Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 28, 1914, Night Extra, Image 3

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VOL. l-NO. 39
Cortttdnt, 1914, lit THB rOBtlO LKXini COMPAKt.
Gains Reported in Region
Northward to Cambrin
As German Attacks in
Belgium Toward Nieu
port Diminish in Vigor.
Violent Night Assaults
Made by Kaiser's Forces
North of the Aisne in Effort
to Take Offensive Are Re
pulsed Near Craonne.
Progress Reported in Woevre
District on Right, Advances
Being Made in Forests Sur
rounding St. Mihiel, Which
Kaiser's Forces Threatened.
Tomorrow the Evening Ledger
will explain the transit situation
and show the need of high-speed
lines to improve conditions in
Many points in this part of the
city can be brought much nearer
in time by the new transit system.
Read the truth about transit.
The Allies are again on the offensive
in northern France.
In a cheerful statement from Paris,
the French War Office reports that
the Germans arc showing much less
vigor in their attacks in Belgium.
Progress is reported on the left
between Cambrin and Arras, north
west toward Nicuport, where the Al
lies have been trying to straighten
out their line, bent back by German
attacks south from Lille.
In the centre, the Allies defeated
the attempt of the Germans to take
the offensive by repulsing attacks in
the Craonne region.
In the Woevre region, on the right,
Paris reports gains in the, forests
around St. Mihiel.
British and French warships have
taken up a new position between Nicu
port and Ostend and are again shell
ing the German trenches.
The Germans arc reported to be
laying mines around Zee Brugge in
preparations for submarine operations.
In the Vosges, on the French ex
treme right, the last German troops
are said to have been driven out of
French Lorraine.
The German retreat continues west
of Warsaw, Pctrograd official ad
vices stated. Attempts to re-form
their lines and give vigorous battles
have been repulsed. One force is at
Petrokoff, 30 miles from the Polish
capital, and another has been pushed
to Radom, 70 miles southwest. The
German left wing has been smashed.
The fighting has been particularly se
vere in the vicinity of Rawa. Cold
weather is proving a strong ally of the
Russians, whose Siberian troops are
innured to zero temperatures.
In Galicia, the Austrians have fail
ed to envelop the Russian left wing
and the Czar's forces have maintained
their advance. The shelling of
Przemysl continues vigorously.
The Vienna War Office claims cap
ture of 10,000 Russians in the Ga-
ncian held. Austria also has been
successful in the battle raging at
Ivangorod, in Southern Poland.
The Union of South Africa again is
threatened with disruption, as General
Three May Die as Outcome of Wreck
on C. nnd O. Train.
HUNTINGTON, W. Va Oct. 2S.-More
than a score of persona were Injured,
threo of them probably fatally, today
when the Washington-Chicago filer, of
the Chesapeake nnd Ohio, was partially
derailed nt Barboursvllle, 10 mllOB east of
here. Eighteen of tho Injured were
bi ought to the hospltnl In this city.
A list of the Injured follows:
J. II. BLACKWOOD. Huntingdon; three ribs
broken, not seriously hurt,
c. U ItOItUIS, Honnokc, brul'ort head, cut In
C. A. CItnss. ass lllnckford street. Indlannp
.""flt c!JJL.l.n.!"lclt nn'l bruised hip nnd hand.
B. T. TCJt.VUlt, Woodstock, It. I broken
nose, lleli minds.
I). U EDWAIIUH. Pullman conductor. Hlch-JHWU-ST"'!'
wounds nnd bruises ntiout loH.
nnd bruUi's nbout body.
J. f CAIlTnn, Huntington; fractured skull.
D. II. WAYS, Hill 8 Btrrct, .Northwest, Wash
Inston; sculp wounds nnd hurt In bnck.
MIS-S IIATTIC OIIUUC. Lumbcrton. N. C: In-
MA CLARK. ChlcacO! brulsim nhmit hn.1t.
MItS. JOHN SI'ADin, Huntingdon: soicre cuts
lured hip.
n.M.MA CI.
nbout faco and shoulder blade fractured.
Threo Pullman enrs left tho rails nnd
two of them went Into a deep ditch. The
engine, boscage car and first day coach
broke from tho Pullmans and ran nearly
a quarter of n mllo before tho engineer
lenrned he had lost most of his train. A
broken wheel on tho front Pullman Is be
lieved to have caused tho accident.
