Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 27, 1914, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 4

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Hopes for Definite Decision
on a Plan to Use City
Funds to Give Work to the
.Organization Men's Abrupt So
licitude for Relief of Distress
Suspected of Being a Pre
Election Change of Heart.
The conference of city officials advo
cated by Mayor lllankcuburg to defor
ming definitely tlio means for releasing
tho Idle millions In the City Treasury
to provide work for tho unemployed dur
ing the coming winter will bo held within
the next two weeks.
.tohn I Connelly, chairman of the
pedal joint Councltmmilc committee,
named to devise means of furnishing re
lief to the unemployed, sold today that
ho nnd Select Councilman K, AW Pntton.
of the 27th Ward, would represent Coun
cils at the conference. Tho other mem
bers of tho conference will be Mayor
Rlankenburg, City Solicitor Ryan and
City Controller Walton.
A final settlement of the controversy
on tho amount of municipal funds avall-
nblo for contract and tho placing of
thoso funds under actual contract, sup
porters of the Administration declare,
. "will be accomplished if the Mayor re
ceives genuine co-operation and support
from tho members of the committee.
It Is unlikely, even It tho funds arc
made available by Councils In their sud
den .solicitous concern over tho unem
ployed, that moro than 5000 men could
bo put to work on actual construction
projects during the approaching winter
months, which are ordinarily unseason
able for such work.
Independent forces saw In tho abrupt
"relief" campaign of Councils a pre-election
activity. Mayor Blnnkcnburg. how
ever, attended ono meeting of the Coun
cllmanlc committee and mado the sug
gestion that will, If carried out, afford
genuine relief.
Among 230 Items from 13 past bond
issues are many small unexpended bal
ances that could be transferred to the
Sinking Fund and thus Increase the bor
rowing capacity of the city for other
Mayor Rlankenburg Is of tho opinion that
all funds that can be made available
would provide work for probably 6000
men this winter. H. M. Little, "octetary
of the Organized Charities, declared at
the last meeting of the C'ouncllmanlc
committee that the number of unemploy
ed men In Philadelphia, at prfent. was
only M.CO above the normal number of
B0.0O0 usually idle.
The character of work that would be
provided by the city would be principally
of a rough nature. Including construction
of highways,, sewers and extension of
water mains.
Director Porter, of the Department of
Public Safety, said that he could provide
employment for 300 or 400 men In tho
Electrical Bureau, on construction and
repair work. If funds were made avail
able. He could also Increase the pollco
force by SiO needed men.
Director Porter and Director Cooke, of
the Department of Public Works, are
now making efforts to avoid laying off.
through lack of funds, men now om
ploved. Director Harte. of tho Department of
Health and Charities, can employ 40 or
B0 additional men at the Holmesburg and
Byberry Institutions.
Tho Commissioners of Fairmount Park
can employ 6A) men on general work In
the Park and also put on full time many
of the men who re now on part time.
-Mayor Wankenburg pointed out today
that employment of 5n0"O men at 51 R0 a
day would rpoulre $7S,(W a day or HV) 0(0
a week and Jl . In four weeks Mayor
Rlankenburg may go to New York to
dlscues the mutter with Mayor Mltchel.
Forget Racial Antipathy and March
Sturdily Until Cold Chills Valor.
Perclval Ulaktly Vivian, simntth.it
English by desi-rnt. and Daniel Pattiui
Ttlley aneestrv specifications unnecessary
are heart and soul with the cause of
the Allies.
Sunday thev started for Europe. Todav
Percival Is at hut home, 112 West Yoik
street, and Daniel Is with his parrnts, at
2012 Dreer street.
Although both are messengers boys. H
vears old, employed by the Postal Com
pany, they could nut find New York. Thev
pot started In the wrong dlrt-i-tion and
reached Hatha res. uhen they decided
that marching wan not nhut it wan
pictured like In th "movies "
Perclval and Punlel were not friends
until they saw at a picture show an
Irish soldier shaking the hand of an
English soldier, while in the background
stood a Scotchman wearing little clothes
below the knees and an Indian in a tur
ban. It was then that Perclval and
Daniel forgot all grievances and decided
to enlist.
They took Mankets off their beds at
home, emptied their families' larders,
bad goad-by to a few friends nnd In
fnlnd started to New York to board a
ship while their feet went on the road
to Bethayres
Two night m the fields with a cold
wind whistling through leafless branches
and the straw.? noise that are on.y en
countered In the woods sent the boys on
a retre-U for home.
They are remit:? up from the effects
of the tramp and the interview with
their parents tuda. but Mill go back
on their old Jfh tomorrow.
Collision Near Altoona Caused by
Chauffeur's Failure to Hear Signal,
ALTOONA. Pa., OU. 27 -A Pennsylva.
nla Railroad local freight, eastbound.
atruek an autobus on the grade crossing
at Burns station on the Hollidaysburg,
branch three miles south of here today.
The following bus paaengera were
seriously injured:
iltAKK A. IfLIt'KINOKK. . Altouoa. twr
bto eutur, cKuouMlon of brain, frjtturu of
fkujl. Ucrau a ncrijui, Id huiiuil.
bnU4 sad abrasion lu twpltul.
