PHILADELPHIA, THTJBSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1013 " 1S ' MEATS AT NORMAL FIGURES DESPITE HMD QUARANTINE Killing of Uninfected Cattle Keeps Prices in Check, but Rise Probable if Ban Is 'Not Lifted. No Increase In tho retail prtee of meats has tnltcn plnco In tills city, despite the Widespread quarantine of live stock In Pennsylvania. Philadelphia dealers, how ever, say that If tho hati continues much longer tho present prices 'will not stand find beef In particular will become a luxury that only the wealthy will he able to afford. Killing of uninfected cattle was allowed In the Philadelphia Stock Yards on Tues- tt, ...nrnlncr fnt n fnw hntirs. and nl tlioligh there were not enough men on ' hand to kill nil of the animals pasHod by the Inspectors, a sufTlclcnt number wore slaughtered to supply tho city for ono tfcelc. At present round steak Is quoted at 13 cent3 n pound, rump steak at EO and sir loin steak nt S3 cents a pound, while chuck roasta are bringing 0 cents. Hind quarters of spring lamb are selling at 23 cents n pound, forcquarters 10 cents j and chops from 23 to 50 cents. Leas of mutton bring IS cents a pound. Veal nnd pork are quoted as before. &a cutlets bringing 35 cents, chops 25 cents and shoulders 18 cents n pound, whllo pork chops and loins of pork are sold at 25 cents a pound. Poultry dealers report that turkeys coming to market at present nre of a poor .quality ow'ng to the fact that there has 'not beon suttlclent bad weather to cause the birds to stay at homo nnd fat ten up for Thanksgiving. They do not anticipate any great scarcity of the fowl, however, and say the price will remain firm at flgureB ranging from 32 to 33 cents a pound. Chickens nro quoted nt ZS ccntn a pound for roasting and 24 cents for stew ing. A notlceabla Increase of sales In this field of the poultry men's business Is attributed by them to the fact thnt cus tomers are becoming frightened by the magnitude of the cattle quarantine nnd re substituting chickens for beef on their weokly mnrket memorandums. Fresh eggs contlnuo to sell nt prices ranging from 46 to 50 cents a dozen, whllo print butter Is bringing from 40 to IS cents a pound. In the vegetable markets the prices re main firm on seasonnblo goods, but on such products as corn and tomatoes the flgurea nre decidedly "fancy." Good corn 1b bringing from CO to CO cents a dozen, tomatoes 35 cents a till, while small lima beans are quoted nt 70 cents a quart, lettuce has ranched the customary winter figure of from 13 to 15 cents a head. Cwnbcrrien nre reported plentiful this year, and nre selling at 30 cents a quart. Celery Is bringing from 25 to 50 cents a bunch, according to size. In tho fruit markets, plums and peaches have been displaced by oranges, grapefruit and apples. Oranges are sell ing at from 30 to TO cents a basket, apples nt from 20 to 35 cents a half peck, and grapefruit at the usual prices, ranging from CO cents to a dollar a dozen. ESeckc! pears are plentiful nnd of good quality, selling at 30 cents for a small basket. An unusual feature Is found In the flsq market, where large blueflsli . nro quoted at tho unusually high figure of 25 cents a pound, although tho smaller blueflsh continue to sell for 18 cents. This Is Bald to bo due to tho scarcity of the larger fish on the Jersey coast. AH other prices In this market nre reported firm, although there ran been a alight rlso In the price of halibut, which Is now quoted at 26 cents a pound. TRIBUTE TO MRS. WILSON BY DAUGHTERS OF SOUTH V. D. C. Convention at Savannah Adopts Resolutions. SAVANNAH, C5a Nov. 12.-Trlbute to the memory of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson as one to whom prominent position rqeant "not an exaltation of self, but an op portunity to be more useful and to help the greatest number." was paid In a resolution, unanimously adopted, by the United Daughters of the Confederacy, In general convention here. Sirs. Wilson was a native of Georgia, and was the daughter of a Confederate chaplain. The resolution, Introduced by Mrs. James nrltton Qannt, of Jefferson City, J to., said: "It has been said that Mrs. Wilson gave her life for her country, as surely as a soldier Gives hla on the field of battle, and as we, the Daughters of the Confederacy, 'honor the memory of those who served and those who fell In the service of their country, so we will en shrine her In our heart of hearts, the brightest Jewel of Southern womanhood." H CHILDREN'S CORNER BEFORE THE SANDMAN COMES I'D LIKE to know what a fish is supposed to do when the weather