Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 11, 1914, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 6

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Dtk.7L. lit; -
, IftnnMnittd from I One
Turkish troops and retreat of the Rus
fans in Causasia.
Turkish forts in Armenia have fall
en before the fierce dash of the Rms
' eian invaders, according to Petro
EfSfirau' dispatches. An attempt to flank
line Russians was foiled. The Cos-
' PARIS, Nov. 11.
' Clxmudn, the Belnlan town around
hlch was centred the harried righting
In Flanders, has been captured by the
Germans, This was Admitted In nn ofll
elal statement Issued here this afternoon.
The statement showed that the Ger
man have renewed their drive to the1
Stench coast, which was temporarily
halted by the cutting of the dykes In tha
lower valley oMhe Yer.
, It stated that the battle had been re
sumed with great ferocity between N'lou
port and the Mver Lys. Thin Is the first
tlmo since the Veer Valley was flooded
that Nleuport has been mentioned In nn
ofnelal report. This town Is on the coast
on the extreme left end of the Allies' line.
Offsetting tha admission that Dlxmudo
jiad been captured, It is announced that
Lombacrtzvdo, north of 'Nleuport, has
been reocouplcd by the Allien.
' The ofnelal communique follow :
. On our left wins the battle wns ro-
, sumed yesterday morning with Kreat
ferocity, particularly between Nleu
port and the Lys In a general way
' our front has been maintained. De
spite tha violence and the strettrth
, of the German attacks directed agamrt
certain of our points of support to
' the north of Nleuport we succeeded In
k reoccupylnr Lombaortzyde and ad-
. rnnclntc beyond that locality, but to-
ward the end of the day the aermana
succeeded In taking Dlxmude from us.
We continue to hold the outljlng
districts around this village.
On the canal, from Nleuport to
Tpres, which has heoli firmly held,
tht battle was very hot. The British
troops, themselves attacked at numer
ous pclnts, checked tho enemy.
On the rest of tho front the general
situation remains unchanged, except
that there has been some progress by
our forces to the north of Solasons,
ahd In the region to the west of Vallly
; on the rl'fln bank of the Alsne.
Around tho two points atmospherlo
conditions have permitted only minor
engagements. These had successful
'results for our forces. We hate routed
BERLIN. Nov. 11.
Fighting In the "West continues without
any decisive result, a, statement from the
War Office declares today. The situation
In the Argonne remains favorable, and
good advances have been made, It Is as
serted. Progress alio Is being made In
the vicinity of Yprcs. '
"The significance of the latest reports lr
Increased by the fact that the words
"fiOod advances" are used In speaking of
the conflict In the Argonne forest. Tills
Is the first time that this expression has
been employed concerning the battles in
this district.
The rout of a Russian battalion In
Konln, Poland, by German cavalry ap
pears to have been thorough, and while
without great Importance It shows the
spirit that the German soldiers display
on the offensive.
Special dispatches from Czemowltz
Bukavlna, report Important movements of
Russian troops aro taking In Bessara
bia and East Gallcln, apparently as part
of the campaign against Turkey.
Constantinople reports that the Turkish
offensive movement on the Caucasian bor
der continues despite the snow. The
Turkish Government emphatically de
clares the report published by the Paris
Temps of nn outbreak among tho Turk
ish Armenians is a "flat lie."
X dispatch from Athens reports that
LONDON, Nov. 11.
The allied forces yesterday gained
ground north of Ypres. while severe
fighting occurred south of that village
without perceptible gain for either side.
The Allies aro now flrnily entrenched In
the village of Ypres itself, from which
they were not driven during the fierce
assaults of the Germans the latter part
of last week, although the Germans on
Saturday advanced so far both on the
north and south cf the town that It
was virtually surrounded by a slender line
of communication extended to the rear.
Tho battle dt Ypres. which began more
than thrte weeks ago with the advance of
the Oerman up tho north bank of the
Tier after the British and Allies had
effected a movement down its south bank,
continues with fury, whlcti has been de
scribed, dally as beyond human endur
ance. Apparent signs of flagging strength
on the part of the Germans are always
"followed by a renewal tit their assaults,
infinitesimal advances over the en
trenohed region are hopefully regarded
rfs victories. Each one may mean the
beginning of the final retirement of the
enemy. ...
