Wmrnxmmmis 8 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEB I, 1914. t? A. tSa. A. pEuetung tEujtiger rUUUC LEDGER COMPANY CTRtJS 11 K. CURTIS, Pimidsht. 0t. W". Oehs. Secretary: John C. Martin. Treasurer! KTaitUs It. tudtniton. Philip 8. Collins, John n. Wit- lla.mii. Director. EDITORIAL BOAnD t Ciu II. K. Ccatis, Chairman. Br, tt. WHALfiY . t Executive Editor imi'.iii ' JOIttf 0. MAIITIN. ... . . , .General Business Manager Published dally at Pcttto Lioois Building-, Independence Square, Philadelphia. LiSMita CentjtlL. ......... .Broad and Chestnut Street KAtuNtir Citi... ,..rreittno Building new YOSK , ...i.g-A, Metropolitan TflTrer ZttlciOo. . 81T Home Insurance Bulletins; RtaMMrt 8 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, 8. W. NEWS BUREAUS: lUnitleDa Bcdkao ............ The Patriae Bulldlns; IWASHtsoTON Ilfdino.. ........ , The Pott Building WtlKtr Tork nto .... The Times Building IrntnltX BrmtiU 00 Frledrlchstrasse ItOHroN BCRiAt) ........... 3 Pall Mall Hast, fl W, rvtus -ucsuc.t 33 ru Louis te arena sunsciurno:' terms E Br. carrier, DjitLT Onlt, six cents. Br mall, postpaid feutsld of Philadelphia, except where foreign postage lit required, DAtLt Onlt, one month, twenty-five cents; rDllLY Onlt. one rear, three dollars. All mall luh. feacrlptlons payable In advance. BELL, 3000 WALNUT KETSTONE, MAIM 3000 W Addrest all communication to Evening Ztdgtr, Independence Square, Philadelphia axrosD at thi rmtiDBLniu rosiorrioi n ixcowo- CLASS Milt, U1TTEB. rillLADEUlllA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 191 1. Tho Governor-Elect DOCTOR BRUMBAUGH'S candidacy was ono of the most attractlvo over offered to tho peoplo of Pennsylvania. Ilia con splcuqus service In tho causo of education had endeared htm to all ranks. His splendid Independence, revealed over and over again during tho campaign; his tenacious hold on his Individual platform; his frankness of uttoranco and tho obvious sincerity of his purpose combined to malto him Irresistible. 'At no tlmo was his election by a substantial majority in doubt, but even hlB most en thusiastic supporters were unprepared for the overwhelming indorsement which he has received. Doctor Brumbaugh's election means a new era In State government. He approaches his task with a wealth of equipment. Few men surpass him in natural capacity, and his training has devoted him to tho best Interests of the great masses, for the benefit of whom his life service has been given. His perspec tive) Is broad. His executive experience Is great. Ho has been so wrapped up In tho isplratlons of Pennsylvania that no man is noro conversant than he with the needs and alms of the State. There will be no place for scandal while his hands hold the reins. Pennsylvania by electing Doctor Brum baugh has vindicated her intelligence and jober common sense. It is a great victory for tho people. Italy and the Allies TTAIiYS tenure in North Africa is obviously UL tied up with that of Great Britain's ' stability in Egypt. If the Moslem tribes, over which tho Sultan claims a suzerainty .ccoed. In breaking England's hold upon ypt they would follow up their victory ty l.h'rklnc the Italians In Tripoli. A j Tripoli has been a costly experiment for Italy alreaay ana sne win not reunquian nor -hard-won possession without a struggle. An n'llliinm for the defense of their African holdings will be the most natural thing for Great Britain and Italy. But It will bo cer tain to draw Italy into tho European phase of the war. Memories of Zanzibar ZANZIBAR! The name stirs memories. It reminds some of us that we once knew what Zanzibar is. For a moment or two wo are puzzled to decide whether it is a comio opera or an island. Anyway, it does not seem very important. ,, Tho other day a small boy exclaimed, What's tho use of studying geography? It's all going to be changed!" But the enter prising business man who sells abroad has a different viewpoint. This is the very time 1 when he should study geography geography in its commercial aspects. And so, after all, Zanzibar is important Zanzibar will take large quantities of Ameri can goods If we ourselves do something about It, There are many Zanzlbars. There is flerra Leone, for instance; and Liberia, and if in Togoland. American hardware, bulld- materlals, cotton goods and foodstuffs nantsd. now that EurODean sources of pply have been cut off. True, we have wketa in South America, in the Orient in tr trope itself; but let us not despise the -jJanzlbars of commercial opportunity. , .. .. r, . .. . Marking Time in Mexico tTTTHETHER Mexico will ever be able to TYV settle her own problems is still a mat- 'ter of doubt The election of General Gutterres n President for 10 days is simply an expedient a truce, until a permanent President can be chosen. jWhat Mexico needs Is a strong man who la also a clean man. Such a one has not yet loomed up. Carranza gave promise of Being able to meet tne aemana ana nope Ighco fixed upon hjra as the Ideal, but he betas now not to be sutncienuy strong tor jhe ask. Tfce whole world certainly la giving Mexico KKfMr chance to work out her own salvation. 