mmmmmammmmmmmm wmmn ESKSSSrSE V Ww' im ail byl thl K' H thi roe6 m 'smu tt WmS afc - fi&HK imp wt't ftjfc h. fit Wi WHiwim CAMDEN "THE BIGGEST LITTLE CITY 5. vcra? cmploys tjrt: to anew ?? coaccw pcrttt eMrs sorter D or ?,?vr : CAMDEN MAKES ILL GOODS, FROM fc WARSHIPDOWN '- -Biggest Little City in the .v "World" Leads in Amazing tt, Number of Important In . dustrial Plants. rjlie Largest Soup Factory, Talk- t ing Machine Factory and Lace Factory on the Planet Are ' tRight Across the Delaware At .. River. Over across the river you Bet thero by 'ferry and it costs but 3 cents there's a city of some 103,000 Inhabitant, which 'Is the biggest little city In the world. ''It's tittle as far as population and acre age arc concerned, but enormously big "wnen It comes to the question of the manner In which thine are done. ' "the name of the city. If you haven't 'llMady guessed tt, Is Camden. And when "it comes to doing; things, the big; little town la a. place of the first magnitude, Its monuments are Its smokestacks, and 3lt architecture has been Inspired' by th 'god of Industry and utility rather than by the one who ts responsible for sym 'm'itry and harmony of design. No, you Mon't bo there for your monuments, your beautiful parkways, your well-designed - V . vsrr COC&T House building, but you do go there for al ' most everything else, from a paper clip to a battleship. CAMDBW CATECHIBSJ. ' X whole catechism might be written " abcut this "blggeit of little cltie, and the answer to nit of th question would be Camden. "Whs.1 city ha tha largest soup factory ""VfiinMir- Mn of h baltle- - ..i.... .( l.lWInir fmtDhines? tv5Sr i the largest lace factory in the Wheri doe tb world' uppty of writ 'ASS? umth.r&V.t wlUMfelu "EralSE ha maUfaUT. of , fW W flftf t lt WroaJ m&m Mw va v- , .. vtvu gtaridxa ii ol wiw - iS4 mm , mi m iwr if w taii ( Wilt isrtrt EVENING VtonEWW .WWT or v&v svployso needs, and she Is "there with the goods." Like a busy little worker bee, sho tolls nil day Ion, and the hum from the hive Is henrd at the four ends of the earth. The Victor Talking; Machine Company, the New York Hhlpbultdlng Company, the Campbell's Soup Company, the Ester brook Penn Company, the Welsbach Go Mantlo Company and the Camden Iron Works are n few of the big concerns known and advertised the world over that have helped to put Camden on the map and to keep her there. When you slide the little needle Into your Vlctrola ami search In your cabinet for a record that you haven't played too often, the thought never occurs W you, doubtless, that in this smoky town on the Delaware millions of new records are being made every yenr, and that singers who will not sing for kings, unless they are In a particular mood for It, coma to a factory In tills city and record their voices for the world's enjoyment. Camden Is the hnppy hunting ground of the song birds. They flock there, nnd when the Camdenltcs see them coming there's such a rush for the Vlctrola fac tory that one might almost believe tit circus had come to town. In a room fitted out for their own par ticular occupancy these vocal specialists stand up and sing their pieces while the city outside strains Its ear drums to the point of bursting In endeavor to hear. But the walls of the factory are thick, freo concerts not being a feature, and the disappointments aro many. THE COMING OP CAHUSO The story Is told, however, of one of the times the high and mighty Caruso came down to perpetuato his Immortal tones for the benefit of posterity. The ncwa of his coming spread like wildfire. Even tho deaf people had heard of his advent. From the smallest newsboy to the oldest patriarch the city lined up at the factory, determined that If one little sound should get through a crevice they would be there to hear It. The street cars ran slowly and softly In sympathy and nil the factories muffled their whistles. Caruso, nil unconscious of tho turmoil, stood un In tho sanctum sanctorum of the singers, let his tenor run down Into his chest and burst forth Into such a volume of melody that the walls of tho Victor place parted Ilka th - rtf'M! 4 IBs i n- L;- rv -A t' m M, .i V WJ u'' m m ! am ned Bea before Pharaoh, and there Isn't a person In Camden today who hasn't heard Caruso. Caruso ts probably the largest salaried artist engaged by the company. It' a mere bagatelle, of course, his pay en velope being usually the same aa that of the president. Sometime It's a little mora and sometimes a little less, but consider ably over 1100,000 ! the avfrerr. Other singer, whose