Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 03, 1914, Night Extra, Image 2

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m Tfc.
fc CSV, M.
Southwest Demands
Rapid Transit Sysiem
"v That Will Give Davby
Section Advantages of
Residents Farther
"' North.
Five-Cent Fares, Free Trans
fers and High Speed Will
5 Save Passengers Many
Thousands o f Dollars
Thb Woodland avenue elevated line
Will save passengers $122,000 a vear
k.in time (815,683 hours at 15 cents an
"The abolition of exchange tickets
4. .will save passengers In and tributary
io west Philadelphia JZ84,0C0 per
The recommended high-speed sys-
K-tem 'will carry passengers between
-.West Philadelphia and every other
Important section of the city at hltih
r. speed for five cents.
Property owners along the Wood
land avenue elevated line will gain
millions, as did their neighbors alona
I: the Market street elevated when that
l-.llne was built.
"More thnn 272.M0 people who live In
3Vst Philadelphia ato directly Interested
tn and will be personally benefited by the
plan for rapid transit development.
rt.On. an average 3G5.000 passengers travel
out of. Into and within West Philadelphia
every day on tho street cars.
It Is Interesting to note where these
, P?opIo travel tc and from dally us ascer
tained by tlio trafllc survey.
k Two hundred and four thousand travel
dally -between West Philadelphia and the
central business district. .Many of these,
however, take a north or south surface
tine in' the business district to destina
tion, paying iiti additional 5-ccnt fare, and
tliclr movement beyond tho business dis
tricts could not, therefore, be traced by
Leaving them out of consideration:
ov T Thirty-three thousand travel dally
-JbetWeen West Philadelphia nnd South
7 PhUadriphla. ' "
' 'Fortf thousand travel dHlly between
""West' Philadelphia ' nnd North Phlla-'
"'"'Three thousand travel dally between
' West. .Philadelphia, and Northeast Phll
sa6,'Dhln. .filghty-flvo thousand travel dally
rloeally In West Philadelphia.
..- LINE.
The Woodland avenue elevated line Is
designed to extend from a point of con
nection with the Market street elevated
title at 20th and Market streets, via
South 3dth street and private rlght-of-jway
skirting the easterly boundary lino
pf the University of Pennsylvania and
of the Woodland Cemetery to I'nsclmll
tyvenue,- via Paschall avenue to Grays
Ifqrry avenue, via Drays iVrry avenue'
to-Woodlnnd avenue, and via Woodland
avenue and a private risht-of-way for a
short distance to Darby.
z.'Thls line will open up a wide area In
West Philadelphia for development and
will tie Into Philadelphia that great out
lying district which extends from Darby
to'-and Includes Chester.
, .Director Taylor has pointed out In the
Transit Ileport:
" "Philadelphia to remain a great com
mercial cchtro and to becomo a greater
one -must enable people of neighboring
communities to reach here nnd do bust
JJPS8 here more easily and to better nd
Vantage than by building up their own
Independent business centres, which they
will, bo forced .to do unless Philadelphia
tJiKos the mutter In hand and gives them
asy access to and from her commercial
"'Under tho terms of the transit program
the people who live In the district which
will be penetrated by the Woodland ave
iVue 'elevated line wll be enabled to take
any surface line leading to and from
the stations on the Woodland avenue de
feated Une and transfer free between
tw surface .lines and the Woodland
ej-enue .elevated Une for one 6-cent fare.
