Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 12, 1914, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 12

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" mpnVHV m"iw pffl&w "SP"
f Ellen Adair Points Out the Difference Between the Two
r J I
The bachelor girl Is a product of the
fcrft ten years In (net. It would ba moro
tdfTft to say that she haa only recently
eprtmg up Between her sprightly de
meanor and tho prim waja of the obso
lete 6M maid a ynwnlnff gulf Is fixed.
4-"or the former Is a delightful person,
where the latter has always been an ob
ject of ridicule.
The bachelor girl, be It understood, Is
Ho only because sho chooses so to be!
The old maid had no altornallval for
her ho happy choice offered Itself be
tween the roseate path of matrimony and
the then rocky path of slnglo blessed
res Sftch was tho general opinion, at
any rate
Tho old maid, too. had no financial
independence Sho lived "on tolerance"
Jn other people's houses, as tho general
rule, for at tho period when she nour
ished tho piofcsslons and business life
did not encourage women to participate
In their work
The bachelor Rlrt of the present day,
Upon the contrary, earns a good salary,
is financially Independent and Is re
spected by all. No stigma attaches to hor
late of slnglo blessedness, I rather
' incline to think that many of tho mar
ried women regard her with envious oyes
and wish they had hor money and her
"Jlary has such a good tlmel" I heard
married woman say the other day with
Daughter's Bedroom
Now Is the time for tho fall houso
cleaning. After this comes the task of
arranging the carpets, rugs and curtains
to the best advantage. Tho little daugh
ter's bedroom requires special attention.
First of all have tho floor scrubbed thor
oughly and then varnished. It Is nicer
to vuse a rug than a carpet, becauso tho
rug Is easier to keep clean and looks
much prettier. A dark, well-covered
eround Is best, with a border of somo
lighter shade to relieve It.
The new furniture Is Ideal for the young
Blrl's bedroom. If you can't afford the
real French gray or Ivory whlto stylos
old In the stores, have her old set dono
over In this effect They ore not as fine,
hut If you have tho finishing dono at a
reliable placo It will look almost as
eood. Bird's-eye maple 1b another good
uggestlon, and looks well combined with
(t pretty brass bed.
Have tho room as light and as airy as
possible. This Is for health as well as for
feeauty. Cretonno curtains, bedspread
end cushions are very attractive. But
remember to uso a. plain wallpaper with
cretonne. They may both bo of tho samo
hade, but If you uso a figured paper
with figured cratonne tho result Is too
much decoration. Striped wallpaper Is
very pretty nnd comes In almost any
hade. It will make a small room look
larger as well.
Havo plenty of chairs In tho room. Tour
mile daughter Is proud of her nice room,
and will bo havlnp her girl friends up
there. Several rockers or a large firo
Ide chair, covered with cretonne to
match the hangings, will look charming.
Lastly, arrange the lights so that when
he studies sho will set the best possible
light on her desk. Don't have It shining
directly on her eyes, but see that It is
Rear enough that she does not havo to
oqulnt or bend over.
Chestnut Soup
Cut off tho tops of two pounds of Span
ish chestnuts, and roast thorn in the oven
lor ten minutes, remove the outer and
inner skins, and place them In a stew
nan with sufficient weak stock to cover.
JJet them cook very slowly for about an
liour, when thoy should have absorbed
most of the moisture. Hub them through
m. wlr sieve, add two or thrco tablo
poontuls of cream or milk, half an
ounce of butter, salt and coralline pepper
to taste.
Every woman should aim to havo an
"efllclent" Kitchen. Things should not
only be conveniently placed; they should
he useful In themselves. The small
kitchen Is best, because you don't havo
to waste so many steps, Steps count
(when you are on your feet all day long.
Never uso wall paper In the kitchen.
The action of stoves, gas, cooking va
jiors, etc.. Is ruinous to good paper.
"Wnahablo oilcloth, paint or tile la bat
ter. Tho last Is best and cleanest of
11, but very expansive. Linoleum, of
course, Is best for the floors. Ruga may
t placed by vh sink and the range,
where tho wear comes.