3?hilndelphlans on Auto Van Meet
Death at Unguarded Crossing.
Tho removal of a watchman by tho
Heading Railway Company from Its cross
ing at Shore Road, near Plcnsniitvltle, N.
J., cost the lives of thico Phlladolphlnns
when an auto vnn of tho Pyle Storage
Company, S125 Market street, was struck
oy n paB-ionger train Inst night.
The dead aro Edward T. Pyle, Harry
Kane and William Walker, tho latter a
Negro They jyero unable to see the ap
proach of tho train becauso tho crossing
Is hidden from sight by buildings nnd a
high embankment.
Threo days ago the watchman, who
formerly worked several hours later, was
ordered to quit work nt 9 o'elorlt verv
night, according to residents of Plcasant
ville. Ho Is Bald to bo paid 12 cents an
The truck was returning from Atlantic
City with tho three men when It was
struck. An express from Camden to At
lantic City flashed over tho crossing Just
as tho driver of tho nuto van started to
cross tho tracks. Tho van rammed tho
tender of the cnglno and was overturned
and wrecked, tho occupants being In
stantly killed.
Witnesses of the accident declared that
although the engineer of the train blew
his whlstlo n few seconds before reach
ing the crossing, the Blgnal bell did not
ring until after the train had passed.
The noise of the whistle was drowned
for those on the truck by the sound of
the motor.
r.issensers In the rear, coaches were
showered with splinters and hroken glass.
Tho engineer did not know anything of
the accident until he got the signal from
the conductor to stop.
Pyle and his companions stopped at
a hotel In Pleasantvllle for their supper,
and the sceno of tho nccident la not
more than a block away from tho hos
telry. The crash occurred at 9.21 o'clock.
21 minutes after tho wntchman was taken
u.n j,rLivf;nin iii liiu wnil nil (.Hill un
til three days ago the wntchman worked
much later, but he was ordered to quit
his post earlier to savo expenses.
Coroner Harley, of Atlantic County,
who lives In the town, reached the scene
n few minutes later and hastily Impan
eled a Jury. The Inquest wilt be held
..rfj-v 'mmm if'M&mf
Wounded Man Probably
Fatally Injured Tragedy
Enacted in Office of Mil
lionaire Financier.
Concluded on rata l'our
German Raider Now Harassing
Commerce of Japan.
BERUN, Oct. 23.
Tn German cruiser Emden continues
to evade the pursuing column made up of
British and French worships and nearly
tne total reserve strength of the Japa
nese navy.
An official report received from her
commander shows that she la now har
wslng Japanese commerce. The big Jap
anese liner Kamasaka JIaru. en route to
B'ngapore from Japanese ports with a
----. carB0 nas t,een aunk ln tne
Indian Ocean.
Trolley Car Strikes Machine nnd Po
lice Patrol Crashes Into Another.
PITTSBURGH. Oct. 23. It. O. Steven
son, of Leechburg, Pa., nnd David J'
Nicholas, of Hlte, Pa., were almost In
stantly killed and 12 men, most of them
firemen, were Injured In o head-on colli
sion between a street car and two swiftly
moving automobiles early today.
Another collision followed when a po
lice patrol loaded with Oakland station
policemen crashed Into another nutomo
btle near the scene of the other accident
Tho patrol turned turtle and virtually
every man In It was Injured.
tor Philadelphia and vicinity
w nerally fair tonight and Thursday;
'rmer tonight;
"""V touthwett.
For details, see last page,
moderate winds
Weatherman Consoles Chilly by Pre
dicting Tomorrow Will Be Warmer.
A,l0to"pn,aM.Mv.,Uen ,m"hti "
VtoooT n,4n chortlM and W
And of they'll? y P"nS " "WW""
And are fearing there's a weakness In lh
BUiard or tho blood. ,n ,n
But the mercury Is mountlnr. and with com.
lni warmth It quivers,
And tomorrow one's new overcoat may seism
a useless dud.
Philadelphia Is vainly trying to hold Its
breath today pending the arrival of to
morrow, which Is to be warmer, accord
ing to the weather man. At 6 o'clock
this morning another record passed Into
utmospherlc oblivion when the mercury
leglstered S3 degrees, two degrees lower
than the previous low record for any
October S3.
Accompanying the low temperaturo rec
ord this morning tho weather man ob
served a chilling frost. Every one elso
who got more than lx feet away from
a steaming radiator Knew the frost was
imagine arounu, out not Having the requi
site meteorological apparatus many failed
to observe It.
