mm fcnnlln slve new plishd dcclat Polarj vanco Gerr Thl vitror Pctrd of A Th noon vlllai Gen Yser Dlx In mam cludl In t Th O sit te the ret! no bai brl an Tl prl; ma of Bo co: va: all the ew the thJ "Our a thel will & k-, IRTHER CHANGE IN MDfflGDBPUDSOB M DEVELOPMENTS t Is Felt That Some Irnpres- f sive Factor Is Necessary to ict as an Incentive In creased Strength in Open f Markets, XrtiU Street had little to nay about the SUctlon result, the events through which ttie street hus passed alnoe the end of July creating a situation In which sen timent can only be moved by develop- ents directly affecting the security situation. Those who have Immediate concern In rmarkct matters hold to tho view that. Jwhllo gradual Improvement continues In evidence, some Impressive development Is required .now to act as an lncentlvo for n. further change, which Is necessary be fore, a resumption of security trailing can be looked for. So far tlio improve ment has beetf due to tne drain on re served resources and to tho acceptance of tho conditions created by the Euro pean hostilities. This new lncentlvo can be furnished by sn favorablo decision on the rate advances innd more attention Is now uevoioci 10 mo prospective ruling of tho Interstate Com merce Commission on tho proposed ad vances Ihr.n to any other matter. The market position Is now one which would make full response to a favorabto rate itctlon, but ijtock Exchange Interests havo become so inured to troumo max an na Vorso ruling would not cause any great disturbance. "Where open markets prevail Increased 'fitrrncth whh dlsnlaved todav. New York ,clty two-year notes were quoted at 102 t'bld. with sales at 10S4. and Pennsyl vania Ma were In demand at OS1. Thero ; was a ifood demand for other short term I maturities, but the supply of high-class 'J nntpfi has hppn almost comDletelv fib- Sorbcd, and Investors have only tho lesser grades of these documents or long-term 6 T" tK "onas '" wnicn to nna employment ior IK nccumulatcd funds. 1I1J UU.UII1K 111 U1U UpUll UlilllVCl UII lltU L New street curb also reflected Improve ment. There were row offerlnfis of listed stocks In that trading group. United States 8teel common being bid for at 41M. Without meeting a supply, and prices of ntlir InfliiPK vr irpnernllv nt- 1 to 3 An ol points above quotations mndo by some of at ofllclitheso broker3 a few weeks ago. Tho London moratorium ended today ent for trl!ne bills drawn In the last Arras ant0 dayB o Juiyi which are automatically progresslcitended for SO days. Foreign houses In- "Soutl B'st that It Is unimportant whether tho . moratorium ends on a fixed date or not rencn og Jonc aa tJle gloc Exchange Is closed. "In thi. large part of the debts carried over at have be-the first declaration of the moratorium Anothcnavo already been paid, and tho tlnanc- lng of the balance has been provided for " eby tho Government and the Rank of Eng- ters, di land In cases where the relief Is justified. Foreign exchange was quiet, with little business, although thero was a good sup ply of both grain nnd cotton bills In tho market. Demand sterling was quoted at 4.S0U and cables at -1.00?i. FINANCIAL BRIEFS request was received today by Levi L. je, chairman of the Philadelphia Clear ing House Association, from tho Comp troller of tho Currency for a statement or the number of clearing house certi ficates which are outstanding In this city. Bank Commissioner Thomdlke, of Massachusetts, has issued a call for tho condition of the trust companies of tho Btato as of October 31. An Increase of J150.000.000 In gold re serves to ?1S7,000,000 Is shown In the week ly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany. In the three months of the war the reserve of metal and otrer cur rency against note circulation rose to 66.13 per cent., compared with 65.5 per cent, in tho previous week. The Governing Committee of the Phila delphia Stock Exchange has approved the transfer of the seat of Frederick "W. Cavanagh to Charles S. Starr. Additional gold, to the amount of $25. 