Keep the groceries In ona place, cereals
nd condiments In another; agateware
Utensils and dishes In closets. If jou
put the ordinary dishes whera thay can
be reached, on the bottom shelves, and
tho fancy dishes on the top, you won't
have so many broken. Cups and small
pitchers, etc, can bo hung from hooks
A Cheap Corner Cupboard
for Dresses
In a bedroom muoh may be dona to
jhconomlze space by Inclosing a comer as
follows: Have a throe-cornered shelf three
feet deep In Its widest part fixed up suffi
ciently high to allow hooks to be placed
lasida round tho two angles of tho wall,
en which to hang- dresses, etc. Then hang
a eurtaln of any pretty material from the
front pf this shelf. Tho result Is a jthree
cornered wardrobe, in which a number of
garments can be hung without 'fear of
- -ilimt,
j Timbales of Cold Meat
Half a pound of any kind of cold meat;
S qunces of bread&rumbs, 1 ounce) of but
Utf or good dripping, 3 teaspoottfuta of
oha&ped oolon, 3 teaspooflfula of shopped
jwW, J fgg ad J extra yolk, Uttlj
44. half a pint ot brown sausa, cooked
gti peas, alt and pepper.
TWchly butter soma small dariela
Mfel-tbe are small, rouad molds
irmtt 1 to Di taefcas high arranjre some
iMrelullr aeoked peas all over the bot
At of eaeh, preseias tbem lightly oa t
M butter.
Melt tae rest of the butur in a -jun.
add the onion aa fry U a pl
3mw; tnen drain It from the butter.
li tpgeUier tU op4 weat, crumbs,
SMuaiejr aad onloa.
S up p a "; ?5
athr tbe tow tfc wW. . ' "
? te ut, A
fmEJ rf BMtmm t tl ratstate -any
tie the ttna. tafctow mi i
4uHrs t fratio, "
t.re wa Twiat ot
t . tu .. ? Wt HilMS
C lM)l bar t-alf . an
1 Ti4 vum.? afcU frB S ram
i-rsi'-1' 'T' ' ya-aj
referonee to nn unmarried womon friend.
"Sho has such a gay, free sort of life
that I quite envy herl Sho earns a. splen
did salary and every summer she can
nffotd to go to Ruropo for a long .trip,
while John and I Just manage to not a
week In at Atlantic City or some place
near hornet
"Mary can go to all the theatres and
concerts, too, and she lini no ties to keep
her chained to her home. Sho gives such
delightful little dinners and bridge par
tie, and then In her bulneii sh
meet alt sort") of delightful, Interesting
people! Hor life Is so much wider,
broader than mine!"
There Is a stronclv marked dUTerenpn
between the attitude of mind peculiar to
the bachelor nM and that of tho old
tmid Tho latter nns generally sup
posed to bo narrow and stern, keenly
opposed to the natural, Innocent pleasures
of onth, and somewhat prim nnd for
bidding In her wajt. As far as clothe
wept, she as ntnnss held as nn object
of ridicule, for she dressed bndly
Tho bachelor ihl, on the other hand,
delights in all the Jos of tho da She ,
Is clover, well-read, Interesting, broad- i
minded. Iter appearance Is attractive i
and sho drcfeses oven better than do he.
married friends, for she corns sufficient ,
money to enable her to IndulKo eery
whim nnd caprlca of nettle Dame rnshlon
It Is nn undenlnblo fact that. In the '
modern mcanlnir of tlm term, .m h-mim. '
lof girl Is eminently attractive. Sho hai
sprung up as tho necessary accompani
ment of the economic freedom of women '
The Extravagant Girl
American girls nre greatly criticised for
extravagance A girl goes downtown
nowadays and buys hat, shoes, gloves
nnd shirtwaist to match every new suit.
Wo all can remember when things wcro
bought for us. Wo Upod to sit and watch
for tho delivery wagon which would brlnp
us our new dress which mother bought
Wo wouldn't daro select anything for
oui selves.
How times have changed! Nowadajs
girls of 12 nnd 13 select their wardrobes
entirely They may tako a friend, but
mother Is seldom consulted And, straiigo
to say, the result Is very creditable. The
jottng girl In her teens Is neatly and suit
ably drci'Cd.
Tho onlv drawback Is the bills. The
voting Klrl docs not know the valtio of
money. Sho sees what sho wants and she
bus It. She knows, of course, whether it
n mum uiun sue n supposeu io pay, uui
ntno times out of ten sho decides to got
It anywav A vounc clrl should know tho
allto of tho roods, lining and trimming
of a suit, approximately, nt least. It Is
the samo with tho hat She should be
taught to choose simple, durable articles
rather thin overclaborate ones.
