Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 06, 1914, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 4

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    iW J-
J -a-, .
Republican Leader of House
Indicates Party's Program
and Predicts Triumph at
Elections of 1916.
Strongest Candidate for At-
Ten States Now Under
Ban Experts Say Rise In
Prices of Meats Will Not
Entire Scrub Team and Uni
versity Band of 19 Pieces
Guests on "Pennsylvania
Leaders Not Expected to
Pick Strongest Candidate,
Owing to Big Republican
tbmeyGeneral Bell's Place.
Dirnner Beeber a Possibility
r Sk8
if. WBEV
Politicians found more possibilities to
day for Cabinet places which are expected
to bp- refilled by Doctor Brumbaugh when
he becomes Governor Brumbaugh next
January. The Governor-elect himself do-
;, dined to discuss his probable appoint
The names of Superior Court Judgo
George It. Orlndy and of former Judgo
Dlmher Deebcr. Who wos chairman of tho
fcrumbatigh QUcens Committee, have
been added to that of Francis Shunk
Brown at! candidates to succeed John C.
Bell as Attorney General. John S. Rilling,
of li'rlo, has also been mentioned In this
connection, In addition to being a possible
successor to Secretary of the Common
wealth Robart S, McAfee, who will prob
ably be replaced.
There Is tittle likelihood that Doctor
Brumbaugh wilt retain John C. Bell as
Attorney General. The Vares, who
strongly supported Doctor Brumbaugh's
candidacy, arc expected to urgo the ap
pointment of their counsel, Francis Shunk
Brown, to succeed Mr. Bell. They al
most prevailed upon Governor Tcncr to
appoint Brown, but Tenor finally named
Mr. Belt, who had tho Ponrose-McNIchol
Tho one thing that Is ngalnst tho prob
ablo appointment of Brown Is tho fact
that Doctor Brumbaugh docs not favor
appointing men who aro active In politics.
Judge Orlady Is regarded as a ntrong
candidate, lie comes from Doctor Brum
baugh's home county, Huntingdon, and Is
& warm personal friend of the Governor
elect. Judge OrladyV term expires In
January, 1916. He has frequently ex
pressed a desire not to leave the bench,
but nevertheless his name Is being men
tioned by many of tho tentative cabinet
makers. Mr. Beeber is regarded as a remote
possibility. As chairman of the Brum
baugh Citizens' Committee he took an
active part In Doctor Brumbaugh's cam
paign. He did this because of friend
ship and warm personal regard for Doctor
Brumbaugh, and It Is said ho would ac
cept the Attorney Generalship if it were
offered to him.
It la generally understood that Gover
nor Toner will make several appointments
as Christmas gifts before he letlrca. Sec
retary of (he Commonwealth McAfee and
Walter N. Galther. Tener's private sec
retary, will probably be appointed to
places on the Public Service Commission,
and the Governor Is also expected to fill
two vacancies In the Judiciary.
There is at present one vacancy In the
commission, caused by the death of Na
thaniel Ewlng. Frank M. Wallace, of
Xrlo, has signified his Intention of re
signing. Galther will probably bo ap
pointed to fill tho present vacancy, and
trK- "vacancy that will result from "Wal
lace's resigning will be kept open by
Tener as a berth for McAfee until Tener
learns whether Doctor Brumbaugh will
reappoint McAfee as Secretary of tho
A vacancy In the Common Pleas Court
III Montgomery County may be filled by
Governor Tener about Christmas time,
when most of his appointments are ex
pected. Strong pressure In brought to bear upon
Governor Tener, however, for the Im
mediate appointment of a successor to
the late Judge A. K. Mellen In the
Municipal Court of Philadelphia. There
arc a dozen candidates for the place.
Raymond MacNellle la being urged by
the Vares, but Representative Thomas
. McNIchol, who has the support of
State Senator McNIchol, is thought to
have tho best chance of landing the
plum. Joseph M. Smith, Howard B.
Lewis and Joseph S MacLaughlln are
also among the candidates for the place.
State Highway Commissioner IS. M.
Blgelow, James E. Roderick, head of
the Department of Mines, and Secre
tary of Agriculture A. B. Crltchfleld
are expected to be the first men to go
from "the hill" when the Governor
elect takes hold of the situation him
self and names his cabinet. No candi
dates are as yet being boomed for any
of these places.
There seems to be no doubt that Dr.
Samuel G. Dixon, head of the Depart
ment of Health; John C. a room e, Su
perintendent of the State Police; John
Price- Jackson, Commissioner of Labor
and Industry; Adjutant General Stew
art, State Superintendent of Schools
Schaeffer and others whose departments
have been doing' good work will be re
tained. Discussion In political circles today also
revolved about the legislative situation
and the probability of Doctor Brumbaugh
having- a. hard fight on his hands after
tie becomes Governor. It Is believed that
the Republican Organization leaders will
try to prevent Doctor Brumbaugh from
forcing a. local option bill through ttfe
legislature, which they control, and that
they will also attempt to Insert amend
ments In some of the other bills that Doc
tor Brumbaugh will urge for passage.