94 If she fails America ultimately may hare Ice up the white roan'o burden. Iffice Seeking as Strenuous Exercise political candidate gets more than shore of whips and scorns and proud L's eentumeiy. spring tne election ne stand Itt but now, when the battle Is certain of his long-suffering virtues aid be commended. "' It Ja no easy thing, this purvntt of office. JfcgHSjcg lb public attack to wnleh tt lays SgTiVefi, it la a draining fatigue as a mere l ext)trae, air. u ioiww ntu coi- agaln under the strain. Gltford Pin- auXered vocally during the Pennsyl- after day of campaigning, long ridea j, etug eosircace. speeoa upon speeen. to fee met hands to be shaken, the Jut of M-oser aieei?k is net & light r t b er4 at Happy the es( wUa)i ) oanditigfaa anal tails day. SigjhCoMof Quawel Urfr, L, Lni'fliiy 30) T Unnecessary litigation. In Massachusetts the workmen's compensation law has resulted In tho almost completo elimination of personal injury cases from tho Courts, and therefore in n great Bavlng of expenso to Stato and to employers and employes. Tho statute leaves employers and employes nothing to quarrel about; there Is no Incen tive to attempt Imposition and no opportunity for quibbling. The operation of this law favors co-operation and harmony; It helps to humanize Industry. Causes of friction aro removed: advantages aro found to bo mutual. Ono of tho remarkable features of tho work ing of tho Massachusetts law lies In the great percentage of claims that aro settled by agreement botween applicants and Insurers before they have reached formally an arbi tration committee or the Industrial Accident Board. This Is because, In tho handling of all cases, a man-to-man, get-together spirit has taken tho placo of tho kind of litigation which from beginning to end deepens per sonal and class enmity. Half a Victory THE Republican landslide has ewept Son ator Penroso back Into ofllco. Ills In dorsement Is apparently moro emphatic than that glvon Doctor Brumbaugh. Thcro aro excellent reasons for deploring this result. Tho tlmo seemed rlpo for emphatic repudia tion of the methods and means of tho Pon roso political systom, without sacrifice of tho great Republican principles which havo been and should havo been vindicated. The great mass of Republicans, however, felt that heroic treatment was necossary to warn the "Wilson Administration to quit tinkering. Tho lnsensato Interference with business, tho passago of tho meaningless but dlsturbful additional anti-trust legisla tion, the constant experimentation with pros perity Induced thousands of good men to subordinate tho moral to tho economic as pects of tho situation. They believed that Pennsylvania must speak her mind on pro tection and they doubted If the election of Doctor Brumbaugh olono would bo properly Interpreted by the nation. Tho whisky Democrats openly knifed their party ticket. This was anticipated, but It was assumed that tie revolt of Independent Republicans would counteract this move ment. It did not. Tho Evening; Ledoeh has no sympathy with tho political methods of Sonator Pen rose. It Is convinced that men of the Sulli van typo In Illinois aro a menace to Ameri can institutions. The fight for good government has won a signal victory In tho election of Doctor Brumbaugh. Just as significant a triumph has been achieved In New York by tho ro markable triumph of Mr Whitman. These aro the men who will bulk largo in Repub lican councils hereafter, tho prophets of a new order. The repudiation of Tammany will be fol lowed by similar repudiation of the Organi zation in Philadelphia, The protagonists of good government have no reason to be dis couraged. Already their loins aro girded to continue the fight and they have the groat victory of Doctor Brumbaugh to Inspire them. Hawks and Gulls NATURALLY every ono wishes to bo rich and to attain to wealth with as little effort as possible. When a man comes along with fabulous promises and can quote well known names as a guarantee there aro al ways thousands of unsuspecting people ready to fall to the lure. James Hagg has been convicted for fraudulent utie of tho malls to promote his schemes. Ho promised BO per cent, per