is as cold as this," exclaimed a rest less little perch as he nosed around In the water one crisp autumn morn ing. "I simply must find something to do and I can't find itl" The big fish laughed. "If you can't find what to do I guess you can't do Itl" The little fish wiggled his fins and looked sober. "You know perfectly well that I want you to tell me what to do," he said crossly, "so there's no use pretending." "I'm not." replied the big fish, pleasantly, "I'm only wondering why you think I should always be able to think of something for you to do." "Partly because ynu always can." answered the little fish, "and partly because I know that when I get to be a big fish I can tell people what to dp." The big fish was Interested at once. "I that sol" he exclaimed. "Well, if you were a big fish right now what WQuld you do? "Right this very minute?" asked the little fish. "Yes, now," answered the big fish. The little fish thought carefully a minute. "If I was a big fish right now, he finally said, "I wouldn't do anything at all I" "You wouldn't V exclaimed the real big fish in surprise. "Why nptr" "Because I don't want to," answer ed the little fish tartly. "I'd never do aaythiag uaIcss I just wanted te -sr said the tug ftifc. "Well, WiCLTQffi)RES ONLY CHILD J. S. VAnderainl's Estate Bequeathed t3 Friends, TteRlster of Wills Rheehan today of fltlnted at citation proceedlnfts to re voko letters of administration Hranted to Mnry J. S. Vandersaal In the estate of her husband, Albert VAhdersaal, late of ST23 Lntierlovrne avenue. Effort was also made nt the proceedings lo.hn.vo admitted to probate a will exccutcil by the tee tator. May 8, Ull. Mr. Vandersaal, who died May 15 last, Is also sufvlvcd by ft minor child. After letters of administration were Rrantecl to the widow In the estate, valued nt 2500, n document purporting to be tho decedent's- will was found nmoiiR his ef fects. The will refers to a llfo Insurance policy of $5000, payablo to his wife and ueauoatha his. estate to friends, complete ly Ignorlm; his child. In the disputed pJper, J. N'evln Mlltlkcn, one of tho bencflclnrleo, Is named exec utor and mi his petition tho citation pro ceeding were Instituted. The widow alleges that nt the tlmo tho will was executed her husband wan not mentally competent to distribute lila CBtnte and that the wilt was executed i.ndcr mul no Influence of J. Ncvll Mllll km, his wife and others The will of William P. Noll, who died In tho Clermantown Hospital, August 16, leivlng nn estate of $.1550 to two brothers, Forrest T. and Walter A. Noll has been admitted to nrobate. A caveat Hied ngnlnst tho testament by Emma It. Booth. sister of the decedent, has been with- drawn. The endowment fund of Itodef Shalom congrcgntlon will receive a J200 bequest from tho IM0 estoto of Itachaol A. Mayer, late of 6S3 North Uroad street, whose will was admitted to probate today. Other wills probated today were those of John Decgan. York road nnd Chelten nvcnuo, whose estate aggregates $,037, and Margaret Burke, 2325 Bouth Seventeenth Btrcct, IH50. HOMEOPAfHS'OPEN IMPORTANT SESSION; WILL HOLD CLINICS Phi Alpha Gamma Frater nity, Representing 3500 Physicians, Assembles for Professional Discussion. Homeopathic physicians nnd surgeons from all parts of the country assembled at tho Hotel Walton this morning for tho 20th annual meeting of the Phi Alpha Gamma fraternity. Tho fraternity U one of the most Important medical nsso clatlomi In this country nnd has 20 chap ters. It Includes In Its membership about 3500 homeopathic physicians. In addition to tho regular business of the. convention, the present meeting, which will conclude on Saturday, will be marked by extensive scientific nnd clin ical work. Thcso poitlons of the pro gram have boon arranged by tho two local chapters, Gamma, of which Dr. K. T. Jones Is the president, and the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter, of which Dr. G. M. Golden Is the president, both of which nro nctlng as hosts r to the visitors. Tonight the Philadelphia Homeo pathic Society of the County of Philadel phia will entertain the visitors at Hahne mann College Dt. William M. Silvia will preside. Tomorrow will be given over to the business sessions of the convention, and every effort Is belpg made by the local members to bring nbotit the election of a Phlladelphlnn to the presidency of the Grand Chapter. A theatre party and a smoker at the Parkway Dultding make, up the evening program. Saturday will be given over to an elabo rate series of clinics on unusual cases at the Hahnemann College and Hospital. Ten of the leading physicians and sur geons in tho country will tako part in these. Dr. William J. Martin, of Wllklns burg, la president of the Grand Chapter; Dr. William Perrln, of nochoster, N. Y., the grand vice president, and Dr. Richard H. Street, or Chicago, the grand secretary-treasurer. EXTENDCHARITY'S SCOPE Needy Throughout State Will Bo As sisted Through Local Committee. Every needy person or family In Penn sylvania Is expected to be given aid through the Emergency Aid Committee. 