nr WWi :&?.". ;-9vjFjprMf)wmn$ EVENING LEDGEE PHILADELPHIA, BATTTRDAT, NOVEMBER 7, I91-. ' 3JC i 1 CHURCHES PRESBYTERIANS TO DISCUSS THE HOME MISSION PROBLEM Leaders of Denomination Will Speak at Sessions Next Monday in Calvary Church. Tor tho llrat time In Its history the Presbytery of Philadelphia has set aside nn entire afternoon and evening for the consideration of tho city mission prob Jems. Next Monday, with some of the most prominent leaders of tho Presby terian Church In America In attendance, expert speakers will discuss various phases of city mission work at sessions to be held In the afternoon and evening In Calvary Presbyterian Church, 15th and Locust streets. The meeting Is for the purpose of evolving plans and to add Im petus to tho greatest campaign In the Intorcsts of mission work In Philadel phia that has over been held. Tho moderator of the General Assombly, the Hcv. Dr. Maltland Alcxandor, of Pittsburgh, who has accomplished much In his own church and city, will speak on "The Church and tho City." The Rev. JJr. William Henry Roberts, former mod erator of the General Assembly and stated clerk at prcsont, will discuss tho subject, "Presbyterians and tho draco of Giv ing." Tho Hev. William Mulr Auld, pas tor of C.ilvary Church, will talk on "Co operation In City Mission Work." NORTH PHILADELPHIA INSTITUTE SUCCESSFUL Under -ondorship of 0. O. St. John Y. M. 0. A. School Aids Many Young Men. C. O. ST. JOHN Under the direction of C. O. St. John, who recently came to this city to take charge of the educational work of the North Branch Young Men's Christian Association, rapid strides are being made ' for the education of the working boys of North Philadelphia who desire to Im prove their chances in Ufo through spare time study. The olasses wero started a month ago and have been growing rapidly lnce that date. There will be four courses for young men who are engaged In the trades of carpentry, brloklaylng and other kinds of mechanic arts. Tho commercial and pre paratory work of the North Philadelphia Institute as the school is called has also had a successful start. A. J. DREXEL BIDDLE TO BE GIVEN RECEPTION Northwest Philadelphia Bible Glass leader to Honor Founder Tonight. A, J. Drexel Riddle, founder of tha TJrexel Diddle Bible classes, will be given a reception at the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Redemption, 66th and Market streets, this evening by tha of ficers of the classes In the Northwest Philadelphia District E. M. Orton, ohlef director, will preside, and the Rev. Dr. X. B. Clay, rector of the church, will ctfer the Invocation, Mr. Diddle and ether guests will speak. CHURCH IS 25 YEARS OLD Bt, Elisabeth's Protestant Episcopal Parish Was Incorporated In 1880. The Hth anniversary of the incorpora tion of Bt. Elisabeth's Protestant Episco pal parish will be obterved tomorrow In connection with the Patronal Feast, The charter was obtained In 1B83. and the late Rev. Dr, Henry R, Perclval was eleoted the first rector. There will be a Solemn High Mass, with procession, at 10:S0 m- nniJ Qt th9 evening service, at 8 o'clock, the Rev, Dr. Sheldon M. Qrtawold, Bishop of Sa line, will preaoh, The Rev, B D. Ward Is the rector of the church. PROMINENT PREACHER HERE The Iter Dr, H. 0. Morrison, Presi dent of Asbury College, at Old Bt, George's. Those who attend the morning and evening sessions of th 20th annual holi ness convention In Old St. George's Methodist Episcopal Churoh, th street below Vine, tomorrow will be privileged to hear one of the beat known clergymen of the old-school type In the Methodist Episcopal Churches In this country. He U the Rev. Dr. H. O, Morrison, of Louis Tille, Ky. ' Y. M. 0. A, UEETQfQS Speakers for T. M. C. A. meetings to morrow afternoon have been announced follows: Central Branch, Dr. A 0, Abbott, of the University of Pennsylva nia, on "The Scientific Bases of Health and Sanitation"; Oertnantowa Branab. x&Uloaaxy ttvm India, now in ofaajffo j .ninmUlaa On nrfilllMlriain wia&a. tU, IU KVnseiee- jt .r mmm lui for the "BUly" Sunday evaagelUtio I ib C.U. HUb School. tb Wmt ag-te-HVds, IN i " ' ' ' isfwfip, . . . . 