Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 03, 1914, Night Extra, Image 14

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VOL. INO. 41
l rr'iip , "
Z&Qtyjh- 'fe.' J
Senator's Vote Is Expected to
i Run About 10,000 Behind
I' ,That of Doctor Brumbaugh
" in South Philadelphia.
South Philadelphia la "knifing"' Penrose
ipday, but the Vnro stronghold la noi
United In making a slaughter of It. Po
litical lenders estimated nt noon, how
aver, that Tcnrose would run about 10.OTO
behind Brumbaugh In the downtown sec- .
tjon of Philadelphia as a result of the
Varo-Pcnroso squabble.
' In the 26th Ward, the Vares' homo ward.
and In the 1st and 39th Wards Penrose
was cut heavily, and tho knifing also oc
curred In the 30th and 4Sth Wards. Rcp
rcsentatlvo Varo's personal following Is
strongest In these wards, and theso Vare
men today cot their revenge on Penrose
for throwing Bill Vnro down In 1911.
The Vnres have virtually "laid down"
In the fight and the rum Interests aro
bolstering up Penrose's candidacy In that
section. All yesterday afternoon and
until Into Inst night the word was passed
around that Stato Senator LMwIn It.
-Vare, who looks after the Interests of
Ids brother, Representative. William S.
Vare, was Issuing no orders, but It was
Intimated to all Vnre lieutenants that any
division leader who showed a very small
Penrose vote In his division would be "In
The reason given for this Is that the
Vares are "regulars." After Represen
tative Vare, on the floor of Congress,
challenged Senator Penrose to prove tho
truth of the charges made by the North
American that PcnroBe said he, with the
two Vares nnd Senator James P. Mc
Nlchol, had debauched the late Mayor
Reyburn, Representative Vare, who had
been "hand In glove" with the Penrose
McNIchol mnchlno slnco 1911. again
mounted a pedeitnl In tho eyes of his
South Philadelphia followers.
They decided to put the "knife" quietly
to Penrose today, and kill the senior Sen
ator's chalices for re-election.
The Vares "stood pat" on "Brother
Bill's" speech in Congress, and permitted
Penrose buttons to be thrown away, and
the antl-Penroso spirit of revenge, which
had been smouldering since Penrose
throw Vare down in 1911, to flame up.
At tho last minute, however, tho word
was passed that the Vares could not
knife Penrose because they were "regu
lars." All of William S. Varo's personal
following aro not taking any orders that
come as tips from tho Vare ward leaders.
They would not tako them If they came
as orders received directly from either of
the Vares, so strong has their hatred of
Penrose been since 1911.
So today. In nearly every division In
tho Vare bailiwick, voters are disregard
ing tips froi i their leaders and are knifing
. The saloon vote In South Philadelphia,
almost to a man. Is behind Penrose today.
Those opposed to local option, for the
sake of their pocketbooks, are deaf to the
nntl-Fenrose whispers.
No orders have been Issued, they ex
plained, and they can vote for Penrose
with a clear conscience. They received
tho Intimations from the Vnro ward lead
ers with Jubilation, and aro trying hard
to rally tho South Philadelphia vote to
One Vare worker. In the 26th Ward,
the Vares' own ward, said this morn
ing: "Yes, Penrose will be cut all right."
The Vare personal following, he said,
rlll not let this opportunity to revenge
Itself on Penroso pass.
The vote Is heavy In all of the South
Philadelphia wards. In the 28th ward and
n the 1st ward, Vare machine workers
who aro on the election boards, entered
the. booths with voters and helped them
mark their ballots.
Harry C. Ransley, president of Select
Council and Vare leader In the 2d Ward,
eald today that Senator Vare had or
dered his followers to vote n straight
"The Vare orders are not to cut Pen
rose," he said.
"Congressman Vare's statement In
Washington was made for effect. The
Republicans In South Philadelphia, would
vote a straight ticket whether ordered
to do so or not It would be suicide for
them to cat Penrose, as they are looking
forward to the Mayoralty election next
year, and must keep the Republican vote
olid for that."
