r$$mmmmw,w ..mrfi &m -i'-8M E -.w. EVENING 'LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1914, r i V SOCIAL LIFE IN AND ABOUT PHILADELPHIA 18S MAIUAN BYIIE SAVAGE, dllUBlUcr of Mr, mid Mts, Clmrlcs C. Sn.vn.ire, Jr., f unucr'n lane, CliMtnut Hill, In prominent inonjr this venr's debutnntcs. Tonight ir. nil Mr), acorsc Wllllnc. Jr., ulll cntcrtnln nt .lie Incut e, followed by a supper In her honor. tlss SnvrtRo wns Intiodiieeil nt n. ten Riven by or pniont on November 20, nt their home. Mrs. titutiuol Chew will Blve n dinner ilnnee titer in tho 3enson In honor of MIbi Mary 2elj'n Chew The dftte linn not yet been de- Ided upon Mr. nnd Mrs. Hovinid Shrevc noberU, of 4ZW fcprtlco street, nnnouneo the encasement of their dituyhtcr. Miss Kelyn-Hobort, nnd A ni ter Buwden Onllowny, of this city. No dnto lini been act for the wedding. Thero will bo n mlted foursome golf tournn nient at ihc Old York road Country Club today, tin prorretls of which will fro to the Uclfilnn relief fund. Piny will continue throughout the dtiy, Tho committee In charge Includes Mrs 0. Henry Stetson, Mis. J. 8. niy, Miss Esther AVnss, l)r Milton K. Nlettcr, K. Clnrcncc Miller, James II Turner, S. H. Klch and 11. H. Slllfer Miss lit th Eisenhower will entertain Friday nfternoon November 20, In honor of Miss Florffiee Wchnrds. The guests will play bridge. Those who will attend will bo Mrs. John Urom 1, Mis. Leslie Davis. Mrs. Stanley Cox, Miss Ilelcne Anbury, Miss Madeleine Asbury, Miss Slnrgutrltp AVatklns, Jlla Helen Gormley, Ml3 Kutilco Wllllnm, Miss Dallach ttlcbards, Miss Edith Wilson. MIb.i Dorothy Wilson, Mies Elca not Klood, Miss Heatrlce Flood, MIfs Helen Dando, Miss Helen Iluchnnan, Miss Dorothy Broil;, Miss Edith Cochrane, MIm Dorothy Cochrane, Miss Mildred Cnverly, Miss Joseph Ino Ifn) den, Silos Mildred Uaugher, Miss Ixiulsa McKnlo, Miss Mnrtha Collins, Miss rhllls itti..i. t cnH ni..iDii Ml Mllrlrril .Tack. r ,v MID1I, miaa .m, viiiioo, ....un II Ml, rci.-unnr Kntplinm. Miss Jean UcHgary, Jllbs Evelyn Harrington nnd MIm Helen Camp bell. Mr. and .Mrs. William K. Maker, of Coulter atroct, entertained hist evening with a thoatto party, followed by a supper at the Heilovuc Stratfoid, In honor oT their houso guest, M!s3 Elcnnor Mitchell, of Huntingdon, Pa. The other gilds wcio Miss Esther Taylor, Miss Alice Chambers. Walter K. Noble, William Teller Grant nnd nirhard T. Chsborn. Thb dunce which Mr. and Mrs Barclay H. Warburton will give nt I-ndenhurst, tho home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wnnainakef. on Friday niglit, November 20, will bo In honor of their Jliece, Miss Mnile Louise Wnnamakcr. A num bui ot persons from out of town, friends of Mr. nnd Mra. Hodman Wnnamakcr, will attend the dancp. JrMrs. Prudci it H. Decker, of Bristol, haa sent Out cards for a luncheon to meet Mri. Hubert Bcntley, Saturday. November 21. Covers will bo laid for CO guests. At tne theatre party, which Miss Blspham anJ Miss Marie Blspham will give for their niece. JUss Eleanore Ulspham, on Wednesday, Novem ber IS, the guests will Include Miss Barbara Blspham, Mlhs Eleanor Judd Bonn, Miss Eleanor Bournonvlllo Watt, Miss Margaret E. Alice, Miss Kathorlnc Seeler and Miss Chris tine Holm. M'ss Blspham will entertain her guests at ten at the Bellevuc-Stratfoid after v the matinee, where Mrs. Samuel Blspham and .miss uiura -uippnmu win jum iuu j,uiw Mrs. Edward Jungerlch Smith and Mrs. JoMph Baldwin Hutchinson have gone to Lan caster to attend the wedding of Mlts Caroline Beatcs Franklin and Stanley MacDonnld Smith, which takes plaa today. The ofticeis of the Three Arts Club, of tho city of Philadelphia, will hold the regular monthly business meeting this afternoon In their clubrooms. 1522 Chestnut street, at 3 o'clock Many Important questions of vital In terest to the welfare of tho club will be dis cussed, ninong which will bo the obtaining of a clubhouse. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles E. Coxe will entertain 1.1 .. .i 1 ...til Jnl 4U nn... ft at dinner this evening at their home In Mal vk vern. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kendtlck will give a delightful children's party this afternoon at Fennnere, their home In Villnnova. Mra. E. Frederick Oates, president of the Philadelphia Chapter of the United Daughters nf Hip Pnnf,Miv. 1tft thin nltv Tllpnrlnv In y " '"- " " - " if attend the annual convention in Savannah, Ga., this week, of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Friends of Mrs. Charles Francis Bnchmnn will be sorry to learn that she has been quite 111 nt her home, 2013 Locust street. ALONG THE READING Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Conyngham Stevens and their family, of Sunnyslde, Jtydal, have moved Into the Lambert house on York road, Arlington, vhlch they will occupy for several months while "Sunnyslde," which was recently dam aged by Are, Is repaired. The first meeting of the children's dancing class, organized by Sirs. Frederick W. Morris, Jr., of Wyncote, will take place nt tho Hunting don Vnltey Country Club nt Noble, on Thurs day afternoon, November 10, fror- 3 until 8 o'clock. A bridge and "305" party was held yester day, under the auspices of the Womnn's Club, ot Wyncote, at the parish house of All Hallow? Church at 2:30 o'clock. The proceeds ot the nt fair will go to the Bed Cross Society for the relief of the Belgian sutTerer. Mr ind Mrs. Louis Benelte, who have been itorlng In the South for several weeks, re- urned to their home on Chelten avenue the latter part of the week. Mr and Mrs, A. Raymond Baff, of nth street and. Oak lane, have been, spending several weeks In New York. There will be a muslcnle given in the resi dence of Mrs. W. C. Haddock, of 10M BDth nve rpe. Oak Lane, on November ti. The patron eases are Mrs. Oscar Staber, Mrs. M. L. Holmes, Mrs. W. II Shelley. The artists who will participate In the affair a.e MUs Camelia Thaae.had,lt, JollnUti JH I-.athaip6 Leldy. harpist; Mre. George W. Steward toprano. Miss Jean Kugler, eontralto; Mrs. Davton Shelley, accompanist, MIm Mabel Kehr Donnelly, 0f em North Jlh stjt. entertained at dinner yesterday eve nimc. Her guests were Mr. and Mra. George PaUJi. of VIneland, N. J.; Mr. and Mra. W. W Donnelly. Mr. and Mrs. pAnUj jwer, SUM Grace Donnelly and Norman Fare. GERMANTQWN Mr and Mrs. William Latta Hawaii have to- ued insituttons for dlaaw Saturday uiubt In njuur ui mm, rrapk JUtooutM, of Ua44mflc4l, N J Ti.e uilr guMts will b Mr. aad Mr. lederivli $tert, Mrs. Cbw. Dr. aul Ht. j.. h., Ooeke Hlret, Willow Latta Xshhu "awl . . fc.luULh Kaaapu. Miss, tielaii May u4 Mrs. FnuUt OUUbfta . i i ufciiw a brbtft tu ki givo w the Au- "" rjwwUy, 'uvuibr 17, ta, jto- riiolu hy Marrcau MRS. IIENKY C. BOWKS Mrs. Bowes, who wns married ycstcnliiy, was iNliss Evaliue Ilumplircys, of ChiihIcii. cceds to be given for the poor of Kensington. Mis. Itobcrt Ferry, of Stokley street nnd Queen lane, will cntcrtnln n paity ot young people nt tho Army and Nnvy game, followed by n dinner to which several midshipmen will be Invited. Miss 51. Myrtle Leeds, daughter of Lincoln E. Ieei1, of 123 Enst Pomona street, wns mnrtled laist night to John Whiting, ion of Jnmei Whit ing, nt htr home. The ceremony wns performed by the Itov. Charles Lesley Burns, of the Firwt Methodist Episcopal Church. After T trip through the South lr. nnd Mrs. Whiting will llvo nt 11!) Washington lane, where they will be at homo nfter December 15. Mrs. William l?idre Lloyd, or lit West Hort ter sticct, is III in n Boeton hospital with an at Inck of iippcndlcitls. Mrs. Lloyd accompanied her liuehaud to Boston on n business trip; she also expected to visit Mm. Walter Alvln Carl, who i.tf Ml.s Sue Klngsley Bowcn, of Gcr- nuintown. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Qrler Allison. Mrs. Lloyd's parents, have gone to Boston. Mrs. Lloyd wns atlas Lillian Allison before her mnrrlngu In June. Mis. Edward Fell- Lukcns will entertain the members of her bridge club Monday, Novem ber 23 at her home, 147 West School House lane, Germanto;yn. Her guests will bo Mrs. Henry Itogcr.s Swope, Mrs. Walter Wnlls, MrB. Alexander M. De Haven, Mr3. David O. Enton, Mrs. Humbold Gnrber, Mrs. Charles Mendc, Mrs. Lydln Curtis, Mrs. J. It. ' C. McAllister, Mrs. Henry Bnlnbrldgc, Mrs. Edward Newton Hang and Miss Anna Sorrlll. ALONG THE MAIN LINE NAItllEItTH The Narbeith Assembly, which will give a series of dances this winter In Elm Hall, will hold its ne.t and second dance Fri day, November 20. M-s. Edwm P. Dolil will entertain the Nar berth Card Club tomorrow afternoon at her home, on Chestnut avenue. Tho members are Mrs. Justice Morgan, MrB. Frank E. Bland, Mrs. Guyon W. Gruy, Mrs. William Henderson, Mrs. Curl II Melzger, Mrs. Fredeilck A. Brown, Mrs. Edwnrd C. Stokes nnd Mrs. Dold, the hostess. The l'rlci.ils of .Mr. and Jlrs. A. Perry Heifer will be glad to hear that their little daughter, Mtee Lillian Itcdlfer, has returned home from the Hahnemann Hospital, whero she lecently underwent an operation for appendicitis and Is convalescing nicely. WY1WEWOOD Much Interest Is beliiK taken In the forming of the new Wynnewood Tennis Club. The little Hathaway Schoolhnyse lias ocen selected as the new clubhouse, nnd the tennis courts are now being made ready lor tho spring and summer use. Sllss Jlnry ainlloy, of Neiy York, who spent the summer and autumn as the ifuest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter J. Snyder, expects to return home this week. The second meeting of the Fortnlghtlv Club will be field Friday afternoon, November 20. at tho home of airs. AVnlter Bassett Smith, on Manor rood. The club, which was started three years ago, Is 'Interested in the study of various hUturlc and literary aubjects, and catli winter It gives one musical evening. This year the members are studying American udiois. Those who belong to the Fortnightly Club are alias Cordelia Woodle, aira. A. Terry Ilcdlfer. Mra. A. L. .Tacoby, airs. F. H. HarJ, Ir., airs. A. It. Blood, Airs, John Gllroy, Mrs Lester W. Njckcraon, Jlra. Frank Stone, Mra J. C Cook, airs. Augustus J, Loos, alias Barbara Shands, Misa Ida Redlfcr, alios Bird Itoberts and alias MclCalg. WEST PHILADELPHIA A fortnightly dancing class, which has been organized to meet Thursdays In Wast Phila delphia, Includes among Its members Mr, and airs. Alexander at. Da Haven, air. and Mrs, Edward Fell Lukens, air. and Srs. Edward Newton ITaas, air, and Mrs. James L. Dillon, Dr. and Mra, Theodore D. Casto, 3Ir. and airs. Henry Rogers Swope, air. and Mra. J. Louis Kates. Mr. and Mrs- Edward G. Nixen, Mr. and airs. Harrison N. Dlaaal, air. and airs. Hurry Thompson, air. and Mrs. William F. Breltenbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parks. Cards have been Uaued by Mia. Milton aiyera, aira. Joseph Ouatlf Hajoes an4 Mrs, Frederlek Wilmer Pitt far a bridge to be given Friday, November ST, at the home ot Mrs. Haines, 31$ 8Mth list street. trieHdc ot Mlas Mary MaCowaii will be tatty to learn that she is 111 at Xh Uonw of her parent, air. AftU Mra. Swwanuel Brnwa Me Cowan, m Stuue atrost. MIm Laura Me Cw. who lujurad bar ankle whU 9rcl& for Um "Count ot Tubs," the- ptey fw eliartty to b givan at tn BUviwytratferd in Oseaniber, la fctUJ cenlbiad to tfao bouss Mtas Mrr Ker CUrUtlan. dniulHai ufMr Ad Mm AWuoo A CbHallanttf 4-liiVNljBsr',,wa' J nut street, will leave this wcei for Allentown, to spend a fortnight nil tho guest of Mrs. Md ward Hue. Miss Christian nnd Miss Dorothy Hue will return to this city for the Pcnn-Cor-nell game on Thanksgiving Day, nnd will be Jclned by Miss line's brother, Charles Hue, n student nt Cornell. Sirs. Henry ltogers Swope Is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Ambler, of PI, Louis, ns her guest, (r. nnd Mrs. Swope will entertain their bridge ctub Saturday night nt their home, 4D2G Cedar avenue. Mis, T. Nelson Spencer, ot 40M Cedar nvc r.ue. will be hostess nt the meeting of her card club next Monday afternoon. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Lieutenant William Lee Pryor, United Stales Nnvj, and Mra. Prjor will cnlcrtnln this even ing nt a small tho dnniant nt their home, 2326 Sooth 21st sticct, In the Glrnrd EMnte. Tho nfTnlr Is in honor of Miss Catherine Knight, n sister of Mrs. Pryor, who li at present her guest. Among the guests, all of whom are from the younger set, will bo Mlsi Helen Gil lette. Miss Edith Gillette, Mlsi Marjory Ed wards, Miss Jtnrgaret Smith, Miss Elizabeth E. Mawvcll, of Huston, and Ensign George Mar vel, U. S. N.i of the Connecticut; Ensign 1'outK U. S. N., of the Connecticut; Ensign English, V. H. N.. of the Alabama, and Messrs. Jullnn Fleming, Pcnrro F. Wllmer, 11 M. Edwaids, Brjco niynn nnd John IJlynu. The members of St. Patrick's Drnnintli Club gae a piny and dance last evening in nld of ! the Church of St. Francis do Sales nt Lennl, , I'.i The nfTalr wns under the pationagc ot , Mis. Prnnci J. Fnrrell, Mrs. Wllllnm Logan, i Mrs. Finucls McMnhon, Mrs. Charles BoiUInc, Mrs. John Caulcy nnd Mrs. M. D.irhj. The compnny presented the "Wrong Mr. Brown," nnd tiiose participating, nil of whom lire well l.noiMi In South Philadelphia nmatour theatri cal circles, weio Miss Mnry It. Dunlevy, Miss Kntliiyn Kelly. Miss Margaret V. Keniney, Jlls Knthcrinc Sullivan and James Bradley, James J. Hlrkey, Thomas S. Kennedy, Thomas Glenn nnd Wllllnm Long. NORTH PHILADELPHIA The wedding of Miss Estcllo Gcrstley, daugh ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Gcrstley, of 2334 North Hrond stieet, nnd Louis A. Hlnshclmor, of Bnltlmoic, Mil., will tnko place on Monday night, December 7, at tho St, James. Tho Itov. Dr. Joseph Krauskopf, of the Konesoth Isrncl Congregation, will perform tho ceremony. The Alpha and Beta Chapters of the Chi PI Soiorlty will hold nn auction sale for charity rt tho homo of Miss Hilda B. Jcrferlcs. ot Niirberth, on Saturday afteinoon. Among those who will be In charge are Miss Leah H. Con away, president; Mlsi Helen T. Gourley, secre tary and trcnsuiei; Mlas Marlr.ltn ll Naylor, Miss Dorothy M. Shrigley, Miss Margaret Belcher, Miss Mnbel Mars nnd Miss Laura M. Mutton, all ot the Alpha Chapter; Mlsi Evelyn Harris, president; Miss Knthryu McDowell, ticasurcr, and Miss Linda Kirk, secretary of tho Beta Chapter. Miss Sarah A. K. Martin and MM Edith L. Mnrtln entertained nt cards last evening at their home. 1700 Jefferson street. Among their guests were Miss Estclle Lawson, Harry Weal or, A. Mellor Slbbet and Llnwood Hlrch. ROXBOROUGH Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dals, of Ridge and Wlcnid avenues: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ken- worthVi of Green lane, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris, of Bala, returned yesteidny from sev eral daja' visit In New York following nn auto mobile trip to that city. They were tho guests of air. nnd airs, Harry Holmes, of North Broad street. airs. Wnlter Wright, of Connrroc street, gave a luncheon yesterday for the members of the Hoxlyn Sowing Club. Her guests Included airs. Walter Rowland, ailss Evu Rowland, airs. Walter Wright, Jr.. airs. Charles Strusc and aim. Charles Rowland. DEBUTANTE AFFAIRS Miss Cordelia Biihllc Will be Presented at a Daueant Today, One of the largest teas of the season will be given this afternoon by air. nnd airs. A, J. Drexel Blddle, nt the Bellcvue-Stratford Rose Gardens, to introduce their attractive daughter, illss Cordelia Blddlo. The large north garden Is decorated with great palms and ferns, nnd certnlnly no debutante yet has received more flowers than ailss Blddle every kind ot exquisite and rare bloom, from tha iolet and tiny sweetheart roBe, to the groat Miowball chrysanthemum and stately Ameri can beauty. aira. Riddle's gown la a combination of satin, velvet and lace, and the bodice la finished with tulle folds, ailss Blddle wears an extremely dainty frock of sntln and silver shot lace, made with a long basque girdle and frilly oversklrt. airs. Blddle will hnve assisting her In receiv ing