Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 02, 1914, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 7

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    mMJUmBmUHmtmSKHflKtfi'u'-'-m-' 'S -v t .... . JSnssBlassHSHlMlsssWn
,A- - ., '3f?T
U'Oohw TJljfp Jiwwrw- niW!liig
jJEbPst r
"f .HssW
Haberdashery and Freak
Stunts Against Equivalent
Also Offered on Outcome
of Election.
I urn ii ii mil in i mi iimn in .irriiWiJi jr.rniTrrv mr-mr-n-rc-R 2. tots,' , P '
-i.i, , . tj r - - - 'mmMg ,
T)KAt niSATtia I ' MHH
Institutions In This District Making
cree .rftyment Todny,
cnHnl ImI'T 'Vc,nber b"' f the
Bnnh of wTifn i.f . !"" Fc,crnI "wv
A derby hot ngnlnst three silk scarfs.
'A wlr.o illnncr for a party of four
nnnst a trlp ,0 Washington.
n 1? lhe car:lc of frlcmt on tlio
, . T" fm' ono month nBnlnst one
orchestra sent to see a new show.
a uox of clRnrs nKalnst 100 packages
of chowiuv gum."
"A tndj's umbrella JiRnltist n hnlr of
gloves. (This hot by ndvuentea of woman
I'uihltig a pedriut five blocks with your
These rii. types of the wnpers being
....v ijj o tomorrows election. None
of the nbove bets was made nlong the
Jllnlto, however. In the vicinity of "Po
litical Low bets wcro In real hard cash.
Homo of the wnncrs Inld by politicians
two sums ranging from Jii to 1200
Among the "blir nuns" bets of Jlooo or
more were reported, but it wns Impos
slblo to obtain tho names.
Senator James 1'. McNIchol. Krcd
Chandler, the broker; Senator Clnrenco
Volf, and others are said to have placed
largo bots.
Penrose money for the last two weeks
has gone begjting, according to Constable
alttr llaurf. of Magistrate Tracy's
iCOi,rl:JJ'll M,d t0',n' lle "' willing to
bet JJOOO on either Penrose or Doctor
Brumbaugh, or both, to win. He hopes to
find a taker tomorrow.
Kor the last 14 das. ho said, ho had
been carrying his money Into the camp of
Democratic followers, but was unablo to
create any Impression with It.
"Last week." said HaulT, "I went to the
Palmer hendqunrters and offered to bet
iiic wnuip puc, out could not get a taker
I don't think that bunch would bet n
piece of pie."
No matter how tho election goes. It Is a
aure bet that tho receipts of habcrdashory
stores, restaurants and cafes will be In
creased. Several Chestnut streets rlcrks
nnd a few stenographers havo made bet
to pay each others carfare for n month
or less on the outcome.
Dr. Martin G. Urumbnugh. Hepubllcan
candidate or Gocrnor, was -i fnvorlto In
tho betting today In various parts of the
city. Several days ago Organization
henchmen, who were giving 3 to 1 In favor
of Pcnroso were only offering ecu money
A close friend of Penrose said tho
Senator made no bets on himself today.
Those of a wagering disposition who Wa
ited Penrose In his ofllco In the Arcade
Building snld they had received no en
couragement from him to place any bets, j
of hi iii i. " Ior ,ne Pnyment
amo.mt, i , "18,Bllmpnt l0,'y. which
SL",S.A ,.P?r nt. of tho member
banks' 'rZZ "&$! the
certificate ui.ii..' 7 l "-micron goiu
of TM mlTs14" ?ut.of ,hp totl' """ber
M nfr n,?? , b.nnka '" th, '"strict, or
staUment i;.'in' rni " U,plr ""l "
Un lth .,- ,nl n,,,0,1t 'lnP W1.704.
It. he 1 Cv l,","k i?k' "" " 'luarters
te Inr, i?'7n .Vntlonnl Hank build-
f,I i U ". nro l)p"K received In tho Ccn
soednL"r """, ""ere the money Is
bank " ,h0 vnults for "w rcgiihM
expecTc,tl.n,,1,1snl,, t0In- lhl 'I w
ltl,:i i " nl..the b.a1'f would move into
Here ,,'. V M,0,"1V. Workmen
"o"lu"'uud'ingyfmi''oSnn. reW,Hn
Mrtny Years Chief Accountant of
Pennsylvania Ballrond.
nCAMNO. a. Nov. 2. Samuel W.
Lovolitnd, Tor 46 years chief accountant of
the PennsjlVrtnla Uallrond, died today
from a stroke of paralysis at his resi
dence. 101? Penn street Mr. I.ovelan.1
was In his 75th jenr and rrcrlved a slight
stroke threo jenrs ago. Tuo years ago
Central hallroad. t division of the rnn
sylvanla Railroad. He was th founder
or the Cnlon Athlotlc Association nnd
an enthusiastic outdoor sportsman. He
leaves a widow nnd three children. Fu
ncrnl services will be held tomorrow after
noon from his late residence
QFBUKC, Nov. S.-The Hon. Peter Sim-
his lllncs became acme, duo to the , T ' Z,?irJn lhc .l,rvlnl'l
;l.nrk of the tragic death of hi, daughter, J" ".'.' h ,i""fP. 1 ..?':?
