Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 27, 1914, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 7

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Recess Taken Yesterday Be
lieved to Forecast Return
, of True Bills Against
Members of Board.
NEW YORK, Oct. S7.-When Hie Fed
crnl Grand Jury, which has been Inves
tigating the affairs of tho Now York, Now
Haven and Hartford Hallroad, meets
again next Monday It Is expected that In
dictments will bo handed down holding
Individual directors responsible for the
looting of tho road during tho regime of
Charles S. Mellcn as president.
The recess taken by tho Orand Jury lalo
yesterday Is. such an usually precedes tho
voting of Indictments. With tho return
cf Indictments, preparations for tho trial
of the nccuscd directors aro expected to
be made for tho earliest possible dato.
Jlellen was a witness before tho Inter
file Commcrco Commission and tho
Orand Jury, which conducted tho probo
Into the guilt of the directors.
For this reason, It Is believed, tho
former president of tho road will bo tho
Government's star witness In establishing
the charges of violation of tho anti-trust
laws and looting of tho road by flnnnclal
juggling on the part of tho directors.
Mellcn haB thus gained immunity from
Thoso who were directors on tho New
Haven board In 1007 nnd during the
period covered by the Grand Jury Inves
llsutlon follow: D. Newton Barney,
Charles F. Drooltcr, Georgo J. Brush,
Frank W. Cheney, Charles F. Choate,
James S. Elton, James S. Homlngwny,
James McCrca, Charles S. Mellen, Georgo
McCullouRh Miller, Kdwln Mllncr, J. P.
Morgan, Sr William Rockefeller, William
Skinner. Robert W. Taft, Nathaniel
Thayer, H. McK. Twombley, I. De Vor
Warner and John H, Whlttcmoro. SIc
Crea and Morgan nro now dead.
In 1313, Brush, Cheney, Choate, McCrea,
Storgan, Mlllor, Mllner, Thayer, Twom
bly and Whlttcmoro were no longer on
the board, and tho following were num
bered among tho directors: Samuol Rca,
John L. Blliard, Frederick F. Brewster,
George F. Baker, Alexander Cochrane, T.
Do Witt Cuyler. Henry IC. McHnrg, Ed
ward Mllllgan, Francis N. Maxwell, Law
lenco Mlnot. John T. Pratt, Morton F.
Plant, Hcaton UobcrtBon, Sidney W.
Winslow and Theodore N. Vail.
International Complication Likely to
Follow Act of Dominion Militia.
ST. JOHN, N. B.. Oct. 57.
Three Germans who wero seized aboard
the Standard Oil Company's tug Security,
an American vessel, by n sergeant nnd
eight men from the . 6M Regiment of
Canada, are still confined In prison here
In custody of tho sheriff.
The arrest of tho men mny develop an
International question between the United
Btates nnd Great Britain as to whether
or not tpc Cnnadlun militia authorities
have the right to board a vessel of a
neutral Power and tnko off members of
Iti crew regardless of whether they aro
subjects of a nation with which Great
Britain Is nt wnr.
Four men wore seized, but one proved
he was a naturalized American citizen and
was released. H. S. Culver, the American
Consul, visited tho men yesterday, but he
has as yet not Hied n protest.
Norweiglan Reports Military Activi
ty at Constantinople.
A ecretary of tho Norwegian Foreign
Office, returning from Armenia, whero ho
was attached to tho olllce of tho Nor
wegian Inspecting General Hoff, Kays thnt
when he passed through Constantinople
the city wns full of German officers and
troops of Infantry.
German artillery commanders iro In
charge of the forts in tho Dardanelles
and the cruUers Goeben and Rreslau arc
still manned by their German crews.
Old Frigate Ordered to Washington
WASHINGTON. Oct. 27.-The old frigate
Consultation, which played an Important
role In the War of 1812, today was or
dered to proceed from Raltlmoro to
Washington, whero sho will remain for
tome time nn exhibition to the public be
fore going to Nowport, R. I.
'"niT ?.' "u.j!'". IJO Stanton St.. and Nl.
Jlward a I unnVrT su?' N Ilroart ".t"
,,&"''? ." ' al... A I.lndliyTe."'
er nJV ''!!"" I,?.d!?. ! " Kth-
Hour, ,,..:.:. T,a.t "".
Lynn, sui Wyoming ao.
at., and Mary
v. rt .' w'n. New York, and Itpilnn a
"SSJL: tTo,3.?7 ,Uno ' Ha F-
SS.rVagS,,?.S!Sfe,?i2l " -
tKahk 'i!'fd,.".r " "
ii? .' bPl'berger, ar.'u Old York road.
