cawr """ 7" -Tg- 'Vl ' f i-225" wBr ' jwu,ta HBBBBBSHIBIBHISHBWHBpSHBlSSHBHWSSffl MJKa...i?ai-.S'.,. ,,. . ..hut-.afc, j. ujL -.-4 .t nil inli iTMi iti i riMtejj im i rn irTWTT "fjwrBswwfsTnsiswre" EVENING LEDGER-PHIEADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER &, 1914. & 3 VJ" J tf i H BRVMBAVGWS LBAD MAY BB 200,000 Centlnned from Pare One Schuylkill by 2500. McCormlck carried Carbon by JOO, while the county gave Penrose a plurality of 400. McCORMICK LOST OWN WARD. In Dauphin, McCormlck's home county. Penroso defeated Plnchot by 670O and Pal mer by T10O. Brumbaugh carried the county by 2300. McCormlck lost his own WArd In Harrlsburg, but carried his pre clnet Lancaster gavo Penrose a plurality of 7000 and Brumbaugh a majority of 6000. Chester went Republican by 7500 and Montgomery by EOOO. Washington returned a renrose plu rality of 2000, while Kayettc, Republican State Chairman William n. Crow's homo county, gave Pcnroso a plurality of 2500. Senator Crow was re-elected, despite Democratic and Washington party fu sion. Berks, the strongest Democratic county In Pennsylvania, was carried by the Democrats by only 3000. Lehigh went only slightly Democratic. ADAMS OETTTSBURG. Pa., Nov. 4. With six districts not heard from, Adams County gives Palmer 1933, Plnchot 816, Penrose 1400, McCormlck 2473, Brumbaugh 1725. Scales, Republican, carried tho county over Brodbeck, tho presont member In Congress, by 400. Rudtslll, Democrat, won for the Legislature by 460. He Is a "dfltfl. No official tabulation was kept on tho Judges, but what little was learned Indi cates that Kunkol and Trexler have- car ried the county. ALLEGHENY PITTSBURGH, Nov. 4. Brumbaugh and Penrose carried Allegheny County by good majorities. Brumbaugh's majority over McCormlck will bo closo to 25,000, while Ponrose will have about 30.000 plu rality over Gilford Plnchot, the Washing ton nominee. A. Mitchell Palmer runs third. This result was Indicated by returns from moro than one-half of the districts tn the county. Returns from 4S4 of tho T03 districts give Brumbaugh a total of 43.533 and McCormlck 2i,5l. This Is nn average of 103 to a district for Brum baugh and 68 for McCormlck. This ratio maintained throughout tho missing dis tricts would glvo Brumbaugh 72.409 and McCormlck 47,801, or a plurality for Brumbaugh of 24,005. Returns from 421 of the 703 districts give Penrose a total of 30,477: Plnchot, 2t.t"S. and Palmer, 13,207. This Is nn average of 03 to a district for Penrose 51 for Plnchot and 33 for Talmcr. This ratio maintained In the rest of tho districts would give Penrose a total of 65,370; Plnchot, as.RGJ, and Palmer, 22,406. Penrose would have a plurality over Plnchot of 20,520, and PJnchot over Palmer of 13,357. Pcnroso would have a majority of 7030. Judge Roberf Frazer carried tho county for Justlco of the Supremo Court over Judgo Kunkel by a plurality Jof about 90,000. He did not lose a precinct In the county. Justice Frank M. Trexler, for the Supreme Court, won the county by about 5,000 over James C. Clark. Returns from 424 districts give Judge ' Jtaier 61,283 and Judgo Kunkel 70S6. This Is an average of 145 to a district for Judgo Frazer and 17 for Judgo Kunkel. This .ratio continued for tho entlro county would make Judge Frazer's total 101,935 and Judge Kunkel's 11,951, or a majority of 39,934 for Judge Frazer. The same number of districts glvo Trexler 43,233 and Clark 16,921. This Is an averago of 102 to a district for Troxlor and 40 for Clark. This ratio carried through the county would glvo Trexler & total of 71,700 to Clark's 23,120, or a plu rality of 43,556 for Trexler. A. J. Barchfeld was elected to Congress by about 7000 majority over Campbell. Morln and Porter were elected by even majorities. The Republican candidates were elected In all of the 13 legislative districts by clear majorities. For tho State Senate, Kline, Semmens and Burke were easily elected. All the successful candidates for State Legislature and Congress were in dorsed by the Personal Liberty League and oppose local option. ARMSTRONG KITTANNING, Pa.. Nov. 4.-Two dis tricts in Armstrong County gave Palmer, 23; Plnchot, 29; Penrose, 62; McCormlck, 34; Brumbaugh, 79; Frazer, 85; Kunkel, 10; Clark, 27; Trexler, 57. Same districts in 1912 gave Wilson, 46; Roosevelt. 