-.w,.,.,, ...n, lu llla ii, pine in I'jiper .iei
t.ourne, near ttlchmond, Quebec, vesler
tiny. He tas 52 years old and had oc
cupied the post Of Treasurer since WO
Miss Marie I.oveland. who wns imniii'
burned at her homo In Allenhurst, N". J.,
when nn oil lamp exploded.
Mr. Loveland uis n native of Chester
nnd wns a son of tho l-ito Ksrklol and
Kathryn txiveland. For 41 jenrs ho re
sided In Philadelphia, removing to Head
ing two :ears ago. He was retired llvo
years ngo.
tester avn ,. , S,ltur,,I-- "ere held
Mrs V t tii t . .'HB ot Ms lftUghter.
S' ,:v1J- "nl'tnlli, ISS1 U'llllngton stieel
SI mis' ,Mlrll,I,,,; ?" '"- "b fo'r'
.,:.. .!'" . Mr- Junkln, wlio wn in i.i.
oiii iear. is mii-vi.i
ters, Mrs,
hv tils .. ,i
iint.i .::." " '"" mkii-
........ill. who is elementnrv
:oTar.l,;)tne"olfC,,.0f " 5bh" o.T.:
V n m. JSr1"1'' al"l Mm. II.
.n:.-..",' "f c'llc?K. whose husband I.
Compan "le Vnr1 Transfer
Puneral of Mrs. A. H. Bowen
Jr, l,,.,.,0rUl of Mrs- A'"''" " Howen
w ft- of Chnrlrs H. Howm. nn un lcVtnkrr
win', ok" H,tm''la.y ,a"er ,l '" ":
wll tnkc place Wednesdny afternoon
;.r0 cU' fro her home. fi3 Cntharln,
street. Mrs. Bowen. who was In her HNt
J oar. war connected with the Old Swedei,'
Church In South Philadelphia for ninny
yenrs. She Ii survived by four sons. )r.
Llement IS. I'owen, David H. Howen. nn
undertaker; Charles H. How en nnd Clif
ford J. Howen.
For Twenty-sixth Years Battalion
Chief of Fire Department.
Charles Henry Hollunitli, Tl years old.
who for III ears was n battalion rhlef of
tho Philadelphia Fire Uepirtment. serv
ing In that department for IJ venrs. Is
dead ut lile home, 36X1 North lCth street,
from heart disease.
Mr. Mollwnith wns n member of the
MeMdm Sun l.orfec. nf iim tt.n,,i. n-.
der: the t.u r.u Temple and the Cnptaln
nller S. Ncwhall Po,t. No. 7, G. A. It.
Ho Is surMved by his widow and his son.
uirry uuiinnrtii. a ilcllnquent tax col
lortor or the .lith Ward. Funeral services
will be held at the home of the deceased,
Tuesday afternoon, nt 2 oVnck.
Aaron Oliver llndley. S3 years old. on"
of tho oldest residents of Frniikford and
who opened the first t'liiim mi i.
wnro house In thnt section of the clu
died yesterday at his home. 2101 Frntil'.
rord avenue, from pneumonia. Mi.
Itndley wns a life long member of the
Ciaco Itapiist Temple. Hrond and
Herks stieets, nnd Is Htirvlved by three
daughters ,(nd a son. Hurlal will taku
place from his homo, tomorrow morn
ing, at 10 o'clock.
UAYONNI:, N. J., S'v. 2.-URSlan J
Hnmsdell died nt his lesldence here at
tho age of 61. Ho wns one of the first
membeis of the old Volunteer fire De
partment of Uajotinc, and served n term
In the Hoard of Uducntlon. Ho Is sur
Mved by his widow, one daughter and
two sons.
kARi'Rn?n3te$S,. November 1, 1914.
..'.A "UTTKftHOimr. Kunersl on
Pn ? iJllbt'T .?w ,ln,, York "' Hstlioro.
Hl'?lpitm",A ".,M"r "strt'M lmMry.
mi.A' T11?."1 Huvlnirer. Du
NMh "th"t ' ',! rMI'"'nc'- u"
"nvit'vrS"?" 0f,r,h'r, J'' 1n,- PATH1CK
nlri,.. 't,".on-ofJtl" Me ftinHfS n.l Msry
rnnI'i -IJJ0o,i bounty I'onrnsl. Irelind.
St A,.??'', f.'i 'V'mn ntqiiletn Mam ol
iiaIv i-rV. r. ""!r,l' t B n- m Interment
AVV ,f.Tr.n O'tolr .10. 10M. MA11T
th;..'. '.. n"lnuI- ."'' ??t1ls n
....'.' :"..- i' o1" nt inin p 23i tt
!miS-7;8ui7.'S5.' ""j N?Mnbtr 1. 1014.
t?l , iP'jIIINB7' "fed 118 yesrs nelMlvM
snrt frlendi r Invited to attend the funeral
Vl"? nn Tuepty sfttrnoon. ?fov. 3. at
S SO o clock, yt his inte residence, loa Mr-
i;inlmS.vffLR,"rf.7J!,,' "I" Interment nt
IIMtlmore, Md , on Wdnesdsy.
