) NOTED PHYSICIANS URGE THE ELECTION OF DR. BRUMBAUGH Drs, Martin, Posey, Hirst, Deaver and Ashton Sup port Nominee for His Work in Behalf of Public Health. Five Philadelphia medical men of na tional reputation have enlisted In the campaign for the election of Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh to the Governorship. They have sent letters to many hundreds of ihylclnns and surgeons throughout the city urging them to support the eminent educator. The men who have signed the com munication are Dr. Kdwnrd Martin, pro feisor of genlto-tlrlnary surgery at the t'nlverslty of Pennsylvania and n mem ber of the Board of Education; Dr. Wil liam Campbell Toscy, famous eyo special ist; Dr. Barton Cooke Hirst, who occu pies the chair of obstrctrlcs In the Uni versity of Pennsylvania! Dr. John II. Deaver, noted surgeon; Dr. W. E. Ash ton, specialist In genllo-urlnary diseases and n member of tho faculty of Medico Chlrurglcal College. Doctor Martin, one of the superintend ent's most earnest supporters In the rchool board, declared that' ho and his collcngues took this action in accordanco with what they considered a profes sional duty. With no thought of politi cal nctlvlty they were unanimous In tho belief thnt Doctor Brumbaugh would en thusiastically 'support legislation making for the betterment of public health. His successful efforts to promote medical In spection In tho public schools and pro cure more sanitary conditions In the classrooms entitled him, ho said, to tho support of tho medical world. "As Superintendent of Schools," he con tinued, "ho co-operated In every posalblo way with tho medical profession. Instead of lending passive acquiescence he gave active and stimulating help. Ho worked lrtuously to obtain legislation that would bo of physical benefit to American child hood. He was ccrtnlnly a moBt potent factor In Introducing medical Inspection Into the clnssroom nnd he has always shown a spirit of-puro patriotism In dis charging his otllclal duties. "To his credit. It must bo said, he al ways remained aloof from political affairs of any kind. Ho entered freely, however, Into all movements for the ben efit of the school children and tho Phila delphia public at largo." Doctor Martin refused to mako any di rect reply to the often-refuted charge of Vance C. McCormick thnt Doctor Brum baugh had" not taken part In organized attempts at public betterment. "I will stato the facta concerning Doctor Brum baugh," he said, "but will not discuss tho situation from a political standpoint." RECALL KELLER TO STAND IN WATMOUGH WILL CASE Beneficiary of Eccentric Millionaire Again Examined. When the hearing In tho controversy over the will of John G. Watmough, millionaire, who disinherited his rela tives and left his fortune to domestics nnd friends, was resumed before Judge Lamorelle today in tho Orphans' Court, William Clark Mason, representing tho contesting kin, called for cross-examination Ferdinand Keller, dealer In an tiques, who, with his wife, are bene ficiaries uf the residue of tho estate. Following the sensation sprung yes terday to the offect that Jules Maujcan, Btar witness for the contestants, con fessed In letters to tho Kellers that he had committed perjury at tho Register's hearing, counsel for the relatives en deavored to explain the affair to the court. The purport of the Buckman testi mony was that Maujean, who had been a Janitor for the Kellers for a number of years, had only consented to testify for the contestants upon the promise of K00O or $10,000, to be pnld him provid ing the will was knocked out. Ho made his "confession," according to tho testimony, after he hod become conscious-stricken, and wrote two letters to the Kellers repudiating his testimony before the Register. Ab a counter accusation, counsel for the contestants sought to prove that Jules' remorse and admissions of per jury were superinduced by the bene ficiaries or their representatives, nnd that he was to receive J100O to skip the Jurisdiction. TITANIC SURVIVOR A BRIDE Mrs, Eloise Hughes Smith nnd B. W. Daniel Married. Philadelphia society was .surprised to day to learn that Robert W. Daniel and Mrs. Eloise Hughes Smith, daughter of Congressman and Mrs. James A. Hughes, of West Virginia, had been married in Now York. August 18. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel are staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L Waring Wilson, at Rosemont, until their own dwelling In the same suburb Is ready for occupancy. Announcement of the marriage was de layed because Mr. Daniel had to leave for Europe on August 20 and did not wish to take his bride Into the war tone. Their acquaintanceship began on the rescue ship Carpathla after tho sinking of the Titanic In 1315. Mrs, Smith was return ing from her honeymoon with her llrst husband, Luclan Smith, of Unlontown. Pa., who lost his life In the disaster. Mr. Daniel dived oft the Titanic after the ex plosion and was Anally picked up by i life boat. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel were married In the "Little Church Around the Corner" In New Tork. DIVIDED ON TOBACCO ADS Bwarthmore Debates Whether "Phoenix" Shall Print Such Matter. Tobacco advertisements or no tobacco idvertlsements Jn the Phoenix, the stu dent newspaper of Swarthmore College, l a question being debated by the stu dents and alumni of the Institution. The business department of the publication, realizing a profitable Income could be derived by publishing the advertisements of the tobacco companies, has advocated uch matter be admitted to the columns of the paper after a 14 years' record of intl-nlcotine policies. Women of the student body and the alumni stanchly oppose the proposition, while the men believe since they use the tobacco, they should be Informed through the columns of their "dally" as to the advisability of smoking partic ular brands. RADIUM FOR WILSON'S OBASS Company Offers to Remove Brown Patches on White House Lawn. Washington, Oct. w.-The grass on ne White House lawn will be made to Krott with rt radium solution, If an offer Jrom a large radium manufacturing con tra U accepted by tho White House. o agents of the company have guar "td that this costly solution, which ' ofTer free, will remove a group of 'wn pafhes on the lawn, caused by i "nn?r Jrusn. EVENING RICCARD0 MARTIN, TENOR, HEARD AT THE ACADEMY American's Splendid Singing With New York Symphony. There were honors aplenty at the con cert last night given by Walter Dam rosch's New York Symphony Orchestra, at the Academy of Music, but, except for a very few moments, tho honors all went to Rlccnrdo Martin for the splendid Interpretation of his atlas, The orches tral part of tho evening' entertainment was wretchedly done for the most part, conductor and men alike transgressing In spirit and execution. It Is n great pity that Mr. Dnmrosch chose to play the Erolca symphony here fur his first time. Eventually his orches tra may rise to Beethoven; nt present their attempts were almost Insulting, Both to the master whom they played and to tho audience which heard them. That the first movement was Inchoate, failed utterly of a. unity of Impression, Is per haps pardonable, but that Mr. Dftmrosch should have muddled tho funeral march, nnd, after robbing It of Its splendid solemnity, should have gone on to mako the scherzo weak nnd uninspiring, Is little Bhort of criminal. The scherzo of tho Erolca Is a mad piece of Impudence, placed after the sober but fearless death motive.'' Mr. Damrosch conducted both bb If they were pieces of music, nothing more. In tho last movement, nnd In picking tho bits of Inspired ragtime hero and there In the preceding movements, Mr. Dam rosch was better, but that Is very little to say. Tho lack of Inspiration, of Judg ment and of technical excellence must be overcome, nnd If tho now endowment of Mr. Damrosch'B orchestra will accom plish this, It will mako his future vlBlts to this city a different matter from tho present one. H should bo Bald, to be fair, that tho Goldmark overture and Ernesco's "Roumnnlna Rhapsody," which opened and closed the program respective ly, were much better aono, witn noi a little fire and good cheer, and that In them Mr. Damrosch's prodigious efforts In conducting did not seem so ludicrously Ineffectual. Mr. Martin, In the midst of this mud dle, was a bright stream of Joy. His voice was cordially rounded, his tones pure and rich, and his dramatic expres sion so excellent that It reminded one of Tltta Ruffo. To say thnt his singing wns "Intelligent" would not bo adequate. Mr. Martin's sympathetic Imagination, as shown last night, was perfect, nnd tho contrast he could mako between Puccini nnd Bizet wns full of artistic righteous ness. For him, nt least, Philadelphia can be thankful to Mr. Damrosch. ALL PARTIES IN DELAWARE BUSY HOLDING MEETINGS Democrats Glvo Candidates n Re ception. WILMINGTON, Del., Oct. 27. From now until the end of tho chapter which will bo written on election day there is going to bo no complaint of n lack of speeches. Tho Democrats held a recep tion for their cnndldntos last night at tho Democratic League, and United States Senator Wlllard Saulsbury and Congressman Frnnklln Brockson told the Democrats what thoy ought to do to win. At tho snmo time the Progressives held a number of meetings nnd declared them selves to be tho only party which was actually for reform. Thomas W. Miller, the Republican can didate for Congress, talked to the voters In New Castle nnd later nt tho meeting of the First District Commltteo In Wil mington. The Rev. S. M. Morgan, who declined the nomination of tho Prohibition and Progressive parties for Congress, but con tinued as a candidate for Stato Senator, addressed nn open letter to James K. Caspcrson, the Democratic candidate In tho same district, nnd will nlso sond the letter to tho Republican candidate, ask ing htm his position on n number of questions. Including tempernnce and pub lic utilities. INDEPENDENCE HALL CLOCK AGAIN GOES ON STRIKE Hands Stop at 0:21 A. M. When Care taker Tinkers. The big clock In Independence Hall tower Is nt its old tricks ngaln. To!a nt"9:21 n. m.. It refused to push Its hand.