HUfHMllMyiwji EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THUBSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1014, !! INSIDE FACTS ABOUT APPROACHING HARVARD-MlCHIGANGAME BY RING V. LARDNER' Jk w RING LARDNER AIDS MICHIGAN TO LEAVE GLOOMY ANN ARBOR "Yost Has Greatest Team Ever" Brings Forth Merry Ha! Ha! From Evening Ledger Writer. RING W. LARDNER Famous writer who is "covering" Harvard-Michigan football game for the Evening Ledger. ; By RING W. LARDNEB !I ST. THOMAS, Canada, Oct. 2D. "Tho greatest football team ever developed In the West ' Is on ltn way to Cambridge. "The greatest football team over dc- doped In tho West" Is what this year's Michigan bunch was called In a Itoston paper which was circulating nromid Ann Arbor before Yost and his younff men left there yesterday. That tho Boston writer was perfectly accurate In so styllns the Wolverines Is tho firm conviction of everybody except the entire population of the United States and Canada. This piece In tho paper, which later on stated that Michigan was "outclassed" by Syracuse last Satur day, that Harvard should beat Michigan by at least two touchdowns without showing anything but old stylo footfall, and that Maulbetsch was a heavy half back, had ono good effect. It made Yost laugh and kept him In good humor alt day when otherwise he might have been a disagreeable traveling companion. Whether tho Michigan team Is the wests greatest or, not. It is, as pre viously hinted, on Its way to Cambridge or rather to Auburndale, where It will be housed until Saturday afternoon. Tho departure from Ann Arbor was attended by the usual send-off ceremonies, the Undent body doing all In Its power to simulate confidence In tho team's ability to lick Harvard, a confidence which docs not exist. Tho football players probably were cheered by tho display of enthusi asm, but at the same tlmo knew per fectly well that the rooters wcro trying to hide their real feeling, which Is one of hopelessness. Since the Syracuse game almost every Michigan man, except the members of the team, has given up. If tho students knew how the athletes themselves felt they might bo ablo to shake off pome of their gloom, for the footballlsts really think they havo an even chanco to down the Crimson, provided, of course, that the regulars lust through the greater part of the game. The varsity squad, listed yesterday, plus Mr. Millard, was on the train (int Issued out of Ann Arbor at 2:42 o'clock, to the accompaniment of Michigan cheers. The bunch was In chargo of Yost, the assistant coach, Hugh White; Farrell. the trainer; Muehlhead, the as sistant trainer; Jack Leonard, tho man ager, and Dean M. T. Cooloy. Director Bartelmo nnd tho scrub will follow tomorrow on the students' upeclnl. Tomorrow's tialn will consist of ono car of nlumnl from Chicago, ono of students and the scrub from Ann Arbor, two of sraduates from Detroit, ono each of al'imnl now resident of Grand Rnplds and Toledo, nnd one containing the university Land. The hind has II members, anil as they are slaved to travel In one Pullman It Is expected that somo of them will have to sleep in the horns or on the bass drum. The train reaches Aubnrndnlo tomor row morning, as I may havo stated once or twine before. Tho students' special will arrive at Boston on Friday, and on that night there will bo a Michigan snnker at the Copley Tlaza Hotel. The speakers for that occasion nre Denn Coo ej' Bill Day nnd J. P. Murfln. Bill Day Is prohaoly the best known Michigan moter In the i-ountry. He Is an ex-Judgo and a won of Justico Day, of the Supremo Court. To the astonishment of the varsity squad, orders were Issued for a final sig nal practice nn Ferry Field this morning nil the players were at It until they had tr le t0 make ,ho ,raln- Ilut we nro uff, finally, nnd there's no chance to nrae- a lice again until tomorrow. or more than one reason I nm glad to have been In Ann Arhor-but for ono "Mwrtiiulur. After this when somebody "J" ,lle ,tl9 embarrassing question, What was your college?" I can answer Mil.1 "wc"t thrus!i the University of Shchlgan. For I did that very thing this morning with the genial secretary, Shir 'y Smith, as guide. STRUNK TO START GAME HtM ,!;"" "?skStbal' Leas has com ?s.on "J11'",'-8 '' opening of Hie TENER A SAMARITAN HARRISBURO, Pa Oct, 29. Qov. ernor John K. Tener, president of the National Leaguo, did a bit of kind, nes last week which has Just be. come known In Harrlsburg golf clr. cles. The Governor play golf al the Har. rlsburg Country Club whenever his official duties Will permit, and a lad named George Heck always caddies for Hla Excellency. During the last several months the caddy has been suffering with n falling eyelid, and one day not long ago "Dig John" Tener noticed the youngster's affile-' tlon. So last Friday the Governor bought his caddy a new suit of clothes and personally took him to the Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia, to have the eye treated. "H1 MICHIGAN FOOTBALL PLAYERS WHO WILL OPPOSE HARVARD AIREDALE CLUB WILL CONDUCT BIG DOG SHOW One Hundred Entries Ex pected to Be Listed Ex hibition Will Be Held on Roof of Bcllevuc-Stratford The Alrcdalo Torrlcr Club, of l'hlladeU phla, Is to stage tho banner doc show on November 21. It will bo n four-point spe cialty ono under American Kennel Club Jurisdiction on tho roof of tho Bellovue Stratford Hotel. It Is estimated by tho secretary that at least 100 dogs will ho on hand. Kntrles close November 0. Knlries havo thus far been received from New York, Boston and Chicago. Harold Ober, of Now York city, Is to Judge. George V, Foley has tho task of superintending tho show. Hntrles should bo forwarded nt once cither to Superin tendent Foley or tho club secretary. H. M. Donovan, 1103 Commonwealth Build ing, Philadelphia. November 2S will nnd tho Kensington Kennel Club In the show limelight again, and tho affair will be held this tlmo nt Kensington avenua and Cumberland street. The Interstate Colllo Club will hold n meeting next Monday evening in tho Iteal Kstato Trust Building. Nominations of olllcers will bo tho principal business transacted. ' llfCN. i Mfl K TsKpIHIM lisssssssssssB i 53psssssssssi fflj ST. AGATHA ON CIRCUIT At a meeting of tho National League of Basketball 'Clubs, held In Trenton, the St. Agatha live, of West Philadel phia, was added to tho circuit, malting it now complete. There is a chance that the Germantown Y. M. C. A. will bo added, making tho clubs of tho leaguo as follows: Now Brunswick, Trenton, Burlington, Germantown. St. Agatha and Bristol. AUTO RACER DIES OAMiSHUHCl. III.. Oct. 29 -Frit Walker, nmomoblle raco mechanician, died In a. hospital hero from injuries received last Thursday, when Jnck (label's mnchlne turned over dur Inu n lou-mllo race here. Walker's real namu Ii said to have been Von Wolkenstcln. MILLVILLE HIGH TO PLAY BRIDGET0N TOMORROW GFIL.T , BUD Coach Richardson Expects to Beat Old Rivals. Mlllvlllo High School will clnsh torn or- ! row with their ancient rivals, Brldgcton High School. Last year tho scoro was 7 to 7. t Coach Blchardson says: "I expect our I line, though they nre rather light, to stop the heavy Brldgctnn line. In Errlckson, Hlley, Whontly and Andreas t have u hnrd-hitting and heavy backtlold. They arc all veterans nnd will be hard to stop. It will be a good game." ' P. R. R. TO PLAY FOOTBALL At tho P. It. It. Y. M. C. A. athletic Meld, on November 3, the annual Intor department football game will bo played. Tho auditors of miscellaneous accounts and tho'auditors of passenger trulllc will bo tho contending teams. Tho game will begin at 10:30 in the morning. GRISWALD BEAT DAVIS In tho third match game of tho Um pire bllllaid tournament played yester day, Griswald defeated Davis. Tonight C. Wanner, Sr., will meet C. Wanner, Jr., at tho Kmpiro billiard rooms, No. "I South lltli street. Phil Adamson will act as referee. Abani S.'"kwl '"1 4lubla aenue. "4 AmS. ftiV.n'if" ;oi'i;reU. f.".r ,lle occasion. 4lthoT.8.;V.nlt' or h0 Athletics, will low !.-" U dropMd Tn i " OI lIi9 BKr ciui nvru Ttt (O niakft rrinm ins i.,. mi.. III ttJ St. Ann's va. iUatieth'i vs. North ""-- v. Tlie tth .n fl.JrJn,' " 'lrou of arMiiKln gamM OrOnnA.4 w : " " l" ' cmSK; '? J?'ako rt,on 'or w k?a1Eera'.I1, f .tlle Delaware Club lth .11 ...Jn.' " ,)''iruu of orMiixIng game O'Brui Via i. ..'yna '""" AiWrews II. A, ", 518 Heal Ktato Trust Dulldlnsr. snlMd. Mcrcy hakUll uam lias or nM u?J ,he "" an.l uutwv ! boik tylni J, ,2.Y ".' vc having a hall an.1 WilMr Wi" "r Kaim-s aMrew J. J. tIManT.i-""" '""' ur ,e'" GAMES WANTED McST. fr'-nard A have opn dai i rtiv an'J basketball teams In and around oTLTf iify ""I m a fair eurant Ad- !trL Pkii . "" manae-ar 5(8 Priibrt.m '' VJj.h,S Ile" Phon WouJland 3Itft SuS"'1 7 an 8pm .r ' A A is Mp College Gridiron Gleanings oev s r --, ' nHLr ! p 1113 CENTRAL HIGH PRIMED FOR ST. JOSEPH'S GAME Crimson nnd Gold Prepares for To morrow's Contest. Coach Howell, of the Central High School football team, Is driving his men hard In preparation for their game with St. Joseph's Collego tomorrow, at Hous ton Field. There was some talk of can celing tho game because tho collegians wero not satisfied with the guarantee offered, but a satisfactory agreement was made. Tho Crimson and Gold men aro being drilled especially In tho breaking up of a forward pass, as It was by using this play continually that Williamson made possible their only score. Since Northeast Is reputed to be very proficient In this department of the game. Doctor Howell wants his men to bo very well prepared for It when tho two schools meet In their championship game. Central High supporters are much pleased at tho showing of Thomas and Voss. Tho former did not do so well In the first games, but In tho Williamson contest tore through the opposing line for