year and used the namo of Daniel N. Morgan, treasurer of tho United States under President Cleveland, as an associate in tho enterprise. Men and women with small amounts to in vest ought to know by now that BO per cent, investment enterprises do not need to be ad vertised through the malls or by any other means If there Is any such opportunity re quiring money, that money can be easily fur nished by the men who are on the Inside No one has ever tried to -estimate the millions lost each year to the flamboyant promoters by people who ought to be Investing It with the utmost care and who can 111 afford to lose any. Philadelphia's Cheerful Spenders BANKERS, brokers and manufacturers are not the sole judges between pros perity and calamity. It Is a waste of breath to talk pessimism to people of small or mod erate Incomes' who find themselves able to spend as freely as the patrons of Philadel phia stores. It Is credibly stated that the sales of de partment stores In this city have increased over thotfe of last year, despite the war; and this fact Is all the more significant because the little Neighborhood groceries and mer chandise shops are likewise thriving. Let economy to with spending, but let the ability to spend teach a lesson in optimism. An Evening With a Book AS THE excitement Incident to the annual . November election dies down the thoughts of multitudes of men turn toward the quiet and refining delights of the eve ning by the fireside. Political strife as a periodic paroxysm is inseparable from Amer ican citizenship, but It IS no more typical of American life than the love of home. With the long winter evenings come the pleasures of reading, when one can follow one's fancy to distant worlds In quest of ad-1 venture, or store one's mind with useful knowledge, or make new friends among the great characters of the past or unfold the fascinating pages of human progress as re corded in history. Welcome the armchair, the lighted lamp, the cheerful hearth, the open bookl Culebra Cut is Just one slide after another. All is over but the shouting of post mortems and alibis. It seems that Germany should be able to spare us plenty of dye-stuffs, most of her dying at present being ydons on the battle field. In electing General Gutterrea Provisional President for only 20 days, the Mexican con vention Is merely giving legal recognition to established custom. Even the most anemia of absentee voters hadnt a shadow of an exeuse yesterday. Indeed election day might save been held any time within a week past without tm baffaiimeat frtwn the weather. Istrattwttisg war prices nsxt year, the farm era ol Kansas are said t bo putting In the naiMt fwrasMt wfc strops- If anything noes wrong in their calculation., Atturrka wtJ ttt tvUrw have to i.us a, nw ,jtet THE HANDS OF ESAU Era of Experts in Municipal Administration a Great Blow to Councilmen. Remarkable Saving Effected by Scientific Conduct of tbc City's Busi ness Crookedness No Longer tbc Rule Why is Councils? "The voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are tho hands of Esau." FOREWOHD "J?ehtem6er that to change thy opinion and to follow him who corrects thy error is as consistent with freedom as it is to persist in thy error. For it is thy own, the activity which is exerted according to thy own understanding, loo. Marcus Aurclius. Better government in Philadelphia is being slowly strangled. The Blankenburg Ad ministration of a fcv city offices expresses batter government just as completely as an aittt Tammany Administration does in New York. The cold fingers of "The Organization," Philadelphia's Tammany, twisting dexterously through a pliable majority in Councils and officials under control, are pressing hard on its windpipe. Unless pried off by the people themselves strangulation of better government must ensue. In the modest palaces behind the myriad two-story red-brick fronts of working Philadelphia dwell the real beneficiaries of better government. Their support alone means better government. The worst that can be said of people who toil is that they arc sometimes too tired to study a publio subject SOMETIMES, NOT ALWAYS. NO. XIV-SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT YES, tho election Is over, but wo still have our big and llttlo municipal problems to faco and solvo. Men aro transitory; princi ples", everlasting. Wo must keep right on thinking about better government tor our handful of honest men are still out In tho trenches tho officials of tho Blankenburg administration desperately holding that "tiny northwest corner" of our local Belgium, tho few scattering administrative offices un der tho