NIGHT EXTRA ICefrger NIGHT EXTRA tfttttt0 VOL. l-NO. 38 FRENCH PUSH ENEMY BACK ACROSS LINE NEAR NANCY Sudden Offensive Move Made on Right Wing Is Sucessful, Paris Re ports, and Germans Lose Artillery Duel. Allies Make Progress Be tween Ypres and Roulers, While Belgians and British Hold Invaders Between Dixmude and Nieuport. Battle in Belgium Now Raging Most Fiercely on Lower Reaches of Yser Southward to Region of Lens in France. The French have taken the offensive east of Nancy and have driven the Germans back across their own fron tier, asserts an official report issued in Paris today. This flatly contradicts the Berlin reports, which declare that the French right wing has been driven back, leaving the fortress of Verdun isolated. In Belgian, it is stated, the Allies have made progress between Ypres and Roulers. This also is in direct contradiction to the German version. It is further asserted that around Soissons and Berry-au-Bac, in the centre, the French have won in an artillery duel and destroyed German guns. Furious night attacks mark new German assaults on the Allies' line between Nieuport and Dixmude. Paris admits slight gains by the Germans on the Yser and near Lille after heavy losses, but asserts the Al lies are slowly forcing the Germans back in northern France below Lille. The Germans got into Dixmude, Belgium, but were driven out. The city of Nieuport is said to be sub stantially in ruins from shell fire. The British fleet at this point is re ported to have been driven to sea be cause of the superiority of the German land guns. Both armies are intrenching them selves in their main positions. The British are bearing the brunt of the heavy fighting southwest of Ypres and between Armentieres and Lille. They are said to be slowly driving the Germans back to the east. A great battle is said to be raging around the walls of Warsaw. The German attack is aided by bomb throwing Zeppelins. The forces that have crossed the Yser in Belgium are asserted to be making progress. Fighting In Poland has shifted to Radom and Rawa, west of the Vistula, the Petrograd War Office affirms. Battle in this territory substantiates the Russian claim that the Austro German movement against Warsaw was checked earlier in the week and the invaders forced back toward their bases. A flanking movement from East Prussia by which the Germans en deavor to seize the railroad from Mlawa on the Polish frontier to Novo Georgiesky, a strongly fortified po rtion north of Warsaw, has been re pulsed simultaneously with the check ing of the main German frontal at tack on the Vistula from Warsaw to Ivangorod. The Germans have been Coaeladed oo Vmgo Foux Ei FAIR THE WEATHER For Philadelphia atid vicinity Fur tonight, with heavy frost or frMtng; Wednesday fair, with slow ly rising temperature; diminishing northwesterly winds. For details, see last page. N- TM0skr- 1K"" 1 i i CM U AMERICANS PROTEST LOSS 0 GOODS IN BRITISH SHIPS State Department Advises Shippers to Use Neutral Bottoms. WASHINGTON, Oct ?7.-Actlng Secre tary of State Lansing today admitted that protests )md been filed with the State Department concerning the sinking of several British merchant ships carry ing American cargoes. The State Department has made It clear to shippers that tho use of belligerent ships must bo at their own risk, and has suggested that, tn future, American ship pers make use of neutral bottoms. EXPLOSION MAIMS GRIDIRON HERO WHO HUMBLED HARVARD Tobin, State College Cap tain, and Leader of Sopho more Class May Both Lose Sight as Result of Celebra tion. STATE COLLEGE, Pa., Oct 27.-Cap-taln E. W. Tobin, of Pcnn State's foot ball cloven, nnd Q. J. Saurhoff, of Had don Heights, N. J., president of tho sophomore class, were terribly burned last night by the explosion of live bar rels of gasolines that was poured over a huge pllo of firewood to celebrate the return of tho team from Harvard, where It played the Crimson to a tie In Satur day's game. Both men. It Is feared, will lose their eyesight. They are In tho Bellcfonte Hospital. So great was the force of the explosion that houses In all parts of tho villago were shaken, windows of college build ings and fraternity houses were shat tered nnd plaster fell from the walls In tho home of Dr. E. E. Sparks, president of tho college. Hundreds of spectators who circled about tho bonfire, 50 feet away, were knocked down. Many suf fered