'llillf . " .. . -flip! fl:?t7!?7 4 iisXrrSf' nWffiff miiIm TnTii'i iii i?Tpi TuiBi far" h -ftf" ' " If . -A z YCl - -' -nr1llWtl1!rlPn1tiiiteifi--fc ... . -- , . -Jatt ...... .. ..- -. .-- .-.---- niiisni -" - ---- ..-A. jji,jaT--te.- AND THEIR ftfjc jfrlcnblp $ntl) Idleness probably causes mors tin happiness than anything else In the world. Many a man, whose Intentions were onca of the beet, has become a victim of criminal pursuits because he has had no worth-while duties to occupy his mind. Thousands of men have become chronic pessimists, who mako life mtserablo for everybody about them, becauie they have been left to drift along with tho crowds, Instead of be ing busy creating Ideas that would have contributed to progress. In almost every church men are found who take delight In finding fault with tho services, the music, and practically everything that Is done. Every clergyman realizes, with regret, that this Is true. Certainly some of tho "kickers" are so pessimistic that there Is llttlo chance of changing their attltudo to ward the church work. But these are tho exceptions. Most of tho critics have tho right kind oi stuff In them to make their marks If they aro put to work at somo definite thing that will keep them busy. Dr. Russell II. Conwcll, tho educator, clergyman and lecturer, was onco heard to remark: "I always welcomo tho 'klckors In my church. Whenevor a man com plains about something. I try to glvo him a Job on a committee that has charge of tho thing he criticises. And I havo found that If we keep tho critics busy trying to build up they will not do much tearing down. Most of our 'knockers' havo becomo good workers." Lot tho critics havo hard Jobs and then wo can enjoy tho benefits thnt are euro to come through "push" and "pull" instead of experiencing tho regrets from tho harm that can al ways bo charged up against "kicks" and "knocks." PHILLIPS. CATHEDRAL WILL HAVE FINE MEMORIAL TO ARCHBISHOP Handsome Marblo Altar In Edifice Planned for Late Prelate. A handsome and unique marblo altar la to bo placed In tho Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul In memory of tho lato Archbishop Ryan. Tho memorial Is of ancient Celtlc-Ito-manesquc style of architecture. In work ing out tho details tho artist was guided and Inspired by famous Celtic art, such as the ancient carved, high stono crosses, tho bronzes, enamels and other speci mens dating from tho 5th to the 13th century. RELIGIOUS BHEVia?IES Thero will be baptism at tho morning servlco nt the Baptist Temple tomorrow. Tho hour for tho evening service has been changed to 7M5. Tho pastor, tho Rev. Dr. Ru.sell II. Conwell, will preach both morning and evening. RabM Dr. Henry Berkowltz, of tho Con gregation Rodeph Shalom, will speak on the subject "Is Religion on Trial?" In the pulpit of Rabbi C. A. Rubenstcln, In Bal timore, tomorrow. The Rev. D. N. DurnJIcff, pastor of the Evangelical Church In Sofia, Bulgaria, and president of tho Bulgarian Alllanco of the Y. M. C. A., will speak on "The Present War In tho Light of the Balkan War" at the Tabernaclo Presbyterian Church tomorrow evening. His address will be undor tho auspices of the Peaco and Arbitration Commission of tho Fed eral Council of Churches of America. Tho Rov. William Mulr Auld, the pas tor, will preach on "Cltv Missions" nt the morning service, and In the evening on "The Sin of 'Jealousy" in Calvary Pres byterian Church, Locust street above 15th. At the midweek service on Wednesday afternoon, at 6 o'clock, Mr. Auld will speak on "Ventures of Faith." The Rov. Dr. Hnrvey Wood, of New York, temperance secretary of the North ern Baptist Convention, will preach In Blockley Baptist Church, West Philadel phia, tomorrow morning, and the eve ning sermon will bo preached by tho Rev. Dr. John Gordon, tha pulpit supply. The Rev, H. 8. Ltttell, pastor of tho West United Presbyterian Church, will preach tomorrow morning on "Adorning the Doctrines," and In the evening his subject will be "Why Are Prayers Un answered?" Henry W. Lewis will lead a special song service In the evening, when "Billy" Sunday songs will bo sung. Beginning tomorrow evening with a