Tho clothes allowance is tho best wav
to train a girl. Glvo her so much month
ly to buy her ribbons, laces, fan, neck
wear, gloves, eto , and an extra, amount for
tho season's suit and evening gown. Sho
will learn to manngo for herself, to save
when possible, and, above all, It will save
her tho trying ordeal of begging all the
Tapioca and Tomatoes
Sonk a tablcspoonful of tapioca in
water for two hours, set It to boll, add
'Ing a little more water till tho consistency
of mush. Add pepper, salt and a little
fresh butter. Cut two tomatoes In half,
remove the seeds and sprinkle with pep
per and salt. Fill each half tomato with
the tapioca, sprinkle the top with grated
cheeso and hnked breadcrumbs. Put Into
tho oven for 20 minutes and serve hot.
Chocolate Sponge
Take 2 ounces each of butter, sugar,
encoa, flour, 1 ounce ground rlco, ono
egg, teaspoon halting powder, 4 ounces
Icing sugar, 2 ounces butter, a little va
nilla fpr cream filling. Cream butter and
sugar together, add eggs well beaten,
mix together Hour, ground rice, cocoa and
baking powder, add butter, sugar and
egg, mix 'with a gill of milk and bake In
two round tins. For cream filling- beat
sugar and butter together, flavor, and
spread between cakes when cooked.
screwed Into the bottom of the shelves.
This will save space If you havo an
Tako good care to have your fixed
equipment placed In a good light. Have
a fixture hanging before the Ice box eo
that .you can And things at any time
of night.
Another good thing Is to have a placo
where you can keep your accounts, pay
your bills, write menus, etc. Conduct
ing tho business of a, home is a good bit
of work, but If you do it systematically
anf. lllo every bill, you won't have nny
of the financial errors whleh try the
disposition of tho busy housewife.
Egg in the Mist
Separate tho yolks from the whites of
as mnny eggs as required. Whip tho
whites stiffly, adding a little salt and
pepper. Put on rounds of buttered toast
with a spoon, leavloff hollow In tho cen
tre. Blip the yolk carefully Into the hol
low, put a pleco of butter on tho top and
bake to a nice brown In tho oven.
"How do you like my new suit?" asked
Adelaide, as she posed before the mirror
and feasted hor eyas on her trim figure,
"You look very well, Indeed, my dear.
Tour suit fits beautifully, and I'm sure
you couldn't ask for better."
"Yes, I know. I can Just thank my
lueky stars that I look as decent as I
do, considering how few clothes I get
That's one of the advantages of good
looks you can't spoil them, except by
bad. taste. And, thank Heaven, I know
how to dress, If I do say it myself "
"As shouldn't," added her friend softly.
Adelaide Uughed. "Have it your own
way, dearie. I haven't time to argue
With you about it But you can take
my word for It it you don't advertise
for yourself, nobody else will do It It
doesn't help a bit to bo a modlst little
violet these days. As soon as yon begin
to yell out your own vlrtuee people bc
tlae them."
"I'm afraid I don't agree with you oa
that point." her friend answered, "be
cause peoplo get tired pf eeaeelt more
Quiekl) than you Imagine."
The slasuBliMr of the door aunonnoad
Adelaide's departure. She walked down
the trt with, the earrlage of an em
Bteae, Bvery Hue of her figure betrayed
fseU-paseeseion, asmr&aee and a certain
4uaael?us ladMereoM that attraot4
mttcfri ftttettlovu
Aa attitude like this Is a mixed bl
t&g. Ts M$staa who is sure of berself
has me aya wn she feeU as if eb
cvuUs't look well la anything Her mett
VmU stetem kaew what It la to feel
yeUew sjui trewsr. and have taeir waIa
&ty peat V the feeling thai they mX. I
a isau -raa aeu-ueurea girt juj takes
it tot jfrJO4 that tkja always leeks aer
t, wtlr a naiXy do4 or uot
MM ate am mmt. ttia aitUwU nueh
as wMa 4 (Ran W not o itkaiy to
Bat t 9kWI tit .u3h,(1 uiilj U
-s& .
. -
WSmmK IK-- Mr b
fMmSABKf lM y&rjn "III p 8
wSemSKumSn rJS, fl?A V J
BKmrt ,wm
WlwSmmWn fK '"mi m ,
mmm k ' ' warn''
' J
American Manufacturers and
Variously French
Before tho clever French designers laid
down tho yard stick to take up the sword
the ruling motives of the season were
clearly defined.