, iTha payment -of this one fare will en
title passengers originating' on thoe sur
face Jlnes to travel by way of the Woed
&nd avenue elevated line and the other
lines comprising the high-speed system
la &-forward direction In Philadelphia by
free transfer for one 5-cent fare, nnd
will also will tie them upon leaving the
)igh-speed system to take an additional
lid? on the surface line leading from
thethlgh'speed station In a forward di
rection to point of destination on free
transfer without extra charge.
j.Jn brief this -means that persons living
in the southwestern section of West
Ifhlladelphia who desire to use the high
jgieed systsm will be collected and dis
tributed toy surface car Unas In the south
lrtdtern section of West Philadelphia con
veyed to and from tne Woodland avenue
e&wttd Une, or the present Market street
, rtTJn "" over wnion tney win na
1wfm to every outer station on tne
system leaning' into south
North Philadelphia, North.
ielphla. Including Kensliuiton
Frankord. and tbe Northwestern
Mofe. and at the other end of the blgb-
jeurney xney win incewise ne eoi-
aa4 districted by tne surras ett
leAdlnar to and irom tne poiut oi
alien, all 'or one five-eent fare.
'iiftt Irolns en tbe Woodland avenue
mc win uf nut imivwfu vm
Frankford' or Gemees without
Nth street and Woodland aveevne
lorrd fc hi b -speed for nvo ceftM.
ffttt Ut and Woodland avenue
v v nUa aneed for ft cent.
Ami abb street and Woodland aveeme
to Bouta PBtladetnola for I eenU.
With tate KrlvUese lo West
vht u of using the si rfce car
a' r-t . end of iu joruy In foir
vij n.scliee aritiuKit W ctaM.
alry car na(r siuHdd unJUHlllWl M
&n Ud mxH V kiw o ' ..
rc4-Mwli u tte MttmUM muvtet ham
mn, j,,,,,,, ',. ,,.lf SyZauxuuBBgr 'MY 1
West Philadelphia will be eliminated by
the Woodland avenue "L" operated In
this manner.
The great number of passengers who
travel dally between the southwestern
section of West Philadelphia and the
business district will bo enabled to ride
comfortably on the existing surface lines
with congestion removed, and those who
live further out or prefer to use the
Woodland avenue elevated line will be
enabled to travel more quickly to the
business district
The Woodland avenue elevated line will
cut down the time required to travel
Sixty-fifth street and Woodland
avenue to City Hall, from 28 minutes
to 16 minutes. A saving of 24 mlnutss
on the round trip,
eixty.flfth street and Woodland
avenue to League Island, from 42
minutes to 33 minutes. A saving of
18 minute on the round trip.
Sixty-fifth street and Woodland
avenue to Roxborough, from 78 min
utes to 43ft mlnutis. A saving of 1
hour and 5 minutes on the round trip.
Sixty-filth street and Woodland
avenue to Broad street and Allegheny
avenue, from S7yi minutes to 30 min
ute. A saving of 55 minutes on tho
round trp.
Sixty-fifth street and Woodland
avenue to Oermantewn, from 71 min
utes to 44 minutes, A saving of 64
mlnutss on the round trip.
6lxty-fifth street .and Woodland
avenue to Frankford, from 78 minutes
to 44 mlnutss. A saving of 1 hour and
W mloutM on the rounfl trip.
Stxty-HHh street and Woodland
avoouo to Qiney. from Ttyx minutest
to i minute. A saving of 1 hour and
It sainfctM on the W V if.
A bwo iirt of Uss Urns savlsx: wMi ba
sonde Milbl to tfcs .great majority el
stmt en ;Mera to tod jtvot tew awtk-
20-25 "
western section of West Philadelphia.
'Time Is money," and they propose to
save both time and money by backing up
the transit program.
The program for rapid transit develop
ment as arranged between Director Tay
lor and officials of tho P. It. T. provides
for the elimination of exchange tickets
between surface car lines and for the
Issuance of free transfers between sur
face car lines instead.
It will be of particular Interest to resi
dents of the southwestern section of West
Philadelphia to anticipate a similar In
crease In the value of their properties to
that which followed the construction of
the Market street elevated In the district
served thereby.
For the period from 1906 to 112, the In
crease In taxable values in all of West
Philadelphia was 60,17,7, or M.9 per
oent., while the Inerease of taxable values
In other residential districts of the city,
excluding West Philadelphia, was only
3C.3 per cent.
In the th Ward, which adjoins Market
street on the south, extending from 4tth
street to City Line, and which Is directly
served by the Market street "L." the
valuation of unimproved real rstuW in
W was ra,009. although It was only
assessed at $0 er cent- of that amount.