Il( I.I.HWAIIIll, Suddenly, on October St.
tllda llol'snnrtli I'uners rervlcrit nt hl Inte
5 n ' mr'nreH?elyr"' ln'" " ' " Tu"Sy. it
,'m.,S5.V,i0n tinVmhtr ' fH. AO
tit STfH A . eon of Wllllnm J. nnd Cntli
ntlne Jsckenn. Kunernl on Thiirnlny, et s :io
n m.. from nan nn.i .. tv-.',!:.,- .V.
llt,lvV.nv"'nI",,", ?' ,,M,ii' Ometerv.
1?".'','; JO. 1014. THOMAS
,,HNSON, hmlwnd nf Mary ( Johneon.
DA'Mla . v"1 b J
?. wt jjdimVS 3
Xue hotlre of th funeral ,-
iii- "(.- "i. ti'riiiriK'f nniinnit. i' vai Ia
i iiipiii nr iisiimi r . -i . i. n ... . .... . . - - ... aiui.u
rnAtnrnv .Mnnmi i rmcirrv. erire wm iq gitn later.
Vh,e;lBroririi,fm,t,n,1.h,lrr,1l'; Ki5l,n-Tf0,i0rl"'".r ?? 10,- NnT: h.
iJSr.ennr;? rt,;:,,II'",5w,C'' SnMhce,;nnc.01nr,SR'enaV,! Dll
rnVKHmt.t nZ .-" rUn"B.'... KtltKI'ATItlru s...i.t..... .
Ami rnni.ffi;"rn!r'.s:'..: sAMi-nf; i k n if f.Ax ;,i"":t, '
r,ln..,l .. .,, t ." " --- .-.. ...,..,. , ,a
it I Vtv" ,f' ,s:1 Chetnut t
fe .. ''Jm.'," Alsnsnn l. i-uriln. In lier
In .iiA't "''V'1' ,nn'' ff lends nr.- Invited
TUNAS C'tTV. Tex.. Nov. 2.-llrlgn.!lcr
Oenernl John Simpson, F. S. A., retired,
bj dead at the home of his son-lti-lnw,
Captain W. I,. Guthrie, at the second
division cncnmpmctit here. General Simp
son was "I soars old. and retired from
active service August 19, 1D0.1 The body
will bo shipped to Washington, D. C, for
buHnl In Arlington Cemetery.
n, ..-i... -.: ...i '""". "."'
nt- Summit nc. f tmi.ionnetil. N'. J
tiruVfr??. October M. 1014. ANDltnW ,T.
El'! liJHl.nn.1 nf sirnli It nrnrr (nee
5 t -a n.tsn . . ..... ..ii
- ' IV I KHIP I tlfttll !. TVlrAttt
..r?r' 'TMolln Omrtirv.
"'MM. On XnifmhPr 1
..... ,.i.i,, ni
1014, imiD-
Iron nnd Steel Captnin nnd Promi
nent Clubman.
George Guest, who wan Interested In
several Iron nnd steel Industrie., In this
my, onu tor many
George J. Henry Soner. nun ..r ih. i.i.
(st employes of the Philadelphia Uapld
Ti.uislt Company, died yestenlav nt his
home, 1232 .Voi th Allien street. 'lie was
,2 jenra old. Mr. Soper was a member
or the f-t. James Protestant Kplscopal
Chui oh. Mrig.eliig; the George V.
- hllds Lodge of Odd Fellows, tho Union
Lodge, nnd Knights of Pjthlas. He leaves
n widow.
MONT CI.Ain, .V. J.. .Vov. 2 -Captain
Robert Hnddon, SO jenrs old. died after a
short illness of kidney trouble Captain
Haddon for many years commanded
steamships plying between New York nnd
Southern ports. Ho retired 23 years ago,
and purchased n largo ti-nct of Innd In
the northern part of Mont Clair, which
ho developed bv opening streets and
building dwellings.
si "ISlSii i. "l " .m frnl" ,T0" ""ce
IM uwh Wrh ""lulem Mne nt St. John's
' i.uti'h. nth st nbove Chestnut, nt 10 n m
Interm-nt rnihnlrni r.n,.T. u ' "l '" " m'
HI rFKV.- On November 1. 'loi4. .TAMKS
ThV,;il."unV oTSnnc' I""'".!, runemlon
Thiirs.lnv, nt S Ail n nt from 4M.1 Merlon
ne Interment st item.1 i..n....: """"'
on Drtoti
will be siren.
MontlAN.--on November 1, 1914. FSTUEB
A . widow of C'sptsln Dsvld 1 Morgsn la
her 8M venr, r-uneritl on Wednesday, st 3
R,. m.i from S20 Monmouth at . Gloucester,
itjr, N J. Inttrment private. Cedsr Ororr
Ot'INN. On November 1, 1014. OEOrtOfl
II.. jHtshsnd of Alary c Qulnn. sged XI
yenrs. Funeral service on Wednesday, st 10
"; 'H" "' " ,n'B resiuence. necn are . west
of,Pjramoreave. l,a Mott. Pa Interment
..'.... .'.v. Chelten Hills Cemetery.