This Is the second day of shattered low
temperature records. Tonight and tomor
row partly cloudy conditions Mill pre
vail today's forecast sets forth, and this
la expected to bring a rise In tho mer
cury. Whether tomoirow will bo the
uannest October 29 on record no one l
rrepared to say. The thermometer has
the habit now. having broken the pre
lou3 low record for October 27 yesterday
by getting down to $5 degrees.
Philadelphia's annual anll chorus on
the subject of refrigerated trolley can
began In earnest today. Amiable con
ductors and motormen clad In heavy
overcoats bore with their customary for
titude the caustic comment of passen
gers. A few citizens were observed In
various parts of the city wearing ear-muffs.
STEUBENVILLE, O.. Oct. 28.-Dorham
J. Sinclair, 50 years old and a millionaire
banker, was shot nnd probably fatally
wounded In his office In the Union De
posit Bank at 6:40 a. m. today by Charles
Gllmore, nn attorney. Gllmore then killed
One of Gllmore's shots hit Sinclair In
the shoulder and tho other ln tho stom
ach. His condition Is serious,
Gllmore, his friends say, was eccentric
and had not practiced for jears. Police
say the shooting was the result of an
hallucination held by Gllmore that Sin
clair had injured him.
They believe there was a dispute over
money. On the floor of the olllco was
found a noto which read:
"I consider myself damaged to the ex
tent of $20,000."
The officers say It Is In the handwrit
ing of Gllmore, though It Is unsigned.
Gllmore was a member of n well-to-do
family. Sinclair was connected with It
In a business capacity at one time.
Sinclair is president of the Union De
posit Bank and Is one of the biggest
Industrial and realty owners In this sec
tion of the country. He was in the habit
of going to the bank early. Gllmore en
tered a few minutes after Sinclair ar
rived today and the shooting followed,
Today's instalment of this no
table scries of articles on political
conditions in Philadelphia deals
and the problems which confront
those who seek to improve living
conditions, especially among per
sons of small or moderate means
in this city.
On the Editorial Page.
Womnn Struggles With Maniac,
Breaks Loose nnd Saves Her Life.
GALESBUBG, 111., Oct. 28. Becoming
suddenly insane. Will M. Strombcrg,
candy i dealer, early today blew the heads
off his threo children with an automatic
shotgun, shot oft a part of his wife's arm.
and then turning the weapon on him
self inflicted, a fatal wound.
Stromberg returned homo at midnight
and announced that ho Intended to kill
his wife, Mrs. Stromberg fought with
him while he attempted to shoot her nnd
finally broke loose, and ran Into the yard.
Stromberg fired at her as she ran. While
sho hurried to summon neighbors ho
killed the three children and fatally
wounded himself.
Mrs. Stromberg will recover.
'Give Senator a Square Deal
by Crushing Him From
Politics," ex -President
Tells Thousands.
Salesman and Hotel Employe Married
After Brief Courtship.
A hurry call for a manicurist was sent
out today from tho Adelphl Hotel as the
result of the action of Frederick C. Jones,
a traveling salesman of Sebrlng, O., who
decided to propose to Miss Marlon E.
Reed at the hotel four weeks after ho
had made her acquaintance.
Mr. Jones, who Is the Eastern repre
sentative of a china company, has been
stopping at the Adelphla Hotel for a
month, during which time he chanced to
meet Miss Heed, with whom he became
Immediately Infatuated. Yesterday aft
ernoon he proposed, and Miss need gave
her answer in the affirmative.
Jones and Miss Reed then started for
thn 'Mnrrtai-rt l.lcpnqn Hnnani, In ri
! Hall. Finding It was after hours and
all the clerks had left for the day, Jones
and his fiancee Jumped Into a taxi and
hurried to the home of Chief Clerk Fer
guson, on North Marshall street
Ferguson happened to have a blank
license In his pocket and this was soon
tilled out. Jones and his bride-to-be then
left for tho home of Miss Reed, 1133 Pop
lar street, where the ceremony Is said
to have been performed A friend of
Jones, who has accompanied him on many
trips on the road, acted as best man.
Textile Mills Employing Full Force
and Mines Busy.
SCRANTON. Oct. 23.-ProsperIty Is
felt here In all lines of business. The
textile mills aro employing their full
force of hands and the mines are busy.