In 19M the assessed valuation of tne
same property In -that ward was Increased
to 1,SH,W0 (basts WO per oent.).
In 11J it still further increased to tl.Ml.
Sfci, or a total increase in It years of
MS per cent.
This la particularly Interesting to tbe
bolder of the vut tracts of real estate
tributary to tbo Woodland avtoue ele
vated line, which arc undeveloped and
which will roal&tii largely uutmlli upon
as loug u Uy continue to be unavailable
for iidiwitol nmrpTos by ioaso of tb
lnk of ealur of tho oxUUag linen
carry any more MopM to and frohn suon
diairteta, and the f rent ixujtt of Un
sbewly0 PRESENT-6 apd tbanst uab
New TRACKS J dapo taaS7 MPS
necessary to reach such property bystreet
car transportation from the business dis
An exhaustive InvoBtlgatlon of tho ef
fect of the construction of rapid transit
lines on the value of real estate served
wan conducted by the City Club of New
Vork In 1W8, und Its report thereon was
filed with the Board of Estimate and Ap
portionment and with the Public Serytcs
Commission, In New York city.
It discloses the following facte which
will be of vital Interest to real estate
owners in Philadelphia.
The method pursued In arriving at the
values was as follows;
Assessment values, as given by the T5e
partment of Taxes and Assessments,
were taken for the year 1500 on vacant
lots on a basis of 60 per cent of full
value for district from 79th to Spuyten
Duyvll; Si per cent, between Central Park
and the Harlem River, and 69 per cent,
lu the Bronx.
These were compaed with the assess
ment value of JS on a W per cent,
basis for all oi these districts, and In
each ease the fdlt valu was obtained
by raising the assessment Sgures to W
par cent. In tho districts which were
largely built up all vacant lata were
Where there were few buildings, as
In tbe extreme northern -portion of M,an-
On Thursday the Evening Ledger
will snow- & uaoessity for bolter
transit faculties la tha northwestern
section of the city. Including Roa
borough. Alanayunk. Falls uf Schuyl
kill and German to wn Tha need lor
taujurovemont to, the Uuit oiuuuiuu
i tbe Oerinnasown section nine wUl
b WMBteri out.
hattan, a su (Helen t number of such lots
were taken to show the general land
values, and from these was figured the
total value for the district.
To ascertain the proportion of Increase
in land value attributable to the building
of the subway it was necessary to deduct
from the total rise, what might he termed
a normal rise, or the Increase that would
have taken pli-ca through tho natural
growth of the city without the added
stimulus of a new transit line.
The only basis of arriving at a Judg
ment of what such i normal rise prob
ably was Is to ascertain the rise for a
period of equal length under normal con
ditions. Accordingly the Increase in
value of the same-land during the pre
ceding years from IMS to 1900 was de
termined. It was found that values rose during
this period of seven years on an average
of about W per cent. In the district on
the west side below' Wth street, on an
average 'of about O per cent, from this
point north to the Spuyten Duyvll.
These percentages, then, may be taken
In these districts as te best basis as
certainable for a Judgment as to the nor
mal rise for a period of this length, and
If subtracted from tbe rise which tool?
place along the subway from UOO to 1907
should Indicate tbe effect of the subway
on land values during the latter period.
By applying- this method it was dis
covered that tbe land from 7th up to
2ttth street and between Central Park
end the North River had Increased on an
average about 46 per cent., which is about
tho expected normal rise. In the district
along the Lenox avenue line seuth of
tho MarWin River tha average Inert
was nhout 41 par cent., which would in
dicate tint tbo Und did. not Increase In
vahie dun lo the building of tbe subway.