-) any farther because William Gibbons, the caretaker, waa tinkering with the drums on which Its ttrong cables wind. The clock has been petted nnd combed and curried for more than two weeks, and It will be another week at least before the general overhauling which It Is under going will be completed. Although tepalrmen are making every effort not to Interfere with Ub duty, the clock evidently resents tho opera tion, for Its deep bell-voice and large round face occasloni'.'.y tell the public just how It feels. It Is an nrlstocratlc timenlece with a long pedigree and It has faithfully recorded the hours and minutes since It was presented to the city by Henry seyoeri, a weaiiny rmia delphlan, in 1878. VISIT HOUSE OF CORRECTION Councils' Committee Considering Ap propriation for 1015. An Inspection of the House of Coirec tlon at Holmesburg Is being made today by members uf Councils' Committee on Prisons and Corrections, who nlso are considering tho estimates for maintain ing the Institution during 1315. The estimate of maintenance expenses of the House of Correction for l'J15 Is 1104,275.50, or $2361.50 less than the amount appropriated to the Institution by Councils this year. The installation of new boilers and con duits to connect the heating plant with the Home for the Indigent at a cost of 116,000 last year made necessary greater appropriation than usual In 1914. GUNNER TREED j KILLED MAN Coroner' Jury Returns Verdict of Accidental Shooting, Max Kceft'i'. 112 I.'ust Tioga street, who shot William Goodall, 3312 North Hope street, last Saturday, causing his death a day later, waa exonerated from all blame at a Coroner's inquest today. A verdict of accidental shooting was re turned and tho man was reUUsed from custody. noodall was snot wnne tne two mer. were hunting sparrows near Front street and Erie avenue. Despite the sacrifice of a quart of blood by Mrs. Eva Sun helm. Doodah's sister, in an effort to save his life, tne man men. i Unable to Dredge Frnnkford Creek Plrector Norrls, of the Department of Wharves, Docks and Ferries, In reply to a latter from Common Council In refer once to tho dredging of Fraukford Creek, said the work could not be done by the city's dredging plant without seriously Interfering with the present plans of the department for dredging In the Schuyl kill and Delaware Rivers and the clean ing of docks. Ask for Election Overseers Petitions were presented to Court No. 5 today for the appointment of overseers in the 3d and ltth Divisions of the 25th Ward at next Tuesday's election. I'nder the law each part. upon proper petition. Is entitled to overseers. The pelltonu will be beard Thursday. T.Tim-PmT.APELPHlA, T.TTBBPAY, OCTOBER 27, 19 MOTHERS' CONGRESS OF PENNSYLVANIA OPENS TOMORROW Parent-Teachers' Association of Lancaster to Be Host of Organization Formed There Fifteen Years Ago. LANCASTER, Pa., Oct. 27. - A note worthy assemblage of women will begin In this city tomorrow, when the Pennsyl vania Congress of Mothers and Parent Teachers' Association, organised In this city In 1S99, will open a threo-day con vention. Tho first annual meeting was held hero the year following tho organisa tion of the body, and tho coming 16th arinunl convention will be held In Lan caster by Invitation of the Parent Tenchorn' Association of this city. Tho Iris Club, one of the leading women's clubs of eastern Pennsylvania, has Joined with the Parent-Teachers' Asso ciation to mako tho convention a suc cessful one. Nearly, If not quite, 100 delegates will be In attendance from nil parts of tho Htate representing many women's organ izations, nnd prominent women from other Btntes have signified their purpose to bo present. During tho convention thrco receptions will be tendered tho visitors, two being held at the Iris Club. These will be given by tho local branch of the Parent Teachers' Association nnd the Iris Club, and the other will bo given by the Woman Suffrage Club, which now has nearly 100 representative women of the city. Tho lnttcr reception will bo held nt the club headquarters In the Woolworth llulldlng. Tho morning sessions of tho conven tion will be held nt the administration building of the public schools, nnd tho nfternoon nnd evening