000,000, was received from Denver today at tho New York"Assay Office and the Bubtreasury, making the total J50.000.000 received In the last few days. A contract for the construction of a new double-track concrete bridge over Mill Creek, south of Berne, on the main line, has been awarded by the Philadel phia and Heading .Railway to P. J. Onmnlnn. nf Mahanov Cltv. Nr . .. . A meeting 01 inn i-iverpooi cotton ex change will be held next Tuesday to con sider resolutions relative to the reopen ing of the exchange. New York banks gained from the Sub treasury on Monday 1261,000 and since Frl--vday gained J760.000 CAXI. POJl RANKS' CONDITION WASHINGTON. Nor. 4. Comptroller of tho Currency Williams tpday issued a call on all national banks for a statement ; of their condition at tho close of business on October 31. This Is the fifth call this year, the nrevlous calls having been January 13, Jjarch t. June 30 and September 12. JtARJlISBirttO, Nov. . The State Banking Department has Issued a call for B report of condition of State banks, trust companies and savings funds at the close of business November 2. Previous calls this year have bees February IS. June 1 to August 27. DIVIDENDS DECIABED lit; Xoula, noclty Mountain and Paclfle, reru Ur quarterly hi pi 1 pr cent, on common partLCi Jam jraiU January 10 to stockholders of record - Twn National Bnk. npUr smnlaaaua! 3 31 "'- sbaksr Corporation, resular nuirtiriv it: gp?F ,at. on prefsrrsd. pa.yabl December 1 to bSs-MS' K 91 record November 20. National Bank, racular Mmlannual s oant.. payable toaay to stock ot reoerd luufatunra National (Rank, rtcular IMSwal s per cat.. payabl today to stock of HMSH IWYHHOT A. Atttcan BtuelUnt and Bsflatnr ConvpABy. rMVlajr quarterly 1 par ent. oa the eesuaos W ut- oa th pfafsrud. PrsfuraJ JMonbr 15. eaa Tobacco Campiay. reeular mu. i uauuuuflc A &H.2 uia raiwimrm la bs oBt o conuium, DsyaUa Daaasabu s4M& of racord Novaabar 14. smfcgton Natlowl Bajik, nrutar aeratan , 4 9f seat., payablo oa dtAaad. afli jUtloaai Bank, regular ssmlsimusl a payaxua oo qamayr starn Natfauuil Bank, renilar uml. ! par oant and 2 par cant axtrii, pt ainber a to stock ox raasrd Oetofcar 99. rUOav Qvt Company, racular qtur- omm., paysMe nortsteer so. Way Mluea Company. Ltd,. 1 u, Novaitr i uovzm ewaa No- UHM( W tnl rtoMB d ;ll NovMBbei 18. TUU U ttM trU dividend nd Msc 1IU. bamk exsARiM-ae tiomias uiiitr vtunriM wKB ijiTsr up i"t sVrtkwe. jesj HMr rMrhit of mat., soj-sj EVENING PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WIIEAT -was fair and valuta tilled nrm nl lc. hlghr undr stronger reports from the West, quotations Car lots, In rxport feljrator, No. 2 red, spot and November, 1 13Vi 1.164: rto, red wtorn, l lfmn 21H. No Northern Dulutb, t.S0;ei 29Vi. tionN. nclnts, B420 bush.! efterlnits light and prices He higher, with a fair local trad domand. Quotations: Car lots for local trad, aa to location. No. 2 lellow, &l8l'4.i steamer yellow, SS'frffMo. OATS. Ttecetpts, 02,034 hnih.: demand fair and prices He higher, quotations: No. S whlt, WtfiHe.: standard white. 03FK)He.i No. 3 white, B252Hc FXOUU. necelptu, 2415 bbts., 7.314,445 lb. In racks; trade quiet, hut mill limits tteadlljr hold. Quotations per 108 lbs. In wood: Winter, clear, ft.7394.oo, do., tra.lght, $89 K.2B; do., patent. J5.no5.75; Kansas, straight, Juto sacks, 5.S0frS 40 do., patent, Jute sacks, f8.4C3S.flO; spring, first, clear, I5.KW1R0: do., straight, I5.3884.fi0; do., patent, B708,S.S5; do., favorite brands. $0W.W, city mills, choice and fancy patent, $6B 50; clly mills, regular Rrnae, winter, clear,; ao atraigm, 5ff.I5: do., patent, J5.60JT6.75. 11VE rLOtlK. Slow of aala nnd without Important change, We quote nearby and West ern, In wood, at $&g5.S0 PROVISIONS Trad quiet nnd largely of a Jobbing char actor. Prices unchanged. Quotations- Oty beef. In sets, smoked and nlr dried. SlHfGOc s Weitorn bff, In tots, smoked, 20B3OC.; city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and air dried, 30fllc.; Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked. R031e.; beof hams, nOfl.Te.: pork, family. 2.VT28C. hams. 8. P cured, loore, 1401414c; do., skinned, loose. 14ffl4MrC.: do. do., smoked, lffflBVic : other hams, smokol. city cured, as to brand and average, Wilt lie.; hams, smoked, Western cured. 15'4S10c: do., boiled, boneless. 2W2tc.: picnic shoulders. S P. cured, loose, tl'ifn2e.; do., smoked. 130 13Hc; bellies. In plrkto. according to average. loose, lnwiOHe : breakfast bacon, as to brand and average, city cured, IDIflOe. ; breakfast beron. Western cured, lIVft20c.; lard, Western, refined, tierces, 10Wllr.; do. do. do, tubs. 107i?jllc. ; lard, pure cltv kettle rendered, In tierces, 10ffllc; lard, puro cits-, kettle ren dered. In tubs, nsfllijc. DAIRY PRODUCTS nrrrnrt Fancy goods In small supply and ery firm with demand fully efiual to tho offerings turner grades quiet. Quotations: Western, fresh, solid-picked creamery, fanry specials. S(V-.; extra, ate . extra firsts, 321I33e.; firsts, 2Sfifl0c : seconds, 2.1tt27c, ladle-packed, 21 HT23C, as to quality: nearby prints, fancy, ic do., acrngo extra. 