Tit explanation uf this unexpected co
ditluli is. no doufcc tintl an elevated road
already existed to j?lve fair nervlce to
these district!), so that tho additional fa
cilities had little effect on land value ex
cept In the Immediate vicinity of Btibwny
The rise In land value nlong the Broad
way branch from ltoth to 129th street
was much more noticeable, averaging
about 70 per cent., hut the locating of
Columbia University nt this point affected
values to tho extent that makes It quite
Impossible to arrive, nt nny reliable con
clusions as to the proportion of rise
which could bo attributed to the subway.
The situation from 133th Btttrt north
ward, however, Is entirely different. Dc
tween lKlh street, tSSth street, Content
avenue nnd the North River, the land
Increased In -value between 1000 and 1907,
about $17,825,000. Although the elevated
road paralleled this district, yet, owing
to the topocrnphy, the road was of llttla
service so tho subway added very ma
terially to the transit facilities of the
Tho district between tho Hnrlem nnd
North Rivers from IGSth to 178th street
Incrensed In value about (22,150.000; from
178th stret to Dyckmnn street tho In
crease was about $15,923,000; from Dyck
mnn street to the Spuyten Duyvll tho In
crease; was about 113,100.000. Tho ag
gregate rl?e In this land from 135th slrot
to Spuyten Duyvll wna $69,300,000.
If an cstlmntcd normal rise of $20,100,000,
basod on the rlso of tho previous seven
years, bo subtracted from this, It leaves
a rise of about $19,200,000 apparently due
tn tho building of tho subway, which Is
101 per cent. Incrcaso In tho value of 1900.
Tho rlso of land values In the Bronx
Is likewise very noticeable. Taking tile
district along tho subway, extending In
width one-half mile on either side, the
Increase In land values wns as follows:
From the Harlem River to Willis nnd 2d
avenues, tho rlso was nbout $9,200,000;
from that point to Prospect avenue, nbout
$22,100,000: from the latter point to Bronx
Park, about $1.1,600,000.
Tho nggrcgate rise of land values for
this district from tho Hnrlem River to
tho Bronx Park was about $14,800,000. Sub
tracting from this the nggrcgate normal
rlso of $13,500,000, It leaves an Increase of
$31,300,000 duo to the building of tho sub
way. As prolouely stnted. tho nTgregato rise
of land values nbovo 123th street In Mnu-
hnttan caused by tho subway was $19,
200,000. The cost of building tho subwny
from this point to 230th street was
$7,375,000, or but 13 per cent, of tho nctual
rlso caused by tho now line.
In the Bronx the situation wns In most
respects similar. The acsregnte Incrcaso
In laud values (of the district extending
nbout one-half mllo cither side of the
subway) due to tho building oi tho sub
way, nnd In excess of the normal rise
of $13,500,000. wns about $31,300,000. Tho
cost of tho linn from H3d street to Bronx
Park wns about $3,700,000.
It will bo noted that tho aggregate rlso
In land vnluo In Manhnttun, from 135th
street to Spuyten Duyvll, and In tho
Bronx, duo to tho building of the subway,
was $80,500,000. The coBt of the entire
subwny, from tho Battery to Spuyten
Duyvll and the West Farms Branch to
Bronx Park, was but $13,0CO.0O0.
It Is particularly Important to the hold
era of real estate tributary to the Wood
land nvenue elevated lino and to tho pres
ent nnd future surface, lines which, will
act as feeders thereto, with free trans
fers, to push tho transit development.
Tho district served by the Market street
elevated lino has profited largely and dis
proportionately to other sections of tho
city by tho advantages afforded. by rapid
transit. It Is becoming a big city In itself.
Largo and prosperous shopping districts
have sprung up nt 52d and Market strcots
and 60th and Markot streets, with the
atres, stores, banks and other Industries.
The present rapid transit line running to
West Philadelphia has In tho last ten
years diverted and concentrated tho city's
growth largely In tho district served
Tho section served by the Market street
elevated Is now well built up nnd pros
perous, but tho people who use the Mar
ket street clovatcd demand ready access
to other sections of tho city which the
additional high-speed lines will afford.