"There Is a deadlock In this ward," said
one of, the Vare leaders In the 26th Ward
today. "The Penrose vote could not bo
trallled. Vare was born and raised down
here, and when Penrose was credited with
making charges against Vare this section
turned against Penrose and could not bo
farced to vote for him,"
State Senator Edwin II. Vare appeared
en the streets late this morning. He has
been suffering from poisoning In his eyes
and forehead. He visited his doctor and
then went straight to the polling place at
Moyamenslng and Snyder avenues, where
tie voted shortly before noon.
.Senator Vare, after he had oast his bal
lot, said that there -would be no cutting
of Penrose In South Philadelphia.
"I have not been around, of course," he
added, "and do not know just how things
aro comlpg."
tHusband Declares Ho Caught Han
Trying, to Kiss Wife.
Pasqualla Fernarl, a yean old, W10
tast Thompson strt, snatched a kitchen
ball from the haads of his wife,
vho was peeling potatoes, and used It on
a beards who, he said, he caught try
1JMT ta kUa the woman. He was arrested
a4 batd In M0 bail today by Magistrate
CamjrtH. of the Upgrade and ClaarfMd
rta statioa, for further hrln No
XJj boarder. uominK! piveserl, x.L
it W. aeojaran ne wna Mrs. Fei8rJ I
IMw """ w was trying - tori
Of mm- pour aiutai siao wotiada
ivml were dressed at Ue BBteaaaal
Vita eaiMed r aaarke from toawaaMves
t jest lewatwl in W. 4aawi to
ttta aat saeda of J a. Uwry & Sua. Wtu
i:4 Lobid streeta Six horses la a
tr autU iverv reacocd by C. C. Dtowut,
laaa and J H Saaa. of Laa
ar, bito Itmbmea la tit Lw Seftaol
I IBBJBx8&? Suiter Mmmmmmm IJr
100 TO 1 OFFER
Blankenburg Turns Down
Opportunity to Get Loan
Bill Support in Return for
Penrose Ballot.
Mayor Blankenburg today turned down
nn offer of 100 votes for tho municipal
$11,300,000 loan on the ground ha never
trades. The price demanded for the loan
votes was the vote of the Mayor for Pen
rose. The Mayor entered the polling place of
the 17th Division of the 10th Ward, whero
State Senator James McNIchol also votes,
at 21st and Summer streets, about 9:45
o'clock to cost his ballot. Inside the poll
ing place he came face to face wlth
James A. Carey, not the real estate as-
sessor and ox-Magistrate, but a delin
quent tax collector, who bears the same
name and who Is a Republican ward com
mitteeman. "Well, Mr. Carey," said the Mayor,
"are you going to vote for the municipal
"I'll tell you what I'll do, Mr. Mayor,"
said Carey. "If you'll vote for Penrose
I'll give you 100 votes for the loan."
The Mayor smiled and remarked, "I
never trade." Then he obtained his bal
lot nnd went Into the booth. He took
longer than the usual time to mark his
ballot As he came out he turned to
one of the workers and jokingly re
marked. "Split ticket."
Tho usual battery of photographers
wns lined up along the sidewalk.
"Do I have to get my picture takenT"
asked the Mayor "That's all a Mayor
has to do, get his picture taken."
When he "was asked to make a state
ment the Mayor said: "How do I know
what's going to happen? I don't know
anything about politics."
He then got Into his auto, called
"good-by" and was driven off.
Curley Carter Faces More Charges of
Swindle When Freed,
Alfred Carter, alios Curley Carter, Is
in Jail In New York and does not want
to get out. Detectl ves.Farrell and John
Lynch, of the Philadelphia force, are
watting to bring him here an a charge
of swindling, and Detective Evans, of
Pittsburgh, Is also standing outside of
the Tombs with a warrant for the man.
Carter was arrested In New York as a
Four months ago Carter met J. Ellison
Hess, of York, Fa., In a hotel In this
city. Carter told Hess he had a wire
less station here and in New York and
could beat the result of the races to the
bookmakers. He suggested that Heas
place a little bet on a race and he would
prove his statement Hess selected a
horse that Carter suggested. They went
to a room In an office building near 16th
and Chestnut streets, where a young
man was ticking away on a telegraph
key. The horse won, Hess got his money,
went right home, drew $10,000 from bank
and returned,
Hess met Carter again and gave him
the 110,000. He named a horse again, but
the second time declares he lost all.