In connection with the legislative sit
uation, candidates for Speaker of the
.House to succeed George JS. Alter are be-
JjlS discussed. James y. Woodward,
tjarman of the House Appropriations
',ipttJittee in JW. and Representative A.
"5tn am tue leading western oandl-
4e.fsjL. Woodward bat already launched
-)iF fcajfipahjn for the place, and la fa-
bf Pehre and McNIchol.
irlew of the fact that the. Governor-
and United States Senator ara
tlphians, It I believed that a.
westerner stands the best chance of be
fcvr ft Speaker of the next House,
0 the otfee hastd, it t declared that,
ista the Speaker for the last two session
hf feM a weteror. Philadelphia baa
ttia fcst ohaaoe. Another paint raised
te &me f IfeaelpMa U that Senator
1M. AUesbeny, la the next Pre!
fijsi tea, si the Btate Senate.
TfrjlMi.ui H. WIUja appear t fee tb
MMWPMt Philadelphia. candWtU, Tkemu
jOpgUfte " Chariw J Hotter have
XrBan. it U thought, will have the
,jg mppott tat hm p
: jffff nttt and Cam BxiiWt Planned
WIUMINGTON. Del . Nov. .- Arrajun-
mumtM are to wade by immheya of Uus
ttWMl Hvrtwuitaral frctey. vWt
wtii XMMt in ttuo city Juifcuy u to at, fJC
HMt t.nii Ji ('la.vraie: fpsifcp
jp twM W fetM
: '" jnw
He is John McBeth, a brakeman,
who risked his life in daring night
dive to save a drowning man,
Heroic Act by Railroad Employe,
Who Is Modest as Brave.
The unidentified man who was saved
from drowning in the Delaware River
last night by John McBeth, nn employe
of tho Pennsjlvnnla Railroad, hns not
recovered consciousness as et, despite
tho efforts of doctors at tho Ilnhncmami
McBeth, who was shifting freight enrs
near tho Baltimore ami Ohio Railroad
pier at Rare street near Delaware avenue,
heard the man's cries Rushing out on
the pier ho plunged Into tho water nnd,
nftcr gropltiK nbout In tho dark, finally
managed to seize the man by thn hair.
By clinging to atlong-plcccs of tho wharf,
he held the drowning man until tho police,
boat Ashbrldgo appealed on tho scene and
rescued the two men.
The brnkomnn was back nt work this
morning, dcsplto the experience of last
night, which necessitated treatment at
the hospital. Toda ho Is assuring nd
mlrlng fellow-employes that "thcro was
nothing to It."
Fearful of Seizure, by Belligerents'
WASHINGTON. Nov. 6. Assurances of
protection for Kentucky tobacco now
ready for foreign shipment will bo sought
by this Government from Great Britain
The State Department today was told by
Senator Ollle Jamas that both buyers nnd
sellers of cigarette tobacco produced In
Kentucky are fearful that shipments may
be seized.
While tho State Department hns no
reason to fear this, as tobacco Is On no
contraband list. It was willing to cn
deavur to obtrin guarantees.
Note Dropped From Speeding Auto
Accuses Commissioner of Corrections.
NEW YORK, Nov. 6, Another sensa
tional episode has been added to tho
career of Mrs. Ida von Clausien today.
A note was thrown from an automobile
speeding north on Fifth avenue last night,
stating that Mrs. von ClausBcn was being
"kidnapped" by Commissioner of Cor
rections Katherlne B. Davis
Miss Davis today denied that she had
"kidnapped" Mrs. von Clausscn. Sho de
clared Mrs. von Claussen was In her care,
but declined to say where her prisoner
was confined or whether sho might have
been in the automobile from which the
note was thrown.
Mrs. von Claussen has been Confined in
the Queens County Jail at Garden City
for some time. She was conx'lcted of
sending a threatening letter to Charles
Strauss, formerly her attorney, nnd later
was ordered committed to Matteawan.
Governor-Elect Will Try to Solve
Mine Trouble.
DENVER, Col.. Nov. 6. In a statement
made here by Governor-elect George A.