CHOKOE WILSON, .'. duiufftur of bu. lac-
yftErtTaTtFi'LliH. t. DuBcasvi!!. shot,
ntn; WuUaa of Ul ao4 Uiwallon of fa u.
The bus makes hourly trips twtween
Alteona. and DuucansvHU. It was on its
way to Duncansvllle tim the collision
AL-curred. A sharp curie obscured the
'aiproacb. of the train until the bus (tag
ou the track, to reach which it is necs-
ftary to ascend a heavy grade. The none
f the bus drowned the sound of the
ctric bell which, warns travelers.
: was wrecked.
Conttnned from t'nire One
the support of tho local Progressiva
ticket, ho continued his attacks Upon
Penroselsm as a. blot unon national
The Colonel relumed to Unlontown In
time for i meeting at 2:30 this after
noon. Roosevelt started to celebrate hl
birthday at 8 o'clock by repeating his
vicious attacks upon Penrose to lOoO
workmen, who stood on box cars and
In the square on 5th avenue In McKees
port, the heart of ex-Congre-sman Dal
zsll's famous district.
William Flint!, of Pittsburgh. Joined the
party t McKeesport nnd rode with Roose
velt on the special train for the rest of
the day. It. . Uuay Is not with the
At Mononcaliela City 1200 school chil
dren greeted the chief Hull Moose, nnd at
i'oiiora tiflt) were at tho station when tho
( ololiel's campaign train pulled In.
"I have come Into Pennsylvania," said
the Colonel, In Charlorol, "to ask you men
to be true to yourselves, to your wives
find to the children who come after you
by finishing the work started two years
ago. We then started to throw out Pen
rose. We must finish tho work and smash
tho whole Penrose machine."
fully 2300 persons thronged tho station
platform to hear hint.
fifteen hundred school children who
wished to see tho Colonel at California,
arrived Just ns the train was pulling
out. ltonsevelt expressed his regrets nnd
went to his window to wave to them.
In a thrcc-mlnute speech at California
the Colonel said.
"t want you to help us In smashing
Penrose and tho whole Penrose machine.
1 want you. with the little citizens In
vour arms, to make this State better for
vour children and your children's chil
dren. One way you can do that Is by
supporting aifford Plnchot."
one issue in campaign.
At each of his stops today Roosevelt
plnlnly told the people that the Issue In
this campaign was Penrose.
"We must get ride of Penrose and the
bipartisan liquor-controlled machine that
puts acioss the things for which Pen
rose stands," he said.
Tho effect of Roosevelt's Invasion was
clearly shown yesterday and this morn
ing. It disclosed an antl-Penrose spntl-
ment that has been greatly underesti
mated. It has also shown that Booscvelt can
swing a big vote against Penrose, but
cannot arouse much enthusiasm for the
Washington party.
Hoosovelt himself gave tho following
estimate of the effect of hla first day's
trip after 15,000 persons stood in the rain
anil cheered him when he visited Wll
llamsport last night.
"I am perfectly astounded at what I
have seen today. I was prepared after
my visit to Erie to see things going well,
but tP.'.s is bigger than It was two years
ago. In my judgment we are going to
do better than we did two years ago, and
I really believe that Glfford Plnchot will
do better than I did In Pennsylvania two
years ago."
Plnchot's strength Is apparent In this
section of the State, but In Palmer's dis
trict Roosevelt made votes for Palmer. In
the Schuylkill region, where Roosevelt Is
personally very popular. Plnchot Is little
known. Antl-Pcnroso strength there Is
tremendous, but whether it will go for
Palmer or Plnchot Is still a matter of
A wonderful personal ovation has been
paid Roosevelt all along the route. Al
though the Progressive party organization
Is apparently stronger In all the counties
ho has mi far Invaded than It was In
1912, the party leaders themselves have
estimated that fully half the crouds have
gathered out of curiosity to see Roosevelt.
In three meetings at Wllllamsport last
night held In the Opera House. th
Court Huuse and In the square In front
of the Park Hotel, Roosevelt for the llrst
time during his Invasion abandoned his
attacks upon Penrose, the man, nnd upon
the Penrose machine In Pennsylvania, and
launched Into a discussion of the tariff.
"The Penrose tariff is a tariff which
favors almost entirely the manufacturer
and excludes the employe from Its bene
fits," he summed up.
He then discussed the workmen's com
pensation bill. "Penrose does not dare."
he said, "to place upon the statute books
of clthtr State or nation a Just compen
sation law because his masters and em
ployers who helped him with their money
to break into the t'nlted States Senate
will not permit him to do so. The Pen
rose system of protection means privilege
and jrraft. and their revulsion against the
vi hole j.stem which produces privilege
and graft."
Shot William
When Boy
Released on
Fled After
Parole After
Severe Reprimand
Policeman Frederick Kilmer, of the
Germantown station, was found guilty of
Involuntary manslaughter today In Quar
ter Sessions Court for shooting 17-year-old
William Murphy. 15H Sheldon stret,
last March JT. After the Jury had rend
ered Its verdict, Judgo Martin severely
criticised the bluecoat for using his re
volver when there was no more serious
charges against young Murphy than 'sky
larking'. Murphy and a number of friends had
been plHlug around the corners near
his homo when Kilmer and a sergeant
from the Herman town station dropped off
trolley cars and tried to head them oft.