It Is said Carter Is wanted In Pitts
burgh for a 20,000 land swindle. He sold
property that did not belong to him.
When Carter heard detectives were
waiting for him outside the Tombs, he
summoned Assistant District Attorney
Delehanty. of New York, and informed
the proaeoutor he could clear up the Her-,
man Rosenthal murder case, of which
Peltae Lieutenant Beaker was aocusd.
He won i tuvjiige us inionaaiien at once,
but the exauae is keeping him from ex
tradition at preseat-
Apprentice Plunged to Sidewalk
While, at Work.
A fall of three stories front the roof
of a hoase at iM North Wh street re
mind In death for Charles Sp4er. a
roofer's apprentice, U years old. XU
Poplar street.
gptoer was eowtayed by Richard
Oueatber. WST North 1Mb street. The
atetaant aaaeaaad yesterday. ' SfXear
was take ta 8t- JsMaa'a UasnUal. bat
I Ob ilaMar aar Htag adnKUd,
The upper picture, at the left, shows 16-year-old Annie Armitage taking
care of her sister Gladys, and glad to be out of the war zone. The upper
picture, at the right, shows a family of Philadelphians who are "glad to get
back." From left to right (upper row), they are Mrs. W. Gray, Mr. Gray and
their children, Cissy and Edith, while Percy and Rowland Gray are seen in
the foreground. The lower picture is of Sidney Butler and Frederick Raw,
English signal boys, who have just completed their first voyage.
Twenty-fourth Ward Man Held TJp
on Technicality.
Taking advantage of tho fact he had
moved from one houso to another, al
though still remaining in the samo
division of the same ward, election offi
cers In the 37th Division of the 24th Ward
refused to allow George C. Marshall, 3311
Kace street, to vote.
Marshall, a veteran of the Civil War,
had previously resided for 12 years
only a block away from his present
address. When he appeared at the
polling place where he had been vot
ing for 12 years in succession, the Pen
rose judge of election told him his name
had been stricken off the list
Marshall then nppenled to the Board
of Registration Commissioners, who sent
him to seek redress from the police. The
matter is In the hands of the Committee
of Seventy.
Feast of Fatronal Saint Tomorrow at
St. Charles Borromeo.
The- biggest celebration of the year will
take place at the Seminary of St Charles
Borromeo, Overbrook, tomorrow, when
the feast of the Patronal Saint will be
observed. The ceremonies will begin. at
9:30 o'clock In the morning with a Ponti
fical Mass celebrated by Archbishop
One of the most Impressive ceremonies
of the day will be the procession of the
students end clergy. Wearing their flow
ing robes they will partake of the sacra
ment, in procession around the grounds,
through the buildings, back to the chapel.
During the ceremony the students will
Join in hymns.
On this feast day the students have
their only full holiday of the year, and
the books and lectures will be abandoned
entirely for 24 hours.
Inspector Says They Are Not Charged
for Meat Wrappers,
Complaints of grocers that the firms
supplying meets charge them for the
weight of the wrappers in which the
products are sealed are unwarranted, ac
cording to Dr. C. A. Schautler, Inspector
of meats.
He declared today that he had made an
Investigation of complaints against firms
which were said to have Included the
weight of the wrapper In the net 'weight,
stamped on the package as required by
law, and found that they were not violat
ing the law.
Charges against the firms were heard
yesterday by Chief Sweeney, of the State
Bureau of Standards, at a meeting of the
Retail Grocers' Association.
In the Eugenic Age.
"Who was the beet man at your wed
dlag?" inquired the oU-fasaloaed person
of tae aawty-saarrlad girl.
-My bueaaad," was the vrompt rey.
-He was examined and Maead by seven
doeters, and there tatft the sUxhtesi
dwtst X H."drkly Time
Washington Party Enthusiasts Spend
Night nt Polling Place.