Carlson, peace must prevail If Colorado
la to progress. He said he would visit
the coal strike zone before he takes office
to obtain first hand knowledge of the con
ditions. He added:
"Industrial peace Is essential to tho
welfare of Colorado, nnd as Governor I
shall use my best efforts to bring It
about. There has been too much strife
In the State In the past and It has worked
Immeasurable injury here. I shall try to
determine the disastrous and unnecessary
coal strike by peaceful methods. Falling,
I shall use the entire force of the State
to bring about a settlement"
Magistrate Doesn't Blame Republican
Who "Couldn't Help" Being
That the Republican victory pleased
Magistrate William J. Tracy is one of tho
sincere beliefs of even' person in the
15th and Vine streets police station this
morning, when Richard Carroll, 153J Win
ter street, was given a hearing. Carroll,
accused of disorderly conduct, clung
weakly to the rail and smiled a sickly
smile at Magistrate Tracy. He said he
had been celebrating since Tuesday.
"Judge, your honor," he continued, "I
couldn't help it. The election went my
way and there was nothing else to do.
I hope vou don't send me up, but I
couldn't help it when I saw the RepublU
cans winning."
Magistrate Tracy glared over his desk
at tho shrinking prisoner "I don't blame
you," he growled. "You're discharged."
Troubled Conscience and Treacherous
Pal Cause Man to Confess Bobbery,,
A troubled conscience and the treachery
of an accomplice disgusted Louis Dat
fass, 21 years old, and caused him to sur
render himself to the "police of the Uth
and Fine streets station late yesterday,
Dalfess told the police he waa wanted In
New York for a diamond rnbhwv u.t
July, when, with on accomplice, he stole
diamond rings valued at 11000.
Dalfaaa declares he received but 1(0 for
his share of the theft and his pat desert
ed him. He came, to Philadelphia, to ob
tain work, but was unsuccessful. His
money all gone, he thought the best
thing was to surrender himself to the
police. Dallas refused to nemo hU ac
complice until taken back to New York.
The New York police say Dalfas la want
ed for a robbery In the Amsterdam Hotel,
71th street and Amsterdam avenue.
Moreno's Guns Successfully Tested
Bueetasful gun tests have been made
off the New J&tgiand eoast by the Argen
tine battleship Moreno, constructed at
the New York Shipbuilding Company's
Camden plant. The big battleship Ar
rived at Boston yesterday, where she will
have seme slight repair made to her
turbtaea before engaging in her stand
ardisation tests It l expected that the
warship will return to the shipyard early
ttaxt week to have the HaTihlna tousfeea
applied precedlBg her prompt delivery to
ts Argentine Clovtrnmeot
ssa a
W 4wr. Korf. $tL fijp-
L liu alt CkaMMtat &U.,ilima
Btnles quarantined New York,
Man land, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Mlchl
Knn, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indlnna, Iowa
nnd Massachusetts
Cattle destroyed to date, about 2500.
Last opldomlc, 190S.
Cost to stnmp out, $000,000.
Origin of this epidemic, Michigan.
Tho plague among domestic ani
mals, especially cattle, sheep, swine
nnd goats, Is characterized by scnsl
tlvo sores on the tongue, palato and
hoof, according to the Department of
Agriculture. The sores becomo red
nnd raw within a veiy short time and
cause the dlscnso to spread to other
cattle. Lameness appears and tho
milk ducts dry up. It tnkes two years
to euro an animal Tho only wny to
stamp out tho dlseaso Is to destroy
nil animals afllictcd.
WASHINGTON, Nov. .-Fedcral quar
antine ngnlnst the foot and mouth disease
of cattle today was extended to toko in
ten States. Experts of the Depart
ment of Agriculture liavo also been
hurried to Mississippi to investigate con
ditions thtrc, although no quarantine
order against that State lias been Issued.
This was the substance of a statement by
Secretary of Agrlculturo Houston.
Fear Is entertnlned by officials of tho
Department of Agrlculturo that babies
and young children in tho districts under
quurnntlno may have become Infected
through tho use of milk from diseased
Director Wharton, of the Bureau of
Information, stated today that bnblei and
oung children are susceptible to the
disease, but although adults may bo at
tacked, cures are effected easily. As
yet the department does not expect to
establish a quarantine of persons in tho
infected-area, as no reports dt the spread
of the dlseaso to humans has yet reached
tho department.
"The greatest care must be exercised
In using milk from infected cows," Direc
tor Wharton asserted todoy. "If local
authorities do not hoc to this, the rate
of Infant mortality will show an alarm
ing Increase."
There was a hopeful aide to tho situa
tion, however, for reports that reached
the department announced tho epidemic
In Indiana and Michigan waH believed to
be under control. Cattle In Pennsyl
vania, New York, Ohio, Indiana, Michi
gan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Massa
chusetts nro now quarantined.
"If tho dleane Is stamped out soon the
price of moat will not be affected," It was
said at tho Department of Agriculture,
"but If conditions become chronic prices
will sutler. 'Foot nnd mouth' disease Is
frightfully contagious, and the only wny
to stamp It out Is to kill the inflicted
Ban on Shipments May Last Months.