airs. Alexander Van Rensselaer, 3Irs. George W. C. Drexel, Mis. Edward T. Stotcs bury, airs. Samuel K. Reeves, airs. Isaac Tat nail Starr, airs. Daniel L. Hutchinson, airs. Charles B. Penrose, airs. J. Harrison Smith, airs. C. Charlton Henry. Mrs. George Dallas Dixon. Mrs. Alexander Brlnton Coxe, airs, William Cadwalnder, Mrs. Robert Kelso Cas t,att, airs. Henry Williams Blddle. Mrs. William Ellis Scull, airs. Henry Brlnton Coxe, airs. Charles Piatt, Jr., Sirs. William Thaw, 3d, of New York; Mrs. Alexander Williams Blddle nnd airs. James Francis Sullivan, ailss Blddle will be assisted by the following young ladles: ailss alary Duke, of New York; Miss Ellen You, of New York; ailis Charlotte Brown, alias Ruth Coxe, ailss Jlargot Scull, ailss Katharine Aahburst Bowie, ailss Inez Dray ton, ailss Pauline Dlsston, Miss aiargaret Ber wind, Miss aiarle Louise Wanamaker. ailss alary Brown Warburtoh, Miss Elizabeth Wider, SIlss Jean Thompson and iliss Eliza beth Thompson. A thentrp party and supper for the receiving ikirty and additional men guests will follow the dansant. A second tea and dansant, which will take place this afternoon, will be given by air. ana Mrs. Charles Gibbons Davis, at the German town Cricket Club, aianheim. Irs. Davis and her daughter will receive ttielr guests near the entrance 'to the ballroom. MIm Davis will wear an exquisite gown of while satin with an overdress of tulle. A number ot the season's buds will recajve with Mlaa Davis. They will Inalude Miss Elizabeth H, WUteY. Miss Charlotte Harding Brawn. Mia Ruth Maun, Mlaa Marjorle H. aiann. Miss Christine Clark, Miss aiarjorle Taylor, Mlsa Emma A. Darr, Mlsa Helena 8. Robinson, Miss Mary & OtoytoR, Miss Huberta Potter. Mlsa Katharine Tenuey, MUs Jean M. Llllle, Miss AUea pennlston Laughlin. pt Pittsburgh. airs. Henry Hobart Brown will give a Uutant luneneon at the Acorn Club In honor ot Mlsa Hone McMichael, was whl be intro duced at a dansant on Pacamnar J. About 3i debutantes will attend Ue kinaftaon today. In the evening Mr. and. Mrs. Antonio Yanaga Stewart, ot tm Same street will Ba tksiaui u.i dinner in honor at Mias Margatti t'euypd daughter of Mr and JAM. Henry berwnd WEDDINGS IN AND ABOUT TOWN Miss Gnrolinc Franklin Is Married to S. AlacDonaltl Smith Today Cupid Tins Other Followers. The marriage of Miss Caroline Bentes Frank tin, daughter of Henry S. Franklin, nnd Stan ley MacDonnld Smith tool: place today nt noon In St. Jnmes' Episcopal Church, Lancaster. The bride wns nttlred In white satin nnd Inco nnd her veil wns trimmed with lace nnd orange blossoms. Her father gave her In marrlngc. air. Smith wns attended by hlj brother Wllllnm Howard Smith, ns best man, nnd the ushers were Henry Pepper Norrls, of this city, nnd rr.inlvlln Bailsman, of Lancaster, air. Smith Is tho son of Mrs. I.. Hcber Smith, of this city. The wedding wns nn extremely quiet nffnlr. Only the famlllcj and a very few Intimate frlcnsil were present. After n wedding trip Mr. nlul Mrs. Smith will live In Lancaster, ntHMIT tt.F.N Tho marriage of Miss atlldred Allen, daughter of air, nnd Mrs. George C. Allen, to Warren A. Burnett will tnko place tonight nt 7 o'clock nt the home of tho 'bride's parents, 63S7 Over brook nvcnilc. The ceremony will be per formed by the Rev. II. Alfred Boggs, pastor of the Pilnccton Piesbytcrlnn Church. Tho bride, who will bo given In marriage by her father. n III bo gowned In lustrous white satin, cllcd In lnco, with n court train. Her veil wilt be of tulle, surmounted by n coronet of ornnge l)Iosoms, nnd she will carry white chrysanthe mums. The maltl of honor "111 bo Miss May Allen, a sister ot tho bride. She will wear n gown of pnlo pink sntln, nnd will carry pink chrysan themums. Clnrcncc jr. Burnett, n brother of tho bride groom, will net ns best man. Following the ceremony n snnll icceptlon will be held, after which air. nnd airs. Burnett will lenvo for their wedding Journej. They will live In Lex ington, Ky. wiiirn KFOLKV , A very Interesting wedding will tnko plnce