repeated gains. Voss Is a new man who Is attracting attention through his kick ing ability. BILLIARD RECORD Alfred De Oro, the champion of the world at threecuhlon carom bil liards, broke All world's records last night at hit favorite ome In the 81st Inning of hit championship match with George W. Moore at Doyle's 42d ttreet, New York, billiard academy. The veteran Cuban player clicked off a total of 13 Joints In thlt Inning, bet. terlnn the former record of 11, made by himself In 8t. Louie In 1911, In a match for the championship agalntt Tom Huetlon. De Oro flnlthed the first block of B0 points In the 61st frame, while the best Moore could do was to gather a total of 28 points In CO Innings. The men will continue play tonight and will finish the match tomorrow night. NEW YORK TO BE MECCA FOR LOCAL MOTOR YACHTSMEN Delegates From 23 Clubs Affiliated With Delaware River Racing Association to Meet Tonight. Delegates from tho 23 clubs Militated with the Delawaro Itlver Yacht rtaclng Association and those from tho IS clubs making up tho South Jersey Yacht Club Racing Association will leavo this after noon for Now York to attend the annual meeting of the American Power Boat As sociation nt tho Waldorf-Astoria, and, occordlng to tho rumors which have been floating nround this city for tho last two weeks, there will be somo surprises sprung, It has been reported by certain officials that tho headquarters of tho American Power Boat Association will bo moved to thlps city, but, according to tho yachts men from the shores of South Jersey, they will try to keep the mother associa tion In tho city of New York for the best Interest of motorboat racing. One reason ndvanced Is thnt the Long Island Yacht rtaclng Association, which has more than a dozen clubs, has Intended to Join the A. P. B. A. NOT LOOKING FOR PEACE Governor Tener States That Majors Are Satisfied. NEW YOIUC, Oct. 21. President John IC. Tener. of the National league, said tho older malor organization was not seeking "peace" with the Federal Leaguo and had taken no cognizance of tho re cent Federal gathering here. "1 understand that some of the owners In the National League havo talked with Federal League ownerH aB to what might talto place should organized baseball rec ognize tho Federal League, but I am sure that these discussions havo been only from a business standpoint that each may understand just what could be expected of the other, it did not mean peace by a long way?." Jnl-rHu team desirea ne for tha month of No- nlstats ireferrcJ. AdVHi ''Ur V, V"1 home for th month of No 3. I,..: iMl'lMay nlchf t rwf.rr. I ArllrMi K nton jpjV " keaslagtoa avenu"', gr cU By EDWARD K. BUSHNELL "Tho best team that Cornell has had in years" was the characterization of one Pennsylvania man to the Quaker coach ing staff after he had seen tho Ithacans run through the Carlisle Indians by tho scoro of 21-0 and again swamp Brown 2S-7. This means that Doctor Sharpo's cloven has aroused deep respect In tho Pennsylvania camp In spite of tho In glorious opening, when two games wero lost on successive Saturdays. Tho opinion Is getting more and moro general that Cornell Is going to bo a ntlghty dangerous foo on Thankslving Hay. There Isn't tho slightest doubt about .tho strength of tho Ithacans right now. They aro playing the running, rushing game, varied with fomard pasies, and they haven't begun to reach their top speed. There Is ono danger Cornell runs, and that is that tho schedule of remaining games Is not a strong one. There Is only ono strong opponent before Penn sylvania. That Is Michigan, whose team is met at Ithaca on November II. Thero aro two ,ensy jameH before Michigan Is met. On Saturday Cornell's opponent la Holy Cross, and- the week following Franklin and Marshall goes to Ithaou. Neither team should furnish much op position for Cornell. In spite of tho fact that Frankllng and Marshall beat Penn sylvania. Mention hns heen made in theso columns liefore that Cornell's 1IU f-che.lulo wna not proiwrly eriiilunled. Willi the exception of the Michigan and Cornell camH nt the end of the season tho first three tiueka rontalne.l the hardest euni?s In other words Cornell htiM not l,een pormlttfd to prow grnilunlly stronger with ench smcesslve game. t may he that tho easy games which Cornell is now pin) Ins may hrlng the team' up to tho Michigan nn.1 Pennsylvania games In tho very test nf ph steal condlilon. ltut hard games, provided they don't result In Injuries, aro the heat kind of prnctlee. One thing is certain and that Is that Pennsylvania won't ho over conlMent of heatln? Cornell this ear. This Pennsylvania eleven comlnuev to he an enigma to its roaches In that It doesn't show consistent offensive strength Fron. tackle to taekle the team nverages 2un pounds or more. The ends are light, hut the tmik fleld has nn average amount of weight and speed. And yet In five games the team has soured enautly