Bombarding the German positions
along the coast both from the sea and
Air. the Allies are attempting to drive
the Kaiser's troops back into the woods
of Belgian and relieve the danger of
an attack on the English coast. French
ami English aviators are making daring
flights ami dropping bombs on the Ger
man trenches. On Tuesday the British
warship shellsd the Germans north of
tbo Yser for ssveral hours.
Attempting to destroy Oerman divi
sion at Blankenberghe, on the coast
southeast of Zeeprugge. an avlatpr,
tUlier English, or French, dropped a
number of bombs. One of them killed a
-toy and wounded a Belgian citizen. It
is impossible to learn whether there
were ay easualtlea among the Ger-
Knerou brtdgea In North Flanders
Mail or 'Phone and Get
gQAL that givea tha most h.ft,
JAU with the lasting quality,
"" flOAJU with small amount of aah.
Best Coal
sacks are sweeping on toward Er2t
rutn, the strongly fortified city of
Russian warships bombarded Turk
ish forts on tiic Bosporus. The
Turkish sqaudron, after a sortie, has
returned to Bosporus waters.
a detachment of the enemy from
t'olncourt. three kilometres to tho
north of the forest of Parroy.
News of a clever coup, In which tho
Germnns lest TOO prisoner at a point near
Ypres, was received here today. Volun
teer from a. tlelglum regiment, which
had been recruited In the coal mining dis
trict near Mons. dug a deep tunnel from
their earthworks to tho German trenches.
Tho Delglann broke through Into the Gor
man lines nt night, taking the Invaders
unawares. Seven hundred Oeimnns were
driven bnck Into thp lines of the Allies,
and tho Belgians escaped without losing
a man.
TimniKic rmn razks towns.
Armentlcrcs north of Lille, Is under a
heavy fire for the fifth time. This town,
In times of pence. Is tho centre of n thriv
ing linen Industry. Tho linen factories
era now In ruins, along with tho Town
Hall, the railway station and 'Urtunlly
all tho dwellings. The townspeople hnvo
lied to the coast. Tho artillery duet in
that region Is proceeding night and day
Tho Allies are rtported to have tallen
back from Llllo, which cltv Is In ruins
It Is estimated that 1250 houses hae been
razed by tho shell fire The town was
captured by British forces on October 20,
but was rccaptuicd by the Uormnns three
days later. Afterword It was repeatedly
taken. Inst and rotaken.
FurloUB fighting has occurred In
Comlncs, eight miles from Lille. Tho
opposing soldiers fought In tho streets
with fixed, bayonets, while shaipBhooters
kept up a 11 ro from the roofs of the
Each side Is giving the other no rent
Assaults by tho Germans are met with
counter attacks by the French, British
and Belgians nnd the sound of artillery
is never stilled. From the unusual losses
Inflicted upon tho EngllBh nnd their
troops. It Is ovldent tho Germans have
continued their attacks against these
contingents. Tho British are running
short of officers nnd calls arc being re
ceived from the front to fill gaps.
Along the centre from the Aigonne
forest to the Olse, each stdc is keeping
the other engaged, although the. fighting
during tho last four days in that region
has amounted to nothing more than
Bulgaria has refused to side against
Turkey, though the triple entente prom
ised to give her Adrlanople. Athens also
reports that Turkish operations against
the Kngllsh aro now advancing nnd that
there Is great military activity In Syria.
The official German News Bureau rfuve
out tho following Information today:
"German prisoners of war write to the
Fraunkfurtcr Zeltung that owing to bad
treatment, bad food and cold barracks, 46
out of TOD unwounded prisoners died of
typhoid pneumonia In otio week.
"Lieutenant General Pelllngrath, Inspec
tor of tho German military roads, sta
tioned at Cambral, northern Trance, pub
licly exhibits dum-dum bullets found on
British prisoners nnd llrltUh rifles equip
ped with a. contrivance to cut oft points
of bullets.
"The Bulgarian Minister at Rome told
an Interviewer that Bulgaria would de
mand the restitution of territory Inhab
ited by Bulgarians, but would remain
neutral In the present war and would not
light Turkev under any circumstances.