The American manufacturers and mo
distes have found them to bo wonder
fully flexible, however, nnd to digress, to
modify and amplify staple Ideas and to
produco a different costume every time
has been easily achieved.
Tho possible combinations of whist
hands that tho ordinary deck of cords
will glvo can be computed, but It runs
Into 19 figures.
So, the dominant notes, tho "Idees
fixes" of fashion, can bo played on with
harmonies or discords, as It may happen,
and an occasional frock suggesting tho
chromatic seal.
Women can exploit their own Individ
uality this season without crossing tho
border line of fashion. While tho sil
houettes are firmly established, fortu
nately there Is more than one. Wo havo
had tho Moyen Age. tho Russian and
tho Dlrectolro for some time, with the 1S7S
silhouette a possibility.
Ono of the designers leaped from the
tight skirt to tho full at a bound. It has
been a natural ovolutlon, nevertheless.
The flounced skirts, the flaring tunics
havs meant tho gradual elimination of
tho swathellko skirt of tho past.
Evening frocks are very lovely this
season. Thoy are shorter than usual, hut
this Is a gain, when (dippers are fash
ioned b artlfully as they now are, with
are concelted-to a certain extent-and
we seldom notice our own fallings In
A woman often will say she has a
right to be conceited "I know I'm good
looking, so what's the uso of denying ItT"
asked a very pretty girl tho other day.
"If you know It, my dear, what's the
use of affirming- ItT" answered her Wise
mother. "Let people take it for granted."
This Is tho reasonable point of view.
If you aro always singing your own
praises peoplo will accontuato your faults,
out of natural perversity. By tho same
token, the girl who leaves her praises
to be sung by others will hardly recognize
herself. Bho will find perfection which she
never dreamed of thrust upon her.
Many a conceited girl has lost bar men
friends because she was too sure of them
Man Is a nomadlo animal, and rtqulres
oareful handling Bo, If you find your
James Is inclined to cast his eyes about
for newer attractions, you can probably
trace the reason to your own perfect
self For no man can live up to per
fection Creamed Potato Pie
Out enough cold boiled potatoes Into
(See to fijl a pint measure. Put one
ounce of flour and the same quantity ot
butter la a saucepan with a seasoning of
alt and pepper. Cook It till thoroughly
mixed, then add one breakfast oupful of
milk, and stir ttll smooth and thick Add
the potatoes and simmer for five min
utes, then pour into a shallow baking tin,
previously well buttered Mix a cupful of
fine brvaderurabs with a tableipoaalul of
melted butter, and spread over the pota
toes. Bake till the orumbs are a goMao
brawn. &atve hot
ftgffatpandtwga of oeaeral lteert
to v&ecji M4f rW he printed fl
elvefiM MHlfec.
j, j g ., fcjKiy yy.,0. -
Modistes HaOe Interpreted
Fashion Ideas.
brilliant buckles to emphasize the arch
of the foot.
Womon who dress not only fashionably
but artistically and In good tasto havo
eliminated tho Bleoves from many of their
gowns With the sleeveless gown gloves
can bo dlsocns&d with and are. At din
ners, dances and even tho theatre wo
men aro Been In full dress without gloves
Possibly this Is because een tho long
est glove could not reach up to the shoul
der strap, and the abrupt ending Is un
loely. Possibly It Is one of the fadd
of fashion without rhyme or reason
The little frock sketched today Is ut
terly simple, yet It exploits several of
the fashion motives successfully and at
tractively. The skirt Is full, but not extravagantly
so. Thn two upper tiers are slightly
draped, breaking a line that Is sometime?
hard and stiff. It Is quite short enough
to dance In without the awkard appear
ance that the Bid it a little too short
Inevitably produces.
Tho eleeca nre a mere concession to
tho name, but, such as they are, thoy
suit the stylo of the frock The sleeve
less dinner or evening gown Is too so
phisticated for very young girls and Is
much moro appropriate for the married
woman or for tho girl who haa already
had eeveral seasons In tho world
The drapery of the bodice Is of the kind
that Worth, still the Incomparable In
tho eyes of many, sanctions with his
It reveals the natural lines of the fig
ure, and the velvet, which overlaps the
chiffon, crosses from front to back and
fastens with a bow with long pointed
ends. A buckle of brilliants holds It In
place In lieu of the flower decoration
that has such prestige this year.