fit points, or an average of less than 0 points per game, it Is douhtful If such a record could he found of another I'nnlvanla team In the last '.'0 ears. In tho old dljs Quaker teams used to score this many points In ono of tho preliminary games alone. it Is evident that tho team hasn't found It self et. hut the followers nf the lied and Illue are hoping the team gels Into Its stride pretty soon. In the practices the team seems to put lots of tight Into the play, hut ther has boen something lacking in every game to Hate. Home of the coaches think the difficulty la thai the eleven contains so many green men. As a matter of fact thero are In the present line-up only two men who wero regulars last year. They are Captain Journeay at centra and Harris at tackle. It takes lots of time to round out a team of this tj-pe and possibly the Quaker rooters will he rewarded by om sterling football In November. It Is fo lie hoped that Pennsylvania can start the regular backfleld. Including Vree land, against Swarthmore. It is not that Kuarthmore Is eipected ta be so strong, but the team certainly needs the sort of con fidence that conies from having scor4 touch downs, and It would be a good thing for the team's sulrii against Michigan to play Its hardest In this game. Possibly Kwarthmor will see that I'ennlvunla does that. CAMIIRirwiR, Mass.. Oct. 20. The Harvard varsliy football team, which has been coddled along for weeks, got baik Into the game yes terday and there was n long session of old fashioned football behind the scrt practice gates, on Soldier' Field. With the eiceptlun of Wallace, the centre tush, and Trumbull, the right tackle, all the men got Into the thick of tlve work and all came out without any sign of having hurt themselves. Wallun who Is nursing a bad ankle. w replaced by lligelow. now first substitute centre as well as guard and tackUt. and Klklu. one of the sond sir Ins men. going In at tackle In Trum bull's place. Ilardwkk remafiuxl at md and Kraocke iomluue.1 lu tu UacksVM. TU4 varsity worked for a. fens tfuve on Its own often, gathering up spel and bouig luujhty well tugether. rUlNVKTW." N J Oct SO -V l-ard pra -tt 'e. devoted to keeping u the offin e knpt tre Tiger simad on tho nU 1 '" yitvr t iy afternoon, and It wn oul wtin d-irka s comi.elled It that tho coaches allowed tho men to stop. Cddlo Hnrt vva not allowed to do much until tho closo of tho drill, but when he finally begun ho put plenty of Ufo In the men nnd the old fighting spirit rcturnod. For half nil hour tho regular mlrd It with tho freshmen nnd were only able to score ono touchdown. Kddlf Hart coached a llttlo during tho drill, and after It had tho men In tho signal prac tice. Ilu devoted hla efforts to the linemen, and their charging hui Improved by leapt and bounds. Charging low, fnt nnd aa a team aro tho principles that Hart is Instilling. WEST POINT. N. Y.. Oct. SO. The big team showed moro snap to ItH work yesterday with the advent of cool weatlnr. Two touch downs wero run up against the scrubs and a third one a lost after Coffin, of the varsity hnckfleld. fumbled when tncklod under the scrub goal posts. Fumbling- made Its reap pearance ut rather too frequent Intervals ull through tho wurk-out, Coffin und O'Haro of fending In punlculur. Tho scrlmmago was n. liar.! one. All the regulars were back In their places except McKwnn, who haa not yyot re ported for dun. Ollnhant only lasted five minutes, when his bad knee got another Jolt and he wus obliged to give way to Coffin, ANNAPOLIS, Md., Oct. 211. The Navy coaches appear to he developing two backflelds. one suitable for the smashing, llno-breaklng game and the other moio adapted to the fast running game. To make up the former, big X'lilllng wus brought back from the scrul whero he has U-en for tho lust week, nnd with niodgett. H. Harrison and Miles, made up a backfleld which averages about 1HU pounds. Later. Collins and Alexander, two of the fustest men In tho squad, were at the halves for soma time. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct. 59. "Foggy" Alnsworth and Harry Legore, who have boen out uf tho Yule line-up since last Saturday's game, returned yesterday afternoon full of dash. They were given their old placjsi In the backfleld and will form Btrong links In the tftnln of vnle's attack against Colgate nexi Saturday. Legore proved thnt ho has lost nune of his dropklcklng skill by lifting a Me'd goal from tho fiu-jard line. Alnsworth shone In the end runs, CAIILISLE. Ta.. Oct. SO. The Carlisle In dlans football squad was Kept up tn Its stiff pace of work at fundamentals In practice. As In Ihe past few days, the In.llun coaches specialized on exercise at handling the hat, und kicking. At the subsequent signal practice tho tried a wide variety nf open plays. Forward passing Improved markedly and Carlisle will probably be strong In this department against Syracuse ut lluffalo on Saturdny. ITHACA. N. V., Oct. 2U.