Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 27, 1914, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 8

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Comptroller's Instructions to
Bank Examiners Had a
Favorable Influence New
Street Quotations Up.
The announcement by the Comptroller
of the Currency that examiners had
teen Instructed to Ignore prices report
ed In open market dealings had a favor
able Influence on the slight speculative
mood which still exists In New York.
The trading group on the New street
curb, which yesterday assumed Its
largest proportions, dwindled awny to
the smallest numbers noted there for
months, and there was an absence of
the apparent pressure that has caused
so much uneasiness among Stock ex
change members In tho past few weeks.
United States Steel common, which
ims yesterday offered by these traders
at 33V, was 40Vi bid, without sales this
morning, and other lisues In which ac
tive trading has been reported were
quoted at a higher range. These changed
prices confirmed a prevailing belief that
much of ttio weakness shown In these
street dealings was due to trading cf
Xorts and did not represent any real
Trading In municipal bonds continues
Active, with the New Tork city ono-year
notes up to 101 and the new three-year
bonds at 103. Offerings of Massachu
setts town bonds yesterday were placed
on a 4.22 per cent, basis. There Is an
Increased Inquiry for the better class of
railroad bonds and short term obligations,
but the supply of these Issues Is scant
and dealers And It a task to fill bids that
aro In hand for large amounts.
Although sterling rates wore marked
up from yesterday's low range, Httlo
business was transacted, and tho demand
was so small that the efforts to create a
Armor tone were unsuccessful. Demand
Bold at 4 90 and cables at 4.00j. Helen
marks sold as low as SS5s, which was
later bid.
Money conditions remain unchanged,
with moderate amounts of tlmo money
offered at 6 per cent.
A statement, showing the reserve sur
plus held In the national banks which
will bo available for loans after No
vember 16, when the Fcdetal reserve
system Is placed In operation, will be
Issued Into today bv tho Treasury De
partment at Washington. Comptroller
.lohn S. Williams prepared the state
ment, showing the reserves in various
The application of the United Railways
Company for authority for the Suburban
Tlal! way Company, an auxiliary corpo
ration, to Issue SO,000 5 per cont. bonds
has been approved by the Missouri Pub
lic Service Commission. The Issue Is a
refunding plan to take up and retire
old bonds that aro bearing 6 per cent.
Cotton sales In Liverpool were 3300
bales. Including TM American.
The Bank of England bought 332,000
United States gold coin today.
Tho annual meeting of the Canadian
Bankers' Association will be held In the
offices of tho Bank of Toronto, at To
ronto, on November 12.
The special meeting of the Erie stock
holders for ratification of the plan for
a blanket refunding and Improvement
mortgage has been postponed until No
vember 2.
The emergency currency Issued by the
Government to yesterday amounted to
Retiring directors were re-elected at the
annual meeting of the Land Title and
TniBt Company today.
Exports of copper yesterday were 1720
tons, and for the month to date 22,153
New Tork banks lost to the Subtreas
vtt yesterday jni.COO. and since Friday
have lost 1,E13.000.
Increases In demurrage charges on per
ishable freight provided In new tariffs
filed by the Delawaro and Lackawanna
and 25 other railroads operating east of
the Mississippi River, effective October 29,
were suspended by the Interstate Com
merce. Commission today until January 20
next The tariffs would have imposed a
penalty if 12 a car demurrage after two
days' free time, and an additional charge
of per day for each succeeding day
until the car was released.
The Interstate Commerce Commission
today required the Central Vermont and
the Chicago, Burlington and Qqlncy Rail
roads to adopt rates on monumental
granite from quarry points In Vermont
to Mississippi River crossings nut In ex
cess of the rates charged on shipments
of building granite. The commission held
that In considering the propriety of the
classification of commodities the matter
of the definition of the commodity is un
George B. Newton Coal company, regular
semiannual 34 per cent on flrt preferred.
jdjrni'ig ., v i .j.?,- tw sika ut rrcurtj ucto.
er ii.
Ohio Traction cumr-any. regular Quarterly
14 rer cent on preferred, payable November
2 to stock of rei urd Oi ti.ber 28
Tampa Electrt Company, regular qtur'erly
2 no. payable November 18 to itwk of record
Nov umber 4.
American Urapaopbone f'omrany. regular
quarterly 14 Per cent, on preferred, payable
No. ember lb to stock of record November 1.
Sixth National Bank, regular semiannual 3
per cent and the regular 1 per cent extra, Loin
payable November 2 to stock of record Octo
ber ST
Fourth Street National Hank, regular semi
annual T 2r cent payable November 4 to
lock of record October SO
Market Street National Bank regular sml
arnual 4 per cent . payable November 2 to
atock of rrcord Cftnber 31
CHirACO, Oct. 2T HOGS Receipts. 20.
000. Markets. 5c. lower Mixed and luitehara
8.9o8T80. rood heavy. ITlSHT.B't; rough
heavy. 6 73jf 10. light. fTT55. pigs. fS
T 10: bulk, 17 3oe7.iO. CATTLE Receipt.
taXI Market! atealy B--ve M4UWU'
eews and heltera 13.80 9 i'8; stockus and
feeders. 37.S5. Texans. T.40t8 SO;
calvea. 18 SO3.0 SHEEP. Receipt!, 2B.OOO.
Market!, weak Native and Western, I3.2SS
6.8. iainbe. S 6)gT.86.
NBW TORK, Oct 27 Butter Flriaax. re
catpta, 13,319 packages: creamery extra. 33Vtc:
hlgfcer scoring 31c. Stat dairy. 31932c.; Im
itation creamery IV8lc.
Mgga Klrmw . receipt! 14,148 case. fresh
Mire firsts JltM3c . fresh, flm.. 36ee0c.:
nearby vrh'U' raasio. nearby, mixed. 2-if
c., (pedal inarka 244fi2V
y-ack r'e-"ns t"dT compare with the c-w-rei.
a"!rg ly lt i-i jea-ri
" H.14. 111. lli
Tbi 4---r',l pt'i.BD - tn IIITSrt v-i"
Ktlf 1M 2''i! SVl .?: 823 SsSJlSN
bsctca .... 2LW2.S4T iU.e04.W3 ao.7rV
Governor Rhonds, of Local Institu
tion, Asks for Subscriptions.
Governor Charles J. Jthoads, of the
Federal Iteservd Bank of Philadelphia,
today Issued a call to the member banks
In district No. 3 for the payment on No
vember 2 of their first Instalment to tho
capital stock of the regional bank In this
city. Tho call was made In response to
the announcement of Secretary of the
Treasury McArioo, setting the day on
which tho member banks of all 12 Fed
eral reserve banks are to make payment
of their first subscription.