Cheese Rolls
Make somo rough puff pastry, and roll
It out Into squares about three Inches
across. Now prepare mixture in this
way; One ounce of butter, two table
spoonfuls of grated cheese, one dessert
spoonful of breadcrumbs, a very little
cayenno and half a beatan egg. Beat the
butter and mix in the other Ingredients.
Spread somo over each square of pastry,
and roll up like sausage rolls; brush over
with the remainder of beaten egg and
bake In a quick oven for seven minutes.
Macaroni Cheese
Place a saucepan, holding about two
quarts of water on tho fire; when boiling
add a dessertspoonful of salt and four
ounces of macaroni, broken in small
pleoes, and cook until tender, but not too
soft. Make a sauoe toy blending one
ounoe of butter and half an ounce of
flour together over the fire, add half a
pint of milk, stir until boiling, put In two
ounce of ohees tha macaroni, a little
made mustard, salt and pepper to taste.
Turn the mixture into a buttered pie dish
or casserole, and sprinkle the surface
with brown bread orumbs and a good
supply of grated cheese, and bake In a
brisk oven for about ten minutes till
nicely browned
We era uniu for meae caiaoxataa ceiwr
a duoka the aneat at are errown la tie
temsus poultry bait at New Jareay Thay ir
seuna emmnm bum wm uiau
Trees. esM deUr n
ink -fad Jersay poultry.
Jtuabe aquae.
Mates W WH w
' sr - J-"
Some Dressmaking Dont's
To bo a really successful dressmaker,
ono has to remember almost ns many
,"don'ts" nn "do's." Hero aro a few
timely warnings for tho beginner!
Don't buy cheap pins
Don't me too flno cotton. Toil will
waste much time nnd temper If oti do
Don't grudge tlmo spent In careful
Don't put fn HecvM by tho machine.
Don't pucker In casting over.
Don't cut out moro than one piece of a
garment nt a time.
Don't faco up the wrists of tho sleeve
with mtterlal except on the cross.
Don't cut cropswny frills without extra
enroful mrnmrlng nnd pinning.
DoiPt scamp tlm doing of thoso ptrti
which ilo not show; he particularly fns
tlilloiii nliout tho flnhhlngs.
Don't Imagine that a mlstako won't
matter In a garment made for jotinolf
Tlint N the Idea of one who will neor
make a good worker.
Beauty and the Woman
Jinny women who tnko good caro ot
their complexion, nails and teeth forget
entirely nbout their necks Tho neck
shows Inattention very quickly Indeed,
nnd tho careful woman will remember
this. She should examine her neck close
Iv, tiotliiir If tlicro aro nny decolorations
or If It Is too thin, too stout, or If tha
flesh Is flabby. Every llltlo Imperfection
Hhoulrt rorclvo Impnitlnl criticism, nnd
tho proper remedy applied.
Ufo n soft complexion brush to scrub
your nock Ono with a handle on It Is
heit, as you can reach all parts of the
neck with It Hub It vigorously with a
good soap (or almond meal) and warm
watci. lie suro to got up behind tho
oars, whero dust atoms often accumulate
Tho thin neck ihould be nourished with
olive oil or cocoa-butter, applied gener
ously. Any spots or dlscoloratlons may
be icmovctl bv applying a lotion mndo of
glycerlno and peroxide. Benzoin, In
quautltlci of a few drop to a bowl ot
water, makei a good whltcner.
Tho position or tho head has much to
do with thn nppenranco of tho neck If
your neck Is inclined to bo stout, hold
tho head erect Havo tho neck massaged
frequently electrical treatment Is vcri
gouil also A few weeks of proper caro
will work wonders It you keep It up
Pretty Princess Pat
Princess Pati icla of Connaught is, auovo
all thing1, a soldier's daughter Sho Is
said to bo ns thoroughly acquainted with
military affairs nn her father.
Sho Is also ory deter with her pencil
A shoit whllo ago sho presented the DuKa
with a sketch ot a soldier In uniform
"You'e made a mlstako in the uni
form," he said. "Those buttons should
be over hero," Indicating another part of
tho tunic.