Two Washington party enthusiasts who
stood In lino at the polling place of the
20th Division of the 16th Ward from 3
o'clock last night until 7 o'clock this
morning claim the honor of being the
first Plillndelphlann to vote today.
They are Christopher Hare, 1933 Button
wood street, and James B. Logan, 19U
Buttonwood street. Each man has taken
pains In former years to be the first voter
at an election. Last night Logan, re
membering past performances, left his
home for the polling place on Button
wood street eaBt of 20th. He arrived Just
a minute too late, however, for, as he
walked west on Buttonwood street, Hare
came out of his house and reached the
polling place before him.
As soon as the doors opened this morn
ing the men rushed Into the booths. Again
Hare was quicker, for he dropped his
Washington party ballot Into the box as
Logan emerged from behind the curtain.
Evening Ledger
Election Returns
Free Moying Picture
Displays at Six Stations
Beginning at 6:30 tonight election
returns will be displayed from 11
Leooeh stations.
There will be also stereoptleon
views, moving pictures, photos of
the candidates and returns on lan
tern slides at
Broad and Chestnut Streets,
6th and Chestnut Streets,
Nixon Theatre, B2d and Market
Chelten Avenue, East of Main Street,
Broad Street and Columbia Ave, and
Kensington and Lehigh Avenuts,
Complete returns will also be printed
on all the electric Lbdoer bulletin
boards at
6th and Chestnut Streets,
Broad and Chestnut Streets,
Broad and Elliworth Streets,
Colonial Theatre, Qermantown Ave.
nue above Maplewood,
Nixon Theatre, Bid St. bel. Market St.
Forty special wires direst 'to the
Lsnasn will answer phone sails for
(Locust 4300 (Bell)
Qsll "
(Main 4770 (Keystone)
If you want the news, phono the
T.nnViBn or watch at one of the
Lsmiui atatieos.
Aliening $&
Unaware Liner's Danger
Was Relieved by British
Battleship Until Steamer
Docked Here Today.
Passengers on tho American Lino steam
ship Dominion, which docked horo to
day, were surprised to learn the lirltlsh
battleship Glory, which they sighted and
admired when two days out from Liver
pool, had early tho same morning saved
them from an attack by n German
crulsor which gave chase to tho steam
ship while her passengers woro slcoplng.
Tho cruiser was fight sighted by tho
man on tho bridge. In telling the story
today, an ofllcersald ho ordered full speed
ahead, but tho cruiser gavo chaso and
was gaining rapidly when tho Glory op
peared nnd put tho German to flight.
Efforts were made to keep the Incident
a secret, but before the passengers loft
the Dominion today the story leaked out.
Tho captain would not discuss the Ger
man cruiser Incident, saying bad weather
on the trip across kept tho passengers
considerably worried, and he considered
tlita enough.
India will back Great Britain In tho
present struggle with Germany, Austria
and Turkey, according to Abdul Avid, a
wealth) merchant of Calcutta, who ar
rived on the Dominion.
"India was quite enthusiastic about the
war In Europe when I left home a month
and a half ago," said tho Indian mer
chant, "and will back England to tho
limit If It is necessary to defeat her
opponents." Mr. Abdul came to this
country on a business trip.
The Dominion docked at Washington
avenue wharf two days lato after a rough
voyage. She left Liverpool October 21.
Among the Philadelphians on tho
Dominion were Mrs. Armitage, Misses
Annla nnd Gladys Armitage, Mr. and Mrs.
William Gray and thoir daughters, Cissy
nnd Edith, and Percy Roland,
State Society Insists Xaw Requiring
Licenses Be Complied With,
Licensed chiropodists, through the Chir
opody Society of Pennsylvania, are wag
ing a campaign to rid the State of prac
titioners who have not passed a required
examination. The penalty for illegal prac
ticing of chiropody is a (00 fine or six
months' Imprisonment
Letters announcing the Intention of the
association have been sent to alleged Il
legal practitioners, most of whom are
said to carry on business In rural dis
tricts. In order to practice In Pennsylvania
they must have passed an examination
by the Bureau of Medical Education and
Police Believe Man Implicated In
Thirty Becent Thefts.