Marlon i Hmlth. 1KU Erl ave.
ATlZ.l; "!? 1. 2- .13,h anl
iaW. ,V .. V1, -aruio ax
.'.. Ue3M.r nr. WOT Queen lane, and
,?.!! ?".. "TI, 6? School Ian.. '
Ru.ii a llilirVtis Cht,mt a
Benham, 4MS N. 11th i.
and Mary
VriL! . VO'J'ner. Ablngton, l'a.
Emuhi,l,.ychBrlD" - Marahall at., and
"'A"S J. Ooelln. 2C4S (lerinantown at.
Jl"m ei$:,P V?,nneV' s?18 Crniantown a "e
Sm. Sfift a't'f" and " E-
M "& ?'& i'.h " " Ch- "J
paS fliStSr.lA1&'.t.8Tt',,,-"ld E,1Uh a-.
ln'ICou"i,'iWon "vrcea were granted todty
liSf rlf0' Common Plea No. 8:
AtSl. p V,-rd from Frank B. Kutard.
M u.E '..'"W Fom Ianklin D. Home.
" M'tclal from H. Clarence Mo
EmelMKo!'r5n diehard Norrli.
JoieSh S4,1lKn from Allen C. Mlddleton.
HVralA-?fYl".'rom Pwee W. Tyl.r.
HrS5BxVB&? 'ro" Dorothea Waller.
'rom. M Eckrom from Theolor B. Ek-
"n Qulnnirom David Qulnn.
-AldUlaUiut ...it. .
9?t 0Tcon2Si l..u'v".V.' la
-.. ,V, a Uf lQ, I0110W
t it..
Scberobi. Jr.. v. Helen O.
fc V MarHn .
Ktl w Jf'y1 v 0"rae D. Martin.
w Kai OKU vs. Itobtrt RachSuL
" -
Moat Powerful of Dirigibles Flics
From Frledrlchshnfen.
GENEVA, Oct. 27.-The most powerful
Zeppelin yot constructed has Just been
completed at Frledrlchshafen, on Lake
Constance. Without preliminary trials It
flew away today northward at great
speed, cheered by tho soldiers, who
shouted, "To London!" Count Zeppelin
himself was present at tho launching
of the airship, which has a special
armored compartment for bombs near thu
propellers and a big gun mounted In
front to destroy aeroplanes.
A second airship will be ready nt the
end of this month. This Ib he 31st of
the new type. Other Zeppelins nro being
built at Dusscldorf, Colmar and Berlin,
the German staff desiring tho number to
bo brought up to 100 as speedily as
Anarchy In Epirus Increases Tension
Between Powers.
, , ROME, Oct. 27.
Tension In tho relations between Italy
nnd Greece was Increased today when
the Italian Government and other jwwors
of Europe were notified by Greece thnt
It would occupy Northern Epirus In or
der to suppress the anarchy that has
developed there following tho downfall
of the Albanian Government and the de
parture of Prince William of Wlcd, tho
Tho Italian newspapers point out thnt
this action confirms the charges made
for Bovernl months that the so-called
Eplrotc Irregulars, who have been har
assing Albania, are really disguised Greek
troops, nnd demand that Italy take Bteps
at onco to curb Greece.
Possession of Franco-Belgian Coastal Posts, However, of
No Strategical Value to Germany, Says Expert De
signed as Lever in Peace Conference After War.
NEW YORK, Oct. 27.-Tho nghting In
Western Belgium Is tho most desperate
of tho war, excepting only tho attempt
of tho Germans to hack their way (o
Paris during August. There Is no
strategic reason for the mighty effott
Germany Is putting forth to gain control
of tho North Sea and Channel coast line.
Military requirements of the cnmpnlgn In
France are not served by tho Kaiser's
reported Instructions that Calais must be
taken nt nil costs.