sessions In the beautiful auditorium of tho Stevens High School. Tho convention will bo opened tomor row morning nt 11 o'clock with a board meotlng, and tho Statu Council will meet at 2 p. m followed by the first recep tion at the Iris Club house. That eve ning the welcome meotlng will be held, with Mrs. George K. Johnson. Stato president, of Philadelphia, as one of the principal spenkers. The Central Coun cil of tho Lancaster Mothers' Club will extend greetings, and Dr. J. G. Hocht, secretary of the State Board of Educa tion, will deliver an address. Among the speakers on Thursday will bo the Stato officers and State chairmen of committees, including Miss Mary Gar rett and Mrs. J. P. Mumford, of Philadel phia: Miss A. S. Richardson, on the sub ject of "Child Hygiene"; Mrs. C. P. Mercer nnd Mrs. Charles Gilpin, Jr., on "Mothers' Pensions." Other speakers at the congress will bo Dr. Lllllnn Johnson, of Pottsvllle. on "Work for Children In the Anthracite Region'" Mrs. William F. Young on "The Social Obligation of the High School"; Judge Isaac Johnson, of Media; Mrs. Frederic S"hoff, of Phila delphia, nntlonat president of tho Moth ers' Congress on "The Open Door"; Mrs. Anna AVlndle Pnlst on "Montessorl Work In Rome In 1914"; tho Rev. W. L. Ben nett, of Pottsvllle, who wl'l discuss tho needs of children In the hard coal re gions of Pennsylvania; Miss Alice K. Parker, 'supervisor of kindergartens In Pittsburgh, nnd Dr. W. I. Hull, sccre tnry of tho Pcnnsylvnnla Pcaco ana Arbitration Society. MISS NORA LAPPAN NOW LEADS FOR CARNIVAL QUEEN Exciting Popularity Contest Will End Thursday Night. Miss Norn Lappan Is the leader today in' a popularity contest for Queen of the Home Week and Mardl Gras of the North Philadelphia Business Men's Asso ciation. MIbh Lnppnn today overcame tho lead held by Miss Marjorle McDovItt nnd now heads the contest by 10 votes. Miss Vesta Strauss, now at third place, Is looked upon as a dark horse by those in the contest. She has risen to third plnce nlmost in a day, and contestants fear Bho may take the lend before to morrow. North Philadelphia mothers nro entering their children's names for tho baby pa rade to be held Thursday afternoon along Gormantown avenue, between Hunting Pari: and Wayne Junction, the scene of the Mnrdl Graa. The Judges will bo Mrs. S. F. Newcomb, Dr. Mary Rupert and Louis McCluskey. There will be a prize for every entrant In tho parade. It has been announced. Wlnnors of the popularity contest will be made known Thursday night, nnd the crowning of the Queen will take place Friday. The Mardl Gras closes Saturday night with a Halloween parade. WILD ANIMALS BOUND HERE Mixed Cargo of Steamship Will Be Shipped to Brooklyn. Somewhere In the Atlantic Ocean head ed for this port is the steamship West Point with one of tho largest assort ments of wild animal shipments ever sent here. There are seven lions, two elephants, 10 benrs, eight wolves. 30 monkeys, two deer, one llama, three zebras', one calf and one mule. The vessel Is due to arrive next week. She will dock at Pier 27, north wharves. After tho veterinarian attached to the Bureau of Animal Industry examines tho enrgo, the nnlmals wilt be shipped to the Bostock menagerie In Brooklyn. LODGE FOR "DAY OF REST" Wives nnd "Hubbies" May Each Do as They Flense. A man waa recently canvassing in Atchison, Kan., for members to organize a new lodge, which Is to be unique. It Is to be free of assessments, and only married men are eligible for membership. The order's purpose will bo to work for two "days of rest" every week, one to bo devoted to doing Just bb their wives please and the other to doing Just as they themselves please. SULZER SEES VICTORY He Has Murphy's "Little Boy Blue" Beaten, He Says. NEW YORK, Oct. 27-Wllllam Sulzer Is not going to withdraw from the Gov ernorship rare. He is as good as elected now. Ho said so himself yesterday. "I havo Murphy'B 'Little Boy Blue' Governor Qlynn-beaton by 100,000," said Mr SuUer. "I am running ahead of Whitman now. and I will beat him from 5o.00 to 100.000 on election day." Mr. Sulzer will devote the remainder of the i-ampalgu speaking In the metro politan district. r Bracelet Watches Th Hracflet Watch Is a pleatlnc and convenient acqulfllton tor all occaalon. We have th reliable kind guaranteed timekeepers. Ool.l Filled. 