"'M'.,.'.,.:.r;0.n (,, 3tl of October. 1914,
- '.. ' um";i "AiJi.ijy, in the snth yrsr
Si. "' .,'?i Th funeral services will tak
Placo at his lato residence, 2404 Krankioi i
ny. n Tuesday morning, Nov. 3d, at 10
t,?.'lrf,H; interment strictly tirlrata.
n!,lfr!,s,!i,r"0n O'teber no, 1014, DANinn t.
im.CKF, aireil 72 years. Residence. 1013
JJcnnle st. runeral tervlces and Interment
ItOlinitTS. TltoJtArt nnrtKnT.d isi n.n.
vesrs. srii. .i .".,:'. .""r" '" ' rs st. " .
..... . .iiivitiiriii ririvnin. r,M....
KOHI.Klt.At lier late re.ldenre. eniT xr. I "V ,'.' ''".-Pn,.N"Ve"?h." ".PAn
!!"..". Oet.,l.er. .-in, .,- loutBA- M ;"n :,C"Kr.i e!..SSt,i,
--. . r --- - 'ua MHIIIU Ul MIC IUIIFIIII 1 I I P
Tl intj fr om hU late "l(1nc 2,m Poi
rltll.Lt li.l..i.
nn.l friends nro Invited to 'attend 'the funeral fc,'.l.V,,nAJf'T-0n. October 50, 1014, JlOP
ll..". . '''"i.i at 1 p. m. at liiia .:.-,? ,'"K0 "nerwan and daughter of I
vernon st on October :io, l')'
widow of rleorirp A Kolilor
K OI1X IKJR It li: It. On October
rAV,",l :'n;i: " KOIlNIHIIlllKBH.
I'm",";'...?1:,. '"'"?"' Hlle.
.... ' ,,,,' ' vmrirrv
at Act
PASSAIC. N. J.. Nov. 2.-Jamos A.
Mllllvnn. ..3 ycais old. tmo of lhc mott
iuuiiiiiieiii mw-jiTs in .xirtnerri Now Jei
.VCilTK nillll.llOf V.itl, ,al u ,1...1 l.. If. .....
tho Thomas Hardware mnmnnV .V i..V .1 :"'" .! .."" Vi...""?a?,.,,lp "f
absorbed, died Saturday nt his home. 1123 ' nco by his broiler. Dr. D e S lllvat,
Ludlow street, of kidney trouble. Ho was I -1 uiunii.
General Maytorena at Head
of 2000 Yaqui Indians and
ex-Fefierals Marching on
Naco. '
73 years old.
Mr. Guest served as a member and,
later, as director of tho Iron and Steel
Board ot Trade. Ho wns widely known
In club nnd social circles, and befoio his
uiiremcni on account of HI health was
a member ot the Belmont Cricket Club
nnd the West Philadelphia Cricket Club.
He Is aurvitcd by two sons, Dr. George
Clifton Guest nnd A. Ii. Guest, connected
with too Philadelphia Klectrlc Company,
nnd two daughters, Mrs. Joseph H Mc
Call. wife of Joseph II. McColl, president
of the Philadelphia Electric Company, nnd
Mrs. It. I. Hondo, whoso lmshnmi i- .,
ph.vslcian. Kuneral services will bo held
ST. LOI'IS. Mo.. Nov. 2. - Hugo von
Mnrklorf, furmerly I'nlted States Consul
to Hreinen, Germany, nnd prominent In
Gcrmaii-Aiiierloan elides throughout tho
count r.v, died In this city yesterday.
TIIKNTON. Nov. 2.-Aionlexv r-.-m.r.,!
the death todny at tho Purity Milk Farm
between this city nnd Hennlngton of
William llovendon, 2(5 years old, single,
an electrician, whoso former homo was
at 1MM New York nvenue, Urooklyn. Hli
body Is now at .1 Trenton morgue. Ho
has a sister, whose name Is unknown,
living nt Uobb's Kerry, N. Y.
NASH, Month's Mind Muss for PIIII.I1 v
NA811 Tuesday, November :i, nt I" o'clock nt
the rhiirth of tlio i:plphany, 11th nnd Jack
ion sta
ItfllV nn v....Mi... ....-......
iVv.Sl ffVN'fc "ii.!"'' ?r.rf .""iwj ".. he
5,c """ "" ""- 'csmence, jj Walton
KTIIOMKpAJT',?an, r.S'-l'"""' ' I"".
lfi., tvt.l'.L"5t'r:v-.n"Mmnd of the Inte
day Vmemi'r? l ""V,"1 ""lf'" "n Thurs
& W n.;'l Bt. 10.n' " nt 'nte reel-
on Octoler SO. lull In Hnch.'slr-r v'
,t,i?,h 'tl" '"', n "'." Ashland ave . Phiu:
ddph'n. T'n . on Tues.lnv. nt in n m In.
terment private, nt Chelten HIIN ivntrtrn"
1 IvI'J'J',m:;m,,,!V,,''2,v' on October 2. 1014.
A.SNIi: riCl.liM (nee llralrv ). of the Parish
of Cregnn cniintv. Tjrono. Ireland rtinJAi
?S..T,,T'.,,V u ".'. s n "' rr"" mil Jlarrett ,
New '..the.TrKH'finetrrV "" ,n"""cnl ot
il'..??T ' hi" Md j ear lielattvv. ...I
,0NT.ielnN;.On 'nvcinher 1. 1!H. r.t.lZA
Venrs lte,aH.lH,BP ,"'. """'born, nge 1 77
nJ2 loviiJ fift.l,w".. ""i1 'rl' of the rmy
TMid, .'''n.'V 'i"'1,"" fun"nl ""vice", on
HftVnW' V .h'r '"" ""I'lence.