sermon by the Rev. Dr. David M. Steele, rector of the Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Luke and the Epiphany, in the House of Prayer, Branchtown, there will be a series of evening sermons by special preachers during tho ensuing six weeks. The Rev. James Ramsay Swain, pns-tot- of the Woodland Presbyterian Church, will preach tomorrow evening on "The Revival Led by St. Francis of Asslsl," the second In a series of sermons on "The Great Revivals of History." J. E. Mc Afee, secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions, will preach In the morning. Mr. Swain will supplement this sermon next Wednesday evening with a stereoptlcon lecture on "Home Missions and the PubUo Welfare." Mr. and Mrs. John O. flayre will cele brate the 12th anniversary of their con version to Christ tonight at 7sW o'clock in the Galilee Mission. There will be music, under the direction of William . Mlntser, and William H. Young and his quartet will sing. The Rev. William T Bamford and Oeorge O, McCreary will speak. The Rev. Dr. Sheldon Hanson Gris wold, bishop of the Missionary District of Sallna, will preach in St. Mark's Church, Locust street, above 18th. tomor row morning. Bishop Grtswold is well known In this city. At the Norrls Square United Presby terian Churoh the pastor, the Rev, Lee B. Rife, will preaoh tomorrow morning on "Assurance," and in the evening on "Characteristics of Bin." The latter ser-r mon will be the first of a series on the rtg-n of sm. it th. nuimh of tha Redeemer, the Rev, August B. Barnett will preach to morrow morning on "Can We Be Bure of Godt" la the evening hla subject is to be "Savonarola, the Glorious Outcast." There will be musto by a large chorus choir. Dr. J. Berg Esenweln will ad dress the Men's Bible Class at ISO o'clock on "Choosing an Ancestor," "Is a World Religion Possible?" will be the tople for dlseusslon at the Glrard Avenue Unitarian Churoh tomorrow eve ning, when the chief speaker will be the Rev. Charles Wendte, of Boston, the sec retary of the International Council of Re ligious Liberals. The annual "at home" dy for old mem bers and friends of the MetbodUt Episco pal Mariners' Bettael Church will be ob erved tomorrow. The pastor will preach In the morning, the Rev. John A. Duncan ...i i.a an Ynrtaiiaa maatlnr at fi:LA lu the afternoon, and la the evening the Rev. Samuel MaWilllaHu will preach, There will be a grand eonoert la the Parte Avenue Hetko4kt Bpleaopsl Church next TbureOay tveolas- WORKER-RELIGIOUS OLD HOLY TRINITY GERMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AND LEGENDARY BURIAL PLACE OF EVANGELINE kBssSiA till II ill' :- r'&l' IlifS'itclSM ISWIIR fit IS 11 Snfi -' . rVc" ; il IB ftmSfl IMitS 1 IS i r IS ' ,:b pval?s h SKI M .'sZ'ishzx'i i. vVli l' rTT . -ov " ! aKT"Tg aw rMwUaafJS Tifl rT!tl V& liiS- ZZZ3 OLD HOLY TRINITY SOON TO OBSERVE 125TH BIRTHDAY German Catholic Church, Overshadowing Grave of Evangeline, Is Oldest in Philadelphia. Elaborate plans ore being mado by tho Rev. Francis J! Hertkorn, rector of Old Holy Trinity German Catholic Church, for tho celcbradon of tho 123th anniver sary of tho church, which comes on November 22. Tho church building, which Is of unique architecture. Is tho oldest Cathollo church edifice in tho city. It stands at tho northwest corner of Gth and Spruce streets, nnd hidden behind a high fenco back of It, Is a llttlo gravo ynrd. In this yard aro believed to be tho remains of Evangellno and Gabriel, of Longfellow's never-dying poem. Painters and nrtlsts nro busily engaged In lmprovlns tho nppearonco of tho mos slxvo old church nnd tho rectory adjoining It on Spruce street. In anticipation of the observance. It Is expected that thou sands of persons will attend the exercises. The celebration Is to begin on tho morn ing of November 22 with a Solemn on tlfical Mass, which will bo sung by Bishop McCort, with Archbishop Pren dergast presiding. The Rev. Henry titommol, rector of St. AlphonsUB' Catholic Church, will preach anniversary sermon. It 1b said that Longfellow was inspired to write his epic poem as ho walked down Spruce street past tho Ponnsylvnnla Hos pital and