Meat Supply Good.
The State-wide quarantine of cattle,
fclioep, goats and swine will not bo lifted
until every trace of the hoof and mouth
disease has been stamped out, according
to the Federal agents In this city. None
would venture a statement as to how loin?
this condition would hold, but it was
pointed out the last cattle quarantine In
this State was In force for six months.
As yet tho HI Inspectors appointed to
examine livestock entering this city have
discovered no traces of the disease, but
reports from West Chester show several
cases have been found there. Despite
these reports and the prospects for n
quarantine that may last for months,
Philadelphia wholesale meat deulers and
packers do not anticipate any great in
crease In prices, for the quarantine al
lows the bringing In ot livestock for Im
mediate slaughter and sufficient cattle,
sheep and hogs can be brought to tho
city for this purpose to keep the supply
In connection with the work being car
ried on by the Government, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad is having all stock cars
cleaned and disinfected. The State Live
stock Sanitary Hoard ! also requiring all
Persons transporting stock to take out
permits authorising the moving of such
stock, nnd forbids the shipping of animals
In Pennsylvania In any ears which do not
bear a placard guarantee of the Federal
Discovery of One Case Means Killing
of 1200 Animals.
LANCASTER, Pa,. Nov, .-It was de
cided, today by Doctor Townsend, of the
Federal Bureau of Animal Industry( and
Doctor Marshall, State Veterinarian, If
a case of the hoof-and-mouth disease ap
pears in one of the 13tt cattle now in
quarantine at the Union Stock Tarda,
every animal will be killed a a precau
tionary measure.
Even after the quarantine aspires It will
require several weeks to disinfect the
yards and the livestock Industry here Is
now ruined for this season.
Bo far tO head of Infected cattle. In sev
eral herds of Lancaster County, have
been found and these herds are quaran
tined. The Infected animals will be killed.
Discovery of Severo.1 Cases May Be
sult in Quarantine.
BOSTON, Nov. . Massachuietts has
Joined the fast-growing list of States In
whieh the foot and mouth disease has
been found. South Attleboro was the first
to sttraet the1 attention of the authorities
and profcabje casta were tyought to light
In Apihertt and SunderlatM.
Steps have been taken to Isolate the
stock, mwifi this disease get a foothold,
quarantine of the whole Stats will be
come MWSfAry.
Colorado Puts Ban on Cattle
DBNVJSR, el", Nov . Governor Ata
tsoas today Bceiica4 a quarantine
sialt tbe sblpsmtt of tU. sheep or
liogf ire to Ike territory east? at the MU
letlppi Si ui Uwludlnj: an stockyards
?M action waa t&ttM b tecum ,ai the
9fevWo at tlw foot tmA taoutb .
More tlinn MX) l'enmylvnnla students
departed on a speclnl trnln from Ilroad
Street Station nt 2 o'clock this nftcrnoon
to attend tho I'enn-Mlchlgnn game at
Ann Arbor tomorrow nftcrnoon, The
students, who chartered a special train,
"The Peniisjlvinlft Limited," took llie
entire scrub team and the University
Hand of 19 pieces along as their guests.
The students will stop several hours In
Toledo, O., for breakfast tomorrow, the
guests of Mayor Keller and the Pe'nnsyl
nnla nlumnl In that city. Soveral dozen
former Btudcnts from the Ohio city will
board the "filer" nt Toledo for Ann Arbor.
"Jimmy" Patterson, the famous l'enrw
sprinter, has written a song for the game
tomorrow. The words, sung to the tune
of "Rack to Mlchlgnn." arc:
We re golnjr 10 bring hack,
JSu'ro irolng to brlni; back,
o're ROlna to brlnv buck lo old Pnn.
1 ar awiy fro-n harm, that old plftskln In our
We hate to beat ou, but ou"ll get used to
l'cnnsilinnln. win.
,' like our college- nnd your srlrlt,
uoom Honni.
N'ewrthcletr. wc"e got to beat jou, no lou'll
get used to being !rlen down the field.
That's why we camo out here, to show jou
wo hae no tear
Of Michigan.
After tho game tho Pennsylvania stu
dents will attend tho performance of
"High Jinks" nt a Detroit theatre. Tho
special Is scheduled to leave Dotrolt lato
Saturday night and arrive In Niagara
Kails early Sunday morning, whoro the
dny will be spent in sight-seeing.
Afler a short stop In Buffalo, Sunday
night, the special will leave for Phila
delphia, where it Is scheduled' to arrive
early Monday indrnlng. Tho University
Rand, which was titled out las: week with
new uniforms and Instruments, will kcop
tho entire tralnload of students full of
"pop" during tho trip.