"Halll Bey, President of the Turkish
Chamber, lias arrived at Bucharest on a
special mission.
"Last week the specie reserve of the
Rrlchsbank Increased 2T.000.iXIO murks,
while the notes In circulation increased
I6.noo.000 marks."
"Mahmcyud Moukhtar Tasha, Turkish
Ambassador, and three Ottoman Princes
have left here to visit Emperor William
at headquarters."
have been blown up by the Germans, who
havo placed guns In the dunes of Hot
land to Bhell any British warships that
approach the coast.
The Germans have been observed build
ing deep trenches in North Flanders, also.
Some of these were later filled In. "This
induces the belief that they were burying
soldiers killed by the fire of the British
Advices from Bluls state that Emperor
William recently visited the trenches near
the Ypres front and, pointing to tho
Allies' trenches 600 yards away, ex
claimed: "Wo must defeat the enemy to save the
Reports that the Zeppelin sheds which
were erected near Brussels have been
moved have caused the impression here
LONDON, Nov. H.-Slr Louis Mallet.
British Ambassador to Turkey, arrived
here safely vtoday with members of his
staff and a number of British subjects,
who decided to leave Constantinople when
war was declared.
In 14k Solid Gold
,a Valliere
& beautl-
tfui a piece o(
enelry at we
iv rr of
fered at this
lrlct. We
ruuldn't Kite
TbU luprrb,
fathlonabla Ij
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"Beautiful au4
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wUUJy vrhea
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n T F II Mr
Chain sSSSP
$25 w
DifUPood Stores
Constantinople Reports Suc
cess in Caucasia, Which Is
Contradicted by Russians.
Sweep Into Armenia Un
checked. BERLIN, Nov. 11.
Tho Turks are meeting with consid
erable success In their operations Jn the
Caucasus and on the Egyptian frontier,
according to an official announcement
mndo by the Turkish Government and
given out to tho press In Berlin today.
Turks liiivr- occupied Shlekhar fort at
El Arlsh, In Esypt, and have taken four
Held guns troni the enemy
Tho RtisslniiB In tho Caucasus hne been
fotccd to retlro to their second lino of
On the trans-Caucasian front, it Is re
ported Russian successes continue, though
reinforcements received by Turkish troops
have resulted In flerco nttneks upon the
positions gained and fortified by the
Lzar's troops. Numerous attempts hne
lien made b the Kurdish cavalry to strlko
tho rear or the Russian forces Itnadlu
Turkish Armenia and thus force nn aban
donment of the campaign against Erzc
rum, but these have been repulsed with
heavy losses to tho tribesmen.
An official statement says'
"At da j break near Koprukoul the com
bat wns resumid with renewed forre when
the enemy luunchcd against us troops
concentrated In tho region of Erzcrum,
which In their tuin weie reinforced from
the garlson of that stronghold.
"To Judgo from the character of the
action and such Information ns could be
guthorod, German olllcers commanded the
"In tho afternoon the fighting assumed
a particularly tenacious character when
the Turks supported their advance guards
by fresh divisions. However, their at
tempted envelopment of one of our flanks
"Thanks to the valor of our troops wo
were able toward evening, when the bat
tle moderated, to hold all wo hod pre
viously conquered. One of our columns
took possession of positions at lCaraklllne
(Karnkltlssee?) and Alaschkortska."
An ofllclal communication from tho Gcn
eiat Staff of tho navy issued this eve
ning says:
"The commander of tho Russian fleet
on nearlng Port Snngouldak sighted a
Turkish military transport filled with
soldiers. Our cruiser npproached this
vessel nnd opened tiro and sank it. Then
the Russian fleet put to sea.
"Shortly afterward the Russian fleet
sighted a Turkish naval column of two
transports. Torpcdoboats sent to de
stroy these transports soon sighted a
third one.
"The thrco transports, laden with am
munition, guns, automobiles and acro-
j planes, were sunk. We saved and cap
tures z men on mo snips, among mem
several German ofllcers and a staff olll
cor who was bearing somo documents.