lingered by the side of the lit tle gravoyard at Holy Trinity for a brief rest CHURCHES UNITE FOR BOOM OF 13TH WARD Presbyterians and Methodists Join With Episcopalians In Improving Conditions. An organization has been formed by ten churches of several denominations In the Bth Ward for tho purpose of gen erally Improving civic and religious con ditions In that section of the city. The plan, which culmlnntod In tho extensive campaign for the betterment of the ward, was started In the George C. Thomas Association of the Protestant Episcopal Churoh of the Holy Apostles. A mass-meeting of tho members and friends of the ten churches represented in the movement will bo held on Monday evening In Cooper Hall, 23d and Christian Btreets, when prominent epeakors will make addresses. Same definite action will probably be taken at that time for the advancement of the campaign. It is hoped to bring to the attention of the publlo advantages of the ward as a section that desirable classes of citizens would wish to dwell In. SPECIAL SERMONS PLANNED Doctor Burnfleld Announces Subjects for Meetings of Month. The Rev. Dr, Georgo S. Burnfleld, pastor of North Presbyterian Church, Broad street and Allegheny avenue, has ar ranged a Berles of special sermons to be preached during this month. The sub jects announced are; Novembtr 8 "doit's Bhrapntl on an Old City," moraine; "Chrlatluitty and Soianca," etenlnr. Novambar 16 "A Man With Ona rrland Only, and lie Won," morning, and "Chrlat lanlty and Sin." evening. Novemtar 23 "Christianity end Barvlca," avantng. November 20 "How to 8uqoaaafully Carry Heavy Burdena," morning; "Cbrlatlanlty and Victory," evening. On Sunday morning, November 22, tha Rev. George u. Uowey, general aecreiary or in "Billy" Sunday Campaign committee, preach. will They ar. reading from leit to IS , ' ' ' ' 'K&L- ' ' r;1 '" i ACTIVITIES OF ALL DENOMINATIONS 1 1 J INNOVATION AT SAINT JOHN'S ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Unitarian and TTnlversnllBt to Speak From Episcopal Pulpit. For tho first time In America a Uni tarian and a Unlversallst clergyman win speak from a Protestant Episcopal pulpit, when a spoclal service In connection with the centennial celebration of Old St John's Church, Brown stroot below 3d, will bo held tomorrow evening. The rec tor, the Rev. Dr. George Chalmers Rich mond, has obtained from Bishop Rhlne landor tho proper ecclesiastical Ucenso for the Innovation. Tho subject to be discussed will be "Religious Progress," and the speakers will be tho Rev. Dr. Clarence Lee, of tho Unlversallst Church of the Restoration, and tho Rev. Dr. Charles E. St. John, of tho First Unitarian Church. At tho centennial exercises In the morn ing Doctor Richmond will preach a spe cial sermon for young people. VILLA MARIA ACADEMY TO BE BLESSED TOMORROW Handsome School for Young "Women Will be Consecrated by Archbishop. Tho new Villa Maria Academy at Frazer, on the Mnln Line, the finest Cathollo Institutional building In tha country for tho education of young women, will be solemnly blessed by Arch bishop Prcndergast tomorrow afternoon at 3:15 o'clock. The Rov. Dr. John Web ster Meledy, of tho Cathollo University, Washington, D. C will preach tho ser mon. Hundreds of local Catholics will nttend the ceremonies. They will leave Broad Street Station on a train duo to start at 1:10 p. m and will return on train leav ing Villa Maria at 5:30 p. m. BIG DAY AT GRACE CHURCH Allan Sutherland to Speak for Broth erhood of Reformed Congregation, A big day Is planned for Grace Re formed Church, 11th and Huntingdon street, tomorrow. In the morning at 9:45 o'clock Allan Sutherland will speak at the Brotherhood of Andrew and Philip, and In the afternoon at 2:30 o'clock the Rev. George G. Dowey, general secretary of the "Billy" Sunday Evangelistic Cam paign Committee, Is to talk to the Sun day school. Tho pastor of tho church, the Rev. TJ. G. Gutellus, will preach on "Armaged don" at the 10:30 service, and In the evening a special service used for the "Homo Mission Day" meetings In the Reformed Churches through the country will be given. The service will also be used In the