113.00 to IM.OO 14 kt Gold, J5.00 to 13.00 C. R. Smith & Son Market at Eighteenth Street EDWARD GR0SSCUP DEFENDS THE "SEVEN SISTERS' LAWS" Corporations Pay $2,420,3 1B.00 Tax, Sum Never Equaled Before. TRENTON, Oct. 27. Edward E. Gross cup, Democratic State chairman, In a statement Issued today referred to the famous "seven sisters' laws," which at tained nntlon-wlde prominence because they were vigorously supported by Presi dent Wilson, then Governor of New Jersey. The State chairman declares that, white the Republicans held the laws would cause corporations to lenvo the Stato nnd would cost a loss of Jl.000,000 to tho Com monwealth, the situation has been Just the contrary. Tho miscellaneous corpora tion tax collected thus far this year amounted to $2,476,815.03, the greatest sum ever collected from corporations In this State.. WILMINGTON GIVES ITALIAN ALLIANCE FREEDOM OF CITY Senator Saulsbury, Governor Miller and, Mayor Howell Wecome Host of Delegates to Triennial Convention. WILMINGTON. Del., Oct. 27. - Wcl coined by United States Senator Sauls bury, Governor Miller nnd Mnyor How til, the Italian-American Alliance today began Its triennial convention In this city. Delegates from nil parts of tho country nro present, nnd mntters of In terest to the Italian-Americans will be discussed. There was a business meeting this morning, which was largely spent In pre paring for work Inter on. One of the chief topics discussed will bo the Ameri canizing of tho Itnllnn who comes to this country to make his home. Dotegates on their nrrlval were wel comed by a committee. They were es corted to tho Hotel Dupont, which will bo tho headquarters and meeting place by a band. Carmen Dl Mare, of this city, Intro duced the speakers. Senator Saulsbury, Governor Miller and Mayor Howell all spoke In high terms of the Italian resi dents of this city nnd what they had accomplished. In I'sply to addresses of welcome Henry dl Bernrdlno, of Phila delphia, president of the Itnllnn-Amer-Ican Alliance, responded In Italian, nnd E. V. H. Nnrdl, of Phllndelphln, secretary of tho Alliance, spoke In English, thank ing the odlclnls for their wclcfome. This afternoon the delegates were taken on n sight-seeing trip about the city, nnd later In the afternoon were guests nt n luncheon tendered by tho members of the United Italian Societies of this city. Business meetings will be held each day. On Thursday evening there will be n banquet nt the Hotel du Pont, nt which the King of Italy will probably be repre sented by the Italian Ambassador to Washington. INDORSES CANNON'S RIVAL President Writes Letter Urging Re election of Representative O'Hair. WASHINGTON, Oct. 27. - President Wilson Joined In the fight against the election of ex-Spe.ikor Cannon, of Illi nois, by writing a letter Indorsing Rep resentative Frank T. O'Hnlr, who de feated Mr. Cannon nt the Inst election. Up to now the President tins not writ ten n letter In support of Roger Sulli van, Democrntic candidnte for the Sen nte. Mr. Wilson virtually finished his letter-writing campaign yesterday, send ing Indorsements to Democratic candi dates In Beverai Stntes. Ho has boon assured thnt the elections will result In Democratic majorities in tho Senate and House. BUSINESS MEN ELECT OFFICERS J. H. Bniley Chosen President of South Philadelphia Association. John H. Pnlley has been elected presi dent of tho South Philadelphia Business Mon's Association. Robert Aiken, Ray mond MncNellle, Jumps E. Lonnon, T. H". Mllner and Jnmes H. McNalley havo been chosen delegates to tho United Business Men's Association. Other oflcers elected at n meeting held last night were: Vice president Frank II. Tuft: recording secretary, John J. Guerln: executive secretary, James E. I.ennon: flnnnclnl sccretnry, Joseph W. Fox: directors, John H. Balzley. Ray mond Mac.Vcllle. Charles H. Schettsllne, Edwin R. Cox, Robert Aiken nnd Robert Smith. Youthful Musicians to Aid Refugees The Philadelphia Boys' and Girls' Oi chestm will glvo a concert Thanksgiving night In Wltherspoon Hall for the henettt of the Belgium refugees In Knslnnd. The orchestra Is composed of children whose average age Is 14 years. It appeared In benefits for the Titanic survivors In the Academy of Music and the Ohio flood vic tims In the Metropolitan Opera House. John Curtis. Jr.. Is the director of the youthful musicians. Would Move Carnegie Library The Carnegie Library, at 19th street nnd Chester avenue, will bo moved to Cedar Tark, If members of the Cedar Park Im provement Association nre able to carry through plans Indorsed at a meeting of the association held yesterday. Book lovers In that vicinity are anxiously awaiting the outepme of the movement. The 5-Dollar Values are more liberal than ever you pay nothing extra for the pleasanter surroundings of the New Bool Shop. Stef(5eru7a V5? 1420ChetnutSL "Where only the best is good enough." PRESIDENT TAKING THE "REST CURE" TILL ELECTION DAY Cabinet Meetings Suspended and Week Will Be Spent in Outdoor Recreation at Capital. WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.