Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 03, 1914, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 7

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"' WWHWl i1 '"''IVI''j "T'Tm r-irv"' t - -v
I i i i i Ill I-
Beethoven and Strauss
Played to Perfection y
Doctor Muck and H i s
The SOth season of the Boston Sym
phony Orchestra In rhllndelphla began
last night at the Academy of Music. Dr.
Knrl Muck brought his entire band of
300 musicians, with but two substitutions
caused by the war. The personnel of the
orchestra, with Messrs. Wllek, Longy.
"Wnrnke nnd Maqunrre, Is as familiar nnd
ns grateful to l'hltadetphln as the buff
covered program with Mr. Hale's de
lightfully Inconsequential notes. And
last night, when that familiarity wn
Justified by the perfect performance
'which the orchestra gave, the enthusiasm
of the audience touched oven Dr. Muck
to an unwonted movement of sympathy
with his players.
What the Boston Symphony has above
everything Is perfect tone, not only In
the superb wind choir, not only In the
olo oboe or In tho horns, but In Ite en
semble, a vastly more difficult thing to
attain. Last night there was perhaps
but one second of time In which tho tone
fell oft. The rcBt of tho ovenlng It was
impeccable, and although the pieces they
played is none of them dependent wholly
on tone, the fulness and the grandeur of
each was realized through that quality.
To single out the work of Mr. "Warnko
and Mr. Longy In tho funeral march of
the "Erolcn." of the horns In the "Don
Juan," and of tho strings In tho dellcato
fugel Interludes of the "Bartered Bride"
Is only tp Indicate that In the most diffi
cult of parts tho Boston players aro at
their best.
Doctor Muck's program was wisely, al
most cleverly, arranged. Its symphony
Is familiar, but Doctor Muck chose to
play It because he was ablo to make a,
how thing of It Against It he placed tho
tempestuous "Don Juan" and evoked mel
odious beauty nnd sensuous .-npeal of an
extraordinary power. Tho quirKty In the
"Don Juan" which makes It so power
ful Is that, unllko tho Beethoven, Its
emotional appeal is centered through tho
burning glass of tho Intellect, while Bee
thoven Is pure sunshine, fire and nlr. It
is generally considered that the Injection
of the mind Into an affair of passion Is
ruinous. The appeal of last night's tone
poem was adequate answer to this Ill
considered opinion. Then, to Blacken the
efraln, the orchestra played Smctana,
eloriouely humorous and healthy, played
it with Joyous spirit and almost reckless
Pasquale Amato was tho soloist of tho
evening, and vory good he had to be to
make himself a place there. That Mr.
Amato's triumph, was personal, while that
of tho geniuses of the orchestra was so
cial, Is hardly to be held against him. Ho
was the soloist and not a member of tho
playing organization. Ho assuredly tri
umphed. In spl- of some difficulties with
the second veme of his Salnt-Saens aria,
because his voice was rich and robust,
Jits tones well sustained, and his dra
matic feeling, ugaln in SalntlJaens, Ir
reproachable. In tho IlandeViilr, known
familiarly In what Mr. Hf ? calls "the
preposterous arrangement" jf tho "Lar
go," Mr. Amato could nof be dramatic;
the song Is a pure flow of easy, almost
expressionless feeling, and Mr. Amato
was artistically Just In hlB singing. Ho
Bang easily, without a trace of labored
"production." That ho made a great
many people think of Tltta Ruffo, and
think without prejudice to himself. Is
sufficient compliment to him.
The Beethoven symphony was by
divine right the triumph of the evening.
The fact that it was heard In the samo
place a week ago contributed to tho
further glory of Doctor Muck and his
men. From tho moment the 'cellos gave
out the sonorous first theme, to the ex
uberant apotheosis of the last moment,
the playing was of the highest order,
and that being said, there remains only
consideration of the Interpretation which
Dr. Muck put upon the muslo. It Is
more than a century since the "Erolca"
-was first played, and It Is very possible
that many conductors have played It cor
rectly before. It Is certain that most
have played It vilely. Last night It was
played as Beethoven might have wished
It, and played so as to end forever the
rather silly discussions as to "what It
stands for," In all the meanings
ascribed to It, Wagner's alone has sense.