afternoon, when Mr, Dowey speaks. The address In tho evening will be made by the Rev. Dr. Charles B. Schaeffer, general superintendent of Home Missions, PROMINENT SPEAKERS FOR BIBLE CONFERENCE ttt -4 Doctors C I Swt - i ri;ng f Pcftstost, Charles A. Blanchard I i.ii Hanii H -rejg LECTURES ON WAR CLOSE FOR ANNUAL BIBLE CONFERENCE Meetings in 14 Churches Will Mark Opening of Sessions Continuing Until November 21. Meetings In U churohes In this city and vicinity tomorrow will mark the open ing of the second annual Philadelphia Blblo Conferenco and tho close of the scries oi free Sunday afternoon lectures on "Tho Present War In the Light of Prophecy," which have been In progress here tho last seven weeks. Visiting clergymen from all parts of the United States and Canada who are to participate In the conferenco next week will be the speakers at the last services of the series. The prevailing theme will be "What the War May Mean and What It Does not Mean From a Biblical Standpoint" Both the war lectures and the Bible conference emanate Trom the Philadelphia Sohool of the Bible, 1720 Arch street, which was the outcome of the first Philadelphia Bible Conference last au tumn. The lectures were arranged for the purpose of correcting erroneous be liefs entertained by many people regard ing the Scriptural aspect of the present European war. Among the prominent speakers to be heard during the conference, which Is to continue until Saturday, November 21, are the following; Dr. C. L Scofleld. president of the Philadelphia Bchool of the Bible and well known author, of New York; tho Rev. P. W. Phllpott, Hamilton, Ontario; the Rev. Lewis Sperry Chafer, Northfleld, MaBS.; the Rev. Oeorge L. Alrlch, Easton; the Rev. R. V. Miller, Spartanburg, S. C; the Rev. L. W. Gosnell, Chicago; Dr. Charles Blanchard, Wheaton 111.; Robert McMurdo, Chicago; Dr. Max Werthelmer, Ada, O.; Ve Bv' George Pentecost, Darlen, Conn.; the Rev. Harris H. Oregg, St. Louis, Mo and the Rev. Oeorge B. Qullle, Chicago. The last of the lectures on "The Present War in the Light of Prophecy" will bo held at 4 p. m. tomorrow. In the following churches: Third Baptist, Broad and Rlt ner streets, the Rev. William L. Pettln glll speaker; Spring Garden Street Methodist Episcopal, the Rev. Max Werthelmer speaker; Bethlehem Presby terian, the Rev, L. W. Oosnell speaker; First Baptist of Germantown. Dr. C. I. Scofleld, speaker; Fourth Reformed. Manayunk, the Rev. R. V. Miller, and Centenary Methodist Episcopal, Camden, N. J., the Rev, George F. Pentecost, speaker. MEW CHURCH READY FOR OCCUPANCY IN THE NORTHEAST Edifice, Costing $25,000, at Harrison and Cottage Streets, Frankford, to Be Dedicated. Interesting services, that begin tomor row and continue throughout tho week, will mark tho consecration of a $25,000 edifice of the Salem Lutheran Church nt ' Harrison and Cottage streets, Frankford. ' Tho ceremony of consecration will bo 1 performed by the pastor, tho Rev. FrancU Miller, and tho scrmnn will be preached i by tho Rov. J. C. Kunzmann, of tho Gen eral Council of Homo Missions of North America, ' At tho Sunday school celobratlon In the afternoon the speaker will be K. Clarenoo Miller, superintendent of fit. John's Sun day School, Motrose Park. Tho Rev. G. W. Sandt, editor of tho Lutheran, will dollver tho sermon In the evening. Monsny evening tho speakors will bo tho Rev. H. C. Wasmund, of Brooklyn. N. Y and tho Rev. G. C. Rcos, president of tho Philadelphia English Conference. Tuesday evening the Rev. J. V. C.Fluok, pastor of Uie Church of tho Advont, and one of the founders of tho Salom congre gation, and tho Rev. W. S. Btough, of tho Church of the Atonement, will be the speakers. On Wednesday evening the address will be by tho Rov. F. A. Bowers, of All Saints' Church, and greetings will be read from the Rev. G. W. MoClanahan, of Wilmington, N. C, and tho Rev. Hen nlg von Bofeao, of tho Emmanuel German Church. Tho Rev. George Gebart, of Tamaquo, Pa., will deliver an address on Thursday evening. itr.Liaious notices IUptlnt UAPTISY TE.MI'I.E, Urond and Darks. Preaching by tho I'antor, nUSSEL.". II. COKWELL. Morning. 