72; Taft, 44. BERKS READING-, Nov. 4. Late returns re versed the indications of last night and, although unofficial, showed that McCor mlck had carried the city over Brum baugh by a vote of 4944 to 4559. With but a few of the county districts heard from It Is apparent that McCormlck's plurality Will be about 6200. Penrose was victorious over Palmer In the city, the results being as follows: Penrose, 4565; Palmer, 3696; Plnchot, 2956. In the county, however, there was not much of a defection and the district Is conceded Palmer by about 4000. Arthur G. Dewalt. of Allentown, Demo crat, defeated J. Kelm Stauffer, Re publican, of this city, by 6500 plurality. His plurality In Berks was about 3000, considerably less than tho State ticket. One of the surprises was the re-election of James II. Maurer, Socialist, president of the State Federation of Labor, and Mahlon G. Shaaber. Civil War veteran, to the Legislature from the city, Assem blyman George II. Sazsaman and Will tarn Strauss, Democrats, being defeated by this vote: Maurer, 3761; Shaaber, 3744; Sassaman, J651; Strauss, 3503. Both successful candidates are anti local optlonlsta. From the county Howard W. Bodey, Daniel A. Rothenberger and Wilson a. 8artd, Democrats, were elected to the Legislature. All are understood to be antagonistic to local option. Judge Frank SI. Trexler, of Allentown, Is conceded the county by 5000 for the Supreme Court. A feature taken as a rebuke to the ad ministration was the overwhelming de feat of the 31.300,000 loan for permanent Improvements. BEAVER wmAVwn H.v i Revert Adtrlcts Of E8 In Beaver County Give Palmer. 109; Plnchot, sen ; renrose, , mvuii EM; Brumbaugh, 397; Frazer. 623; Kunkel, 178; Clark, S07. BLAIR ALTOONA. Pa., Nov. .-Flfty-nlne out el 87 districts in Blair County give Pen rose, 7433, Plnchot. 6S36; Palmer. 2146. The same dlstrloti give Brumbaugh, 6436; Mc Cormlck, mi. Jesse I Hartman, Republican, leads for Congress with 6866; Bailey, Demo crat. 1993; Brua. Washington. M1J. P. W. Snyder. Republican, has been elected State Senator, hi vote in Blair County being 79W against JOO for Ganaar, Demo crat Snyder Is strong for local option. J B. Rlnlnxer, Republican, Is elected Assemblyman In the 1st District He Is opposed to local option. . Alice Bdumbaugh and Samuel MeOurdy, Re- kllHdM. anA ttiU ODtlOnlStS. tlta lftfit. 4 in the M Legislative dtetrlet BUCKS DQYLB8TOWN. Pa., NOV. t Tbe whote Republican ticket made a clean swep la Bucks. Returns from of Ui W districts 1b the oowty give: For Seaa-lor-Penros. BB. Faluwr, ; PtaflifcM. iWW For Governo Brusakatisfa, ; M. Connie. MM- For Cwisws-WiUoa. JTn Grim. w - .vkaaui " u" " elected by majorities approximating 1500, No figures aro yet available on the judicial vote, but Kunkel and Troxlor run high. For Congress In the Butks Montgomery district it is estimated Wat son will have 4BO0 majority over Grim. Stato Senator Buckmnn and Assembly men Frets and Pickering, Republicans elected In Bucks County) are all against local option. BUTLER BUTLER, Pa., Nov. 4.-Buller County gives Penrose. 2310; Palmer. 2203; Plnchot, WIS; McCormlck, 3493; Brumbaugh, 2360. Congress, 22d District. Hammond, Dcm 3320; Kelstcr, Rep., 2227. J. O. Campbell and Dr. J. M. Lclghncr, Rep., pledged to local option, havo margin of 400 for Legislature. CAMBRIA JOHNSTOWN, F.i Nov. 4.-Threo dis tricts of 26 In Cnmbrln County gavo Pal mer, 68; Plnchot, 37; Penrose, 149; Mc Cormlck, 82; Brumbaugh, 147; Frazer, 172; Kunkel, 24; Clark, 39; Trexler, 1C2. CARBON MAUCH CHUNK. Fa., Nov. -Fifty-two of 66 districts in Carbon County gave Palmer 15S7; Plnchot, 1175; Penrose, 1903; McCormlck, 2651; Brumbaugh. 2223. Carbon County has been considered a Democratic cltndel, and Is the homo of James I. Btnkcslce, Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, who has been a Palmer and McCormlck adviser. CENTER BELLEFONTE, Pa., Nov. 4.-Estlmates glvo Penrose tho county by 400, Brum baugh by 60. Kunkel and Trexler have about 300 majority In tho county, and Harry B. Scott, Republican, Is elected to the Legislature, Ho Is not plodgcd for local option. Late returns confirm the election of Charles H. Rowland as Congressman In tho 2lst District on an anti-local option platform, and S. J. Miller, Stnto Senator, In tho 34th District. Both aro Repub licans, CLARION CLARION, Pa., Nov. 4,-Thlrty dis tricts out of 43 In Clarion County glvo Palmer, 163S; Plnchot, P3I; Pcnroio, 1165; McCormicw, 1S09; Brumbaugh, 1153. Mat son, Dem., for Congress, will have l"fO majority In the county. Arnold, Rep., Is elected to Assembly dvr Brown, Dem., by 1000. It will tnko tho ofTlclal count to tell who Is elected In tho district for State Senator. CLEARFIELD CLEARFIELD, Pa.. Nov. 4. Scattering returns from a few of 01 districts Indi cate closo voto in this county between Palmer, Plnchot and Pcnroso, with Pen rose lending. McCormlck will enrry coun ty by at least 1000. CLINTON LOCK HAVEN, Pa., Nov. 4.