tfpes ot !60 from ti a opei crl er ftn .lc I ded m po irec -le. n ui ia.1 tb !1 JCJ tiW i MILLIES HURL bACK FOES w j . . . f ALONG WHOLE NORTH LINE tinned mm to On mATCtioRs by Tctrograd. Germans lSVc been pressed back in tlic Su- alki province, on tlic East Prussian dottier, and have continued their it. i tr?t from the Vistula until they arc JlG)vithin 20 miles of their entrenched rrJ'l?,?,t,0,1s o" the Wurta, in western Austrians again have invaded Scr iJeirSwSn territory. Official advices from Vienna nave francis Joseph's troops utf possession of a number of posi- ALLIES ADVANCE IN FACE OF DESPERATE ATTACKS avec of TAUIS, Nov. 2. tho ev'-he Qormnns arc keeping up vlRorous 'frontt'onslve, especially In the northern !oh phcre of hostilities, according to the adnneh War Ofllce nnnounccment this j.ternoon, pofhroughout Sunday the Germans made iBtiblr shocks in iiciRium niiii nortnern etr ' once, particularly between OKmudu tnd tho I.ys Illver. All were repulsed ox ceft thoso In the reslon of Messlnc", nboul , -c'slit miles south of Yptcs, where tho AN rt jar.. , A , nted b""" ,U01 Bi-uuiiu. io" JThe Germans pressed vigorously ncnlnsl tho o Arras line and nznlnst thp Allli nt ommoihons nnd Ue quesnoy-cn-Sniitcric, onl Cobove Itoyo. len th'flic oltlclal report In full follows: aves "At our left wins the German attack mo ling movement cuntlnueil yesterday with led tho same violence In Itclglum nnd In the roortli of France, particularly between ser JDlxmude nnd the I.ys. In this region, nuain spite of tho uttacks and counter nt ' Uacks of the GcrniniiB, wo have made nuaBllsht progress on nearly tho whole front anysjcccpt nt the village of .Mewslnc. of moro -hlch a part has been again lost by thu 'ly leoops of the Allies. Unrti-'The enemy attempted a great effort lUgalnst the suburbs of Arras. He was checked In n similar movement against Llhons nnd Le Quemioy-en-Santoirn. ortly At the centre. In the rcjtlon of tin ectlvollver Alsne. we have made slight pros- ( trorPss toward Tracy-le-Vnl. to tho north ontrtf tho forest of l.'Algles, a3 well ns nt $r srtatn points on tho right bank of the tlpstfsne. Between this forest and Solsnons, elvcs'foro Vnllly. mi attack dhected against ,. tose of our troops who held the heights pUthe right bank of thn river was also n ulscd. Several other uttacks made by ay Germans check allies' mt oo: bo ul .rtav Ht Is ADVANCE TOWARD GHENT LONDON. Nov. 2. i apparent that tho Germans havo I MX JilOtl nvn n reinforced nnd havo frustrated tem- Jliotrarlly the effort of tho Allies to drivo Wiac column down the River L,y3 toward .lent. j,ut The action Saturday, as nnnounced In i thaist night's French otllclal communique, i tho region of Messlncs and Ilollebecke, VT Flhere tl,e Germans captured ground arly In tho dny and were forced to aban- Qj-n later, was several miles west of tho tie front ns last previously Indicated. -ulers, close to which the Allies pene- iontd a week ago, is now behind the TV GERMANS FORCING PATH -ong SOUTHWARD, SAYS BERLIN icctr? Cl d BERLIN, Nov. 2. Lotstatemcnt Issued by the official press ,,0''a Snu today says the situation along the repr0 llno ln Franco ls considered far flrntioro favorable than at nny time since n wje fighting was extended Into the north. try U assort3 tI,nt the "S"11"' m "usslan 'CtcP'and has not recommenced, but that Is oc battle in Galicia seems to be approach- - mr a decisive porlod. f2pThe progress of the battle In tho north- nrm French front lucalltlcs ls considered Tntlle ns highly favorable," the stutement ackljared. "yesterday's report, which macW8 that the French havo been thrown ttted,gS thi Aluno near Soissons and that gres operations have already extended to Bl ' west front of Verdun, Is regarded as 'y1 best Issue