1428 Walnut street, originally formed to help those made destitute by the Euro pean war. The committee has decided to extend the scope of Its work to sufferers In this city nnd State. Contributions totaling $5000 have been made to the committee by B. T- Btotes bury, and Mrs. Stctesbury has beet named chairman of an organization com mittee to conduct a campaign against privation. Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson and Mrs. Arthur Lea will assist her In the Circulars will be printed and distributed in every county. An organization moet ing will be held In the Stotcsbury resi dence next Monday. then ypu wouldn't be any better off than you are now!" "Oh, yes I would I" cried the little fish, with a watery giggle, "for if I was the big fish anu you the little fish. I'd tell you to amuse me. And you'd have to do it or I'd eat you up." The big fish thought slowly for a minute and then he chuckled a fishy chuckle. "And suppose all that what would I do to amuse you?" The little fish flirted his fins and s,aid. "Oh, I could find plenty for you to do, don't worry about that I" "I'm not worrying," replied the big fish. "I'm asking. What would I do?" The little fish giggled. "First I'd have you swim around ten times in a circle like this" (and he swam briskly around), "then I'd have you swim up and down this way and I'd try to catch you." "But wait a minute," the big fish interrupted, "isn't all that swimming going to be rather tiresome on such a cold day?" "Cold day?'1 demanded the little fish, all breathless from his brisk swimming. "This Isn't a cold day this Is a nice warm day!" And then, quite suddenly the little fish remem bered his complaining. "Well, I don't care," he said, "it was cold a now I" "At least you are," laughed the big while ago, out it's niec and warm fish, "and let tnc tell you something, if ever you are cold again, don't tit around and whine fer something to do neverl Just hustle around and find your own job and you will get warm and be haBEvvl" I TomoirvoTklnfii to Hak Prut LaM. VwpyrtfAt, ivn-unm strain immoh. bftfSBjKw ijL j ffjJiESs w&w?mam&i&r aw& ats-rott u vmjxrm r mimmmm rWBsm . ,1 I ! - MRS. SARA CONBOY There arc 59 little girls at Law rence, Mass., named after Mrs. Con boy, who is general organizer of the United Textile Workers of America. WOMAN ORGANIZER COMES FROM GREAT SOUTHERN STRIKE Sara Conboy, Striking Fig ure in Labor Convention, Has 59 Little Girls Named After Her. Down around Lawrence, Mass., are 59 little girls named nftcr Mrs. Sara A. Con boy, general organizer of tho United Tex tile Workers of America, who Is attending tho big American Federation of Labor convention In this c'ty. Jlrs. Conboy Is In town to advertise the big strlko of textile workers In the Fulton Cotton Mills, Atlanta, Ga., which has been In progress since May 1. If there Is repetition in history, It Is assured many little Southern girls yet to bo born In the tent colony of tho strikers will be nntned nftcr this fighting organizer, who withal, Is as tender with the "whlto Blnves of the mills," ns she calls them, as their own mothers are. Sara Conboy is a name to conjure with wherever tho textile Industry extends. Snra Conboy Is to tho textile workers of the country what Mother Jones Is to the American labor movement. Inspiration Is In her work. Sho know what the Inside of n textile mill looks like. Many years of her life sho spent hosldo tho whirring loom watching the havoo of tho machines upon tho workcrB. She wnB born In Boston. Karly she boenme a member of "tho union." Sho took to Its propaganda like the proverbial duck to tho proverbial water. Sho occu pied almost every ofllco tho union had to give until she was called Into the Inter national Held ns a general organizer years ngo with the American Federation of Labor paying her salary that's what they thought of the character and ability of Sara Conboy, as everybody In the labor world calls her. President Gompcrs, ot tho American Federation of Labor, has promised to let her address tho convention on the subject nearest