No effective attack can bo made on
England from the Franco-Belgian lit
toral so long ns tho British fleet remalfiB
In being. If It be destroyed, England Is
nt Germany's mercy without the neces
sity for ferrying a single dragoon across
the chnnnel. England's food imports
would cease automatically, and the United
Kingdom would have to surrender or
A raid by Zeppelins on England can
not be tho objective of Germany's efforts
to gniti the coast. Zeppelin stations in thu
Interior are more advantageous thnn
along the sea front, becnuso of added
secrecy. As there nro no military ad
vantages on the surfnee or abovo the
surface associated with the cupture of
the coast towns, so there nie none below
the Burfnce. The purpose of Germany's
submarine attacks Is exclusively to de
stroy the enemy's ships. The distance is
shorter from the German coast to British
warship stations than from tho Franco
Belglnn sen front, and economy of dis
tance Is of tho utmost Importance to sub
marines, whoso rndiUH of action Is
Ilmltccl- , . , ,
At most the occupation of Dunkirk,
Calais and Boulogne by Germany would
compel England to lengthen Its lines of
communication by shipping men and sup
plies to a more distant French port. This
would be simply nn Inconvenience nnd
by no means a disaster. As an objective.
It cannot have nny serious influent" on tin-
coastal offensive strntcgy or tno ucrman
General Staff.
There Is. however, one very Important
reason why Germany should think It
worth while to fight ns desperately as It
is doing for possession of the coast. Per
manent occupation of the Frnnco-Belglnn
ports Is tho only way under present cir
cumstances Germany can bring nny ef
fective pressure to bear on England In
the peace conference after the war. While
the littoral confers no present miliary ad
vantage on Germany, Its possession
would give a powerful diplomatic weapon
to tho Knlser.
LONDON, Oct. 27. Official and other
reports confirm our Impression that a
mass of new German army corps which
havo been sent west are attacking tho
Allies on tho line from Nleuport to
Mile, with Calais ns their objective. They
claim somo local micciss south of Dlx
mudo and west of I.llle, and Froneh
official reports mako no dimculty In ad
mitting that some successes huvo been
achieved by the enemy along the swaying
But, In the main, the situation Is un
altered and the allied lino still runs
from the tea through DImiuuIo. Vpich
and Armentleres to Ia Bassee and Arras.
Tho German General Start probably will
protest that they have no object but tho
defeat of the Allies In their front. The
German press speaks with another voice,
GEffTEMBRr nHking but glivtl
linet 1370. Forly-ftur ytart f
comtant tmprtvtmenl.
ffPi t fig)
For Country Club
Men and Women. Exclusive styles. Superior quality.
Wide range of colors and sizes.
Waahable Doeakin - - l.BO
Florine Quality French Kid 1.85
English Walking Cape - 1.50
Superior Grey Mocha - 2.00
"The Fielder" - 2.SO a Pair
A new Sacque wrist gauntlet, with slightly flared cuff made of
contrasting colors. Front gore in cull closed by unique strap
fastener. Serviceable weight French Kid, designed especially
for the spectator at sporting events.
P. Centemeri & Co.
,h ,.. 1223 Chestnut Street
New York. StLouU BeU Phone. 6662 Wtaut Onr Factory
San FraacUco SoMitf,r4ntn?OCOCitniaudTotimt Grenoble, franc
......... - i -
Czar Bushes Reinforcements to Re
gain Lost Qround,
VIENNA, Oct. 27,
The following official statement from
the Austrian General Staff was Issued
hero today:
"Combined Austro-German forces hold
nlrong positions In a long, almost con
tinuous lino from Stary to Sambor In
Oallcia In an easterly direction, to
Przemysl nnd along the San niver In a
straight line Up to Plock, Poland. They
are fighting tho main Russian nrmy.
"Tho Austrian offensive beyond tho Car
pathians has compelled tho Russians to
reinforce their lines In Middle Gallcla.
Tho battle there Is still raging.
"Austrian troops have been successful
on tho lower San southeast of Przemysl.
"Vigorous encounters are proceeding
between Ivangorod nnd Warsaw.
Peasants on Board in Panic ns Gan
teaume Goes Down.
DOVER, Oct. 27.
The steamship Admiral Ganteaumo was
sunk today by a mine Just outside
Boulogne harbor. About 30 persons wero
drowned In a panic as tho passengers
were being transferred to tho cross
channel steamer Queen, which rushed to
the nsslstanco of the sinking vessel.
Most of the passengers were peasants
from.Poa do Calais, who had been taken
nboard at CalalB to be transferred to
nnd possltlvely gloats over tho idea of
capturing Calais.
Fighting in this part of the western
theatre has been extremely severe, but
It Is not yot heard that this much-boasted
German offensive has had any results
commensurnto with tho Immenso losses
which have been Incurred.