10::io. Illble School, 2:W. Eve., T:I5. MHB. KENUY IIOTZ a favorite Philadelphia Soprano, will aailrt the Chorua In tho evening. Organ Recital, 7:13. William Powell Twaddfll, Hue. Dlr. CHESTNUT 8THEET IIAPTIST CHUIICH Chestnut at. west of 40th. OEOItOE D. ADAM8, D. D.. Pastor. 11:45 Brotherhood of A. and P. 10:80 a. m. Worship and Sermon by Pastor. 2:30 p. m. Bible School and Men's Bible Union. 7:45 p. m. Worship and Sermon by Pastor. FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCH. Spring Harden nnd Ith ati , Ilev. W. Quay Rot,solle. Ph. D.. D. U Pastor 10:30 a. m.. Sermon to the Junior Church by Dr. Hoasolle; preaching by Dr. Henry C, Mabte. 7:30. Musical Service. 7:45, Preaching by the Pastor, "The Un chanReable." MR. ANU MIt8. JOHN C. SATCItE will celo Lrate their 12th Anniversary tonight, 7:.10, at tho aalllee Mission, Darlen and Vine ata. Rev. William T. Bamford and Mr. Oeorge D, McCreary will apeak. William It. Mlntser, Musical Director: William II. Young and his quintet, soloists, vocal and Instrumental music, chlldren'a exerclaea, reci tations, testimonies, etc Everybody wel come Tomorrow afternoon the Helping-Hand Claas, 7fh hnlnw (Jlraril nv.. nt 2-30. FrMav nleht. Doctor Carr. at tho Everybody' Meeting. Congregational CENTRAL, 18th and Green. Rev. . W. V. HERO, the Pastor, will preach at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Bible School. 0:45 a. m. Junior Congregation In connection with the Morning Service. , Franklin Home FRANKLIN HOME FOR THE REFORMA TION OF INEBRIATES, 011-01.1 Looust at. Sundays, 8 p. m. Service conducted by Rev, SI. Reod Mlnnlck. Dreicl niddle Bible Clasaes DREXEL DIDDLE BIBLE CLASSES Your class la invited to atrillate with -a. No dues and many benefits. General offices 1017 Mt. Vernon st Ethical Colt-re MR. ALFRED W. MARTIN will lecture on "The Next Step In Social nnd Rollgloua Progreee." Broad at. Theatre. Sun.. 11 a. m. Lutheran MFSSIAH LUTHERAN. "The Friendly Church," Kith and Jefferaon ata. .. Daniel B. Welgle, Paator, will preach 10:30 a. m.. 8 p. m. Bible School, 2:30 p. m. F. Nevlna Wleat, cornet soloist. 7:45 p. m. Musical preludo Emll F. Schmidt, violin: William A. Schmidt, 'cello (Phlladel phla Orchestra), and the Messiah Quartet. TABERNACLE, 59th and Spruco Wm. J. Mil ler. Jr.. 10:46, 7:45, B, B.. 2:30 p. m. TEMPLE, B2d and Race Rev. A. Pohlman, M. D.. 10010 a. m., 2:30 and 7:45. Methodist Episcopal THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH IN QERMANTOWN CHARLES WESLEY BURNS, Minister. .mai - DOCTOR 11URNS PREACHES MORNINO and EVENING Music by Veeted Boy Choir. THE FIFTH STREET TEMPLE HORACE If. HOLTZINOER. Mlnlater. Mr. Iloltilnger preachea at both aarvlcea. M. K. MARINERS' BETHEL Washington ave. below 3d at. EVERETT D. DECKER.Mlniater. ANNUAL AT HOME DAT OATHERING OF OLD MEMBERS AND FRIENDS. ALL IN. VITEDj ALL EXPECTED, ALL WEL PO !) 0-CleYs Meeting William R. Horta. Sr. 10:SO-Berraon...... v;Tb1,,l.n,,c 2:15-Punday School. ........ .Geo. P. WlUon. 3:15 E-Prfenca Meeting, Rev. John A. Dun- "4n5-Epworth League. ..... . . John W Rusk. 7 45 Sermon Rev. Samuel McWUlUma. Let all old members and (rlenda com and incnil a day In the old church. MOUNT IIERilON, 10th and Porter. Rev. F, C. Thomas. 11. : B. B., 2:30 p. m. PARK AVENUE CHUIICH Park ave. and Norrls at. Hev ROBERT BAONALL, D. D.. Minister. lO-so-.'THB WORD OF QOD AS RAIN." 7-45-"THE ! MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN." 2'80-SUNDAY SCHOOU DR. BAONALIVB lilBLE CLAB3 FOR MEN IN THE AUDI. THUlVsDAT. NOV. 12th-GRAND CONCERT Artlsta: Julia Z. Robinson, Marie Lanratona Llit Anthony J. MeNlchol. Lewie Jame Howell. Nina Prettyman Howell and William SVIVSnus "inuHuer. TA11BRNACLB, ll'h below Oxford. A. E. TCrowelt-HiT30 Romans vlil. 1. 7:. "Hit ting the Trail." Revival Bervtc. PHILADELPHIA IIOLINBSa ASSOCIATIOJf SOTH ANNUAL CONVENTION iJoV&fBER 7TH TO 1BTH IT BT OEOROE'S M. K. CHURCH, AT4Tll 8THEBT BBLTTW VINE. Saturday, November 7-Sermotui by Rev. H. 5 Morrtaon. D. 1.. 8 tt'l s P m-; praise cJcm i : P. nul Rv- J- T Maybemr: song KS I'teitlmSnyTi P- " Hallman, t?5jr'B.rmons by Dr. Morrlaon, 10:3O ST'eSd 8 p. m. . 