Wltn the others. Murphy lied. Kilmer
chased him. and when lie saw the lad
wan escaping opened tire. The bullet
penetrated the back of Murphy's head,
killing him almust instantly.
"A man of jour sort Is not a safe man
to have a revolver," said Judge Martin
iv Kilmer. "It made no difference If this
crowd of boys were singing and making
a racket, you had no right to resort to
the use of jour revolver under any cir
cumstances, even if they were trying to
"Men are chocen for the police force
because they are supposed to be cool
headeii and do not get excited under con
ditions that would effect some other per
sons. It is plain, however, that sou. In
stead of keeping your head, get excited
or angry. You evidently tirtll in the air
in this case, but when this boy did not
stop jou got angry and then trlefl to
wlruc him. When policemen get the Jm
pesloii that they can draw their re
.lers on any occasion it becomes a
fcrtat danger to the community "
Judge Martin postponed sentence, pend
ing his investigation of Kilmer's oollca
record, and pahollng Kilmer In the u
tody of Police LUuUnant Buchanan, of
the Geraiantown station, Kilmer ia un
der suspension by the police board.
Promises Immediate Re
organization of State High
way Department on Trium
phant Tour of Democratic
rsosi i srrr connEsro.NHH.sr
WOMELSDORF, Pa, Oct. 2T.-Escort-
ed by a party In 10 automobiles decorat
ed tilth Hags, Dr. Mai tin O. Brumbaugh,
Republican candidate for Coventor, mado
a triumphant tour through Berks County,
a Democratic stronghold, today.
In spite of the sudden cold which made
otitdoot campaigning uncomfortable, an
enthusiastic greeting was glien Doctor
Brumbaugh nt tho live towns between
here and Reading where stops were
Better roads for tho farmers was tho
keynote of Doctor Brumbaugh's speeches.
Ho told the people frankly that condi
tions In the State Highway Department
nt present were not what they should
be. One of his first ofllclal acts when
elected, he declared, would be the thor
ough reorganization of the Highway De
partment from tho standpoint of ein
clency Instead of politics. One hundred
cents worth of service for every dollar
spent on the roads must bo given by
those In charge of our highways, ho de
clared, and to this end ho promised cap
able men instead of politicians would Im
mediately be placed In the responsible
When Dnetor Brumbaugh alighted from
the train at Reading this morning ho was
greeted by a reception committee, on
which there were seven of his relatives.
A member of the committee had com
posed tho following song, which was sung
ut the station In honor of the candidate.
"Bring In your votes for Brumbaugh; he
Is the man you're look for, we will
bring back to good old times.
Wo will boost our man today; may he
bring success our way on the com
ing election day."
Among those at the station were J. II.
dimming"!, president of the Stetson Hat
Company: Mayor Irn W. Strntton, ex
Mayor William F. Shannaman. County
Commissioner Eugene I. Snnds, J. Urum
bach, president of the Penn National
Bank, nnd Republican County Chairman
Dr. C. D. Werley.
The party mtde stops nt Wyomlsslng,
Shllllngton, Wernorsvllle and Robcsonla.
This afternoon Kutztown Is the princi
pal town on the Itinerary. Hero Doctor
Brumbaugh addressed students of the
State Normal School. Asldo from pledg
ing legislation to benefit the farmer di
rectly. Doctor Brumbaugh declared that
Pennsylvania must hnve local option, a
worklngman's compensation law, better
child labor regulations and legislation
providing shorter hours for working
Cemetery to Pnschall avenue, via Pas
chall avenue to Grays Ferry avenue,
via Gray's Ferry avenue to Woodland
avenue, via Woodland avenue and for a
short distance via private light of way
to Darby.
The cost thereof will bo $1,100,000.
H A subway-elevated line extending
from a connection with the delivery loop
at City Hall Station, under the Park
way to North 23th street, thence via
North 2Dth street to Henry avenue, to
The cost thereof will be J3.500.000.
He calls attention to tho necessity of
preparing for tho construction of this line
by the opening of the Parkway, by the
grading of Henry avenue and by the con
struction of the Henry avenue bridge over
the valley of the Wlssahlckon.
Tho construction of this line will have
to be deferred until this preliminary work
Is accomplished.
The cost of the first throe mentioned
lines will be H5.90.0u0.
Director Taylor and tho management
of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Com
pany have agreed upon a program for
"transit development" whereunder the
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company as
sumes to equip nnd operate these munic
ipally owned high-speed lines. If and when
built, In conjunction with the present sub
way, elevated and surface lines of the
city In a manner which will furnish
tho people of Philadelphia with rapid
transit facilities between all Important
sections of the city and enable the peo
ple to travel from practically every point
inutile city to every other point in the
city, quickly, conveniently and comfort
ably, for one E-cent fare by the Joint use
of existing surface and hlgh-bpeed lines
In conjunction with the municipally own
ed high-speed lines.