Vr,rer,ir.ir,Cemete?yfrmCnt PrlV"t0 "
"thoJosr '0H'N' "BLPBHTV. 201 Or-
l.l'.y. On October .11, 1014, WILLIAM t
onlv sot) or Mnrv J nnd the late Thomia J
J.M-. Kuneral on T uirsdnv. nt 1 lei n m
from Id. Into residence ,-,fKi iVmlcrlnn si'
(near Sllh nnd t'edar nve). So "in", of
lleotileni lit rhur, h of the Train ?ai ?n-
...i .. '
nt in .;...-,. "' ""- """suraiion,
,'iN,0J.',N n October .11. nt his residence,
4'k-l. Mnrcnre nve.. fiKmtm: t; i.iv.in "J1
Sin l.e"alonr"' 1UC no"'' "' ,,,e '1"'J' ' R,rV,W,J5li;-NOMMAN' SIMPLEH. 2433
,---- - ........ . '.-l. ,l.ll, ..III. t.,,K,i.cr til
into Thorns nt.rf rn.n ii.u.h a. r....
envan. Ireland Funeral on Tuesdi', at :
a. in., from tljn B S11 st. solemn M'
" "C'luion nt st Charles' church, nt 10
qinii.J.ni'"5fnt Hl "oly '"""" Crmetery.Kl
rri',.TT.0n Oetoher .10. 1PM, nN
MIN DAVIS HimnVB. Funeral strvlcei
nin inte residence. Devon. Pa., on Tuesr
ri'im,'r :l..nt Ham. Interment prlvi
Carrlngca will mct train leavlne Hroad
.... ' ,l -'' " oi
i.v , .. '. . ' Inn Hc v urist nn mid
Clirl.tlnnln Ludv Tlie rolntlves nnd frlenda
"i uic rnmuv ami nil orsnnlslrns of which
,ri.'i"iS.nVm,",i nr rp"l'c"f"ll' lnvltr.1 to
nttend the funeral sprv trr. n. in.,t.. .
rrnoon. ut S nTISrK nrcrlfolv. nt Srhtivlrr.
iiiofid nnil Diamond sta. Interment prlvito
(it Jit. criion (Vmrterv Itcni.ilns may he
viewed nt his ate -e.ldence. Uuircl Springs.
. - . " - I'll II I Ii
SNpitl)i:N.Kntered Into rest, on Ottob.r i
.... ...... n.ii,v . ,vnvi;n wir or trta
Into OeorKA W. Snovvden. Duo notice ot
...ii.-, m him in. Riven.
SOJ'IjIt. On November 1
1014, OEOnOB
! t
innl Phiihli KA -.a .
Irrtun W me-, nt ! n. in Iniirmani rAM
rtA f-MkAMk aHfc
......: 'l
lit. Mil, husband of Matilda M. Bone
i.I'iT?.1 ! Wednesday, at 1 p. m . fro
1J.U North Alden st Kuneral services i
M. Jrmes' l.pisrnnal Church, S2d at. nr
jenrs uue noiire or tlin funernl will l,e
v."1.1!".!''!1."1 UfJ?" fesldenre.llMIs llrlenve.
McANANV. -On November 1. 1014. NIILLti:.
dniiRhter of il.e into Pairlilc and fntliarlno
.M.lliri.s.- On November I. tnt4 nn.VA -tr. ' TnKIIIV. On October .11. 1014. inninn
..r 11 ni. ... . .. .- ...... ,, .,..,.. ..,. - ,.-- --.-- ---.-....--
,1 ..iMi.-ui. mro tirecnvvniii), need 2., ''.' nc or james Tcenm, aeed 41
yenrs Due nollre of tho funernl will l,e iinJITi .,1,0''ll' nnd friend, ro Invited th
: " ii...., ,,1, ' euiiiii', hi 1"
TpMp a!., Tnrony Illjch Mam nt Ht. T.n'-
t..At,.., V...;r'. .;;:.' "-V"'.4 irino tniirrn. at 10 ft. m.
.......... . , ., ,!,., i ..n tt ninrruuy. An p ir TlllriT-ii ia i . -.
au. .1.. . ' . i. l. npr reiuiinp rj in t m aa.
, ni it a. in., from the rrftliiVnr nf !. "" . ht rpun.vncc, oih Ln
orris sr. noiemn Jlnsa of Itcnulem nt f inernl T 11 ii. -i..r- "" noiira oi ins
of Almonte Ontario. Cunadn. nnd mother of 1 n.otl.rr. In Allo-vav. N J. on Wadneadir "
Dr. It Tnlt Mclfenzle. or Ihlli.ltnhin .... nt " n m ..... a . mi iieunesaiy.
on Tuesday morning. October 27. 1014
irrmi-ni ill .vimnnte.
etli st.