Mayor. Are theso men discouraged? No. What keeps' their spirits up? Why, they aro mak ing a pago of history that futuro Philadelphia can always turn to with pride. It is really something to havo mado a record puts spring In the heels and color In the eyo; warms the cockles of tho heart from within, and lifts the mind to tho clouds beyond tho range of undeserved criticism. Not to havo felt it Is to havo lost tho meaning of life. Here Is tho nucleus of a real government for the people and of the peoplo going on, and we are missing the details. Why? Bo cause tho Philadelphia resident for years has been drilled to look upon tho Councilman as his closest and silo political agent. Our busy, prosperous, Independent folic aro taught to believe that tho business of government can best bo handled by middlemen Council men or ward leaders, often tho same person. It works out this1 way: Discover a hole In the street that hampers tho movemont of goods out from your ship ping department, you seo tho Councilman; get a summons for Jury duty when a rush of new business Is on, you see tho Council man; need an extra street lamp In the block, you see tho Councilman; or the front lawn Is flooded from a broken water main, and again you seo tho Councilman. Tho growth of the power of tho Individual Councilman and his Inseparable twin, the ward leader, has been steady and InBldlous. It explains the Gargantuan grip of "The Or ganization" upon the public. At first, the Councilman, nsldo from his functions aa a legislative arm of government, was simply a convenient means of contact with admin istrate government. But tho possibilities of the unsalaried Job soon dawned upon po litical aspirants, and a Councilman becamo an opon medium for compromise with every phase of government, law, order, and even Justice. It has followed that tho average Council man has appropriated to himself tho role of Intermediary to government. He actually sets himself up as an Interpreter for lan guages he cannot speak, for with exports In engineering looking after the public business at City Hall, he has entered a thick fog. Scientific management Is beyond the grasp of his mental equipment. Drop any man In importance to the level of a false prophet and he suffers keenly, and thirsts for vengeance. Before the expert, the professional Councilman stands unmasked, a pathetic relic of Inefficiency, and tho principal causo of the enormous, criminal and scanda lous post waste of the public funds of our beautiful city which has shamed us all. He feels concernedly the showing up he is getting. Enter the expert Intelligent, effective and courageous. He Is the keynote of the new government in City Hall. He Is balancing the city's books. He is getting a dollar's worth for every dollar spent by the city. He Is writing proper safeguards Into specifi cations. He is advertising for bids. He Is operating tho public business as a private undertaking. He is getting more work and longer hours out of the minor employe, at the same tlmo treating him better. He an swers every letter received from a citizen. He sees that all work done under contract is properly Inspected. It Is only natural that members of Councils should object to the expert. Employment of any agent by the city which curtails their authority Is resented. How these Council men do roar against the city hiring the man who knows! Every posilble obstacle they can devise Is placed In the path of expert advice for the city. They refuse to appro priate the money to hire experts. They Jeer with the puffy swellings of the neck that bespeak deep anger. Under the Blankenburg administration the assistance for Philadelphia of over three score experts has been obtained over the ob structions of Councils. Many gave their services without charge when the circum stances were explained. Director Morris L. Cooke, of the Department of Publio Works, who knows the value of efficiency through Intimate association with Frederick W. Tay lor, the great national authority on business management, has been master of ceremonies fur the Mayor In getting- these experts, and the city la under no small debt to Mr, Cooke. Work is always best done by those who are up on the short-cuts. Prior to the advent of Mr, Cooke In the Department of Publio Works, the very specifications under which the city work was done were drawn at the direction of the con tractors who did the work. Most of the men In the city's employ were former em ployea of the contractors. They were named to their Jobs by the contractors themselves, and In return were expected to serve their interests and not those of the city. Work was often Inspected by men