There arc 75G banks In the district In
which this city has the Federal rescrvo
bank, and their first subscription will
amount to $2.02,000, of which amount the
32 national banks In this city will nay ap
proximately (522,150. The subscription
represents 1 per cent of the paid up
capital and surplus of all of the banks
In the district.
The capital stock and surplus of all
of the "id Institutions, as of the call of
the Comptroller of the Currency for con
dition on Juno 30, Is ?0S,249.I04, nnd tho
bnnks must subscribe to 6 per cent, of
this total to the stock of the regional
bank. The total subscription of tho
bnnks Is nbout J 12 iW, SOI.
Tho banks arc Instructed In Mr.
Ithoads' call to make payment In gold
notes or t'nlted States Treasury certlll
cates. In order to facilitate tho count
ing nnd the issuance of proper receipts.
Mr. Khoads expressed tho hope that nil
tVjo banks In the district would make
payment on the day set.
Wheat Opens Easier Today
as Result Exporters Still
in Market, But Foreign
Buying Slackens.
1 CHICAGO. Oct. 27. Wheat opened easier
today on scattered selling and an absence
of Important support. Receipts at in
terior points were somewhat larger, and
it wns believed that farmers were will
ing to sell at present prices
Exporters arc still in the liarket, hut
the business with foreigners seems to
havo lost some of its effect for the tlmo
being. The absenco of a Inrge outstand
ing short interest deprived the market of
buying poner. Later omo support de
veloped for December at $1 1". Hotter
crops advices from India and Australia
and continued large arrivals at Liverpool
caused a decline In prices there at the
opening. Later the undertone of that
mnikrt steadied on renewed support and
disquieting reports from Argentina.
llirie has I ten an enoimuuw deer, ase In
the crops of Germany, and. owing to tho
official prohibition of exports, the entire
yield remains at the disposal of the Gov
ernment, which. It Is sold, has nothing to
fear for at least a year. General Joftro
has dlrectrd a circular to prefects of de
partments In the war zone calling their
attention to the neglect of harvesting
operations and delayed seeding. He urges
that the work be pushed vigorously.
Weather and crop news from Russia
generally is favorable. Hungary has
suspended the Import duty on all grain.
Corn was easier all around on better
weather over the entire belt. Conditions
are Ideal for curing the new crop. Trade
was light and support poor. The market
at Liverpool was under pressure on bet
ter weather In Argentina and liberal Plate
Oats declined on scattered commission
selling. Pit sentiment was bearish. There
was fairly good buying on the decline.
Provisions were a little easier.
Leading futures ranged as follows:
Noon. Yest'y's
Wheat Open. HlKh. Lnw. do
December 1.134 1 1.14 1 14", ! l.T.
orn mew aeuveryj
fl74 tfl'i
-Oh, 714
414 S04
C24 S3V.
Mav . . ..
PI4 t Asked
.10. on
10 00
...10.42 10.43 10 42 in M)
... 0.W 8 60 0.S7 0 02
...0 82 0.52 0.77 9.S0
...in no in oo is vr iso7
. ..10.27 10.27 10.17 tin 27
Alba B. Johnson Suggests Means of
Obtaining Valuable Information.
Alba B. Johnson, president of the
Baldwin Locomotive Works and mem
ber of the Philadelphia Foreign Trades
Committee, has suggested that the most
effective way to Insure for Philadelphia
her part of South American trades Is to
affiliate with the American ilanufac
turers' Export Association of New York.
The matter has been referred to the
Executive Committee for action.
Mr. Johnson made the suggestion after
hearing recommendations of nine sub
committees, appointed several weeks ago
to Investigate the question of trade with
Latin-American countries. He decries
any elaborate Individual attempts on
the part of Philadelphia to obtain data
on the matter, since this has already
been gathered by private concerns, nota
bly the National City Bank of New
York, and miy bo had for the asking.
RIO qra'nde southern.
181 1 Decrease.
Third wek October .. . 114,419 J2.040
From July 1 1S5.CM as.Wi
Flrtt wpels October.... S5,0S0 3.4S7
Second week October . SO, 140 1.373
From July I 735.2JO 20, 003
Third week October. . (314.013 I21.8G4
From July 1 4.3SS.41S 305.USI
Sept. oper. revenue... 1. 207,852 127.U01
Net opratfns revenue 3Sr,.t!10 'i)2i
Operating Income 333.781 3.$8t
Three loa. opar rev.. 3,811.921 383,018
Net operating revenue OiUSIl 14&.M4
OperatlPE incem 631.30 151,112
Third ek October... $1,214,000 $8.eoa
From July 1 10 283 232 483.02
Third week October 124 842 15.190
From July 1 S0,sa7 3).608
September groea 4t,31,737 I28.S34
Net iil'3!s '3S.73
SurpJut ,2115" S,4S4
Three montha" Toe! . 3,78.2S us 3S7
Net fffiSJ '"'O74
Surplua -454,453 S3.437
Third week October... 1730,141 $6 583
From July I .... 12 449,282 71,49
Third week Octooer $383 244 $19,871
From July I 0.451 :je 1U.-.319
Third week October $1,204,783 $346 381
LA a JuJy I, 20.873.2S3 1,231,019
Manufacturers' Representa
tives Believe Act Will
Open Way to Curb Foreign
Combinations Here.
The act creating a Federal Trade Com
mission, signed by President Wilson on
September 26, It Is believed by legal rep
resentatives of manufacturing interests,
will open tho way for regulating the busi
ness in this country of foreign combina
tions. During consideration of the bill It was
pointed out that, while It prescribed pen
alties for price fixing by manufacturers,
making It nn offenso to sell nt lower
prices abroad than In home markets, sov-
I eral powerful trusts, notably In Europe,
would not be restrained from continuing
practices by which many Interests, tho
textile Industry In particular, were men
aced. Now the trusts across seas may bo
curbed In their transactions, as well as
those of this country, for the act creat
ing the Federal Trade Commission pro
vides: "It shnll have power to Investigate,
from time to time, trade conditions In
and with foreign countries where asso
ciations, combinations or practices of
manufacturers, merchants or traders, or
other conditions, may affect the foreign
trade of the United States nnd report to
Congress thereon, with such recommenda
tions as it deems advisable."
Horace Stern, of Stern Wolf, attor
neys, In the Land Title Building, when ho
appeared before the House Committee on
the Judiciary, In February, in antagonism
to foreign trusts, showed up tho opera
tions of n yarn combine In Germany,
which dumped surplus production Into
the United States at prices with which
domestic spinners In tho same lino could
not compete, while maintaining higher
prices In Germany. Mr. Stern appeared
In support of n bill which, had it becomo
a law, would have put the foreign trust
on a lovel with Independent spinners.