The "Erolca" Is Napoleonic because at
the time It was written Napoleon ap
peared to Beethoven as the completo
man, the balancing of all human powers
Into titanic perfection. That Is all. But
what life meant to" Beethoven Is even
more Important than the individual who
represented life at Us best to him. The
meaning of the funeral march with the
dashing, fearless scherzo placed after It,
was made beautifully clear last night
It Is that In the midst of death we are
in life and that Is a more glorious
truth than that In the midst of death
we are In lifo. That la why the "Erolca"
is the bravest, the subllmest of sym
phonies. Played as It waa last night It
made tho ordinary affairs of existence
things of precious and wonderful im
portance. It achieved what all great
muslo should, what Mahler's Fifth Sym
phony, for example, achieves In the
same way the transformation of life
Into a more splendid thing than It seems.
That achievement marks the greatness
of Doctor Muck. He conducted last
night with all his old aristocratic pbwer,
passionless and proud, apparently, but
moving his orchestra and his hearers
to passion and to pain. The restrained
and ordered power of his leading, the
final ability to command the rarest
subtleties of feeling, wore his. His
gaunt Mepblstolean graces stood apart
from the orchestra; he seemed to com
mand and to listen with all the air of
a conqueror. His conquest, for that, was
Immeasurably good.
Bheldoa's "Heallsm" and Indiscre
tions in a, Dramatization
Edward Sheldon's "Song of Songs"
isn't quite the same tuna as Budermann'a,
It is more a set of varlatlons-eorae ot
them very varied Indeed.
The theme Is pretty much the same,
the amatory adventures of lily. Last
night at the Broad they traversed a
marriage at IT with a depressing old spe
cialist In youthful femininity; a mow or
less serious flirtation that threw her out
of her husband's house and into a young
man'shns; various experiences in the
hslf-wwd; some little genuine love, and
flnally marriage with one of the men
Of her liaison.
Variation number one ia the purifica
tion, on the sentimental side, that Is so
necessary to American consumption. So
Lily, parting from her father at a later
ace than in the book, bears .with her not
only the score of bis poor little master
piece. 'Tho SouK Of Songs," but aooM
high admonitions to k out Lv. Hence
the inherent Innouence of all that follows.
Until the old husban turns Lily out she
jkou, safely on the straight and uarrow
xtath. Jut bow the later sordid trage
dies vem Lv br U not UMtlfe Wf clearer,
fcdwevti-. by gwd dU of bighfalulln
bleating about this same Love, much of
It In the vein of! "You walked Into tho
garden of my heart where no one ever
walked before."
Variation numbers two, three, four, etc.,
"punch," "realism." "red blood," dra
matic vigor, expended over some en
counters of tho rich young genttemnn
who "keep" Lily, the young law student
who loves her genuinely and whom sho
loves In tho same way, nnd tho law stu
dent's ecn-cnptnln uncle, bent on "sav
ing the hov." This exhibition In ilrnmn
turgy Involves some distinctly unpleasant
episodes, and Uncompensated by human
meaning one of the most unpleasant
scenes of some years The lnttcr Is ft
private dinner party at which the uncle
gets Lily drunk, to the nccompanlment
of much BURgested "smut" nnd one open
exhibition of drummer's yarns. The re
sultso far ns the story Is concerned
lands Lily back In the rich young man's
Flrml vartotlon nn ending that almost
lifts tho drama to a plane where you for
get what has gone before Perhaps It
was tho acting of Cyril Kelghtley as tho
very human rich lover, l'erhaps It was
tho momorv of Pedro rtr Cordoba's clear,
flno portrait of tho younger man. Per
hape It was the open vacancy of mind
and fnco with which Irene Fenwlck shad
owed the skilful picture sho h.ad given
of brisk pretty shallowness At any rate,
tho.momcnt in which tho mati-nbout-town
preferred mnrrlngo out ot n long-aching
heart only Just found out, nnd In which
tho girl nccepted him with the despcrato
hope that here at least she had made
someone hear tho "Song of Hongs" which
sho could not hear herself that last
variation was genuinely effectlvo In Its
Tin- roit of the play, oven with the ex
cellent acting that Leo Baker, Ivan
Slmp3on, Tom Wlso and a long coBt lav
ished on It, wns typlcnlly Hhcldontan.
nothing more. There weic the courageous
Innovations we expect of him; a novel
form, casting tho play In six scenes, but
giving too little development to tho
cataclysmic emotions portrayed; nnd some
excellent "low-brow" humor, which failed
to Jibe very well with tho "high emo
tions, But nowhere was there moro than a
sort of verhal parodv of "Bolosco real
Ism"; real swear words, genuine, hand
made Indiscretions and some selected
slang. For nil his "speechifying" on
iovo nnd other matters, Mr. Sheldon went
no deeper Into Ufa or tho people of tho
play. What a contrast to Eugene
Walter's treatment of somewhat tho
somo matter In "The Easiest Way."