The prisoner declared that the transports
were to be used to take troops to Trebl
Turkish Fleet After Sortie Bank at
ROME. Nov. 11. An official communi
cation from Athens states that accord
ing to telegrams received from Con
stantinople tho Russian cruisers Pamlat,
Mcrkourla and Kngul last Saturday bom
barded the Turkish forts In the Bos
porus nnd tho coal depot at Hcrecloa.
The Turkish fleet which went to meet
the Russians has icturned to tho Bos
porus. Several merchant vessels were de
stroyed at Hcrecloa during the bombard-mi-nt.
Mohammedans of West Africa Avow
LONDON. Nov. 11.
Additional assurances of the loyalty
of Mohammedan subjects of King
George, despite Turkey's entrance in the
war. were received at the Colonial Office
The Governor of Sierra Leone, the Brit
ish possession on the west coast of Africa,
has transmitted to the Colonial Office let
ters from various Mohammedan chief
tains, all of whom declare the loyalty
tit their people.
"Wo are Incessantly praying that Allah
grant victory to England," Is a typical
expression of the Moslem leaders.
Blown TJp While Mine-sweeping In
Kiao-Chau Bay.
TOKIO. Nov. 11.
The Japanese torpedo boat No. 33 was
destroyed while sweeping for mines at
the entrance to Klao-Chau Bay. She
struck a mine, but most of her crew
was saved.
Cor Ctf TVnr
r. b. S. DttnU
Touring Oar tcith Sedan Top,
Roculiter vHth Coup Top, I lit I
V, O. B. Ottntt
I I III' 'Till -----y
336 N- Broad St
BM Mwa--0ro M
Bxoad nd Tioga S.
Winter Cannot Halt Vast Sweeps of Warring Hosts,
Say Experts Austrians and Germans
' Declared Demoralized.
PBTROGRAD, Nov. ll.-Tho Russian
forco has moved across Poland like the
street sweepers of Paris. They have
swept the opposltlng nrmles Into holes
and cornels In their country.
The great demornllfatlon created among
tho Austrian troops has now spread to
the Germnns Tho Russian grand tactics,
which were nn encircling movement on a
magnlflcant scale, have been an unquali
fied success. It Is impossible to say
whether the right or left wing has been
more victorious.
Whllo tho forces moving along the
River Pllltza made the most marked nd
vnnces, the army that crossed tho itlver
San has a larger bag. its prlro wns a
full division with Its complement of gunB.
The Russian Staff attach tho greatest
stiateglc slRiilflcaneo to the victory on
tho San. Their armies had been held up
nt this point far too long. It was Im
possible for the corps on tho Vistula to
push nhead Independently.
At Przemysl ft sufllclent force still In
vests the city, while the operating base
Is established at Tntnow, B0 miles from
Cracow, to tho oast, on a railway running
to Priemysl.
While this force npprpaches Cracow
from tho cast another strong column Is
descending on the fated city from the
north. This army has now reached
The sUc of the Russian army permits
this to be done with impunity. This
numerical superiority In tho long run
will give Russia a victory nt every point.
Poland tins been Inundntod with Russian
corps Thus they havo been able literally
to engulf the Germans. Lack of artillery
Is made up In the number of Infantry In
action There Is no better Infantry In tho
world. . ,,
The Russians charge to cortaln death
with songs. All nlong the Russian front
bayonet assaults of the most heroic char
acter have boon ns common ns the artill
ery duels on the German-Kronen line of
On ni riving at the German frontier the
Russian army has a stupendous problem
bufora It. Here the Germnns hnvo per
fected every lino of communication, until
the HUpply of the army moves almost au
tomatically. This means a great advan
tage, but Winter will Improve tho trans
portation conditions for tho Russians. As
soon ns Poland freezes tho problem will
bo simplified.
Under ordinary circumstances the freez
ing wonthcr cannot be expected for an
other month. During this month the re
serve armies of Russia's troops, which
aro still moving forward In the renr of
the fighting line will be pushed to points
of contact with tho enemy.
NCW YORK, Nov. 11. The extent nnd
celerity of the mllltnry operations now
In progress In the eastern war theatre
must modify to some extent established
notions us to the difficulties of activo
campaigning In that 'region In what Is
practically the first month of tho long
Rutnlnn winter. That the Russian
Foe's Modern Guns Taken in Heavy
VIENNA, Nov. 11.