Though the bill failed of passage, tho
provision In the Federal Trade Commis
sion net, It Is believed by Mr. Stern, makes
It possible to accomplish what was con
templated In the bill which he cham
pioned. Foreign combines have had at their
mercy not only buyers hero In their mar
kets, but sellers ns well, as was dis
closed specifically with relation to copper.
This country. It Is said by John D. Ryan,
of Butte, tho Montnna "Copper King,"
produces 75 per cent, of the copper of tho
world and sells Ba per cent, of tne pro
ductions In unmanufactured form.
"Whenever we sell copper to England,
France or Germany," Mr. Ryan says,
"we have to sell to combined buyers, who
at times have named the price, with the
result that of the 450,00,000 business In
export copper In 14 years most of It was
done nt a sacrifice of a half cent a
Banks Should Not Recog
nize Quotations in Making
Loans Many Institutions
Have Done So, Says
The announcement from New York yes
terday that the New street curb wa
practically dispersed by the police, and
that the crowd on hand at tho usual time
for tho besinnlne of business was smaller
than usual, apparently Indicates that what
was said In prominent banking circles
last week about "Brjuelchlng" the open
air trading was not mere Idle talk.
When tho stock exchanges of the coun
try decided on the morning of July 31
to discontinue business until further no
tice It was the general understanding that
the closing prices of July 30 were to be
considered the basis on which nil call
loans with the banks should rest, as well
as all marginal accounts with brokers.
This. In fact, was a fixed determination
on the part of banking interests. It being
clearly recognized that tho brakes must
be put on hard and fast at that level
to prevent widespread disaster. In Eu
rope this end was accomplished by the
declaration of the moratorium, and the
closing of the stock exchanges here was,
In effect, practically the same thing so
far as brokers' rnll loans with the banks
and marginal accounts were concerned
With the pnsslns of the days and weeks
and months, however, and with tho end
scarcely yet In sight, it was to be ex
pected that there would be efforts made
on the part of needy security holders to
realize on their holdings. The New street
market was the only celling channel that
could be found by those who found them
selves the victims of necessity.
I Fay it was to be expected that this
port of thing should take place, but It
was not to be expected that the banking
Interests should allow themselves to be
disturbed by the small current of bus
iness that would run through such a
channel. But In quite a few Instances
they have done to, and certain banks in
New York and Philadelphia have been
ralllntr on their customers to reduce their
loans or deposit additional margin, based
on the New street curb prices.
This, in turn, has been quite disturbing
to brikera and their customers, who find
it extremelv dlfllcult under the prevailing
conditions to make any more satisfactory
adjustment of their loans, and who feel.
In a measure, that they are not being
accorded fair treatment. Inasmuch as It
was undoubtedly the determined purpose
of the closing of the Stock Bxchanges
that there should be no disturbance of
the loan basis as fixed by the closing
prices of July 30 until such time as the
Exchanges could be opened without the
danger of panic or disaster.
It Is certainly to be deplored that any
bank should have permitted Itself to be
come anxious and upset over these New
street curb prices, as It can, of course,
readily be seen that by so doing they
at once invite the disaster which the clos
ing of the Exchanges was Intended to
Schwab Has Shrapnel Orders and
Will Build New Plant.
That Charles M. Schwab ha received
many foieign contracts lor all kind of
shrapnel and shell and expects to re
ceive others front France. Russia and
England was made evident yesterday In
the announcement that he had decided
to build in connection with his Bethle
hem steel plant a. larso fuse manufac
turing plant
Notwlthstand'ng that the local steel
company does a big business with the
Federal Govern-nent In munitions of
war, thfc I'nited States makes Its own
fuses ait different arsenals.
., WHEAT. Receipts, 182,124 buh. Specula
tion In all home grain centres bearim and
prices here further declined lc. Quotation:
Car lota, in export elevator No 2 red, apot
and October. $1.0001. LI: No. 2 red Western,
tl.HSfl.18: No. 1 Northern Duluth, $l.2.IS
CORN. Receipt, 18,008 buah. The market
quiet and He. lower, with moderate but ample
offerlnns. tjuotatlorw: Car totn for local trade,
as to location No. 2 yellow, 8Vi084c; steam
er elIoiv, S.1B83I4C.
OATS. Receipts, 24,000 bush. Trade quiet
and market unchanod. OfTrrlngs fairly, .lib
eral. Quotations No. 2 white, fi4fl64'6c;
standard nhltr-, ,VVQM4c. No. " white, r2Sj
IXCIUR. Receipts, 2300 bhls. nnd 1,270,720
lbs. In sacks. Sold slowl. with moderate but
ample offerings nt former rates, cjuotatlon,
per ino lbs., in wood Winter, clear, $4.?r,uM iiOj
do. stmlaht, $.11:12.1, do., patent, $4 7.11(3 7.1:
Kansas, straight. Jute sacks, $.1 2,11(0 40; do.,
patent. Jute sacks, $.1 4(f, 1.0.1: spring, first,
clear, $,1.tOif.lao, do., strnlqht. $.1.:t.lii.1 HOj no.,
patent, $,1 70170 s.1. do., favorite brands, $ilw
n 50: city mills, choice nnd fancy patent, $vf
11 ."A, clly mills, regular grades, winter, clear,
$4 7.1iM.t0: do , straight. $.111.1 2.1. do., patent,
IlYK I'l.Otm nulet, but steadily held. We
quote nearby niui Western, In wood, nt $3if
Trade quiet nnd tho market without Im
portant change. Quotations: City beef, In sets,
smoked nnrl alr-dtled. :uVi)31; Western beef.
In sets, smoked, 3oa,1lc. : city beef, knuckles
and tenders, smoked and air-dried, .WiS-c. :
Western beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked,
,ll.l2c.; beef hams, fisfrio; pork, family, $20
O20.rO; hams. ft. P. cured, loose, 14?4til3e ;
do .skinned, loose, 14'jilfl.lc.i do., do., smoked,
liWl'l'Sc , cither hnms, smoked, city cured, as
hi iranc ami average, inMHTc.: 111ms,
miokcd. Western cured. tniftl7e ; do., boiled,
boneless, 23SJ24C. ; picnic shoulders, H. P.
cured, loose, 11t!tUc.; do., smoked, 13i4S
He. ; bellies, In pickle, according to average,
loose, lnifMnifcr. ; breakfast baron, ns to
brand nnd nwrnge. city cured, 2(ira2lc. : do.,
do.. Western cured. 20J21c. : lanl, Western,
refined, tierces, WHiEtllc. : do., do., do., tubs,
luftftfjllc. ; pure city, kettle rendered In
tierces, 10 Utile, j do., do., do., In tubs, 11
In light request at tho lato decline. Quo
tations: Standard granulated, fl.BOc. ; line
crnnutated, G.fOc. : pondered, 5.00c: confec
tioners' A, 5.70c. ; soft grades, 4.0.1 H 5.53c.