1ltf30c,; do. firsts, 31 igftlo. : do., seconds, SSH.IOc Special fancy nrnmis 01 prints Jobhlnc at 41iff4nc. KCCS. Cholco fresh eggs nrm with a good demand. Quotations: In free injes. nearby, extras, 34(j;tRo per docon; ncirby rtrsts, Jlt.OO per standard caso, ncirbv current receipts, SS 70JJP per standard rose, Western extra, firsts, $ft.tlo per case do , tlr'ts J8.703n per caso, -Jo, seconds, Jl.OOt?" 20 per ease: refrigerator eggs. 2lK!7c. per dozen, ns to quillt. Candle! nnd recratrd freh eggs vvero Jobbed out at 4nfl42c. per dox , ns to quality. Clinnsi:. Firmly held under light offer ings and a fair demand Quotations' New York, full-cream, choice, l,Wt ; do., do., fair to good. 14itJ13c: do, part skims, 8lil3c. POULTRY T.IVn. rino stock steadily held under moderate offerlnRs and n fair demand Quota tions: Fowls. ISSilOc : old roosters. Ilful2c.: spring chickens, according to quality. 12'tfl."c; ducks, insntc ; geese, 13igl4c. . guineas, joung, weighing 2 lbs. and oer apiece, per pair, 70c; do., weighing l'4fn4 lbs apiece, per pair, uva ok ; do., weigning 1 10 apiece, per pair, ouc ; old. per pair. Mc , pigeons, per pair, lTi'Q'l-'c I)RKSbISI. The market quiet nnd gener ally lower under liberal orterlngs. Quotations: Fresh-killed poultry Turkeys, One. large spring, 22P23c; do.. No. 1, old, 20821c: do., ordin.irj, lS'320c.; Towls, por lb. Selected hea). 17c, do., weighing 4W23 lbs., apiece, 10. , du . weighing 4 ibs. npleco, 14(?15c; do, weighing 3M, lbs, apleco, 13c; do., weighing 3 lbs and under, 12c : old roosters, dry picked, 13c; broiling chickens, nearby, weigh ing 1'42 lbs. npleco, 20fi22c; broiling chick ens, nenrby, fair to good, lBIJlSc. , chickens, Western, 4 lbs. nnd oer apiece 10c: do. do., 3'.j lbs. apiece, fat, 13',BUc. do do., 2WB'l lbs. apiece, 12HH13C. ; broiling chlckenB. West ern, m2 Ibs. apiece, 17c. broiling chickens. Western, fair to good, 12140., squabs, per doz.. white, weighing 11 to 12 Ibs. per doz., J3.00O4.SO; white, weighing 1 to 10 lbs. per doz., $3.10113.73. white, weighing 8 lbs. per dox., J2.Bt?I2.7."i: white, weighing 7 lbs. per doz., J2H2.23; white, weighing OftfUS lbs. per dor., J1.2I31.03; dark and No. 2, 6Oc.tgil.10. REFINED SUGARS Dull at quoted rates. Quotations' Standard granulated, B.3.c: fine granulated, 5.30c: powdered, B.40c. : confectioners' A, 5.20c; soft grades, -i.45iT5.0Sc FRESH FRUITS Desirable stock sold fairly and values wero generally well maintained. Quo tations Apples. per bbl.. Jonathan. $33.50; King, $2.5033; Blush. J2.SOB;i; lialdwln. Xl.7sn2 mi; (ireening, Jl.i'ift'.'.no; Twenty-ounce, J2 2.VSJ2 73, Pippin, f 1.75472 25; York Imperial. $1 7."W2: other good eating varieties, $1.75512 50: Medium, $1411.50: Crab, ii14 50; crab apples, per bush, basket, $1.50 Q1.73: apples, wes'ern. per box, $irtfl.5fl; apples Delaware and I'ennslvanla per hnm per, 25f40c ; quinces, per bbl.. $2fM.50; lem ons, per bot, $3tf4 grapefruit, Florida, per crate, $l..'Vi?i2.25, pineapples, per crate, Forto Rico. $t.25125: Florida, I102.B0: cranber ries. Cape Cod. early black, per bbl , $3.50 W4. cranberries. Capo Cod, early black, pr crate. $1S1 4): cranberries. Jersey, per crate, $tfrl.25: reaches. New York ana Pennsylva nia, per basket, large white or yellow, GOc.dS $1. medium. 40fir,Oc. . pears New York, per bbl , Seekrl. $.1..vfT. riartlett, No 1. 4i B.M); do.. No. 2. $2 lava.l; neurre nose, $4 B 50; Sheldon, $4S5 Deurre Clalrgeau, $2 50 B3.50; neurre dHAnJou. t2.25C3.2n Duchess. 2.23ff3.23, Howell, $282 50- other -arletles, 2i3; pears Bartlett or Pcckel. per bush, basket, $1 25912. grapes. New York, Concord, per 8-lb basket 13615c: do, per 4-lb. bas ket, livfjllc : Niagara, per 4-lb tasket. in 12c: Delawares, per 4-lb. banket, 12015c. ; grapes, Concord, per 20-lb. basket, SOiJIOc VEGETABLES Trad fair and alues Renerally steady. Quo tations' White potatoes, per bush. Pennsyl vania. 5S8C3o.: New York, 45.1150c; whit po tatoes, Jersey, por basket, 35?N5c.: sweet po tatoes, eastern Shore, per bbl. No 1, ltd; 150: No 2. 75c, sweets. Jersey, per bhl No. 1. f2.25iT2.50: No. 2. J1.2.VS1.50. sweets. Jer sey, per basket, 438fl0c. onions, per bush.. 4Sfl 50c ; do., choice, per 100-lb. baff, II, do., me dium, per 100-lb. baa-, 75'f?00c : cabbage, do mestic, per ton. JSflO: do., Danish, per ton, 112314; cauliflower, Now York, per crate, 05W POc : celery, New York, per bunch 1030ci mushrooms, per 4-lb basket. Jlfft 40. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Nov. 4. 1IOC1S. Recelnts. 30.. 000 Markets. 5 to 10c. higher Mixed and butchers, 7 107fi3: xood heavy 7 2'.7 00; rouKh heavy, 17 0187 20. llg-ht. 77 TO; bulk. 17 2587.00. CATTl.B.-neceIpts. 19.000. Slar kets. slow, weak. Ileeves (toppv), I10.S3, SHKEP. Itecelpts, 18,000 Jfarkcts strong. Native ana Viestern. JU-10; lambs, I7.S0. DIVinKNDS. NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL J1ANK Philadelphia. Pa., November 4, 1014. Th Directors havs this day declared a Semiannual Dividend of six (6) per cent. and an extra Dividend of two (3) per cent., clear of tax. Checks will ba mailed. LINFORD C. NICE. Cashier. Girard JOSEPH WAYNE. Jr., President EVAN, Vice President C1IAS. Jt. AB11TON, Cashier T. E. W1EDEK8HBIJI, Vice President A. W, PICKFOIUJ. .UsUtant Cashier ALFJtED IlAItllATT, Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS TrancU V. ReeTe. Daniel Raurh Wm. Newbold KIt torso E. llariol Kodman E. CirUcora J. 3Iauran Kliodes V. Frederick Hnjrder Kobert Tolaod Jlorrls U Clothier John Orlbbel Oeorv McFadden Francis 1). lteeres, Jr. Wm. W, Frailer, Jr. RESOURCES Loans and Investments. ,.,.,..,,. .$29,851,544.10 Bonds to Secure Circulation. , 3,747,000.00 Exchange for Clearing House. .,.,., 943,050,11 Due from Banks , , . , 6,481,330.12 Cash and Reserve , , 7,619,730.44 $48,642,654.77 LIABILITIES Capital . , , $2,000,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits 4,798,375.06 Dividend (Payable Nov. Circulation Clearing House Loan Certificates . , . . Dpoits l t I i I LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER , WU. STRENGTH IN WHEAT IS DEVELOPED TODAY AT CHICAGO MARKET Enormous Export Business, Marked Decrease in Pro ducers' Offerings and Firm Holding Sentiment Re sponsible. CHICAGO, Not. Enormous export business, a marked falling oft In offerings by producers, and a decided holding- sentl ment caused strength In wheat today. There also was an expanding speculative demand. An opening dip In prices was duo largely to a heavy run of wheat to market and a rather largo discount for cash whent here. Cash Sales wero 2,SBO,000 bushels. Fu tures closed Vi cent higher. Corn was strong', Thero wna a. largo demand nnd only a limited supply for export Current receipts of now are ex cellent and nre llkoly to attract the atten tion of tho export trade. New corn from South Dakota arrived today, grading No. 2 yellow. Cash sales wero 435,000 bushels. Cash corn was strong In the markets. Futures closed lHc. to 114 c. higher. Oats reflected the export call for the cash grain and score fair advances. Ex port sales hero wero enormoun nnd esti mated at over 1,000,000 bushels. The best buying camo from tho larger export houses, whllo tho selling was on resting orders. Cash sales wero 1,000,000 bushels. Futures closed ?io. higher. Provisions ranged higher on the month ly Bhowlng of light stocks of product here, on enormous decrease In the world's available, supply of lard and on good buying by packers, who were affected by tho prospect of a closing of tho yards, leading futures ranged as follows: londar's Wheat Open. High. Ixw. Close, close, December .. l.M'6 1.17H 1.151J U.17H 1.1UH May 1.22 1.23',, 1.21S n.2J Tl.22 Corn (new delivery) December ... G'i 70H flaw 1704, 08H May 71?t 724 71. 72f, 71 Oats December .. 49W 50 40 140'4 t40. May 53'.i 63!$ 53 t53T 'SSVs Lard January ...10.07 10.25 10.05 10 07 10.00 May 10.22 10.37 10.22 10.22 10.15 nibs January ...10.02 10.12 10.00 10.07 0.97 Pork November 17.00 '17.00 January ...10.0 10.30 19.05 19.17 18.97 May 19.23 10.50 10.25 10.40 10.17 Hid. tAskcd. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK, Nov. 4. nUTTBn. Market firm; receipts, 12,313 pkB., creamery, eitra. 34c; hlahcr scoring. 34Hc. ; Stale, dairy, 31U 32c; Imitation creamery, 23H(J2U4c EGGS. Market firm; receipts, 10,343 cases: fresh, ex tra firsts, 3234c; fresh, nrsts, 205731c; near by, whites, 52Sf53c; nearby, mixed, Z9SS0c: special marks, 25V,g2tlVic STATEMENT Corn Exchange National Bank Philadelphia October 31st. 1914 RESOURCES Loans & Investments, $19,678,886,92 Due from Banks 3,594,586.59 Clearing: House Ex changes 487,436.42 Cash and Reserve.... 