The 250,000 suits of underwear ordered
by the British Government from the
Lackawanna mills Is only one of many
orders received by the textile companies
of the district. All are In operation.
Adam's "Birthday" Observed
BALTIMORE. Oct. 28. This is Adam's
birthdayMr. Adam, late of Eden's Gar
den. Joseph P. Brady, who four years
ago erected a. monument to the father of
us all because nobody else ever had, saya
so. Therefore, he placed a wreath on the
shaft today and feels satisfied, having
done a good deed. The sh U at Garden
Hie. Baltimore County.
French Order Shoes Made In Maine
GARDINER, Me., Oct. 2S.-R. p. jra2.
zac today received an order for S0,W0
pairs of shoes for the French army.
TJ, S, Consul There Says Jewish Popu
lation Is Decreasing by Thousands.
NEW YORK. Oct. 28 -The Jews are
dtng by thousands of starvation in Je
rusalem, according to Samuel Edelman
Vice Consul of the United States in Pal
estine, who arrived heio today on tho
liner Canona from Naples.
"Two-thirds of the population of the
city are Jews," said Mr Edelman. "There
! no Industry ln the city and they hae
to depend on charity."
LIMOGES, France, Oct. 28,-Prlnce Jo
hann von Carolath Beuthen, a member
of one of the ancient SUeslan families
who holds a commission In a Prussian"
cavalry, is In a local hospital here, havlnjr
been wounded In the leg ln one of the
recent battles. H Is held as a prisoner
of war under gucrd.
COATKSVILLE. Pa., Oct. 2S.-Theodoro
Roosevelt invaded eastern Pennsylvania
today In his tight to smash Penrose and
tho corrupt Penrose machine, nnd every
where his special train paused on the
third day of the ex-PresIdent's whirl
wind campaign Immense crouds greeted
him. especially In the Republican strong
hold of Lancaster.
Referring to the Penrose-Vare split, the
colonel said:
"l understand that there Is some row
betweeli these leaders, one has peached
on tho other. Penrose turned State's evt
dence against Varo and Vare has spoken
hnrd of renicce."
While here the Colonel answered Pen
rose's plen for vote? In order to bring
bnck prosperity, saying:
"I ask you to be true to yourselves
and the nation by standing ngalnst the
coriuptlon and evil Influences behind
Penrose. They ask you to vote for Pen
rose because they say he will bring
back prosperity. By asking this they
ask you to barter your souls for a dol
lar. They ask you to barter your de
cency with the alternative that you will
be denied prosperity.
"I say to you that rather than attain
prosperity by such dishonorable means,
rather than bend the knee to corrupt
Influences, let us suffer the hard times
until we can have good times with honor
able men In oftlce. Penrose saya ho will
bring prosperous conditions If you send
mm back to the Senate. He was In the
Senate when the hard times came and
he could do nothing to stay them. Pen
rose can do nothing to bring about a
"You men who want to feel vour Bif.
respect while jou look Into the faces of
your children can do so only by doing
jour utmost at this time to hurl Boies
Penrose out of political power In your
State and nation. 'We must remove the
stain from tho honor of our Government.
Wo must keep our Hag clean, and we
cannot do this with Penrose and those
whom he represents In control. Penrose
stands for Ill-gotten prosperity, that
lomes to the few because they swindle
Two thousand persons greeted the Colo
nel when he started to speak. A group
of boyCtrled to climb a wall at the rail
road bridge at the station to get a bet
ter view of the cx-Presldent. Roosevelt
pointed to them and eriul.
"Get down there, I will not stand see
ing a couple of monkeys break their
iiteks. If jou want tu be fools, be fools
when I m not present."
Mure than 10CO persons went wild with
enthusiasm when Roosevelt repeated his
slogan of "smash Penrose." as In York
ami Lancaster counties. The crowds In
Chester County were as enthusiastic as
those that heard the Colonel In Western
Pennsylvania yesterday and showed the
tremendous strength of the antt-Penrosa
At Frazer the nearest pi .ce to Phlla
dlphia reached by the Colonel, the
Concluded on Px Tw
Llttlo Hope of Rescuing Six Im
prisoned ln Burning Drifts.
ROYALTON, II!., Oct. 8.-Forty-seven
bodlei of victims of Tuesday's explosion
In tho north mine of the Franklin County
Coat Company are ranged In rows for
Identification In Improvised morgues.