CHEE.SK. Steady under moderate offer
ings and a fairly active demand. Quotations.
New York, full-cream, choice, lf.'lSHc;
dn., do., fair to good, 14Hl'c; do., part
skims, Wile.
JU'TTIIIS. Fancy goods scarce and very
firm at the late advance, with tradn fair. Quo
tations: Western, fresh, solld.packod creamery,
fancy swclals, 3.1c: extra. 83o; extra firsts.
31CT3i!c.: firsts, 211310c; seconds, 2fiQ27c; la-dlu-iaiked,
2l12Jc., as to quality, nearby
prints, fancy, 3c : do., average extra. Mff
.lOc ; do., nrsts, 30if.'l2o.: do., seconds, 27
2fk. Special fancy brands of prints Jobbinj
at 40ft 42c.
KGtiS. Fine new-laid eggs In good de
mand and well cleaned up nt late advance.
Quotations: In free cases, noarby extras, :!.1c
per doi.. nearby firsts, $0.00 per standard
cnto; nearby current receipts, S.7ogn per
standard case, Western extra, firsts, $0.00 per
ca, do., firsts, $S.700D per case; do., sec
onds, JO.liOff" 20 per case. Candled and re
ctated fresh eggs tvere Jobbed out at JUINlc.
per doz., aa to quality.
LIVE. Fancy stock In fair request and
steady. Quotations: Fowls, lngiOc, old roos
ters, 111) 12c. ; spring chicken", according to
quality, 12iir,c; ducks, 1'IUllc, geese. 13a
14c guineas, young, weighing 2 lbs. and on or
npleco, per pair, 70c; do., neighing l'itfl'i
lbs. apiece, per pair, 00603c: do., weighing I
lb. apiece, per pair. 50.; old, per pair, ,c;
pigeons, per pair, 1831Sc
DRESSED. Fine dcelrnbleslzcd stock
sold fairly and ruled steady, but medlum-slzcd
nnd unattractive stock dull nnd Irregular In
value Quotations- Fresh-klllcd poultry
Fowls, per lb. Selected heavy. 20c; do.,
neighing 'I'-xS lbs apiece, lllc. ; do., neighing
I lbs. apiece, 18c, do., weighing 3H lbs. apiece,
IMlOc ; do. neighing 3 lbs, and under, 14iJ
144e ; old roosters, dry-picked, l.t-fcc: broil
Ing chickens, nearby, weighing lr2B2 lbs.
nplei e, 20fi22c, broiling chickens, nearby, fair
to good, lrtWlHc ; chickens, Western, 4 II11. nnd
over apiece, 17c ; do , do., 3t4 lbs. apiece, fat.
l.ietOc ; do., do.. 2i!3 lbs. apiece. 13'gl4c;
broiling chickens, Western. mf2 lbs. apiece,
17r , broiling chickens. Western, fair to good,
12il4c; squabs, per doz.. nhlte, weighing 11
to 12 lbs. per doz., $3 ll.1Q4.23. nhlto, neighing
O to 10 lbs per doz.. $2.i.19.1 50; white, neigh
ing 8 lbs. per doz.. J2.2.1S'2 40; white, neighing
7 lbi per doz.. $17.1)2, white, neighing. O'u
0'J, lbs per doz., $1.2501.50; dark and No. 1',
50c 3$1.10.
Choice stock generally steady under mod
erate offerings and fair demand. Quotations:
Apples, per bbl. Jonathan. $3(i3.3u, Grnven
steln. t-i2.7.r; Hlush, $2(12.75; Baldwin.
$1.7502; Greening, $1.75T2; Twenty-ounce,
$l.50(g2.25; rippln, 41.7DQ2.2Sj York Im
perial, fl.BOifll.iS; other good eating va
rieties, $1.7ri(!(2.50; medium, $1(31.50; crab,
$4!1.50; crab apples, per bush. -basket,
$1.30(11.75- apples. Western, per box, $1J
1.50, apples, Delaware and Pennsylvania, per
hamper, 25Q30C. ; quinces, per bbl., $2Q3.30;
lemons, per box. ?3Q4: grapefruit, Florida,
per crate, $1.5002.50; pineapples, per crate
Porto Rico, (1. 23513.25; Florida. $1Q2.50;
cranberries, Cap Cod, early black, per bbl.,
$3.50Ji4; cranberries, Cape Cod, early black,
per crate, $lfgl.40; cranberries, Jersey, per
crate, $101.25; peaches, Virginia, per 20-Ib.
basket, 4075c; do., do., per crate, $1(31.75
do., Delaware and Man land, per basket. 50
S0c: do., do., per crnte, $11.7.1; peaches.
New York and Pennsylvania, per basket
large white or yellow. 60c$l; medium.
40'50c. , pears, New York, per bbl. Scckel,
$3.50Q5, Dartlett. No, 1, $4(35.50; do.
No 2, $2.8093. Heurre Rojc. $4.1..10; Sheldon.
$t1 Jleurro Clalrgeau, $2.5OW3..10; Dcurre
d'Anlou. 12.2563.23, Duchess. .2.1ii3.25. How
ell. $2Q2.50 other varieties $2iJ3 pears, liart
Ictt or Seckel. rer bushel-basket, $1 2.1S
2 Grapes. New York Concord, per K-lb.
basket, 13315c; do., per 4. lb. basket.
830c; Niagara, per 4-lb. hasket. SB12c: rel
anares. per 4-lb. basket. 12fU5c; grapes, Con
cord, per 20-lb. basket. 35fr40c; cantaloupes.
Colorado, per crate, $101.50; do. do., flats. 50
Trade fair and prices generally steadily
maintained. Quotations: White potatoes, per
bush. Pennsylvania, 5-JGBuc; New York. 45
fftilOc. ; white potatoes, Jersey, per basket,
3.1Q15C. ; sweet potatoes. Kastern Shore, pe
bbl. No. 1, $1.7502.35; No. 2, 73c.(fi$l;
meet potatoes, North Carolina, per bbl.
No. 1. $1.7.1Ji2. No 2. 7ficfl$l. sweets, Jersoy,
per bbl. No. 1, J2.7W3. No. 2. Jl.50fjl.73.
sweets, Jersey, per basket. 50f(60c. Onluns,
per bush. 15fM0c . do., choice, per lOO-lb. bag,
$1, do., medium, per 100-lb. bag. 73g!slc. Cab
nate. domestic, per ton. $W0, do., Danish, per
ton. J11W12. Cauliflower. New York, per
crate fl.11' h.V Celery, New York, per bunch
10fj,S0c Mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, $1.40
JUMP $30,000,000
Government's Report of
Commerce for September
Shows Balance of $14,
000,000 in Favor of U. S.