Tho people of the southwestern section
of West Philadelphia are aware of the
advantages already gained by their neigh
bors who are served by the Markot street
"L," and they want to ahare In these
advantages, Including the privilege of
traveling with comfort, convenience and
saving of time which will bo largely in
creased when tho Woodland nvenuo ele
vated and the other high-speed lines nro
These are' nil factors which contribute
to general prosperity.
The people of tho southwestern section
of West Philadelphia Justly demand that
they bo placed on a basis ot equality with
their neighbors.
Tho Woodland avenue elevated lino will
effect n Eavlng In time for 67,000 people
dally. Including those who live tributary
to the surface lines acting as feeders.
The present Market street elevated line
saves time for 165,000 people dally In West
The Woodland avenue elevated line,
which will serve the people of the south
western section of West Philadelphia, will
cost only about $1,390,000. The present
Market street subway-elevated line with
equipment cost about $20,000,000.
The construction of the Woodland ave
nue elevated line Is undoubtedly a wise
Investment for the city, as It will In
volve nn annual Interest and sinking
fund charge ot only C.5 per cent, on
about $1,390,000,. or $285,000.
Under the pending constitutional
amendment, it ratified by the people next
year, this annual fixed charge will be
reduced from 6.5 per cent, to S per cent,
by r, reduction In the annual sinking
fund charge from 2VJ per cent, to 1 per
cent. This would make the annual fixed
charge on the Investment In the Wood
land avenue elevated Une only $219,000.
This annual fixed charge will pay for
tho entire cost within the term of the
bonds, and the city would then own the
AVoodland avenue elevated line, free and
clear of any ihdebtedness incurred to
construct tho same, as a great municipal
lneome-produelng asset.
The following are certain Items In ad
dition to the net Income of be Woodland
avenue elevated line which may be used
in considering the additional Indirect off
set to the fixed charge.
1. Annual laving to West Philadelphia
passengers due to the elimination of ex
change tickets under the terms of the
program, as stated.
2. Annual saving of time to passengers
ih the southwestern section of Weit Phil
adelphia tributary to tho Woodland ave
nue elevated 815,688 hours at 15 cents per
hour liat.OOO annually.
3. Increase of revenue to the city re
sulting from Increase of taxable values
In the southwestern section of West
Special advantages to patron of the
Market street "L" and broad advantages
to all of West Philadelphia will result
from the adoption of tht program.
The construction of the hlgb-s&eed
tyetew will enable passenger utex tbe
present Market street elevated to reach
any Iwpertajtt aeetlon of the city by
Cwluad en fwM xtueo
Transit Program In Brief
The transit program provides for the
operntlon of all high-speed lines In
conjunction with the surface system,
which will serve as the agent for the
gathering and distributing of passen
gers using tho high-speed lines with
out extra charge.
Thus the advantages of rapid tran
sit will bo extended ns equally as
practicable to every front door in
Passengers will bo enabled to travel
In n forward direction between every
Important section of the city and
every other Important section of tho
city quickly, conveniently and com
fortably by way of the combined sur
face nnd high-speed lines, regardless
of the number of transfers required
in so doing, for one 5-cnnt fare.
Eight-cent exchange tickets are to
be nbollshed.
Journey From Darby and
Return Trip in Crowded
Cars Aptly Illustrate De
ficiences of Present Sys
tem. Stnndlng room only Is the rule on the
Woodland avenue line, whether von nr
"going cast or west, nnd n rldo In either
direction would convince any one of the
necessity of tho Improved elevated system
as outlined by Director Taylor, of tho De
partment of City Transit. Discomfort and
delay nro tho chief features of the Darby
cars as they now exist.
To get the facts an Evening; Ledobr
reporter took the ride both ways, com
ln(f In from Darby on the surface-subway
lino Routo No. 11 and going out on tho
surface lino from Front and Chestnut
When the car started at 63th and Wood
land avenue nt 7:52 a. m. every scat was
tilled and nt 63d street two minutes Inter
every strap was occupied by n hanger-on.