In securing the Philadelphia Rapid
Ttanslt co-operation to the extent pro
vided In the program It has been ar
ranged that the Philadelphia Rapid
Transit Company shall be protected out
of the earnings of tho municipally owned
high-speed lines to nn extent sufficient
ti, nffspt ,-inv lofcs In its exlstlmc net i
earnings which the Philadelphia Rapid '
Transit Company may suffer by reason
of the net diversion of Its existing net
Income to the municipally owned high
speed lines, rejultlni from participation
In the co-operative program. Director
Taylor has thus very properly gone the
limit of fairness.
Under the terms of tho program, the
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company
undertakes to ellmlnato the S-cent ex.
change tickets, which are highly discrim
inatory against persons and localities and
which many leading members of the bar
have branded as Illegal, and to Issue free i jund requirements prescribed by the Con
transfers in their fctead. I stltutlonal amendment. Jn any event this
The carrying out of the program now
awaits the action of City Councils on the
one part and tht action of the stock
holders of the Union Traction Company
on the other part.
The time has come for Councllmen
and Union Traction stockholdeis to heed
the voice of the people of Philadelphia.
A prompt decision on their part is de
manded by the public.
The program provides, among other
things, that the Union Traction Com
pany will be relied upon to aid In se
curing only such funds as will be re
quired for the normal extension of the
existing system, which hill be greatly
lessened by the establishment of the
new high-speed lines.
The par value of the Union Traction
stock is JW per share, of which amount
only in SO has actually been paid in.
Therefore, there remains an obligation
on each stockholder to pay the remain
der, namely. ?32W per share, when and
as called for by the board of directors
Kach stockholder is peisonally liable for
and bound to make such payments un
der the laws of the State of Pennsyl
vania. Jt has, been stated that the normal
requirements for the extension of the
Provisional Appointee Finished Sec
ond In Competitive Examinations,
Director Harto, of the Department of
Publlo Health and Charities, today ap
pointed Dr. Joseph C. Doane as chief
resident physician of the Philadelphia
General Hospital nt a salary of $1000 a
year. Doctor Doane has been provisional
appoln)ce for soma months. He came to
this city from tho Miners' Hospital at
A civil service examination was held
some time ago for the post, and Doctor
Doane stood second with an average of
E6.I5. First on the list was Dr, Chnrles
F. Sanborn, of tho City Hospital, Cin
cinnati. His average, 53.02 per cent.. Is
looked upon by physicians as remarkably
good. Doctor Harte said today that Doc
tor Sanborn woh unavailable. v
The former chief resident at tho Phlla
delphln General Hospital was Dr. Henrj
Sykes. Among those who took tho civil
service examination, In which tho rcsl
denco clause was waived, were Drs. Mark
1j. Fleming, of the Bellcvuc Hospital,
New York, and Robert C. Crumpton, of
St. lake's Hospital, Chicago.
Continued from fane One ,
In a pocket In the drift Harris found 15
dazed and Injured minors. He led them
out an adjoining drift untouched by the
Immediately after tho explosion, word
was sent to the mine rescue Btatlons at
Benton, HI., and St. Louis, nnd soon
special trains from thoso points were
rushing to Royalton with their rescue
crews. When the extent of tho accident
became known, the mine officials saw
that the two crews would be unable to
handle the situation, and word was then
sent to Sprlngllold, III., which Is a con
siderable distance from hero, to send a
rescue crew from tho station there.
The mine was one of tho largest nnd
richest In the Big Muddy district nnd
southern Illinois, producing the finest
quality of coal In the Middle AVest. The
shaft was comparatively new, having
boon sunk less than ten years ago. it
was nenr the famous Loiter mine nt Zlog
ler, which was wrecked several years ago
by an explosion charged to persons con
nected with labor disturbances while tho
tnlno was being operated by non-union
Death by Express Train in North
Jersey Announced Today.
Dr. Walter II. Green, a wall-known
Philadelphia pliyniclnn nnd medical In
spector, was killed Sunday night by an
express train near Bollemead, Somerset
County, N. J., it was announced today.
Somerset County officials believe Doctor
Green wandered to the Reading Railway
tracks from a sanatorium at Beltemcad,
where he was a patient.
Doctor Green was born In New Jersey,
the son of tho lnte Judge Edward T.
Green. He received his medical train
ing at Princeton University and tho Uni
versity of Pennsylvania. He was resi
dent physician at the Presbyterian Hos
pital and subsequently accepted an ap
pointment with the Pennsylvania Hos
pital. Later he became medical Inspector
In the Bureau of Health. In 1S9I he was
appointed port physician by former
Judge Abraham M. Bottler.
existing surface system will amount to
about JSOO.OOO per year. If this be cor
rect, tnn the Union Traction Company
stockholders would only have to Invest
or turn back Into the property annually
for the time being 1800,000, or an amount
equal to about one-half at their annual
rental of Jl. 800,000, upon which money so
Invested or turned back Into the prop
erty they would be allowed Interest at
the rate of 6 per cent. In addition to
their present dividends.