-Wlth virtually nil of his oulclftl family absent In the campaign which Is nearing its close, President Wilson abandoned the seml weekly Cabinet meeting today and no attempt will be made to get the Cabinet members together on Friday. In addi tion the President made It known that he Intended to seek complete rest for the remainder of this week and, Indeed, until he leaves here next Tuesday morn ing for Princeton, N. J., to -cast his vote. The President's nctlvlty In tne campai.. will bo confined entirely to the dispatch of letters of commendation to such Dem ocrats candidates as appear to have a hard fight on their hands. Ho adheres to his early decision not to appear In the battle personally and under no circum stances will he take the stump. Whllo the Chief Executive Intends to try out tho "rest cure" tor the next few days, he will not spend the time In the Whlto House altogether. As much of tho belated vacation as possible will be rpent In the open air, and each fine day will see him on the golf links of i one or .!,.. r t1, cfvcrnl country clubs. Tho Whlto House motorcars also will be kept busy, for several trips Into the Virginia nnd Maryland hills have been Planned. The President has accepted an Invitation to deliver tho dedicatory address at the unveiling of a memorial tablet here com memorating the 100th anniversary of the "treaty of Ghent" following the War of 1S12. The Invitation was extended to tho President by Russell Sturgis, of New York, representing tho American Institute of Architects, which will convene here In December. The tablet will be placed In the historic Octagon House, which the architects' society occupies as headquar ters. EMERGENCY COMMITTEE TO AID WAR VICTIMS Prominent Women Join Movement to Alleviate Distress in Europe. A campaign for the relief of distressed families In wnr-Btricken Europe, as well of the thousands of poor and unemployed In this city, whose condition has been aggravated by conditions on the other side of the ocean will be launched today ns a result of a meeting held at the home of Mrs. Ell K. Price, 1709 Walnut street. Representatives of the city's social and philanthropic circles, mostly women, were present at yesterday's meeting and pledged their support to the movement, organizing what has been designated as tho Emergency Relief Committee, which will direct the relief work on a large scale. This committee will direct and super vise the work already being done by vari ous charitable organizations, relief so cieties and women's club In the city. It will dlvldn Its work Into three parts, making and supplying garments for the distressed, both In this city and abroad: finding employment for those out of work In Philadelphia, and supplying money to the needy. No money will be sent abroad, and all money collected here for the re lief of war victims will be spent on clothes nnd supplies and shipped to France, Belgium. England. Germany, Russia and Scrvla. All goods will bear the label "Made In America." The central headquarters of the com mittee will bo at the home of George McFadden, 1113 Walnut street, who hna thrown open his doors to tho committee. The hendquarters will be formally opened noxt Friday morning, when the com mittee will gather for a meeting. The following officers and committees were elected yesterday: President. Mrs. A. J. Cassatt. Vice presidents Sirs. Charles Custls Harrison, Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson. Mrs. E. T. Stotcsbury, nnd Mrs. J. Willis Martin. Treasurer. Mrs. I.ormnn Jackson Sccretnry, Mrs. Edward K. Rowland. Tho genernl committee In charge of the work will have under Its supervision three subcommittees. Red Cross, Supply nnd Immediate Aid. Miss Henrietta Ely will head tho Red Croes Committee; Mrs. G. G. Meude Large will be In charge of nil contributions of clothing for the relief of families both here and In Europe. Mrs. Barclay H. Wnrburton will be the head of the Immediate Aid Committee Associat ed with her will be Mrs. John C. Groome, Mrs. Norman MacLeod, Mrs. John B. Townsend, Mrs. Willis Martin, Mrs. William J. Clothier nnd Mrs. George Qulntnrd Horwltz. Part of Stolen Chain Returned A portion of the watch chain belong ing to D. Lynn Magruder, of Bryn Mawr, who was held up nnd rohbed on October 14, will bo restored to him nt the Detec tive Bureau today. Part of the lost trinket was handed to Captain of Police CI. S. Tempest nt City Hall yesterday by Clatence B. Kell, chief master-at-arms at the Philadelphia Navy Yard Kell said the pieces were given him by a coal passer of the Missouri, who wns held last week accused of complicity In the hold-up. Mrs. Bryan Expects to Btump NEW YORK. Oct. 27. Woman suffrage headquarters announced today that Mrs. William Jennings Bryan would lead the noxt campaign for suffrage In New York State If the women of Nebraska win the vote In the coming election. 