Except for that last moment, "Tnc Song
of Songs" Beomcd only nn exhibition, not
an analysis.
Tho revival of Sheridan's comedy, "Tho
Rivals," which long served ns a lehlcla
for Nat Goodwin. Joseph Jefferson and
other stars of tho old school, was ably
presented by B. Idcn Payno at tho Llttlo
Theatre to .1 capacity audience last night.
This production of "Tho Rivals" Is eas
ily tho best ever seen In this city. Tho
wit of this old English comedy was finely
brought out In all of tho 13 scenes. Hilda
Englund's maltreatment of tho English
languago was delightfully funny.
Sir Anthony Absolute was admirably
ncted by Dallas Clark and left nothing
to bo desired. Mr. Clark, who hns been
seen In this city many times before, was
never better enst. Inn Maclaren, ns Sir
Anthony's son. Jack, filled the role ns
only a Maclaren could. The love affairs
of Julia nnd Fnulkland were effectively
en.acteU by Ida Hamilton and Dallas An-ilpMnn.
J Sir Lucius O'Trlgger. the happy-go-
nicKy lover, was played by Whltfonl
Kane, and all of the many opportunities
for mirth In this part wcro taken full
advantage of.
Others In the cast who deserve men
tion for the capable way they played
their parts are Thomas Louden nnd Oliver
Hlnsdell. Lvdla Languish, who wanted to
elope, but found It not necessary, was
Well t)lnvtff1 hv Mnrtniftrlt., ir..l f. ...
member of the company this year. Her
jiinm, uuty, viu ucuKiiumiy portrnyeu
by Saxono Morland. All In all, this re-
vlVHl hv fhf. T.IMIrt hnnt.. nlnw.M lP
... ... ....,u ..i..,,u fridge-lei ,r
ono of tho very best things they have
aono since coming to Philadelphia.
With a "yip-T-Tnddy" and a "Ylp-I-O,"
gay and blithesome Blanche Ring was
welcomed to our city after two years' ab
sence nt IColth's yesterday. She' came In
a tabloid musical comedy. "Oh. Pnnn "
In which she plays once more the role of
the chorus lady, sings all tho old songs
with which her name Is associated, and
"It's a Long, Long Way to Tlpperary"
and others. It was quite a pleasant
Miss Ring enjoyed herself, and so did
the audience, and after the more formal
part of the entertainment was over every
one sang and had a very pleasant visit.
Mildred Ann Cannon, assisted by Paul
do C'ardo, appeared In a scries of modern
dancs designed which seems to bo the
word that fits these highly complicated
evolutions by various modern masters.
Miss Cannon, who is pretty, graceful and
vivacious, dances with skill. Mr. D
Cardo Is really wonderful. Gifted with a
slender elegance of figure, the sinuous
precision of his movements In "Le VrnI
Perlson" Is as extraordinary as It is
fascinating, This Is the debut of Miss
Cannon and Mr. De Cardo. It seems a
pity they have delayed so long
Adele Ritchie, whom some one once
called "the Dresden China Prima Donna"
and connoisseurs say that that German
faience preserves Its lustre and the under
aurface glaae so prized longer than any
other European pottery Is as delicately
fragile and wlnsomo as ever. At Keith's
this week Is Indeed a wonderful dress
makers' display of made-ln-Amerlca
gowns, and Miss Ritchie's contributions
are excelled by none. Miss Ritchie also
singe fearlessly.
To lovers of muslo the performance of
FriU Bruch and his sister Is warmly
recommended. Mr. Bruch is a 'cellist of
rare attainments. Miss Bruch rendered
Mauser's transposition of the "Hungarian
Rhapsody" with a swing and dash and
vigor surprising In so young an artist,
and revealed the same virility and artistry
In the Brahms-Joachim "Hungarian
Dance," which she played with her
brother. It Is seldom (hat musical artists
of their calibre appear In vaudeville. And
a tribute must be rendered also the audi
ence, who responded with unexpected dis
crimination. Others on tho bill are Gallagher and
Carlln, In an amusing burlesque singing
act! Britt Wood, Gusa Van and Joa
chenck, and Sylvia Loyal, who has a
troupe of 70 wonderfully trained pigeons.