In 'Tlogn tonight, when Miss Edith M. Fegley, (laughter of air. and airs. Thomas J. Fegley, of H2.1 AVest Ontnrlo street, will be given in matrlnge by her fnther to Clarence B. White, of 1121 West Erie nveiiuc. Tho ceremony wilt be performed nt r,:S0 o'clock nt tho homo of the bride's pnrrnts by tho Rev. Albert Henry, of the First Presbytoilnn Church of Kensing ton, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Chnrlcs 13. Dunn, pastor of the Tlogn Prcsbyterlnn Chinch, Tjoga and ISth streets. A gown of soft white sntln and princess lace, benutlful In Ito long straight lines, and mado nlth n court train, will be worn by the bride. Her tulle veil, edged with lncc, will bo ar ranged with n enp nnd orange blossoms to hold It In place, nnd tho bouquet will be n shower of orchids and lilies of the vnllcy. There will be two attendants, aiis3 ainrgery Baum, in aid of honor, and Helen Crnmp, the Mower girl. The former will wenr a charming frock of white lace, with a touch of pnlo blue trimming. Her (lowers will bo pink roses. Little ailss Cinmp's white lace frock will bo trimmed with pink ribbons She will carry' a dainty basket of pink losebuds. Jlr. White will hae John P. Fegley". the bride's brother, for best man. The ceremony will be followed by n reception from S to 10 o'clock. Upon their return from nn extended Journey air. nnd airs. White will bo nt home nfter February 1 nt G315 Noith ISth street, Oak Lane. lOSTFIt AMCINS ailss Catharine Anklns, daughter of the Rev. J. Wesley and airs. Anklns, of 3031 North tth street, and Woolston H. Foster, of Wlsslnomlng, were married Inst night in the Faith Tnbcr nacle, M street above Lehigh avenue, of which the bride's fnther Is pastor. Tho ceremony was performed by the Rev. Ellwood Roberts, of the Church of tho Brethren, Allentown. ailss Anklns was given In marriage by her' fnther, and attended by ailss Frances Griffon ns mnld of honor. George Grlffen was the bridegroom's best mnn. air. nnd airs. Foster, on their re turn from their wedding journey, will occupy their new home on Enst Allegheny nvenue. TESTIMONIAL LUNCHEON Dr. Laura Carnell Guest nf Honor at Bitten, house Function, A delightfully appointed testimonial luncheon was given this nfternoon nt the Rlttenhouse In honor ot Dr. Laura Carnell, denn ot tho Tem ple University, In celcbrntlon of the completion by her of 21 yenrs of service at the college. The fuewts were received by tho officers, airs. Waller Shumway, airs. Tercy SI. Chandler, aUs, T, Lewis Thomas and airs. Walter Hancock. The reception room was bnuked with palms' nnd flowers and druped with a largo American (lag. In front of which a miniature fountain played. Among the Interesting guests were airs. Rudolph Illankcnburg, airs. I. 11. O'Hara, Dean Mail an Holly, of llrjn ainwr College; Mis: Elizabeth Klrkbrlde, president of the College' Club; -Mn,. B. F. Richardson, president of the Pnllomuslan Club; airs. S. P. Snowden ailtchell, airs. Geuige W. Edwnrda, Sirs. Edwin C. Grlce, ailss Abby Sutherland, airs. Edith Pierce and Mrs. aiumford. The luncheon wns served In the main banquet room, with the tables arranged to form a halt wheel, radiating from the speaker's table. The room wan hung with autumn leaves from alary land and chrysanthemums, and the centre pieces were pink rosebuds. Covers were laid for 130 guests. During the course of the affair Doctor Car nell was presented with n huge bunch of gar denias and orchids, in the centre of which was concealed a handsome bracelet watch. The speakers of the afternoon, who were In troduced by airs. Wnlter Hancock, were aira. H. S. Prentiss Nichols, president of the Century Club, who spoke on "Woman's Work 'in Club Life"; atUs Henrietta aieteer, dean of Swarth more College, "Woman's Work in Educational Institutions"; Dr. Eleanor Jones, "Opportunity Open-to Women Graduates In Medicine"; MUs Winifred Robinson, dean of the new Delaware State College tor Women, "Harmony Between Arnolds Peachlmrs and Vocational Training." TIOGA air. and aira. Leopold