Injuries from flying debris and in the stampede that followed. Tobin and Saurhoff were sLindlne eldn by side. 25 feet from tho pllo. Under Saurhoff's direction Tobin lighted a torch and threw it into the woodpile. Nearby was a half barrel of gasoline. This ex ploded and immediately there followed tho ignition of fumes from more than four barrels poured liberally over tho mass of timber. ThJrty-flvo hundred persons, assembled on the drill ground near the armory for the celebration, were frantic In their struggles to escapo from tho heat and (lames that spread furious) over the ground and leaped high Into the air. Telegraph poles, wagons, small build ings, boardwalks ana fences were piled togethct all day long by more than 1000 students, members of tho frcihman and sophomoro clnnscs. By nightfall their woodpile was larger than any three-story building, and an elaborate celebration had been arranged for the evening. Late last night, after tho wind had died down, the crowd nsFembled for the ceremony, and Captain Tobin was accorded the honor of applying the torch. Windows were broken tn the now Car negie library, the electrical engineering building, the Armory, and the beautiful memorial window In tho Beta Theta Pi Fraternity was destroyed. The flames were seen many miles from State College. FRANCO-PRUSSIAN VETERAN KILLED IN BELGIUM BATTLE General von Binhardt Commanded Wurttemberp Brigade. BERLIN, Oct. 27. Lieutenant General von Binhardt, at tached to tho Wurttembcrg troops, has been killed In Belgium. Ho was a veteran of 1S70, and retired from actlvo service in 1805. He volunteered at the beginning of the war and received command of a brigade. Tho report Is confirmed that Emperor Willlom has conferred the decoration Pour le Mertte on Commander Weddlgen, of the submarine IT-9, for tho destruction of the British cruiser Hawke. It is under stood that the crew of the submarine has received the decoration of the Order of the Iron Cross of the First Class. Lineman's Fall Sue to Cold Hands The first victim of tho cold today was Leldy Howard, an employe of the Phila delphia Electric Company, who fell while working on a pole at 18th and Lattlmer streets when his hands grew numb. He was picked up by workmen and taken to the Polyclinic Hospital. EUBOPE OKDEBS QUNS IN U. S. Several Thousand Rapid Flrers Want ed by Certain Warring Nations. PITTSBURGH. Oct. 27.-An order for several thousand rapid-fire guns has been received from certain of the warring na tions in Europe by the Sharon Drlggs Seabury Ordnance Company at Its own price. ?? Dear Fren Al" "l am rlttng to tell you that the world's serious Is over, but I would worry. Thare is a And chance for me to see them big football games wen my new boss. RING W. LARDNER is arouu. He Is sum gridiron doper & he may take me a long wen he gos to Cambridge for the Evening Ledqer to rite up that MICHIGAN-HARVARD GAME "Lardner has rote one of them stories all ready what they calls ad vance stud and it is on the sporting page today, so you had beter tern to It & read it He is going to rite sum moar of them kind of stories & all so rite the details of the game & a posemordem or watever It Is. All of these rite ups will be printed in THE EVENING LEDGER & not in no other sheet Well. Al, he could not of chose a better paper to rite for. that's a fact, you know me Al. 1 wouldut tell you roug. Tell all our frens to order thare paper early from the newsdealers & hoping you are well, for i am the same, 1 am "Tour fren, "BILL." w ' h. ly v a ' y jua; "yyywptHp Ai 1vVt -"-" -x. MANY DIE IN MINE TORN BY EXPLOSION; HUNDREDS RESCUED Flames Sweep Through Shafts of Illinois Colliery and Hamper Work of Sav ing Trapped Victims. EDWARDSVILLE, 111., Oct. 27. Be tween 0 and 100 men loat their lives In an explosion within Franklin mine, at Itoy altown. 