The students took n 'vacation from
studies today to see tho Michigan special
off Tho list of 153 students who aro
making the trip this year Is the greatest
In the history of the Pcnn-Mlchlgan bat
tles. Each of the tourists is supplied
with small horns nnd other nolse-makltig
devices. AH arrangements for tho spo
clal were made In less than n wcok's
Official in Third Division of
Third Ward Recovers Re
turn Sheets for Court Mak
ing Computation.
Judge Audenried, who, with Judge Da
vis, Is making the official computation
of election returns, reprimanded several
election offlrors today for their failure
to file papers as required by law
Is thn 3d Division of the 3d Ward Su
perintendent Rains had received no ie
turns at ull, and when the Judge of
election was called before the court yes
terday ho said the envelopes containing
the figures were probably locked up In the
ballot box.
When the box was taken to court to
day the election officer appeared with the
envelope In his haudx. "Vou did not
extract that from the ballot box, did
you?" quorltd the Judge, In surprise.
"Oh, no," returned the election of
ficer, "I found them behind tho piano."
"What were you doing with a piano in
the polling place?" asked Judge Auden
ried. The election officer explained the piano
was In his home, where he hud gono
after leaving the polling place. "I re
member now." continued tho election
oftlcer. "that I put the envelope on the
piano, and the paper must have fallen
back of It, for when I went to look for
them, I could not find them, and I did
not remember whether I had put them In
the ballot box or not. Last night I
searched my house and found them."
Judge Audenried accepted tho belated
returns, but told tho election officer that
such carelessner i was avoidable.
In the 6th Division of the, nth Ward,
tho Judge of election, was surprised that
the court had received no returns and
said they were probably locked up In
the ballot box. Judge Audenried In
structed the election officer to Immedi
ately hunt up the minority Inspector of
the division and see If. he had his papers
filled In,
Another division from which there had
been no regular report waa the ad of
the 15th Ward, but the Judge of election
appeared at the bar with what he de
clared was a duplicate of return sheets
The papers were examined carefully by
Judges Audenried and Davis, and the
former then remarked, "Why, where did
you get these extra blanks?"
"From the Commissioner's ofnee," re
plied the election officer.
"But the County Commissioners have
no tight to give out stationary like this,"
declared the Court. "From what did you
make out these returns?"
"From the extra tally kept at the poll
ing place," explained the election otneer.
As the duplicate returns had the sig
nature of all the election officers, they
were allowed to bt filed, but Judge Au
denrled told the Judge It was his busi
ness to sm that the original returns were
not locked up in the ballot box. but
brought to the Prothonotarys ofttee.
When the Court reeumd counting the
vote today the returns from the Tth Ward
were taken up. So far there has been
only sllsbt discrepancies found between
the unofflelal police figures and the official
figures of the Court, and the dlfferennee
have no effect whatever on the result of
the VQtir.v for the various candidates as
Harvard Gets Record ot Celestial
Traveler of the Seventh Magnitude.
CAMBRJDOB. Mass., Nov t-A photo
graph ot Basks cmt, taken at Har
vard observatory, shows a well-marked
tall, according to a bulletin Issued by
Director Edward C Mekarlng.
The observatory lias eivi4 a rsdtp
gnuB inm AatwoosMr Brsi Pysoo, of
GneawU-b. Eagtajid, solas the count
Ki reported frP RsreeluM to have Usu
of ttM www). BMae o ueiosr
Republican Organisation leaders 'nre
stattlng to lay plans ror the municipal
election of next year, and Mayoralty
booms nre now occupying much of their
There nre mnny candidates In the field
ttlrendj, but the possibility of a "dnrk
horeo ' receiving tho Organisation sup
poit Is strong, because of tho Itepubli
enn victory of last Tuesday. Soveral
booms launched lnit summer received
Jlttlo cncotiingement from tho lenders,
who made It plain their Rclcctlon of a
candidate for Mayor would depend upon
thn nature of a Ilopubllcan victory in
tho State election this fall.
it was generally understood previous to
tho election that If the ltopubllcans enr
rled Philadelphia by only a slim majority
the strongest candidate who could be
found would recclvo tho support of the
Organization leaders, while If the victory
were anything like a sweep, the candidate
would not liavo to be so strong.