1014. SOUTH JERSEY YACHTSMEN FORMULATE NEW RULES Delogates Will Bo Able to Vote In National Association. Eight club of the 13 affiliated with the South Jersey Yacht Racing Asso ciation were- represented at a Pec' meeting of the Racing Commission last night at the Bellevue-Stratford, and plana were formulated whereby the dele gates will vote at the annual meeting or the American Power Boat Association. It was agreed upon by the delegates from the different clubs that they will vote for the two rules formed by the National Council of tho American Power Boat Association, which met In this city last week. The two rules conecrn the best manner In which to get to the true horeepower rating of a motorboat. These rules will be taken before the annual meeting to be voted upon for the Bet terment of the sport. There has been some talk concerning the establishment of the American Power Boat Association In this city and taking It away from New York. But for the betterment of the racing game the members of the South Jersey clubs will try to keep the mother organiza tion In Now York. One of the reasons advanced Is thnt tho Long Island Yacht Racing Association, which Is a big or ganization, contemplates Joining the A. T. M. A . hut if It Is moved to Phila delphia they will more than likely re- jman outside, tt wns nnnounertl that tho Lako George Regatta Commission has given to tho A. P. B. A. a cup to bo known ns the "Mile Trophy," to be raced for annually by hydroplanes. It Is similar to the "Gold Cup" and tho same rules will govern the contest. TEACHING THE CITY JDST WHAT'S "MADE IN PHILADELPHIA" Merchants and Manufactur ers Open Campaign to Give Industries a Great Push Forward. "Made in Philadelphia!" These three words, pocked with mean ing, were the threo best arguments of tho merchants and manufacturers of the city yesterday tho first day of tho week thnt Is to be given over to the business of convincing the public that Philadel phia Is one of the real workshops of the world. And, Judging from tho display put forth, they are a challenge calculated to make the business men of every other place In the world sit up and take notice. Much thnt Is fine Is made In Philadel phia, but In tho opinion of Phlladelpha'a enterprising men of bUBness, Just know ing that fact doesn't help the city much. "It pays to advertise," they say, and therefore this Is to be advertising week for nil the city's products. All hands have Joined in tho movement to spread the fame of tho Industrial out put, and the consequence Is that it will be an unobservant pedestrian Indeed who can walk half a block In any of the busi ness districts this week without having the merits of some Philadelphia-made ar ticle brought to his attention. From City Hall down to the smallest retail shop, the city's colors havo been fiung out In honor of "Made In Phila delphia Week." Tho department stores havo their windows dressed with mer chandise from local factories, nnd the up-to-the-minute smartness of the displays mako the hallowed marks "Made In Paris" or "Made In London" lose their cherished significance. Fifth avenue, the Rue de la Palx and Bond street "have nothing on" Walnut, Chestnut and Market streets. According to those who are back of the campaign, people do not know how versatile their home city is, industrially speaking. They do not know that every thing from a locomotive to a doll-baby Is made hero. How then can they expect the world to know it? "Mado in Philadelphia Week" is destined to bring this fact to their notice, but It is not the Intention of merchants and manufacturers to let them forget It after the week is over. Boosting Philadelphia's Industries, say they, is not to be a tem porary affair; nor Is it designed to stimu late home patronage alone. "Philadelphia goods, not only for Phlla delphlans, but for the whole world," is the slogan. WOMEN OPEN HEADQUARTERS Progressive League Will Be Ad dressed by McCormick Tomorrow. Campaign headquarters of the Woman's Progressive League, supporting the Wash Ington partv. Here opened today at 217 South Broad street. Tho formal opening will bf celebrated tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock, when Vance C. MtH'ormiek. candidate for Gov ernor, will speak. On Friday afternoon at the same hour Gifford Plnchot, Wash ington party nominee for tho United States Senate, will speak. Among others who nre to address the meetings are the Rev. Dl. Samuel 7.. Batten. Representa tive T. Henry Walnut and Samuel B. Scott NO MORE DUTCH CHEESE AMSTERDAM, (jet 27. -The export of :heese has been temporarily prohibited by pedal decree of the Queen. Most purchasers expect their LIGHT. ing Fixtures to last the rest of llieir life. Do Your P Avoid then the goods in which the greatest effort has been to make them as cheaply as possible; cheap goods are finally the dearest. Over 30 years' experience is our guar antee of first-class, well-made fixtures The Horn & Brannen Mfg. Co. Display Rooms and Workshop 427-433 N. Broad St. v Hort Walk Along Automobile Row 1 ... PALMER RIDDLES ONLY ARGUMENT PENROSE MAKES No Mexican Problem and European War Is Equiva lent to Tariff Wall, He Tells Montgomery Voters. NonniSTOW.V, Pa., Oct. 27.