-Wlth five small districts to hear from which will not change the result tho voto of Clinton County Is ns follows: Palmer, 1228; Pln chot, 1567; Penrose, 2101; McCormlck, 2374; Brumbaugh, 2473, Frazer, 832; Kunklo, 1C9S; Clark, E36: Trexler, 1748. Congress, Reardon, D., 1636; Stokos, V, "CO; Kless, R 2145. State Senator: Hlndmon, D., 2103; How ard, R., 2363; noncommltnl on local option. Assembly: Caldwell, D., 2143; Rich, R 2383, for local option. CHESTER WEST CHESTER, Pa.. Nov. 4. There was a Republican landslide In every part of Chester County. This means that T. Lawrence Eyre is ngaln enthroned ns the leader, a position ho held for many years until ho announced his withdrawal last year. Every candldato elected Is pledged to local option. Brumbaugh will have a plurality of 2000 and Penrose 3000. Butler, for Congress, has 4500 majority in tho county and about 11,000 in the 7th district. The Republican legislative ticket will havo a plurality of 2000. " COLUMBIA BLOOMSBURG, Pa., Nov. 4.-Returns from IS of the 65 districts in Columbia County give McCormlck a lead of a thousand votes over Brumbaugh, and In dicate ho will linve a plurality of 2500 In tho county. Palmer In tho samo districts has 9S6 votes Plnchot 263 and Penrose 257, with the Indications that Palmer's plu rality will be at leost 2000. For Judge of Supreme Court Kunkel In IS districts has 605 and Frazer 324 For Congress, Leslie r has swept the field over Heffner, Pro gressive, and Bobbins, Republican. Sones, for State Senator, has n commanding lead In the county, and Shaffer, Democrat, Is a winner over Laub, Washington and Republican. CRAWFORD MEADVILLE, Pa., Nov. 4.-Nlne pre cincts In Crawford County, not Including any In Meadvllle or Titusvllle, give Pal mer. 191; Plnchot. 100; Penrose, 271; Mc Cormlck. 281; Brumbaugh, 293. CUMBERLAND CARLISLE. Pa.. Nov. 4. Total Cum berland precincts show, with slight un certainties, between 260 ana soo lor Mc Cormlck. Penrose carries county by about 150. Kunkel will beat Frazer by 6000 and Trexler will defeat Clark by over 3000. Krelder. Republican, for Con gress, carries Cumberland by 7000. Good year and Shoop, Republicans, elected to Assembly. Incomplete returns Indicate that Kunkel will carry Cumberland by more than 5000 over Frazer, and Trexler moro than 6000 over Clark DAUPHIN HARRISBURO. Nov. 4. With complete unofficial returns from all of the city pre cincts and four Bmall county districts missing, Senator Penrose carried Dau phin County by nearly 6700 over Plnchot and 7100 over Palmer, Vance C. McCor mlck carried his own precinct, but lost his ward, the Fourth, and Doctor Brum baugh carried both city and county over McCormlck, Brumbaugh's majority Is 1000.' Judge George Kunkel has a tre mendous lead over Judge Robert S, Frazer, his majority being 1900. Judge Trexler, for the Superior Court, leads by 8000 over Clark. The members of the House elected from Harrlsburg are; Augustus Wlldman. Re publican, member of the last House, 6394. and J, W. Swart, Republican. 7230; J. J. Lvbarser. Democrat, received 1076, and J. H. Marshall, Democrat. 2S53. The Washington candidates, Barker and Crow, got 2143 ana ibsu respectively. In the county the Republican defeated the Democrat-Washington candidates, J. B. Martin and W. W, Lenker, local op tion members of the last House. J. C. Nlssley. one of the successful candidates, received 6M4, and W. S. Young 6018, de feating the fusion candidates by 800, None of the Republican candidates declared himself on local option. Wlldman op posed It In 1918, DELAWARE MKDIA, Pa., Nov. 1. Brumbaugh car ried Delaware County by more than 6000. Penrose has more than 8000 over Palmer. For Governor, 83 out of SO precincts out side the city of unester, urumoaugn, its- r buntaitffflteWter 1 Vrem nar Hot Etojlsn, uuubli d deKeteu. Ark. Pure, tilled witb liaJiom rue. Ueullh lrYto aad Health jik for tote Haitian tag mwwpalil, 1 Mountain Valley Water C. 3M-00 SOUTH TWtUTK Wt PLURALITY FOR GOVERNOR McCormlck Brumh&ush County. D -W. R. Adams 700 ...... Allecjlieny ....... ...... 25000 Armstrong . 500 Beaver.... ....... 800 Berks 5200 Ulair 1800 Bucks , 750 Hutler t 649 Cambria ......... ...... 600 Carbon 300 Centre ........... ...... 50 Chester ......... .I.,.. 2000 Clarion 1000 Clinton , ...... 104 Columbia ........ 2500 Clearfield 1000 Crawford ........ 900 Cumberland ..... 250 Dauphin ........ 4000 Delaware ...... 6000 U.IK .,,,......... ...... 131AJ JLi.ric ............. ...... lduu Fayette 3500 Forrest 150 Franklin 600 Greene 361 Huntingdon 600 Indiana 2400 Jefferson 100 Juniata 400 Lackawanna 1500 Lancaster 6000 Lawrence 500 Lebanon ...... 1400 Lehigh 1122 Luzerne 3500 Lycoming 2000 ...... Mercer 1500 Mifflin , 300 Monroe 1400 v Montgomery 5000 Montour 447 Northampton 472 Northumberland 1850 Philadelphia 119036 Tike 400 Potter " 300 Schuylkill 3000 Snyder 143 Somerset 300 Susquehanna 1000 Tioga 200 Union 500 Venango 250 Warren 300 Washington 176 Wayne 300 Westmoreland 400 York 1242 publican, recolvcd 9133; McCormlck, Dem ocrat, 4SS0. For tho Legislature Baldwin, Repub lican, and Heybum, Republican, are elect ed by majorities of about 2500. For Congress, Thomas S. Butler, Repub llcan, was re-elected. He carried the Del aware County end of the Seventh Con gressional District by a majority of moro than 000. ELK RIDGWAT, Pa., Nov. 4.