8:80 p. and 8 p. ml o:o p. rn., sermon Dy mt. t Kuntl i:aw l "l y s"'. Monday-Sermons by pr. Momaoo, sao and a i Tm. 2 P- n.. Praise aervtc. Rev. 8am- by Dr. .r n non:. Jr., leaaer, i :ov. pte eerie. TA-AvI&Ya MT,NO, PHNN- tnoo a I . Pnlae aervloe, Renr. Rlehard io-M a. m, Sermon, Rev. T. W. UoKlnner. fio m.-Pralse wrvice. Ray, WlUitm raise r Ram ford. x-00 p. m, Sermon. Rev. George J. Bums. ?:oo p. n -Platform TtetUaooy Meeting. aoo d. ml-Seroo. Dr. Morrison. Wednesday Bermona W Dr. MorrUoo. S aad p. rn.' Pral aervlee, 2 p. to, aad tm feua-DAT-AL-DATMBBfTINO, NHW a-OQ a. m. lee, "Rev. H. a Bny " der, leadr. 100 a. Sarauo, R;T. Alfred Wagg. 8 -.00 p, a u Sermon, Rev. Oeorge Q. pia 7.00 P. m. "JoeF Predl etica, RT. W. U. e)0 p, m.-B The Double Male Dr. llerriiedi- uartst of OolBBjbU Xn- nueataodiJt Spl i uai rob. yrtoay. S ?- J! arvlae. Rev. Ojeexm xir,.i1tacL leal o. ,. i p. ., aenaea by Dr. o,-ri. IS.P. Jf-. S- M" httim; B 9. SB.. utmiw by Rev. iMH , ,&. aqMraf Mew Jualn 8w4a-g) NA-lSa OUR BOULB' raEATtTUW' It te iubject u the j soon "Jiu4 nwrs ear th pitVr ths Rev ChU W H.n.y tC Lut.l . " ' ' 5 mi u 0 rierywxlf la Wtit-iJ e- OLBBOYMBN'S MEETINGS Speakers and their subjects for minis ters' meetings on Monday morning havev been announced na follows: At the Clerical Brotherhood, Church House, the Rev. Dr. Floyd Tomkiris, en "The Billy Sunday Campaign In Phila delphia"; at the Presbyterian Ministers' meeting, Westminster Hall, Prof. James O. Boyd, of Princeton Seminary, on "The Value of Biblical Theology to the Preach er" at the Lutheran meeting, 1423 Arch street. Prof. C, M. Jacobs, on "LUther'e Views of Modern Social Questions." nr.i.imons notices I'rfabytcrlan xVi?J Brnswr PUBsnTrnniAN ciiuncii 18th and Arch. IIBV. CI.A11ENCE EDWAHD MACARTNEY win preach 12:i5 "Th Vlelon of tn Morning." g:00 p. m. "Cnoearn Iloueehold1 Ti8.?..YJV "oe'.f.l on the Turner Memorial Organ by Lnu-a Wood araebe. , OROAN SL!i& -Of'rtolra In D .rMtlita .S2g!E n Fryalnger ctni; fecial.;- in w::::;:::SB!a3 "And 0a'.f w. & xtf&ar, . Cbotnbn Ti,i?r..,LTn. rKKsnyTEniAN- church" ,.... "V, nd Klngaassinjr aye.. '" the .lev. JOHff T. KKJSVlS D. D. a. m. "Led by the Lord." Pi.CilBJf;aurrender." .Minuter. iu-tft a. iillP. 3S1 nnd Wharton Urn Minister. Ilev. J. GHAT BOlTON, n. D, As- 'iM.VJT' CMe" "111 preach. A 7:45 ..... v.....n. i. Ilev. Ddw&rd TaUs Hill. D. D. Popular Meeting NOrtTHMINSTEn CHXmCH SSth and Daring eta. W. COUrtTLAIfD nOBINSON; rX D., Pastor. MujIo by a superior Quartet and Organ. 10:00 I Brotherhood meeting. All' Men In- 10:43f PUDLIC WORSHIP -WITH SERMON. Epeclalljr to children. 2:80 Bible School, - -.; T:15 V. !' 8. C. E. 800 PUBLIC WORSHIP WITH SERMON. STRANGERS AnB CORDIALLY INVITED sQ5,.,J.'JJc,ltDroa' st. below Morris at. D. STTTAItT MOOKE, D. D.. Mlnlater. 10:S0"A Oreat Request Granted:" . 7:4H "Unpardoned In Ttto Worlds.", ST. PAI'l, PIWSUTTElffAN CHURCH Italtlmoro ave., cor. EOth at. rtev. J. HEVnhlDOE LEE, D. D., Minister. 10:45 b. m. Public Worship. 5:30 p. m. Oraded ISIblo school. 7: 15 p. m. Evening Worship. Dr. Leo will preach morning and evening. Music by aolo quartet choir. All aeata free. TABERNACLE I'KBSHYTKIUAN CHURCH, CHESTNUT AND 37T1I. REV. JOHN ALLAN BLAIR, D. D., MIN ISTER. 11 A. M. "NOW ARE WE SONS OPOOD." 8 P. M. "THE PRESENT WAR IN THE LIGHT OF THE BALKAN WAR," REV. D. N. FURNAJIEFF', SOFIA, BULGARIA. WOODLNND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4za nnti r'ine sie. JAMES RAMSAY SWAIN. Minister. 1 0 :30 Brotherhood. 11:00 Worship. ANNUAL HOiDS MISSION RERMON by J. E. MoAfee, Secretary of the Pres. Board of Home Missions. 2:4. -Bible School. New scholars Invited. 8:00 Worship. Sermon, "THE REVIVAL LED BY ST. FRANCIS OK ASSISI." Sec ond In scries on "The Oreat Revivals of Ilia tnrv " Wednesday, at 8 'Co Stereoptlcon Lecture on, "Home Missions nnd tho Publlo Wolfare." If you aro looking for a church home "Como thou and all thy house." rroteatnnt Kplacopal CHURCH OF HOLY Al'OSTLE'S ' " 21st and sts. Rev. GEO. HERBERT TOOP. Rector. Holy Communion. 9 a. m. Morning Prayer nnd Sermon, 10:110 a. m. Evening Service and Sermon. 