There Is moro discussion ns to whether
the Vnres or Penrose will havo tho nam
ing of the ltppubllcan candidate, and
wholher Congressman Vnre will run
again, thnn of any other phaso of the
Politician say there Is a strong possi
bility that tho Vares will bo permitted
to nnme tho candidate, provided he Is ac
ceptable to Penrose. They do not believe.
however, that William S. Vnro will seek
the nomination. lie Is satisfied with the
present situation, they Bay, nnd likes
If Vnio keeps out of the race Judgo
Patterson is tho Vares' second choice,
with Itocelver of Taxes Kendrlck also
favored by tho downtown leaders. As
early as last June, word was passed to
Vnre workers that Judgo Patterson
would receive tho Vare support, so hts
candidacy hns gained considerable head
way, although no announcement has been
Judge Patterson himself, however, has
evidently not sanctioned his boom, as
his friends say ho docs not nsplre to be
Itecordsr of Deeds Ernest J-t. Tustln Is
another possible candidate. He would
have the support of Penrose nnd Mc
NIchol, City Controller Walton hns also
been mentioned, but he has said that he
will not be a candidate under any clrcum
stnnces. Transit Director Taylor Is nn
other possibility.
Director Taylor has also been suggested
for the Independent nomination, together
with Directors Porter and Cooke, and
Shuldon Potter, Select Councilman from
tho 22d Ward, and ex-Director of Public
Discussion of the situation hns extend
ed oven further thnn the mayoralty nom
inations, and It Is gcnernlly accepted lu
Republican Organization circles that
Chairman Connelly, ot Councils' Flnnncu
Committee, 'will be the Itcpubllcnn Or
ganization candidate to succeed City So
licitor Ilynn.
LOSSES AT 1,750,000
Quarter of First Line Already Gone,
He Estimates.
LONDON, Nov. 6.-Hllnlre Belloc, writ
ing to the London Dally Mall, estimates
the Germnn losses to dato at 1,760,000 men.
"I know," he writes, "that this figure
looks atartllngly large, but tho various
steps by which It Is arrived at are not,
I think, open to criticism. It would bo
easy, by a little manipulation of tho fig
ures, to mako out very much larger
totals. I hne attempted, on the con
trary, to rlx the lowest conceivable mini
mum." The figure. 1.750.0O0, Includes losses by
slokness. fatigue and accidents. The
strict German losses In the field men
hit or caught he puts at moro than
"These losses," he writes, "have, al
most up to within tho last two weeks or
so, fallen in thn main upon the trained
troops of the enemy nnd with particular
severity upon his body of officers. This
loss of nearly l,7.V,0OO nt very lenat, which
has already fallen for the most part on
tho trained army, and equals the un
trained mass behind it, hns fallen most
heavily on the flret and best. It comes
lo more than a fifth of nil the two pos
sible categories combined: more than a
fifth of thoie who can ever make real sol
diers, and of thesa more than a quarter
of the first line."
Cold Season "Officially" Opened by
Closing of Neva Navigation.
The correspondent of the Chronicle at
Petrograd telegraphs the following:
"Winter began officially with the clos
ing df navigation on the Wver Neva
Wednesday. Snow covers the ground all
along the frontier, and the Germans are
suffering Intensely from cold. They are
commandeering all the available clothing,
furs, sheepskins and leathers. At Lods
and Sherardow, where there are great
cloth factories, the Germans are working
the employes day and night.
"The peasants report that wolves are
unusually numerous, and they are asking
for the assignment of troops to kill the
"Excellent work Is being done through
out Poland by bands of Polish Irregulars.
Their action In destroying bridges, raiding
German stot-es and lines of communica
tion contributes largely to the Russian
By pulling out the pin a new spring
hinge for screen dors may be detached
without losing the spring, and with the
parts left where they belong for easy
erection of the door again.
Searchlights on vessels using the Suez
Canal are prevented from blinding tjie
pilots of approaching- craft by cutting off
some of the light, so as to project a dark
angle In th,e centre.
The longest out-of-alght of land flight
record Is claimed by a Norwegian avia
tor, who recently traveled aeross the
North Sea from Scotland to Norway, a
distance of J30 relies.
Among the new holders for feed bags
Intended to give horses free movement
of their head if one suspending a bag
py rods progestins; forward from the tops
of th hsrness ha.ps.
A pump, in whieh the explosion of a
mixture of gas and air operates directly
against the water without the use of a
piston, Is working successfully In a drsln
s plant In Egypt-
Walks SOO Miles to See Fieee of Land
A Springfield (Ma) maa took out home
stsad papers the otber day on an la
ser traet of land MO miles frat that
city. Before applying at the laad effiea
for the papers ha walke4 the entire dl
taee and book to visit the property.
Wfem be got back ha had Just money
ennniga to pay tor the laad a&4 oover tb
BMMNkjWafy fisss.
She is Mrs. Steven Horvath, who
regained health through the curing
powers of love which she now has lost.
Ho Remains Obdurate ns Wife Begs
Him to Return.
"I don't want mono) : I want only my
husband," was the plea of Jlrs. Julia
Hovarth. who married John Hovarth n
yenr ngo when she was lying at the point
of dentil. Mrs. Hovarth appeared in tho
Domestic Relations Court against her
husband, whom she accused of desert
ing her.