-Four of 23 Elk County districts gave Palmer 68; Pln chot, 1C5; Penrose, 340; McCormlck, 196; Brumbaugh, 365. ERIE ERIE, Pa., Nov. 4. While Democratic Congressmen throughout the country wero being burled under tho Republican land slide, this district, comprising Erie and Crawford Counties, which never but once In Its history sent a "Democrat to Con gress, yestcrdny elected M. Llebel, Jr., a standpat Old Guard Democrat, by a plurality that may reach 10,000. Llobel carried both counties and every ward in Erie, of which city he was Mayor for more than five years. He was ahead In overy election district but six. Eric County's representation In the Legislature will remain the samo as here tofore, two Republicans and one Demo cratic member of the House being elected. The two Republicans arc newcomers. They are Casslus L. Alexander, of Corry, from the district outBlde Erie city, and June R. Bovee, from the first city dis trict. Miles R. Kltts, the present Demo cratic member from the 2d city district, was re-elected by a large majority. FAYETTE UNIONTOWN, Pa.. Nov. 4.-Senator Penrose will have the largest plurality ever given to a Republican candidate tn Fayette County. It Is expected that his plurality may reach 6000. In 72 out of 104 precincts reported this morning, the voto was: Penrose, 7267; Palmer, 3814; Plnchot, 2231. Doctor Brumbaugh Is victor by 3500 votes. In 72 precincts the vote Is: Brum baugh, 7637; McCormlck, 5575. Robert F. Hopwood, Rep., wins In the 23d Congressional District, over Con gressman Wooda N. Carr. Hopwood by about 2200 In the three countlee. Carr carried Greene County by 1500. Hop wood carried Fayette and Somerset Counties. In the 1st Legislative District T. R. Lynch. Rep., was elected over C. C. Ocas, the Democratic member In the last House. Lee Smith, Duncan Sinclair and Harry Horton, Republicans, all have substantial pluralities for Assembly. None of the Assemblymen elected is pledged to local option. Thero are no figures available on Supreme and Superior Court Judges. Republican State Chairman Wllllu,ra0E. Crow, for State Senator, wins ovejji the Democratto Washington party fusion candidate, David Morgan Hertzog, by about 2500 In the county. In 72 precincts the result Is: Crow, 7951; Hertzpg, 6169, ERANKLIN CHAMBERSBURO, Pa., Nov. 4. The vote In 52 of 65 districts In Franklin County shows that Palmer and McCor mlck have carried the county only by a small majority. The vote for Senator Penrose, 2911; Palmer, 3151; Plnchot, 1662. The vote for Governor Brumbaugh, 8600; McCormlck. 4147. The vote for Congress Fochtr Rep., 3223; Dersham, Dem., 3431. For Legislature Beck, Dem., 8721; Ben choff, Rep.. 3221; Walters. Rep., 3343, Green, Democrat, Is out of the race. GREENE WAYNESBURG, Pa., Nov. I Greene County complete Palmer, 2844; Plnchot, BIS; Penrose. 1261; McCormlck. 2317; Brumbaugh. 1458; Frazer. 1307; Kunkel, 901; Clark, 788; Trexler, 1203. HUNTINaDON HUNTINGDON. P-. Nov. i-Return MM aKn... half thi. riiMfrlftta of Hunting- don County indicate that Brumbaugh has carried me county uy y.u.ui.w, Penrose has carried It over Plnchot by 800 plurality. Plymouth W, Snyder, Re publican and Washington, Is elected State Senator in the Blalr-Huntlngdon district by 5000 plurality over Nicholas Ganz. J, BOOKS "A Big Story of a Big Man" l the description given THE WAY OF THE STRONG by Ridg well Culliun by an en thusiastic reader. Watch this book work iti way into the ranks of the best sellers. Price $1.35. Jacobs Books and Stationary G. Dell, Republican, Is elected to Assem bly over Johnston. Washington, and El berman, Democrat. INDIANA INDIANA, Pa., Nov. 4. Based on the returns from SO of the 67 dis tricts, the estimated vote In this county Is: Fenrosc, 4000; Plnchot, 1700; Palmer, 1000: Brumbaugh, 4000; McCormlck, 1C00. Congress North, Republican, 4000: Matll son, Democrat, 1000; Wolfe, Washington, 600. Legislature Wood, Republican, 4200; Brownlce, Washington, 1400. JEFFERSON BROOKVILLE, Pa., Nov. 4.-Jefferon County goes to McCormlck by 1000. Pln chot has 600 plurnllty. The contest between North, Republican, and Mntson, Democrat, for Congress Is very close, but North Is expected to carry the district by at least 1000. Hroslus, Republlcnn and local option cnndldate, is elected to the General As sembly by 600 The fight between Wilson, Republican, and Sectlcr, Progressive and Prohibition candldato for Assembly, Is very close. JUNIATA MIFFL1NTOWN, Pn., Nov. 4,-Lntest returns show Focht carries Junlat.i County by 200; Penrose, doubtful: McCor mlck by 400, Bergey, Rei.ubllcun, defeats Musser, Democrat, by 40; Kunkel wins' by 600; Trexler by 400. LACKAWANNA Lacknwnnna County 157 districts nut of 178 give Palmer. S240: Plnchot, G139; Penrose, 