Tho best thnt the most gallant man could
do was to surrender his precarious hold to
any woman who boarded the car later
nnd, even this favor was thankfully re
ceived. Tho passengers wcro packed like
sardines long before 33d street was reach
ed, and It was only the wedge-like forma
tion that kopt tho standcrs on their feet.
Amons tho straphangers were moro
than a scoro of little working girls. It
could bo scon by their careworn faces
thnt they wore accustomed to It. They
know thnt seats were out of the ques
tion, so they Just hung on or leaned
against tho edgo of n seat whenever the
lurching crowd shifted them near one.
. It soemed almost Impossible for nny
more to got In tho car when D2d street
was reached, but nt this point nnd also
at 19th street fully two dozen more were
ndded to tho crowd
Still moro wcro taken on at lOtli street,
but they managed to squeeze In somehow.
Tho car stopped at intervals before
teaching Thirteenth street, und probably
half a dozen more were placed somewhere
When the tightly packed passengers
were llnally landed ut tha subway, Thir
teenth and Market streets, there was a
general sigh of relief and a rush for tho
doors. Then most of them pushed their
way Into a car of tho elevated line nnd
somo obtained seats. It was S o'clock
when the car reached Thirteenth street,
and at 8:06 many of tho passengers were
ut Market street ferry, the trip from
Darby taking 31 minutes via the surfaco
subway combination.
To determine whether conditions were
any better on the all-surfaco line. Route
No. 13, the reporter took the trip to
Darby from Front and Chestnut streets.
Conditions were slightly better In thlii
case, but the standing room began at
Tenth and Walnut streets, and thcra was
not a seat available until 63d and Cheater
avenue was reached.
From Tenth to Fifteenth the car filled
until every available space was occupied,
But It was noticed that the westbound
passengers did not complain as much
ns those who rode In town In the morn
ing. The spirit of quiet resignation was prob
ably duo to the fact that the day's work
was done and home was waiting for
them. Then, too, a good night's sleep,
would brace them for the morning ride.
The westbound trip started at 5:5 p. m.,
nnd endetj at the Darby terminus at 6,3o',
This 15-mlnute Journey to Darby is Jutt
11 minutes longer than the trip In on
subway-surface. The Market street
elevated-subway. from 69th street to
Market street ferry, covers practically
the sama distance In M minutes.
Instead of S3 minutes in and mln-
U,e,1J?,n .tha new "P' transit plan
providing fpr an elevated road will re
?.ce ,t,ha, trlp ,to M m'nutcs each way to
!yUM.,.,mak,"!a B8vlns minutes
for the riders each day.
Afcorilnf to. ,he calculations of Di
rector Taylor, had tho high-speed Wood.
Una nvenuo line to Darby been built In
1913. there would have been a time savlnir
of U.9U.00O minute, in the year, Esrna
ed at a cash lalue of 15 cent per hour
there would have been a saving of $1W0.
Based upon the growth In Population
Mr. Taylor figures that In im there
would be a saving of 100,100.000 minutes
or a saving In cash value of 1360,000.
It is predlated that when the proposed
rapid tranelt system is completed tho
Woodland avenue section win grow more
rapidly in proportion to present popula
tion than any pther section of the city.
Connection la made at Darby with
suburban rallwav. ,ki.k ... ..
dystone, Chester and Wilmington
., . f ,zj lUB "oooiana avenue dis
trict, tributary to the Woodland avenue
elevated line, will be able, If necessary,
to take the surface ear lines leading to
tha stations of the Woodland avenue ele
vated and then travel over any or all of
the lines oomprUIng the high-speed J
tem In the city to a forward direction
Then. If necessary, take a surface car
line front the station where they iea.e
the high-speed system to point of desti
nation, all for one PIVB CENT FAHE
The elimination of exchange tickets m
save money to th rAJAA,.ft .,r ..- u, . ,
land avenue duutet t trarebn vj u,,.,
; Jh4W- -dSS4Hfc.
tK.. ,
. a mMiaAn4h, MMfeto
8-t !--
.-3 .