In some time. Letters from n ' front descrlbo the lighting between ,,auport and Vpies as probably tho (18 .mau, n ,hn AtiHrA wnr J' Tho Germans havo forced their way j .1 -" " w .,,,,. .... atDSSIAWS DRIVE &. ENEMY FROM ALL PARTS OF POLAND Dn Prussian Frontier Czar's Advance Is at Heels of iv 'flrmnne n na Pucnorl Many Miles From Vistula. Is declared here that whtn the Ger- s found themselvea unable to mov artillery through the deep mud h marked their entire line of retreat burled many guns, most of which ,v now been recovered by the Hussions, Along the prisoners captured are officers nil man of the Kornlgsbarg and Posen ;mur I rrlwjns. Indicating that the Germanr iw on these fortresses for men to ale "jsoplo l campaign against Warsaw, which 't!,, 'wind In ditaster- i?2Wis oltlclslly announced that ln the tMfenwi attack on l)akalanwo, on the rn5st Prussian front, which beeran last ty, several divisions, supported by uMwvy gun. parttelpatM- ThM 1 MHv of the KoenlgsberK and J'eu irarrlsons. H Oorbtkallh and the Vistula fajM Matured, In the four days FWteefe&r last. 8! pmeecs and' w4HSfil cnuy io ine jf(l) kftos CorjMt. Th BusUns also t&olc xitw- AUMtriHH are retreating between nnd Radom. baviag ea tmlv from the Oemaaa who muk la a aiore waauny oirec tk Wh AMsixiau Oalvarr tHvl- MMOraHsg Uie Owrautu retrnt fi rruwua rroni at iveai ItWM hafwaaa two hu la ouly to a yattla. -BRUSSELS $9,000,000 Haduce Indewatty Vnm 140,000,000 Tall. Nov i-A Bwu tatafram aar that, aftar wWfjail. ViV f aVaHWa)p QH If JMWPj WPiiw ' 4 51531 Ccrnowitz, capital of Hukowina, is still in possession of the Austrians, who recaptured the town last week, according to the Vienna War Office. Near the border of Hukowina the Austrian forces have defeated a Rus sian column. In Galicia the Russian advance has been halted, Vienna de clares. TsiiiR-Tao harbor front is in flames from the shclU of tlic AnRlo-Japancsc licet, The Rrancl assault, begun Sat urday at dawn, continues vigorously. night upon the heights of tho dictum des l)nme were likewise repulsed. "tn the region of Ithelms, between the Argonno and the Mouse nnd on the heights of the Memo, the enemy yes terdny resumed activity with tils heavy artillery, but the bombardment achieved Uo nprcrlnhlo tesults. "At our right wing a reconnolFnnce In force made by the enemy ngntnst Nom cny has been repulsed. "In the Vosges vt have retaken tho heights which dominate the pass of Snlntc Marie. Wo have advanced In tho region of the tlnn-de-Kopt, where we now oc cupy the positions from which the enemy bombarded tho town of 91. Die." A force of approximately 5000 Germans tiro throwing up entrenchment!) between Ostend nnd Zcebrugge, despite tho fact they nro under flro trom warship.'). I'livic Is one advantugc on the side of tho nermann on the coast. Tho soil Is sandy nnd undulating, und when shells strike they usually bury themselves harmlessly. Military men believe that the German campaign against Dunkirk and Calais will eventually come to naught nnd that. In consequence, there can bo no possi bility of a Gci man Invasion of EnKlnnd. The Allies have been creeping forward day by day. At limes they have been checked or compelled to glvo a little ground, but they milled and attacked with greater vigor. This week should sec tho French and British established along the coast in northern Belgium, It Is as tinted by Kronen military men. Despite the conservative nnture of all of the otllclal bulletins, tho reeling of optimism hero continues to grow. It Is Telt hero that the Get man attempt on the coast has been definitely icpulsed and that their severe lighting, now so much In evidence. Is Intended to hold present positions, not to gain new ones. German lines. The Belgians, however. havo forced