What wo must expect Is that tho Gor
man soldiers will ask their navy to co
operato In this battle. Very likely tho
Gcrmnn navy will be unablo to oblige,
but It will ho entirely In accordance with
German theories were tho German navy
to try td tnko a hand In tho game. Ger
man submarines already have attompted
unsuccessfully to Interfere with tho Brit
ish In-shore squadron which has been
taking such a useful part In the action.
If the Germans wish to succeed In a
movement against Englnnd they must ap
parently act with surface craft with a
mine Hold Interposing.
It Is evident from tho operations of the
last few days In Northwest Belgium that
the German General Staff choso this sec
tion ns a battleground In advance, nnd It
Is possible thnt the ferocity of the Ger
man attack Is duo in part to the fact
that tho Kaiser's engineers have not had
time to complete the defensive works
necessnry for their forces to fall back on
in case of a retreat.
History holds no better example of mil
itary engineering than that which made
possiblo tho unshakable stand of tho
Kaiser's troops at the Alsnc. It is rea
sonable to believe, therefore, that the
German engineers' corps havo been busy
constructing another system of earth
works nt strategic Intervals throughout
the invaded territory under German con
trol. Similar work undoubtedly has been ac
complished by tho engineers of the allied
troops, but In tho great concentration to
tho northward tho battle front hns shifted
so often that should tho Germans effect
an overwhelming advance, tho Allies
would havo to retire upon a position much
less complete in fortification than that
which me ucrmans nnvo had time to pre
It has developed that the appearance
of the Gorman reinforcements In Bel
gium, some 600.000 strong, was not the
result of the sudden sending forward
from Germany of second line troops.
These men have been transported from
other parts of the great front nnd con
stitute a formidable force of campaign
hardened wnrrlors who have been on
the tiring lino from the beginning of
The necessity of this vast shifting of
combatants to the north Is In response
to the will of the Allied General Staff,
who forced the Germans to accept tho
north m the principal zona of contact.
The result is the stripping of other por
tions of the battle front, which at many
points has ceased to become more than
two lines of Intrenchments.
Governor of Wnrsaw Made Com
mander of Army.
General Russki, the former Governor of
Wnrsaw and conqueror of Lemberg, has
been appointed I'ommander-ln-i'hlef of
the Russian army in Poland, says a dis
patch from Berlin. He succeeds General
The Bulgarian General Radko Dlmltrlev
has been appointed the chief commander
of the Ituselan forces In East Gallcla.
1 1 t a i i . i i
Qucttlon im(ffnt to "httetr Cen
tral," $itnattl tn the Real Ettate TrtM
BuliiUnp, at Proad and Cheitnut tlrettt,
iclll be answered n IM column.
Q. Will you kindly Inform tn who wfote
the muMe to th followlnr son:
(a) A song by Klri lienker, Ineludlnr the
orn, "Strike the anvil, make It sound?'
(b) Ono of fllchard Ilovev'a "Son from
Vaitnbonrlla," heninnlnir. "Oft with the fellera
that chafe nnd retrnln," E. It.
A, (a) Alberto Handegffer.
(b) "Vngabondla" music by Frederic
Field Dullard.
q. Kindly supply the sealing- capacities of
the following theatres! 1, Falrmount, 2th
street and tllrard avenue! 2, lifayette. 2800
Kensington avenue; ,1, Alhambrn, 12th and
Morris streets 4, Keystone, 11th street and
Lehigh avenue; B. Liberty, Columbia avenue,
near riroad street; 0, Orpheum. aermantown
and Chelten avenues; 7, Colonial, flermantown
and Maplewood-avenuesj 8, Hroadwajr, Broad
street and Snyder avenue; 0, Knickerbocker,
40th and Market streets? C. II.
A. 1, 1683; 2, 1600: 3, 1600; 4, 2350; 6, 1800;
6, 2000; 7, 3100; 8, 2500; 9, 2500. These fig
uies nro approximate
Q. We would like to know how the foreign
commerce of the pott of tlalveston, Tex., com
pared with the port of New York during the
year 101S, taking into consideration both the
Imports nnd exports, and also how Galveston
compare wllh the other principal porta of
the United Btates? It. J. M.
A. For tho year ending June 30, 1&13,
the total foreign commerce of the port of
New York, Including Imports nnd exports,
amounted to J1.900 22(3,617. while for tho
same period tho total foreign commerce
of the port of Galveston was $289,278,496.
From n report compile by tho Huicau
of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, De
partment of Commerce, for the above
period of time, the total foreign com
merce of the port of Now York is placed
first and that of the port of Galveston
Q. Who comprises the "Carnegie Hero Fund"
Commission, and how may they be peached?