on the contrac tors' payrolls. Aa the contractors were pow ers in "The Organization," the city em ployes dared not make adverse reports on their werk. An assistant commissioner of the Bureau of Highways, drawing IHM a year, admitted he knew nothing of tdghway engineering Others were small-fry poxttcal Iadrs. Tne I butt ay Inspectors were worse than InefA , t . '. unr the largest pan . t hia tin e policy slips. Another ran an Immoral re- sort. Another kopt beer and whisky In his ofllco on olcctlon day for tho uso of members of political organizations. Still another used his position to lntlmtdato tho aliens nmong whom ho lived. Many of them could barely write, and thcro was not a man In tho lot fulls competent to prepare an ordinary engi neering report. There were Innumerable cases where em ployes of tho city wore holding down out sldo Jobs. Somo of tho top-grado employes had larger Incomes from private sources than from tho city. Thoso quit tho city when brought to book. Among tho unskilled labor cis woro men who served paper and milk routes and cared for prlvato lawns boforo they camo to work for the city. This mado them laggards, cases being known where teams wore hitched and their drivers Bpont an ontlro day molting a trip to City Hall arid back again for their pay. On tho city's books, expenses of opera tion, of maintenance and of construction woro all mixed up and in a chaotic condi tion. There was no system in the keeping of accounts or supplies. If a city employe wanted paint or hardware, stationery or other small materials, he helped himself to tho city's supply. Ono man was permitted to resign On tho advice of the District Attorney because ho removed 20 wagon loads of ma terial from a station of which he was the responsible head. Public material used for prlvato purpose was tho obvious consequonce of loose management of city affairs. Then thcro was tho annual political as sessment of ofllce-holders, probably carried on moro daringly hero than anywhoro olso In tho country, Mr. Cooko has tho evidence to show that nearly JB,000,000 was collected for political purposes from city and county employes of Philadelphia Is less than a dec ade. The schedulo of assessment rates were: One per cent on salaries of $900 and under; 14 per cent, on salaries from J1000 to $1900; 2 per cent on salaries from $2000 to $2900; 3 per cent on salaries from $3000 to $5900, and 4 per cent on salaries of $6000 and over. But with tho BJankenburg Administration the clock of municipal crookedness stopped short, and, it Is to be hoped, never to run again. Tho rascals have been weeded out, one by one. It takes tlmo. Besides, the newcomers at tho head of tho departments wero not building up nn Independent political ma chine. They simply tried to get the city on a business basts. That a man belonged to a political organization was not deemed suffi cient cause for his dlschargo. He must do his work for the city well; ho must be hon est, and loyal to his Immediate superiors; ho must put in full time theso were the re quirements of the present administrative heads at City HalL For a time the contractor overlords watched the program of the Blankenburg Administration with curious disinterest. It was not until they heard some of their very underlings standing up for the now order that thpy decided to inaugurate a reprisal in Councils. Bettering tho condition of the city's em ployes Is not popular with Jim McNIchol and the Vares. There Is a Unge of Russia In "Tho Organization." The little fellows must be kopt to know their places. Tho opening of a frco municipal reference library In Room B07, City Hall, was hooted at over In 16th street. Lectures for tho highway Inspectors and other employes were greeted with sneers from the ward leaders. Ofllce-holders were Instructed to keep away from these meetings. It would not do to havo them know too much. Anyhow, they should not be "teached" by the "fake reformers." But In spite of all this opposition the task of bringing the various departments up to their highest possible effectiveness has gone steadily forward. There being no axe to grind but the publio interest, the Blanken burg officials have worked along In the su premo hope that Philadelphia would see for Itself how the contractor overlords are the common enemy. A remarkable Incident of the bousecleaning In the Department of Publio Works was the finding by Mr, Cooke of a certified check for $9700 that had been hidden for six years In some old papers of a safe. The check was deposited to the credit of the city, and $1100 was paid by the bank for Interest Through this discovery it was found that other mon eys