She was inconsolabln when Hovarth
vowed he would not return to her. When
Judge Urown asked Mrs, Hovarth how
much money she thought sho would need
for herself, Bhe sobbed and pleaded with
her husband, who stood near her nt the
court roll, to return to her. She declared
sho did not want money; she wanted only
Tho Hovnrths wero married two years
ago at tho Woman's Hospital. Mrs.
Hovarth was behoved to be dying when
the ceremony took place. Sho recovered,
but after a few weeks her husband de
serted hor, she said.
Hovarth declared ho never would live
in tho snmo house with his wife, because
ho was afraid sho would kill him. Mrs.
Hovarth hns bocn employed at 2317 North
Brqu.d street. An uncle took her to At
lantic City this morning.
Continued from l'nce One
cnburg, too, was so surprised that for a
time ho was hardly able to speak.
Directors Norrls. Locb and Cooko nnd
the Rev. Edwin Hcyl Delk, pastor of St.
Matthew's Evangelical Luthernn Church,
wero In the Mayor's office at the time.
Mrs. Thomas wnHtcd no time on for
malities. Unfolding a batch of papers,
sho began to read. T-ho statement
"Thla city has upward of 7,000,000 In
hand, alt of which money should have
been applied to contracts, as you know
that the prompt and proper expenditure
of this money would not only havo given
000 men work throughout months past,
but that It may be used to glvo this num
bei of men work now.
"Wo understand tho reason that this
money was not committed to contract
was because the executives of tho city
anil Councils were playing potty politics
to tho disgrace of the city and to the
direct Injury of those who ought to bo
working undor appropriations Involving
this sum of J7.000.000. If this miserable
and shameful situation exists today, all
concerned are utterly unfit for public
office and should promptly resign."
"The time has passed," she continued,
"when tho city executives may lny the
blamo at tho doors of Councils; when
City Councils mny 'sass back as taunt
ing children. You who are In ofllco must
now meet tho demands of the thousands
who need work, who have n right to
draw regular wnges, through the J7,000,000
fund you )mvo how lusting out in tho City
Treasury, and we are here to petition you
to do something, and do It now.
"Will you servo Philadelphia now, or
will you persist in playing petty party
Mayor ninnkenburg, who hod been oc
cupying his armchair, aro-io before Mrs.
Thomas was half through with the state
ment. The Directors also arose, nnd the
newspaper men crowded forw-nrd. When
Mrs. Thomas folded her paper tho Maj,or
seemed at a loss for words. Finally he
"I am more than surprised that jou
ladles should come hero nnd read to me
a. paper such as you have read. I repeat
that I am more than surprised, nnd I ask
If this paper was written by you or by
some one else?"
"It was the result of many minds and
many women," said Mrs. Thomas.
'Yes, but where did you get the facts?"
asked the Mayor.
"Krora the statement of the City Con
troller and from the data of the or
ganized Charities Association," said
Mrs. Thomas. "The facts In our petition
and tho statement were not intended to
bo any discredit to you, Mr. Mayor. We
simply know us womon, that the money
is there and should be used for tho un
employed. If we have offended you I
personally tako all responsibility, I will
personally take all the blame."
"I repeat," said tho Mayor, "that I am
surprised that you should come to the
Mayor's office to road such a statement
It Is really offensive. 1 am speaking
Plainly. Mrs. Thomas. You have come
here and road a paper that Is actually
"You women who wanted Information on
the status of tho unemployed should have
come to me personally and I would have
been glod to discuss the matter with you
land give you all the facts regarding my
position In the matter.
"This action which you havo taken this
morning will do more harm to your cause
of suffrage than It can do good to the
unemployed. You don't know what wm
city officials ara doing, I could have told
you, or my directors could have told you,
I have never played politics since I have
been In office. I believe that I personally
am well enough known In Philadelphia
for people to realize that I would not
withhold voluntarily any funds for em
ployment of the Idle. For the last 40 years
I have been active In the work of re
lieving suffering among the destitute and
Idle men "t this city
"I had no idea of the contents of this
paper. You ladles are certainly mistaken.
You have been misinformed. You aro un
doubtedly under a misapprehension of
facts. You say you want us to resign,
but you dQ not'Hruw what we are doing.
I have spoken plainly to you "
The Mayor then called, on Director Nor
rls. of the Department of Wharves, Docks
and Ferries,' and asked him if he had
anything to say about the statement.
The Director said:
"I am simply here at your request and
I have nothing to say this morning"
"You may be Justified In saying all you
have said to me," said Mrs. Thomas,
"but we women cannot understand why
86,000 men ar out of work."