HOLDER. In other words, It would simply mean
that each Union Traction stockholder
would reinvest at C per cent, one-half the
dividend which he receives.
The city now Is in shape to proceed with
its part under the terms of tho "pro
gram." The amount of money Involved
In constructing tho first mentioned lines
Id (15,900,000, upon which to secure this
money the city's annually Increasing
borrowing capacity and the added bor
rowing capacity provided by the personal
property tax act in the amount of 33,
000,000, plus the annual lucrcaso thereof,
will be available.
The pending constitutional amendment
will still further increase tho city's bor
rowing cnpaclty by about JGO.000.000. It
provides for the payment of Interest ac
cruing during the constructive period out
of loan funds. Instead of out of current
revenue, and permits the city to issuo 60
j ear bonds Instead of 30-year bonds,
thus cutting down the annual sinking
fund requirements from 214 per cent, to
1 per cent. Several other Important fea
tures are also Included, This amendment
will be acted upon by the Legislature at
the forthcoming session and finally by
tho people In the general election In No
vember, 1915.
The city's part In the undertaking as
outlined only involves the raising of ?13,-
i 02,030 during a period of four year'
(little of this money will be required dur
ing tho first year). The maximum total
i ultimate annual charge thereon (sinking
fund payments Included) would be Ch per
cent. on the cost,
if the Constitutional
amendment nere to fall of adoption. This
total annual charge, however, will be
reduced by the adoption of the Constitu
tional amendment enabling the city to
issue W-ytar bonds instead of 30-yeur
bonds, to an average of t per cent, of
the cost. Taking the basis of 6H Per
cent, per annum, the total maximum pos
sible fixed charge, including (.Inking fund
puyments, required to discharge the en
tire Indebtedness representing the total
cost of tho lines within the term of the
bond issue, would be J3,M3,KO per year,
and it is practically certain that t.-.o
average fixed charge will be reduced to
J2.295.00O ner year under the new sinking;
annual nxea cmirse win oe onset uy me
following Items:
(1) The net earnings produced by the
operation of the facilities, in excess of
reasonable payments allowed the oper
ator. (2) By the increase In tax collections
resulting from Increase of taxable valu
ation of real estate, produced by the con
struction and operation of the new high
speed lines, probably ll.OOO.OCO per annum
and upward.
(3) By the value of time saved the
traveling public In Philadelphia, which,
on basis of 15 cents per hour, would
amount to upward of 11,939,000 per annum.
(4) By the elimination of the exchange
ticket charge, which Is now Imposed upon
the public, amounting to upward of
&lO,G00 per annum.
(5) By the I mill tax on personal prop
erty, formerly collected by the State and
surrendered by the State under recent
legislation to the city as a practlca isub
sidy in aid of transit development, 1 early
$510,000 per annum,
(O By the operation of the sinking
fund in discharging the total cost of the
lints within the terms of the toia u
sue, to the end that Phjl4lphi. will way depend largely on ths Union Trao
thu ultimately be in po.sesslos ot these tioa stockholders.
Mrs. John Loman Points Out
to Philadelphia Workers
the Importance of Element
ary Instruction.
The most important work done In tho
Sunday schools Is the teaching of ele
mentary pupils, was an opinion advanced
this afternoon by Mrs. John Loman.
diocesan visitor of Episcopal Sunday
schools, In an address beforo a large
number of Philadelphia workers In at
tendance at tno "elementary day" ses
sion of the Philadelphia County Sunday
School Association, In Messiah Luthoran
Church, ICth and Jefferson streets. For
this reason, Mrs. Loman showed the Im
portance of teachers In the elementary
schools being trained to teach tho truths
of tho Blblo to the children, nnd not
simply to act as caretakers of tho little
folk for an hour a week, as was cus
tomary years ago. She said In part:
"In tho 19th century, when a teacher
was needed for the primary department
(which generally Included children from
3 to 13 years of ago), tho question was
asked, 'Will you teach?' which meant,
'Will ou come to the Sunday school for
ono hour on Sunday and keep tho chil
dren quiet with a hymn and a. story? Do
the best you can."
"Now, happily, this Is changed and
the question of tho 20th century Is. 'Can
you teach? Have you tho ability to
plant seeds of truth In the fresh young
"God longs unspeakably that His plan
for each young soul bo carefully worked
out, and to tho elementary teacher Is
given tho Inestimable privilege of laying
the foundation stones of Christian char
acter, "Careful training Is needed for God's
fellow-workers, for the education of souls
cannot be accomplished without prayer
ful preparation. An untrained teacher
taught a lesson to a class of 6-year-olds
on the Pauline Epistles tho trained
teacher teaches them of the Heavenly
Father's love and caro.
"An untrained teacher looked upon her
class ns 'a lot of little dumb animals
they won't talk or sing' and taught them
In thnt spirit.
"The trained teacher saw In that class
beautiful plastic material to bo made tit
for tho Master's use, and poured out her
love in her teaching.
"Know tho child, know the lesson, honor
tho high calling of 'God's helper' nnd
blessings will crown your efforts."