had been paid to the Bureau of Water which had not reached the city treasury. For the benefit of the thieves, we may state they are protected by the statute of limi tations. Showing how Councils' represents the con tractor overlords, and not the people, Is Its failure to authorize the change In lighting of 11,000 street lamps that were found to be located on gas mains. They are now gaso line lamps and cost $29 CO each to light. Let Councils act and It will cost $23 20 to light them, and the city will be saved over 6000 a year. The gas company la obligated under Its contract to make the connection of the lamps with the mains. But Councils blocks. Thla la only one Instance. There are hun dreds. Director Cooke, In spite of every handicap, has made a saving for the city of upward of $700,000 on three lettlnga of the garbage con tract He has1 reduced the expenses of the Water. Bureau between $50,000 and $100,000. He has saved $30,000 yearly In the cleaning of City Hall, and has driven the spike of protest tato the contrasting methods of Bdwla H. Vara at League Island Park by tying up the payment of 109,009 claimed for work improperly dene. Meanwhile Philadelphia U getting the nest expert advice that is going Sere U some the Graduate School of Applied Science, Har vard University. On fiscal matters, Dr. Leo S. Rowe, of the Academy of Political and Social Sclcnco. On markets, Dr. Clyde L. King, University of Pennsylvania. On streot cleaning, Commissioner J. W. Paxton, of Washington, D. C. On filtering, Prof. Georgo C. Whipple, Har vard University. On mosquito extermination, Dr. Honry Skinner, Academy of Natural Sciences, Phil adelphia. On management. Major A. C. HIno and Mr. Frederick W. Taylor. On water, Dr. Hollls Godfrey, Droxel Insti tute; Dr. Charles' Penroso and Dr. A. C. Ab bott University of Pennsylvania. In charge of tho Important Bureau of High ways was placed William II. Connoll, an experienced engineer from Now York. This was tho bureau formerly operated for tho bonoflt of a fow contractors. It was to bo expected that Councils would avenge tho con tractors. Councils did that It has refused to supply funds" necessary to keep tho streets In ropalr and U3 mon had to bo laid off. A holo in a street, onco started, gets blggor and bigger until It Is mended. It Is foolish to have good roads unless they aro main tained. Repair work cannot bo proporly dono by contract. It must bo dono by city employes. There aro 1100 miles of city streets In Philadelphia. Because of Councils' falluro to provide funds f-r tho repair work, there aro about 40 men available. Tho earmarks aro that Councils Is seeking to put tho streets Into such a condition that thoy will have to bo entirely repaved In 1916. There are subtle minds' bohlnd Councils. Why Is Councils? VIEWS OF READERS ON TIMELY TOPICS Contributions That Reflect Public Opin ion on Subjects Important to City, State and Nation. To the Editor ef th Evening Ledger: Sir Whllo you are making your courageous fight for efficient transit In Philadelphia, may I call jour attention to a piece of stupid rerout ing, which pny goes to show how necessary a capable mannger Is for tho system? Heretofore there have been two lines running on Glrard avenue between Front street, or thereabouts, and 40th street. As a result thoso who did not wish to go farther than 40th street were taken by lino 14, nnd tho crowds which went as far as B2d and COth transfer points were accommo dated on lino IE Tho new route, 25, which sup plants Routo 14, does not drain Glrard avenue at all, and as a result tho enormous crowds all along that street aro compelled to Jam Into the cats of Route 15 and tho Jams aro worse than anything your reporter has yet described. Keep up your fight for; real rapid transit; but meanwhile lot us have some common sense. NIGHT RIDER. Philadelphia, November 2. INTOLERABLE TRANSIT CONDITIONS To the Editor of tht Evening Ledgtr: Sir Tho article In tho Evening Ledoer of Saturday, October 30, 1914, In regard to the poor trolley service to and from tho Philadelphia Navy Yard represents tho true conditions now oxlstlng, Tho photographs, Bhowlng oxactly tho crowded and Jammed conditions at the close of working hours, wero splondld, and aro an un answerable argument against tho poor transit facilities now furnished tho employes of the Navy Yard. The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company has been appealed to tlmo after tlmo to better the trolley sorvlco to and from tho yard This could easily be done by putting on a sufficient number of cars during tho rush hours. Thorn Is no excuse for tho strap-hanging and crowded conditions now existing