Austrian troops are gaining ground In
the fighting thnt goes on night nnd day
In Servla, according to an official report
received here today from Field Marshall
Servian positions In the mountains have
been stormed and captured.
The Field Marshal's report follows:
"Severn fighting at the foot of the moun
tains on the line of Smibats and Losnttza
continued ell day Monday and Into the
night. Some strongly fortified positions
were stormed and taken by the Austrian
troops. ,
"South of Planlna our troops ndvanced
farther Into the district east of Losnttza,
Krupani and Llubovla Some heavy skir
mishes occurred with the rear guard of
the enemy, In which the Servians were
repulsed. Numerous prisoners and some
heavy modern guns were taken."
Consul's Protest Palls to Gain Release
for Liners.
ATHENS. Nov. ll.-In addition to two
British ships, Turkish officials seized two
Dutch vessels at Smyrna.
The Dutch Consul protested, but the
Vail alleged that the ships carried mer
chandise belonging to enemies of Turkey,
and he ordered the Ottoman flag hoisted
on all the vessels.
Summoning- of IUBervlata Regarded
as Meaning1 War.
ATHENS, Nov. ll.-News that Bulganla
has called up six classes of reservists is
regarded here as an indication that the
Bulgarians soon will enter the war.
AmmrJa art styfZy,'
Two Cars at Price of One
Two things are responsible for the
ready, steady sales of Hupmoblles
at this season.
One, according to O. O. Brownlee,
' who represents the Hupraoblla In
this territory, Is the increased size
and flve-passenger room of tho
new model.
The other ls-the detachable sedan
top for the touring- car Spa a sim
ilar coupe top for the roadster.
G.O. Brownlee says this give every
' Hup buyer the chance of getting
' wo cars at very little more than
the price of one.
The .prospect- of driving- all winter
i'o.th'e majority of buyers? and tha
Hew tops are receiving hearty ap
proval. The' new tops are very reasonable
in psr(oe; easily attached; look bet
ter by far than any other of the
sort we have ever Keen; are well
built 4 iwautlfwUy 4$hd ln-
armies should have pushed westward
from Warsaw and Ivnngorod all the
way to tho borders of Silesia nnd Posen
In one week, nnd that the (lrst week In
November, goes far toward upsetting
the traditions which havo long clustered
around tho fatal retreat of Napoleon's
Grand Army from Moscow to the
With tho Russians on the border of
Silesia nnd Posen, threatening Cracow
and Brealaii ns well ns the outflanked
provinces of IJnst and West Prussia, no
shift of forces from the East to the
West can be risked. The peril of a
winter Invasion will remain ever present
nnd any weakening of tho caatcrn
armies would merely invite Russia to
brrak Into Posen In fotco and make a
dash for the lino of the Oder River.
Activo winter operations In enstcrn
Huropo would hot bo without precedent
Napoleon conducted the campaign of
L'ylnu In January and February, the
battlo of Evlau, In East Prussln, being
fought on February 8, 1807 In 1M0 Rus
sia made a winter campaign In llungnry,
overthrowing tho Kossuth republic thero
and restoring Hungary to Frnncls
Joseph. Further south, In tho Russo
Turklah War of 1877-1878, Russia con
tinued operations in tho Balkans
throughout tho winter, and the Balkan
War of 1D12-1.1U, first between the Balkan
Ltnguc States and Turkoy nnd then be
tween Bulgaria and her two former
allies, Servla and Greece, lnsted from
October until the following spring.
The Russians, In fact, are by no means
unnccustomed tn winter campaigning. In
Manchuria In 1901-5 they fought the bat
tlo of Sandcpu against tha .tapancso
aboUt the end of Janunry the mid
dle of a sub-Arctic winter. Their
troops are trnlncd to enduro cold nnd
know how to llvo and get nbout even
when tho thermometer goes below zero.
Moreover, they know how to maintain a
cold weather transportation and rom
mlssarlut service
Poor toads disappear nftor nnow cov
ers the ground and swnmps and rivers
can be crossed without difficulty. Largo
parts of Poland aro nearly tmpasstblo
In tho spring nnd fall, but In winter
sleighs and sledges can go anywhere
So far ns transportation facilities arc
concerned, tho Russian armies on tho
Sllcslan border will be better off after
mow comcB thnn they are now, with
only muddy post roads and a few miles
of railroad to depend upon.