Accused of being Implicated in a num
ber of robberies In Philadelphia recently,
James O'Doss, 1711 Ridge avenue, was
held under JtJOO ba.ll for further hearing
today by Magistrate Emely in the Park
end Lehigh avenues police statlun.
O'Doss was arrested yesterday by Bps
cial Policeman Mellon, -who saw the. man
and a companion acting suspiciously in
the rear of 3337 Park avenue. They had
a basket filled with groceries, which
O'Doss declares they were delivering.
When the bluecoat approached the sec
ond man ran and 'O'Doss was arrested.
The police said today O'Doss admits
being implicated In 30 .recent robberies
and think he may be one of the gang
operating in Qermantown.
Fatalities and Accidents Mark Open
ing' of Hunting Season.
Two persons were killed and six hunters
were wwnded In shooting accidents yes
tftrday, when the hunting season opened
In Pennsylvania.
Mm. Hrntat C. Roderick, of Confluence.
Was kMed by the discbarge of a gun
aba was cleaning for her son, who was
out hunting Koy Laver, St years
MoAlnetarvUle. waa snot and la.
killed while cleaning a tnotgua.
Independent's Nose Broken '
publican Is ArrcstedfBaftt
Argument concerning the legality b" a
Republican Inspector's credentials at tho
polling plnco of the UUi Division of the
2d Ward, 619 Wharton street, today per
clpilatcd nn argument which resulted In
nti injured nose for Nathan Nachcmo
wltz, a Washington parly watcher, and
the nrrost of his alleged assailant, Bobblo
Gibbons, who fills a similar ofllce for the
Republican organization.
At tho pilmarles Xathan Shoemaker
was marto nn Inspector following a "curb
stono election," at which several party
workers talked the thing over and de
cided Nnthnn was competent to hold the
Shoemaker appeared at the polling place
today nnd Insisted on tho right to tho
ofllce. N'nclictnowttr. objected, declaring
Shoemnhet's appointment Invalid, Gib
bons attempted to settle the question with
an nttnek on tho AVnshlngton party man,
according to the police.
First Attempt to Evade Election
Laws In West Philadelphia.
Illogal voting In West Philadelphia to
day resulted In tho arrest of throe men
and n Negro, and the pollco Say warrants
are out for more than 50 other persons,
who will be tnken Into custody when they
attempt to vote In various Rcctlons.
James J. Cralghton, a bartender, and
Edwafd Patterson, manager of tho Lon
don Hotel, 3220 Market street, who regis
tered from there, were apprehended at the
polling place of tho 1st Division of tho
27th Ward, 3201 Woodland avenue, by de
tectives employed by the Committee of
Magistrate Harris accepted ball and
signed a release for tho accused men.
They will be arraigned In tho Night Court
nt City Hall.
Tho Negro Is Lester Johnson, 3533 Mnr-la-t
street. Ho wns arrested at the 7th
Division of the 21th Ward polling place
by Reserve Policeman Montgomery on a
warrant sworn out before Magistrate
Beaton by tho Committee of Seventy.
Later ho was released by Magistrate
Stevenson to appear on November 5 beforo
Magistrate Beaton to answer charges of
fnlso registration, perjury and Illegal
Declares Heavy Republican Vote Is
Being Cast In City.
Senator Penrose was In a Jovial mood
when he enst his ballot at noon. Ho
Joked with ovcry one he met, posed for
his photograph and snld ho wns pleased
with the Republican vote being cast In
When he reached the polling place In
tho basement at 2H South 12th street. In
tho 3th Division of tho 8th Wnrd, ho wns
given a rabbit's foot by D. A. Irwin, the
division leader. Irwin told Penrose that
out of 125 vites cast In that division only
15 were against him.
The Senator took a minute to mark his
ballot, nnd then posed for photographers
In tho street In front of the polling place.
Thrco small boys, Albert Willis, a Negro,
52S Budd street; Herman Slavln, 30 South
street, and Arthur Nydlc, 213 South 12th
Btreot, Insisted upon being In the picture.
Tho Willis boy woro three Penrose but
tons. When the photographers asked tho
Negro boy to get out of the picture, Pen
rose placed his arm around the boy's
shoulders and said, "Let him stay. He
will bo a voter some day."