With Miss Catherine Tower In the lead
ing role. "Within the Law" again opened
at the Walnut Street Theatre last night,
and was received with as much n
tbuslaslum as on the first night of Its
production three seasons ago.
The story of Mary Turner's unjust
sentence to prison, ber struggle to ilve It
down and ber final triumph Is an old one
to theatre-goers, but Its appeal Is none
tho less strong, its argument none the less
In the great episode in the final act,
where Joe Garson confesses, William
Lambert illustrates the weakness of a
cast that hampers Miss Tower. But above
this the brilliant and charming' young
woman rises. For Miss Tower has In
the quality of her personality a charm,
a sense of character, of life that is denied
the merely ordinary aotrosa. To an ex
traordinary degree sho pouesaa the
power of projecting to the audience a
kuh of the reality of bar part
It l suoerHuous to consider here te
moral Import of thi drama. Its obaan.
sophisticated idea of life U obvious. But
underlying It is th elemental truth that
thr inua Ut U uuae i the Uu tbjt
An Inquisitive Youth, Study
ing Titian Stenography,
Comes Close to a Scientific
The man in Chicago, who says there
Is no stenographer llko a rcd-hcadcd one
and that he would rather push a pen
hlmrelt than dictate to n blondo or n
brunette Is right. Miss Harriet Hender
son says so.
Miss Henderson's name Is In big letters
on tho door of a tiny ofTlce In ono of
Philadelphia's largest office buildings.
For 10 cents per pngo she will typo tho
nicest letter over signed love, business,
or Just the ordinary kind asking for a
A reporter hod read nil about this
Chicago man and his typewriter theories.
He Is the employing head of a Inrgo busi
ness house, He needed a stenographer,
nnd when he applied for 0110 of Miss
Helen Bcnnet, manager of tho Chicago
Collegiate Bureau of Occupations, ho had
Insisted that no applicant but a regular
Titian would get by his office boy.
"A red-headed stenographer Is always
a godd ono," ho had said. "They nio
quickest nnd by nil means the most ac
curate." Tho reporter did not doubt for a mlnuto
that all this was true. Ha calls on a red
haired girl himself every Wednesday
evening. But ho felt Miss Henderson
would know for certain
When the reporter called she was very,
very busy, Inecd, but the was quite will
ing to answer at least one question.
"Ot course, they arc the best," she said
with her fingers full of 'your favor of the
13th ultimo received.' "You never saw
a good-looking blonde or brunette, did
you?" Sho Jabbed viciously the "?" key.
"That answers your question, does It not?
Well, I nm very ("truly yours,' hummed
the key, but Miss Henderson said) busy."
But tho reporter had ono more ques
tion. Ho did not like the thought of It.
Ho cleared his throat twice nnd then
leaning uneasily on tho desk smudged
his fingers on a piece of carbon paper
llng there right side up.
"Is It true," ho asked flnnlly In his
plensantest tono ot voice, "as somebody
has said, that, whllo red-headed stenog
raphers are accurate, they have terrible
Tho reporter had thought, tioforo ho
asked It, that the question might appear
a bit Impolite, but 10 seconds later ns
he exited from tho office backward a
great deal faster than he had entered
frontward, he knew It.
Moreover, us ho crossed tho threshold
he stepped on something round nnd
hard and sat down rather unexpectedly
on the cold cement floor of the hallway.
The cause of his fall was tho top of a
typewriter koy. It and nnother lay on
the floor together.
He picked them up. One was tho " "
the other tho "I"
Miss Henderson hns red hnlr.
A Hundred Thousand Men
Will March Beneath
Broad Street Triumphal
Arch When Federation
Holds Convention.
Work on the court of honor to extend
from City Hall south to Spruce street
began today In preparation for the an
nual convention of the American Fed
eration of Labor. The delegates will as
semble hero November 9 for two weeks'
Nearly all Councils' appropriation of
125,000 will be expended on the decoration
and Illumination of the court, through
which more than 100,000 men are expected
to march in parade November IS.
The court will consist of 46 ornamental
columns on both sides of Broad street
and a triumphal arch at Broad and Lo
cust streets. The arch will bo 00 feet
high and will be surmounted by n gilded
globe 20 feet In diameter, representing
tho world, around which the two clasped
hands of the organisation's seal depict
unity. Each of the columns will be
topped with powerful lights, and the ef
fect of the Illumination and white col
umns will be striking,
The convention will probably be one of
the largest In the history of Philadel
phia. Headed by President Samuel
CJompfcrs and the other officials ot the
federation, the parade will start at Broad
and Diamond streets at 8 o'clook In tho
evening; more than 100 floats and at least
75 bands of SOCK) musicians will be In line.