Sohmld, of 380 North Sith street, announce the marriage of their daughter. Bertha. C, to John Henry Beokman last Saturday, Mr. and airs. Beckman will be at home after November S3 nt 4S12 North 11th street, Logan. airs. C. A. Sehaufier, of IMS Hunting. Park avenue, entertained the members ot her sewing eirelo last evening. Her guests were Mra. Hampton G. Silsox, aira. Jeatph Comely. Mrs. Joseph May. MUs Kathryn Haebarla. Mlas Cnriatlna Dtrk, Mis Hmma L Batty, Mlsa LydU Mitchell. Mlas Alma Uulck and Mtec Clara V. Hwlty. The Is'leatown Brnneti ot te Needlework. guild nld it RAM annual axblnUion yaateaoay at Z o'clock in AH aatata' Lnthaaa CtMrefe, Garaantown avenue and Cayufo trat Speakers tram tna dJKecest branca lft a4 rcs the waeitnf. THE DRAMA JS&-- ANNE MUKDOCK. AND MRS. THOMAS WI1IFFEN In "The Beautiful Adventure" coming to llic Broad. Mrs. WliifTcn will mukc her last appearance after 50 years on the stage. Future Promising for American Dramatists AVIiilo young American drnmatlsts lack tech nique, their work, nccordlng to Wlnthrop Ames, of tho Little Theatre, New York, reveals n rich fertility of original Idcns. Technique can be learned, but Ideas cannot. Therefore air Ames I conildem the future promising for tile devel opment of native playwrights. In the $10,000 play contest conducted by.aih f Ames 2030 manuscripts were submitted. Of this number 1JW were written by women, which shows that tho writing of plays is pursued by women as much ni by men. Of the 12 manu H'llpts selected for final consideration, six weie written by women. Three ot these were, by New Yorkers, three camo from' Chicago, two from Boston, two from California, one from Washington, D. C, and one from Seattle. "This shows that plays are being written throughout the country," said air. Ames. "The gicator number were modern In theme, nrtd the majority were plays about criminals." . , Only n small portion of the manuscripts were correctly written, but, considered gcnernlly, lcvcnled oilglnallty of plot and Ideas. In dis cussing tho preparation for play writing, air. Ames said a serious study of successful dramas fio'm the theatre 'Is better than nctunl work on the stngo. To be successful, a dramatist must understand the development of action toward n proper climax, nnd, most .Importnnt of all, the play of suspense which makes an audience hold its breath until the denouement; The prize wns won, as nlrcndy announced, by ailss Alice Brown. Her play. -."Chllilicn of Earth," will, bo produced 'about Thanksgiving, with Herbert Kelccy and Etlle Shannon head ing tho cast. . FLASHES FROM' "STARS" David Belasco will present at . the, Broad Street Theatre, beginning November SO, Frances Starr In Henri Bernstein's lntest play. "The Secret." Lew Fields is to pet before the camera, ap pearing In "Old Dutch." one of the familiar successes, having; been -engaged by the Worlu rilm Corporation," Associated with air. Fields in the Vmovles" me ailss Vivian Martin, now appearing with him In "The High Cost of Lov ing," nnd George Ha'sel. The production of "Hindle Wakes," a delight fully witty presentation of tho feminist ques tion, will bo followed November 30 pt the Little Theatre by "Joy," by John Gulsworthy. The step from "straight" drama to motion pictures nnd back again Is very brief those AMUSEMENTS OPENING OF THE Metropolitan OPERA HOUSE BKATS NOW MONDAY; NOV. 23 O.VK MOltT ONLY PAVLOWA WITH JIUK OWN Ballet and Symphony Orchestra Program of IJxctpitcuial Inlereai, Including a iew, llclern Itallroorn Solrs. Stan Nou Ticket Offic. 1100 Chtntnut 1'rlcn SOc lo $3. J'hont Walnut TMI3 WITHIN THEALNUT THE LAW MAT. TODAY Proclaimed by every npapT crltte lo b a dm inatlc uiaturplece cuttcteJ by one o the moi abla casta tier asenibletl. jrtit WeK PAMACBP GOODS A r A TTTA1"V Nt MonJaj. Tu4ay, Wtd. AUALUaiyJ. I MatlntM, J SO. NUjtu. 8:80 RAYMOND L. DITMARS' Murv4ui Mellon Plviuras ot Auluwl UN THE BOOK OF NATURE THE BWHTll WONDBR Of THK WORLB "rlctl&c to T6c HU Now at H.ppf. B" -m ti'TTTTTT'R Tb4i,re- 'nw w , 1, iVilXXL OritbirNdetw .