10,418; McCormlck, 11,211; Brum baugh, 12,710. Lieutenant Oovornor Creasy, 4981; McClaln, D708. Congress Loftus (Dem.), 9745; Fnrr (Rep.), 13.007. Stato Senator Dempsey (Dem.), 9656; Lynch (Hop.), 12,316. LANCASTER LANCASTER, Pa., Nov. 4,-Seventy-elght districts of 124 In Lancaster County gave Palmer 4426; Plnchot, 4372;, Penrose, 12,188; McCormlck, 7485; Brumbaugh, 13,201. John J. Rtober, Republican, Is elocted Stato Senator. LAWRENCE NEW CASTLE, Pa.. Nov. 4 -Lawrence County will likely glvo 600 majority to the entlro Republican ticket, based upon returns from 27 of 74 precincts nt mid night. Republican County Chairman Eokln claims twice that amount. Partial re turns are as follows: Penrose, 1312; Pal mer, 496; Plnchot, 987; Brumbaugh, 1696; McCormlck, US6. For Congress: .Wil liam M. Brown, Rep., has 1493; Congress man Henry W. Templo, Prog., 827; Bar num, Dem., 374. LEBANON LEBANON, Pa., Nov. 4. Lebanon coun ty's vote results nro: United States Senator Pcnroso, 4136; Plnchot, 2827; Palmer, 2061. Governor Brumbaugh, 4729; McCormlck, 4085. Supreme Court Kunkel. 5999; Frazer. 728. Superior Court Trexler. 3331; Clark, 1730. Congressman A. S. Krelder, Republican, has an esti mated plurality over D. L. Kaufman, Democrat, of 1200. Dr. I. K. Urlch and Asa A. Welmcr, both of whom wero an nounced liquor candidates an tho Re publican ticket, are elected by estimated pluralities df 950. LEHIGH ALLRNTOWN, Ta., Nov. 4.-Complete unofficial returns show that Palmer car ried Lehigh County by 341 plurality over Penrose. Palmer's vote was 7658; Pen rose's, 7214, and Plnchot, 3157. Tho Repub licans had hoped to carry Lehigh for Penrose, nnd while they failed to accom plish this, they are very well satisfied. In view of tho feet that tho registration fig ures showed the Democrats 3100 In tho lead. Plnchot ran ahead of the Bull Moose registration, which was only 1256. McCormlck carried Lehigh by 1122, hav ing received 93S3 to S263 for Brumbnugh. The big surprise of the election was the victory of Horace W. Schantz, the Repub lican candidate fpr State Senator. He won over James A. Miller, tho Democratic candidate for re-election, by 239, in face of the fact that Hoffman, the Bull Moose candidate, received 2558. Tho Democrats elected three Assembly men from Lehigh Ira T. Erdman, Ralph E. Dlefenderfer and Albert E. Rlnn. For Congress, former State Senator Arthur O. Dewalt, long the Democratic State chairman, carried Lehigh by 2361 majority over John K. Stauffer, Repub. llcan. Dewalt's majority In the Berks Lehigh district will be nt least 0000. Lehigh gave Its -favorite son. Judge Frank M. Trexler, a great Indorsement. For Judge of the Superior Court Judgo Trexler received 12.613 votes, the largest voto ever given any man In Lehigh County, to 2930 for Clark, McCormlck got 0365; Brumbaugh, 8263. CreaBy, Dom.. 8172; Smith, Wash., 20S9; McClaln, Rep.. 7111; McNalr, Dem., 72S5; Lewis, Wash., 3619; Houck, Rep., C503; Dewalt, Dom., 8911; Stewart, Wash., 2041; Stauffer, Rep., 6550: Stato Senator Miller, Dem., 7397; Hoffman, Wash., 2558; Schantz, Rep., 7656. Assembly (1st District) Erdman, Dem., 3653? Speer, Wash., 1116; Home, Rep., 2910. Second District Dlefenderfer, Dem., 2223; Marshall. Wash., S6S; Morrow, Rep., 2152. Third Dlstrlct-Rlnn. Dem., 2571: Dor ney, Wash., 282; Wertman, Rep., 1839 Judge of Superior Court Frazler, 4784; Kunkel, 8053. Judge of Superior Court Clark, 2330; Trexler, 12.6U. LUZERNE WILKES-BARRE. Pa.. Nov. 4.-BoIes Penrose and Martin G. Brumbaugh swept Luzerne County. With 24 districts miss ing out of the 319 In the county, the fol lowing vote la recorded: Senator Penrose, 15,666; Palmer, 10,418; Plnchot, 7133. Governor Brumbaugh, 13,294; McCormlck, 14.617. Lieutenant Gov ernor McClaln. 14,333; Creasy, 12,169; Smith. 3114. Secretary of Internal Af-falrs-Houck. 12.241; McNalr. 10,966; Lewis. 3738. Congress John J. Casey, Dem., 19,687; Knlffen. 15,133. Judge of the Su preme Court Kunkel, 11,669; Frazer, 7762. Judge of the Superior Court Trexler, 12,982; Clark, 9518. State Senator Asa K. DeWltt. 10,833; Reese, 8011. William Adams. Rep. and anti-local option, was elected Representative from the 1st Legislative District. Peter Mur phy, Dem. and anti-local option, wins In the 2d. Patrick Wynne, Dem. and anti local option, wins In the 3d, Jacob Evans, Rp., for local option, wins in 4th; John R. Hatten, Rep., for local option, leads In the 5th; it. A, Hubler, Rep., not com- Old and Modern Sheffield English Dutch and French Silver, Fine China A.Schmidt&Son importers hoXQ eeUetion of dUtintiw and appropriate HiWv gifts KI $hewiKff. J$. X. Cor. 16th and Walnut Sts. PLURALITY FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR rslmer, Tlncbot, rnroe, Oonntr. Dem. Wssh. Ties. Adams ..... 500 Allegheny .. ...... ...... 30000 Armstrong . 500 Denver ..... 