4,481,017.67 $28,211,927.00 LIABILITIES Capital $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Net Prof its (Earned) 2,086,582.32 ClearinK House Loan Certificates 600,000.00 Circulation 1,261,900.00 Deposits 23,293,445.28 $28,241,027.60 NEWTON W. CORSON, Cashier. October 31, 1914 THE National Bank Chairman of the Board. George D. Itosengarten i.mrrnce ai. Liark Horatio O, IJord Joseph M'arne, Jr. Evan Randolph 1st; 160,000.00 2,830,800.00 340,000.00 38,513,479.71 141 ! t l I i t $48,642,654.77 OBTTUARIES bicham) a. nrER Ono of Few Surviving Members ot Famous Third Beglment. nichnrfl A. Flfer, a Ctrll War rtrftn, and ono of the few surviving members of the famous 3d Hegrlment, Companr C, Pennsylvania Volunteers, died yesterday at the hame of his eon-ln-law, William "W. Hutton, 663? Hetrcrman street. Tacony. Mr. Flfer, tvha was 74 years old, was a member of the McBrlde Bible Class, founded by the Ilev. Hugh C. McBrlde; the Washington Camp, No. 359, P. O. 8. A.j James A. Garfield Chamber, No. 19, O. K. of F. j Post No. 77, a. A. It Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon, with several military posts forming a guard of honor. OlrAHENCE A. MYEBS Clarence A. Myers, president ot the Myers Metal Box Manufacturing Com pany, of Camden, died Monday right at his home In Morchantvtlle, N. J., after being stricken with apoplexy. His wife and two friends were killed on May 19, when an automobile he was driving was struck by a trnln near Gloucester. JAMES HEBVEY XO0M38 NEW YORK, Nov. 8. James Ilervey Loomls, one of the oldest residents of Wyoming County, and well known In western New York for many years as a business man and Republican politician, died suddenly yesterday at Bc-onton, N. J. Ho was born In Attica, N. Y., on June 4, 1S23, and was a delogato to tho convention which organised tho Repub lican party In New York State. JOSEPH H. MAtrHEB Joseph H. Maurer, 52 years old, a pio neer hardware merchant of Manayunk and long a resident In thnt section of the city, died late last night at his home, 4315 Main street. He was stricken with heart disease last weak. Mr. Maurer was a member of the board of trustees of the St. Mary's Church, Manayunk, where the funeral services will bo held Saturday morning. His widow, Ave sons and three daughters survive him. ANDREWS. On November 3. J0H, An OUSTA LOUISE, wife of George I V. An drews and daughter of John W. and tho lat Mary Ann Trecn, at her residence, 42-12 Lan caster ne, Tunsral scrvlcts on Friday, at 1:30 p. m., at 6414 Market st. Interment prUntc. North Cedar Hill Cemetery. DCVINOER November 1, 1014, nACIIEI, W1TZEMAN, wife of A. tl. Buvlnger. Th relatives and friends ars Invited to attend the funeral service, Frldsy at 2 p. m., at her lato residence, Oil North 18th St. Interment private. FRANKL Broad and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia, October 31, 1914. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $25,624,898.77 Due from Banks 4,836,770.59 Cash and Reserve 7,158,402.62 Exchanges for Clearing House 935,443.64 Liability under Lexers of Credit 324,744.85 Clearing House Loan Certificates on Hand 560,000.00 $39,440,260.47 LIABILITIES Capital $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits 3,422,527.07 Circulation . . ; 1,369,400.00 Letters of Credit " 324,744.85 Clearing House Loan Certificates Outstanding None Deposits 33,323,588.55 $39,440,260.47 J. It. SIcAIXISTER, President. J. A. XIAIIRI8. Jr., Vice President, J. WM. IIARIIT, Asst. Cashier. E. r. TASSMORE, Vice President Cashier. J. C. FRANKLAND, Asst, Cashier, E. K. SHIELDS. Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS Effingham R. Morris Edward T. Stotesbury Percy C. Madeira Kills Puter I'assmore Samnet T. Bodlne Thomas lie YUtt Cuyler Oeorge II. Frailer Ednard II. Smith Henry Tatnall J. Itutherfard McAllister J. Andrews Ifnrrls. Jr. J. Hampton Harnea Morris L. Clothier Frederick 1.. Jlaiiy FOREIGN EXCHANGE C&dbiojl T. Wlstar Brown Oeorge llarnhara, Jr. William Wood John l'ltcalrn Charles II. Smith Henry XV. Diddle Charles Wheeler William T. Elliott nnsouncES loans and Investments... 115.022.SI9.B9 ! Wr. ..'" t"i "6,673.00 DUB0anu'er?.m...B"?k."...B.n. l.43.l.6. Cash and Reserve 4,374,195.50 931,023,827.78 WILLIAM T. ELLIOTT, President WILLIAM POST, Cashier. PEIMSM NATIONAL BANK Comptroller's Call, Oct, 31, 1914. ASSETS mmedlately Available Cash and Res.rvs ..ii.jos.zas.jj Checks for Clearing.. 137,803.61 Due from Correspond ents ,,,,..., 494.270.13 $2,135,332.02 Available Within 30 Day.j Leans du In SO,S3.s.a Clearlpg. House Loan Certificates , 40,000.00 Demand Loans 865,9730 United States Bonds . 300,000.00 Other Rands and In vestments .... B7,948.6t $4,803,594.66 Other Loan &, Discounts l Du within 80 days.. .12.338.013.38 Dua aftsr 80'days.... W1.S18.83 Banking Property 284,031 30 $898,446.87 LIABILITIES Deooslt 15,717.731 1 Circulation 41S.SO0 0O t'so.tU Stosk . . 