voices or press agent are not o good, make considerably less, any thing from down to 3000 pr annum. The mrge figure that the Victor Talk ing Machine Company deal In would fire tha brain of th most unimaginative per son. More than machines, blr. little jk all sort and condition of them, ei turned out annually - More than 6C0O person employed in th -various depart ment drw their living from th fao. tory alone, and mom than S.o tnergetUt and leeuaelou salesmen convince the world at large that the horn without the Vlctrola U a bad of as that without m mother. IfAKINO A WaflFKCT RECORD, A imilt ctfchestr. th player In whlatt dw un much men, it 1 114 u i the In tha beat ymphonfo orchestra ef th country, I n tha pot tt H Omss. To reofd an orchestration prfeeUy t aW to p oae of t! mot . tfjfflcult feat. Kv at th bt.on 4t4 onrt jaUtskw ar coaittatly 4a asd yet a nwi must ab MH4 perfect c-fft K I put on th HiaylNtt. Jh Dm mm b the QtHtlra. play ftt S KADOt M a M W prtnlti,I lAft ih.v Amrttmh Out mWu4 fit wwtdw fr-wl f r th JeQJ If LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 11, 1014, tKS ifii '. e;j msm. tS'stWl-f "',"' s .? fe m SHfe SE, HWESiEIskS'jS 1 prsTox or rv?ST vtowjt r 1 ZP15COP7JL CHURCH MOTHS? I ? I cvtfcrt or crtMortf J HppPBTOzR M''a" rrja'M -""'' -ij -,?iiwwlHiWt3HKl rajas'" i JHHttMRvF ir "" JUHHll(ttiil3HIHl MrfA'ttr , iuua.'W tfST r&ow ew IN THE WORLD"-WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT DOES f:w' m -ffxrrsLut t1 Mi . . X. , . u. , may v fclk .2" r sr7yo&t Cr7D? 7c"r 2L?"::Z 'i'A a- '.. ,t I prsTOf? or rsr Asroivsr ZP15COP7JL CMU&CH MOTHS &?& or cMOM jr r.v"f S1 II rti v 1"" &. IT . j.. .X1 v: r W7YIWD 7yjr&, rPJTJD&VT OrYAf.CA rvri given, they bend their whole energies toward making' n perfoct record. It Isn't Usually done the first time. Even the singers nre often required to make repetitions. Caruso holds tha record for being the most accurate, but he, too. Is sometimes forced to give his tunt a second time. Ilut, of courac, since the records are inado In 60 differ ent languages thero may bo some errors which no one knows nbout, for who could tell whether a Hawnllan or a mnd Dervish were making a mistake or not. In the cabinet factory more than 3009 skilled men are employed to fashion tho cmb and as many moro for tho turning out of the actual mechanism. When it comes tn the sound boxes, however, girls aro engaged, their flngera being more adapted to handling this sensitive organ. In addition to the forco used in tha actual making of the talking ma chine more than COO workers arc em ployed In the shipping department and too clerks aro required to carry on tho office work. A right neat little factory to bo located In Camden, Is It not? SIONARCIIS OF THE NAVT. It's a far cry from a Vlctrola to a battleship, but the big little city can make them both. When Ihe foreign countries want to go to war, or when the United States decides that sho would Ilka .to keep the peace, they run over to Camden, pay a visit to the New York Shipbuilding Company's yard nnd leave nn order for a naval monster, the mak ing of which will put , bread into the mouths of thousands for a year or moro. More than MOO men are regularly em ployed and in busy times many moro are taken on. Tho dreadnoughts of many nations havo been horn here. Only tho other day the Morenn, tho latest nddltlon to the Argen tine navy, was sent out on her trial trip. Bh is the largest ship ever built In tho Delaware River 685 feet long, S3 feet beam and 21 feet depth, with a displace ment" of 27.T00 feet, and her cost was U, 000.000. Of Uncle Barn's "floating forts" this company Is responsible for tho Kan sas, the New Hampshire, the Michigan, the Utah, tha Arkansas and tho' Okla homa, to say nothing of a number of torpedobonts nnd submarines. The Welsbach Company, which spends all its waking hours making the fragile 4J1 M JSSJ 7Sjlm? rrirs or crrAfieo sour little mantle, the Invention of a German of th nam of Karl Welsbaeh, Is situated outside of Camden, In Gloucester City, but if you should -so much a dare to hint to a Camdenlte that the Welibach was net a part of hi city there's no telling what might happen. LIGHTS FOR THE MILLIONS. "Of coure Ihe Wlbach light I made In Camden,' say the Board of Trade of that city, and that settle tt. Twenty-one acre of ground are re quired for the- manufacture of the mantle and J buildings go to make up the plant. It U paid that thut concern 1 on of the few .not dependent on any foreign coun try for th supplies necessary to the manufacture of a (a mantle, and