1400 Berks ...... 4000 Blair . ...... mm 1800 litlcks .....) ,,,.., ...... IaUO Butler ..... ...... ...... 15 Cambia .... 00 Carbon ..... ...... ...... 400 Centre , 400 Chester .... 3000 Clarion .... 700 , Clearfield ,. . 1000 ...... ...... Clinton .... 875 Chester ..,, ...... 7500 Columbia ... 2000 Crawford ...... 900 Cumberland ,,.. 150 Dauphin ... 6700 Delaware ... 8000 it IK ! lilAJ iiric iitt ouuu Fayette 5000 Forrest 100 Franklin ... 150 ...... Greene 583 Huntingdon 300 Indiana 2300 Jefferson .... ...... 500 Juniata 100 Lackawanna 2000 Lancaster 7000 Lawrence ... 500 Lebanon 1400 Lehigh 344 Lycoming 900 Luzerne 5000 McKcan ...., 1000 Mercer 1200 Mifflin 300 Montgomery 6000 Montour 204 Northampton 820 North'crland 5012 Philadelphia 114888 Pike 400 Potter 300 Schuylkill 3500 Snyder 200 Somerset ... 300 Sullivan 100 Tioga 300 Union 500 Venango 300 Warren 36 Washington 2600 Wayne 200 Wcstmorel'd 400 York 421 mlttcd on local option, wins In 6th; David Thomas, Rep. and anti-local option. Is re elected In the 7th. Tho 7th has two representatives and the battle Is closo between Qoorgo Ander son, Rep. and anti-local option, and Thomas Flnnerty, Dem. and anti-local option, with Flnnerty leading "by eight votes. McKEAN BRADFORD. Pa., Nov. 4. In 17 dis tricts In McKean County outside of Drad ford, Penrose 3S6; Pnlmer, 263; Plnchot, 6(3; Brumbaugh, 452; McCormlck, 654. For the Assembly Hnbgood Is running nhead of tho ticket by over 100, nnd his olcctlon ond that of Ostrander, both Republican, looks suro at this time. For Congiess, Tobias. Dem., 259; Mayo, Washington, 451; Rowland, Rep., 491. MERCER SHARON, Pa., Nov. 4 -One district In Mercer County gives Palmer 9; Plnchot, 9; Penrose, 10; McCormlck, 24; Brum baugh, " , Frazor, IB; Kunkel, 18: Clark. 11; Troxlcr, 15 Same district In 1012 gave Wilson 8; Roosevelt, 13; Taft, 9. MIFFLIN Four of 28 districts In Mifflin County gave Palmer 113; Plnchot, 70; Penrose. 121; McCormlck. 155; Brumbaugh, 167; Frazer, 61; Kunkel, 170; Clark, 71; Trex ler. 179. Same districts In 1912 gave Wil son, 175; Roosevelt, 189; Taft, 112. LYCOMING WILLIAMSPORT, Pa., Nov. l.-Nearly complete returns from Lycoming County glvo Plnchot 4500, Palmer 3600, Penrose 3400. McCormlck, for Governor, got 6700 votes, a majority of 2000. Edgar R. Kiess, Republican, carries every county In tho 15th Congressional District, nnd will havo a plurality of about 2500 over John J. Rcnrdon, Democrat Stokes, Washington party cnndldate, ran third. Charles W. Sones, Democrat, Is re elected from the 21th' Senatorial District by a big majority. Ralph Gibson. Repub lican, and John Luppert, Democrat, are probably elected members of Assembly. GlbBon Is in tho lead, with tho vote close between Luppert and Ansel Ulman for second choice. MONTGOMERY NORRISTOWN, Pa.. Nov. 4.-Penrose will carry Montgomery County by probably 6000 majority, 1153 from Norrlstown. In Pottstown, a Democratlo Btronghold, Pal mer had only 73 votes more than Penrose, rinchot Is a poor third. Brumbaugh's majority over McCormlck will reach 6000, based on the returns from 100 of the 143 districts, Ills majority in Norrlstown Is 1266. Ponrose's majority In Lower Mer lon township Is over 1200, Brumbaugh's 1300. For Congress, Watson, Republican, has a majority of 3000 over Harold Knight, Washington, and Harry Orlm, Democrat For State Senator, Frank Croft, Republi can, will have a majority of J000 over John Rex, Norrlstown. Washington, and Ed ward Ingersol, Penllyn, Democrat. Rex Is running third. Ingersol lost his own dis trict by three votes. Croft has over 1500 majority In Lower Merlon, his home. An unofficial count shows that the three Republican members of the Legis lature win by large pluralities. In the 1st District Ambler gets 4733; Henderson, Washington, 763, and McEvoy, Democrat, 2197. AmbWr Is for local option. In the 2d District Neville, Republican, has 4634, Farrell, Democrat, 1895. and Clark, Wash ington, 814. In the 3d District Landls, Re publican, has 4031, Bailey, 1973, and Mer cer, 12S7. In the 4th District Harvey 2 DIAMONDS! In 14k Solid Gold La Valliere with Chain, $ only j Value for the money that can't be equal ed anywhere, You get the advantage of our ability to buy diamonds low and mount them in set tings bought direct from the manufac turer. Wa guaran tee every stone to be absolutely as repre sented. (5 reserves this bargain for you This beautiful La Valliere U set vrltb to brilliant, flash lag, s p a r k 1 tug dlamooili. A fwh leaable iuuI exelu tlr dwlco. eae of the most Uttefvl tbat cuttl4 be pur chased. until Christmas. i MITCHELL'S Diamond Stores 37 South 8tk S6 North 8th "Price WUhout the liiui" Chrlstman, Dcmoerat, probably defeats Frederick Rholand. For Judgo of the Supreme Court George Kunkel runs far ahead of Robert Frnser, and Frank H. Trexler for the Superior Court has a big lead on James E. Clark. MONTOUR DANVILLE, Pn., Nov, 4.