TONI3Y WAUrtKN. 322 North
MeKINI.Kl.On October 01. 1011, ItoilUnT. , WII.I.IAJIS On October ill. 1014. ANNIB
Jr. husKiml of Anna MrKlnle tnro H.'.t ,. H.. wife or Philip V Williams. In her Wll
cote) nnd son or the Into Ilohert nnd Mnrv x,nr. l-uiiernl, eervlres on Tuesday, at 3
M.-Klnlev. In lili Hist venr. Pimpral mi IV ,'","' her Into residence. 230 Cedar stT
Wedneeinv. nt 1 ti oi rmm tii i, .... ' llrl.tol. l'n.
dince II North With it. Interment at Pern- ' Wl'ICST. On Octnhcr 31, 1014, M. JEAN
vood (Vmeterv. , UTTi:. dailohter of .1 llnrrv nnd Allr. (..
v)i..' r... .. . .... -. . an.. ' . .. - -- - : .- -" 1
-.mi vrinnpr .mi. iiii-i. Ai.vifv in ner mm venr. neiniivei. nnil rnenoa nn.
'iitrlck Miinnghnn Kuneral on Invited to ntteml tho funeral services, on'.l
M.. vvlfe of I
Tucrtny. nt s 10 n n
High .Mass of llcnittem nt lhc Cnthedral
. ,,1,1. a. ,i t. ill. in
oral i cmetcry.
nt 1.-.29 Winter st.
torment nt New C.Uhc-
VmlncJdny. nt 1 p. in., nt the reslt'enco orj
ner piionts, corner of lllnw flrnvo plko nni"!
vvnveny roan, ienMe. ra. interment pn-
A.na ni urcenmounc cemetery.
John C. nines. ;. jonrs old, a prom
inent Uinsdotvno counclltiinii. nml mn.
ncctcd with tho Ponnsjlvnnia Hallroad
Company for more than a) vom ,u.,.i I
yesterday (it his home. Ittl McKIIey ave- "I'iV'nmk.TmJs- 0,VrI.,'r.r ?V,...LB.U;, A.'.J?
llvUtlvea nnd frUnda nro Invltnl in attend
11KII It i;it. On October 31, 1014. IDA L
wile ol Crank Hollter. nv.il ,-V4 vrors. Iteln
tlies nnd Irlcnda nre Invlteil to attend the
funeral service. ,m Wnlneedav, at 2 n m.
jt h.r Lite resident c. juis West Wlllard st
Interment nt Cricnvvood (Knights of l'jlhlns
nuc. Lnnsdowne. Mr. I lines was at one I
llmo assistant tccretnrj of tlio Northern
l'hllnilelplilti, November 2. 1IH4
The Dlrtctors have this dny .le. Inrcil a
seml-nnnu.il illvldend of (1 per cent. ((11)
ireo in imw, imaiiio to ntocltholilers of rcc
EL PASO. Tex., Nov. 2.-Wlth a mixed
nny of more thnn 2000 Yaqul Indians and
ex-rcderal soldiers, recently mobilized
In lower California. Governor Maytorena,
leader of tho Villa faction In northern
Mexico, Is approaching Naco, Mex. Gen
eral Benjamin Hill, commander of tho
Car anza garrlsoiV defending that town,
expects an attack to bo mndo on his
forces today. Jorge U. Orozco, Mexican
Consul Ipe. has telegraphed to General
Villareal, president of the Aguascalleutes
convention, declaring Maytorena's action
b. vioiajion of the armistice.
Dispatches fiom Mexico City tdato that
Oenernl Carranza has not presented his
resignation to the convention and will not
do so until hu Is assured that the terms
of bis pinposcd retirement arc compiled
With by Villa nnd Kapattt. Carranza sas
both niLst rctlro absolutely fiom their
military positions before he will resign.
Carranza also demniida assiii-ancoH timr
when Vlll.vand Zapatu resign they must
not be In GpsltJon to mcddlo with Mex.
can polltlcsnd that ho must be Informed
of the sort u Provisional Government the
convention delegates may adopt beforo
he will send his i catenation to them.
All-Bangor Made Dry Because Re
ceptacle Hit Mayor.
BANGOIt, Mo., Nov. 2.-Becnuse he was
truck and almost felled by a keg of
beer, which was being rolled Into a grog.
gery on one of the main streets .if tnin
city, Mayor Utterback today called upon
the police to close up all the places where
liquor I? being sold openly.
"A pretty story this would have made
for the newspapers If J. the Mayor of
one of the Principal cities In nnihlhiiim,
Maine, had been disabled In such a man
ner, he told tho chief.
SKaci.i,ife,gu'f.,?,.,i!er " 8nt,
AMuVph'(0'Sl1Lilfl,,.,,".lanJ- flnd "'
Itobm V McL'ambrlJge. Chicago, ., atui
, Wrgarct Mcqillieuddy, 21 1U Ontario ,
Jtroea A Ho'Ils, S1S1 N. Warnock kt , and AN
-". ..awn. mm ttHllltlVK .1
TVltliain lloiorih. OUT KliiKsesslns ave.. and
Matilda Keratrttcr. 101U Pino st. '
EJvvaril ALt. 1JH2 N. CUU at., and Jennie M.
ilrady, 2111 N. Ilh st
IauU Kapron, TSU Jackson at., and Ucaala
triiivr. I.iv JBCKWJI St.
tomoiriiw afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the S.V1 !" ".'t0, .clo"e P.' business lit tuber lllsl.
late lesldence. ' nt U,e Checks will t,o mnlled.