ALLENTOWN, Pa.. Nov. S.-The first
gunning accident In this section occurred
this morning, when Mark Fenstermaker.
of Egypt, was shot by a gunner concealed
In the underbrush on another part of tho
Fenstermaker was chasing a rabbit
when he received a full charge from a
shotgun In his face, chest abdomen and
thighs. A. surgeon removed several dozen
shot, but some are too deeply imbeded
for extraction and there is fear of blood
poison. The gunner who fired the shot
escaped. .
Black Handers Believed to
Have Carried Out Fre
quent Threats Two Chil
dren Cut by Flying Debris.
YORK, Pa., Nov. J. Tho grocery store
of Nick Morcllo, an Italian, corner ot
Princess street and Park alley, wns
wrecked by a bomb nt 3:55 o'clock this
morning and the live members of the
Morcllo family had a thrilling escape
from denth Block-banders are supposed
to have been responsible for tho act.
Morcllo, his wife and a baby slept di
rectly above the store. Joseph, a young
son, who was sleeping In nn adjoining
room, nnd his sister, Mary, were cut on
the forehead by flying debris. The force
of the explosion awakened tho city.
For the last sexeral months tho grocer
has been receiving anonymous lclcrs de
manding money. Tho writers declared If
their requests were Ignored the MorelloB
would suffer. About ten days ago n letter
was mailed to the grocer demanding that
his wife deposit I2C0 at a certain place In
the city. No attention wns paid to the
Early this morning three foreigners
were seen prowling about In the vicinity
of the Moretlo store by an employe of
the York Sanitary Milk Company, who
wbb delivering milk nenrby.
The exploslvo was placed at tho base
of the brick chimney on the alley side of
the property. A largo hole was ripped
Into tho wall nnd tho frnmo portion of
tho structure torn open. Tho Inside of
tho store looked ns though a cyclone hod
struck It Tho frnmo house across the
alley wm damaged. Windows wero
broken In n church nearby nnd all build
ings within a block's radius.
Menace to African Colonies
Leads to Agreement Be
tween Two Countries as
War Fever Increases Daily.
ROME, Nov. 3. I am Informed authori
tatively that Italy and Great Britain have
agreed to stand together for the common
defenso of their colonics In Africa if
Turkey goes to wnr. Tho understanding
may become operative at any momont.
Developments In the Turkish sltuntlon
are anxiously awaited. It Is now oponly
admitted that Turkey's Intervention Is
bound to niter Italy's attitude. Italian
Interests In Norh Africa, along the Red
Sea and In tho Aegean, are as gravely
menaced ns are England's.
In Government circles there Is no longer
nn nttempt to deny that In Libya (Tri
poll Itnly Is as much threatened by
Turkey as England Is In Egypt, while
Somalllnnd nnd Eritrea are surrounded
by British possessions. Henco It Is ob
viously Indlspensablo for Italy nnd Eng
land, close friends and neighbors, to unite
for mutual defense.
Premier Salandra has not yet been In
structed by the King to form a new
Cabinet, but the King and tho Premier
are conferring with the leading states
men and Influential men of all parties.
Even tho Socialist, Blssolatl. a rabid
nntl-neutrallst, has been summoned, as
well as Glollttl, who arrives from Turin
A great coalition Cabinet made up of
strong men from all parties will prob
ably result from the conferences now
going on. It Is not unlikely that In the
new Salandra Cabinet, Baron Sonnlno
will receive the Treasury portfolio and
Imperial! bo named as Foreign Minister.
The war fever has Increased enor
mously since Turkey attacked Russia
In the Black Sea and since It became
known that Turkish troops are moving
toward Egypt The whole aspect of
Italian policy has changed. The Gov
ernment now has a positive, definite rea
son for bowing to the will ot the people
and entering the war on the side of the
Triple Entente.
Senatorial and Domestic Ambitions
Divide His Interest.
WASHINGTON, Nov. J.-James W.