WASm.VGTON. Oct. 27.-Desplte the
I.'uropean war the balance of trade ells,
closed $11.000,i) on the right side of the
ledger for the United States during the
month of September. This was a falling
off of J30,CC0,OX from the balance of the
same month In 1913, however.
Every uroup of exports, as set forth in
the report issued today by the Department
of Commerce, shows a decline, with thr
exception of foodstuffs. These alone
matntaln the supremacy of this country's
export trade, being Just JCO.OOO.COO greater
than the same month last year.
The exports of crude materials for use
In manufacturing showed the greatest
decrease, falling last month almost to
one-fifth of the volume sent abroad In
the same month of last year.
Correspondingly, the crude materials
for manufacturing Imported into the
United States likewise showed a decided
falling off for the month, as did manu
factured articles ready for consumption.
Foodstuffs to the value of approximately
I7.0OO.0iXj more were Imported than In
September, 1318 Most of this Increased
importation came from Argentina, Aus
tralia, Canada and Cuba, principally in
meats, grain, sugars and fruits.
Some Idea of how Great Britain dom
inates the trans-Atlantlo lines of traffic
Is gleaned from the report, which shows
that the Imports from the United King-
17,000,009 greater than to jfis UH J
Brinks In Reserve Cities Have Re
ceived Outline From Reserve Board.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.-Definlto plans
concerning the big cotton pool to bo
subscribed to by bankers, manufacturers
nnd others to rcllovo conditions In the
cotton-growing Stnteo nnd as loans on
warehoused cotton, have been formulated
by tho Federal Rescrvo Board, It was
learned today. The details aro yet to bo
worked out, however, nnd no announce
ment will bo made from tho Treasury
Deportment until the plan Is ready to
ho launched.
An outline of the proposed plan has
ben submitted to bnnks In reserve
cities risking for co-operation. Until re
plies aro received, tho Federal Itcservo
Board will withhold announcement of
the action It will take.
Retired Business Man Long- n Resi
dent of Qorniantown.
Henry Wiener, a retired manufacturer,
who for more thnn CO years was n resi
dent of Oermantown, died suddenly yes
terday at his home, 227 East Logan
square. Ho wns 69 years old.
Mr. Wiener wns the son of Hetnrlch
Wiener, one of the first settlers of Ger
mantown, whose homo stilt stands near
Pcnn and Chow strcots, on the slto ot
the Oermantown Hospital. Mr. Wiener
Is survived by two sons, Henry W.( Jr.,
nnd Kdwnrd Wiener, nttorneys, of the
law firm of Wloncr & Wiener, and two
daughters, Mrs. Barton Chapcrs, of New
York, nnd Miss Florcnco Wiener.
Funeral services will take place nt
his lato residence, Thursday afternoon.
The Itov. Irving A. McGrew, pastor of
St. Luke's Church, will ofllclate.
MONTCLAIR. N. J Oct. 27.-Robcrt H.
Johnston, 73 years old, who organized
nnd was tho first president of tho Cleve
land Coal Exchange nnd for many years
was president of the B. Johnston & Jen
nings Company, of Chicago and Cleve
land, died nt his home, Upper Montclatr.
Ho was born In Ireland, but came to
America when ho was a child. Ho
sorved In tho Civil War with tho 9Sth
Ohio Regiment nnd was a member of tho
George E. Mcado Post, Grand Army of
tho Republic, Philadelphia.
Henry Derrlckson, a member of an old
Delawaro family of tho same name, nnd
for 3S years a traveling salesman for a
collar company of Troy, N. Y Is doad
at his residence, 7133 North Broad street,
following an attack of rheumatism. Ho
was 70 years old. Mr. Derrlckson, who
died Sunday, was n Mason and an Odd
Fellow for many years. Ho was also a
member of the Merchants and Salesmen's
Society. He leaves a widow and three
sons, Millard L., Goorgo L. and John H.
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. -John Hull
Browning, director in a number of cor
porations nnd former railroad president,
died of apoplexy last night In tho Erlo
Railroad ferry house at tho foot of
Chambers street Just ns he was about to
take a boat. He formerly was president
of the Northern Railroad of New Jersey
and a director in Barrett, Nephews &
Co., Browning. King & Co.. the City
National Bank of Englewood and the
New York and Richmond Gas Company.
NEW YORK. Oct. 27. Dr. Wnlter Sam
uel Baker, one of the oldest practicing
physicians in New Jersey, died from apo
plexy at his homo In Newark Monday.
Tho night before he had visited a num
ber of his patients nnd had not com
plained of feeling 111, Three sons, two
of whom aro physicians, survive him.
Dr. Baker was 73 years old.
MONTCLAIR. N. J., Oct. 27.-Mrs.
Laura M. Thompson, wife of Ralph Har
rison Thompson, died Monday night.
Mrs. Thompson hnd lived In Montclalr
for a year, having moved here from
Bloomfleld, where her husband is presi
dent of the Diamond Paper Mills Com
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. James Ambroso
died at his homo in Stnpleton, Statcn
Island, from an Injury he received sev
eral days ago. Mr. Ambrose was 82
years old nnd was a brother of tho lato
Senator Ambrose, after whom was
named Ambrose Channel and Ambroso
Park. He had been a member of the
Staten Island police force for 32 years,
retiring about eight years ago. He leaves
a widow and nlno daughters.
PORT JERVIS, N. Y.. Oct. 27.-Jo'.
Vanlnwogen, a lineal descendant of th,
pioneer Barentsen Vanlnwegen, founde
of the Vanlnwegen family In AmerU-.i
died nt the Vanlnwegen homestead. In thi.
town of Deer Park, Monday night. Hi-
was 76 years oia. jtarmonus vnninwo
gen, his great-grandfather, was one of
the committee of safety in the Revolu
tionary War
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Herbert Bald
win, 52 years old, died In Flushing Hos
pital Monday. For many years he was
engaged with his father, the late Cap
tain William Baldwin, in navigating the
schooner Andrew Lawrence. He was
identified with the Highway Department
In Queens and was a member of the
College Point Veteran Firemen's Asso
William Henry Paul, a musician, nnd
for -17 years a resident of the 20th Ward.
Is dead at his home, 1025 Oxford street,
following a long illness. It Is believed
death was hastened by his participation in
a parade on Saturday.
Mr. Paul, who died yesterday, was a
member of the Musicians' Union of Penn
sylvania and the Swain Lodge No. 651,
F. and A. M. He Is survived by hU
widow, one daughter and two Bons.