N. v. COIISON. Cashier.
lie i in rr servient, on ivrtnMint. n
n. in privisely nt the rcsl.lcnce nf her hus
bind 4H..I lathirine st. Int, rment private.
IIOVINRIHI. - On November 1, 10H,
lt.L'lll:i. WITZMAN. vvlfe of A. II. llovl
Iniror Due notice ol 'funernl from her lato
residence, nil North IRth st.
IIIKIOKh. On November 1, 1014, DLIZA
I1F:TII, wife of John c. llrnnha nn.l daughter
of Hester and the Into An.lretv J. Ilnrnman
runeral scrvhes on Wednesday, at a n m
precisely, nt her lato residence, IWl'S West
Ontario at. interment private, at West
laurel Hill Cemetery.
Men's 91.25 $
Cape Gloves
Imported skins. In
tnn s hade s. best
American make; P.
X. M. sewn; Kngllsh
thumbs; one-clasp.
stoiii: opi:.s s.;to a. ji. closcs at n..tn i. m.
Market Eighth Filbert Seventh
It Is a prudent thing;
to accumulate
They have tho prrcat
est value, because the
niorchnndlso they se
cure Is of the highest
m v r m i mi ,.
W a fi s-t-ar -3 lC W J& H J3k
yy inter ouns asia uv
Hoiv Shall I Mark
My Ballot
Max Dorfinan. bSti Maranall at., and Bertha
floliltftein 1SIU Catharine st
Wllllum J Ulliiiore. Jr. 1214 N. Mth at., and
I M. -.H. . ... MUM ...
I M'jr" toman. 11)11 8. 8th at, and Marlon
Silver 1022 Snyder ave.
frank K Davenport, 3134 Chancellor at., and
H.in Nf IVI1 1 lit in. .VR1 Wnlnnt ml '
$iKd C'ulajacono, 5If FIKwatsr St., and Akm
Hart nello. .12T Hltiwatar it.
laul Uisathouaa, Dayton, O., a4 Marlorla V.
JV r1n i hkaao. III
Joseph K buwdtn. Scrunttw. Pa., and Hilda
r-mr 210 N 2th at '
El ner J fcukiuan, IBM K. I3tn it , ami Carrie
K o llner. at) 18 Frasltllu at.
Irnest K Ollmora,
llanarth St.. and
John A Lie M B &8th at., a ad Mary C. ISUkL
llfl N SStb at w
I.cnis A Kredarkka. 1410 Mount Varom t..
and Vv llda Jobnaoo. Look Haven. Pa.
lienttr O Auchaobach. Nsteralnk, Pa., and
Pe Theobald Kltach,' Jr.. US MaKaan at. and
Kaitisnne twnx, -uat a. tobi w.
Jib ilaxln 410 Mifflin M , and Mary S4aia-
tvra tT Oarratt at
Frank Hebilng. 4Sffi PmtkrU at , and Anna.
VscenhuSer, 4SS3 Lavtnton ava
Albeit J Kudanbaman. 0M J at. aad A4
i fioiaa v
ham,, Ull
J3irlin Uraikatar, 844 N Darlaa at
ji-r wvikianay . 4fffB
vvhi.an J liappaL 1W $ Itti at..
M Hoi Taumy. P . .
v i 1mm W WilWnaoa.
1 Edith i Maaanwa. hi naa H,
as4 HHtU
The thousand and one technical questions that election
day brings forth are always a source of trouble to voters. In
order to make the casting of the ballot easier for those who
may be confused on certain points and to answer anv ques
tions pertaining to die election on Tuesday, the Public
Ledger, through Ledger Central, lias arranged a most
efficient service.
From now until the polls close on Tuesday this service
will be under the direction of a lawyer of wide experience
and training in this particular field. Ledger Central will
iron out difficulties and give definite information. This
service is strictly non-partisan.
Here are some of the important facts that Ledger
Central can supply: f
Location of polling places
Marking the ballot how to vote a straight
party ticket or how to split it
Rights of the voter at the polling places
Duties and powers of election officials and
Explanation of the election lay 4
If any citizens who learn of irregularities at the polling
places will report them to Ledger Central, tiieir complaints
will be turned over to the Committee of Seventy for imme
diate action.
Every voter in Philadelphia is cordially invited to use
this election service without hesitancy.
Ledger Central is open from 7 a. m. until 11 p, m.
I 4 TL 7l,T-,t T.rr . . .
u iu i nuse mowers wno Appreciate. Extra Good Value in
Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Balmacaans
we have a message a very important message that will mean a good j
many aouars saved tor those who take ad
vantage of this special sale of clothing.