500,000.00 Surplus sad ProSu.. 1,831.912 M 1398,446.87 Alwax Commercial M. . BAKBH. Ctuhltr. DEATIIS CnKATMIY, On November I. 1914. MARY E., beloved wlf of nobert Chentley and daughter of the late William and Mary Simp son, ared 44 years. RelatUes and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, at her lata residence, 12S1 Bouth Donsall st. Interment private, ThursdAy afternoon at 2 o'clock. COT.E. On November 2, 1014. FRANCIS COLB. Funeral on Saturday at it a m. pre cisely, from 8309 Knorr St., Tacony. Services and Interment at St. Tlmolhy'a P. E. Church at 1:45, COSTET.LO. Suddenly, on November 1. 114, HUGH, husband of the late Isabella Cos tello (nee Kane). Funeral on Thursday, at 7:80 a. m. from 1250 North Warnock st. High Requiem Mass at St. Malachy's Church at 0 a. m. precisely. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. COX. On November 8, 1014, ELIZABETH C, widow of John V. .Cox, In her 15th year. FMneral services on Friday, at z p. m., at th residence of her eon, Joseph i. Cojr, Ogontz ave McKInley, Pa. Interment prlvat, Northwood Cemetery. .. COTLE. On November 3, 1014. HtJOH, hus band of lha lato Catharine Coyle. Duj," of tho funral will bo given, from his lato residence, 21.11 Summer st. ,t-v CUI.nKKTSON. On NovemberB, J914,ALBX ANJ)KU, husband of Mary E. snd 0", r Mary and th late Alexander Culbertson ResMence, 2111 T Norrls st. Du notice or the funeral will be (riven -,,. ntJFFIKMl. On November 8, 1014, HENIIT DUFriBLD, In his T6th year. Due notice of tho funeral will bo given. .. FIFER. On November 8, 1B14. RICHARD A., husband of th lato Mary Flfer In his 74th yr. Tuneral en Saturday, at z p. m., from OflST Hegerman st., Tacony. Interment MaRnoIla Cemetery. ,, rr.TJRnR, On November 1. 1014, TDIE E, wife of Georg W. Fluror and daughter of tha lat Martin nnd Margaret Heck. Fu neral services on Thursday, at 2 p. rn., at 1311 Eyre st. Interment private, at Green Mount Cemetery. ., flARIlEIU On November 3. 1014. CI, ATI A, widow of Oershem Oarbell. r-unc' 0H,iVc' nesday, at 2 p. m., from 1B10 N. ith st. Interment Har Nebo Cemetery. rn ORRLACIT. On November 2. I0'- iPJli,V husband ot Oertrud A. Ger lacb ' n f 'r'h': nnd son of Louisa A. Gerlach. runeral serv lees on Thursday at 2 p. m at 143 Nr. Blst st. Interment nt Montrose Cemetery. OITHENH. On November n. 1014. ANNib W , widow of Samuel D. Olthens. nelatlves and friends aro Invited to attend th ".' services, on Thursday evening 51A, r?Sf at her lato residence. 808 North 42d st Final services and interment at Salem, N J.. Fri day, on arrival of train leaving Philadelphia aitAVIcFtOn November 2. 1014. WILLIAM L, QUAVER, aged 85 cars and W "onMii Relatives and friends aro Inj Ifed to n'tenrt w ' eervintg At Trinity iteiormoa the funeral servlces. at XT,my "",';- rhurph. N. TC. cor. jnurcn. w. jw. cor, ... -;.": "jr on Friday afternoon. on Friday ariernoon, hi .ov i'y",,.i' ?Psely! ! Interment private, at Mount Vernon CemoteTy. Remains may be viewed at his lato resiuanco. uienmae, .. v. ..-.- , evening after 7 o'clock. ,-.. GREAVES. On November 2,10I4.MARGI!:RT JI widow of William C. Oreaves. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday nl 2 o'clock, from the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Harriet E Emslfyi 8510 Now Queen St., rails of Bchujlklll. In ternum at Hood Cemetery. . .,, .,, IIANTHORN-On November 1. 1014, ELIZA W., wife of Isaac H Hanthorn. nsod 77 rears. Rolatlves and friends of the family tr invited to attend tho funeral services, on Thursday, nt 2 o'clock, nt her lato resldenco, 4133 West Olrard ave Interment private, at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. .. IIOEFNER. On November 8, 1014, ALTIER. TINA HOEFNER, wife of John Hoefner, aged 02 years. Funeral services on Friday, at 1 p. m.. at her late residence, 430 West Susquehanna ave. Interment private HUTCHINSON. At her rcildencc. 1 Mer cer ave.. Llnnerch, Pa., on November 3, 1014, MATILDA HUTCHINSON, in her 81st year. Due notice of the funeral will ba slven. JACOnV. On November 3, 1014, BENJA MIN NEFTON, husband of Margaret Emma Jacoby. Funernl Saturday, nt 2 P. m. from 1BI Madison ave . Highland Park, Upper Darby. Pa. Interment Arlington Ceme tery. C. H. W. Tackard Charlton Vnrnall V. W. Atterbury KilKnr C. Felton Robert C. Drayton Rudulph Ellis IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Jljil&ixdl Philadelphia, October 31, 1914. DIRECTORS Charles E. IngeraoU O. Clymer Ilrooke A. A. Jackson bamuel M. Curwen MAI1ILITIES , $1,000,000.00 and Undivided Capital Surplus Profits (earned) 3,762,628.83 Circulation 393,000.00 Deposits 15,861.893.93 2 1,0 23,537.78 WILLIAM Y. CONRAD, Asst. Cashier. ANTRIM II. JONES, 2d Asst. Cashier. October 31, 1914. RESOURCES Loans & Investments. HS60.8Sa.59 Due from Banks 60,093,81 Clearing House Ex changes ,. 