"-B Wtjf me -; EVENING- LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TH-0BS.DAY, OCTOBER 29, 1018, 0 1 SOCIAL LIFE IN AND ABOUT PHILADELPHIA AMONG thoo who attended the danco given at night by Mr. and Mrs. Barclay It. Wi burton for Miss Mary llrown WarbUrton and Miss Marie Louise Wanamaker were Mr, and Mrs. Y, Howard Pnneonat, Mr, and Mrs. J. Shipley Dixon, vMr. and Mrs. Norman Mo Leod, Mrs. Percy Madeira, MIbs Ella Brock, Mies Mary Evelyn Chow,. Miss Alba Sargeant, Mies Paulino Dlsston, Miss Margaret C. Fox, Miss Elizabeth Itoberts, Mlsa Gretchen Clay, M'ss Ileln B. Smith, Miss Emily Markoe Thayer, Miss Edwlna Elklns Bruner, Miss Elsa Heath, Miss Joan N. Thompson, Miss Margot C, Scull, Miss Inez Drayton, Miss Mary S, Vurtfl, Miss Frances Tyson, Miss Anna M. Walthour, Miss Virginia Itoberts, Miss Elinor J. Bean, Miss Hope T. Boale, Miss Helen Ellis, Miss Sarah Llpplncott, Miss Hannah Randolph, Miss Alice C. Thompson, Miss Gertrudo Pan coast, Miss Josephine It. Holloway, Miss Frances Moore, of Washington; Miss Elizabeth Thompson, Miss Charlotte Bain, Miss Mary Alice Clay, Miss Charlotto II, Brown, Miss Katherlno Kromor, Miss Mary Crozer Page, Miss Edith B. Ellison, Miss Mary E. Clayton, Miss Marlon E. Savage, Miss Edith H. Bally, Miss Margaret Borwlnd, Miss Lois B. Cassatt, Miss Helen Tower, Miss Louisa Gibbons Davis, Miss Harriet Dcaver, Daniel Hutchinson, 3d, Henry Van, Henry B. Hodge, William Long, Walter Fotterall, Harold Wlllcox, Dorr Ells worth Newton, George Rowland Sergeant, Charles Davis, Charles Wharton, Josoph N. Du Barry, Jr., Saunders L. Mcado, Alexander Thayer, J. Bayard Henry, Philip Loldy, For rester Scott, S. C. Stokes, John Keen, Fltz Eugcno Nowbold, Ludwlg Lewis, Andrew Van Pelt, Androw Wheeler, Jr., Joseph T. Thayer, Joseph Moulton, William Foster Fotterall, Ed mund Thayer, William O. Pepper, Fltz-Eugcno I. Thayer, William O. Rowland, Carol Wilcox, Thomas Hart, Snowdcn Samuol, Thomas Mc Knlght Finlettor, L. Brooke Edwards, Gcorgo Bartol, Leonard Sibley, A. Mercer Blddlc, Jr., Jeromo K. Holloway, Barton C. Hirst, Jr., L. Bcott Landrcth, Jr., Harry Tucker, It. Penn Smith, Jr., Thomas G. Hirst, Evans Tucker, Alfred Sergeant, Robert Clay, Itodney N. Lan droth, Nicholas Blddlo, John Shober, Ashton Souder, Alden Lee, Phlllor Lee, Morris II. Mcr rltt, Laurenco Saunders, W. W. Frazler, 3d, Wlnant Johnson, Albert B. Kennedy, Jr., Itob ert Carrerre, Alastalr McLeod, Rodman M, Wlstor, Henry L. Savage and Itussoll Thayer, Jr Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward T. Stotcsbury -will en tertain at dinner tomorrow night at their coun try placo in Bryn Mawr. At the tea which Mr. and Mrs. David S. B. Chew will glvo to Introduce tholr daughter, Miss Mary Evelyn Chew, on December 2 there will bo no receiving party. At at the tea which Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Latta will glvo on November 4 to Introduce their daughters, Miss Elizabeth Latta and Miss Margaret Latta, n number of debutantes will iccelve. They will Include Miss Ellzaboth Graham, Miss Mao Patterson, Miss Frances Buck, Miss Florence Woolvcrton, Miss Isabella Wanamaker, Miss Helen Gleason, Miss Mildred Jack, Miss natharlno Rogers, Mlsa Eleanor Eveland nnd Miss Mary Draftwick. Thoso who will preside nt tho tea tablo will be Mra. Ebcn J. Ruff, Mrs. Charles J. Swain, Mrs. Samuol Y. Hcebner, Mrs. N. Scnmmon Jones, Mrs. Thomas Eastwlck nnd MI3S Mar garet Lattn. A dinner will be given after tho tea for tho receiving party and additional guests, who will lncludo A. Bartlott Stryker, Philip Mattson, Charles K. Johnson, Clement Poulterer, Frank D. Bell, Jr., H. Longstreth Brown, Jr., Joseph Hcatly Dulles, 4th, Richard Bnum. George D. Harrington. Terry Hunter, William K. Moore nnd Frank Ruff, of Pittsburgh; Charles Francis, of New York, nnd Dr. Joso Valerlno, of Pan ama City. ' Mrs. J. Colton Deal, Mrs. Walter Hancock, Mrs. Rowland C. Evans, Mrs. Ralph C. Stew art and Mrs. Thomas Shallcross, Jr., have or ganized n dancing class which will moot for the first time this season Thursday, Novem ber II, at tho Rlttenhouse. Tho private view for tho twelfth annual water color exhibition will bo held Saturday, Novem ber 7, at the Academy of the Fine Arts. ALONG THE MAIN LINE ovEnnnooK Mr. nnd Mrs. A Hall, of Wynne flcM avenue, will give n masquerade ball and supper at tho Roosevelt tomorrow evening. The rooms will be appropriately decorated with sheafs of cornstalks, Jack-o'-lanterns, small pumpkins, black cats, witches and other Hal loween emblems. A largo quantity of brilliant autumn lcacs. In vnrylng shades of red and yellow, will add to tho effectiveness of tho deco rations. Supper will be eerved at small tables, seating four guosts, and arranged with centre pieces of autumn dowers. Tho following afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hall will give n costume dance for their small daugh ters, Miss Betty Hall and Miss Lillian Hall, at which the guests will bo children. The after noon will bo devoted to an entertainment suit able to tho small guests, with a ventriloquist .and Punch and Judy show, ns well as dancing. About 100 guests will attend the affair. An en tirely new schema of decorations will bo used, with grinning skulls and black cats galore. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Bookmyer will give a costume dance on Saturday night In the ball room of their home. wynnewood Mrs. B. D. Pancoast, of Cincin nati, O., who was married nt White Sulphur Bprjnga last spring to B. D. Pancoast, of Phila delphia, la spending a few days nt Wynnewood us the guest of her sister, Mis. Eberle. Mla May Gibson and Mrs. R. II. C. Brock win spend the greater part of tho winter at their country homo here. MlYN MAWK-Mr. and Mrs. John R. Valentine, of Highland Farm, will entertain at dinner to night. Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury will move Into town the latter part of next month. ALONG THE READING There will be a masked costume dance at tho Huntingdon Valley Country Club, at Noble, on Saturday night. The decorations will be In keeping with the Halloween custom, and a large number of the members and their friends are expected to be present. A prize of a Pumpkin will bo awarded to the two best dancers. There will be a masked costume dance at the Old York Road Country Club on Saturday night at 8:30. The decorations will be in keep ing with the Halloween custom, and Miss Han nah Comly, Miss Emma Comly and George A. Sllfer will be In charge. Mas Idella Grlbbel, of Wyncote, will en tertain Informally at luncheon and brldgo to day, also on Saturday night she will be hos tess at an Informal Halloween supper for bout 14 guests. The Jenklntown Choral will give Its first musical tea on Monday afternoon, November Photo by Eugene O'Connor MISS ADA LAMBERT WETIIEKfLL Miss Wcthcrill is tbc daughter of Mrs. Gcorgo D. Wcthcrill, of Bryn Mawr. She is a debutante of the tcason nnd will he much entertained. Miss Wctlicrill was presented at a tea October 5. 9, at 4 o'clock, at tho Jenklntown Auditorium, on York road. Tho hostesses lncludo Mrs. Georgo W. Long, Mrs. J. W. Purner, Mrs. Robert Cornwoth, Mrs. Herbert K. Taylor, Mrs. M. Y. Smith, Mrs. Louis Fortner, Mrs. J. S. Gaylcy and Mrs. Josoph K. Dixon. Mrs. Bcsslo KUlo Slaugh Is ,tho musical di rector. GERMANTOWN of Informal neighborhood dances nrranged to take placo Saturday A series havo been evenings during tho winter at 103 West Chel tcn avenue, Gormnntown's new Art Conserva tory. Tho dates will bo November 7, Novem ber 21, December E, January 5, January 23, Fobruary 0. Mrs. B. C. Tllllnghast will glvo n luncheon and card party for tho boneflt'of tho Samari tan Hospital nt her home, 232 Wlstor street, Germnntown, this afternoon. Tho nurses of tho Samaritan Hospital will glvo a mask Hal loween party on Saturday evening In tho nurses' home. Mrs. Eugeno Vallctto Savin, Jr., of 6025 New hall street, Germantown, will entertain nt luncheon Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Robert T. McCrncken, of 413 West Staf ford street, has Issued Invitations for brldgo Thursday, November 5. About E0 guests are expected. Invitations wero received Tuesday for tho wedding of Miss' Mary Stovens, daughter of Mrs. William Wnttis Stovens, and Albert Thorn ton Grugnn Wednesday, November 18, in the Chestnut Street Baptist Church, 40th and Chest nut streets, nt 0:30 o'clock. A deslro to help tho sufferers abroad has In spired a number of persons hero to give cnter0 tulnmonts to help tho American Red Cross So ciety and to organize sowing classes. Thero will bo a dance at Pelham Court, near Carpenter Station, on Tuesday evening, Novem ber 3. Thero will be a competitive dance, under the direction of Miss Fctherstone. The chaper ones of tho affair include Mrs. Louis C. Ma deira, Mra. William II. George, Mrs. Charles Wlstcr, Jr., Mrs. Harold M. sill, Mrs. Churchill Williams and Mrs. T. B. Stenhouso. Mrs. F. Butler Reeves, of Abbottsford ave nue, has organized a sewing class, which meets at her house, to old the Red Cross Society, and the women of Germnntown have been asked to meet In the Parish House of tho First Presby. terian Church on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays to sew for tho relief of sufferers In the war zone under tho nuspices of tho Red Cross. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Charles Lorlng Eliot, of 46th and Spruce stieets, will entertain her bridge club Friday evening, November B. Mr, nnd Mrs. Walter Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stutz. Mr. nnd Mrs. Warden Moss, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Phreunci. Miss Edna Wller, Mr. Richard Ran dall, Miss Florence Eliot. Mr. Waldo Fnhllng, Mr. H. B. Montgomery, Miss Leonlde Dagot. Miss Hettle Meyers will entertain the first meeting of a bridge club Tuesday afternoon, November 3. The members are Miss Grace Moyers, Miss Gertrude Kelloy, Sirs, J. Davis, Mrs, Richard Nelms, Mrs. John Morgan, Miss Mary Moch, Miss Florence Eliot, Miss Leonlde Dagit. Mrs. Thomas J. Kennon. of the Scdgley, and Mrs. Francis X. Beaston, of 213 South 3Sth street, have Issued enrds for a luncheon at the Normandle Thursday, December 3, Mrs. Charles V. D'Ossone and her daughters have closed their home In Ventnor and returned to 738 North 40th utreet for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Ebert liiivo sejit out Invitations for a tea to be given Halloween at their homo, 725 South COth street, from 3 until 6:30 o'clock. The tea will be given In honor of the ISth birthday of their daughter, Miss Mildred Ebert. . SOOTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Agnes Virginia Mohan, of 1527 Rltner .street, has Issued Invitations for a mask party, to be given on Hallonetm. Among the guests will bo Miss Isabel Hill Drummond, Miss Sara Love, Miss Margaret Farrel), Miss Anna Rob inson and Miss Helen Socklnger, John Malo ney, John Gllmarttn, Thomus F. Robinson, Lawrence Carlln, Frank Schmucke, Walter Jackson, Miss Gertrudo Maries Boyle and Law rence Tlmmons, of Chester, Pa. Lieutenant T. H. Winter, U. S. N., and Mrs. Winter, of 2609 South Garnet street, will en tertain at dinner tonight in honor of Miss Anna V. Lyons, of Bellefonte. and Mrs. Kettell, of Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Kettell is the guest of Mrs Winter's mother, Mrs. T. B, Baffett. The dinner will be given on the United States flagship Alabama, and will bo followed by in formal tango. The guests will bo Lieutenant Commander G. A. Bissett, U. S. N., and Mra. BIssctt, Lieutenant Commander R. S. Kcyes, U. 3. N., and Mrs. Keycs, and William J. Pryor. Mrs. C. A', Lutz, wife of Lieutenant C. A. Lutz, V. S. M. C., entertained on Monday eve ning to meet Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanford and tho Misses Stanford, of Florida, at nn informal danco at her homo In tho Glrard Estate, 2327 South 21st trect Among the guests were Nnvnl Constructor G. A. Bissett, V. S. N nnd Mrs. Bissett, Lieutenant Commander R. S. Keyes, U. S. N.( and Mrs. Kcyes, Mrs. R. L. Shoppard, Mrs. J. J. Meade, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davltr, Ensign Miller, V. fl. N.( Mrs. Wilcox and Messrs. Davlcs, Moore, Parsons, Stover and Lowry. Miss Gertrude McAvoy and Miss Frances Denglcr will entertain on Saturday ovcnlng at a costume supper nnd danco at 2101 South Fif teenth street. Autumn loaves and pink chrys anthemums, witches, black cats, pumpkin heads, etc., will bo used for decorations. Tho guests will be Miss Johanna Sweeney, Miss Myra Wartman, Miss Josephine Cnrolan, Miss Agnes Comber, Miss Maria Duffy and Messrs. Gcorgo Daloy, Clarke Wyllc, James Costcllo, John Martin, Al Cunningham, Jamos Campbell, Al len Simpson, Francis Kephart and Rodman Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Beabo entertained In formally yesterday aftornoon at a small danco nt 233S South 21st street, on the Glrard Estate NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. John Peter Habermohl hayo is sued Invitations to tho marrlago reception of their daughter, Miss Caroline Mnrgnrct Haber mehl, to Georgo S. Ruhland, Wednesday even ing, November 11, at 8 o'clock, at their homo, 2139 Diamond street. Mrs. F. J. Gelgor entertained tho "Charity Club" for children at luncheon nnd cards Tues day at her homo, 3134 Diamond street. Her guests wero Mrs. Charles R. MacDowell, Mrs. Henry Orlemnn, of Elklns Park; Mrs. James Salem and Miss Mary linger, of St. David's; Mrs, A. McClay, Mrs. A. Manwnrlng. Mrs. Will iam F. Sautcr, Mrs. T. Fenstermaker, Mrs. Albert Koch, Mrs. Harry MacNelll, Mrs. John Keen, Mrs. W. Mahood,, Mrs. John Pickett, Mrs. Frank Kennedy, Mrs. Charles Knight, Mrs. Borllow, Mrs. John Goehrlng, Mrs. Charles Palmer, Mrs. Samuel Thomson, Mrs. D. E. Wal ling and Mrs. John Weaver, of Cvcrbrook. Mrs. John P. Wilson, of 1920 North Park avenuo, Is visiting Mrs. U. O. Squalrcs In Bos ton, Mass. Mrs. Horaco MoFctrldgc, of the Frontennc, Broad and Oxford streets, entertained her enrdi club at luncheon nnd 600 last week, when her guests wero Mrs. George Snyder, Mrs. Ernest Wright, Jr., , MrB. C. P. Brewstor, Mrs. John Bland, Miss May Hengon, Miss Bertha Wlnslow and Miss Mcta Weber. Mrs. Leon S. Meyer, of 3029 Diamond street, Is entortainlng Miss Ella Moyer, of St. Louis, Mo. TO KNIT FOR SOLDIERS - British Order of Women Are Generously Re spending to Call for Help. The Connaught Chapter of the Imperial Ordor of tho Daughters of the British Empire in tho United States of America havo banded together in answor to Lord Kltchonor's re quest for assistance for the English soldiers nnd are holding meetings at their various houses to knit and sew for tho soldiers and orphans. Already moro than 700 pairs of socks havo been sent to Liverpool and many other things aro being collected now to bo sent next month The Philadelphia Chapter was formed In Jan uary of 1913 and has a membership of 25 Brit ish women. Mrs. Wilfred Powell, of 701 Pino street, Is tho regent. At the tlmo of Its forma tion it 'was the 25th chaptor In tho United States. Lady Spring Rice Is honorary presi dent of tho whole association and Viscountess Brice Is ono of tho life members. Tho associa tion has chapters in every part of tho English speaking world. Mrs. J. T. Llncaweaver, of Hnverford, Is treasurer of the Boclety, and Mrs. Thomas Mc Crea, of 1027 Spruco street, is corresponding secretary. Among the members nre Mrs. L. Webster Fox, Mrs. R. Talt Mackenzie, Mrs. A. C. Abbott, Mrs. AVIlllam A. Glasgow, Jr., Mrs. Ralph Burgess, of Wyncote, Pa.; Mrs. John A. McMnhon, Mrs. J. B. Walker, of Swarth mnre. TIOGA An automobile party from Tioga to Three Tuns Tuesday Included Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schrleber, Mr nnd Mrs. Charles S. Wall, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowers, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hiram H, Hlrsch, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Rosenbergor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Haltorman, Mr. and Mrs. William Rlttcr and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bels wanger, Tho run was followed by a dinner at the Three Tuns Hotel. Mrs. Henry II. Fahrlg will entertain the mem bers of her bridge club Friday, Novembor 6, nt her home. 3S22 N,orth lGth street. Miss Ellen Smith nnd Miss Leonora Kay, of 4131 North Broad street, have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Rogers, of Chelseu. Mrs. Robert Barlow, of 3S2I Pulaski avenue, was hostess at the first entertainment of her card club, Tho game was followed by a buffet luncheon. Her guests were Mrs. John B. Grofr, Mrs. Russell Wilson. Mrs, Rex Stackhouse. Mrs. Fred Wagner, Mrs. Horace T. Wagner. Mrs. Mertlce Shrlver, Mrs. Frank Mlskey, Miss Irene Fagley and Mrs. Ralph Jackson. Miss Emma Donaldson will entertain at "500" Saturday afternoon nt her home, 1303 Rising Sun lane. Her guests will be Miss Alma Stack house, Miss Mae Dawson, Miss Elizabeth Nel lens, Miss Florence Stern, Miss Mao Stern, Miss Ruth Trafford, Miss Grace A. Wade, Miss Elizabeth Rlguer, Miss Lucieta Fullmer and Miss Margaret Croft. WEDDINGS Miss Clothier to Become Bride of R. Hall Anderson in Lansdowne Tonight. The marrlago of Miss Elizabeth Clothier and R. Hall Anderson will take place tonight at St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church, Lans downe. nt 7 o'clock. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. Crosswell McBee, rec tor of the church. Miss Clothier will be given In marriage by her father, John B. Clothier. She will wear a gqwn of white satin, trimmed with duchess lace, and will carry lilies of the valley. Jlor veil of old family duchesa lace will b at tached with orange blossoms. Miss Elizabeth Cryer will attend Miss Clothier as maid of honor, and her bridesmaids will be Miss Emily Moffly. Miss Ella May Harris. Miss Margaret T. Keen and Miss Mary Malllson. The maid of honor will wear ale blue tat. feta, trlmmod with old cream-colored lae. Her hat will be made of gold lace, and she will carry yellow chrysanthemums. The brides maids will wear frocks of shadow lace over white charmeuse, with blue girdle. Tholr hats will be made of shadow lace and the trimming will be brown fur They will carry yellow chrysanthemums also Mr, Anderson will have Ralph Baker as hu best man, and the ' ushers will be William Br6wn, Edgar Block, Edgar Wilson arid Jas per Nlcolls. A small reception will follow tho ceremony at tho home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Clothier, at Win dormoro and Lacrosso avenues. ROXBOROUGH Mrs. William Stetler, of Rldgo avenue, enter tained Informally last night, when her guests wero Mrs. Walter Enrley, Mrs. Theodore Bald win, Mrs. Verncr Frame, Mrs. S. R. Rorer, Mrs. James Frame, Mrs. Charles Haebcrleln, Mrs. Clifford McMaster, Mrs. James Rothwell, Mrs. Josoph Summer and Mrs Robert White side. Mrs. Sarah Mager, of Pittsburgh, wan the guest of Mrs. Louis Melvln Struse, of Ridge and Wlgnrd avenues, over tho week end, Mrs. William Turner, of Poohln street, nnd Mrs. Morris Turner, of Freeland avenue, have returned from Clifton Heights, N. J., where they wore tho guests of Mrs. James Crawford, Miss Helen Simpson, daughter of Mrs. Erwln Simpson, of 369 Green lane, gave a tea and 600 this afternoon at her homo for Miss Elizabeth Rotz, of Jenklntown; Miss Theo Baub, of Pittsburgh; Miss Dorothy Wlso and Miss Lor ralno Hlllsley, of Chestnut Hill. DEBUTANTE AFFAIRS Miss Hubcrla Potter Will Be Introduced nt a Tea Miss Hcckschcr to Be Entertained. This afternoon Mr. nnd Mrs. Jonathan Bailey Browder will present tholr daughter, Miss Hubcrta Potter, nt a large tea which thoy will give at their home, on Lincoln Drive, Chestnut Hill. Among thoso who will assist Miss Potter in receiving will bo Miss Virginia Roberts, Miss Charlotto Brown, Miss Katharine Z. Ogden, Miss Katherlno Tenney, Miss Hanscll French Earle, Miss Kntherln Seelcr, Miss Mary T. Dcnckla, Miss Lucia A. Warden, Mls3 Char lotto Fahnestock, Miss Anna Mnry Walthour, j Miss Ruth Mann and MIss-Franccs Stoughton. Mrs. Browder will bo assisted in receiving by Mra. Henry P. Paul, Jr., Mrs. Samuol F. Houston, Mrs. Gordon McCouch, Mrs. Henry P. Brown, Jr., and Mrs. Isaac M. Slmonln. After tho tea the receiving party, with ad ditional guests, will bo entertained nt a dln-ner-danco nt tho Philadelphia Cricket Club. Among tho additional debutantes who will attend tho dinner nnd danco at tho club will be Miss Edith II. Rally, Miss Cordelia Blddle, Miss Katharlno Ashhurst Bowlo, Miss Mar garet FItlcr, Miss Isabel Wurts Page, Miss Mary Stuart Wurts, Miss Emma Ashton Dorr, Miss Mary Ballard, Miss Eleanor Porcher, Miss Emily La Fargo Clnxton, Miss Louisa Gibbons Davis, Miss Llllto Crlsllcld, Miss Edith Novlllo Smythc, Miss Eleanor BIspham, Miss I Elinor J. Bean, Miss Elsa Heath, Mls3 Eliza beth WIster. Miss Mary E. Clayton and Miss Chrlstlno N. Clark. Another delightful debutanto affair wit! bo tho small dlnncr-dnnco which will bo given for Miss Anna Massey Heckschcr by her uncle nnd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edward Dray ton, nt their beautiful country home, tho Cc dars, Penllyn. Tho lower floor will bo thrown open to tho guests, and will bo decorated with autumn leaves nnd cornstalks. Some among tho guests who havo been Invited nro Miss Katharine Ashhurst Bowlo, Miss Almco Hutch inson, Miss Hope Truxton Bcale, Miss Inez Drayton, a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Drayton; Miss Ella Brock, Miss Susan B. Ingcrsoll, Miss Ruth Coxe, Miss Cornelia Carter Leldy, Miss Helen Ellis, Miss Gertrude Tower, Saun ders Meade, Hnrry C. Drayton, Clarence Fl3her, Julian Blddle, Alexander Cadwalader, John W. Drayton, Fritz Drayton, Edmund Thayer, Charles Fry, Harry Ingcrsoll and Em Icn Drayton. OPERATIC SOCIETY "Carmen" Splendidly Dono by Amateurs at the Academy. Ono of Arnold Bennett's people says, some where, that outsldo of AVagnor thero is but ono great opera which has a great libretto, and that is "Carmen." Tho production by the Philadelphia Operatic Society last night was nmplo proof. "Carmen" Is so lino that It is nmateur-proof, It Is almost beyond human power to spoil It, but the talented amateurs of the society showed to a remarkable extent how lino it could bo made. In the first place, It was well produced the staging was adequate, tho little misfortunes of amateur work were surprisingly absent, the ensemble movements were well executed and tho costuming -was tastefully done. Then the nctlng was unusual, not only for amateur per formances. The acting demands which "Car men" makes on Its slngors nre greater per haps than that of any other opera, and tho Mars last night satisfied those demands to the last detail. Finally, tho singing was good, and the dancing was good. What moro could be nsl"d7 Individual honors went to Miss VIvlenne Segal from tho moment she made her capti vating appearance. Miss Segal's Interpretation of the part was more Bizet than Merimee. 8ho was too pleasing, not half vicious enough. But the lilt in her voice nnd In her movements was so thoroughly fresh, nn Incarnation of nen ley's "wanton and wondrous nnd forever well," that one forgave the sweetness which should not have been. Miss Segal's voice Is a rich hut not too powerful mezzo-soprano; Its weak ness came out In the dance song of the second act, for example. But It was well sustained, and, considering that the singer had to strug gle with tho English libretto, It was rather wonderful. Mr. Rothermel's Don Jose was acted with a certain humor, but his voice wai cloudy at times, and only In his bravura pass ages showed Its strength. Horace Hood as Escamlllo roared the Toreador song In splen did voice and character, and Adellim Paul Nonr as Mlcaela and Adele Hassan ns Fras qultn gave careful interpretations of their parts. The Individuals ware all so good that to mark out certain ones seeing Invidious. Those, however, in the star parts, were stars. Wasslll Lepi conducted the opera with fine spirit. The extraordinary thins was that this per. formance fell thort In a way utterly unknown before. Most amateur operas are faulty be cause they imitate professionals too much. The direction of this performance. In a praisewor thy attempt to cseapo the obvious, erred by exepss of zeal. They forgot that at a given moment their street in Seville becomes no longer a street but the apron of -a stage on which a man is singing a lyrle. So, in the first act. bits of genre work by the choru-j effectually spoiled one of Mr. Rothermel's arias. The members of tho chorus passed in gay and far too lnteretin bounty behind him, while he sang. The Idea wa not at fault, but the execution. And quite upart from the merits of this production. last night gave great argument in the matter of opera In English. When singer have to itruggle with "Love you not me. love i men you, ami nave to make it tit Caimen Cita's soPi,-. it can be truly mid ihat the great- est enemies of opera in English are the operas I now in English. THE DRAMA ,S!i w MARION SIMPSON "Whirl of the World" Lyric. FLASHES FROM "STARS" For musical comedy scores we havo depended for years mainly upon European composers. Our musical comedy successes, to a great do gree, havo come from Vienna and Paris. In fact, as we stated tho other day, there are but three composers in America who under stand musical comedy requirements Victor Herbert, Ivan Caryll nnd Rudolph Frlml. That foreign composers and librettists are fighting In tho European conflict may partly account for the lack of new musical comedy produc tions this season. On tho other hand, as Henry Savngo has stated, producers may be detained from making such extensive financial Invest ments ns musical comedies require under the present financial conditions. Whatever the cause, there have not been so few musical plays for many years as thero are this season. At thlu tlmo last year thero had appeared In Novr York "Adele," "The Marriage Market," "Sweet hearts," "Miss Caprice," "Her Little Highness" and "The Little Cafe," with "Tho Madcap Duchess" and "O, I Say" under way. At the present time "Tho Girl from Utah," "Pretty Miss Smith" and "Chin Chin," are tho only new productions In Manhattan. Outside of New York, "Papa's Darling" Is playing In town; "Tho Debutante," which will be hero next week, has been in nearby cities, and "The Only Girl" la schedulod for an early Manhattan production. Curiously limited ns the productions havo been, tho really great successes so far this season have been In mu sical comedy. Montgomery and Stone have repented the tremendous hit achieved here nt tho Forrest Theatre at the Globo In New York, and are said to be the greatest attraction there. Depressed by the war, It is only natural peo- AMUSEMENT5 GARRICK Last 3 Evgs. TTAATy KP r'An Yellow Ticket "aS surroiiTUD nv an ai.l-rtak cast NEXT WEEK. EXTP.A MAT. ELECTION DAT HAZEL DAWN inTHE irxuxj-i -n-vv DEBUTANTE Ily II. D. & K. P. Smith. Sluslcby Victor Hcrbart. FORREST Last 3 Evgs. 1,$ KLAW and EHI.ANGEIl Present" PAPA'S UARLINO New Mulrnl Comedy Jtuelc by Ivan Caryll. Hook by II. II Smith NEXT SIONPAV SEATS TODAY HENRY W SAVAOC Offers Q A T? T The International Operetta Triumph kJ Jt. XV J. Extra Mjtlnee Election Day. Tuesday, Nov. 8 BROAD Last 3 EvgsTSv -tfAMMTT? WAPn in madam1 x .r.t.2....t,tr.. ' '"'"' PRESIDENT NEXT WEEK SETS TODAY CIIAKI.ES FnOHMAN I're.in,. &aV. I SONG i SONGS Iward Novel Sheldon THE WALNUT EUGENIE BLAIR Popular Mat. Today A FOOI. T11PBP ur.,o. 51 ATS. 23c, S0c Nil HITS. !. 5,1.. T.C , NEXT WEEK 'WITIUV THE LAW- B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE Tft9 "JWnjr'1 Sylvester Schaffer And a Wonderful Show CIU-SY 4 Davvp- PUMKE KOCHESTEK OTIIEH ST VII EEATLItES.' I'WT ORPHEUM MrKcT4hu BRINGING UP FATHER No" 'WAY DOWN EAST Krpad sad LIBERTY""" TuW 7 Thurs. Columbia A iJIDijIU 1 & Sat. - I5o 4 36c Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Nuv. S FRECKLES NIXON'S I Mill VNO HKOsT UORDoVTT GRAND ! Wk& Today 2M5. T L 0 LAtTao'l.?(J!f,,X,Tl-i0,IN,0!S LITTLE THEATRE OB iTRUf New Wsjk--THJBKIVALS" EMPIRE wiNNiN5ebws CASINO mTUwNxAmSi'"Mltau' "AT . flHK r- ,, JS&. "' "$c 4WE' $34HlVb Pa vksS W9k iifeiiilliilr 1 :M 11 " MMiiNiniiuiumsMii &5s?6BEgaPF,Sy'',''' ' imii NtgSga THEATRICAL BAEDEKER ADELPin-.-A Pair of Sixes," farca by Ed ward Peple. Two business parthern shoot n. cold hand, the winner to retAtn the buBlnei. tho loser to become) hla body norvant tor n ytnr. Delightfully laughable. BROAD "Madam President," French farce, atarrlncr FnnniA Wni-rt. dobette. an ftctren. strnvs into n. Krnnr.h nrovlnclal town and fl poses as the wife of tho president of the 'A commune, with hilarious complications. FOHHE8T "Papa's Darllnir." musical comedy by Ivnn Caryll. Dut ono criticism can be made of Dorothy Jardon, the star. She is J delightful that she appears too seldom. OARniCK "The Tellow Ticket." by Michael Morton, Florence Reed, revealed as nn actress jrj of superemlnent ability in a, uir-r-ining-melodrama of Russia. KEITH'S Sylvester Schaffer In a marvelous variety of specialties. LITTLE! THEATRE "Arms and the Man." Revival of Bernard Shaw's play. Excellently acted. LYRIC l;he Whirl of tho World," the New York Winter darden spectacle, with Mile. Chaplne, the Parisian prima donna. Spec tacular and hippo-dramatic, with "catchy" songs and ecccntrlo dances. WALNUT "A Foot There Was." Revival of sensational play based on Kipling's "The Vampire," with Eugenie Blair, melodrama star, In leading role. pie should desire such vlmclous and beguiling entertainment as fun and drollery set to music afford. Here Is a field of unlimited opportunity. It Is unquestionably true that our predilection for foreign music nnd art has discouraged national Initiative, and if, as Outzon Borglum has repeatedly sold, sculptors and painters have neglected original work for more profit able hack work, this Is true also of composers nnd librettists. The effect of the war in thU respect, as to whether It will force managers 3 to discover new talent or causo Incipient genius to assert Itself, will be Interesting to obsorve. Eleanor Painter, who sings the title role In the Dlppel Opera Comlque Company's produc tion of "Tho Lilac Domino" at the Forty fourth Strpet, Theatre, New York, was born In Walkervillo, la. At an (arly age, with her parents, Bhe moved to Kansas City, Mo. Short ly afterward thoy took up their resldenco in Colorado Springs. Bhe finished her musical education in Germany, nnd appeared at tho Deutches Opora House in Charlottenberg-Ber-lln for two seasons. When arrangements were made for the American presentation of "Der Rosenkavallor," she was selected by Richard J Strauss for tho American tour from nraong 400 prima donnas who applied for the position. AMUSEMENTS WITCHERY & HALLOWE'EN THE BLARNEY STONE ,-, -,JrHEJCILKENNT BLACK CAT THE BHOE FIiDM rvnoNnniTTTrvn nriTtTr' jxnrum THE PARISIAN DOLLAR DINNER I TANGO A LA CAIITE STARTING TONIGHT, THURSDAY, CONTINUING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, IN THE New and Sumptuous Salon de Luxe The PREMIER DREAMLAND OK ALL TANGO BALL ROOMS HOTEL MAJESTIC-! FRIDAY and SATURDAY BOTH NIGHTS TWO HALLOWE'ENS Fantastical Costumes, Real Funny Faces, Pumpkins mnd Masks In Abundance SOME SOUVENIRS No Confetti and No Reservations Four Ballrooms With Practical Tanco Floors Accommodations for 2000 Participants anil Parkins fltnHnn fft, r.rm rnm A PHILADELPHIA'S AMUSEMENT SENSATIONS! T T7T"Ttl w.here Jy "ules Supreme! IiY rv I I . Wher There's Fun Dy the Ream IJ i. 1UVJ rrnvrrrTjrri Am o.ir TONIGHT AT 8:15 A TREMENDOUSLY TRIUMPHANT TROUBLE-CHASER! POSITIVELY THE GREATEST OF ALL NEW YORK WINTER GARDEN REVUES THE WHIRL PP WORLD THE uiaaom Dome That ProceI nt a Terrlflo ami 4 i imoine mra; ocema r.necu .-votame lor Realism. Bulletin." POPULAR $1 MATINEE TOMORROW REGULAR MATINEE SATURDAY SPECIAL ELECTION DAY MATINEE. NOV. 8. ELECTION RETURNS READ ADF,T,PTTT pPul" Mat. Today, 2:20. Best 1 special Matinee on Election Day. November 8d "A PAIR OP SIXES" "A BIG HIT." Telegraph. "A SCREAM." Ledger. THE MANAGEMENT OF THE ' STANLEY THEATRE Market St., Above 10th BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT THIS EVENING MARY PICKFORD '(HERSELF) WILL BE OUR GUEST AND SEE HERSELF IN "BEHIND THE SCENES" ! Mies Plckford will be pleased to sea you j VICTORIA THEATRE $?&? ENTIRELY NEW SHOW THIS WEEK "VICTORIA GIRLIES AT SEA" With Amanda Gilbert, Irene Law. Emma K rails. Nellie Tapper Claire Perl and Othere. NEW SONGS ! NEW DA NOES NEW NOVELTIES! EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION DorothyMantell .VtSrVSS"' Beslt I'sual Quality Vaudeville an1 Feature Phuto-Play. "WHEN BROADWAY WAS A TRAIL" CHESTNUT STREET S Twice Ittil 2 80 and 8 SO VrU-tit, 10. 15 Vrul and 23a last. IRELAND A NATION S 'THEJLITTLEST REBEL" CoSS" "The Spoilers" THE MILLION-DOLLAR GLOBE MARKET STREET OPPOSITE WANAM4 fcren. a CONTINUOUS 11 JO A M TO It. SO P M RAY DOOLEY TRIO & WHITFIELD IRELAND. DIFFIN-HEDCAY TROPl'K KARL EMMY'S PETS MARION WEEKS 0,&vBJM5M,n MINERVA t'OlRTBNEY 4 TO. VON DELL ANpANOTHHHJO8l'RPRISB ACT CONVICT ATUAFrraEBT STJ T 13 0fn 9 A- M- to ,0 p- U- n 1 l CAN BE VISITED SUCCESS A&kll , """"" Liohtui by T(lrfly. SAILS SOON DO.T MISS SEEINU IIBR ACADEMY OP MUSIC BOSTON I w : nov a. at a n Dr K.at Mck, Room. Jll n ".'$, V " l" 1 ' i i J I
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