Mrs. Hannah W, D, Underbill
Mrs. Hannah W. D. Underbill, wife of
Frederick S- Underfill!, head of the firm
of Wlstar, Underhlll & Nixon, lumber
manufacturers, died jesterday at her
home, 25 East Stratford avenue, Lans
downe. Pa., after a brief illness. She
was In the 60th year and the daughter of
John M. Duke, sea captain, now retired.
Burial will take place tomorrow after
noon at West Laurel Hill Cemetery.
AfeQl'ITH- -On October 20. 1011. HELEN K.
ASqUlTH. daughter ot Harold C. and Mar
garet Asqulth. aged ti Itars. Tho funeral.
strictly private, at the convenience of the
family. Residence. 4102 North 0th at. lu
terment lireea Mount Cemetery.
IIATCHKI.OK. On October 25. 1014. WILL
IAM 11 KATCHKLOR- lUlatlvcs and friend.
ara Imlted to atetnd the funeral, en Wedne-,
day October 28 at 11 a, m . from tbe Sea
ville M. K. Chur'b. Cape May l!o N J
Interment SoavllU Cemetery.
KISUINO. Suddenly, on October St, 1H,
BAMl El, husband of the lata Sal"s Vi-i ,
In hl 7Stb year- Relatives and friends, alsi
members of Col, John W Moore Foat No. 88,
0 A. R,, Col- Moors C'arop No. 27, Sena ot
Ystsraas, sod. circle No. 67, Ladiu ef the
O. A. n., are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Wednesday afternoon at i
o'clock, at his late residence, 1203 North 41at
at, Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery.
noillN. nOBEItT BODlNi 4D years, 250
Cambria st.
IHHtN.MAN. On October 28. 1014, JOHN
DOIINMAN, husband of Mary A. Ilornman.
in his (loth yenr. Due notice of funeral will
bo given from his late residence, 1024 North
nth t.
IIUTSCHMAV nOMl. On October 2S. 1914,
LOUISA, widow of the late Frank Hold and
Kdwnrd ttutschman. Helatlvea and friends
are Invited to attend the funeral services, on
Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the resi
dence of her sister, Mrs. A. H. Meyer,
033 North flth st. Interment strictly private
nt Mi.vernon uemetery. jtinaiy omit nowers.
HUZItV. Near ltnncocas, N. J on October
20, 1014, UACHHL S., wlfo of Joseph K,
Dushy, ngeil 00 years. Funeral from the resi
dence of her brother-in-law, James Work
man, near Itancocas, Thursday, October 20
nt 11 n. m. Interment private, at Ever
green Cemetery, Camden.
COHK. On October 24, 1014, SAMUEL C,
COHIC. Funeral on Wednesday, at 12 m
from tho residence of Mrs, nmtna Rodcers,
217 is. nth st., Darby. Interment at Eden
CUHLETT. On October 21, 1014, WILLIAM
L, husbnnd of Katie Curlctt, aged RO years.
Funeral services on Thursday, jit 2 p. m..
at 17111 X. 20th st. Interment at North wood
DRIUEIt. On October 2B, 1014, OEORCIE S.
DKDinit, aged 72 years. Itelalles and
friends, also Clrehle Post No. 10, a. A. R, ;
Col. Owen Jones Post No. K01, O. A. R. ; Sur
vivors of 121st Reg. Pn, Vol., and Choctaw
Tribe, I. O. R. M of Ilryn Mawr, I'a.i are
Invited to attend the funeral services, at the
First Raptlst Church, Waync.Pa., on Wednes
day, October 28, at 2:,10 p. m. Interment at
First Ilaptlst Cemetery.
HUFFY. On October 23, 1014, ROSANNA,
widow of Patrick Hurry. Funeral on Wed
nesday, nt 8:30 a. m from 2711 K, Auburn
st. Solemn Requiem Mass nt St. Ann's
Church, nt 10 a, m, Interment nt St. Ann's
KI.l.IS. On October 20, 1014, JOSnPII C.
KLLIS, husbnnd nt Margaret Ellis nnd son
nt the late Joseph and Anna Ellis. Due
notice of funeral, residence, 2424 South 10th
I'AIIKRM. On October 25. 1014, ROSE, wife
of John Fnrnem and daughter of James and
Elisabeth McClrnll, aged 24 years. Funeral
on Thursday, at 8:"o n. m.. from 2301 N.
Cam. ic st. High Mass of Requiem at Our
Lndy of Mercy Church, nt 10 n. m. Inter
mont nt Holy Crois Cemetery.
rRANKEI.. On October 20, 1014, at his
late residence, f727 Poplar St., ALFRED,
husband of Evelyn Prankcl. Duo notice of
tho tunernl will be given.
FREE. On October 2.-, 1014, EFFIE L..
daughter of Robert H. nnd tho Into Sarah
Free, at her fathor's residence, 4310 Mnna
junk nve,. Roxhnrough. Due notlco of tho
funeral will be given.
rRIir.H. On October 25, 1014, Mrs. EMMA
FREGD, widow of Joseph M. Freed. Fu
neral services nnd Interment strictly private,
from licr rcsldenco.
FRISCIL On October 25, 1014, EVA E..
widow of Valentino A. Frlach, aged 03 years.
Relatives and friends nro respectfully invited
to High Renulem Mass nt tho Church of St.
Ludn-lg, 2Sth and Master sts., on Wednes
day morning at 10 o'clock. Interment private.
CARMAN. On October 24. 1014. ELIZA,
widow of John T. Carman. Funeral serv
ices on Thursday, nt 2 p. m. precisely, at
her lato icaldencc, 030 Dorks st. Interment
at Cedar lllll Cemetery.
GAKTLANIl On October 24, 1014. MARY.
daughter of tho late Martin nnd Elizabeth
Gartland. Funeral on Wednesday, nt 8:.I0 n.
m.. fiom 4317 Cloud at. Fmnkford. Sol
emn Requiem Mass nt St. Joachim's Church.
nt 10 a. m. Interment nt St. John's Ceme
tery. Mnnnyunk.
W28 Morton st.
OORMLEY. Suddenly, on October 24, 1014,
JOHN A , husbnnd ot tho late Emma Oorm.
ley and oon of the Inte Rcrnnrd nnd Mary A.
CJormley. Funeral on Wednesday nt 8:30 a.
m. from 2028 South Garnet st. Solemn Re
quiem Mnss at Church of St. Monica at 10
n. m. precisely. Interment Holy Crcs Ceme
tery. ROHMAN. On October 20, 1014. THOMAS
UORMAN, son of Catharine Uatho nnd the
late Thomas Gorman. Funrnl on Thursday,
nt 7:30 n. m., from 2133 South Bancroft
st. High Requiem Mass nt St. Monica's
Church. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
GREEN. Suddenly, nt Hnnewell. N. J., on
tho 20th Inst.. Dr. WALTER D., son of tho
late Judge Edward T. (Ireen, aged 53 years.