Wadsworth, Jr, Republican nominee for
the United States Senate in New York,
is not only engaged in an exciting con
test with Ambassador James W. Oerard.
his Democratic opponent for United
States Senate, but he Is also engaged In a
raco with the stork. Mr. Wadsworth left
Washington on a late train laBt night
for his home at Mount Morris, Genesee
County. N Y., where he will vote He
will return to Washington by the first
fast train,
Mr. Wadsworth canceled his speaking
engagements for the last three days of
his campaign. Since his arrival here on
Thursday night he has remained at Ids
home, 800 Avenue of the Presidents,
Before leaving Washington last night
Mr. Wadsworth predicted that Charles
S. Whitman. Republican candidate for
Governor of New York, will be elected
over Governor Martin H, Glynn, Demo
crat, by more than 100,000 majority, Wil
liam Sulzer. who Is on the American
and Prohibition tickets, will take thou
sands of votes from Governor Glynn, Mr.
Wadsworth predicts.
61 W.50 PER COVER.
General ad
RuffvatUtu Madt
M Adtianaa
$30,000 Added to Cost of
Ship's Cargo When Food
Dealers Find Millionaire Is
in Market for Supplies.
NEW YORK, Nov. 3i;-Chartered by the
Rockefeller Foundation, the steamship
JIassapequa will sail today for Holland.
Sho carries 4000 tons of food for Bel
gium's starving people. The Mnssapequa
will be moro than half way on her 15
dny voyage when two, moro big ships,
laden to capacity by the Rockefeller
Foundation with food for Belgium, will
be plying In her wako. Tho Identity of
the vessels Is not disclosed.
Tho reason for this, secrecy Is said to
be that J.10,000 wns added to the cost of
the Massnpcnua'n cargo whtn the food
sellers found out the Rockefellers wcro
the purchasers.
It was nsserted last night that not a
bag of benns remained In New York and
that the buying of 23.D00 barrels of flour
had sent the price up 10 conts a bag.
About IdOO.OOO more Is to be Invested In
food for the Rockefeller Foundation ships
within n week. Tho purchasing Is being
done by Lionel Hagenaers, of 17 State
street, with every effort, ho says, to
dlstrlhuto his orders so that mnrket con
ditions will not be Unbalanced.
Robert W. Do Forest, chairman of the
Executive Commltteo of the Belgian Re
lief 'Fund, sold yesterday there Is com
plete co-operation between tho commltteo
nnd tho Foundation, and that the com
mittee will carry forwnrd energetically
Its own plnns for supplemontary relief.
Abe Hummel on Broadwny Again
NEW YORK, Nov. 3, Abo Hummel,
once ono of the most prominent figures
In theatrical and legal circles, nnd who
served a sentenco on Blnckwell's Island
for conspiracy In the Morse-Dodge di
vorce case, Is reported to have been scon
on Broadwav In the last day or two. Tho
last definite news of him camo from
A correspondent In Paris writes as fol
lows! "Down the street comes striding a sol
dierly figure In welt-fitting khaki, stou
brown boots, neatly rolled puttees, and
officer's tunic, and yet there Is something
odd about the dress. As h comes nearer
you notice what it Is. At tho neck of
the tunic, Instead of the regulation brown
shirt nnd khaki tie. Is tho black silk vest
of a clergyman. The military figure Is
a chaplain InUld service uniform.
"But ono Is constantly having tho sur
prise of meeting people In unexpected
uniform. The other day It wns Mr. Win
ston Churchill In a blue reefer Jacket
with the gold sleeve stripes nnd buttons
of nn Elder Brother of Trinity House.
Yesterday I saw Lord Esher In staff of
ficer's uniform; Mr. F. E. Smith was
lunching In khaki nt Volslns; nnd tho
old blues nnd sportsmen of all kinds that
tho streets of Paris have seen nro be
yond remembering."
The newspnpers tell of a trick which
n German general played on tho Rus
sians In retreating from a town in East
ern Prussia the Russians wero forced to
leave there a large quantity of bread.
They poured gnoollno on the bread, nnd
when the Germans entered the town they
found tho smelly mixture surmounted by
a sign, which read: ,,.,.,
"We hear that you need both bread
nnd gaBotlnc. Here they are."
About the same ttme tho Germnns cap
tured a number of Russians. Tho Ger
man general ordered that the bread be
given tho prisoners and not n Russian
touched his prison faro that night.
From Berlin comes this story from n
wnr correspondent.
There are "sidewalk strategists" here,
too. "We'll get to London when tho
proper time comes," says my waiter.
"You know how Germany fooled the
world with her IB-Inch guns and her new
submarines. Nobody knew she had such
things. Well, we've got nnother trick
up our sleevcr We've got guns that will
shoot IS miles, and that's two miles more
than the width of the English Channel
between Calais and Dover.