-A number of Cor noil vurslty plt'rs who hail not been In tho line-up beforu this week were sent Into tho scrimmage )eftenlny by Head Coach Fharpu. Hesplte the strengthening of tho first team, however, the seiond i-leven scored a, touchdown Tho aarelty scored twice Shelton Cllearn, Sliuler. Hallcy and Munslck wero kept out of scrimmage, although participating in lgnal drill. SOl'TII HKTHLEHRmT Pa.. Oct. 2f.-rhlgh will tollovv he had of Mime of the larger collegos. and for the benefit of the spectators th player will bo numbered iti thu remaining games. In View of tho hard tames remaining on tho schedule. Coorh Kuady I giving hla varsity cripnle a good rest this week and de voting his time to developing reliable substi tutes, for each position. There will probably be several new fait In tho lluo-up that meets Johns Hopkins on Caturdai. ' HAVKItKOnn, Ovt. 89. For the second time this season Dutch Summer brought tils Vlllanova eleven to the Haverford gridiron eterday afternoon Much valuable practice both In cHense and defsnse, I the result of lhee visits. Both teams managed tn carry out some of their plays with a fair amount nf success, though none was carried to com pletion on account of Doc Ilenneti's whtstle CHBSTRrt, Oct. SO. Hard work and pi nty of It has been tho order of the coach in i r. paring the Pennsylvania. Military Collene t.-am for the KUiiie with t'rslnus. to be played a Colle;evlllv on Satunlai. Tho team U In n . fettlo for the fray and hoias to give a tu j account et ttn'U In tha I'rslnus game ALLKNTOWN. Pa.. Oct. 3u.-Wltb the .v ceutlou of a 10-miuute srlminae MuM, berg 3 practice yesterday aftern on was vitvd to signal drill mil rvhaarslng a no play Ci-tch tleorge Mc-Coe. was In the term wage at halfback, ami Ike way he wlggi pat the snub wa little short of the plain vvUitU KUd htm oil AIl-Aiucrlain ulaier it. mi'. EASTOX. Pa. Oct. Su-Coanh Crowell tw thi l-afiyitt varsity and scrub through a vigrJiiH - rlinmagc on M trcb field yost riai t. iu mi, is, In view of the utao J, J Ml team frtaie vcii'g'. which la so n'-ar tt but!. worth. BROADWAY FIGHT CARD IS BEST OF SEASON Five Bouts Are Programed to Arouse Great Interest. "Muggsy" Taylor's offering for tonight at tho old Uroadway Athletic Club. 15th street and Washington avenue. Is one of the best of tho season. Ills attraction In the main event will be ".Sammy" Trlnkle, of California, and "Jimmy" r"ryor, of this city. The complete bill is as follows: Wind-up "Jimmy" Pryor, of Philadel phia, vs. ".Sammy" Trlnkle, of California. Semlwlnd-up "Paddy" McCracken vs. "Jimmy" Carson, both of Dock streot. Third bout "Young" O'Brien, of South wark, vs. "Patsey" Moore, of Gray's Ferry. Second bout "Lew" Hunter, of South work, and "Mike" Meyers, of Southwark. First bout "Eddlo" Hatiey und "Char ley" Chuuey, Ai the blic show held ut the Broadway Sporting Club, of Urooklyn, recently, the re ceipts were 3UH. "Kid" Williams, the bniuamwelgbt champion, who was the star of tho show, received u. guaruutee of SlOOo. while) his opponent, "Dutch" Hrandt, got 400. "Mlko" Olbbons eurned $300. "Harney" Ford has changed his mind about going to lluffalo for tho winter and ha de cided tu remain here. He hus taken "Young" Ooldlo, a fast Pittsburgh featherweight, undei hla ovlnr. CIIICAUO. Oct. SO.-Charley While started training today for hla bout with Freddie elsh. lightweight champion, at Milwaukee November 0. Itather than hove the bout called off. hlte last night waived the weight question, accept ing Welsh's terms of 135 pounds at 1! o'clock TOLEDO, O. Oct. ;T) Featherweight Cham pion Johnny Kllbane. of Cleveland, has been matched to meet I 'rankle Daley, a Latrobe, t'a lightweight, before the Hoyal Sport Club, o? litis clt), on December 11, It was announced itiuay. KALAMAZOO. Mich, Oct. 29. Women only will bo admitted ni a local theatre on the utt ernoun of November IS, when Joo Mauriot. of New Orleans, and Hal Hiewart. of Fort Wayne. Ind , lightweight pugilists, put on a four-round boxing bout Tho "Indies' matlneo" will ba staged by tvvn siortlng writers, to prove that boxing Is really a nice parlor game. No ad mittance fee will be charged. Personal Touches in Sports Club of the metropolitan district have de clared against the proposed amendment of the .. . u which will permit a university stu dent to enter In open competition between June I nnd October 1 In tho dlstrlut In which his f?L"tlJ'.lofa,el' Tho maln objection appears to bo that tho clubs believe that the larger col !'