A. Tho Commission Is composed of 21
members, residents of Pittsburgh. Appli
cations should bo made to the mnnager,
F. M. YVIImot, Oliver Building, Pittsburgh,
Q. Docs "Halloween" fall on the same day.
October .11, every year, and where Is the name
derived 7 M. J. J.
A. Yes. "Halloween" Is tho abbrevia
tion for "AU-hallow-eon." and derives Its
name from the even before "All hallows,"
or All Saints' Day.
Q. Can you tell me, approximately, how
many newspaper ttands there are In the city
of Philadelphia? C. II.
A. Approximately 1100.
The newspapers. In describing tho pres-
Eurobran conflict, sometimes make men
tion of the term "kilometer" In speaking of
Jlstances. Will you please inform mo Just how
much n kilometer Is compared to the mllo?
W A H.
A. A kilometer Is equal to .C.2137 mile.
Thoro aro about flvo miles to every eight
Q. Can you give us an Idea ns to what the
beet sugar production amounts to In tho Pnltod
States? S. II. B.
A. According to reports furnished for
the year 1911-1312, tho beet sugar produc
tion In tho United States was a little over
610,000 tons.
Murders Wife and Shoots Himself
According to' "Written Threat.
BROCKTON, Mass., Oct. 27.-Aftcr noti
fying his priest by mall that ho wns
Jealous of his wife nnd was going to
kill her, James noy carried out his
threat today by shooting Mrs. Iloy in
sight of her six children. The oldest
child, a boy of H, who saw tho murder
through a piazza window, brolto the glass
nnd vainly begged his father to stop.
After killing his wife, Roy shot hlm
self twice and Is dying.
You get much better value for a
filled book of
than for any other Trading
Stamps we know of.
Upholstery Specials From Our Manufacturers' Sale
Curtains, Portieres
Prominent milk throughout the country, especially those in Philadelphia and nearby, have helped us with
extra values to make this great Manufacturers' Sale an unbounded success.
50c Curtain Materials, yd., 29c
Flno scrim and voile, also cable net.
trimmed with wldo laco Insertion
ami edge.
25c to 50c Curtain Madras,
Yard, 19c to 39c
White and ecru mndras In pretty
all-over designs, also In cream
ground and pretty colored figures
of various designs.
40c Half Sash
Curtains, Pair.
Of fine crossbar mull, with fluted
colored ruffle. Pink, bluo nnd
lavender; top hemmed ready to
Many Changes Are Apparent
First we note the color vogue black
wntte ana briaht scarlet. mc J.
n mo iirauuiiunuiice 01 mrs niirni'is
of monkey, nat on brims, cart-wheel
coney, or huge bows tipped with fur.
While the felt hat divides hoiwr ivith
unu muy ue huu in ivnue, aiso rien snaaea of laivn ana tan.
These Latest Styles Are Priced at
$4.98, $5.98, s6.98 to $25
Our millinery reputation enjoys country
prices are pretty generally conceded to be the most reason
able all) where MILLINKHY SALON. THIItl) FLOOR
The Greatest Untrimmed Hat Sale
THAT ANY STORE HAS EVER HELD-Continues Into the Third Day
59J? fv&
$1.39 Velvet Hats, 39c
A large assortment of turbans
black only.
$1.75 Fine Felt CQrt
Have wide velvet flanges, black
and a few colors. Large and up-to-date
shapes. One ketchrd.
S2.25 Black Velvet Hats. 78c
Large and up-to-date sailor.
; . it mtoTiiisii, r z iv oru
Sun and Tides
0:2.1 a.m. I Run sets.... B:0S p tn.
S:.n a.m. I High water. 0:00 p.m.
.1:03 a.m. Low water.. 3:23 p.m,
rtwnv tur.itJh
Sun rises
High water
Low water.
High tter.,. 1:22 a.m. I High water. B:4fl p.m.
Low water.. 11:43 a.m. I Low water p.m.
High water. .1:0(1 a m. I High wfter. il p.m.
Low water. R:M1 a.m. I Low water., nfl ji.m.
PhlUdelphla-New Orleans Transportation com-
Vessels Arriving Today
8tr. Thelma (Dr), Turks Island, salt, Penn
sylvania Salt Manufacturing Company.
Str. Anthony Uroves, Ualilmore, passengers
and merchandise. n.i..