Following Mrs. Loman's address, the
workers Joined In a discussion of the
subject, with Mrs. Emtlle F. Kearney as
leader. Sectional conferences woro then
held until the luncheon hour. Tho
speakers at these were Miss Josephine
Kesslcr, Mrs. M. J. Baldwin, Miss Cora
N. Coates and Miss Roso Russell.
Tho main speaker nt the evening ses
sion will be Mrs. Robert N. AVarlng, of
Nownrk, N. J. At the closo of her ad
dress on the problem of preparing and
presenting the progrnm for the sessions
of tho schools, more sectional ' confer
ences are to convene.
lines free of debt as a great Income pro
durlng municipal asset.
(7) By the many brond advantages
which will nccrue to tho city, traveling
rubllc, property owners and the people
In general, resultant from the establish
ment of an adequate nnd efficient trans
portation system.
Leaving out of consideration the in
come produced and tccured to tho city
by the operation of the municipal lines,
we shall thus have indirect but tangible
and permanent return to the city and to
the citizens, totaling upward of $1,309,000
per annum, to offset an annual fixed
charge of only $2,293,000, which Includes
payment of the total cost of construc
tion during the term of the municipal
bend issue. This annual charge will
disappear with the extinguishment of
the bonds.
Director Taylor Is right In urging
that there shall be no delay In estab
lishing the recommended high-speed lines
and operation thereof In a manner which
Is essential to the welfare of the people
of Philadelphia.
If the existing companies fall to
promptly Join together and accept the
generous protection afforded by tho
terms of the program, the citizens of
Philadelphia will establish the high
speed system regardless of that fact.
The orfly change In plans necessary' will
be provision for a Chestnut street sub
way to connect the Frankford nnd Wood
land nvenuo elevated line, Instead of
their being connected with the present
Market street subway-elevated lino
through the business district,
Tho delay on the part of the Union
Traction stockholders In ratifying the
program for transit development Is In
viting a disaster to that company which
Philadelphia has gone to the limit to pre
vent. The Union Traction Company
stockholders now receive a rental of $1,
500,000 per year on their 600,000 shares of
capital stock, of par value of $30,000,000,
Upon which there has only been paid in
$17.69 per share, or a gross amount of
$10,500,000. Each stockholder Is therefore
In receipt of dividends amounting to 17.15
per cent, on the actual cabIi payments to
the treasury which his shares represent.
If the city Is forced to proceed In estab
lishing its own rapid transit facilities,
without Union Traction Company or Phil
adelphia Rapid Transit Company co
operation, the Philadelphia Rapid Transit
Company will be annihilated by com
ft!tlon. the lease of the Union Traction
Company to the Philadelphia Rapid Tran
sit Company will be wiped out and the
Union Traction Company will be forced
to take back Its property, shorn of the
advantages accruing to It under the 1907
contract between the Philadelphia Rapid
Transit Company and the city. It win
also be shorn of the large volume of
traffic earnings diverted by the com
petitive high-speed lines and confronted
with the certainty that no distribution
of profits to the extent of 17.15 per cent,
on the paid In value of the capital stock
would ever again be permitted by the
Public Service Commission of the State
of Pennsylvania In the absence of the
present lease or contract with the Phila
delphia Rapid Transit Company, which
U the sole possible legal Justification for
that exorbitant return on the investment.
Furthermore, In the event of dissolu
tion of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit
Company the Union Traction stockhold
ers would be Immediately called upon
to assume the outstanding obligations
Of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Com
pany which they have guaranteed.
The people of Philadelphia expqct the
existing companies to co-operate with
them in establishing the rapid transit
system; In return they will affotd tho
existing companies protection against
loss In their net Income, which will re
sult from tho carrying out of the co
operative program establishing the new
if the existing companies do (tot want
this nrotectlon. tho rltv will o- at,..,.
I any way, one way or the other. Which
Spaco Will be Provided for Handling
Largo Amount of Mnll.
Work on tho proposed alterations In
the Postofllco Building, at 9th and Mar
ket streets, will bo started In the near
luture, according to an announcement
made today by Postmaster John A,
Thornton, For several days agents of
tho PoslofTlco Department from Wash
ington have been In the city looking over
the local postofllco and deciding on cer
tain alterations to give more space for
handling a larger amount of mall.
According to tho plans, the money
crder department, now on tho second
floor, and the postal savings depart
ment, at the 9th and Chestnut streets
comer of tho building, will occupy the
quarters of tho parcels poet deportment
ot 9th and Market streets. These two
departments will be In charge of Tirno
thy J. Koohane, superintendent of
Tho parcel post department will be
removed to the new parcels post station
at 22d and Market streets, although pack
ages will be received at tho central of
The space vacated by tho postal sav
ings bank department nt 9th and Chest
nut streets will bo occupied by tho In
quiry department. Much of tho business
of the Inquiry department will bo trans
aclod on a mezzanine floor, which will
be built along the Chestnut street side,
but nn office will bo kopt on tho main
floor to receive publlo complaints,
A large platform giving 40 feet of ad
ditional space will bo built along the rear
of the Postoffice, where the wagons and
motortrucks load mall for distribution.
This change will facilitate tho handling
of the Christmas rush.