. .'" ,ur" ou' athletes who will win the majority of prizes, at least no other reason Is given, and that one must be nssumed. This is an exceedingly narrow view to take of such a question. Kvery one who has ever been con nected with any form of athletics knows that competition Is the best developer. If the col le?lans are better than club men. the result will bo to raise the standard of the club men. lake the game of tennis. No men in a re mote section of the cuuntry was ever devel oped to high tournument standards bv beating every one in his section. Mclaughlin had mans brilliant plnyera to contest with on the coast, but It was not until he had bee'i beaten a number of times In the East that he brought his game to It high present level. In the same way track und Held athlcth-s are Improved. There Is no more reason why any amateur should not improve his stylo of running and Jumpbag by contesting with a professional than there Is for a golfer to forego the benefit of having a professional teach him the finer points of the game Critics aro universally predicting a victory forllBrrd over Michigan, which U a ralrlv good Indication that the Wolverines will win. There Is no reason why the long list of ath letic upsets should stop at the Harvard .Sta dium, when It refused to sop at Fenway I'ark only n few mile away from tho Crlnuon'a grlulron. On th other hand, upret have been occurlng with such cionotonous regularity dur- ...n y e"i .amitnui a jiarvura victory would bu strictly In" order because It would upset the upset list. Tennis publications have begun their annual "atove league" work. Tho latest question to bo brought up by the experts U that of runk Ing the players Then, to particularize, they bring up tho matter of tho first ranking player. Authorities dlfTer on this subject, some think ing that Maurice JO. MoLoughlln should ba Plared ut the top. while other believe that 11. Norrlu William, 3d. Philadelphia, bv vlr tuo of his victory at Newport over McLaughlin should be entitled to wear the crown. One pub lication hia printed a number of exirt opin ion along this line, and the majority are in favor of having Williams' name placed oppo site figiira 1 when the ranking committee moke Its yearly report Aa there Is room fi argument lu giving either of theso wonderful players the tlrst rank, we suggest that a a "Philadelphia product," Williams be plared at tho head of the column In other word, lit Philadelphia, rather than sifety, be first. "Is a Joke tighter. year old. Tho "news" Is about one About 473.2S1 new mombers have Joined the Alibi Club fver since the llraves did they did and the Athletic didn't do anything. Connie Mack, however, hasn't attempted to explain how it happened. But give him time to lecollect his scattered thoughts and his equilibrium. P. R. R. MEN GET CUP Member of the baseball team representing the purchasing department of the Pennsylvania Itatlroad, wero lust night presented with the D. F. Newhall memorial cup al .1 membership reception held In the P. It. It. building al -list street and titmlnler avenue. The John N. Purvlunco tuimorlal nip was presented to the pltiver of the tiudltur dis bursement deimrtuieni. The purchasing department won the chatu- Elonthlp In Division A. while the auditor dls ursemem department carried off the honors In Division 11. SONDER RACES ARE OFF noSTON. Oct. W.-TIib International sondar yacht races, which were to have been batted at Kiel between Herman ant Amorlcun vuchts next Juno, havo been laureled by tho Knlser llcher Yacht Cliib. of ICIel. owing to unset tled condition In Kurvipe. according to a letter received by Henry TagKard. secietary of the Eastern Yacht Club Tho racrtran list ' threw vachts waa relucted In August. DE ORO AGAIN WINS NEW YOHIC. Oct. SB.- Alfred De Oro d feated llcnrge Moore. .".0 to tJS, In the first game of their three- ushton billiard match at Doie's Academy last night. The game went t!3 Innings. Do Oro's high run was 13, new world's record for a title match. Thrt con test Is to extend over three nights. SO points being played nightly- De Oro Is fighting for permanent potsesslon of the Jordan Lambert Trophy. INMAN PLAYS HOPPE SEAVIEW GOLF CLUB HEAD IS RECOVERING FROITLOM ILLNESS :: AM WIJ .iflMtm Clarence H. Gelst Not Able -' to Jrlay Again 1 his bea son Gossip of the Links. . y v rA -i 'fie ' rt . -Jf Tfs.t.i..a. J- 4 1. H..I..IIM. -, it.. nWA UfllVllUWII L'J LUC JI1UJUI l.J Ul UltJ B.sOIDi . Clarence H. Gelst, chairman of the Golf "" "" Committee of tho Whltemarsh Valley . N Country Club nnd president of tho Sea- . , Frij view Golf Club, of Absecon, N. J., ha' ' been conflneil to his home In Overbrook, w '" Bprloualy 111 with tho srlp. He will not . f piny Kolf asaln this season. His friends jt . will be ulatl to know that ho Is slowly , - Improving. " Mr. Gelst Is one of tho most prominent '-"(j! Kolfnrs In tho city. As donor of the Clarence IT. Gelst Cup, which Is annually competed for at tho Whltemarsh Club the President's Cup, Sea view; tho Gelst Cup, for tho annual Palm Ileach Golf Club tournament, ho has put up morn trophies for competition than any other player In this scotlon. Gelst is tho man behind tho Seavlew Golf Club, the now organization at Abse con, Is". J., nnd by expending moro than JJ30.000 ho mnde tho links near Atlantic! City po.islble. ' IX ' frf'l ' l"3 1 K.J 2 iKr r . fff i Francis 1L Warnor, chairman of th9,1:J, t Philadelphia Cricket Club Golf Commit- .!,.! tee. Is making excellent headway In tho ,."11 ri, w in.. , , . .. "e " 1 "iiii V"" iveiu ikichu vvhh Bincci wiiicn -. nssured thr p.rlrltnr ctnh nlmw. nf ho'' ,'t, use of their grounds for somo tlmo to !r.t?;'J rntriA. nrramramaiilii u-m- Mn.l. nf ... rTV " ,M to stiffen and lmnrove tho linkn. "'r" " , !- Donald lloss, the Essex County Club ic'nJ proieFsionai, maao the suggestions for nl- '-'''" terlng the course, and they aro being fol- av lovvpil nut he W n Tfnfnli ,..v, i. .. T tfH Intending tho work. In snenklnir nf th j.? changes, Mr. Warner said: "IJeforo wo "! got through we will mako alteration nn " IKlS all the greens. It depends very much upon"",,r,n me weutner wnen tins work will be com- vs J pleted. If we havo flno weather the work .'tn d 1 win progress rapidly." ,-niff "Wo havo acquired now Dronertv. nnd fiitnv aro now building nil tho greens so thtoy -Wi don t fall away from you. The pits will , ,to i ue large anu uroau. wtion wo finish tho--i,Jrtfl work thero won't ho .. . n,i "' ------ '. . .UUIDQ ,.. till. .- Ml . flOCtlOn Of tho nonntrvtn tminli If Tf Viqu - hnnn nlnnnitH f .l i- i... -lMVtf2 .. r " "" v me viineiy oc j, tho holes: we are dplng away with a great deal of nnrnltoi ninv n,i .m i,,, .Aifi no cross play.' At ono hole tn now rrnxx""r:t!l I at the 12th and 11th,' but wo will do away,',,' w f VV1LI1 lllUt, Only club tournaments and events ar tho week-end attraction for tho Philadel phia Crickat Club golfers at present. Lost " ' 3 Saturday afternoon a best hall of part- " tiers and four-ball matches were played,' and ns usual the St. Martin's course was)'" " crowded. crtl iPt ' vnVf - I tKfmS, uianaKOTxnis. in ureeic runner or ."vsw York. Tt ,- - ri..A.A.i .u has begun another successful season. I., ! i"Z ""'..."'?" . '"',T..'" ,". .r"b.'." ,a"L"! year ha ran several race, in Philadelphia., com- I a J'noon and 'uM toTds .n tho evVnin K TORONTO. Ont , Oct. 20 --Melbourne In. man. enelish hllllard chnmnion. nnd WIIHa llnrn. world's balkilne lltUhnldar. bemn their final mutchns will ba nlaiori nn l-r;,i., , series of mixed slvlo matches here yesterday The Countri- Club cf Likewni im' i Clement B. Web&tfy, Jr., tho nlversltv golf captain, carried, pff many'honors last season In tournament compotltlon. but ho still has ono feat to accomplish. Maurice .jones, or tne i-pankBord Countrv Club;" beat him in the play for the club tltle-. this year. Last season Webster beat , JoneB 1 up :s. holes, nnd this year Jone. come Dacn strong, winning 2 up and 1 tr, $ play. Ho was up at the 9th. ISth. 27th , and 36th holes. Tho Frankford golfers.. .- are now playing their fall tournament. The Aronlmlnk Golf flub Is now issuing " e n oooKiet containing the names and ad dresses of members nnd other Impor tant data. This is invaluable for th$ ri.uiu& vie iiiruiuurt ami every C1UD in tno - i ntfv nml t.lnlnli,. ul.....f.l nn. - i. AW- Af -.... .,.., niiuiiiii nt-c- lu 11 Lime tho booklet, containing the names, ad- - dresses, golf rules and regulations and other important farts for the use of mem-' t" hr.. Is up to date In every detail. "" Howard W Perrlti, president of tho rrl, x,f! Pine Valley Golr Club, will not find tlmo to compete In the golf tournament to ho held by the Atlantic- City Country Club , this season. He has boen very active thW neasoii in running off the women's ama teur and open ih'unplon.shlps, and liarfnor." "'" Und as much time for practice as usual. Then. too. Mr. Penin Is nrtlvts in the af fairs of the Pine Vnllfv Golf Club, whera the phiyers villi g.ither for winter golf '-t-iww . , irfv , LAKEW00D COUNTRY CLUB PLANS GOLF TOURNAMENT Unusual Women's Competition Will ., urii Me i enturo of Affair. .. - Sumething diffnent than In ilii ' way of women's golf iimietltion will ",,J l run off nvf-r the links of the I'ountvr '"''J Clitb of I.altcvvood on N'ovmnhnr - !- iS otid 13. It will be u personal liiviid- " tlon tournament lasting over a permit .""'V'"" of three days. For several year tltei . hnvo been practically no affairs of nm " " kind outside of the chamnlonahlns In iiin "T district. There will be three flights, whether six teen or eight In each depending upon tli. . iiifiiiMct- vi Biuriers. i tie nrai ciav viii ,-t given over to a iiuallfimc rnumi' uf hkI -,f.,l teon holes, tt side attraction In tho way. of uu apprnachliiir nnd t '.. - ''!' Ing arranged for the afternoon. On Thurs day tin- first and scuiilinal round.' ivill i.i run off, with the decisive contests In ml divisions on v rmuy. in the event uf i , teens fci-ins ariangrd tne srniitlnal ai.J uencA i 'ST-t. lrf nn MURPHY TO FIGHT HEBE Tommy Murphy, ono of tha best llBhtvveirhts In the world, who has fousht und beaten every one of mite In his lais, has been nn.utud by JacH .MrilulKun