her heart the strike of her beloved men, women and chlldrcn'in the cotton mills of the South. After her address the strike will na sume a national Interest becauso of her ability to tell the story, nnd the facU that the revolt Ib the first big textile strike In the history of the South. This remarkable womon sat for an hour In tho Hanover Hotel with her dinner waiting to tell the story of her "kiddles of the mills." Deep emotion was In her voice, her eyes were misty as she told of their gray, colorless lives. In powerful lan guage she spoke of the terrible conse quences because of confining drudgery In the big Industry. One example she gave Is that of 5-year-old Oliver Lee, of Atlanta, Qa a blind boy, whose affliction Is directly traceable to the toll his mother under went In tho mill. The story of 7-year-old Esther May Smith, who earned JO cents a week made her hiBs her condem nation forth, but when sho told of how little Milt Nunnnlly, a 10-year-old worker, entered her office one day and pluced his arms around her saying, "Mrs, Cop boy, I love you," the line" In her face softened and she quietly murmured; .-"Today we can control with love, but tomorrow hell with all Its Imps of hate may be In the saddle." Mrs, Conboy will bo a conspicuous ligure In the big labor parade Friday night with the textile workers of this city. During and after the convention ses sions, she will make a campaign through out the town among the various unions to obtain aid for the "tent colony" of textile strikers In the Sunny South. There are many Interesting women at this convention, but none who grip more strongly than the "Divine Sara of the Mills." FREE CLINIC FOR CATARRHAL DEAFNESS AMONG CHILDREN "' I i j Nitrous Oxide Gas Will Be Used for First Time Here. Free treatment for catarrhal deafness and the use ot a new anestheald pro duced by nitrous oxide gas that will render the operation painless, will be feature today of the free clinic for children at the Bast Montgomery Ave nue Methodist Bplscopal Church under the dlreetion of the Philadelphia County Osteopathic Society. The cllnlo was opened at the church several months ago by the pastor, the tier. Alexander H. Leo. Bach week widely known osteopathic physicians give tree treatment The average at tendance Is ad children. The nitrous oxide anesthesia has never been used before In this elty. The ap paratus fer It l the property of Pr. Barl V. Dunnlnstan, associate profuaor of surgery at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathy. The treatment wHt ecn Ut of rejnovlu obstruction which have elosed the air passage leading to the inner ear and In this way pernMtUsg ma equal air pressure oa both sides ot toe eardruv" U. S. AIDS 'SANTA CLAUS GIRL' Postoffice Concession Facilitates De livery of Letters. Miss Olive May Wllron, of Jenklntown, known throughout the United States as the "Santa Clnus Girl," will be aided materially In her work this year by the action of James I. Ulnkeslee, Fourth As sistant Postmaster General, who hss ar ranged that letters addressed to "Santa Clnua" may bo delivered to responsible parties, rather than to the Division of DMd Letters. It was said today that Miss Wilson would make application to the Post masters of Jenklntown and Philadelphia nt once thnt she 'may receive n part of these letters. All appeals to the "Santa Clnus Girl" wilt be Investigated and worthy children will be cared for on Christmas Day. OBITUARIES DB. JOHN SHRADY NEW YOHK, Nov. 12.-Dr. John Shindy. S3 years old. for SO v'ears one of the most widely known physlclnns In this city and J a former president of the New York County Medical Association, died sud denly yesterday at his home In Stnmlurd, ronn. t'p to six years ago lie was actively engaged In his profession In Har lem, where he was known ns the "Little Father of tho Poor" because of his char ities extending over a period of 60 years. Ho served with tho Second Tennessee Itcglment In the Civil Wnr and was enp tured nnd Incarcerated for six weeks In I Llbby Prison. REV. CHARLES CLARK WINANS CALDWELI,, N. J., Nov. 12.