Rr. Ilobert M. Thompson, New Orleans
b"?. Quantlco, Jacksonville, etc., merchan
dise. Merchants and Miners' Transportation
Balling Today
8tr. flanborn (Hutch), Van Kljken, Bngua la
Orande. Berwlnd-Whlte Coal Mining Company.
Btr. i'rlmo (Ital.), Lauro, Norfolk, Philadelphia-New
Orleans Transportation Company.
Mntorshlp California (Dan.), Petersen. Copen
hagen. -In Newport News, Ilaltlrnoro and
Chrlstlanla, Scandinavian-American Line.
Btr. A. A. rtaven, Hecker, Charleston, Tampa
and New Orleans. Philadelphia-New Orleans
Transportation Company. ,,...,.,. ..
Str. (Jreclsn. Pago, Ilostnn, Merchants and
Miners' Transportation Company.
fitr. Ericsson, McNamce, fialtlmore, Ericsson
L,Bchr. Alicia XI. Crosby. Hunter, Portland, A.
D. Cummins ft Co. .... , ti
Sehr. Humaroclc. Foxwell. Galveston. A. V.
Cummins & Co. (re-clearance).
Steamships to Arrive.
Name. From. Date.
AnTona Naples Oct. 20
Dominion Liverpool Oct. 11
Hesporo ,li,,.",b?.Jr fiSi- ?
nuby Gibraltar Oct. 0
Oluseppe pran Oct. 1ft
Juno Plymouth Oct. 8
Ahrahamson Plymouth Oct. 8
Canton Chr at Ian a ....Oct. 0
Texas Chrlstlanla Oct IS
Stanford Immlngham ....Oct. in
Maine London Oct. 17
Oldneld Orange rru Qrnndo Oct.
Washlngtonlan Ilalboa Oct. 20
Mnnrhestnr Exchange.. Manchester Oct. 20
Mlssourlan Cristobal Oct. 21
Crlckett Fan Francisco. ..Oct. 21
Conlston Water Santiago Oct. 1
West Point London, Oct 22
Vltnlla Cristobal Oct 21
AriTo Cristobal Oct. 2?
Ohloan nalbon Oct. J
Amsteldyk Rotterdam Oct 23
1.1111a r, Port Antonio. . . .Oct. 21
Steamships to Leave
Name. For. Dftteu.
California Copenhagen ....Oct. 27
Ancnnn Naples Nov. .
Dominion LUerpool Nov. 7
Crown Point London Oct. 29
Canton Chrlstlanla Oct...
West Point London Nov. 11
Mnncheiter Exchange. .Manchester ....Nov. II
Noorderdyk llottenlam Nov...
Maine London Nov. ..
Steamships Arriving Today
Name. From. Docked.
Chicago Havre Ra. rn.
Caserta Naples 11a.m.
Carpathla Gibraltar.
Ancona Naples.
Steamships to Sail
Name. For. Date.
nrltannla Marseilles Oct. 27
Europa Naples-Oenoa . .Oct. 2S
Adriatic Liverpool Oct. 28
Rotterdam Rotterdam Oct. US
Dura d'AbruzzI , Genoa Oct. 31
Philadelphia Liverpool Oct. .11
Erederlk VIII Copenhagen Oct. 31
Chlcogn Havre Oct. .'11
Columbia Glasgow Oct. .11
Minnehaha London Oct. .11
Caserta Naples Oct. ."1
Movements of Vessels
Str. Caprlvl (Nor.), from Philadelphia, ar
rUcd at Ardroswn October 21.
Str. Krlstlanlafjord (Nor.), for New Yoric,
steamed from Hergcn October 24.
Str. J. L. Luckenback (Am.), for Philadel
phia from Ban TranUsio, etcamed from Bullion
October 2TS.
Str. TWIN (Nor.), from Philadelphia, arrived
at Liverpool October 2S.
Str. Luiltanla (Ur.). for New York, steamed
stohu opkxs s.ao A. M. CI.OSKS T n.,0 P. M.
Market Eighth
$1.75 Madras Cur- $ 1 OC
tains, Pair ,dtJ
Imported Scotch mndras In white
and ecru color; pretty all-over
designs with borders of panel
SG.50 Portieres, Pair, $1.98
Fine merocrliCfd armure In various
designs nnd ccilors. finished with
heavy tasMI fringe, braided edge or
tapestry borders.
$5 Scrim Curtains, Pr $,1.59
Fine serlm voile and maraulsettp.
i trimmed with haud-mnde riuny
' laco Insertion and edgp. Some with
I Marie Antoinette laco borders.