-Montour County, complete, gave Palmer 786; Pln chot, 6S6; Penrose, 90; McCormlck, 1341; Brumbaugh, 994; Fraser, 312; Kunkel, 1757; Clark, 639; Trexler, 1195. Lesher (D.) car ried Montour County for Congress by about 600. and la elected to Congress In the district by 2700. NORTHUMBERLAND SUNBORY. Pa., Nov. 4. Complete vote In Northumberland County early today shows; United States Senator Penrose. 9560: Palmer, 4518; Plnchot. 4010. Governor Brumbaugh, 10,050; McCor mlck. 8200. Supreme Court Kunkel, 9(37; Frazer, 6323. Congress, 16th District-John V. Lesher, Democrat, Sunbury, 15,316; W. W. Hefner, Washington, Centralln, 4001; Charles H. Robblns, Republican, Mt Cnrmol, 11,010. State Legislature, 27th District J. P. 8. Strlckler, Democrat, Lcwlsburg, 4100; John II. Krletzer, Washington, Milton, 8100; William C. McConnell, Republican, Srm mnkln, 9100. Legislature Aaron J. Raumm, Repub lican, Sunbury, 6000; George B. KUnger, Republican, Shamokln, 6303; William J. Caldwell, Democrat. Milton, 600. None for local option. NORTHAMPTON EASTON, Pa Nov. 4. Seventy-five dis tricts out of the 101 in tho 26th Congres sional District gave Penrose a voto of 4872 for United States Sonator. Palmer, In this, his own district, received 4063 votes. The gubernatorial contest was closer In this district. McCormlck received 5437 nnd Brumbaugh 4963 votes. H. J. Steele, tho Democratic nomtneo for Congress In this district, polled a big plurality. His voto was 54S4. This will be Increased by the vote of districts ns yet unheard from. Hoffman, the Republican candidate, re cc Ived 3414 and Edward Hart, of the Pro gressive party, 14S7. In tho State senatorial contest W. Clny ton Hackett. Democratlo nominee, polled 11,800 plurality. Mr. Hackett Is not for local option. The successful candidates for the members of tho Legislature were Geleor. Trach and Bonnlngor, all Demo crats, and all opposed to local option. Tho plurality for each Is botween 2000 nnd 2300. Judge Kunkel received 2300 votes over Frazor for the Supreme Court and Trexler received 4500 majority for tho Superior Court. PIKE MILFORD, Pa.. Nov. 4. Three districts of 13 In Pike County gave Palmer 102; Plnchot,'"S2; Penrose, 17; McCormlck, 166; Brumbaugh, 16. POTTER COUDERSPORT, Pa., Nov. 4. Five dis tricts of 34 In Potter County gave Palmer 76; rinchot. 111: renrose, 98; McCormlck, 168; Brumbaugh, 116. One district gave Frazer, 20; Kunkel, 67; Clark, 31; Trox ler, 67. SCHUYLKILL POTTSVILLE. Pa., Nov. 4. Tho Repub llcans of Schuylkill County elected every candidate but one on the Stnte and county tickets For Governor and United Stntes Senator, Brumbaugh and Ponrose have majorities, respectively, of from 3000 to 3500. For Congress, Robert D. Heaton, Republican, wins over Leo. Democrat, by 45CO. The Republicans elected a full legis lative delegation, with a single exception, Becker, in the 3d district. Tho Republicans are Scheaffer, In tho 1st District; Garner, In the 2d; Sones and Palmer, In the 4th: their majorities run from 1000 up. For Supreme Court Justices, Trexler has a majority of 2000, and Kunkel, 1000. SNYDER SELINSQROVE. Pa., Nov. 4. Tester day's election In Snyder County, so far as can be estimated at this time, ap proximately resulted as follows: United States Senator Penrose leads Plnchot by a majority ot 200 and Palmer by nearly 300. Governor Brumbaugh has SSI and Mc Cormlck 991; for Congress In this dis trict Focht, Republican, has 787; Dershem, Democrat, 197, and Johnson. Progressive, 462. State Senator McConnell, Republican, has SIS; Kreltzer, Progressive, has 457, nnd Strlckler, Democrat, 449. Woodruff, Pro gressive, for the Legislature, elected over Sampsoll, Republican, and flhlpe, Demo crat. Woodruff is for local'optlon. SOMERSET SOMERSET, Pa., Nov. 4. Returns from half the districts In Somerset Coun ty Indicate that Plnchot and McCormlck havo carried the county. James W. Ends ley, Republican, re-elected State Sena tor, and Woods N. Carr, Democrat, re elected to Congress. SUSQUEHANNA MONTROSE, Pa., Nov. 4.-MoFadden, Rep., has plurality of about 200 in Sus quehanna County for Congress over Dean and Stephens. The Palmer and Penrose vote Is too close to decide till county re turns are all In. Brumbaugh has about 1000 over McCormlck. E. E. Jones Is re elected to the Legislature by 1500. Ho was pledged to local option taw. TIOGA WELLSBORO, Pa., Nov. 4. Twenty three out of 44 election districts In Tioga County show the following returns: 20 to 50 i; Reductions Owing to present business condi tions I have been unable to dispose of my entire stock. To make a complete clear ance of my pems and jewelry, I am making the un usual reductions aa above. At these prices Jewelry ceases to be a luxury and becomes a safe, bona fide invest ment. ANDREW KAAS Jewels 1510 Cbeataut St Brumbaugh. MTU McCormlck, ires; Pen rose. 14SE: Psltrwr. txi- -pinnhnt. iiM TMf Congress-ttess, Wit Stokes, Wash., WlTS Reardon, Dem., 700. VENANGO FRANKLIN, Fa., Nov. 4.