It Is believed thoro are a half dozen
more ntlll in the mine with hope of
rescuing them alive now abandoned. Tho
fire underground still rages. Women and
little children stood throughout tho cold
night at the pit head waiting for bodies
to bo brought up. The west entry of tho
mine Is badly wrecked. Every under
taker In Franklin and Williamson County
Is on tho scene.
Eleven of tho dead had been Identified
Ralph Mitchell, of St. Louis, nn offlclnl
of tho company, blamed mine gases for
tho explosion. He did not think there
was combustion of dust. It was believed
a miner's lamp had Ignited the gas that
caused the deaths.
Calling People to "Day of
Thanksgiving and Prayer,"
He Tells of Blessings
Country Enjoys.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. President Wil
son today Issued his annual thanksgiv
ing proclamation, setting apart Thursday,
November 26, as a day of "Thanksgiving
and Prayer, and Inviting tho people
throughout tho lnnd to cease from their
wonted occupations and ln their several
homes and placed of workshlp render
thanks to Almighty God."
Tho proclamation follows:
It has long been tho honored custom of
our people to turn In the fruitful autumn
of tho year In praise and thanksgiving
to Almighty God, for his many blessings
and mercies to u ns a nation. Tho yeur
that Is now drawing to a close since we
last observed our day of National
Thanksgiving has been, while a year of
discipline because of the mighty forces
of war and of change which have dis
turbed the world, also a year of special
blessing for us.
It has been vouchsafed for us to re
main at peace, with honor, und In some
parts to succor tho suffering and supply
the needs of those who aro In want. We
have been privileged by our own peace
and Belf-control In some degree to steady
the- counsels and shapo the hopes and
purposes of a day of fear and distress.
Oui people have looked upon their own
lifo as a nation with a deeper compre
hcrslon, n deep.er realization of their
rcrponslbllltles ns well as of their bless
liiGJ and a keener sense of tho moral nnd
pirtctical significance of what their pait
among the nations of the world may
como to.
The hurtful effects of foreign war In
their own Industrial and commercial af
fairs have made them feel tho more fully
nnd see the moro clearlj- their mutual de
pendence upon one another, nnd have
stirred them to a helpful co-operation
such as they have seldom practiced be
fore. They have been quickened by a
great moral stimulation. Their unmis
takable ardor for pence, their earnest
pity and disinterested sjmpathy for those
who are suffering, their readiness to help
and to think of the needs of others have
revealed them to themselves as well as
to the world.
Our crops will feed all who need food;
the self-possession of our people amid the
most serious anxieties and difficulties and
tho steadiness and resourcefulness of our .
business men will serve other nations as i
well as our own. ,
The business of the country has been '
supplied with new Instrumentalities and i
the commerce of the world with new
channels of trade and Intercourse. The
Panama Canal has been opened to the
commerce of the nations. Tho two conti
nents of America hnve hn i,r,,i i
closer guise of friendship New Instru
mentalities of international trade have
been created which will he .ilm nw in
strumentalities of acquaintance. Inter
course and mutual service. Never before
have the people of the United States been
so situated for their own advantage or
the advantage of their neighbors, or so
equipped to serve themselves.
Therefore, I. Woodrow Wilson. Presi
dent of the United States of America, do
hereby designate Thurtdaj-. the Kth of
November, next, as a day of Thanksgiving
and praj-er nnd Invite the people through
out the land to cease from their wonted
occupations and In their several homes
and place of worship render thanks to
Almighty God.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand nnd caused the seal of the
United States to be alllxed.
Done at th city of Washington, this
2Sth dnv of October, ln the venr of Our
Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and
Fourteen and the independence of
the United States of America the one
hundred and thirty-ninth.
By the President.
Acting Secretary of State.
Evidence Against Him
Gained From Protests
of Men Who Found
Assessments For Sena
tor's Campaign Too
Heavy to Bear.
Internal Revenue Men Have
Data Proving That Distil
leries in Western Part of
State Were Forced to Con
tribute by Relentless Or
Work for Penrose Alone, Not
for Brumbaugh, Investigation
Shows Collections Began
More Than Six Months Ago.
Two Others Also Have Narrow Es
capes ln Cave-In Downtown.
One man was Injured and- two others
rescued with difficulty today when an
embankment In the brickyard of Charles
A. Young. 24th street and Point Breeze
avenue, caved In upon them
Cosmo Laurelll, IS years old, 615 South
am eireei. -wns ouneij beneath a ton of
No. 3.