the Gcrninns back of the line of the railway paralleling the River Yser from Nleuporl 'o Dlxniude, and it Is repoited tho Allies nro again Hearing Ostend. The correspondent of tho Dally Kxpress, telegraphing fiom the Dutch frontier of Belgium, says "persons arriving fiom the Interior of Belgium, state that fresh troops arc still passing along tho ro.ul from Ijgren toward Ghent and Bruges. It is not believed that the Germans are transporting submarines In pieces to Zce brugge, but It Is rumored that large naval stores from Hamburg and Kiel havo ar rived at Antwerp." southward by repeated night attacks. The toll on both sides Is very grent." of tho Berliner Tagcblatt, says Soissons Is the point on tho long battle line near est Paris, which Is only SO miles distant, anil adds that the Allies may lenrn fiom this success that tho German front has not been weakened at nny place, while tho dally reports of sallies repulsed to the east and to the north of Verdun show what a desperate effort the French aio making to prevent the Investment of tho fortress and delay tho opening of th" bombardment. Quarrels have broken out between Eng lish nnd French prisoners of war at Darmstadt. It has 1 ccome necessary to transport somo of tho British to another camp. Among them was Colonel Grey, a brotner to fir Edward Grey, the British Minister of Foreign Affnlrs. A Munich dispatch says King Leopold of Bavaria, ln the name of other German I'rlnces, h is asked Emperor William to accept tho Iron Cross In honor of the German army. The Emperor has prom- iscd to accept. BULGARIA CALLS SECOND RESERVE LIST, IS REPORT Rumania Urged to Act With Sister State. BERLIN, Nov. 1 Bulgaria has decided to call out her second line icservlsts. This Information was received today from Home. Rome also jeports that Hulguila nnd Rumania are negotiating to the end that they may act In concert. The Busman newspaper Ityetch reports that the Bedouins have occupied the British port of Bcrberlk and made the ottlclals prisoners. It Is believed that Russia will have to detach part of Its army from Poland and send It south against the Turks. At least 400.000 Russian soldiers will be neces sary to combat the Turkish army. $250,000,000 RUSSIAN LOAN Subscriptions Open Thursday for New War Pund. PRTROGRAD. Nov. I. It Is officially announced that the list of oubacrlptlona will be opened Thurs day for the Russian Internal war loan of ot.iw.vw pounus ifzw.uuu.GUO). The bonds will bear S per cent. In' tereet end will be lued at 91. Part of mem win oe email ones or w raublea (til) each, to obtain a wider market with sawn inventors. RYERSON W. JENNINGS u i uuujr raa mi Lsuui. was M w$ TH. thru 4WI IH IT. MUssa. lit lutmn m xiro LOCAL OPTION WOMAN SUFFRAGE Tufcsc TWO MaacuM ir ico. a?a in iaa uw or Taaa iU4u H4. uava M toe ar RUU POWER EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER HUNGARY A, NtMET S$f hunted f BZtUtC'K 'S'M :, , ca w ' ''' i v fov ' vrv AFRICA & felM TURKEY IN ASIA AND EGYPT With war now on between Turkey and the Allies the relation of Turkey to England's dependency, Egypt, takes on a prime importance. Already Turkey has violated the Egyptian frontier on the Gulf of Ahabah, an arm of the Red Sea, and on the Sinai frontier. Troops are also crossing at Gaza, in Palestine, while in the Black Sea, Turkish men-of-war carry on their depredations. VICTORIOUS IN POLAND, VIENNA STATEMENT SAYS Stubborn Battle Won Near San and Czeniowitz Still Held. VIENNA. Nov. 2 The Wnr Ofllco has Issued the follow ing statement on the Polnnd situation: "As a result of fresh developments new Ixittles have been fought In Russian Poland. Attncks on our positions have been repulsed, some detachments of the enemy having been annihilated. "After n stubborn