It Is a foregone conclusion that the war
will go on In Franco or Belgium, winter
or no winter. In tho Frnnco-Gcrmnn
War of 1870-71 operations In Franco were
not suspended. Besides, tho enormous
cost of the present war and the vo"st
stakes Involved In It make It necessary
to light on uninterruptedly. If It wns
Germany's hopo to got a respite on the
east front whllo continuing the struggln
In tho we,st, thnt hopo has been utterly
dashed by tho retreat from Warsaw. Tho
Russians aro now hi a position to keep
the Gorman-Austro-Hungnrtnn armies In
the cast fully occupied. It rests with tho
Czar to say what courso the eastern'
campaign shall tako aftor winter sets
In and changes to some extent the con
ditions of fighting.
War Carried Into Toe's Territory at
Shabats and Losnttza.
LONDON, Nov. 11.
An ofTlclal Austrian communication re
ports that an Invading nrmy is fighting
In Servla well over the Sorb border. The
communication reads:
"Our operations In the southern war
theatre are progressing favorably. While
our advance on the line from Shabats to
Losnltza was obstinately resisted at a
strongly fortified point at the foot of a
hill, a three das' battle on the line
from Losnltza to Kroupanl ended In suc
cess. "The forces of the Servians consisted
altogether of bIx divisions (120,000 men).
Their troops, nftcr a heroic defense, are
now retreating toward Valjevo.
"Our troops yesterday arrived at Los
nltza. east of the heights of Sokolska and
Planlna, southeast of Kroupanl. Numer-
ous prisoners and war material were cap.
C. J. Htfppe & Son,
Do you know 1
srcriKt?M Ml
Place your order for a
Christmas Victrola NOW
Every Christmas pee3 a scarcity of Victrolaa.
Last year we were nhla to fill every order only
by a shipment received frprh tho Victor factory
at 4 P. M. on December 24. Our delivery depart
ment worked all night to distribute these ma
chines. But last year was the only year we were able
to fcecurft enough Victrolaa to Bupply every order.
All possible disappointment can be avoided if
you place your order with us now we will then
reserve for you a Victrola of the type you want.
Why not call or write today?
November ''charge" purchases
billed January 1
As a special inducement to make early
Christmas Victor shopping worth while, we have
arranged to bill November "charge" purchases
January 1. 1916.
If you do not have an account now, we shall
be glad to extend this privilege td any responsible
purchaser. ,
Heppe Victor Service
Our ReaorJ Service furnishes you with musi
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They cB assist you in seleeMeas they are at yue
. E . pny 5WI wy J fct1
Nation Must Prepare for
Sacrifices to Gain Triumpli
in War Lords and Com
mons Reassemble.
LONDON, Nov. 11.
England must triumph In the war with
Germany regardless of any sacrifice that
the gaining of final victory will demand.
This was tho message conveyed to Par
liament today by King George In his
speech, which provided tho chief feature
when tho House of Lords and tho House
of Commons reconvened.
The King appeared careworn as he as
cended tho throne. Ho Impressed upon
the Lords nnd Commons tho serious bus
iness nhead of the Empire, and declared
thnt only war measures would bo sub
mitted during the present session.
"Tho energies nnd sympathies of my
subjects throughout the Empire are con
centrated upon tho prosecution to a vic
torious Issue of the war In which we aro
engaged," tho King said. "Wo havo sum
moned you because duty Is paramount,
and It Is of supremo Importance that you
tako whatever steps aro needed for Its
adequate discharge.
"Throughout tho area of conflict our
army and navy contlnuo to maintain their
glorloQu traditions. Wo watch their
steadfastness and their valor with thank
fulness nnd pride. Throughout the Em
pire there Is n fixed determination to se
cure, nt whatever sacrifice, tho triumph
of our nrms and vindication of our cause
"Tho only measures to bo BUbrSlttod this
session aio those necessary for the at
tainment of tho great purposo upon which
tho efforts of the Emplro are set."