for thl reason the factory runs full time, regard lees of th war. The, utmost dexterity I required to make one of theto little lighting davit. No machln ha, yet been Invented that will sew thorn without tearing th deli cate fabric and. therefore, they are all hnd-wa. In addition to th man uf na ture of the maptUi, (h paptr tubing that thty at o carefully packed In I attoi turned out htr. IT tallea of It a day. or enough in a year to encircle the ju,e? twie. voqam and pbnb. Sat, t ootfrM. thl lift't BHythlflg to compare to tb yard and yard otmaea renl that U mado by th- Amtrlean Waa ronl CHn4Hy. Two thousand pounds of It are nwvJe daUy. If the year's outwit ww atiunk urn Ui ft dltecUoa of iisater 3 i4 Wt OtuuAa euM WWh a MfiUljfMI M-Jitesi f rnmwmiteiiBoa be JNk Iks hoeUt aa4 un that nouW EA w PJ nstound tho world, and mnke tho Inven tor of the wireless feel small In compnrl Bon. Knough writing pens nrc mado annu ally in Cnmdcn to. supply every onn or tho fWWO.000 men, wdmen and children of thc.a United States with three or them, for tllo two largest pen factcrlea In the world are established hero tho Estcrbroolc Pen Company and tho How nrd Hunt Von Company. Tho best. English steel Is required for tho manufacture of a writing pen and hundreds of different kinds, to suit tha most fastidious strlvcncr, aro turned out dally. Tho Kstcrbrook Ecn CtVmpany finds employment for morellhan E00 per sons, and the Hunt Commw for moro than 150. Thorn's a famous llttlo ktd who Uvea over In tllo big little city, you can seo him on Tlroadwny any day. His namo Is tho Cnmpboll Soup Kid nnd his homo Is a great largo place, which covers 7V4 ncrcs of ground. It's called, tho Joseph Cumpurll's Soup Cnnnory. One thousand employes do his bidding nnd no llttlo boy oil earth ever had such big kitchens to sniff around In as he. Tomato soup Is only 0110 pt the 21 dif ferent varieties which nre1 made In theso kltcliotiB, and yet in seas.on E0.00O baskets of ripe tomatoes havo gono into the stewing pots In one day. An enormous farm In Jersey furnlehes part of tho sup ply, but much of it is purchased frdm outsiders. Millions of cunKjbr soup nret turned out In one day, ami It Is said that so many ox tolls were used lat year thut nt the annual .convention of oxen It was decided to maki bob tails tho style so .10 to1 please the' majority. If the soup that you servo nt your table Is made In C.imilen, so alro, In all prob ability Is tho gelatine, for the weekly output of tho Kind & Lnndosmann Gela tine Company Is no less than 20,000 pounds. This firm had Its small begin ning In Austria yenrs ago, but wns at tracted to Camden by tho splendid nrtc hlnn water supply system, since which lime It has achieved International promi nence, and much dt Its business Is dono In foreign countries. KEEriN.G THE WORLD CLEAN. Camden, in addition tottn other ncttvl tlo. olso;helps to keep tho world clean. Tim R. M. Holllngsheacl Company, J. Eavenson & Sons and tho Dobbins Soap Company turn out enough soap and cleansers to malco ecven worlds spotless. Tho flrat-named llrm began llfo making 711 'j i'i fJ!'J '! tf leather dressing and cleanser for har ness. It nqw makes alt sort of house hold powder and also fluid for keeping automobile bright and shiny. J, Eaven son & Son keep UO persona busy In their oap factory at all times, and rar oil and perfume are sent all the way from China and Ceylon to be used In their products. Tho Dobbin people are responsible for the largest output of textile aoaps. LACE, HArfDKERCmEira, CiqARS. The lace, that Is on your petticoat If you wear auch an archaic garment-M also made In. the big little city. The Camden Embroidery Company ia the largest lace factory In the world. Nine t hundred persona are kept buy n the factory, and. beside, work. U given to 1M0 outsiders. The making of hand kerchiefs 1$ alsq a big feature of thia coneeru' activate, and tt the whole Btate of New Jersey were auddenly af flicted with a bad sold, It could come U Sft,?' ' handkerchief, and that out h2Ui...b. abi? s provld thm w"b out the least embarrassment More than 10W person are employed In ifejfe,l"i,tiry in the dty airoirth" rtfr; 900 of them work in th law J2?SS. ar ,woB' aa4 gll. More than ua.000 siMka a day are provldad by thta tTaSeeWU1' WMk l $5 .i2w Bn1whUh are ud to clamp mre Stitching Compi,,, which t target wUl atcWns mavniVf mw,h fM A$E?wv;z ll rI pM w - p -s? 3eeftert en Pir. si CM "- --M -r' :t- yi"3TP..jawgsfc.-i6MPrBawia&-fe''-sei &RhffiitsWi ilTilliniiBirrMHlBBlBBHBMMBTlBlB1BMBMMBB ;;.?; --- r - :f 'W