111., near here, this morning. At noon 30 bodies had been recovered and the rescuers, who at that time had been working frantically for several hours, gave little hope for the remainder of those still In the mine. The timekeeper at the mine declared this afternoon that 372 men had entered tho mine when the blast occurred and that 2S2 had been rescued alive, although many of these were Injured. With the 30 bodies recovered, this leaves 60 men un accounted for and supposed to bo trapped In the burning west entry. Flames are raging in tho west entry. In which the men still in the mine are trapped. Helmet rescuers of the State mine rescue staff, who arrived at the scene of the explosion at 11 a. m , and a corps of volunteeis endeavored to pierce the cor don of flames that surrounds the entrance 10 me nrut. The explosion occurred at 7:25 a. m., shortly after nearly all the men employed in the mine had descended Intu the shaft One party was waiting at the top to be taken below when the explosion shook tho earth. DESPERATE ATTEMPTS AT RESCUE. A volunteer corps was quickly formed from the miners left waiting on the sur face, and a telegraphic appeal was sent for the State mine rescue car. The huge fans began forcing air Into the mine. The first attempt to descend was baffled by a rush of flames that shot nearly to the surface. The air pressure fought back the flames toward the lower levels, and the flrst squad of rescuers descended! At the entrance to ono of the levels the rescuers found a heap of 15 bodies, some of them charred and burned beyond recognition. In still lower levels 230 men rescued were found huddled together In a frightened group, and many of them were burned and otherwise Injured, When these men were brought to the surface an attempt was made to reach the west entry. A burst of flame drovo the rescuing party back to the shaft, and several other attempts to penetrate the entry were beaten back by the flames. Shortly after noon word came from the bottom of the shaft that the flames wire raging through the entire west entry where the. men are trapped, and that the rescue workers were unable to advance only a few feet. Rescue work was hampered by the frantic efforts of women and children, whose fathers and brothers are among the doomed men, to reach the mouth of the shaft A space was Anally roped ofT about the mouth of the shaft. HEROIC SEARCH FOR SON. James Harris, a volunteer rescuer and father of Russell Harris, one of the en tombed miners, descended with the flrst crew in search of his son. He ran wildly through the burning drift, shout ing his boy's name, but got no response. Concluded on I'ote Two. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1014. mmm- - iniiif INADEQUATE PROTECTION ?? The Hands of Esau ?5 Tomorrow's instalment of this re markable scries of articles on political conditions in Philadelphia deals with HOUSING and the problems which confront those who seel: to Improve living conditions, especially among persons of small or moderate means In this city. AUSTRIAN TROOPS RUSHED TO AID GERMANS IN WEST 10,000 Soldiers Reported Arrived in Belgium City. LONDON', Oct. 27. Austrian troops are being sent west to old the Germans in Belgium, according to a Rcuter dispatch from Amsterdam. It says that 10,000 Austrlans arrived at Ghent on Sunday. BILLY SUNDAY TABERNACLE MAY FACE LOGAN SQUARE Lot on Line of Proposed Parkway Sought as Site. The big tabernacle to be built for "Billy" Sunday's evangelistic campaign will occupy tho large vacant lot on the line of the proposed Parkway, near Logan Squaro, at 19tH and Vino streets. That the appeal for the use of this lot, made by the leaders In the preparations for the great revival, which has the back ing of Mayor Blankenburg, would be granted, 'became known today when Henry R. Edmunds, president of the Board of Trustees of the Free Library of Philadelphia, said that he was In en tire accord with the opinion given by the Mayor. It Is understood none at the members of the Board of Trustees of the Free Li brary opposes granting the privilege to the Sunday Campaign Committee and it is assumed favorable action will be taken on the request at the meeting of the board this afternoon. The site, adjoining Logan Square, which is controlled by the library officials, is well suited to the needs, being in easy access from Broad Street Station and the Reading Terminal, and having excel lent trolley accommodations. The taber nacle which will be erected on the lot will seat at least 25,000 persons, it Is said. JAPANESE POUR UNCEASING FIRE INTO TSING-TAO FORTS Another German Battery Silenced by Bombarders. TOKIO. Oct. 2T The heavy guns of the Japanese that are bombarding the forts of Tslng-Tao, the pott of the German leasehold of Klao-Chau In China, are never silent. It was announced by the War Office today that tbe cannonade is going on night and day. One of the German forts has now been silenced by the Japanese howitzers. EARTHQUAKE SHOCK IN ITALY Inhabitants Panic-stricken, But Lit tle Damage Bone. FLORENCE, Ital. Oct. 27.