battle, which had been In progress for several days in tht district northesBt of Turka, south of Stnry nnd Sambor, the victory rested with our troops. Tho enemy, whose forces consisted of two Infantry divisions and ono rifle brigade, was dislodged from its positions. "I'zernawltz still remains ln our hnnds." Another Vienna report says: "Near the Gnllcinn nnd Bukowina border tho Austrian troops have defeated a Russian column composed of troops of nil branches of the service. "In the middle of Gnllcla our troops are maintaining nil of the positions which wo captured from the Russians In thu faco of determined assaults by the enemy Hundreds of Prussians have been takem prisoners. "In Russian Poland there has been no fighting reported. "We have reoccuplcd the Bukowina dis trict. Tho Russian army of occupation behaved like beasts; plllnging bouses, at tacking women nnd executing people without reason. The loss of property Is enormous In Czernowltz, where the Rus sians trespassed even on the Red Cross Institutions." $50,000,000 TO AID TURKS Reported Germany Has Contributed War Fund. LONDON, Nov. 2. The Dally Mall's Correspondent In Copenhagen says: "It Is reported that the German pre liminary war loan contribution to Turkey will amount to $M.00O,0. It Is said that financial circles In Ger many are preparing for the itsue of a new war loan of $i:3,COO,0GO." J. E. CALDWELL & CO. ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE The most complete displays of Foreign Artistic Merchandise it has ever been their privilege to offer. Stocks depleted or destroyed try the fire of last spring have long since been abundantly replenished and replaced with newer, better goods. The fortunate early placing of these import orders has prevented any interference with deliveries or advance conditions abroad, INSPECTION 902 CHESTNUT INACTION IN POLAND REPORTED BY BERLIN Wnr Office Intimates Early Resump tion of Battle. BERLIN. Nov. 2. The War Ofllce today Issued tho fol lowing stntcmcnt: "The battle In Poland has not yet been recommenced. In Galicia tho battle, however, seems to be approaching the decisive stage. A dispatch fiom Cracow says that the Russians have been thrown back across the San and have been ejected from LezalBk whence tho Aus trlnns have pursued them 12 miles. The Austrian official report says that the Austrians are retaining nil of their re cnptuied positions In Gnllcla. "The exploits of the Turkish fleet, which bombarded Odessa nnd Scbnstopol, destroying two Russian warships, ID transports and several oil tanks, has created tho wildest enthusiasm here." FIRST RELIEF SHIP ARRIVES TO FEED STARVING BELGIANS 1000 Tons of Foodstuffs From IT. S. Ready for Distribution. ROTTERDAM, Nov. 2. Tho first outside relief for the starving people of Belgium arrived In that coun try today. Foodstuffs from the steamer Coblenz, from England, reached Belgium today. The work of unloading the 1000 tons of foodstuffs, which had been sent by the American commission, went on all Saturday night, Sunday and last night. Terrible conditions are reported from Brussels. One correspondent wires as fol lows: ' "Lines of people stand before bake shops before daybreak. Flour Is scarce and it is being hoarded so that the sup ply will last until the supplies from the Coblenz are distributed." in price due to war IS INVITED DARING U-9 CAUGHT IN TRAWLER'S NET AND IS DISABLED Gciman Under-sea Raider, Victor Over Four British Cruisers, Dragged by Dutch Craft to Disaster. LONDON, Nov. 2. The German submarlno U-D, which sank the Hrltlsh crulsols Abouklr, Hogue, Crefsy nnd JlaWkc. Is in a disabled con dition, IS miles ort tho north const of Hol land, nccoidlng to a dispatch from Rot tciilnm. The famous submarlno was dis abled by