City Hall Pavilion a Revela
tion of Self-sacrifice of
Givers to War's Helpless
If you want to bo Imbued with the real
Christmas spirit; to seo exemplified tho
real principle of generous giving, tho
giving which represents a sacrifice and
which takes no thought of a gift to be
received In return, then pay a visit to
the Christmas ship pavilion In the City
Hall court, where overflowing the count
ers nnd piled celling high are packages
and crates of contributions for the young
sters of warring Europe.
You wouldn't bellevo that any such
things ns "hard times" or "flnnncinl de
pression" were In existence, nnd yet, ac
cording to the officials of the Child Feder
ation, it Is Just those people least en
dowed with this world's goods who nro
giving the most.
Five and ten dollar bills aro being
dropped Into the contribution bowls as
though thoso precious notes grew on
trees In the streets. Expensive blankets
ami woolen ii. t'er.vear nnd "titer gar
ments which cannot be bought for a
song are being carried In in cartloads.
Tho parcel post automobile and hugo
trucks from all of tho express companies
crowd each other out of the way In nn
endeavor to deposit their butdens. Llttlo
pushenrts bearing gifts wedge their way
In and help mnke tho pavilion seem tho
busiest llttlo Santa Claus workshop ever
dreamed of. Never has City Hall court
seen such a sight before.
From all over the Stato nnd from many
of the bordering States tho gifts aro
coming. Even the State Asylum for the
Insano is represented nmong the con
tributors. This morning the Pennsylva
nia Institute for the Deaf and Dumb
sent a box containing one half dozen
warm caps and a half dozen equally warm
sweaters. In fact, there Is scarcely a
school or an institution within a hundred
miles of Philadelphia which has not given.
Mrs. Thomas Robins and her corps of
assistants are doing their very best to
keep their heads lovel in an endeavor to
meet the onrush with equanimity and to
keep from being swamped by It. Pack
ages are being snipped open feverishly
nnd hatchets are being used to make
huge crates yield their contents.
The sounds of Industry fill the air. In
addition to opening the packages every
single article, from the tiniest baby sock
to the large blankets. Is being listed. This
means work, and work is being done.
Prospective contributors are still cry
ing for more time.
"Do not close the pavilion tomorrow
afternoon," say they, "and the orphans
tvlll receive even more presents."
And then the Child Federation la put
to the task of explaining that to close the
pavilion on the 2Sth Is necessary for the
success of the expedition. The task of
delivering the gifts to the various coun
tries Is going to be such a very colossal
one that time will be needed in order to
have them reach each and every child
on Christmas morn.
Bordeaux will be the port of entry for
France. Germany will be served by Rot
terdam. Belgium will be taken care of
by England, but Russia, Austria and
Scrvla present problems. Negotiations
with the Swedish and Norwegian Minis
ters are In order at present to see If It
will be possible to reach the Czar's chil
dren across the Finnish frontier by way
of Bergen. The Servian remembrances
will go Into the Greek port of Salonika,
and It Is thought that the Austrian
youngsters will be served through
Trieste, though the mined Adriatic pre
sents ilfllcultles. But it doesn't seem
too mucli to expect that the good ship
Jason freighted with her precious cargq
will sail safely In, watched by some spe
cial guardian angel, and no little child
even In the most Impenetrable belliger
ent nation will be disappointed.
2SO Women Attend 2J.6t Annual Con
ventlon In Roxborough,
Two hundred and fifty delegates from
Alentown, Hatboro. Coatesville, Oxford
and this city are attending the 21st an
nual convention of the Woman's Relief
Corps of the G. A. R., which opened this
morning In G. A. R. Hall, Fountain street,
Mrs. Margaret Scott, president of the
Hetty A. Jones Relief Corps, No. 121,
of Roxborough, pieslded at the morning
session, and reports showing an increased
membership were read. Tonight the or
ganlzatfon will hold a campfire In the
G. A II. Hall.
Funeral of George S. Dedler
The funeral of George S. Dedler, a
Civil War vettran. serving In tho I21t
Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers,
who died last Saturday, will take place
Wednesday afternoon, from tits ute home
In Wayne. Mr Dedler was a member of
the Oreble Post, No. 10, a. A. R , the
Colonel Owen Jones Post, No, 691, G. A.
R., apd the Choctaw Tribe, I. O. R. M.,
of Bryn Mawr, A military guard of honor
will be present at the funeral.
Kensington Textile Men
Deprecate His Speeches
Shopkeepers Cheerful, hut
a Few Manufacturers Dis
approve Evening Ledger.
"Calamity howlera," of whom the chief
is United States Senator Doles Penrose
are responsible for tho comparatively
slight business depression exletlng In
Kensington, Philadelphia's vast textile
dstrlct, accordlng to bankers, bu.in-i!
men and workers.
PnnrnVA la L.I.. ,.,,
--....,. . u,K unnciseu today In
Kensington oven by tho men who declare
the r Intention of voting for him In th!
belief that he will protect business Inter
csts. His talks of business depress on
these men say. aro doing moro than any-'
thing clso to hurt conditions.