-A severe earthquake shock was felt here today. Th Inhabitants were panic-stricken, but little damage was done. , "" ""OKI "SMASH PENROSE," ROOSEYELT URGES MANY THOUSANDS Colonel in Stirring Speeches Calls Upon Voters to Rid State of Its Political Blight. rnosi x sT.trr cossssroNrcM UNIONTOWN, Pa., Oct. 27.-"Smash Penrose, that Is the only way you will ever get decent government In Pennsylva nia. He is the enemy and not the friend of the people." Colonel Theodore Roosevelt made this statement to 10,000 residents of Mononga hela Valley and carried it into Fayette County, tho stronghold of Senator 'Wil liam E. Crow, this morning. He continu ed his denunciations of Penrose and urged tho support of tho Washington party ticket beforo thousand of workmen, women nnd school children. Everywhere the Roosevelt special train Btopped there was a repetition of yester day's enthusiasm. The crowds that greeted the Colonel were greater than those that turned out to hear him in 1912. "This is bully." cried Roosevelt, as the train pulled out of Charlerol. "it beats 1912. I really believe Plnchot and Mc cormick will do better than I did two jeara ago." Today is Colonel Roosevelt's 6th birth day. He celebrated It the flrst thing this morning by eating a brace of pheasants presented to him by Mr3. Frederick Fields, of Wllllamsport. CAMPAIGNS IN SNOW STORSr. They enabled him to keep his old-time punch which he recovered when he start ed his Invasion yesterday, and he at tacked Penrose and Penroselsm bitterly and viciously. Snow fell all morning, but at each stop Roosevelt rushed out to tho platform of his private car without a hat or overcoat on, and denounced the senior Senator, with the flakes falling on his uncovered head. The Republican Organization-controlled police of Allegheny County broke up the meeting at McKeesport a few minutes 'ahead of the scheduled time. They kept order while Roosevelt was denouncing Penrose, but when the Colonel launched Into an attack upon Coleman, Repub lican candidate for Congress In the dis trict. the stopped the meeting b or dering the streets cleaned for traffic. As the special train was pulling out of McKeesport a quick stop saved the Colonel's private car from being struck by a slowly moving freight train, which was crossing at St. Clair street. ORATION IN CROW'S HOME. Roosevelt fought Penrose this morn ing In Allegheny, across Washington and Greene Counties and at noon en tered Ur.lontown, the home of Senator Crow, Republican State chairman, and Senator Penrose's campaign manager A throng of 6000 met him at the station.' The Colonel bowed and smiled. The Roosetelt party Immediately boarded a special train on the Baltimore and Ohio for Morgantown W Va , where Roosevelt addressed a State meeting of West Virginia Progressives at 1 o'clock Fully 10.000 persons heard him at Mor gantown. where. In addition to urging Ceaetaded on Pace Two. Corritoirr, 10H, sr ins Pcsmo Licomi Compaht. IEXICAN PRIESTS REYOLT TO RESCUE CHURCH PROPERTY Lead Third Revolution, Striking at Both the Car ranza and the Villa Consti tutionalists. EL PASO, Tex., Oct. 27. Mexican priests ore reported to be leading a third revolution In central Mexico, strik ing at both Carranza and the Villa Con stitutionalists. An nppeal has been issued to soldiers and former soldiers of all armies to rally nround the new cause, which alms primarily to protect what remains of church property. The new movement started at the town of Union Uc Tula, State of Pallaco, when the Constitutionalists' General waved a Bishop's mitre from the roof of the cathedral and confiscated all the church property. Two Americans were executed by Her rera's forces after they had captured Pnral, nccordlng to a telegram to the Carranza Consulate here. The men were Edward P. Baker, of Philadelphia, and James Breudenstcln, of El Paso. They wero accused of aiding the Villa garrison. FEAR YAQTJI UPRISING Unruly Band of 1500 Beported 15 Miles From Nnco. WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.