during tho mornings and afternoons. The commandant of this navy yard, Captain Benson, has done overythlng In his power to better theso conditions. Leaving out the question of any considera tion for tho comfort and safety of Its passen gers, tho Philadelphia Itapld Transit Company, In refusing to furnish adequnto transit facili ties to and from tho Navy Yard, Is pursuing a policy detrimental to Its financial Interests, as many of the employes use bicycles, and In good weather a largo number of employes living downtown walk home In preference to making a fight to get on the cars. We thank you for your excellent article, and hope that you will continue the fight until the conditions are Improved. G n. WILLIAMS, Chairman Committee of Employes, Navy Yard. Philadelphia, November 3. ORIGIN OF ABOLITION To tht Editor of tht Evening Ledger: Sir "Who wero tho aboil tlonlBts and where djd they originate?" n. S. C. The abolition movement did not originate In Boston, and it was never popular thore In ante-bellum times; Garrison and Phillips wero neither of them Identified with tho early efforts looking to emancipation "Unconditional" abolition was advocated by relatively few of thoso concerned in the propaganda. At this moment I recall only Garrison and John Brown. F. J, P. Philadelphia, October 21. NATIONAL POINT OF VIEW The people will be less satisfied after this war. They will refuse patiently to accept the old order of things In many cases. They will demand more. Having experienced the horrors of war, they will be less tractable under the lash of government authority. Reigning houses may totter under the new strain, the new erupt ive forces originating deep down among the masses, Milwaukee Journal. Before many sears, it is to bo hoped, the United States will once more have a merchant marine engaged In foreign trade. It la altogether desirable that the naval powers shall understand that that marine is going to be pro tected by the national policy of the country, A proper precedent established now will be re garded in the future. Washington Times. The royal opportunities are eurs, but we must butld the roads to them. We shall have a merchant marine when we meet the logie of the situation, eyen if that logic leads to ship subsidies. We shall not have South American trade until we have accepted the facts as they exist; until we have settled the primary prob lems of banking and exchange and realized that the nation that bus the products of another nation will, in the long run, sell Us own prod ucts In exchange to that same nation. Albany Knickerbocker Press. CURIOSITY SHOP The speculum of Doctor Dee was called the Angelical Stone, because, he asserted, It had beep presented to him by the angels Raphael and Gabriel. It passed into the possession of the Earl of Peterborough, thence to Lady Betty Qennalne. by whom It was given to the Duke of Argyle. Eventu ally It passed to Horace Walpole. In 1(42 It was sold at auction. The word "barbecue" Is supposed to have originated from the French, barbe a queue (from snout to tall). The roasting of an entire pig or ox was a political necessity In bygone days, but has gone out of fashion In the last generation The famed Bridge of Sighs connects the palace of the Doge of YenUe with the State prlsorf In "Chllde Harold,' Byron eaya: "I stood In Venlee on the Bridge of Sighs, A palace and a prison on each hand.'' Titus, tho Roman Emperor (A, D, 40-81), was known as the "Delight of Mankind.'' Thompson In bla "Llbuty" baa tWss "Titus, indeed, gave one shrt evening gleam, Muie lordUi fait, as in th nlot U aliread f i Wr..r I he iieli it A SCRAPPLE Our Abo nnd Mawrn on the War , Tho firm of Potash & Perlmuttor waa in something of nn uproar. It hnd Just been discovered that the receipts, net above all, for October, 1914, wero 200 less than thoso for October, 1913. It's a artlclo in this morning's paper eays dat's tho effect of tho war, dat'a what It is, Abo," said Mr. Perlmuttor soothingly. "It'8 dlo Doutschen, not tho war," that gentleman retorted. "Now, Mawruss, It's no uso taikln'. When not for tho Germans, then no war." "You'ro a Russian, Abe, ain't you?" was tho reply In Mawruss' best sarcastlo vein, "Don't bo n fool. You know, Mawruss, I nln't crazy about Fonya Russ. Wot I care about Nikolai? A black year on him. But yo got to hand it to him, like thoy say on tho streot It won't bo a Deutooher left when he " "You'ro a fool, Abo, Just becauso I como It from Homburg you t'Ink you can blenzs mo In tho eyes, don't you 7 Noaslr. Russia Is n gonlf. Yestorday It came hero a Bales man Grodofsky, you know him, from Kop plemann; ho should live so like he'll pay