Princess "Pat" admitted sho had mado
tho sketch from memory, but was quite
suro tho buttons wcro correctly placed
As that particular regiment happened to
bo on gunril duty that day the Duko sent
for ono of tho o Ulcers to convince his
obstlnnto daughter sho was wrong.
Tho ofllccr came, and tho Duke exam
ined him closely The Princess smiled.
"Why, good graclolus, my dear," he ex
claimed "you jo right, nfter all."
A group of girls were sewing Indus
triously on the piazza of a summer hotel.
The rain was pouring down In sheets out
Blde, henco the Industry. A pretty little;
blonde girl looked up from her sewing
and remarked: "I had a letter from Bob
today and he says Dorothy and Billy
have announced their engagement I was
so surprised I didn't even know ha was
In tho race "
"Race1 What racer' Inquired another.
"Why the race to win Dorothy, of
course, silly. I thought she went with
Tom Colbert all the time."
"So sho did until she found she couldn't
get him. Why, the way she chased that
fellow made me sick," added tha little
blonde, "Sho called him up at his offloo
so muoh that the boss threatened to nro
him. It's a wonder he didn't do It long
ago. He's about as much use as a flftn
wheel to a wagon, anyhow."
"Well, I don't agree with you at all,
Delia," said a rather plain-looking girl In
the corner, "Tom Colbert Is a very capai
ble fellow, but he's Just like hundreds ot
others; he hasn't had his chance yet
And, besides, Dorothy never really cared
for any one but Billy. They've grown
up together. Why, I remember when sho
We have received
Dyes from PARIS
sufficient to last its for two years.
It is a pleasure to share our good fortune with
our patrons, and we are gratified to be able Jo
assure them that we will continue to fill our orders
at no advance in price.
A. F. BornotBro Co.
VtwwH JsetHurera asd Hftn
lllb. St. and Fabmoaat Ave.
ISWOfceatattt St
I WWU) ud THU St.
b ommmmm m v-
III W M 4faffset A
noa Esart.
The llmeOionored argument of bakers
that wrapping tho fresh loaves spoils tho
flavor nnd quality of tho bread has been
overthrown completely by the Indiana
State Board of Health.
As a result of exhaustive experiments,
made with extreme care and fairness,
theeo experts have found that bread
wrapped cither In porous or In paraffined
paper remains fresh much longer thnn
unwrapped bread and that at the end of a
given time tho flax or of tho wrapped
bread was also found to bo much higher
than thnt of tho unwrapped. As the
stnlcness of a loaf of bread Is usually
determined by Its content of moisture,
this detail of tho experiment should
prove conc1uslely that wrapped bread
keeps much better than that which Is
unwrapped whether In tho grocery storo
nr In itin linmp.
Tho advocates of pure food have had a
hard tlmo to secure tho wrapping ol
bread. When tho matter could be brought
to the nttcntlon of thinking people there
wns never any denial of tho fact that
tho only way to protect bakers' bread
from contam'natlon on route between thq
shop nnd tho consumer wns to wrap each
loaf In parnrtlncd paper, but the rank and
fllo of consumers havo failed to see or
caro about it.
Tho moro progressive bakers have real
ised that, with tho growing sensitiveness
of tho thinking public to food sanitation,
tho wrapping of bread wad a good busi
ness move But tho others, especially
those to whom the exponso of wrapping
wns a serious consideration, havo opposed
It bitterly, their main nrgument being
that wrapping bread Bpollcd tho flavor
of It. They havo assorted that tho con
sumers themselves did not want It and
hnvn !tvl mnnv criticisms of wrapped
bread by customers whoso method of
ascertaining the freshness of bread and
rolls wns to pinch the same with tholr
And because public sentiment is Invari
ably conservative, there has been llttlo
done so far to pavo tho way for general
Stnte legislation thnt will force nit bakors
to protect their product from contamina
tion. Persons who prefer to have their
bread brought to thpm In paper wrappers
patronize tho bakers who wrap their
bread; those who elect to go Into tho
baker's shop and squeeze the loaves con
tinue to squeeze, and tho bakers who sup
ply thom believe as devoutly as ever thnt
tho only way to sell bread Is to leave It
naked, because tholr customers Insist that
ovon tho most transparent clothing Is
merely put on to conceal Its age.