In the chain of evidence connecting the
liquor interests with Senator Penrose,
several of the strongest links have been
found ln Alltghenj-, Cambria and Fayette
Counties. Here the political collectors
have been active since snow wns on the
ground; here the saloonkeepers have paid
tho heaviest assessments, and the distil
lers made the largest contributions to the
"slush fund."
That the fight of the liquor Interests
Is being waged for Penrose only, nnd tha$
Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh Is dlsreffardefl
by the rum forces, Is exemplified by the
publication In another column of a let
ter written by P. H. Keef, president of
tho Allegheny County Liquor Dealers'
Protective Association.
Tho letter, written to a saloonkeeper
who desired Information as to tho ticket,
touches upon tho local option stand taken
by Doctor Brumbaugh nnd Vance C. Mc
Cormlck, candidates for Governor, and
declares that, from the liquor standpoint,
there Is no difference between the candi
dates, but advised "J'ou people" to vote
the straight Republican tlckot.
This association has been active in col
lecting money for tho Pcnroso fund for
the past six months. The members, mora
than sO per cent, of whom are Repub
licans, were assessed $3 und later $23 for
the campaign. Several complained, and
their complaints reached those who wcro
gathering Information about tho "slush
In Allegheny County tho Internal Rev
enue ofltcors, who Imvo been keeping their
ears to the ground, have collected n large,
amount of evidence among distillery
workers. In addition, nt .Jcanettc. the
largest brewer makes tho boast that ho
has betn paying a political tax of 13
cents a barrel on nil beer brewed by him
during the campaign.
In Fayetto County tho assessment hni
ocen jij mo saloon. Here the Crow ma
! chine, several of the members of whleli
aro large distillers, has made n handsome
"present" to tho Stnto organization. It
is in this county that a distiller has been
found who recently declared that his
assessment alone amounted to $!S a day.
One of tho most netlvo llqulr dealeis
In Fayette County Is George Edel, who
financed Governor Tener's Congressional
fight. Ho Is a Crow lieutenant nnd ac
tively engaged in Republican organization
work among the brewers and dlstlllois in
One of the most remarkable assess
ments has been made In Cambria County
where, in addition to tho regular assess,
ments before the primary election, an ad
ditional tax of J50 has been made by tho
Penrose-Democratlc organization of the
countj'. While evidence Is in hand to
show that tho saloonkeepers paid J20 each
before the primary, another meeting was
held on October 7 at South Fork whero
a JSO levj- was made.
To this meeting, held In an obscure town
situated ln the bed of tha lake which
caused the Johnstown Hood, the bar
tenders as well as proprietors were In
vited. After the announcement had been
made that JSO would be oxpeciel from the
saloonkeepers, a plea was made by tho
chairman of the meeting that each bai
tender contribute J25.
Ml who would contribute that amount
uniy ono man re-
were asked to rise.
Concluded on I'aite Two
earth for several minutes before he wn I president of the HouJiekeepers' Alii
Washington Women Start Scheme to
Aid Widows,
WASHINGTON, Oct. M.-Solve the
American servant problems by bringing
women victims of the European war to
this country.
This Is the slogan a new campaign an-
huuiil-vu iuuy uy airs Alice Whllak.r
dug out. lie Is in St Agnes' Hospital.
.me mu men rescued are August Lau
relll. a brother of the Injured man. and
Domlnlck Orove. Thej were pulled out
bv Policeman Michael Shonnahan, of the
20th and Federal streets station
The three men were digging In the yard
and undermined the embankment With
out the slightest warning it caved in
Policeman Shannahan. attracted by the
screams, had no trouble In extrlnt'ng
two men Though bruised and cut both
LaurlUIe1 h0VeU and SU"1 to dig for
It will be launched for uooroval u3t,,,
day before the Federation of WomeiTd
Clubs here Aid of wives of prcmltnt
diplomats and otttcials 1 being sought
1 ramtportatlon here of Belgian women
I'Brtlcularly U uggest4l.
, Mine Havenini. wife of the Belgium
I Minister Is ready to co-operate In the
plan, although she Mid today she wat
I not prepared to ait as a medium of x
i change between housewives of the I'nlted
I 81 at 6 and destitute women of Belgium
who may desire to become rvants In
I this country,