- and - melon, snow- iMh
attention nancts ? sXS
cabochons of whites 5 vsfrA
. J
the one of velvet, "liuJifS
- wide fame, and our
It 18 a disposal of tha ultra-fash
ionable in shapes and materials
It's the Entire Stock of J. Bloom
field Co., New York.
There are 60.01)0 of these hats moie
than even so large a store as this
cuuld dispose of in one oi a couple
of das. hence there are still ample
quantities in wide usaoi tincnts,
The Prices Are Exactly One-
Third of What These'llats
Are Actually Worth
$2.00 Plush
Erect pile plush tn the new tu
corn and other shapes RUik
and colors Our pictured.
$1.25 Silk Velvet on.
Turbans OJ7C
Turbans and small hats tn a large
varlet of stjles. black and leal
;ng colors, with tros grain bindings.
r M
UA Tr V a
o 5
ma nusx-ivn anin-dbst of eveiiituino at iowkst pniCE-FiFr -
- - - - i nu. A
Str. surf Point mrXtrnm Philadelphia,
arrived at London October S. .
fitr. Missouri (Ur.), from Philadelphia, for
London, passed Lizard October 2(1.
Btr. Manchester Mariner (Hr.). from Phila
delphia via Halifax, arrived at Manchester Oc-
t0fitr. 2He speros Nor.), Bombay for Philadel
phia, steamed from Port Natal October 24.
Btr. Llllle- (Dr.), for Philadelphia, steamed
from Port Antonio Oetohsr 24. .....'
Htr. Amsteldyke. (Dutch), for Philadelphia
via floston, steamed from Rotterdam Octo
ber 2.1
Str, Ryndham (Dutch), from New York, ar
rived at Rotterdam October 24. ...,.,.
Str. Zevenbergen (Dutch), from Philadelphia,
arrived at aalveston October 20.
Br. Uruckhausen (Dutch), from PhUadel
phla, arrived at Newport New October 20.
Str. Nelson (Am.). Philadelphia for Port Ar
thur, passed Band Key 1 a. m. October 20.
Htr. Evelyn (Am.), Philadelphia for Doca
Ornnde. passed. Sand Key l p m. October 20.
Htr Vexas, Marcus Hook for Port Arthur,
was 40 miles north of Diamond Shoal light
shtn at noon October 20.
Btr. Nelson, Philadelphia for Port Arthur,
wsi lis miles west of Tortuga at noon Oc-
flfr. Paraguay, Philadelphia for flablne, waa
00 miles east of Bablne bar at 8 p. m. Oc-
"sfr Toledo, towing schooner Delaware Sun,
Bsblno for Philadelphia, was 278 miles south
west of Diamond BUoal lightship at 6 p. m.
CBtJ.2M. Ouffey. Philadelphia for Port Ar
thur, was 80 miles south of Jupiter at noon
October 20.
Iluslnesa In the steam market continues firm
and steady with the rates strong. Rates are
nominal In tho sail market. A light Inquiry
Conlston Wattr (Rr.), Philadelphia to
Marseilles or Genoa, grain, 23,000 quarters,
4c. 3d., prompt. ...
Hlclly (Hr.), Baltimore to London, oats,
20,000 quarters, at or about 2s. 4Hd., prompt.
Lynfleld (Ur.), Gulf to Marseilles or Genoa,
grain. 23,000 quarter, 4s. Od., prompt.
Elvaston (Ilr.). same, 28,000 quarters.
"jlar Cantabrlco (Span.), same, 20.000
qu irtt-rs, November. ....
Tanls (Ur.), 2270 Ions, Savannah to Liver
pool or Manchester, cotton, at or about 37s.
Od., November. ....
Ceylon (Nor.), 1454 tons, Bay of Fundy to
West Britain or east Ireland, deals, 07s. Od.,
prompt. ,
Gordonla (Br.),
tons, Mlramlcho to
Ireland, deals, 50s.,
Britain or
Bark' Atalnntn. (Nor.),, BOS tons, Halifax to
United Kingdom, deals,' private terms, November.
Holland Silver
English Silver
ClocKs and Bronzes
Prompt Selection Advised.
Duplication Impossible.
Chestnut Street
Filbert Seventh
$7.50 Irish Point
Curtains, Pair
Imported fln lace with scroll and
flsured renter, wide nppllnued bor
der of elaborate designs. 3H j arils
$3 Lace Cur-$1 qo
tains, Pair . . 70
Fine Scotch lace in Irish point
and nrussels designs; button
hole edge. 3 4 yards long.