But the result of tho Indiana Investiga
tions puts nn end to any serious contro
versy as to the merits of tho case bo far
ns tho effect of wrapping Is concerned
After this, It will moroly bo a question
of public opinion, nnd tho prcssuro of
that opinion upon both legislators and
Public health In nny community de
mands clean milk, clean butcher shops
nnd slaughter houses, clean grocery ctores
and bakeries nnd clean bread. The only
way that bread can be kept clean Is to
wrap It when It leaves tho oven, for there
Is hardly nn nrtlclo of food that receives
Marrons Glaces
Only sound chestnuts must be chosen
for making this popular swootmeat. Re
move tho outer brown skin, throw tho
nuts Into boiling water, and boll until
tho Inner skin can be easily removed.
When cleanly Bklnned, plaoe In fresh
boiling water and simmer until tho
chestnuts aro tender. Drain well nnd
leave to become cold. Make a vory thick
syrup by boiling a pound of loaf sugar
In hnlf a pint of water until It nnswers
to the following test: Dip tho forefinger
Into the syrup, apply tho thumb quickly
to It, draw out the sugar -and then blto
It off. If It breaks with a slight noise
and Just sticks, to tho teeth It Is ready.
Drop In the chestnuts one by ono. leavo
each about a minute, drain slightly, roll
In Icing sugar, placo on an oiled plato
and leave until sot
Welsh Cheesecake
Take tho weight of one egg In butter
nnd sugar and cream them together.
Take tho same weight In flour and one
egg and add them a little at a time al
ternately to the creamed butter and
sugar, beating well at each addition. Then
add two ounces of currants, the grated
rind ot half a lemon, and lastly half a
teaspoonful of baking powder. Line some
patty pans with short crust, and put
into each a little jam, and on tho top ot
this a small quantity of the mixture.
Bake In a quick oven till nicely browned.
Sift ove'r with caster sugar before
used to ary If he wouldn't play with her "
"She never won him by her goo'd loollw,"
said the Irrepressible blondo spitefully
"Tho lord knows she's homely enough,
She reminds me of the girl who said to a
man, 'Shall I put a veil dnV And ha
said, No, nail a board over your face.' "
There was only ono girl who didn't
burst out laughing at this remark. Tho
plain-faced girl was hurt, both for her
friend and because she herself was not
pretty. Delia oould afford to say these
catty little things, because she was a
very attractive girl. Her blue eyes were
wide and had a real "baby stare" In
them. Her complexion, teeth and fea
tures were perfect.
What's in a name?
IWlBiliutaa. BaL
--13- -, .ms- . 1r ., -3&5iSF-SP3e
worse handling and Is subject J to ore
contaminating Influences than tho war oi
Unwrapped bread, -..be
Somo Of the largest bakeries now meka
It nn Inflexible rule that tho driver of a
bakery wagon shall not harness or tare
for his horso, and that he shall war
clean, whlto cotton g16Ves and white duek
or canvas coat whllo on his rounds, so
that the bread may never be touched wltn
his bare hands or accidentally be pressed
against n soiled nnd dusty woolen coat
nut these enlightened establishments
nro painfully In tho minority. Tho rank
nnd fllo of the small bakers still expect
the driver of a delivery wagon to brush
down nnd harness his horse and to keep
his wagon In order. His own coat Is
pood enough for him to wear, and the
Idea of gloves would bo hooted at. Such
a driver carries his bread In tho Bams
fashion that he would nn armload of
wood It Is piled Into tho wagon, driven
through tho dusty streets to the grocery
storo nnd there, having twice been
pressed to the manly bosom of the driver,
Is dumped Into a bread-box that stands
on the pavement, and that may, If the
grocer Is vory particular, be cleaned out
onoe In a while.
When tho grocer opens hti store, al
most the first thing ha does is to take
In tho brentl nnd lay It on tho counter
from which tho cat may havo Just arisen
from n morning nap. Then the store l
cwept and the rough-surfaced loaves col
lect qulto their full share of the dust and
dirt as It is blown upon thorn. They Ho
upon this counter to be felt nnd pinched
nnd smolled by tho customers until finally
they are purchased. Even then their
troubles aro not over, because the usual
wrapping of o loaf of bread la a loose
Jacket of paper with a string around ths
middle, leaving tho ends sticking out It
ono of the small fry around the house
has been sent by the busy mother to the
grocery storo the loaf usually slides out
of this paper Jacket and takes a roll or
two on the pavement before It gets
l'ome ....