7:30 p. m. Organ, harp and violin prelude and post lude at evening service. Spoclal alngtng. Preachers, morning. Dean Gropon; evening. Rector. THE HOUSE OF PRATER. Branchtown, nr. H. 3. a. VINCENT. Mlnlstor. Holy Com munlon, 8. Services, 10:30. 7:80. PARISH OV BT. LUKE AND Tn EPOTI. ANY. 13th st. below Snruee. Itev. DAVID M. STEELE. Rector. 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 10 a. m. Sunday School. ' 11 a. m. iMornlng Prayer and Sermon. 4 p. m. Evening rayer, Anthem and Ad dress. Organ, harp and violin prelude, Interlude and postlude. br. Howell B. Zultck, Soloist The Rector nlll proach at both services. EPIPHANY CHAPBlT 17th and Summer ste. 8 a. m. Holy Communion. II a. m. Morning Prayor and Sermon. 2 45 p m. Sunday Bchool. 8 p. m. Evening Prayer and Addreaa. Rev. Irving A. McGrew will preach. ST. ELISABETH'8 CHURCH. 16th and Mlf flln sts Sunday. November 8. In the Octave of St. Elisabeth. Commemoration of the 25th anniversary of tho Incorporation of the Parish. Masses. 7:30. 0, 10:30. Solemn High Mass and Procession. Solemn Evensong. Procession and Solemn Te Deum. 8 p. m. Tho Right Reverend SHEL DON M. QRISWOI.D, Ulshop of Sallna, Kan sas, will he preacher In the evening. Rev. FREDERICK D. WARD, Rector. ST. JOHN'S (1814-1014), Brown below 3d Dr. Richmond preachea tomorrow at 10:30. Special Service, 7:45. Rev. Dr. J. Clarence Leo and Rev Dr. Charles U St. John will speak on "Religloua ProgrMS." Great clvia cnlebratlon Friday, November 13. 8 n. m. Mayor Blankenburr. Rev. Dr. Joseph Kr&us kopf, Colonel Sheldon Potter. Prof. Jesse Holmes. Rev. IC E. Evans and others. ST. MARK'S CHURCH inth and Locust its. The Rev. ELLIOT WHITE. Rector. Sunday, 7 and 8. Holy Communion. 10:30, Matins: 11. Choral Eucharist, and 8 p. m.. Choral Evensong. Dally. 7, 7:45 and 0 a. m. and 5 p. m. The preacher on Sunday at 11 a. m. will be tho Right Rev. Sheldon M. Orlswold, D. D., Bishop of Sallna. On Wednesdays and Friday at 12 m. th Litany will be said and Intercession for peace mage. ST. GEORGE'S, fllst and Haxel ave. Rtr. fT y . La Pla Smith. 7-.10. 10:30 and 7:30. s "r f Reformed BETHANY TABERNACLE, 20th and Dauphin. Rev. H. H. Hartman, 10:80. S. S.. 2:80. 8:00. FIRST' N. A.. 15th and" DauphTn.-3tevrJohri D. Hicks. Paator. 10:30 and 8. B. a 2:30. Jteformed Kpiacopal AUGUSTUS E. BARNETT Our Redeemer. 16th nnd Oxford at. 10:."10 "Pan We Be Sure of aodT" 8:00 "Savonarola, the Glorious OOttLt.' SotlalUt Literary Society JAMES II. MAURER. president Pennsylvania Federation of Labor will apeak on "What la the Matter With the Working CTaes." at Broad Street Theatre, Sunday, 3 p, ro., under the auspices of Socialist Literary Society. Muslo by Van Deo Ileemt Siring Quartet. Admission free. Spiritualist MTiB: 20LLEU LEES WILL fNbhrV meetings, Sunday evening. 8 o'clock, 1831 Columhla ave. vieti erman and English. tWedcnborglan SSE NEW JERUSALEM FIR3T CHUROH OF THE BREtIIren (Dunkard), Cor, Carllsl and Dauphin, above Broad. Morning aerrloe, 10:80; Sunday SehooL 2:30; evening service, T:45. UBO. U1I,1K,U K.UKU. 1-SStor. Unitarian FIRST UrJlTAniAN. 2120 c. E. St. Jobs. Minister: 10 a. m.. School: 11 a m.. Hev. Edward T. vraja president of Atlanta University, will preecC jl quartet or ooiorej aiuaent riu lflg. OIRARD AV 1520)-10:45. .8ouk"'Boa. ,,.. V B una. Xlr. IT IT r..l. .,.,. cello. Organ. Schumann' "Traomerai," etc. 7:45, Bev. C. W. Wendte, Boeten. 7'W A WORLD. RKUGION POjidlBLSr' piecu: ilon. Friday-Bat,, Nov 13-14, Churea tmXt, Jnlted Preabyterlaa TE NORRIS BQUARK UP. CTTjROn. Haacack at. aad BBanuehaana ave. Haacock .aaa wmmm bbj ReTXBB B. R1F. Pi-tar. 10-45 a . "Assurance." 2:50 p. n. Sabbath Bshool 7: -.45 p. m. "ChiraeterUtiea of B4 of a sort on the a. "The Helta i aS! Universal ht cinmcH or jmi S&ko&xml, ut UL llta K . Jao yi.rce jm Uj v. 191 WarabiB. 3w on. Anthems, i-.ft. Bug. 8tty Xoung Meat's Chriitlaa Aainefatlaa jnirritii. V, Sfc axriE"XroV" ' 'dZitoa H-Stk ad KajalUUoB." r e- Tbei L, Lawfpa la ta IgtieyTa T. BKKEVOLKNT ASeXHSIATWMe! Slaa-a -, J"4 .fj40- -t. I JO UB aowii rtrniiV"" of. otanaea, to. axafiaMMa iully aoi- Tsi-ss gsir Tt Celcael H. wae4. a-,vtoi,i u$u nsiai B,e-Q, Xwikim aw. am & cheeluet at n: ? I i' V A .9 - f; i ESS , .