her kciow gelling caught In a trawler net. A Dutch steam trawler which arrived at rjmuldeii reports Hint, while fishing In tho North Sen, she wns irnggcd along by an unseen foico nnd nearly capsized. Sud denly tho vessel appeared on tho surfnee, eaugiit In tho trawler's net. The submarlno sent up n rocket nnd tho net lines were cut. Tho llttlo lighting ves sel then disappeared. The submarlno thui disabled was tho most dostruclivo Instrument tho Gcrmnii3 have tiso.l against the lltltlsh navy. Sln-Klr-hundeil she torpedued mid sank the four Hrltlsh riulserv, causing n loss of 2100 Hrltlsh olllmis nnd men. AUSTRIA MAKES NEW DRIVE ACROSS SERVIAN FRONTIER Strong Positions Reported Taken Be yond Save nnd Drlna. VIENNA, Nov. 2. Austria hns ngoln Invaded Servla, It Is olllrlnlly announced. Tho Wnr OIIlco stntemeiit follows! "Tho Austrians on Sntuiday success fully attacked a strong fortlllcd Servian , petition near Jtovrye. Our tioop.i crossed the Save nnd Drlna Rivers, which wcro obstinately defended by tho Servinns, nnd occupied Crimbnro, Rndcmnkonc, Tnba nolcs nnd two other iftnall towns." ln nn earlier announcement, tho War oriloe stated that a now battlo had been begun hi I'ol.ind. The Government denied that Czenio witz, the capital of Bukowina, had been taken by the Russians. 19 TRANSPORTS AND TWO WARSHIPS SUNK BY TURKS Berlin Rejoices Over Russian Losses In Black Sea. HRRT.IV Vn.- Tlu German press printed enthusiastic ' nt tides today lauding Tin key for cuter- (lil' flm iin ntTfil.itjf l... 'P..I..1.. T.-.. . ...r. ... ..... upiitu.i, ,iu . i ,,iu i.uiirnit:. The exploits of thu Tiuklsh licet in tho Illnck Sea nro praised warmly. Constantinople dispatched, stating that tho Turks bombarded Odessa and Sebas topol and sank two Russian warships, id transports and several oil tankers, wcro given conspicuous positions on the first pages of the newspapers. The King of Saxony visited Brussels nuil X!alino. on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. 15,000,000 DUTCH LOAN AMSTERDAM, Nov. 2.-According to the Tclegrnaf, John Keer Bcrtllng. the Dutch Minister of Klnaiiee, Is pieparlng to float a loan or $13,000,000. ' i- I. ,,, i.i Cf v- ( Founded 1837 CS Qj THIS BUSINESS TS OW.VED AXD CONTROLLED SOLELY BY HERBERT S. DARLIXGTO.Y, TRADLYO UNDER ABOVE NAME Jfall anb Winter tfnsfyitm IN SUITS, GOWNS, WRAPS, FURS AND BLOUSES In Readly-to-Wear Departmeirat Second Floor, North A most complete collection of distinctive designs in the best of Women's Outer Apparel. Adaptations of approved foreign models and a splendid selection from American designers, make a noteworthy display of Exclusive Garments for formal and informal wear. ' TAIUvliUR SUITS, for Street Wear, New Short and Three-quarter length Coat Models in fashionable materials and shades with and without fur trimming. Prices range $32.50, $35-oo, $42.50 up. STREET AND AFTERNOON FROCKS, in Serge, Velveteen, Satin and Chiffon Velvet. Prices $26.50, $30.00, $35,00 and $50,00. DANCING AND EVENING GOWNS, of Satin, ace, Net, Chiffon and Chiffon Velvets. Prices $45.00, $52.50, $65.00 and $75.00. FURS AND FUR GARMENTS COATS, WRAPS, SEPARATE PIECES AND MATCHED SETS, Reliable Grade only, Guaranteed, Qualities and Designations. All the Season's Fashionable Furl in the latest models are in this collection, Included are: FUR GARMENTS, for Street, Motor and Evening Wear, of Seal Otter, Hudson and Nearseal, Caracul, Persian, Natural Muskrat, Sable Squirrel and Moleskin, all distinctive in style and the best workmanship. EVERY GARMENT IN ITS CORRECT NAME CHIFFON BLOUSRS to marnJi 1,iW,l Suits, in all the season's Fashionable Shades. $6.50 upwards. DRESSY BLOUSES, of Georgette Crepe, Net and Lace. $14.03, $iS.oo, $33.5oup. Vl JPV -!! UfUJl J- 2, 