Pen-Ices at the First Presbyterian Church.
Trenton, N. J., nn Wednesday morning at 11
o'clock. Interment private.
131 N. American st.
1IASSON. On October 24, 1014. CATHA
RINE J nlfo of James F. Hatson onl
daughter of the lato Patrick and Bridget
Flnhev. Funeral on Friday, nt 8 a. m., from
StainDLT's lann. below Ktonphmirn tana, .'tilth
Ward. Solemn Requiem Mnsa at thu Church j
of Our Lady of Mount Carmel at 0:30 a. m. '
precisely, interment at Holy Cross ceme
tery. IIKI.LYEIt. On October 24. 1014. REN.IA
M1N r. HELLYER, In his 57th year. Fu
neral on Wednesday at 1 p. m. from his
late residence, 1M33 Sharswood at. Interment
private at Fernwood Cemuery.
IIIIltMI. On October 20. 1014, ISIDORE,
daughter of the late DanliJ nnd Angelica M.
Herat.. Duo notlco of the funeral will bo
given, from her lato residence, Kit! S. 1'caih
IIERTI.EIN. At Punxsutnwney, Fn on Oe.
tobor 23, 1HI4. ANNA II., widow of John M.
jiriwein, ngen rtu years. Funoral on Wertnes-
T. HOLLIDAY. dnui-htpr tt th lnt .lnm..
and Anne Hollldny. Funeral Wednesday at
BjoO a. m. from 2312 Lombard st Interment
Cathedral Cemetery.
IV,ES. CLARA IVES. 40 years. 1410 South
31st St.
HORNER. On October 20, 1014, EMMA,
widow of Lemuel D. Horner, Sr., In her Tilth
year. Funeral on Friday, October 30, nt 2
p. m,, from 3311) Westflclrt ae Camden,
N. J. Interment Ilethel Cemetery.
KELLY. On October 20, 1011, JOHN J.
KLLLY. Funeral on Thursday, at J.30 n.
m . from tho rcldenco of his daughKr. Mm.
Elizabeth OJedhltl. 1421 South Taylor St. In
terment nt Holy Cross Cemetery.
UnitNDOEItl-'EK. On October 20. 1014,
GEORUE, husband of Cecelia Korndoerfer.
Tuneral serlces Thursday, at 2 p. m at
his late residence. 2020 North 20th st. In
terment at West Laurel Hill.
LACII MAN. Suddenly, nn October 21. 1014.
Henna I) 1-achman. In his 4!ith year.
Funeral services on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.,
at 507 Summit ave , Jenklntown, Pa Inter
ment private, at Hilslde Cemetery.
MADEIRA. On October 23, 1014, MARY
MEYERS. On October 20. 1014, AMELIA
widow of Prank W Meyers, nged 07 )ears.
Funeral on Wednesday afternoon, nt 1
Now every deaf
.icmai inai, wimout
cent in advance, the
iority of the famous
the easy hearincr device
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in Nature's wav bv
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crophone. Distinctly different from all others a scientific instru
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iNJ Deposit
tions 10 days. If it doesn't enable you to hear better than any other
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- ii iui. iiatv ltv ii uniipr nil cumii-
uivdiicc pjan. ine "Atuuaucu" lias nothing to hide.
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H Remarkable Proof
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egulates to
our indlvl
eeds Covers all 48 degrees of deafness
Bfness grows worse dally 't neglected The 'ACOUHTICON" delicately e
tea and livens the inactive musclta and membranes of the aillkted ear checlurrj
i" progress of deafness and in man) casrs de, renting the degree It makes absi
r!y no difference how long jou have been deaf or what vause.1 It, unless i.
tone ieat or were uorn aer. me
Is leKull il-ARANTEED.
" J " ...Wont dU ujuuj an -ACOl'STICON" any longer- -don't think Ii
fall ou like other devlves. Don't Judge it until jou try our remarkaU"
If vou Ine here call at our local office
rmurkabl FRFE demonttration If you
ut of town and cannot call, write aul k
0 ii i atsclutely free trUl no deposit -and proof from Ministers. Judg"1
cX others,
GRNERAL ACOUSTIC CO., ,00?SP,Joav;?ouIt'yreV.,,I,0
nyi iiuuin niliMi'l'iJ!
p. m., from 718 Cantrell st. IntermeaTa
Fernwood Cemetery, "meni. ti,
MICHENER On October 2ft. 1014 nit.,..
p. MICHENER, widow of rieuben illicit
talw. 77th year. Funeral settle,
Wednesday, In, m., nt the residence of tH
niece, Mrs. Jennie Kite, 2032 North ill
st. Interment private In Ivy Hill Ceni.2J
MILRPRN. On October 23, 1014, Rmrelft
II. MILRURN. husband of Hannah MilfcSJ
(nte Miller). Funeral Tuesday" 8i80 lW
from 3117 O st. High Requiem m,m.1
Church of Ascension, 10 a. m. IntJrrL
Holy Sepulchre. "rmeut
MOLLOY. On October 25. 1014, JOHN t'
son of tho lato John and Mary Moller fi?
rtoml on Thursday, at 8:30 n. m., from 17!;
Lancaster nve. Requiem Mass at ol!
Mother of Sorrows' Church nt lo a. m i?
ferment Holy Cross Cemetery "'
MURPHY. In Wayne, Delaware Cnuni '
October 26 1014 WiDOEt; w1dowUSfl,rV6?
Murphy. Mineral from the residence of b2
son, John J. Murphy, 403 North Wain? . J?
Thursday, nt 8:30 a. m. High i Mass S?
Catharine's Church, 10 a. m, IntermVn, S
Patrick's, Norrlstown. 'nierment 1$
MURRAY, On October 23, 1014 avwib
vft,Vt,:'r X he late Thomas and MaS
Miirpaj-. l-"unrit on Tuoday, nt 7-30 a I
from 1072 Church st Franitfnr.1 ?,. !"
High Mas, nt fltT JonchlmTchurch a ,BT,
r,. . in b, runerai irom the 1a(a t-.li'
dence, near Medford, N. J., Wednesday ',",',
xir'irtt-I?l?nt Inbnclo Cemetery. V " "
MnMLlLIt.pn October 20, 1014, ANV1
..ce. i8d3 South"'.?' Umi
OPPKRMANN. On October Sft ,..
PAULINE OPPERMANN, wifb of Wl m i -pppormann,
In her 77th year. Funeral. it? I i
residence. 743 SpVln"g 'caW.?1 $?!