-Apprchenslon Is still felt along the Arizona border, de spite the fact that Governor Maytorena's Mexican troops have withdrawn from Naco, n total dlstunce of 30 kilometers. Colonel Hatfield, at Naco, telegraphed the "War Department today that Governor Maytorcna had little control over tho Ya qul Indians under him. A force of about 1B00 of them are re ported 13 miles southwest of Naco, nnd a "considerable force" only a mile and a half west of the town, whore they are strongly Intrenched. No fighting hns yet been reported to the War Department. JACK FROST MAKES 1914 DEBUT MINUS AN ADYANCE AGENT Sudden Cold Snap Brings Forth a Harvest of Red Noses, While Philadel phians Shiver. Jack Frot rampant, la on his way and cam phor nils the nlr: The colJ north wind haa broken looe with trumpeting and blare. The coal man comes Into his own and fans are out of date. The icy brecie provokes a sneeze and winter's at the mxto. And everywhere 'bout tho town Is heard tho anarl of war. While chills run up the eplnea of those who bark out "CLOSE THE DOOn." The flrst real cold snap of the year tinged the noses and stirred the blood of Phlladclphlans this morning, while a strong northwest wind whipped over level stretches and skidded around corners to the great discomfort of those unprepared for It. Tonight, according to the weatherman, any pumpkin careless enough to be out In the open air without blankets or a blazing log fire, will get frost-bitten. The velocity of the wind during the night grew so great for a time that a 90-foot smoke stack at the car barn of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, Kensington avenue and Cumberland street, was tilted almost to an angle of degrees. Should the stack fall only the barn will suffer. Stationery stores throughout the city did n thriving business today In the sale of "Close the door" signs. Pawnshops also were able to reap their profits on overcoats and furs that had been "stored" since last winter. From Washington comes the news that by tonight chilly blasts will be blow ing oer Florida and the South. In the Middle West nnd Lake region, New Eng land and Pennsylvania several points reported temperatures below freezing. At the Washington Weather Bureau an air acuum off the Florida coast caused by the departure of a storm to sea was given as the cause of the sudden drop In temperature. Poor consolation to shivering Phlladel phlans Is given by the weatherman In the shape of a list of Jack Frost doings else where, all far In excess of his exploits here A snow and sleet storm nt Wll llamsport, for Instance, fought unavnil Ingly to curtail the energy of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt and his party. Chicago fired a fuslllude of dispatches to prove Its right to Its title of "Windy Citj," reporting snow lasting nearly all day yesterday and a temperature of X degrees. The coldest spot on the map, according to the Weather Bureau reports, was at White River Canada, where the mercury got as low as 20 degrees above zero. SNOW FALLS IN MANAYUNK Another "First Flurry" Also Re ported in Prankford. Two snow flurries about 2 o'clock this morning, the first of the season, each lasting U minutes, were reported from different parts of the city, one at Mana yunk and the other near Frank ford ave nue and Orthodox street Lieutenant Lynch, of Engine Company No. It. was the one who saw the Frank ford flurry. He took no chances with hla reputation, however, and kept quiet about it for nearly ten hours until he found a motorman and conductor who also said they had seen the snow flakes. SNOW AT HAMMONTON First Touch of Winter Attended by Stiff North-west Wind. HAMMONTON. N J. Oct. 27 -The first snow of the season fell this morning In the vicinity of Wlnslow Junction. It wj accompanied by a stiff northwest wind, compertlln many workers la the brickyard to don winter clothing. PRICE ONE CENT HUGE LEVIES ON RDM MEN BAR SENATE TOMROSE More Than $1,000,000 Assessed From Liquor Dealers of State, in Evidence Before His Colleagues. First Rate on Beer Was Ten Cents a Barrel; Now Raised to Fifteen Cents. One Distiller Pays $18 a Day for Penrose Campaign Dealers In Western Part of Penn sylvania Suffer Most, and Complaints From Those Who Will Not Pay Form Basis of Much of the Testimony. NO. 2 More than $1,000,000 has been collected" by the liquor interests and manufacturers of Pennsylvania In tho attempt to return Boles Penrose to tho Senate, according to testimony presented to tho Senate Com mitteo on Prlvilegc and Elections. The greater portion of this money was raised by direct asset-amnt upon saloon keepers, brewers and distillers. Not a dollar of the money has been expended In the