In cases whero the bread Is dellverea
directly to tho consumer's homo, the
wagon usually calls early In tho morning
and tho bread In Its loose paper bag lies
on the .doorstep until tho family gets up,
so that industrious flics, cats and dogs
can investigate it to their hearts' con
tent. .
Theso nro n few of the reasons why
bread should bo wrapped nt the bakery
bo securely that tho loaf Is not touched
by anything or anybody from 'tho tlmo
it leaves tho oven until It Is opened In
the homo kitchen Tho broad-wrapping
campaign Is a part of tho campaign for
public health, and It should bo made com
pulsory In every State of the Union, Just
n3 vaccination, quarantine nnd other pro
tective devices aro mado compulsory.
Tho opposition of a groat many bakers,
combined with tho Indlffcronce of the
general public, has delayed tho day when
all bread will bo wrapped But It Is
bound to como nnd the conclusion of the
Indiana Board of Health, by knocking tho
last pin out of the nrgument put up by
tho bakers against wrapped bread, has
c'ono much to retire the unwrapped prod
uct from public life.
(CopjTl&ht by C. Houston Goudlai )
Bringing Ferns
From the Woods
All about Philadelphia, (hero nro
stretches of woodland whore hardy ferns
gTOW In really wild profusion. A trip to
the woods with trowel and "banket nnd
ono can bring back enough ferns to fill
a window box or to make a bravo show
ing in several rooms If they aro planted
They bear captivity well, butthoro is
one mistake, a common one, to avoid In
their selection. That Is to cliooso tha
young ferns with tho Idea that they will
adapt themselves to new conditions.
In reality tho young fern Is much moro
sensitive to change than the mature
plant, although It Is also so much more
easily loosened from tho earth that, even
knowing this, ono Is sometimes tempted
to take one's chances.
In selecting the plants there Is another
thing to take noto of. If they aro not to
havo any sunshlno after they aro housed,
If n north window Is to be their future
home, ferns that grow In well-shaded
places should bo chosen.
On the other hand, plants growing
where tho sun strikes thorn at least
part of the day aro the ones to select for
the east and west window.
They must havo drainage, and a stona
or two or a bit of broken crockery should
bo placed In the pots or boxes (n which
they aro planted
They also need a great deal of water,
much more as houso plants than In their
woodland life. This Is perfectly natural,
as the no longer receive their nightly
drenching of dow nor does the Indoor at
mosphere, contain as much moisture as
the open air.
The Travel Bureau will give
you special data on the exposU
tlon, routes with the finest
ecenlo attractions, train schad
Ules and connectfona Pullman
and boat accommodations oven
tell you the necessary ex
penses for tho trip. Including
hotel rates en routa and alona
Call at tha
Travel Bureau
di f
A returned trv-l... . mm .
Jm ln E?f ls year fotind both
ing parloia and hair goods stores that
I wondered f the women ever had
time for anything but care-of the hair.
Personally. I was interested in finding
a really good shampoo and was hap
pily surprised when several inquiries
each brought the suggestion that our
own .American-made canthrox sham-
'..i .'." -1 ,ried il nd he de
cided that it is not advisable to use
?iZ?L?Alfb butu always -usc prcpara
tion made tor shampooing only. You
can enjoy the best that is kWn for
about three cents a shampoo by set
ting a package of canthrox from your
druggist; dissolve a teaspoonful In a
cup of hot water and your snaapoo -
ready After ,ts twe the hair drte
rapidly with uniform color! Dan
druff, excess ojl and dirt re dissolve!
and entirely disappear. Ye haw
will be so taffy thifu wiM fcSk JSK
heavier than tt tt. Its lustre andToft
ties til also delight you, while the
stimulated scalp gain tha bh i
-- p .ts Iwr growth" A4il
., n - -. ....... -nnrnirm-nTntrrftfnr inmnf nnf -4- " - rnn murmrTr. - Iffi -r-ihn m rffiiir--"-"--''11"- -" HiiTtiWiriiir J'nlillliini I'luihurr-r- w-a.jw. A.Ji'sr" T
sjisSas3msisMMMisMMji&M nriUmi ," 7ijsjnl WTTffmnBHTnPiMfpMwWaraMBB lWifiTOiSMBWsMMffWirasBflFweWlaaa7lBTMrffl
if. ,GiPlfci JiiBSS'ajfc1taw
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