-UI-W ahoul TTVVDT'n,CirP '-a1 3 wak.. Kvni at 8:1 ltUHivEjDJ. auiu wa ua u un: MKLOPISS THAT C1IARU AND 5A p T nAMcfe THAT MXJ11HT O A. K 1 yaanjar PHw WmlimiUr Manoaa tuat nta im aJIXON'S I.ASil iky'S ,J6ix uoaoa": Sio. flUiS TKOlfK: BtttlCH ft WrARRKK t rRAKOU: GRAND it'C l!X!. waatfcjrs Tnaay. 8:1. 1-11 nCTUB DUMONT'S 'SjSX&SFigP EMPIRE AlATlNiUi TOUAJC BEAUTY PARADE OrVOlIM VJ l'R12K W li,NiU BL8LESUUIS L-- - -"', ' THEATRICAL BAEDEKER ADi:Lnn-"A Pair of Sixes." farce by Ed. Word Pcpte. Two business partners shoot a cold hand, the u Inner to retain the business, tlio loser to become his body-servnnt fop n year, aiaude Kburne Inimitably funny as a slavey. ' ' . IIItOAD "Tho Song of Songs," new play by Kdwjird Sheldon. An episodic adaptation of Heimnnn Sudermann's novel detailing a girl's -iiuest ot love. In which Irene Fcnwlck proves herself a capably great actress. roitltirsT "Sail." cliaimlng operetta, with .ailr.zl Hajos nnd Ireno Powlowsha. ailzzl Hajos, as Sari, nn Hungarian girl, transported to Paris. Is Inlmltubl). coyly funny and Just captivating ailss I'owlow'ska sings operatic ally and charmingly. ., QAIIHICK "The Debutante," new musical comedy, with book by H. It. and It. B. Smith and music by Victor Herbert. A trite plot, enlivened by bits of insinuating music. With Hazel Dawn as roseate na ever. KL'ITH'S Celebrntlon of the 12th anniversary of this popular vaudeville house, with Jesse 1 Lasky's tnblold musical comedy, "The Society Buds." . LiTTLK THCATltn-nxcellent revival' ot "The Itivals" In original form as wrltton by Sheri dan, admirably ncted. LYRIC "The Story o'f the. Rosary " Elab- . oratcly staged melodrnma, 'which will weary solno In tho first act and thrill others to the last, appreciation being a .matter of taste. AVALNUT "Within the Law." Catherine Tower convincingly portra.vs Mary Turner, who. ' is unjustly sentenced to prison, but finally tilumphs. dtys. Edith Taliaferro, last seen In "Tlppina tho Winner," will appear in a forthcoming mo tion. picture production for tho Jesse L. Lnaliy Feature Play Company. Dustlu Farnum, Wini fred Kingston and Marguerite Clark will all journey to tho coast together, each being1 hooked for appearance in. a picture. Elsla Janis'wlll also appeqr on the screen. AMUSEMENTS JIAltKirr STREET OPPOSITB U'.VNAMAKIUl'S VAl'DliVlI.LB ltiso to it:30 GLOBE tl.000.000 Tljcatro iVOO Stating Capacity ' MLLE. AMETA ROEHM'S ATHLETIC G.IRLS ! Miss MAE FRANCIS FoirjOthqr3 Short Intermlng rhoto-riars and Burpee Featur. VICTORIA THEATRE DTH A MARKET CONTINUOUS VAl'DEVIM.E AND PJCTURES 11 A. II TO 11 P. M.. Prices 10c and !0e . A POSITIVE SENSATION! A RRAL NOVELTn CAPTAIN LOUIS SORCHCVB DEEP-SEA DIVERS THRJLLIN'J! ' DARlNGIt PER1LOUSIM USUAL DIG SURROUNDING SHOW niiocfnnf Qf OPERA I Home of World'a VjIIcbtllUL OU HOUSE Cirealttt rhotoplaya Afti.. 1 to..".. lU and 15c. EvfJ., 7 to 11, 10. 13. . RUX IIEACH'S OIOANTIC MASTERPIECE THE SPOILERS With WILLIAM FAHNUM & KATIILVN WILLIAMS ArcotnpanleJ ly Wurlltwr Orsan and a Dally Change ot Flrt-mn Comwly l'lcmro BROAD Last 3 Evgs. fflg TUB Song of Songs ASfekllg.DoN NRXT WEEK SEATS TODAY CHARLES FltOlIMAN I'rewnt THE BEAUTIFUL- ADVENTURE With ANN ML'ltPOCK ad Original f. V. Cut MBTUOPOLITAN OPKHA HOU8H GRAND OPERA SOT "METROPOLITAN a tSSffSS November 16th Sutwrrlption Departnwnt. 1109 CtiMtnilt St. U AM. to 11 P4I Double Dill I GLADYS HANSON IN TUB nmAMTtiV lc OirUlKIIl. XIUUU OXliNUlJA ir,y.tur. Co4y. 'Tfct TllMATHH I x Thlfa 8rin," Nwt ffwt- -Tyrone Powr In'ArtolCirtey'' ADELPHI 'Sfflg'S. A PAIR QF SIXES ' A Iatu that cure the areusk." 3ul letia "A cream-" Ler. T A'PTP TOiHT AT 8.U ' A OBEAT pn.VMA OF LOVS AKD WAlT The Story tor Rosary A gfeAT VHAT WINB V.WlVjMAt. SPPUkVSB palace ThRtra & 1W , u. SANNR WRJMt DOUBlS MIA. "Life's Shdp Window" viJr AND IIX STAMOABU VAl t)C UJJt XsJttl UTTLE itfeTfeWlir I rtAT) XttfV ke" " "' : ' HAZEL DAWN SJJL-r ssin )HaBtgPjfiWHHBMMBBBpBlMBBMBBMB a llMiBBHnmMlBBnlullwBIBBnnBBm fi.