"As soon as we tako Calais wo will
mount these big guns on granlto founda
tions, shoot ncros tho channel nnd de
molish tho forts at Dover. Then wo
will sink all the English ships within
range of these guns nnd wo will keep
npathway clcnr acroBS the Channel to
Dover. That way a can land all tha
German troops we need ort English soli.
At the same time, we will tako Ostond
and from there we will send Zeppelins
clear to London to terrify the King."
Tim. nlntiA wilt tfOI hnw rloselv tho
Kaiser's strategists will follow" my wllVj
er's plans.
A correspondent In Belgium sends this
story! '
"Church steeples play queer partarfln 3
war. Four weeks ago In Antwerp I nawj
a man climb almost to the peak of thap
ancient cathedral there and fasten the
Belgian flag to a stone gargoyle. In thft;
evening nt sunset I saw Belgian choir"!
boys standing In tholr white sUrplleeSj
among the bells, nnd heard their aoJJj -
of praleo that floated over tne 01a townj
like n. benediction becauso Antwerp had
been saved from a Zeppelin. J
"Tonight In Munich I saw another
church stoeple playing Its part In wjUVj
It wns raining nnd tho peak of the catnap
drnl splra loomed dimly abovo tho llgfital
of the city hall squnre. But tho tiny 3
lights of candles carried by German choir
boys fluttered In the bolfry, and, led 'by
an orchestra, the bos sang a song of .
pralso becauso Antwerp had fallen.'!,
Hero Is nn Imperial program which haul
had to be modified, If not nltogethr3
abandoned. It was prepared by thol
Kaiser, according to French reports; and
contained the following plans foy his stay
tn Purl hptwern Aummt 15-20:
Capturo of President Polncare, tho Min
istry, the British nnd Russian Ambassa
dors, tho directors of tho banks nnd 'tho j
presidents ot tho Chamber and the Scnateyl
An embargo on tne nans or rranco. g
The detention ot numerous political and!
financial personalities, and of writers liosij
tllo to Germany, of whom tho Gcrmanl
Embassy had prepared a list bofdraj
tmnhlllzfVtlon. '
The confiscation of tho public debt regis-j
ter, so as to compel French Governmen,tl
stockholders to accede to all exactions
and to demand peace. "-;g
nnrn Paris had been occupied an army
nf koo rmn reservists would. In the German
estimation, have sufficed to maintain ordeM
south and north, whllo 25 first-line Gcr3
man troops would have, marched ngalnstl
tho Russians.
Women's 50c
?r.- 35c
rull-rahloned silk lisle:
WXX brand, stop - run
tnpn; six - thrrAd Im-
f roved toa nnd heel.
Hack only. Three pairs
sTonrc ornNN ano a. m. closes at 5.30 r. m.
UIBbbbbbbb I
Mnrket Elatith Filbert Seventh
Dy shopping here early
you get
Double Yellow
Tradinc Stamns
with each 10c worth youi
Yellow Trading Stampst'
Ble jou better value-'lnjr
merchnille than VOU.t
can ret with any other"
Our Annual November Sale, which makes it highly advantageous for every house-h
wtfe to anticipate winter needs ana ouy now.
These arc thoroughly good, dopendable grades from our chief suppliers; and priced nt a third less t
oruinaruy nsxea lor sucn Kinus.
$3.50 Com $(
It'nt'rff r.nttnn Filled. Scroll
Stitched. She 72x80 Inches
About 500 in lot Covored with
flno figured and Persian silko
line, cambric and satine in want
ed colorings; also with plnin
centres and wide floral borders
in pink, light blue, green, lav
ender nnd red.
$8.50 Lambs' Wool
Comfort $650
Pure Australian Wool Filled
Size 72x78 inches
Covored with the best American
satine, highly mercerized, in fig
ured and Persian effects. All
wanted shades on white and col
ored ground; plain satine bor
ders and backs.
$2.50 Comfortables, $1.89
Pure white fluffy cotton filling. Cov
ered with figured sllkollne In wnnted
floral designs and colorings on whlto
grounds. Blze 72x80 Inches.
$5 Plaid Blankets, $3.95
Fine wool; soft and warm; In pink,
blue, Krny, tan and other combina
tions Double-bed size.
fRd.Sn Rnrlstireads. S3.55
Flno white Marseilles with sntln
finish; pretty designs. Hemmed or
cut corners with scalloped edge.
Double bed size.