1014. KAISER PRAISES PRINCE IN AWARDING IRON CROSS Sends Note of Congratulation to Courageous Fuerstenbere'a Mother. ROTTERDAM, Nov. 2. The Uerlln Morning Post says that on tho occasion of tho bestowal of the Iron Cross on 1'ilnce Karl Kgon von Fucrstcn berg the Knlser sent the following tele gram to the I'rlncc'B mother: "I congrntulnto you most heartily on the lion Cross which your Karl hns won honorably nnd nt the snmo time on the machine gun." which have been captured by your son. Plcaso Impart to your Mnx my great Joy concerning this, tlod hMp us forward In these serious dnyj. tn alt friendship. "WIMIELM." CZERN0WIT2 AGAIN CHANGES HANDS; CZAR RETAKES TOWN Hungarian Garrison Reported Ousted With Great Slaughter. BUCHAREST. Nov. 2. Czcrnowllz, capital of Rukowlnn, which wan reoccuplcd by the Hungarian troops following the withdrawal of the Russian left wing to nld In the fighting along the Han, was retaken by Russians Sunday following a severe battle, according to a iiispaicn nom mere louay. Tlic Hun garians, It ls stated, were defeated with heavy losses. The dispatch alleges that during tho occupation of the city by the Hungarian troops nil native soldiers of Slav or Rumanian origin were publicly tortuted and hanged. VISCOUNT ALTHORP WOUNDED LONDON, Nov. 2. Viscount Althoip, the heir or tho Rt. Hon. Charles Robert Spencer, has been wounded In action In Franco and Is In a military hospital nt Houlogne. He Is heir to about 2S.O00 bitch in lireat iirltnin. DANCING 13 VERY NIGHT IN THE Continental Winter Garden Remember, It's Stcnm Heated 1ITII AND CIIKSTXUT STS. U:0 MANGL'H - General Director gJlNTHESKY)2 ij. POSTjOFFICET1 C,;S,i ti CHESJNUT ST.n S '', ;' : "'j i i OPERA HOUSE1 T UV" -'l'1"' . I 'iW"lWH.lEj M l!!fc '""'I,!' '-. 'iFW 'i ' U U-'ii ii i 'i.:! ' V ' w'lii'!. i ' ' I i! i Ki ill: P.I Hi ti-' -, ii j I li " , I , I d I2H S, Y I rll3IH- E bSTREET K: 1 i'b! ''ii' hi,'"!'!1' tZ ll'ii, '' ?i? ' i: ;P'W! iv, UGARRICK! H WOMEN'S COATS AND WRAPS, wide variety of the best models. Practical Coats of Imported mixtures, Zibe line, Broadcloth, Serge and Cheviots. Prices $25.00, $30.00, $35.00 and $40.00. AFTERNOON AND EVENING WRAP3, of Bengalinc, Chiffon Faille, Plush, Chit', fon Velvet and Velour, with and without fur trimming. Priced $48.50, $55.00, $65.00 and $75,00, FUR LINED COATS, of Mixed Tweeds and Broadcloths, with collar and cuff' of fur, ; SETS, Muffs and Neckpieces of Ermine Broadtail, Kolinsky, Fitch, Mink, Black! - White and Blue Fox, Hudson Seal and Caracul. THIS STOCK IS MARKED AND SOLD ffJv-nrp AND THE PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE " " 1 " SMART BLOUSES -. Of Laee, Chiffon and Lingerie UNGERIE AND TAILORED BLOUSES, of White' Batiste, Cotton Voile and Crepe de Chine. &-50. 50, $743 upwards. MACM J t firing Indicates gerMaK i RETREAt FROM DIXMUN1 A I Sounds of Coibnt Heard ln Thori and tlchtervllde. LONDON, Not. 2. -A Reutcr dlspa from nn unnntrtrd point on the Delgt frontier says firing wns heard throug', out the night frcbi the vicinity of Thou out nnd Llchtetvrldo In Belgium. If fighting wis In progress nt thrt points It would 6penr thnt the Oernta have been compiled to retreat a consfi ernble distance cnt of Dlxmudc. awiiiwwiiiwirr.xs)8Trr. What's New in Clothes? The question is an swered fully and authoritatively in our showing of Suits and Ovcrcosta for this season garments of unquestionable cor rectness illustrating the newest style fea tures approved by well-groomed men. Men's Fall Suits, $15 to $45 Overcoats, $15 to $55 Jacob s Reefs S ONS 1 1 1424-1426 Cht,ut St. lag&wmsssis- in t IV 1 aTaTltaWlti M MMcna Tun iuu am uu i r3&M r wurw w n,, JW mm $b&tmtf mm" v' p 1 -fta. " ' w'J n t "yjbSW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers