mmzmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmi wwispp vBipP iwwgpBwmi.- m ivmmmmm. EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1914. PROSPERITY KEYNOTE OF BUSINESS MEN AT ATLANTIC CITY JOHNSON RIDICULES U, S. LAWYERS' CASE IN THE STEEL SUIT mmmmmmmmm EDUCATION BOARD P. & A. Phono 2011 Main Dell Phone 1328 Court 318 Wabash Blrfg. P. If. KEEFE, President CHAS. J. DIMLINO, Seo'y MAY REVISE HIGH SCHOOL SYSTEM ITALIAN-AMERICANS DISCUSS WELFARE OF THE IMMIGRANT Alliance in Convention at Wilmington Gives Today's Sessions Entirely Over to Business. n I : I t f. :r. t , . i. Hardware Convention Adopts Creed in Cheerful Refutation of Gloomy News of Calamity Howlers ATLANTIC CITY, Oct. 28. Calamity howlers took to tlio tall timber when tlio American Hardware Manufacturers' As sociation and the National Hardware As sociation, In Joint convention at tlio Marlborough-BIenhctm, today cheerlngly Adopted a new business creed promul gated by W. D. Taylor, of Clovetand, president of the latter association. "What we need to do now to take the fullest possible advantage of n condition without precedent In world affairs Is to educnto American people to buy goods boarlng the 'made In America' label. When wo have done that we need have no fears for the future. "South American trade Is Important and we need It, but not half so much ns wo need the trade of our own country for American enterprises. Neil In relative Importance U the trade of our Canadian cousins. After that should come the trade of Central America, for Canada and Mexico are going to offer us Immense commercial possibilities. OpUmlBm pervaded the convention of seven hardwaro manufacturers and job bers. They laughed at every hint of pessimism, opened their metlng by sing ing "God Bless Our Native Land" with a swing and stood with bowed heads whllo the Rev. John R. Dales. of Bethlehem Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia, pray ed for spiritual guidance for the Presi dent and his Cabinet "In these days of stress and perpleltv," for the peaceful adjustment of International problems, the building up of Industrial prosperity, nnd the sheathing' of the sword abroad to the end that the fearful waste of life there may bo speedily ended." Mr. Taylor, speaking of the effect of the European conflict upon American trade, eald. It had. by suspending Imports, erect ed a wall vastly more effective than the most radical of protective tariffs. "It should develop new enterprises and , new sense of patriotism: for from this tlmo forward "Made In America' poods should always receive the " eference," he said. "If this sentiment pr- vails existing enterprises will bo running ICO per cent. Instead of 40 or JO per cent.: giving em ployment to our own people and the millions who will come here from abroad when the war Is ended there "This distinctly Is not a time for busi ness pessimism. We must avail ourselves of every opportunity, at home first, then In Canada, next in Central America, and then In South America. Europe cannot use our raw materials, but will take all the finished products we can send." He said the country owed a debt of gratitude to President Wilson for keeping the country out of war with Mexico. Secretary T. James Fernley, Philadel phia, said the views of business men laid before President Wilson had been ac cepted In revising the anti-trust and trade commission bills, which promise to ba beneficial to legitimate business. BALTIMORE SYNOD TAKES UP WORK IN EDUCATION FIELD Committee Named to Con sider Advisability of As suming Control of West Nottingham Academy. WILMINGTON. Del., Oct. 2S. Interest ing reports marked the meeting of the Synod of Baltimore. The Rev. B. Seat tle Wylie, the Moderator, who was elected last night, presided over the sesjlon. A feature was the presentation to the Moderator of a gavel made from the wood of the old Mackennle Presby terian Church, at Rehoboth, the oldest Presbyterian church In the country. The presentation was made by the Rev. Charles L. Candeo, pastor of Westmin ter Presbyterian Church, where the session Is being held. Much of the morning session was ppent lu a report on West Nottlng ham Acad emy In Maryland, the proposition being- to have the Fynod of Ba'tlraore take over the Institution. The, Rev. DeWitt Ben ham, of Baltimore, who made the report, raid a high compliment to the work of tho academy. It was decided to appoint a. committee tq confer with tha trustees of tho academy, and the maater will be settled at the next meeting of the Synod. The Rev. Robert McKenzie reported on tha work of colleges, and said because the Presbytery of Baltimore had no col leges within Its limits the contributions of rome persons to the work bad not In the past amounted to as much as they spent for tea cream and soda water, but he was pleased to report that there had been an Improvement and the con trlbutlona were better. The report on education was presented by the Rev. Wynne J. Jones, of Balti more, and showed an encouraging condi tion. The Rev. J. A. Moffatt presented the report on relief and austenatlon, and made a number of recommendations. The principal feature of the synod this afternoon was a conference in charge of the Rev. S. Robert McKenzi and Arthur J, Brown, of New York, and William II. Foulke, of Philadelphia. This was, de voted to missionary work, and there were several speakers. This evening there will be a public meeting. A number of reports were presented at the afternoon meeting. In Central Presbyterian Church the Synodlcal Woman's Home Missionary So ciety mei The annual report showed a membership of 4537 The contributions were $15,380. Ail the presbyteries show a gain, the greatest being In the presbytery of New Castle. JUNIORS FAVORITES IN PENN REGATTA Pinal Fall Rowing Events "Will Be Held Today. Coaeh Vivian NickaUs, the Penn rowing eaacfa. will conduct the annual fall lnter class crew races this afternoon over the Schuylkll. Ruer course, finishing at the Columbia avenue bridge The Juniors art favorites In the race. These are the i"it evrnts tu oe r-(d this fall as the last week has been somewhat tinatifactory on account of early dark- lies. ( Corporation Attorney's Thunderous Denunciation Is Relieved by Flashes of Quiet Humor. The "other side of the story" about the "Steel Trust" was taken up today by John G. Johnson. It was a final plea that tho United States Steel Corporation should not be dissolved, racing the four Judges In the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, In the Post Ofllco Building, tho dean of Penn sylvania's corporation lawyers began his argument in a low tone which ho steadily raised. Several times tho veteran lawyer brought his two flats down upon the table with a loud thud as he brought out In dramatic fashion: "Who was harmed?" "Will you tell me waa that an Injus tice?" "Ridiculous." More than ICO personB who were un able to get seats stood In tho rear of the courtroom. Among them were many lawyers, who had come to hear tho do fenso plea. On ono sldo of the court toom sat a group of law students of the University of Pennsylvania. Richard V. Ltndabury, of Newark, N. J.; C. Severance, of St. Paul, Minn.: David A. Reed, of Pittsburgh, and tho other prominent lawyers In tho defense of the "Steel Trust" sat In a row with their eyes fixed on the white-haired at torney. JOHNSON'S WIT STIRS LAUGHTER. Tho spectators listened attentively. Once they laughed. Mr. Johnson was responsible for the laugh. Resting his two elbows on tha high table In the centre of the countroom. Mr. Johnson, with a smile, began to answer special Assistant Attorney General Colton, who stated that more steel would be sold In America If the prices were lower. "The steel market Is well supplied with steel at the present time," said the at torney. "That Is one of the reasons why steel Isn't being bought as much as be fore." Raising his elbows and looking at tho Government prosecutors, Mr. Johnson con tinued: "I suppose If steel could be crushed Into jelly nnd then decorated with a delicious cream sauce the demand for steel would be greater. Just now everybody Is sup plied with all sorts of steel products." Opening his argument, Mr. Johnson paid a tribute to the other corporation lawcrs. Scanning the faces of the coun try's highest priced corporation lawyers, Mr. Johnson said: "My colleagues havo so thoroughly discussed the whole case that I am left In tho embarrnsslng position of having nothing left to say." ANALYZES THE CHARGES. Mr. Johnson, however, said a great deal. A complete denial of the Government's charges was made by the "Trust's" chief attorney. Every charge on which Jacob Dickinson, former Secretary of War. argued was carefully analyzed. Different chnrges were discussed at length. Many times the lawyer turned around and dramatically denounced tho charges with the word "ridiculous." "Our adversary has seen fit to attack Judge Gary for a transaction which oc curred 12 yearB ago" (formation of "Steel Trust"). A tribute was paid to Judge Gary by the lawyer for Integrity and especially for helping to prevent a panic which was facing the country In 1507 at the time tho Tennessee Coal and Iron Company waa taken over by the "Steel Trust." "COUNTRY FACES CRISIS." "At that particular time this country was facing a crisis." said the lawyer, "and a panic seemed Impossible to avert. A lighted match would have resulted In a frightful conflagration at that particu lar time. The transfer of that company by such men as Judge Gary and others was what prevented a panic and frightful suffering " . . Mr. Johnson stated that tho Steel Cor poration always was ready to answer any quest'on of Government Investigators be fore the suit was filed GRAND JURY CLEARS HAZERS Blve Cadets of St. John's College Freed of Murder Charge. ANNAPOLIS. Md., Oct. IS. Five cadets of St. John's College, charged with mur der of their classmate, William R. Bow lus In a hazing escapade, were today cleared of tho charge by the Grand Jury. The five boys, who have been held un der USfC bail eah awaiting the action of the Grand Jury, are Fendall Marbury, eon of William L. Marbury, of Baltimore; Henry I Valdez. of Havana, Cuba; George H. Weaver, of New York: R. A. Jones of Cambridge, and John M. No ble, of Preston. Md. OUSTED BY COURT DECREE Londenslager Losea Post of Sinking Fund Commissioner t Atlantic City. TRENTON, Oct. !J. Tha Supreme Court uday decided that William B. Loudeneiager should be ousted from the office of the Commissioner of tho Sinking Fund f Atlantic City The placo wa3 contesti-d by Alfred M Heston, to whom the Court gae Judgment on a demurrer. Loudenslager was appointed as com missioner March 20. 1912, for live years. Commission government was adopted by -Mlantlc City March 11, 1912, and the Court decided all terms of office automatically rded with the adoption of the new form of government. Loudenslager's right. It is held, teimtnated with the adoption of the Walsh act SISTERS, SUICIDES, IDENTIFIED Women Who Killed Themselves in Italy Natives o Brooklyn. NEW YORK. Oct 25 The two elderly American sisters who committed suicide in a cheap rooming house in Venice after they had tried to conceal their Identity were Identified as Mm Julia It. McKay and Mlw Jennie RoeaI of a prominent Urookljn family. They formerly lived at 36 Hawthorne street. Brooklyn, ac cording to William A. Schacht. of this city. He said he had known them for many years, and that two years ago they left for Italy, to live as long as their diminishing funds would permit and then wu i'd end their lives plans evidently were -arried out, because they had only 65 cents left when ir-i- r h'jdies were fvund Tbe name of a Brooklyn department sure and the in U't k on a wedding ring wVch Mrs M-- j Kay had pawned led to the Identification. Mr. Walter H.Myoro, Markloyoburg, Pa., Fayette Go, Boar Sir:- In reply to your letter of September 23,1914, request ing Informatipn as to whom you should vote for for Governor of Pennsylvania, 1 "beg leave to say that in as muoh as both tho oandiriatos, as you state, are oonsiderea men in favor of local option, there would be no choice between them in this respect. However, for the best interests of the State's future from a oommeroial and industrial viewpoint, 1 wouia advise you people to vote the- straight Republican tioket. .PHEEH. LIQUOR ESTIMATE OF BRUMBAUGH. O HIGH SCHOOL HEEDS TOPIC OF TEACHERS OF MONTGOMERY Uniformity in Methods of In struction Favored by Mem bers of the County Insti tute. NORRISTOWN, Pa., Oct. 28,-How hest to secure uniformity of high school courses in the county occupied tho at tention of the High School Teachers' As sociation of Montgomery County at the annual sessions of the Montgomery County Teachers' Institute in the high school here today. This section of the Institute, known as the high school sec tion, was presided over by Charles Pen nypacker, principal of the Lower Merlon High School. The association agreed that at least one foreign langunge should be taught In the public schools, with a pref erence for Latin, and a committee of three was authorized to report at tho next meeting as to the course to pursue In reference to two other languages. There was only one vote In favor of Ger man taking the place of Latin In the schools, although It developed that In certain sections of Montgomery County the teaching of German was preferred and two languages could not be taught because there was not an adequate teach ing staff. In the rural section Clarence G. Cooper, rupervlsor of rural schools In Baltimore County, Md., In a talk on composition, told the MO or more rural teachers that the trouble was that many of the teach ers were talking things Instead of doing things. He told th teachers to avoid sarcastic remarks In the schoolroom, arguing that the had a depressing effect upon the pupil and said that the rod had better bo used. "Do as Theodore Roosevelt says," observed Mr. Cooper; "have something to say and then say It. H advocated the correction of school wcrk of one pupil by another pupil In preference to a correction by the teacher. Th'; pupil, he said, was apathetic to the tencher's marking, whereas "If Johnny lores was to correct Mary Smith's paper It would Invariably Incite the proper ep.rit In the pupil." In the grammar school section "re tardation In the grammar grades" was discussed by Leroy A. King. Jenklntown, and Miss Wager, of West Noriton, while poetry for the grammar grades was the subject discussed by J. O Carter Troop, of the University of Toronto. Other subjects in the rural section were "The Rural School Agricultural Problems, What They Are and Methods of Treating Them," discussed by Henry M Johnson, Sklppack, and Leldy Kramer, Hatfield. Last night s session was devoted to a lecture by Frank Cannon, former Senator from Ctah. who told of the growth of the Mormon religion. "Every Bpoonful of sugar that you eat Is promoting the growth of Mormonism." declared the former Senator, who ex plained that a Mormon was at the head of the Sugar Trust. Mormonlem, he said, was growing In 11 of the United States Prorhet Smith, he declared, controls JO votes In the United States Senate. HARVEY FOR GERARD'S POST President's Late Critic May Become Ambassador at Berlin. WASHINGTON, Oct. 2S So completely is the political breach between President Wilson and Colonel George Harvey healed that the Colonel this afternoon partici pated In a political conference with the President, Thomas Pence, Democratic campaign publicity manager, and Na tional Committeeman Lynch, of Minne sota. The Colonel declined to comment on a rumor that he might be appointed to the United States diplomatic service. Re ports today hinted he might have Am bassador Gerard's post at Berlin it Ger ard Is elected to the Senate from New York. Dance to Aid Church Fund A minstrel show and dance in aid of the Catholic Church of the Ascension will be held tomorrow night at Hanley s Casino, Kensington anue and Cumberland streets. The church Is at Westmoreland and a streets. OCIATIO PITTSBURGH, PA. Sincerely yours. President. CTVfTV A PENROS E EXHIBIT PROOF TRIPS PENROSE IN LIQUOR PROTEST Continued from rase One mnlned seated. When tho ncgatlvo mo tion was put by the chairman, tho man arose and snld that his position ns a bar tonder was not worth $23. Ho then was forced to leavo the hall. Beaumont A. Mason, a former clergy man and now secretary of the Brewers' Association of Western Pennsylvania, has been tho active Held agent nnd campaign fund collector vcst of Harrlsburg. Ho has been traced In virtually every city, and is charged by Representative Palmer, who appeared before the Senato Com mittee on Prlvelege3 and Elections, with being tho brains of the collecting force, with headquarters at Pittsburgh. Agents of the liquor associations sel dom accept checks. Several, however, were taken, and, It Is understood, somo exhibits of this character have been ob tained. Many of tho baloon keepers who were assessed demanded receipts for their money. The collectors, however, refused to sign their names to any form of re ceipt. At the present time the agents are In the field. They aro devoting their time to the distilleries nnd breweries, as too much publicity has bion given their move ments among tho saloon keepers. 6000 HEAR COLONEL DEFINE PROSPERITY Penrose Brand Enjoyed by Few He Tells Beading Audience. Irnosi a snrr coubesfondot. READING, Pa , Oct. JS.-More thnn 10.000 persons lined the streets to greet Roosevelt In Democratic Reading today. As the parade wound Its way from the station to the Auditorium, they cheered him aa though he were a candidate him self, and cries of "Wo'ro for you in 1916, Teddy," thnt have been heard at other places where tho Colonel has spoken during his Invasion of tho State, greeted him. Almost C000 persons packed tlio Audi torium to capacity nnd heard Roosevelt attack Penrose. Tlnchot and William Draper Lewis nlso spoke. Harry J. Hay den introduced Roosevelt to tho audience. "I had a lot of fun," he declared "Penroso and pronpeiity Is not the Is sue," ho tald In his short talk at I'hoenlx ville. "It's Penrose nnd prosperity of tho few at the expense of the many. No per manent prosperity yet una, based on political dishonesty." A stop, not on tho schedule, was made at Spring City, whin the Colonel saw 150 persons at the station with an Immense bouquet of flowers for him. At Pottstown JAY) persons thronged the station. A Republican banner was dis plajed on a wagon at the edge of the croud. Roosevelt pointed to It and cried' "I want to say a word against Penrose and the sordid creatures who uphold a banner like that. It Is a mighty poor way to sell yourself for money." He again attacked Penroso's prosperity stand, and then pointed to the banner again. "Think of the Infamy of soul that comes to people who hold up banners like that," he cried. "Ho don't belong to no union!" yelled a voice in the crowd. "Bully for you," shouted Roosevelt; "look at the banner of the scab." A hundred voices cried, "Pull It down." "Let It stand," nhouted Roosevelt. "We are for law and order. If you tried to pull It down I would be the first to de fend the miserable wretches. Let them hold up the banner of their own Infamy." At Rlrdsboro J00 gave Roosevelt another of the ovations that have greeted him all during his trip Into Montgomery County. FRENCH LOSE 40,000 ON VERDUN-TOUL LINE Disasters Follow Capture of Fort Camp des Romains by Germans. BERLIN, Oct. 28. Swiss papers report that since the capture of Kort Camp des Romains by the Germans, the French losses on the Verdun-Toul line have been more than 40,000 men. Negroes Elect Philadelphian Bishop At the general conference today of the T'ninn AmArtiari Kosrn Methodist KdIsco- pal Church the Rev T A. Uoulden. of Philadelphia, as cietted to succeed Bishop Ullmore. The Rev. Joseph Wells, of New York, was al ft candidate tot 'the office. IN Sept. &Bt 1914. O- MOTHERS' CONGRESS IN LANCASTER HOLDS OPENING SESSION Executive Committee Fills Two Vacancies and Hears Reports State Counsel of Affiliated Bodies Meets. LANCASTER, Pa., Oct. 28. Tho first featuro of tho 15th annual convention of tho Pennsylvania Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association was this morning's meeting of the Executive Committee. Those present were Mrs. George IC. Johnson, of Lnnghornoj Mrs. Mary S. Garrett, Mrs. Howard W. Llp plncott, Mrs. Charles Stone, Mrs. E. V. McCauIey. of Philadelphia, and Mrs. W. D. Garnell, of Yeadon. Two vacancies were filled by the election of Mrs. Caro lino Hoffman, of Philadelphia, who will be chairman of tho Literature Commlt toe, and Mrs. Winifred F. Stone, of Pitts burgh. Official reports on routine matters were piesented and discussed. The Stato Council, composed of the presidents of all .initiated organizations or their alternates, met this afternoon and transacted routine business. At the conclusion of this meeting the Congress delegates were entertained with a recep tloi. at the Iris Club. This evening's meeting will be addressed by the national president, Mrs. Frederick Schoff, on tho "Open Door." MAY USE SOFT COAL New Jersey Supreme Court Gives Railroads the Eight. TRENTON, Oct 28.-The right of a railroad to bum soft conl was upheld In an opinion handed down today by the Supremo Court In reversing the Judg ment awarded by a lower tribunal to Mrs. J. A. Kelly, of Jersey City, who sued to recover damages, alleged to have been done her house and Us contents by smoke from tho engines of the Erie Railroad. The Court says that evidence upon which the Judgment was allowed should not have been admitted, as the Legisla ture gave the railroad the right to burn such coal. FRUSTRATE CONVICT'S ESCAPE Keepers With Drawn Revolvers Cap ture Man in Tower. TRENTON. Oct. 28.-Wlth drawn re volvers, deputy keepers at the Now Jer sey State Prison today surrounded the tower at the Institution and forced An drew W. Everson, serving a seven to fourteen-year se-.tence from Essex Coun ty, to come from his hiding place, thus thwarting his attempt at escape. Everson gained the tower by use of a koy fashioned from an Impression made In a cake of soap. Tho discovery of a rope hanging over the wall of the prison pi evented Everson's getaway. V, OF P. HAS MILITARY FEVER Efforts Being Made to Enroll Stu dents In Company H, N, G-, P. The military fever has struck the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, and efforts are being made to form a "Pennsylvania company" from Company II of the Third Regiment, N. G. P. The company will hold a smoker tonight at the regiment armory, when officers will tell the stu dents what anateur soldiering means. The company nw has 61 mtn enrolled, almost of whom are University Btudents. Officers of the company hope to raise the enlistment to more than a hundred. Company II was the old Central High School company, of which Professor Urooklleld, now a major, was captain. Almost all the men now In the company Joined in their high school days and have bince entered the University WKh these men as a nucleus the officers hope to form a crack company almost entirely of University students. J. Horace Adams, who graduated from the Law School in 1 1911, Is the captain. WILMINGTON, Del., Oct 2S.-The Italian-American Alliance held Interesting sessions with Increased attendance today. Save for a theatre party at tho Playhouse tonight, nil attention will be given to business. A considerable part of tho session today Is being devoted to discussing plans for Americanizing tho Italian immigrants coming to this country. The Idea of tho alliance Is to make them good American citizens, at tho same tlmo retaining their lovo for the motheiland, The principal address at tho morning session was mado by tho Rev, Mlchclo Ralmondl, of Buffalo, N, Y., who Bpoko of tho general Improvement of tho Itnllan Amerlc.ins. His address wbb In Italian. Dr. Ben Do Vccchls, of Philadelphia, will bo the principal speaker tomorrow. Ho stirred the alliance to cries of bravo with his paper urging tho Italians to educate their children to Improvo tho Immigrants who come here and to tako their proper place In the community nnd to becomo real Americans. Tho speech was ordered printed nnd sent to tho 3000 Italian societies In this country. When tho convention was not In ses sion, tho delegates wcro taken on sight seeing trlP3 by local members of tho al liance. They viewed with Interest tho Italian colony, where about 7000 Italians, including a number of builders, con tractors nnd other business men, live. Local members of tho Alllnnco nro much pleased at the fact that tho attendance at tho convention Is much larger than at tho last meeting In Buffalo. Six hundred delegates attended tho first con vention three years ago. Last year nt Buffalo the number fell to about 1G0. This year 300 delegates aro attending. Thursday evening tho banquet will bo held at tho Hotel du Pont nnd n number of guests will be present In addition to tho delegates to the convention. Gov ernor Miller. Mayor Howell and United States Senator Wlllard Saulsbury will bo among tho speakers. HURL PENROSE OUT, CRIES ROOSEVELT Continued from rage One smallest crowd of tho trip heard Mmuw the defeat of Penrose Almost the entire population of tho neighborhood, 112. were at the station, however. At Phoenlxvl lo 2000 employes of tho mills thronged tho station to near mm. Roosevelt had Intended only to smile and wave his battered campaign hat at York this morning, but half an hour be fore tho trnln left for Scrnnton to carry the chief Bull Mooso on tho third day of his Invasion, more than 1500 persons had crowded tho railroad yards. The Colonel was so pleased ho talked to them for 20 minutes. Ho pleaded for a work men's compensation law, but did not for get to resume his denunciation of Pen rose. "HURL PENROSE OUT." "I ask you to hurl out of political power for tho honor of your State and for your own sakes, Penrose and nil that belongs to him," cried Roosevelt Workmen's compensation bills, he said, were killed In New York by the Barnes nnd Murphy machines, and In Pennsylvania by tho Penroso machine. "I'm now engaged In a healthy effqrt to smash both," the Colonel said with a smile. Both at York and at Columbia, where 00 personr were at the station when the Roosevelt train arrived, everything that the ex-President said was loudly cheered. At Lancaster, Frank B. McClaln's homo city, Roosevelt was received with open arms nnd was given one of tho grnetest ovations he has received on his trip through Pennsylvania. As he stnrted to speak the crowd cried, "Sit down!" to about a hundred men standing close to the stand fiom which Rooseelt spoke. Tho Colonel made them sit down, saying: "Glvo tho pcnple behind you a squuro denl. That's what I stand for; that Is what wo want to do to Penrose glvo him a square deal, but knock him out of politics, nnd glvo yourself a square deal by doing so." The Colonel sent the following telegram to Senator Moses E. Clapp, of Minnesota, who Is speaking todny at Warren, wheie Roosevelt could not reach during his In vasion: riraso comey to tho reople of North western Fennsyhanla. my tlncero regards, aok them for ma to defeat Penrose ami his ticket and to elect I'lnchot ari'l the whnlo Washington party tickets, feuccess to Hut Inns and his associates. (Blgneii) TlinODOni: IlOO.HRVKi.T The ex-Preldent will make 19 speeches todny In his campaign ngatnfct Penrose, closing the third day of his trip with a mas meeting In Scranton. At Christiana 200 school children, wav ing flags, sang patriotic songs as tho train pulled Into the station. Tho Col onel spoke to 600 there. At Parkersburg. 600 received his message of "smash Pen rose" with wild enthusiasm and four-year-old Betty Bland, granddaughter of A. J. Molcher, handed tho Colonel a large bunch of flowers. The Colonel made her happy by patting her on the head and smiling his nppreclatlon. After the York meeting, the train went to Columbia, where a 10-mlnute stop was made, nnd Roosevelt again hit Penrose haid. Fully 3000 persona heard him at Columbia. "PUNCH" HAS OLD-TIME FORCE. As the chief Bull Moose has gone through the 15 counties he has visited since ho started his Pennsylvania lnva blon at Easton Monday morning ho hus developed his punch to its former power, and Is hitting Penrose with all his might At Johnstown mm at Altoona lust night Roosevelt mado his mo&t vicious attacks upon the senior Senator, and also upon Doctor Brumbaugh, whom ho has been berating Blncc the Washington party State organization asked him to speak more forcibly In behalf of Vance C. Mc Cormlck, the Dcmocratlo candidate for Governor. "Penrose, McNlchol and Vare selected Brumbaugh as a come-on." said Roosevelt- "He is the stool pigeon to keep the Penrose machine In power In Pennsyl vania," WHEN ROGUES FALL OUT. The Colonel also referred to the Pen-rose-Vare-McNIchol debauchery charges. "Here In Pennsylvania," he said, "the bosses are now Infotmlng on one an other. First Penrose Informed on Vare, and then Vare said many uncompliment ary things about Penrose. Well, I agree with each gentleman's estimate of the other. "In New York," he said, "there are two bosses. Barnes and Murphy, and they pick the candidates from behind screens. "Penrose Is not that much of a coward," said the Colonel. He Is run ning himself as a candidate, and has made the issue In Pennsylvania very clear. You can think about him all you want to. and discuss him so far as de cency will permit But don't vote for him." Associate Superintendent 1 Wheeler Advocates Plan of Junior and Senior; bourses lor Keasons of.' Economy. rnvtntnn nf U j. tho public schools to effect an annu.l saving of 1100.000 Is being planned by Georgo Wheeler, assoclato superintend Tho plans Involve tho establishment, of Junior" and "senior" high schools and tho reduction of tho elementary cour from eight to six years. Boys and rirll would attend tho lower grades for tit years after which they would bo promot. ed lo tho "Junior" high school. The. would Bpend three years In tho latter and three years In tho "senior" school Pupils now spend 12 years in the pubiia schools boforo completing the course, and tho samo tlmo would bo required under the now plan, hut tho subjects would be taught In different grades. Instruction in tho foreign language, would begin nt the ngo of 12, whereat tho nverago child now starts the study of French and Get man at the average age. of 1j. Mr. Wheeler nnd Superintendent Brum baugh urged tho board to revise tho court last spring, but the plan was not ap. proved because tho term was then almost ended. In nil probability a single school will bo erected where the plan will be. applied experimentally, nnd If It provet successful the change will becomo a gen eral one. Tho system which Mr. Wheeler advo cates Is now In operation In Boston, Kansas City, Knn.: Springfield, 111.; Ro. Chester nnd other cities. Mr. Wheeler believes with tho new grading congestion In the high schooli will bo removed. Ho called attention to the overcrowding nt tho West Philadel phia High School, which was built less than two years ugo nt tho cost of $1,250,. 000. PROBLEM OF THE BOARD. "It Is logical to bolleve," ho said, "that the board will face the samo problem In the future In Germantown, Kensing ton, South Philadelphia nnd Frankford. Although largo high schools aro to' be erected In thoso sections, thero Is a strong possibility that they, too, xylll prove Inadequate. Tho annual report of President Edmunds of the Board of Edu cation shows that the high school pop ulation In this city has increased about 100 per cent. In the last ten years. "Tho cost per pupil for building and furniture In the elementary schools is ?270 nnd in the high schools, $370. Under the new system the cost would be reduced to such an extent that a difference of $12 a year per pupil would be found In the Interest which tho board must pay on loans llonted to supply these facilities." A reduction In the cost of high school equipment would be another factor. In the economy, he said. Since tho "Junior" nnd "senior" high schools could bo hout ed In separate buildings expensive equip ment would not bo Installed In building! where all tho pupils can not make use of tho costly npparatus. CLERGYMEN HONOR BISHOPS GARLAND AND RHINELANDER 200 Pastors in Church of Advocate Observe Third Anniversary of Prelates' Consecration to Office. Two huiidicd clergymen assembled to day at tho Episcopal Church of the Advo cate, ISth nnd Diamond streets, to ob serve tho third nnnlvcrsary of the con secration to their offices of tho Rt. Kev. Philip Mercer Rhlnelander, bishop of the Diocese, and the Rt. Rev. Thomas James Gnrlnnd, Bishop Suffragan. Bishop Rhlnelnnder was tho celebrant at the Holy Communion. Ho was assisted b the Rev. Henry Mnrtyn Medary, rector of the church. Bishop Garland, speaking from the chancel during tho services, made strong appeal for loyalty and scivlce In the church. "All ministers cannot preach as Taul preached," he said, "but all can labor with apostolic zeal. He urged young men to become clergy men and warned nguinst destructive criti cism and the danger of deluded service. After tho Bcrvlco luncheon was served In the parish house. Tho speakers at this function were Bishop Rhlnelander, the Rev. William M. Groton. dean of the Divinity School, and the Rev. Francis M. TaUt. record of St. Paul's Church, Hibnop Rhlnelander greeted the absem- i bled guests ana mutie & tuurt uuk -which ho eniphunUcd the need uf renenea energy in missionary work at home ana abroad. The European war. he Bald, nu created a need for additional and fresner efforts In the missionary field The Rev. Mr. Taltt reviewed tlio insti tutional work of the diocese nnd urgea that more thought bo given to this pm of church work He said his purpose to awaken ministers to the necessity " carrying out the work of Bishop AIM" Potter, who founded the first -PI1scy1 institution in the diocese. The Dln"' SlIiouI and hospital deserve more atieu tlon than they have been receiving, " concluded. . --! The features of the modern eplPP" In a large community were '"8CUM ' Dean Uroton. The tendemy of theepw copal ofllco Is toward a ran. -; dfmh" character, he said, and cited WW Rhlnelander as an example STUDENTS CHARTER TRAIN U. of P. Undergraduates Will Accom pany Football Team to Michigan. A "Red and Blue Special" ""bee chartered on tho Pennslania ?, by students of the University of reWJ vanla who desire to accompany " football team to Ann Arbor, wlc:' . j, tha Penn-Michigan game on Noeroow The train will leave this city n "vj. November 6, and will return on at Dr awing uonuay. maKing iiwiv- trolt. Niagara Falls and Buffalo. M Last ear ISO men accempa B'"huJl. team on this trip and from the cc , , ,..,., A.l 1. la tbr'Ofc Usui mrc;uy iii,imiv3 . - m. the number will be larger thU flp' f
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