-The Itcv. Charles Clark Wlnnns, formerly of IJrooklyn, died yestetday nt tho home here of his son, John It. Wlnans. Ho was born In 1H2, Ho was nppolnted pastor of tho DcKnlb Avenue Methodist Bplscopal Church, Brooklyn, In 1862, and afterward went to Jersey City, where he organhced the Emory Methodist Episco pal Church, and later entered the North Now Jersey Conference, where he filled several pne torn tea. He retired from the ministry In 1W7. MRS. ADA E. MORGAN Mrs. Ada K. Morgan, a widely known woman suffrage worker, died yesterday nt her home, 1629 Walnut struct. She was In her C3d year. Mrs. Morgan was n member of tho Philadelphia Chapter of tho Woman Suffrage League and sev eral religious and charltahla fioelctlt!. Sho Is survived by her husband, Frank K. Morgan, and a son, Clayton Edward Morgan. The funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon from her late home. ALBERT C. BURTON Albert C. Ilurton. a retired New York stock broker and for many years a resi dent of Philadelphia, died yesterday nt Denver, Col., from heart dlseusc. Ho was In nis ami year. .r. nunun, u. native of New York, was tho father ot llaroncss Marguerite von Itndeck, who married a, Germnn nobleman three years ngo. FRANK S. WARREN Frnnk S. Warren, 65 years old, account ant for the Kelley-McFreelcy Construc tion Company, of Camden, died Tuesday night at his home, 627 Penn street. Xorth Camden. Ho was a prominent member of the Tnbernacle Methodist Episcopal Church. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at his late resi dence. REV. HENRY D. JACKSON CHICAGO. N'ov. 12. The Uev. Henry D. Jackson, D. D., founder of tho First Methodist Episcopal Church In South America, died here at the ago of 77. For 10 years ho was superintendent of mis sions for his church In South America. He was the author of a Spanish .hymn book, which still Is the stnndnrd work among tho Spanish-speaking people. MRS. MARY C. LETJGHSENRING Mrs. Mary C. Leuchsenrlng. a well known resident of Norwood, died yester day at her home. 112 Elmwood street. Sho Is survived by her husband, Herman II. Leuchsenrlng. a retired business man. The funeral services will bo held from her late residence, Saturday at 2 o'clock. PETER T, COLGAN Peter T. Colgan. 76 years old. a retired building contractor, died yesterday at hla homo. 318 North Broad street, following a complication of diseases. Mr. Colgan was born In Philadelphia. Frank, Joseph nnd Edwnrd T. Colgan, who succoeded their father In business, and Dr. John A. Colgan arc surviving sons. Tho funeral will be held from his late residence Sat urday morning. CHARLES L. ATTERBURY NEW YOHIC. Nov. 12. Chnrles Larned Atterbury. a widely known lawyer, died nt his home. No. 131 East 70th street. He was 72 years old. He was graduated from Yale In 1S64 and In 1ST became solicitor to the Erie Hallway Company, and later became assistant president. He was also counsel for the Chicago nnd Atlantic Hallway, the Pullman Palace Car Company and other large corpora tions. His oitlce was at No. 30 Broad street. DANIEL V. MURPHY BUFFALO. N. Y.. Nov. 12.-Danlel V. Murphy, BO years old. special counsel for the Public Service Commission. 2d dis trict, died at his home here yesterday. He was prominent in the adjustment of telephone rates In New York city for the Public Service Commission a few months ago, MORRIS LEVINE NEW YOItK. Nov. 12.-Morrls Levlne, a retired manufacturer of hato and a resident of this city for nearly TO years, died at his home, No. 0 Manhattan ave nue. He was born In Germany 60 years ago. and was a member of Empire City Lodge. F. nnd A. M. Two sons and a daughter survive. MRS. MAX TALMEY NEW YORK, Nov. 12,-Mr. Minnie Tal mey. 31 year old. wife of Dr. Max Tal mey, a Hebrew physician, died at her home, No. K West 12th street She was an active member of Fortuna Lodge, Order Blrtth Abraham and of Temple Israel. Her husband, parents, two Bisters and two brother survive. IN SlEMOniAM DALY In loving memory of our .father. JOHN J. DAtY. who dltd ;ovmbr 12. 1803. SCOTT. In invtar rtBumbranc of MAHY SCOTT. U4 "t&LWAND BON3. JBeatljs ALCORN Suddenly, on Novambar 10. 1014, tht Rev. OUOllQU ALCORN. Funeral serv. !ca on Friday, at p. a., at 17?o Wsttaea at. Interment prltet. T1LPA BENI8QN. Dua notice of the funeral will U alvan. from thy reWn of bar sUter, Mrs Mary A. Hall. l0l Poplar ft. YilifMtlini! nn Konmbtr 10. 1014. millARI). On Naven -;?: .tztl . 7i- -ifii. l- ... -. ...: CHAHLSS a., aoo or lata VrcJ.rlrk O. BlumhUd. Fuasfll Ml CHia-Bm sbu ipv -"T . . " . . Z- iwr vV.C. . Saturday, at 2 Ill I. SB.. (rOB W nMWUHII- lattrnMat at ChaKin lUDl Ctaaa- iana si. teiv. nitADV o tlmimW 0. 1014. JENNIE wf r E4wr4 T nl T Brady and dlUAfetst et Emma, and tba Uta A. B. C. Smith. FuBMll rrtuy. at saa a. m.. from ate rwty uv.. Camdtji JIUh Mas at to Baar4 Heart cnurcB, at av a. ro. wtwu St Mary'a Cmtry. Gtoucaatar, N 3. t at HHOCU. -On N'Avsmtuir B. 1B14. S. J. M. HROCK liiwbtad ot Jaoai U Sraak F unl mi yrtday. at 1 p. m. toot bU tat Mjftu. st au4ri "- tmat at a i ft lestiWs Dfy DEATHS CARVKft Xtt,t nneklnshsm .Valley. Pa., on November 10, 1P1, WII.MAM flBNIlT CAR Visit. ninri from his late rnlame. on Friday, at It a, m. CarflKs will meet s:l.t a ra. tMIn from Readmit Tetmlnal at RueMntham Button. CLKdO. On Nombr 11, 1H. MAItT J widow ot Htnrv Heirs. KMneral ,jerlcs Raturday, at 2 p. m. p.tclnely, at 45 Bal timore ave. Interment private. COI,OAr- On November It. 11U. PETER T., hiiftband ot Deborah A. CoIan. 