$4.50 Blankets, $3.49
Made of fine white wool with cotton
mixture on spool cotton warp; short
wooly nap. Pink and blue borders
nnrt wide silk binding. Double-bed
$7 Wool $
Blankets, Pair,
200 pairs in Sizes 70x80 and
70x84- Inches
Made of flno white lnmbs' wool
on spool cotton warp soit,
fleecy and warm with pink and
bluo striped borders; some have
white silk ribbon binding, size
70x80 inches; others silk mohair
binding, size 76x84 inches;
weight 6 nnd (3 pounds.
$13.50 Comfortables, $10
Pure Australian lambs' wool filled, n
uoverea wun ngureii suk iops, uijiiiic
mercerized satlno backs. In pink,
light blue, red, old rose, javenaerj.
nnu green nowers on wnue grouuun
Blze 72x78 Inches.
$10.00 Wool $7
Blankets .
Fine White California Lambs'
Have short fleecy nap and
dainty pink and blue stripe
borders. Heavy white silk rib
bon binding. Sire 76x84 inches.
Weigh 6 pounds to pair.
S3.00 Fleece-
down $ 1 Q El
Blankets "&
Soft, Fleecy and Warm
Without Being Heavy
All cotton, woven to look like
wool. In white and gray with
pink nnd bluo borders; silk bind
ing. Double bed size.
1 $1.35 Bedspreads, $1
?J -,. .I.m "Wlillo rtfrtVlAt fn C
rAtru miihc - n iiu xwww j
various preuy ainraeuies pftuenw.
$2 Bed- ?1 Cn
spreads iJ'v
Extra heavy whito crochet in
various pretty Marseilles de
signs. Hemmed.
Men's New Derbies $9
These are our celebrated Chelford make;
of ftne fur felt, light weight, flexible
and a perfect Jet black.
The Famous "Stetsons"
Here at $3.50, $4 and $5
Derbies and soft hats in all the season's
latest styles. Genuine Stetson felt.
Boys' Cloth Hats, SI
Latest Rah Rah and College shapes. Fine Woolens In
a large variety of patterns,
Men's Fall Shoes:
Our Famous "Lenards" at Sg
Our "Stratfords" at g,
THESE are our own trademark brands, made tos
our special order under our critical supervision. 9
and we have built up our reputation for flm,i
footwear with these two brands. ,.
They aro shoes that anywhere else would sell for tt,
least U more than our prices. .-,
We have them In all the wanted leathers, in the latest
lace and button style, with hand-welted white oak soles;
newest toe shapes. All sizes 5 to 11, . ,
Choose Your FURS Here
Qualities Are High; Prices Low
TCs aoiolulely guarantee every jur we ei vi am
exaottu a tee deicriie it.
$45 Beautiful Fur $9Q yg
Luitrou Macfc fox, block and Mu wolf, bright r4 .
rtlfcy Brusitll lvu rtt trintmtii ( iurcIty tyl( and
riaamm tool.
Animal shape or straight neolcplece, wun
mounted head and tall, bolster, pillow,
semi-barrel or animal effect muffs. Hand
somely lined.
JSbbsB HsbbBHL
35 Civet Cat Seta , S22JS0
40 Natural Slurten MufTa. , 125
15 to S3TJ50 Natural SInrtrn Neckpieces
Uo match) 0.T5 to I8JS0
$30 Itusslan Kltch Slaffa 10.70
13 to S25 Natural Buaalan Ktteh JScck-
pleeca ST.00 to 15
42.60 Beautiful French. Seal Seta. 29.TS
$110,00 Hudson Seal ?7Q ntt
Coats 4Zf.iJ
Two striking1 models ripple baalc, three-quarter
length. Of selected dyed rouskrat; lustrous, full
hair Beautifully lined with silk or pompadour
$150 Hudson 8eal Coats (50-Ineh Length) $103
$160 French Seal Coats $69.75
$50 Russiaa. Pony Coat (60-In. Length) $30.78
Your New Hat May
Now Correspond
With the Vamp's
of Your Shoes
For tho latest millinery
is being created in suede
of tan and gray shades,
combined with velvet
Large Georgette
sailors have suede
tops and velvet
facings; atnX
jaunty turbann f$
of crushed velvet,
trtmmed with
Picture shows one of the newest
models Others are trimmed with
ostrich, flowers and f anetes.
Priced at $4.98, $5.98,
$6.98 to $10
They compare with ekV awbV
liaery at a tMl:t a htf tV
MiUuwry Salon, Tkjrd Woo
T" -4-'
, .-
WL : r-aro vwmwemm
gi..t.ir.'iarTTj; n
SiJ -"-