"Bad counsel nnd alien Influences hav
ing driven Turkey to a policy of wan
ton defiance, an nggrcsslvo stnto of war
low exists between us. My Mussulman
subjects know well that the rupture with
Turkey was forced upon me ngnlnst my
will. I rccognlzo with appreciation nnd
grutltudc the proofs they have hastened
to glvo of their loyal devotion and sup
port." Tho signs of war were evident every
where at tho assembling of Parliament
Khnkl-clad members of the House of
CommonB heard His Majesty's speech
end khakl-clad troops wcro on guard, In
place of the usual forces attired In glit
tering uniforms.
1 1
1 One Car State of Maine I
No. 1 Baldwin Apples.
We offer them for $2.50
per barrel.
The Dainty "Debutante" Pump
v $g
eppe Victor News
1117-1119 Chestnut Street 6th
Total cost
Pay U
Records, your selection , '
Total cost.
11J1UU1,A 1A
Records, your
Total cost...,
T,iY down monthly, '
Total cost
Pay $lp
Ambassador Morgenthau to
Investigate Authority for
Alleged Reprisal Orders in
Officials of the Stato Department mado
efforts today to learn whether the Turk
ish Government Is officially represented
in the reported threat of tho Turkish
commander at Beirut that ho would
order the execution of three British or
French subjects for every Mussulman
killed In the bombardment of any un
fortified poit.
The American Government Is nctlng
for tho British nnd French nt Con
stantinople nnd might hnvo to tako of
ficial cognizance of such alleged
Ambassador Morgenthau, It Is said,
has been requested to nsk tho Turkish
Government whether or not It stands
responsible for tho utterance of the
Beirut nfllclal.
Mr. Morgenthau reported to tho De
partment of Stato that tho Turkish Min
ister of War had Informed him that Tur
key was nnxlous to conduct the war with
Great Brltnln with all possible consid
eration to tho non-combatants, but do
splte these advices there Is much concern
over the safoty of Americans In tho war
Turkey, nccordlng to its War Minister,
has neither soldiers ncr ships to Bend
against Its enemies to bombnrd their un
fortified towns, nnd would havo only one
recourse to hold tho subjects of the
enemy as hostages.
The commander of tho Turkish forces
nt Beirut, In a formal noto addressed to
the Amcrlcnn Consul General, and In1
tended for the British nnd French Gov
ernments, declares that for ovory Mus
sulman killed In tho bombardment of any
open and unfortified port thrco British or
French subjects will bo Immediately ex
ecuted. Ready!
We arc ready better
equipped than ever before
in the history of this busi
ness to give our patrons
highly satisfactory laun
dry service.
Dollar for dollar,, we sin
cerely believe wc offer
more that is desirable in
laundering and repairing
than can be obtained else
where. Phone:
Bell. Filbert 3210
Keystone, Itaco 073
1323 ARCH ST.
Gives a touch of beauty and
elegance to the costume.
Its charm has kept it a
favorite in society season
after season.
A choice of seventeen shades in
satin to harmonize with the newest
The Big Shoe Store
1204-06-08 Market St.
and Thompson Streets
Our Victor Outfits and Prices
Settlement may be by
Cash, charge or rental lease.
6 10-inch Double-face Records , . , , 4J5Q
Total cost ', 19,50
Pay f3 down, ?2.60 monthly,
VICTROLA VI...,, $25.00
6 10-inch Double-face Records 40
$29 in
down, ?3 monthly. "
Pay $2 down. S3 mnnthiw'
selection, ,,'!!!,'! ioj
Records, your selection l.'.V.', loioa
"Total coat. .,., ,, S85 00
Pay ?5 down, $5 monthly. ' ' ' ' ,uu
Records, ypur selection...,.,.,,,, r ,..,,, io'.oo
Total cost , ,.,,....8110 00
V.CTBotrifcff.r.'Pf..,.. '
Reeords, your selection .... . ..." ..!,... .10.00
down, $8 monthlv.
mfSfds. your sek,..,,., ,.,.; j93
Urp CJ Jfo r fmkm
kjit '
:VWlM(fr $t. ' iWn UWMMWIJliiiil Qu'WiTDHilii Mil" wfe '
BkiiHjaip ui i
ff --
(--. feB" - ' ?-& " L " -J-t-
" .ft
g&pjr5 L ?
i " Ssi