This sale has three distinguishing features:- First, that
the styles are the latest of Fashion's rliaLites snpnnri.
that the materials are of the hest aualifcv anrl. fhir?i?
that the make and tailoring are of the highest character,;
unu uiiSL woi'Kmansnip.
f Mens Suits, Overcoats and Balmacaans $
YS .
Values -It
$25.00 $11
Values Ji
e fabrics in choice
j $15.00 $
Values H
5 Made of this Winter's most fashionabl
of over two hundred of the newest, smartest patterns.
Styles range from the extreme London fashions to the con- f
servative American business models.
Boys' Suits, Reefers, Top Coats & Balmacaans
W.SU W o 5.30 & J (TO I SIO & 512 Vn)
Z !
Suits are in the latest Norfolk, Knickerbocker, double-breasted,
Russian and sailor styles, in fancy cheviots and mixtures also
in corduroy at $1.98.
sixo.nd floor, seventh and Top Coats of latest Balmacaan, belted and reefer effects in nice
riT-am .smi-kT. .. nnnlifir tninnliillno n-w1 nt-tslfr.1. ..i-..u ct! t i - -
.irtjirvL.1 niitjitifH iiuuiibjr v,iiiitv.iiitiuo twm oi,j, uau HUAHUUH. iSlZeS H' 10 10 years,
Sale of Seasonable Floor Coverings
$22.50 ggTAxminster
A arreal iiurchaae that iicrinlla prlvra that nre almoat half.
Tha Inlaid is two yards wide and tlio cork Is four jards
wide, so that you can cover any ordinary iloor with prac
tically no seams showlns at all. X'lease bring; room sizes.
$1.35 Inlaid 80c Heaviest Cork
Linoleum, r7t71Ar Linoleum, AnVin
sq. yd.... ' sq. yd....
RUGS, H6.95
A,ri m,8 ?.ea,es alue ,n hKh 'Juallty ruga
this city has seen for many a day. They are
beautiful. lustrous. hlBh.plla Axminstsrs.
guaranteed to Rive years of service. They are
" . '. r'en'al designs and pretty floral
effects in a ery choice variety of colorlnua.
They nro real Ascmlnster rigs, and at this
price of 1 11.113 they are lesj than the usual
i'""i rueiB wouiu cost, size 9x12 feet.
$9,00 China $ff QQl $12 Japanese & $o no
Mattings, roll u,i70l China Mattings Q'
300 rolls of Japanese and Chinese matting In excellent qual
ity Full rolls of it) yards.
60c Tapestry Brussels, 47 lzc
ipi.ao wiuon velvet, b)c
27 inches wide,
Wnp Vinlla utnl.... .!
, ...iia miu 7UI1-
For Your Curtain & Drapery Needs
Several special: purchases from such leading makers as United States Curtain Mills and prominent import
ers permit us to offer these exceptional pries-reductions,
$6.50 Irish Point Curtains
pair $4.98
Broad and Chestnut
km, uel J ri. ra nat at. aod TJH
Vks rponai m
ima n
l kuixbt
Vv a ii i.rlirllha.
iJtaraiKa at , aa4
F kdttfiiraa. axaia PutLar st
. ., tunica. 244 K PMu-h at aaH Kll
t .jWttUitk, till ft, fefiMrm at.
3 A .
W' - .
Our own importation and exclusive
daslsns. Of fine net with scroll and
ftoral centre and wide borders
heavily appllqued. 3 and 3H yards
$15.00 Velour $1 1 QO
JPortieres, pair L iJO
Pta quality. wUb plalu centres
and brocaded borders, lined with
Agured armure Red. green, roae
ana ciue colors.
60c & 90c Sunfast Drapery
Matoial. 49c . 79(.
Of Bighly merterised yarn,
woven on black wtia in id,
green, brown, roaw and blue
eaUu), jurtty dMtgas. Sow b,v
plain centres and wtd htM4f;
others nretty two-tone and var
dure designs. Sotue aoaW ooiarm.
Z Indus wide, yd 4e
IS invites wide tu-
. UT UHOTUKHS gr ivir Jh OH 'HOfc Oi.lEKS F1LI.J '5--
$4 to $7,50 Window Panels,
each 32.98 to $5.98
fJff lrh Point lace in
inches wld-fUr mf iyinVo"
$8 Lace Curtains, p0r MJ3,
$5 Lace Curtaine, pair aa.88
S:otcb thread lace. Irish Point and
Keniaa.uce lace ff.t design
l' tuut irtlKll l.UOJ .1
. Ana
ea 'tW
If ill
" ' ""l""lr'" ' I- 'I 111 ti ' .t-t
y 3hnw k -ciji Jnc Jb,..-. - eSsssssf . , , llinfir ' f1
; TXe Jifflll ilnrsssfsW iii TOfflllsslsTCsSstosBiiill l ill JMssssssssst lllflTMlltsreslsliiiii ifn i i ,-,....., ..-Mttim. ..-- ,,.:.. - . j., , 'a nH . ,... t- J nt... . MssasWi "J. 'SH. i in, ifl C -
-'; T3'3Hg99HHHHflHEMl ""' ' illsMytlisssffsesSiiiiffi i m sslsssf 'iii n nMLiM-i ssM MY aiieAiiasssssssssssssssssssssssBsiWifflsS