,.1r.,V,a,e cto . rnllnn,'",n'' 'Promatory mtnl
,.J."TrS".,1,,,,nlyi on October 21,1014 Wtlr
IAM HENRY, husband of Ella V Paul .,
son of Anna M and tho late Henry Paul J
C. years. Relatives and friends, also BwSh
Lodge, No. 0.14, F. and A. M., and all rmf.2
cnl associations of which ho wns Ta .rneSbeJ"
are respectfully Invited to ntlend the XJ.I
services, on Wednesday afternoon at "
wi.c n """'"'J'. t his Into residence, 1021
West Oxford st. Interment Norlhwood Cen"
riTIIIAN. On October 20, 1014. sriiAM
widow of Robert II. FIthlan. aged 70 jtiii
Funeral services on Thursday, at 2 n b
"-'..J."0 rS?l.'!fncf of "" on, Charle. n!
FIthlan, 2440 North Park ave. InUrm.S
POWER. On October 24, 1014, ALOYSRl
i,nMIC,1Ilcl an'.' th0 ,at0 Catharine Polfi?
nged 20 years and 4 months Funeral froS
tho parlors of M. J. Fltzpitrlck, 3722 v"
nroad st.. on Tuesday, nt s-30 a. m. iilih
Mass of Requiem at St Stephen's Church it
firy"' m' 'ntcrmc,lt 1,0'y Sepulchre Cera,!
'' .J1!'"' vices on T"? . Si
R(HERTfl.su,ld7nl V . on October "t lV
GEORGE : K. ROHERTS. aged 74 "ear, l" i
Uvob and friends nro Invited to attend ths
funeral services, on Weclne.d.iy morning m
1 1 o clock, at his late residence, :o" S!orrt
22d st., Tiorn. Interment at St. Thoma.'
Churchjnrd, Whltemarsh. "ui
SEi:i)S.-On October i0, 1011. nt Pemhertoo.
. J., ANN ELIZA, vlilon of Alfred c.
Seeds, nged ,0 years. Funeral from Pcrrf
bcrton, N. J., on Thursday. iOth Inst at 1
P. m. Services nt tho Ilaptlst Church
:30 p. m. Interment Ilaptlst Cemeterr
Pemberton. N. J. -"kwj,
S1IANAHAN. On Octobr 20, ION, JOIP
P., son of Timothy nnd Cntharlno Shanahan.
Funeral on Thursday, nt 8 30 n. m from
his parents residence, 1310 Moore t. In.
tcrment nt Holy Cross Cemetery.
SWAN October 24. 1014, MARGARETTB
SAN. Funeral scrvlcis on Tuetdai, at
.1:30 p. m.. nt southeast cornor 10th t anj
Dunennnon nvo.. Ixigan. Interment prhatt
at Nortlnvr.od Cemetery.
TAYLOR On October 24, 1014, .TAMES a
TAYLOR, husband of Elizabeth IC Taylor.
Funeral on Wednesday nt 2 p. m. from 4311
Mulberry St., Franltford. Interment Eman
uel I E. Churchground. Hnlmesburg
THOMPSON. On October "JO, 1014, at
Somers Point, N. J ESTHER AMD
daughter of Allda nnd the Inte RMurd 8.
Thompson. Funeral services nn Wednekday,
nt 7 p. m., at Delaware ave. Somers Point,
N. J. Further services on Thursday at 1
p. m., nt the parlors of Wm. Rnncn. 301
East GlrnrJ ave., nt 2 p. m. Internum at
Westminster Cemetery.
UNDEHIIII.L. On October 20, 1011, HA.V
NAI1 ". D., wife of Fiederlfk S Inrii-hlll.
Relatives ami friends nre Invd'd t nr'.ml
the funeral services, on Wednesday, 29th
Inst., nt 2 p. m., nt the residence of her hus
bnnd, 23 East Stratford ave., Lans.lowne,
Pa. Interment private at West Laurel Hill
WALLACE. On October SKI. 1014. I.F.TI.
TIA WALLACE, nged S7 years. Rr-iatlrci
nnd friends aro Invited to attend funeral
services, on Tuesday, ut 2 p. m. fp'in resi
dence of her son-in-law, Thomas M,-i aulejr,
1000 S. 53d st. Interment Ml. Mo lali C-n.j.
WALSH. On October 24, 1014. MART, j
dnugbttr cf the Lite James and MurBaret1
vvaisn. i uncrni on wcunosaay. at , a m,
from 3118 Sunnysldn nve. Falls of Srlinj-lklll.
Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Hi ,)et'
church at l.30 n, m. Interment St Man's
Cimotery, Roxborough
1VEIS On October 21, 1014, JOHN P., oa
of the Uto Philip P. and Barbara Wen
runeml Thurnlnv, at 8 'Ml a m , fmm 1K!3
N 7th at. Solemn Requiem Mns at SL
Unnlfurlut,' Church ut 10 n. m. Interment
rnivain Now Cnlbodrnl Cemetery
WIENER. Suddenly, on October 20, 1014.
WII.TOrKS. On October 20. 1014, SAI.LIB
L. WILCOCKS. wife ot Frank Wili-ocka.
Due notice of the funeral, from her late resi
dence, 210S South Jessup at.
YI'.O. On Ortoher 23 1014. SARAH M wlft
of the late Samuel Yeo, nged 73 j-ejrs. Rels
tlves nnd friends, also the members of
llethesda rresbyterlan Church, nre Invited to
attend the funeral services, on Wednesday t
2 o'clock, at her late residence, lsol 1'iank
ford nc. Intermtnt prlvato
ZIEGI.ER At Atlantic Cltv, N. J. on Octo
ber 25. 1014, MARY MAPI) ZIEOLER, nlfo
of Lewis D. Zlegler. Relatives nnd friend!
invited to attend funeral services, nt 1 30
p. m. Thursday, October 20, nt her laie resi
dence, 1018 North Kith st. Interment prlvau.
PhlUvlLlDlui. Oit. 20 1911.
The Directors have this da declared a semi
annual dividend '.f EIUH1' iSi PH. 1..NT.
tree of tax. payablo NCVEMI ER 2, WH. to
stockholders cf rc-ord at the (use f uusintM
October 31 Cheeks will be mulled
E. E P.-e.M"U
Vico Pres d, n( an i j-hler
(or Vo
person can learn by
a cent s nsK or o
remarkable suner
that transmits smm
WS8WB. 'Sl
Ju oU
Not one cent in advance. We let
you use an "ACOUSTICON" at
rnr -:i. .. 1m. i i i.
Don't delay miliar an "ACOUSTICON"-
ACOl BTICON will dellKlu lou. tn
Don't let coit
wni your owning
Ifhral nnim.nt n'.-io
Writ or CaL
1 "iW