-Venwur County gave Palmer 1K; Plnchot, 1800 Penrose, &400, tor United States Benatnr. Governor-McCormlek, O00t Brumbaugh 2550. Congress Mclntrre, Democrat, MfOJ Hullngs, Wash., 1900; Miller, Rep., IW. WARBBN WARRBN, Pa.. Nov. 4. Republican woneeverr fight In Warren County with tho exception of that for Governor, Md Cormlck defeating' Brumbaugh by S0O votes. The race between Plnchot and Penrose was very close, with Palmer a poor third. Plnchot has 1K to 1SS0 for Penrose. Hullngs carried Warren bor ough by six votes, but lost the county. Miller, Republican, will represent tho 25th District In Congress. Republicans were elected to tho State-Senate and Legisla ture. WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, Pa Nov, I. Tho fusion ticket saved but two candidates from the Republican landslide here. J. W. Stewart, fusion candidate for State Senate In the 4th district, comprising Washington and Greene Counties, won over John II Hallam, Republican, by U00 votes. Hallam carried Washington County by approximately 400, but Stewart ran ahead In Greene by about 1600. T. B. H, Brownlee was a winner for re-election to the Assembly from Wash ington County by a plurality of SI votes over J. A. Sprowla. Republican. II. R, Myers and G. P. Baker, Republicans, are the other Assembly winners. Henry W Temple, Washington candl dato for Congress In the 24th district, comprising Washington, Lawrence and Beaver Counties, was defeated by W. M. Brown, Republican, by a plurality of ap proximately 4000. The voto for Brown, Temple and S. A. Barnum. tho latter Democratic nominee, In tho three counttes was: Washington County Barnum, 4176; Tem ple, 4S70; Brown, 6762. Beaver Barnum, 1783; Temple, 83M: Brown, 4244. , Lawrence Barnum, 1000; Temple, S0O0; Brown, 4200. Total Barnum, 6961; Temple, 11,203; Brown, 10,106. The complete unomdal voto In Wash ington County for Governor and United States Senator was: Brumbaugh, 7933; McCormlck, 777T; Pen rose, 716?; Palmer, 420O; rinchot, 4568. WAYNE HONESDALE. Pa., Nov. 4. Thirteen districts of Wayne County out of 42 givot For Governor, McCormlck, 743; Brum bnugh, C53. For Senator, Palmer, 231; Plnchot, 6S2; Penrose, 607. For Congress, Stephens, Washington, 4,49; McFadden, Republican, 4S7; Dean, Democrat, 309. For Stato Senate, Porham, WnshlngtonKj93; Decker, Republican, 487; Warner, Demo crat, 300. For Assemblyman, Samson. Washington, 429; Woodmaneee, Repub- , llcan, 404; Spencer, Democrat, SIS, Esti mates carefully made on remaining dis- trlcts Indicate that McCormlck will carry I county by large majority; Plnchot will ' also carry county, but by a less majority than McCormlck. Dana Stephens, for Congress, will receive plurality over Dean and McFadden. Spencer, Democrat, for Assembly, will probably be elected over Samson, Washington, nnd Wood man&ee. Republican, by small plurality. WESTMORELAND GREENSBURG, Pa,, Nov. 4.-Two dls trlcte In Westmoreland County Cu;e Palmer, 46; Plnchot, 62; Penrose, 126;. Cormlek, 91; Brumbaugh, 121; Fraiei j,. jvu.ini:,, ,4, .u.n, ,., ..caki, ., 1 . , YOBK YORK. Pa.. Nov. 4.-UnIted States' 'Tl Hfnntnr Pnlmer. fcLtV P.nrn. 7914; fl Plnchot, 2736. Governor McCormlck, 10, 3S2; Brumbaugh, 9110. Congress Brodbeck, Dem., 9916; Bealea, Rep., 10.154, State Senator Washers, Dem., 9783; Brunner, Rep., 91S5 (re-elected). Legislature 1st District. Robert 8, Spungler, Rep., re-elected; 2d District. William Eppley, Dem.; 3d District, S. J. Barnett, Rep.; 4th District, Harry Lanius, Dem.. re-elected. Barnett Is committed to local option. WARREN BELVIDERE. N. J.. Nov. 4. Warren County gives substantial pluralities for all tho Democratic candidates. Hart, for Congress, will have 1200 over Prince, Re publican. Barber, for Senator, and Her reck, Assembly, Democrats, are elected. Later returns from Warren County show that Hart, Democrat, for Congress, will not have more than 600 plurality. - Perry's This Year " Men Will Distinguish Themselves by the Overcoats They Wear ! These are the Overcoats! Raglan-shoulder coats, with bell-shaped body of beauti ful balance! Rows of stitch lng around collar, sleeve cuffs and skirt-bottom, $30 v At Perry a A double-breasted Great Coat, brown mixture, fancy plaid back, square shoul ders, rows of stitching on collar, cuffs and skirt bot. torn, $40 At Perry Genuine Sedan Monta? gnacs, $55; Persian collar; Coats, 560, ?65, 575; Pur lined coats, $75, $90, $J0f up. a Pm Perry &to.s'U 16th QsettoW Sn, V ' j vuu ru' Aat in", ni-.i ., ,.. . in- 1210 WALNUT ST, birVJ etmStwit trtgy p35 WV T -iifv-rir- vn 1L m ! -aaife ?i - -a. i,ta-m.itsjmftU. -f m ii:s-s6 .. rrr, . ... g2gggg M4t