Senator Penrose said ho had received
reports from ovcry ward In Philadelphia,
and that the Republican vote is unusually
Horticultural Society's Exhibit Will
Be Continued a Week.
The 36th annual exhibition and chrys
anthemum show of the . Pennsylvania.
Horticultural Society will be opened to
night In Horticultural Hall, Broad and
Locust streets. It will remain open from
10 a. m. until 10 p. m. dally until next
Patronesses of the exhibition Include
Mrs. C. Hnrtman Kultn, Mrs. Sidney W.
Keith, Mrs. Richard McCall Elliott, Mrs.
C. Howard Clark, Jr., and Mrs. W.
Hlnckle Smith.
Many new varieties of chrysanthe
mums, some Imported from Europe and
Australia during the last three years,
and also many cut flowers will be shown
In the exhibition. Ornamental foliage,
chrysanthemum plants and cut flowers
will bo on display.
Arrested While Emerging Prom
House on Ellsworth Street.
The lives of residents of seven houses
on Ellsworth street were endangered at
an early hour this morning, when two
men entered tho buildings through cellar
windows and attempted to break open
gas elot meters. The houses entered were
2005-13-19-21-23-33 and 2013 Ellsworth street,
but the only meter they succeeded In
breaking open waa In the homo of Mrs.
Elizabeth Ellison, where the men ob
tained 75 cents.
The men were arrested as they emerged
from 2013 Ellsworth street by Policeman
Pence and taken to the Central Police
Station, whero they were held without
ball by Magistrate Renshaw,
Auto Club Opposes Proposed Eight-
Mile Limit Ordinance.
An emphatic protest against the pro.
posed ordinance now before City Coun
cils to limit tho speed of automobiles at
street crossings to eight miles per hour
Is made in a letter sent by the Automo
bile Club of Philadelphia to Us members
They are urged to write their Counoll
men and request the defeat of tha
measure. v
A State law already provides, in ad
dition to nxed limits, that motor vehicle,
shall not be driven faster than U -rea!
Bonablo and proper, having due regard
to the width, traffki and use of ibe high
way." - ' " .
An Improved Article.
CusWaw Inapeetor New, madam, are
"" ur uut-i yuu save BOUUHg that baa
bean improved white you were abroad
Tourist-No; only my health. I gained
12 pounds weight, I think.
Customs Inspector Ah, I thought so
We (ball refer that, madam, to the board
of B,ppUrs--JuJ.
37,169,694 ASKED
Department's Estimate $3,
518,420 More Than
Amount Appropriated
This Year
Idle. Money
The estimated cost of operating nil city
departments nnd county olllccs of Phila
delphia during 1915 Is J37,lej,634.61, or
M,D1S,120.11 moro than tho sum appropria
ted by Councils for city and county dur
ing tho current year.
City Controller Walton will submit to
Councils, at tho session on Thursday, his
report on the financial condition of the
city, with the estimated Incomo and ex
penditures during 1915. Included In this
report will bo tho detailed cstlmnto of
each branch of municipal and county
government for operation during the com
ing year,
A copy of tho exhaustive financial re
port of tho Controller will be given to
each member of Councils.
Following Is the estimated cost for
maintaining each branch of government
in 1915, as will be submitted by tho Con
troller. A comparison of tho approprla
tions made to tho uniu of city and county
government during tho present year:
.mt. Appro- Am. Eiti
Prlatod 1014. mofA.4 mK
City Commissioners.
City Controller
Clorka of Councils..
Clerk Quarter Ses-
District Attorney...
Law Department. .
Park Commission...
County Prisons
IleceUer of Tarei .
Ilecorder of Deeds.
Revision of Taxes..
Ileclster of Wills...
Hlnklnc Fund Com.
l,0OI,O31.72 S1.0SO.123 00
03,815 00
1,817,346 U
25,710 00
50.1. 024.00
1,162,080 00
City Treasurer O.Wfi.071.74
Art Jury 3,060.00
'IU1 Service Com.. 5S.0O0.0O
Hoard of Recreation 141,757.00
Mayor 470,740.00
Roller Innspectlon.