I Bleak Days Are Turning
l Manv Women's Thniicrhts Tn
j , , w ...VIi ,, mu UkllW i J
And They Are Finding Cs Fully Prepared With All Thai Newest
and Handsomest in Fashion And at Prices That Event
One of Moderate Means Can Afford.
Best of all there's safety in buying furs here.
We Unconditionally Guarantee
Every Fur Article We Sell to
Be Truthfully Represented
iiiir standard low prices prevail again
following aie some specials which we
tunnte enough tn secure to sell at veri
less than their true worth.
$10,00 Handsome $OQ 7C
Selected lustrous black fox or natural red f.x
skins plain bolster or novelt animal muffs
unlinal shape neckpieces, w-uli mounted be4d
nnd Mil Lined with peau de tgne
10 .Mo In- Humilnu luu Coat
In 36. 12 and IS Inch lengths
30 Illnck or llliie C mm-
912 to UO
-. . 22.50
4KI7..10 Nuturul Norllr
Itudicrr Seta i vel
et trim- nti rfrx
piece i to
'7.90 ,0
MO ami flfl
Hied i I UU
Mo !Nnturul
Muskrat Skins,
H u d n o a hral
'79.75 1
$70 French $f O r-A
Seal Coats OXJ
New ripple bak model, it inches
long Silk lined
? ' '
Woodbury's Executive rates Con
tempt Charge for Not Obeying Writ.
TRENTON, N. J., Oct. 27.-8uprem
Court Justice Garrison has made an
order requiring Mayor Millard F. Cattell,
of Woodbury, Gloucester County, to show
cause at lha State House next Wednes
day why he should not be adjudged In
contempt for fnlllner to obey a writ Issued
out of the Supreme Court.
Mayor Cattell was ordered to sign two
controcts between Woodbury and tho
Publlo Bervlce Electric Company for
lighting the city. Ho refused to do this.
Child Disappears "vThlle Albert Relss
In Trench Captive.
NHW TOHK, Oct. 27. The liner Chi
cago, of the French Line, came Into port
today from Havre, with a passenger list
of 153, mostly Americans straggling home
from the fields of war.
One of tho most pathetic stories was
told by Albert rtels. tenor of tho Metro
politan Opera Company. His son, aged 6,
and his wife's mother disappeared In
rails shortly after tho removal of tho
Government to Bordeaux nnd havo not
been found.
Itelss Is of German extraction and was
sent to a concentration enmp, where he
was put at work breaking stones. Then
he was shifted to a shoemaklng factory.
Finally he obtained his release. He
found his wife and daughter, but his son
nnd mother-in-law could not be located.
Albert Itelss hns nppenred in Philadel
phia many times at tho Academy of
Music nnd Metropolitan Opera House. His)
Mlmo In the "Itlng" nnd David In "Die
Melstorslnger" are regarded as classic
Hosiery & Underwear
Bower & Kaufman, of Philadelphia,
and other leading makers arc repre
sented in this rather unusual but great
ly advantageous sale.
Women's 50c Silk
Boot Stockings . .
Limited quantity of full-fashioned black
silk-boots; have high spliced heels, dou
ble soles and reinforced tops. Strictly
first quality.
Children's 25c and 29c
f"; 13c & 20c
Full-fashioned ribbed cotton; have
extra spllcprl toe and heel, triple
knees lilack rnl.
Sizes fi to 9'j, INc, three pahs for noo;
sizes 10 and 10'a. s()e.
Women's $1
Pure thread silk: havo high spliced heels,
double soles nnd reinforced tops. Illack.
white, smoke und bronze.
Women's 50c Corset Covers, 25c
Fin cotton ribbed: high neck, long
sleeves and Bpnsonable weights Regulnr
and extra sizes.
Women's and Children's
50c Underwear, Each ....
Samples; all weights of tine cotton In
vests, pants and union suits Limited
quantity. No mnll or phone order.
1 V:
this e.ir
have heen
neurU a
Hudnon Seal
and Mg
ay. AS."- 9.50 '" '25 I
Fur Trimmings
25c to $15 Yard
Mi-nkej. flfh Hudson seal near
seal ermine and 25 other kinds
splendid seb tion In nil widths
rvoon lit ohotiikhs
, 1
thud H& WMl
tpffib I
NM '
A -- "Ur