42ral on Caturday, at 8:30 . m., from Z14S N, Itroad M. Solemn Reifl'm Mass at the fhurrh of Our iJidy of Mercy nt 10 a. m tnurment at New I'atlicilral CVmetery. CON.NOI.LV.--On November II. 1011. r.IV WAnD. huatond of Mamaret T. Connolly. I'unrrai on Saturday, at 8:SO a. m., from MT N. trtr at Interment New Cathedral t'oirctery COOI'KR. At llrldireport, N. .T.. nn Novem ber in. mil. FAHAII W. rOOPKtt. Funeral aetvlea nt the rcnldcnte of Oeorae II. l'latt. In Drldsfpnrt, N J., on Friday, t 1!3 n. m. Interment at IlrMiteport tvmetery. CRAW roill! On November 11, 1014, EI.1Z- AIIRTlt CIIAWFORU. Funeral services Sat uruay. at 1 p. m precisely, at the residence or her ton, Harry Crawford, Ml N. Mth . Interment private. Mount Peace Ceme trj. UK CAHMS. CI.KMENTINB DE CARMB. il' llnrp t. ntlAVOHTH. On November 10. 1BH. ItOMAB UIIAVORTII. Funeral eerlcen on FTtd'W. at 1 SO n m., at Ccaarl. Chrnter County, Pa. Interment at Lower Hrandy wine Cemetery. DONOVAN. MARGARET DONOVAN, 1920 fi Homier at D0UO1.AHH On November 10, 1014. ADA WCAIir.EV. wife of Howard J. Ioulaa and daughter of fleorae and the lite Anna n'endlej. Tunera' from her late residence, Nnhletnnn, Radnor tonnahlp Pa., on Friday, at 2 p. m. Interment ot ilulf Cemetery. DOnil.ANI. On November 10. 11)14. MARV M.. daughter of the late 1)old nnd Amanda UtiURlaM. Funeral nn Saturday, at R! .10 a. m.. from 2HW s. CarlMp at. Solemn High Ma of Hequlem nt the Church of St. Rita at 10 a m. Interment Cathedral Cemetery. EICHI.ICK. HARRY EICHMCK, 320 IHIn brlditc tt, EIHKNRF.RO. On November 10. 1014. LAW RENCE It. (nee Dor) EISE.VI1URO. Fti neml services on Friday, at 2 p. m.. at 051 N. n;ih tt. Interment private. E8SIO. HARRY EH8IO, 242 Weal Indiana avenue. 1WM.COFF ABRAHAM FALT.COFF. 1028 H. Plh et. lll:(li:it On November 0. 1014. MATILDA, nlflnw of Daniel Flctccr (no llaelO. Funeral en Friday, nt 7:10 a. m.. from 2121 N, Darlen t. Requiem Maa at 0 n. in. at St. Peter's rhurrh. Interment at Most Holy lledcemrr Cemetery. PI.OOD. Suddenly, on November 0, 1011. ANDREW .1. FLOOD, "on of Ellen nnd tha late Thomas Flood. Funeral on Friday, at 2 n m., from Ida late residence, 7111) Orsy'a ave., Weat Philadelphia. Interment Mount Mnrlali Cemetery. Pl.OOD. On November 10, 1014. HENRY HTAN'WOOl). son of Marcaret and the late .lohn C. Tlon.1 (formerly of Fnmkford). Fu nernl services on Friday, nt S p. m., at 20 N. Hirst at. fftl.l nnd Mnrket sts.). Inter ment at Mount Morlah Cnmeiery. OAt'l.. On November It. 1014. MART ANN OAL'Ik In tho SSth yenr of her nee. Du no tice of the funeral will be Riven. tiAYNOH. Suddenly, nn November 10, 1014, MARY OAYNOR (neo Doyle), widow of John J. Oaynor, at hnr late residence. 3507 North Marshall at. Dun notice of the fu neral will be given. GODFREY. On November 10. 1014, SARAH, widow of Henry C. Oodfrey. Relative! and friends are Invited to nttend the funeral acnlces, on Friday afternoon nt .1 o'clock, at her lato residence. 1021 South Gfllh st. Inter ment at Ml. Morlah Cemetery. HOOD. VERNA GOOD, 1482 North Wilton street. ORADV. On November 9. 1014. TIERCE J., son of Pierce and Rachel Grady (ne Held). Funeral on Friday, nt S a. m., from his parents' residence, 100(1 Incersoll at. lllcli Requiem Mass nt Church of the Oeau, at 0:30 u. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cem etery. C.tVIN. On November 11. 1014, CEOROE S. OWIN. beloved husband of Martha Owln (nee Force). Residence, 20.10 Snyder ave. Duo notice of the funeral will be elven. JtAHINO. SOPHIA HAItlNO. 3423 North 1,111 St. IIAShON. On November 11. 