Uulldlng; Inspcc'n.
Eleiator Inspec'n.
Dept. Works
Director (la
Cltv Property
100.01 1). 0O
Dcpt. Health nnd Char.
Director oq,230.00
Health .'MM.3.18.T4
Charities 7R0 Sufl.20
Wharves and Docks. lB2.SB4.0n
City Transit 254,530.00
Supplies z,KH.23a.
Totals M.274.40 J3 7. 169, 034. 5 J
It hat been estimated by the Board' of
Revision of Taxes that the income from
taxable realty In 1915 will be approxi
mately $16,603,051 for city nnd county ex
penses baBed on the $1 tax rate. Tho
EO-cent tax rate of the Hoard of Educa
tion will produce half the abovo amount
for the school Bystem.
From water rents, returns from gas
sales under the terms of tho leaae, and
other sources, the city will receive in
1915 about S16.OOO.OC0.
Controller Walton has expressed tho
opinion that the tl.500,000 loan for a con
vention hall and the 1785,114 loan for a
free library be transferred to the sinking
fund, and thus Increase the borrowing
capacity of the city by the aggregate
amount. At present the loans are lying
Idle, costing thousands of dollars a 'year
for interest and sinking fund charges.
The Controller may suggest to Councils
on Thursday the wisdom of effecting the
The loan for the convention hall lias
been Idle since 1911, costing In that time
12(0,000 In Interest and 1180,000 In sinking
fund charges. The revenue on the loan
from the banks at ' 2 per cent, has
amounted to $30,000.
Verdict in Case of Robert Monogue
A Coroner's Jury today found a verdict
of "probable accidental drowning" In tho
case of Robert Monogue, of 1S21 North,
27th street, whose body was found in
Wlssahlckon Creek on October 31,
Official Forecast
For Eastern Pennsylvania; Fair In
south, showero In north portion, and
warmer tonight; Wednesday showers and
warmer; moderate southwest winds.
For New Jersey: Fair and warmer to
night: Wednesday Increasing cloudiness.
Light rains occurred In New England
and the adjoining Canadian provinces
yesterday, nnd during the last 24 hours
covered a large portion of the upper Lake
region, central and western Canada and
the State of Washington. Fair weather
has prevailed elsewhere except In tho
extreme southern point of Texas. The
temperatures have decreased in the At
lantic States from Virginia northward
and in the central plains States, while a
corespondtng rise Is reported from the
upper lake region and frpm thence south
ward to tho gulf. In general the tem
peratures are seasonable throughout the
northeastern portion of the country,
U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
Observations mad.8 a. m. Kastern time.
last Rain- Veloo-8a-?
"& .Wlna, Jty. Weather
Abilene. Tax..., 66 64
Atlantic City.., 41 40
NW I ciST"
SW 4 Ctaudr
uisuwrcx. n. u. 4 4i
Boston, Mass... 40 40
UuSale. N. T... 42 .18
Cblcaso, 111 h! 54
Cisvttllfld. O..., 44 38
Dsn-ver. Osl.. . . 40 SS
Dca Melau, la. 40 in
Dstrolt, Mien... 4 40
Duluth, Ulna... 42 .18
Calvestoa. Tex. 04 01
lUtteru, N. C. 00 M
lislene. Moat... 61 63
Huron, S. D 40 40
Jacksonville, -FU. es 00
Kansas City, Mo fas 68
LmjUjIIU, Ky.. & SB
Msmphis, Teas.. 63 64
Nsw Orleans.... B3 M
Xw YajS 41 .
North PrUts.... 31
Oktanoma. OkU. 61 62
Pbjkvlslebi. ..45 43
Phasalx, art; .. 64 64
PittwaT Pa.. 43 4
Quebec. Caa S H
st. iuis Tmo. . en SS
St PauL Mlao. 44 4t
Salt Uike. Utah U 46
Sea ytaootMo ..MX
NW 18 Ol.ar
8 14 Cloudy
lV la '
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:: if 8 SS
NK e i.r
f 4 rfe
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JH SW It t- . jss
geiaaioa. Pa. .
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