74,625.98 Cash and Reserve.... 956,13006 Total $5,651,708.44 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $3flQ,Q6lflO Surplus & Net ProSts. 766.237.04 Circulation 461,400.00 Deposits 4,12471.40 Tstal.. ......... 5,651,703.44 JOHM G. SONNBBORN. CaahMf. DEATHS KKKNAN. On November 8, 1614, niCHAllD J., rVusMnd of Jean Currie Kejnan, J,1! years. Funeral services on Saturi ? P. m at 100 North Ortth st. Interment Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn. N, T., on flunday, at 3 p. m. KKI.T,Y. On Novemher 3, 1014, CATIIA IlINB KEL,I.Y (nee MontaRuo), ct County Tyrone, Ireland, wife of Francis P. Kelly. runeral from lill Wolf t. Bolcmij Mass of nequlem at tho Church of Ht. Monica, at 0 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. KEM.r. On November 8, 1014. EDMUND OOUC1II. husband of Cathsrlno Kelly, runeral on Sunday, At 8 n. m , from 3(30 North 35th St.. Falls of Schuylkill. HlRh Mass at St. irrldaet's church, at 0:80 a. m. Interment Westminster Cemetery. niKEIt. On November 8, 1014. MATtY B., wife of Jacob It. Klker nnd daughter of the late OeorRO and Ann Younp . neulence, M07 Media st. Duo notice tt funeral will be given. KI.INO. On November 2, 1914, JUTDB, husband of Matilda llelatlvrs and friends are Invited to attend II. 11HK lurtj uu., th fnnitrAl marv1fm nn "TTinrsdAV SftemoOn. precisely at 2 o'clock at tho chapel of An drew J. nalr Son, southeast corner of Iftth and Arch ets. Interment private, at Ocr mnn Lutheran Cemetery. tATCII. On November 1, 1014, KMMELINH C, younRest daushter of Gardiner C and Mary A. Latch. Funeral services on Thurs. day at 2 p. m. at 1010 Allengrovo St., Frank ford. Interment private. LEY. On October 31, 1914, WILLIAM J only son or Mary J. and the late Thomas J. Ley, runersl on Thursday, nt 8 30 n. m.. from his lato residence. 873(1 Temberton St. (near fiith and Cedsr ave.). Polcmn Moss of Ttenulem nt Church of the Trantflirurntlon, nt 10 a. m precisely. MAOEE. On November 8, 1014, .7AMES Tt. MACIHE, son of tho late James Mairee. Fu neral services at his late residence, 1720 Walnut st , on Friday, Nov. 0. at 11 a. m. MATHEWS On the 2d, ANNA TO., wife of Dr. Franklin Matbows and daughter of the late Josenh Itnna nnd Ann C. Crooks. Rela tives and frinds of tho family ars respect fully Invited to attend (he funeral services, at her Into rcsldonco, 1720 North 22d st., on Thursdsy afternoon, nt 2 o'clock. Inter ment private. Fleieo omit flowers. McCONNETX. On November 3, 1014, MAR THA nniTTON, widow of William MrOonn noil, In her SSth yoar. Funeral services on Friday, at 1 p. m., at the residence of her eon, William McConnell, 2H0 North Von Polt st. Interment private. Ivy Hill Ceme tery. McOLINN. On the 1st of November. 1014, JOSEPH C, eon of John and the late Mary E. McQIInn. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday mornlnR- at 8:30 o'clock, from his father's reeldence, No. 1415 North 10th st. Solemn REPORT OF Pennsy! for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities Trust and Safe Deposit Company 517 Chestnut Street Broad Street Office, Franklin Bank Building At the Close of Business November 2nd, 1914. RESOURCES Cnflh on Hand and In Hank C.ill Lonna upon Collateral , Time Loans upon Collateral INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWNED, VIZ: Stocks, Bonds, etc 3,I22,SB4.3! Mortpafros , 1.6n5,R2.S.69 Ilcsorvo Fund for tho Protection of "Cash Balances In Trust Ac counts" Ileal Estnto, Furniture and Fixtures Interest Accrued Miscellaneous Assets LIABILITIES Capital Stock 82,000,000.00 Surplus Fund 4,000,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes Paid 1,051,994.99 Deposits: Subject to Check 26.34.0r.7.Cl Special 1,710,205.03 28,074,323.24 Interest Payable 152,747.00 Miscellaneous Liabilities , D14.83G.79 TRUST DEPARTMENT Individual Trusts, held ns Executor. Administrator. Trustee, Guardlnn, Committee, Attorney etc. Investments (par value) J198.17S.93D.29 Amount for Investment 1 Cash i " not for " 4,612,143.63 ( Income, Awnltlnjr Distribution! Total.... $202,791,082.92 Corporate Trusts. Total Amount of Bonds of Corporations secured by Mortgages or other Collateral .........