-Congres-man A. Mitchell Palmer, iflemocratlo candidate for United States Senator, ap pealed to tho political honor of more; than 1000 men hero Inst night to wipe the stnln of Penrose and fenroselsm from Pennsylvania. Senator Penrose ho re ferred to ns tho sole and only Issue In the present campaign In Pennsylvania. "Penrose has nfllrmed," he said, "that the vital Issues In this cnmpalgn wero tho tariff and the Mexican problem. There Is no longer a Mexican problem, thanks to our President, and as for the tariff why the war In Europe hns built ns high a tariff wall around tho United States as tho great wall In China. No goods are Imported and consequently our goods need no protection. The quarrel about tariff ratee Is out of date. Any Republican who wants a prohibitive tariff has one right now In this war." While again urging the necessity of getting rid of Blgolow nnd purging the State Highway Depnrtment Vnnco C. Mc Cormick, fusion nominee for Governor, ulso nssalled Penrose. 'I appeal to every Itepubllcnn with red blood In his veins to help rid tho Stnto of Penrose and to wipe out tho stain of Ponroselsm," he declared. Last night wns the big political night for N'orristown. While Mr. Palmer nnd Mr. MrCnrmli'fc tvprn unnnUIni? In Ilia.- Palace Itlnk, Doctor Brumbnugh nnii members of his campaign party were speaking In another part of tho city. JEWISH NATION THE KEY TO INTERNATIONAL POLITICS The Rev. Dr. Pettinglll Discusses Significance of European War. The Jewish nation Is tho key to In ternational politics and until this peo ple Is restored to Its own land there can be no world pcaco, is the opinion of Rev William L. Pettinglll, dean of thn Phllado'-rtila School of tho Bble nnd edi tor of sJorvlng-and-Walting, who dis cussed today the present conflict In Eu rope. " 'He shall cnuse them that come of Jacob to tako root.' " quoted Doctor Pet tinglll. " 'Israel si ! blossom and bud, and nil the face of the world with fruit.' The process by which Internntionnl penco Is to be brought about Is outlined re peatedly In the scriptures. In the 6th rsalm, for example, t.ie program Is given symbolically In the successive steps where the nations rage, the kingdoms aru I moved, God utters His voice and the earth melts." With the second coming of Jesus Christ, said the minister, universal pence will reign and there will he nn more warrlni? nations, although the progress of the world toward thnt goal will bo filled with tribulations such as the war which Is " now raging In Europe. The time will come, he predicted, when the Jews will ngaln dwell In their own land; nnd until then, universal peace cannot be. Th church will lend tho way In tho move ment which will precede the second com ing of Christ nnd .vhlch He said may begin at any time in this era when his tory Is quickly made. FARCE AS HOSPITAL BENEFIT Plays and Players and Barnstormers Will Produce "Paper Chase." "A Paper CImsc." an old-time farce, will bo produced for the benefit of the St. Luke's Hospital In the Bellevue-Stratford on Thursday. November 5. The cart will bp mndo up of members of the Plas and Players' Club and the Barnstormers of Itldlev Park. Among those who will take tho pnrt3 nre Mrs. Sophln Farr Gcddes, Miss Flor ence R. "cheotz. Henry C. Sheppard. Hei hert Lluvd Writ and S Arthur Love, Jr . of the Plays and Players' Club; Miss Eleanor Crane Bcftam and Walter A Haskell, of the Barnstormers. Miss Isa bel Welser will nlso take part. The pro duction will be staged by Hrnrv L. Fox of the Plays and Players' Club and the Barnstormers. A dance will follow the performance. Raises Havoc "Acid -Mouth" "Acid-Mouth" is the teeth's greatest mischief-maker. People wonder why it causes so much decay yet they can't see it. But you can see the sorry results of "Acid Mouth." Tiny cavities which super ficial tooth-cleanliness failed to prevent doubtless would not now disfigure your teeth had you used Pebeco Tooth Paste Pebeco neutralizes "Acid Mouth" and saves teeth by protecting the tooth-enamel. The undisguised, unsweet ened taste of Pebeco is proof of its startling efficiency. ' We tliemen lia- e l- kewp In Korxl pli steal condi tion My teth aused me tnu li trouble I'abii u made a hit with iiiu b v c it 1 It stopped dtcuy It made kocmI In u -I'llliiiK fHhfti Pebeco has the i a 1 I animus the ttr- flphwrs- b,--. mus it keeps teeth sound." Pebeco costs a bit more It comes in extra large tubes and use one-third of a brushful only. Manufactured by LEHN & FINK. New York , an llan ' ffr 1 and 3 St Helen Street, Montrr II J M in ri J