us that bill," And hero, more Important matters Inter vening, Messrs. Potash and Porlmutter left tho war to tako care of Itself. Also Whisky Tho most confusing things In Mexico la pulquo. Muchias Gracing Parngraphers' Union No. 0 extends Its collectlvo thanks to Turkey for furnishing a now subject for wheozea. Phonetics Wonder If tho tired soldiers of tha Little Wlilto Cznr bcgullo tho passing hours In the trenches having Russian spelling beosT Puzzle Oh, say, havo you heard of tho latest exploit Of tho tangoing, fish-walking girls. Do you know why the dears ore so very adroit In the whirls? Havo you wondered at times at the mar velous paco That tho ladles accept as a cinch? At tho twists they accomplish with curious grace In a pinch? Do you linger at halls whore the Argentine danco Is tho thing, and whero waltzing Is not? Are you quite at a loss how the ladles do prance In the trot? Do you know how each foot of a tangoing dress Of flno cropo do chine or foulard Is persuaded to stretch till it reaches, I guess, To a yard? Aro you searching to learn how this difficult stunt Is performed without hatting an eye? If you are, If It's accurate knowledgo you want So do I. A Good Time "Doet papa's llttlo boy want to go to the country tomorrow to see his grandma?" asked 6-year-old Tommy's fathor. "Sur6, daddy, If the chickens are rlpo now," the youngster replied. Odd "Funny thing about matrimony." "Continue." "It's only In tho case of a poor match that tho sparks fly." "We Use Both Temptation doth Insinuate; Alt our ideas aro hazy; Our tired mind will not create And o'en the muse Is lazy. We do dislike, so many times, The bones of war to rattle, But one point's good for many rhymes Where Europe's nations battle. And so wo ask this simple one And thereby shift the burden; Do you prefer to say Verdun Or would you call It Verdun? Truth Is Stranger Than Press Agents Leopold Stokowskl Narrowly Escapes Death. Fritz Krelsler Shot Vannl Marcoux Reported Shot. Fifty Operatic Stars Detained In War Zone. News items. An Artist "Funny, that Brown should havo such an aversion to borrowing, Isn't It?" "Yes, how much did he Induce you to force on him?" Ragging Around Buwane River. Way down upon tho Suwanee River, It's far away. It's far away; , But that Is whero I'd love to Btay, Beside the Suwanee River, far away. My heart Is turnln'. my heart Is burnln' For that far-off Suwanee shore; Come hug ma some more On that Suwanee Bhore. All the world Is sad an dreary Gee, this life's got mo leary For the Suwanee, Suwanee River Far away. Outside Stuff It must have a meaning or It wouldn't have been printed: "A succeeding climax strongly brings back the subjective hue of the earlier symphony. A counter-theme of the text of the second melody of allegro now ono above, now the other Is the final stroke. Even tho shaking of the trumpet figure is there at the height, in all the brass. Yet as a whole the first melody prevails with abundant variations of runs In the wood against the song of the Btrlngs." From program notes to Tschal kowsky'a Fourth Symphony. Horrors of War "This war In Europe la a terrible thing." "Sure, but tt ought to cut down Irrigation to this country." Oh, Yes "Fear," said the professor, "Is absolutely foolish." "Yes," remarked one of tho atudenta pleasantly, "It does cover ono with goose flesh." The Babbling Fool Now that the President has Issued his proclamation, there will be many wise folk going about asking "What has a man to ba thankful for? Here Is a provisional llsti That the people who are oyntcal about Thanksgiving are not quite ao noisy thla year. That there Is no law compelling women to smoke. That water still flows under bridges. That owing to the war the professors of economies haven't broken Into the news col umns this fall. That the "sex novel" and the "sex play" have gone forever. That the people who usually Interfere with your business are too busy explaining how they would have run the war. Thai no matter how stupid or haw sleepy you are, the war gives you something to talk about That there Is no law compelling people to read the novels of (your favor ite abomination, whoever ha la). That the comio opera crop la excellent this year. That for the amusement of society at Ursa ex-Presldenta are not chloroformed after their term of ofBes. That there aren't too many honest peosla In the world. " " That the "stylish young man" and tha &?'? "llBded wow feav gone to Umbo! That the twuple wbo write hooka mtol -t ii t. i i t'R. tiovtirnmeut SJ-e not tt a 1 t a 1 1 fe-3SJ(P W illj"e Cfft! li , .. ""'U.15U lu ruD lri- Q-q ....- ,. . fi ' --- ...trT w'sjTisrr'BBsramignsBalsasTTaaMsaWa