"That Is what I eauld have explained
to you." replied the Mayor. "If you had
oapie to me and gone over tha figures in
the statement The millions of dollars
that are said to be available ar not
available until Councils release it from
certain restrictions. On some of the
items mUttd In the mWltoiu of dol
lars you say are withheld thare are cer
tain restrictions that prevent the work
from being started at the preseut time
ii yuu hki4 vmy cohh ana asaed me
thus qusitluns before reading this state
meat, whlcft bs unduybtdl gon t, All
ths newspapers, you would certainly tmvK
savad tirU U.; ouoolitauap Uf reitoa
Hbcfc a mtf baton " ' ,
CHICAGO, Nov. C-rrolecllon for
American Industries, tho upbuilding at
tho commerco of the country, the" con
struction of a navy that will bo sufficient
to protect the country nnd guard our
commerce, nnd a guaranteed protection
of llfo and property In Mexico, will bo
four of the principal planks In the Re
publican platform at the next general
election, according to Congressman James
n. Mann, of Illinois, Republican leader
In the House.
"The verdict of this election amounts
to a vote of censure on the Democratic
Administration, not only for what It has
done, but for what It has left undone,"
said Congressman Mann.
"Tho Democratic tariff bill has been a
failure. Their treatment of commercial
enterprise has had the result of throttlln
commerce to a largo extent.
"I do not look for very much legisla
tion at Washington next winter. If the
Democrats havo tho House, ns they ap
pear to have, Champ Clark will be tho
next Speaker. The Republicans will not
enter Into any movement to throw him
over for ono of tho blind followers of
Wilson. There has been more or less talk
ot such a plnn In Democratic circles, but
It will not como to pass.
"Tho greatest need of tho country s a
revision of tho tariff. Wo must afford
protection to American industries As a
result of the war In Europe this country
lias tho greatest opportunity that this or
any other -country over had. But If we
tell our pcoplo to go ahead and build fac
tories nnd to make nil manner of things
we must give, them protection that wilt
warrant them In Investing their capital,
if wo nre to build up the industries of this
country on a firm and stable baBls.
"If wo do this, then the development
of the United States will bo something
that but few have imagined and they only
"A largo navy Is, Inevitable as a result
of the European war. Wo must not only
Increase our navy, hut wo must look to
our const defenses and be prepared for
any eventuality. The Republican party
will stur.d pledged to this policy through
and through. The great navy must, come
unless there should be , an agreement
among all tho nations whereby an inter
national court might be established to
which all disputes could be referred. But
I think that Is unlikely at the present
Congressman Mnnn looks for the return
of thoso Republicans who joined the pro
gressive movement.
"Tho Progicsslve party la, dead," he
said. "Of course, the leaders will con
tinue to be kickers, hu the great mass
of thoso who have been. Progressives will
line; up with -the Republicans 'ot) the pro
tection idea, nnd two years from now a
protectionist will be elected President be
cause a majority of the people nro pro
tectionists nnd they wilt nil be together
Crop, Stock, Cranberry Bogs,
Timber Land and Bridges
Damaged Small Hamlets
ATLANTIC CITY, N. X, Nov. 6,-Led
by fire wardens, n. thousand men are
fighting a furious forest fire which Is
raging over a territory IS miles long and
10 miles wide southwest of New Gretna.
It is estimated 60,000 damage already
has been done.
Many small hamlets have been partly
wiped out and pthers are threatened by
tho flamts, which aro sweeping In a
northwesterly direction.
Fourteen houses have been razed at Old
Washington, three at Jenkins and five at
Motorists arriving here report runnlnr
through lanes of fire, and many thrtlllne
rescues have been made.
Crops, stock, cranberry ,bogs, valuable
timber land and bridges have been dam
aged by fire, Unless the wind diminishes
or rain falls, the tire wardens fear tha
loss may reach $360,000. The scene of the
fire is only 30 miles from Atlantic City,
and a heavy pall of smoke hovers over
that city.
Tetanus Serum May Arrest Ravages
of Disease.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6An epidemic
of lockjaw lias made Us. appearance
among the battling armies ot Europe,
Surgeon General Blue, ' of the Unite"!
States Publo Health Service, a!d today.
The Allies are buying large quantities
of1 tetanus serum to stop Its ravages.
The disease has attacked the cavalry
partlsutarly. Doctor Blue said. Thla Is
Noausa horses aro PMullarly susceptible
-a f??Sa an' Mrry " he expUlned!
A few years ago it would have been
nateiy with the serum which is batna:
nurchasad In tar. ....,.T!r ,. T .X?P
possible ,0 checkaWce-lt'v'i
.Mxt ceffloi AtffiiiM. " n -. aad
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Robert Hoybtrr
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