Brumbaugh campaign, tho entire amount being used directly to effect tho nomination and return of Penrose to the Senate. A largo portion was spent In the primary fight, but failed to b ac counted for in tho expense items filed by tho candidate. Such Is the evidence gathered by In ternal revenue collectors, backed up by letters written by officials of the various liquor organizations In the State and which will be testified to by a number of witnesses in the Senate's investigation which would Inevitably follow a Pen rose victory. The largest contributors to the "slush fund" have been members of the Penn sylvania Federation of Liquor Dealers, the Pennsylvania Brewers' Association and the Brewers' Association of Western Pennsylvania. That these organizations have been collecting the largest fund ever gathered for political purposes was the charge made In the preliminary hearing before the committee In Washington be fore that body decided to postpone the Investigation until after election. Witnesses have been secured who will testify that a general assessment of JIS was made for each saloon. In several counties the tax amounted to &0, while In three Western counties the State and local organizations have made as many ao three direct assessments. RETAILERS RAISED JiOO.OOO. Representative A. Mitchell Palmer, can- dldate for the Senate, and Representa-tlve-at-Large Arthur H. Rupley, of Car lisle, are In possession of letters writ ten by officials of the organizations de manding of saloonkeepers and liquor dealers thnt they "come across" with the Penrose contributions. These letters were sent only to tho most trusted friends of tho associations, as, in tho majority of cases, the collecting agents made personal calls, even refusing to take checks. Representative Rupley states that It can be proved on the stand that mora than JWO.000 has been raised among tho S000 retail liquor dealers in Pennsylvania. From Washington It has been learned that a sufficient number of witnesses have been secured who will testify! that to their knowledge So,ooo has been raised by saloonkeepers Tho brewers and distillers have also been heavily taxed. The first rate on beer was 10 cents a barrel. As the pri mary election drew near the amount was raised to 12 cents, and it is now IS cents a barrel, according to Internal revenue collectors from the western part of th male. From all that can be ascertained no definite schedule has been obtained re garding tha assessments of the distillers Their tax has been regulated according to capacity of plant. One distiller, how ever, has admitted to several men en gaged In the Investigation that his dally assessment amounts to $1S. his j. tillery Is one o the largest In western Pennsylvania. Three large distillers have promised to give full details on the stand. SALOON MEN'S PROTESTS IN EVI DENCIJ. The majority of the letters In the pos session of Representatives Palmer ant) Rupley ore protests from saloonkeepers in central and northern Pennsylvania re garding the assessments Several of these will be published before election. The majority of the evidence regard ing the "slush fund" has been obtained In westorn Pennsylvania where the col lecting agents hae been particularly aciUe The largest breweries and dis tilleries In the State are in the section west of Harrisburg Thoso particularly active In raisins; none for Penrose, it is alleged, are John lardlmr. president of the Pennsylvania. HrVK-r- Association, and Nell Bonner, pre-ident of the Pcnnslvanla Federation oi i.njmir Dealers The majority of tha collecting agents who have been interro gated declare that the receive their or dors direct from the men Senator Pen rose. likewUe. has been In close touch with the officials for many months. Nell liunner has always been a Demo crat, but now openly declares he la work ing for Tenrose In the Interest of tho liquor business. He made this statement publicly roc-ently at the Liquor Dealtrs Association in Atlantic City, declaring that Penrose stood for rum and that b must be re-elected Gardiner Is known, as a Republican, but has bea closely associated in politics for a number oi )4rH with hi brother-ln-lHW H. Oofdoa Hroualey. city ihairnidrt of the old Uuard. Dsmocratic C'l.rnmni. r ar,d p Htlral ad Uer A iny Soil it., Mi i J ji aTt During the gubi rnat i ii . i , ,,,, ,,, and Bonner wr wat i . x. Sir. Ryan. m U M 1 J . ...t-ijl t