Comparison of tho conditions existing
now In Kensington with tho records of
employment, bank deposits and mill,
working In 1910, not to mention the pan le
years of 1907 nnd 1903, Indicate that Ken
slnglon Is not experiencing hard times
Short-tlmo schedules are being used at
many of the mills, but this docs not
mean that the workers nro being sub
jected to hnrdshlpa. The averago toxtlls
worker on short tlmo Is working fiva
days a week. Comparatively few have
been laid off, and none of the really largo
mills has been closed.
Bankers nnd otherB In a position to
know, even some of those who will vote
for Penrose, openly declare that two
things are responsible for any depression
that may exist nt present. Tho first Is
Henrose nnd his speeches nnd the second
Is tho lack of Initiative on tho part of
tho business men, they assert.
Most of tho plants closed In Kensington
nro those of small firms employing on the
average about 20 workers. Careful In
vestigation by the Evening I.EnaEn In
dicates that 75 per cent, of tho 100,000
textile workers nre on short time, aver
aging four or five days a week. Rec
ords show that in the panic years and
In somo Instances In 1910 theso workers
were laid off altogether.
Small storekeepers In Kensington laugh
at the 'Idea of business depression, They
say their sales show a natural Increase.
Tho same thing applies to the moving
picture houses, nil of which are dplng a
good business. Restaurant proprietors
also declare thoy see no reason to ob
ject to present-day conditions.
Somo of tho Inrgor business men In
Kensington criticise the Evenino LEDOEn
for its fight on Penrose and Penroselsm.
A typical Instance Is tho statement made
by John W. Snowdon, vlco president and
general manager of the Stoad & Miller
Company, manufacturers of upholstery
nnd draperies, at Cambria and Lelthgow
streets, He said:
"I won't tell you whether wo are work
ing on half time, full time or what we
aro doing. I never speak to the Ledger.
I don't like tho Ledger because of Its
nttltudo toward Senator Penrose.
Harry Lonsdale, of F. A. Bochmann
Company Inc., dress goods, 2d and Cam
bria streets, said:
' Wo havo dropped many men. The
present depression is due to the tinkering
with the tariff, attacking Penrose, too
much legislation and restrictions on the
Investigation nt the Bochmann plant
led to the Information that but few of
tho workers have been "dropped." Most
of them aro on short tlmo. Mr. Lons
dale declined to give nny figures ns to
the number of employes now as compared
to records ot 1907, 1903 and 1910,
Many manufacturers were seen nt tho
Cosmopolitan Club, Lehigh avenue and
2d street, frequented by textllo men. The
statement of Thomas J. Keon of the firm
of Pollltz, Le Fort & Keon, manufac
turers of Inco curtains, nt 3d street and
Columbia avenue. Is as follows:
" Republican change nt the present
time wouldn't help. Things could be
worse. I bellevo that with the change of
weather conditions will change The
weather often plays an Important part
In the business world. Wo aro paying
better wages now than before.
"I know of many who said they were
going to close their plants, but they
haven't so far. Chicago Is giving our firm
n better trade than ever before I be
lieve the conditions have been exagger
ated. This calamity talk must cease.
It might be well to find out how many
mill hands paid $ each for world's serUJ
tickets. I don't know of a single plant
that has been closed. We now employ 250
persons. They am working on three
quarters time, but with the change of
weather I feel certain that business will
pick up."
A similarly optimistic statement Is
made by I,eon Worms president of the
Lehigh Silk Hosiery Company, of Jasper
and Orleans street.
"All our regular help Is working." said
Mr. Worm?. "We have bought new ma
chinery. Our force Is working on full
time. Calamity howlers aro Injuring
business a great deal. There may be a
little depression, but why do political
speakers continue to give that feature
publicity? We haven't discharged any of
our help since this depression talk start
ed. Business Is better today than In
1107 and 1903."
Woodland Avenue Business Men
Take Option on Building.
An option has ben taken on the Wil
liam II. Whltely property at Main and
Summit streets Darby, by business men
of Woodland avenue, who are organlzln
the Delaware County General Hospital
The property Is valued ut $30,000. ."so
alterations will be made and the property
will not be purchased until $75,000
nl.nl At til . t mil 110.000 I1SS U"
pledged. An organisation meeting
stockholders will be held within
Borrowed Hammer Leads to Arrest
A borrowed hammer led to the arrest
of Frank Bucky. 33 years old. 3 Baynton
street, who was arraigned before Magis
trate Pennock In the Germantown sta
tion today on the charge of carrying con
cealed weapons.
Bucky was working in a sewer -0 fee'
below the ground, at 65th avenue ana
Montrose street, early today, wlien
Walter Murray, 1520 St. Luke street, callea
and asked him to return the hammer n
borrowed last week. A dispute followea
and Special Policeman Konlg arreswo
Burning Leaves Ignite Shed Roo'
Children burning leaves set lire to
chicken coop on the grounds of Benja
min, W. Greer In WUUr street tods
A puff of wind blew some of the burn
ing leaves on the roof M the tf"cturir;
The blaze waa sgoa ubilueil by th
-f- In '! wHiTti i VraCTfr-A MSMWiii