u meet I'at llradley, the lad who alnuy make xoud In the seml-wlnduD Mlko Mazle. of New York, meet Duke Bovver of Kensington. f83rfl KoutiRICK. Oi MUHLENBERG As a guard Ing In first on more than ono occasion despite n sever" mi iiuictii, uiw ui in reasons rnr the contlnuel success of this athlete Is hla sturdy physical make-up. He Is strong enough to keep up ft hot pace over a ion course and then make a brilliant dash at the finish If pushed. It U to be hoped that (llnnakopnlls will appear here In some, of tha numerous rutin which will bo held this season Although nuIness Manager Shettsllne. of th rhlllles, enjoys one of tho sunniest dispositions Imaginable, hi exuberance of spirit sometimes has an unexpected effect on his listeners. Tha other day "Shetts" was helns pleasant, aa usual and remarked- "Well. It won't ba lone until the baseball season Is her ae-aln." Tha Phllly office fores In tha Stock Exchange ' Uulldlng suffered u mental collapse. Which reminds us that as far oe any one knows, President Haker hasn't been around to ' the I'enn Theatre to see Charley pooln In his famous act. A Western football team uses a, combination at Utters and nine figures far signal V facetious opponent hearing tha quarterback call "U-0." uhoutcd. "Get low, boys, lt' j, submarine, piav. If the Braves' rampahm of 1.014 cm be termed "burning up the leaau." rieveJand't race would be best pictured by a pair of Ice skate. R. II. Crcet. the r-aclnc bay eeldipg owned bv Senator Jamea I McNIrhsl, was the en "ntlun In the ilrand Circuit mclne reason lust lused. This greAt thonw.hbrad. a novice. i.-..ved to be the fastet t-yeur-old ever raced. .Sir I -im thlnktne of taklnx up coif snd -uld like to know It !net!ts. What do.' a i teach you- ANXIOUS BBADRlt. t'rufanlty Fred" 'tarke reelgned as manager of the I'lra'es. He will take a. new Job next spring ihai of m-manlng the Pirates for the msteenth" succtve season. I'lrng Clarke and heaving Heuue Waitn r r the scrap heap always have beeo pvpu'ar a intct sports 1'bey promise to be mow i-op-'ar than ever tbl year. Ounboat Smith." remarks a contecniiorarv afte man's best run in the afternoon was H1U end tti nteht li.'i. Iloppi-' highest score In Ih3 afternoon was 30. while in the evening hi best run was 40. YAMABA VICTORIOUS Si'HANTOX. Pa. Oct ill n -hi- ..riiinw 1-1 I balkllne contest of tha rhaniplnii Ililllard Players' I.tOKtte here last night KoJI Varoada lieut Ilirry I'lin. -piu to m Ywmada mat the high averuge of i'i I-1S. whll inline average was U. Tamada outclassed his op Donent. lamurlne Ihd honir in ull ,bmn,. ments. In the seventh inning Taroada hd a ! nit;n run nr uu. ano nis next ceat run was at Clint's bet effort waa 5-t. tited the competitors to make use of th4 -course the Juy previous to the tourna-. . ment and entries will ilose with the clerk."' al tha club un Tm-uduy, November 10. Tula " will be the llrat tlnie the women solfci? " haa been entertained at L-iknwn.ui ,....) ' it will mark the hm competition of the reason, a priwlse usually going to l.aka, wuod for It open tournament. 4 SUTTON GETS DECISION HALTIMOnB. Oct SO. George Sutton d fe,i.ed Jake Schaofer 10O to IS3 In a Cham pion Billiard Players league lit balkline match last night. Sutton had an uv erase of 10 1-22 and u high run of 32. while Sohaefer everag -1 T U-20 and totaled 20 without a miss Lafayette Sopliomores Win BASTO.V. Pa . l.ct. SS -The .mngat ' la.faette College Intrclass footba'l game, which takes place on this bi i.-. Ii tween the freshmen and sophomore, wun -won bv the lattei lg to 0 The varsity sciuad went through a long scritumagft ' tuday. Couch Ciovvell madf no radical i n.inges in tne line-up - rt MORIN BEATS COOLER CinfAUU. Oct 29 Chirlea Morln ..f this city, last night defeated Har i'oolr. .,f u dntnapoll. SO to 21. In 74 innings. In an In terstate Tnree-i'usbton Ililllard League tunic h i " sr: rd on the Muhlenberg foot- ONAL A. C. fJ&V, ho hxs proved his sterling 8itlRfSi Si71tR .5 ,?, bts. cr :iOHT i ,.. -cittx vs. i-,i-i- iiuiiir; Four other (Star Bout Four Other Star Bout Woodworth Treads Kverv motorist knows about these t-l stull, 1 Lather , , . iht pr.ite i the ir- iurn g th ulnt. r -ird give n n .-k 1 lusui in. e as wr II He h4i JU't rxKi-d tt lurg t k -jf i him in ihe v irl.ius pop u ir tun h ii. t .all r,l li us quote on equipping iour ID -rr ir W. BL THNTFr o MOTOR SUPPLIES nti i iicii t u . - 217 North Broad Street J PANAMA PACIFIC EXPOSITION INFORMATION FREE AT LEDGER CENTRAL The Travel ftuieau will cive vou slice ial data on the exposi tion, mute with the llnest ke'enic altiactiun. tram sched ule nnd cuiitieviiutui I'ullinuii and buttt uccumiiiotlutioii . even tc!i v uu the iieiedfeuiy ex ki,j,- for the trip. Including hotel rate en route and along coaat T Call at the Travel llurvuu LEDGER CENTRAL - r-.v - i" - t " t ,---.t I 'l - 4 m
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