1014. JOSEPH A., beloved eon of John and Mary Haason. K "How I Built Up a World's Championship Team" By GEORGE STALLINGS Beginning Sunday, November 15, the Public Ledger will publish the biggest and most remarkable baseball story of recent years the only series of articles ever written or authorized by the famous Boston manager. The Miracle Man takes the public into his confidence for the first time and gives his theories of baseball management tells the measures used to develop what he himself calls his "misfit outfit" explains in detail by means of interesting incidents and anecdotes how he made the Boston Braves the World's Champions. George Stallings' own story appears exclusively in the Sunday Public Ledger, beginning Sunday, November 15th, and continues for the following nine Sundays. Every article is illustrated by Stallings' son, George Stallings, Jr. Don't miss this big food for fans; it will put you wise to many a wrinkle in baseball you never knew. Remember the date; First Instalment Appears in the Sports Magazine on Sunday, November 15th PUBLIC DKATJIS Funeral Menday, it 8:30 a. m . from R910 Aepen st., Weat fhlla. Interment Cathedral Cemetery. IIEHKF.RT. Suddenly, en November 10, 1014, AMnrtOSlC. husband ef the late Cath erine llerkert. Funeral aervlcea, on Friday, at 1 o'clock, at hla late residence, 2840 Jef ferson at. Interment pritnte, at Odd Pet Iowa' Cemetery. IIERSIIOUn. Suddenly, on November It, OliOntlB MBltlON IHORflltOIIR, eon of John 1lrshour and.Chrlsslo Herahour. Fu neral Saturrtnj nt II e, in, at ChiirchMlle, ra. Interment Churchvllle Ccmeterv lllltsf. On November 0. 1014, WILt.tAil WISTKR, husband of Oertnide narfett Itlrat end son of Btrnh A. and the lato Henry D. ltlret. Relatives and friends are. Invited to attend the funeral fen ices, on Friday morn lnr, nt 11 o'clock, at his Ute. residence, 17 Manbelm at., Clermantown. Interment pri vate. HtlltrZ. -THIL. 8. HORTZ, In hla Tltlh year. Due notice of the funeral will be Riven from hla late residence, 00(0 Spruce at. KEM, KIIF.lt. On Notemher 0. 1014, ANNIE, widow of John Kelleher, formerly of Conehoheeken. Funeral on Friday, at 7:30 a. m., from Ml lleechwood st. High Maea at St. Matthew'a Church, Conshohocken, at 111 a. m Interment nt St. Malthaw'a New Cemetery. KEHNAN. On November 11, 1014, DANIEL 1 , beloved son of Michael and Catharine Kernan Funeral Saturday, S.30 a, m., from his parents' residence, 3RM Falrmount are., West I'hlla. Interment nt Holy Cross Cem etery. KIRK. At Nnrrlstnwn, Pn., on November 10, 10U. CHARLES HENRY KIRK, son of the late Philip and Mary Kirk. Relatives and friends nra respectfully Invited to nttend the funernl services, on Friday, at 1 o'clock pre cisely, from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Hershey, Mt4 Keyser st , Oermantown, l'hlln. Interment private, nt Media Cem etery. Delaware County. Pa. I.ANIOLA. ANTONIO LANIOLA, 1312 South Franklin st. LENAItAN. On November 0. 1014. JOSEPH H.. husiiann or iiannan b. u uonnen ina han. Funeral on Friday, at B.ao n. m., from TJ2 N DcKalb st. n st. poiemn man .Man ot s nhurcli of St. Aa-atha at 10 Iteouiem nt tne nM.t.lt.. LENT. At her tale residence, Hamilton Court. Philadelphia, on November 10, 1014, EL17.AHETH ANN KtMrtALL. widow of DE WITT CLINTON LENT. Funeral service nnd burial nt Oreennlch. Conn. LKFCHSENKINn. On November 11, 1014, MARY C. wife ot Herman It. Irfuchtenrlnc, daughter of Adam and Matilda Picket. Rela tle and Irlends are InUtad to attend tha funeral sin Ice, on Faturday. nt 2 o'clock, at hr lata reslder.ee, 112 Elmwood ave.. Nor wood, Delaware County, Pa. Interment prl Mt, Carrlnses will meet train at Norwood, leaUna nroad Street Station 12.3, LYNCH. On November 10. 1014. JAMES J , son of Patrick and tho late Mary Ljneh. Funeral on Friday, at 8 o. m.. from 134.1 East Moynmenslns; ave. Solemn Mass of Reoulem nt Church of the Sacred Heart, at 0:30 a. m. precisely. Interment nt New Cathedral Cemetery. MARCELI.O. HOSARIA MARCELLO. 710 Msnton at. MARTIN. On November 10. 1014, HRID OF.T, wife of Hcim- Martin. Funeral Fri day, nt 8.30 a. m.. from 2008 South Farcy st. lllah Moss of Requiem at the Churrh ot tha Epiphany, at 10 n. m. precisely. Interment Holy Cross. MAX On November 0. 1014, JOHN MAX. Funernl on Friday, nt H::io a. m.. from UUil North Dover st. Solemn Requiem Mass nt St. Ludwlg-s Church, ot 10 a. m. Interment prhate. MrllHIDE. On November 11. 1014. HANNA M.. bohned widow of William Mcilrlde. Fu neral eervtcra nn Saturday, at 1 p. m at 371(1 Frankford nve. Interment prhnte. North Cedar Hill Cemetery. M rllCIlt P.. Entered Into rest, on November 11, 1011. JENNIE, widow ot William Mc Outre, In her M"' year. Funeral on Satur day, at 2 p. m., from M.I N. Felton at. In t.rmcnt lit Fernwoort Cemetery. McIVER. On November 10, 1014, ELIZA D.. wlfn of Archibald Mclver. Tuneral service on Friday, nt 2 p. m at 1000 South S5th St. Interment prlate. SlrNICIIOL. UERNARD McNICHOL, 1727 Wharton at. MELLON. On November 11. 1014, JEMI MIA MELLON. Funeral serWcee Saturday. 