$240,186,384.11 Total Amount of Securities held as Deeds of Trust C. S. W. PACKARD, President PEOPLES TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Condensed statement showing condition at November 2, 1914. ASSETS Loans & Investments.. $1,631,208.82 Real Estate (12th and Arch Sts.) 386,490.54 Furniture & Fixtures.. 20,675.07 Cash on hand and in Banks 271,240.74 $2,309,615.17 THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK Philadelphia, October 31, 1914. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $38,567,005.79 Clearing House Loan Certificates on Hand 1,700,000 00 Due from Banks 8,106,561.50- Exchanges from Clearing House 1,488,527.01 Cash and Reserve , 17,194494!64 Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit 3,007,462.23 $70,064,051.17 LIABILITIES p r Capital Stock .. .;, . . , . , $1,500,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits (Earned) 5 167 384 79 Circulation . : .' lMH) Letters of Credit . , 3,033,102,00 Denosits-f Lndl7!dwal " ?3M94,814,19 ueposits. Bank tft4 22,319,752.69 58,714,566.88 urn r nua Pr4ldMt X4NC01& GQDFRSY, v A1S ri 1 nt HORACE TOHTSSCUK. TBSCL uklar. WILLIAM tt Assistant AMlatant OaacJar. N. PARKS3R SHORTRIDOB. Chairman of th . BirajAKD AJHLHDR8T. PBRCrV-AL ROBEHtI J? SAluirlr - LIKCOLH GODgRST. O BO ROB H McFAbr?feiir ' SMFBI' BBA' AMdialWK, iSSrl11 P OMA8 a QATBg, aiokaHTtTRAiian r rSt wmS- A3a i. wwo DEATIIB Requiem Mass at the Church of the BS. 18th nnd fltlies sts.. at 10 o'clock. InterraJS at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. PleaeeeAlt flowers. rFISTnnrit, On October RI.1014,cnAht v It.? husband of nose n. Pfisterer n", Oom' hart). Funeral services on Thursday, at a p. m , at 110 Drown St. Interment at Northl niwi ...fc.w.,. RIIOAnS. On November B, 1014, MARY B., wlfo of Harry O Rhoads. Funeral servtoei on Friday, at 2 p. m., at her lato residence. 1123 North Redfleld st. Interment Weni minster Cemetery. RILEY. On November 5, 1014, JAMES, hut. band of 8nsnn Riley. Fiineral services on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at 2S23 North Water t Interment Green Mount Cemetery. SATTTER. November 1. 1014, LENA nEB SIE SACTER. daughter of Frederick and Carolina flauter (nee Battmann). Funeral on Thursday at 2 p. m. from 27(12 North Gratl st Interment at Green Mount Cemetery, SCHMIDT- Suddenly, on November 8, 1014. JOHN C. M.. husband of loulea K. Schmidt, nsed B0 years. Funeral servlcos on Frldsy, nt 2 p. m.. nt his lato residence, 433 pin mond at. Interment private. SMITn. On November 2, 1014, MARY Tt, daughter of Mamie nnd Isaac Smith, 1844 West Glenwood ave. Services and Interment prlvnte. on Thursday, nt Brldieton, N, J. TEOCCnET. JOHN TROUCIIET. 255 S. wTlIOinV-CAROMNE WRIGHT, 1003 La- WUIOHT. At Pitman, N. 3., on Novnmbsr 3. CECELIA Tl.. wlfo of the lato John A. WrlRht, aged 74 years. Funeral services on Friday, at 2 p. m at tho apartments of Simmons & Taylor Co., 809 Market st., Cam den, N. J. Interment private, Evergreen Cemetery. ZIMMERMAN. On November n 1014. JO SEPHINE, wife of Oeorgo J. Zimmerman, at her lato residence, 8S50 N. 18th at. Dut notice of tho tuneral will bo given. pany S5,079,SS7.98 14,316,014.61 3.G97.GS2.79 4,S7S,492.9S B,322,726.S5 933,235.00 239,524.29 429,730.03 Total. $35,796,901.08) Total. $35,796,901.08 Collateral under Corpornte .$95,089,859.12 C. S. NEWHALL, Treasurer the dose of business LIABILITIES Capital Stock $634,450.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits (earned) 149,283,26 Mortgage, 12th and Arch sts 100,000.00 Bills Payable 100,000.00 DEPOSITS 1.325,881.91 $2,309,615.17 WILLIAM B. VKOOMAN, Treasurer. $70,064,051.17 HARRY J. KBgait. Cuhlr. TMADDOX, cublar. IlICHEItT. Suddenly, en November 2. Inn , FREDERICK B., husband of Sarah niehsri Funeral service on Friday at 2 p. rn. M ijw Frankford ave., Holmesburg. Interment Ail Saints' Cemetery. A" TtEADOEnS, On November 8, at Palmve. N. J.. VIOLIST, wlfo of Frederick SeJJ: Rcrs and youns;eat daughter of Isb3,. Cooper and Jamea II. Warrington. In h,V. 20th year. Funeral on Friday, at 2 p. tn. from parents' residence. 411 West 8d st .' Palmyra, N. 3. Interment Morgan Cerael i tery. r& nEYNOLDS. On Nov. 8. 1914. CIIARLEa . 3d. husband of Irene Reynolds and son et thi Yl lato John and Caroline Reynolds, In hi 3 38th year. Funeral services on rrlday, at 3I 2 p. m., at his late residence, 3lsa North .3 22d st. Interment prl ate. Odd Fellows' Cemetery. 4 "TJI'fTE PrfgR Im loht tSO.8cTiitIdIav,, ILajsEBI fPUlf WW imm