2 p. m.. at hur late residence, 6200 Whitby nvr. Interment private. MICRANTZ. Near Clementon. N. J., on No vember V. 1014. WILLIAM, huabami ot Ma tilda Mlcrnntx. Funeral services on Friday. at 2 p. m.. at Glbbtboro road, near White Homo pike. Clementon, N. J. Interim nt Ber lin Cemetery. Order from Your Newsdealer or Carrier Today DEATHS MORGAN. At her residence, IB! tAlfiStvl at., nn KATmn,r 11. loi-t. aha k.. of Frank E. Morgan, ated 3 year. MORRIrV-Suddentr, at hi residence, t) ft. 44th St.. on November II. 1914. FRArtCia C Monms. Funeral aervlces en Friday, et 2 p. ra at the apartments Of Olivet II. nalr, 1?n chstnut at Interment st Ff wood Cemetery. Mt'M.nn n Amhar to inn oitntij TIAN MOLLER, nt hla lata residence, SIT wainui st . coillnroale, DeiAware county. Pa. Due notice of funeral will be gleert. . O'REILLV. On November 10, 1014. WILL IAM Jf, O'REILLY, husband of ElUabeta ' O'Reilly. Funeral on Baturdny, nt ft m., from 4727 Richmond St , Itrldesbure; ltltft Rxjule-n Maaa at All Saints' Church. t 9 a. m. Interment 8t Dominica Church PARKS. On November 0. 1014, AIMEE if,. dauhter of Frederick B. nnd Sarah B. I'arka. Funeral services on Saturdav, at a p. m. at IH50 Chestnut at. Interment private. PATt'HKLTn- On November 10, J014, ROB on Pnturday, at 1 p. m., at his late residence, ml loot North Napa at (31st and Derks). In- jB terment Hillside Cemetery. , -3M rillLLII'ROn November 10, 1014, irARRT SM H.. son ot the lata William and Minnie PhlW lips. Funeral aervlces, on Friday at 2 p. m.. M at 301B North Hambrey st. (tli and In'ijB uinna ave, i. interment pnvnie. r I'OWIIERHILrw At Dnyleatown, Pa on' Novembtr II, 1014. LENA, wife of George It rowrterhlll. Funeral on Saturday, at i . m., from 2217 N. Colorado at. Interment Northwnod Cemetery PR KM.. On November II, 1014, ERNEST INE I'llRI.r.. dauahter of llarbara and the lata William S. Trell, naed 23 years. Fu neral services on Saturday, nt 2 p. m., nt the residence of her mother, 2032 Nt Water loo at. Inttrment private, Oreenmount Cent 1RICE On November II, 1014, WILLIAM II. TRICE, husband of Mary V. Price. Fu.. neral services on Saturday, at 3 p. m. pre' rlsely, at 144 Tree st. Interment private. SCALLON. HARRIET SCALLON, 449 South 41il st BHCMAN. On November 10. 1014, EU (JKNE J., son of John W. nnd Mary b,m man. Funeral on Friday nt 2 p. m,, from I4IB North 8th st. Interment at Odd Fei Iowa" Cemetery. STORM. XI ART BTORM, 8118 KerehaW street. TRAVIS On November 10. 1014. 1IAR KIETT, widow of James Travis. Kuneret on Friday, at 2 p. m., from 2fl22 North 20tli at. Interment private, at Mt, Peace Cemetery. SMITH. On November 10. 1014. at hla par enta' residence, 107 Scott's lane. Falla of Schuvlklll, of diphtheria. MARK, aon .of Mark nnd Malllo Smith, 2 years 7 months. No funeral. SNYDER On November 0, 1914, EDWAR& M. 8NYDRR. husband or Henrietta Snyder inee Nekervla). Funeral services on Thurs day, November 12, at 2:30 p. rn., at 4631 Orlscom st. (formerly Frankfln at ), Frank rnrd. Interment nt Oakland Cemetery. HOOY. On November II, 1014, ORACB A widow ot Oeorite Sooy, In her 73d year. Fu neral on Faturday, at 2 p. m from lh residence of her son, Wllbert B. Sooy, 1018 Spruce st., Camden, N. J. Interment prl vatr, Evsrirreen Cemetery. NTKEVEIL On November 8, 3014, MARY WIOTON. widow ot Henry Strevar. Fvl. nernl services on Thursday, at 2 n. m, precisely, nt 4.VKI North 1Mb at Interment strictly private, at Hillside Cemetery. Bl'LLIVAN. November 8, 1014. JOHANNA, widow of John Sullivan, Funeral Thursday, nt 7:30 n m., from 73) Slat at., Camden, N. J. Utah Mass at Church of tha Holy Name, at u a. m. Interment Calvary Ceme tery. TOY. On November 11, 1014. at her late rraldenc, llustletnn, Philadelphia. ELVlNAv FISHER TOY. wife of Ellns Toy, Funeral services on Saturday, nt 2 p. m., at Church nt St. Luko the nclnved Phvalclan. Hustle ton, .nterment St. Luke's Cemetery VAN ZANRT. On Novembsr 11, 1814, NE HEMIAII VAN ZANDT. Funeral services nn Saturdav, at 1:30 p. m., nt hla late residence. '."Wl N. 21th st. Interment pri vate, nt West Ijvurel Hill Cemetery. VVARRKN. Suddenly, on Novamber 10. 1014, FRANK. S. WAtiti-N funeral services oil Friday, at t P in., at his Into resldtnee. 027 Tenn st , Camden. Interment private, at Harlclah Cemetery. WETZKU On November 10. 1014. ALDERT (!.. son ot Susnnnn and the late Anssltn Wetiel (nea Relthmeyer). Funeral on Sat urdav, at 7:30 a. m.. from 2KI0 North Han cock at. Solemn Requiem Masa at St. Honl fnclus' Church at 0 o'clock. Interment Holy Itedesmer Cemetery. WHITE. Novemoer O, 1014, RUTH ANN widow of Jacob J. White. Funeral on Fri day, November 13, nt 2 p m from 4703 Ed mund st Frankford. Interment at East Cedar Hill Cemetery. LEDd mi m & 1.4, Wi 1