Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 27, 1914, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 13

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    SngV. lardner writes his first
Yost Allows Him to See
'Practice and Also the Crip
ples on the Football
ANN ARBOfl, Mich., Oct. 27. Ab Boon
. nno becomes a war correspondent ho
f. orlvlleged to write of himself as "I"
and 'me." If yo don,t object I wN work
that privilege to the limit nnd state right
off the reel that I arrived In Ann Arbor
tut night and nobody was down at the
train to meet me. So I called a taxi,
which will ho duly charged on the ox
mm account, and was driven up to tho
hotel The name of tho hotel has been
changed. It used to be the Cook House,
and now It's something else. Its new
name Is deleted by the censor under tho
nil which prohibits free advertising! hut
If mall Is addressed to mo at tho Cook
Hcuio I will get It.
I registered, engaged a room and a
good night's slcop. I arose early this
morning, shaved, dressed and had break
fast and then was steered up to the nth
lttlc association's ofilce, where Director
Bartclmo and hs assistants nnd Lino
Coaches "Germany Schultr." and "King"
Cole" were mourning over the outcome of
the Svracuto game.
Along camo Yost and tho mourning
(topped, partly because ho himself didn't
appear downhearted and partly because
there was no tlmo to do anything but
listen with him around.
"Syracuse didn't win that game," he
eald, "we won It for them. Tho boys did
everything but what thoy had been
coached to do. We blew up after Splawn
was hurt. Catlott had two chancos to
punt out of dangor nnd mado two short
punts. That gavo Syracuse one touch
down and tho others were presented to
them by our fumbling. Whatever Syra
cuse says about us, they can't accuse us
of discourtesy. Wo did everything possi
ble to help thorn along."
And on and on until Tommy Hughltt,
the crippled regular quarterback, put In
an appearance He was mado to romovo
his coat and roll up his Bhlrt sleeves so
Trainer Farrell and Yost could oxamlno
his bum left elbow.
Johnny Mnulbctsch and Captnln Jimmy
Itaynsford Joined tho bunch in tho ath
letics association's office nnd I was glad
to meet them. Perhaps It was mutual.
Maulbetsch has a fighting face; so has
Raynsford at present, for his left cyo is
several colors of tho rainbow as a result
of Its running a foul of a Syracuse elbow
last Saturday. Maulbetsch looks too
small for a football player, but they say
he's a young ox and ablo to lick twice
his weight in wildcats.
Coach Yost finally asked us to take a
ride In his car nnd four of us did so. Tho
coach Is a good driver asldo from the
fact that ho Is likely at any moment to
lake his hands off the wheel and dive Into
Ills pocket for a pnper and pencil with
which to Illustrate where tho defensive
halfbacks should play on a shift forma
tion. However, ho brought us safely back
to4 headquarters after showing us the
beauties of the town. ,
I was agreeably surprised by being In
vited to have lunch nnd all subsequent
meals at the training tabic. I hope this
part of It will bo forgotten before tho
expense account is turned in. Tho faro
was good, but as Germany Schultz
pointed out, you could have cut tlio
gloom with a knife.
"I'm glad of it," he said, "It will do
them good to ba soie on thomsclves.
They know they woro rotten against
Syracuse and will try to malts up for It
by working this week."
Yoit ordered his varsity squad to re
port at Ferry Field for practice at 2:30
and then we all got up and beat it, tho
players to tholr various classes, the
coach to the privacy of his homo to
think up playB for use against Harvard,
and Germany Schultz and your corre
spondent to tho billiard hall.
At 5:30 the varsity squad gathered on
Ferry Field and the coach wus kind
enough to let me watch the practice.
Or perhaps he was trying to freeze mo
lo death, but the practice was secret, so
1 can't tell you much about it. Thero
may have boon scrimmages toward the
close of it. but by that time your scribe
was at the hotel trying to get warm.
Assisting Yost in instructing his
charges were Schultz, Cole, Watkins,
Harry Hammond and Old Willie Bea
ton, who broke away for tho nfternoon
from his onerous duties ns Assistant
irojecutlng Attorney at Detroit. Hugh
ltt was In at quarterback for the var
sity in the signal drill and handled tho
Si m' aItllousn his left arm appealed
un. The men lined up with Itaynaford
at centre, Mcilale and Watson at the
guaids, ltelraann and Cochran at tackles,
maata and Benton at ends. Hughltt at
quarterback, Lyons and Maulbetsch at
ealves and Hplawn at full. Hughltt was
lull of pep and Instilled a lot of It Into
the others.
One couldn't help sympathizing with
Buzz Catlett. who has been punned for
l!!Jn,!?Jeed3 ln tne Syracuse game, Buzz
look his mistakes to heart, but he worked
y.i. 7 . e m Ula Practice, and If ho
d.rL.nt? ,he ""vara game ho can be
opended on to light. Realizing this.
batii.m.,y !"M hlm ,n rart of the bit-hfrn.-i
TBl.Ve h,m a chane "luare
ninweir. J, for one, hope ha doea so, for
Mobahi., PpearlnK "in man and
a i , y 800d t0 nl3 'oiks.
Bract?;,.0 J?u":nalls' Informed me at tho
This Ta,hwf ,Bu!nneI1. sub-quarterback.
vV Jet0 t00k unt0 himself a wife
today ia,7,,7.nl.kept ll a "c-et ntU
MctLJ u " '1 anotner benedick, so
ri4 o'ari- i?lm.0f,.t "ura t0 hava a mar
"vhether ,huafk '" tha ""vard Game.
So : I f will " a.n unfalr advantage or
Thi v ,not venture to state.
ltNWrtlw of a mcn wl leave
rooters' .n.0." ,Thilsdair afternoon in the
top at PfhavTh7, Mlchlan 'eam w
Auburnoale Bhi?dla,nd Pnrk ln' at
of S.'.fm1 a d"n mlles outside
dayft'e'rno:!!1 PraCt'Ce ", the StadlUm
tradlX5nbteh8.Ut.ld Wlthout fear co-
mhar non, l the Wolverines are In
"verVt?r 'hape- As ha8 Printed
hn tht ' Y3t had only fou'- veterans
" me present kcisi r -.,, ..
m,i '.u.r' "HKhitt has a bad arm and
Way not i,,t 7i " aa a uaQ "m alm
In bed with '? ?anie out- Qalt ls slck
of a ertn..uJ,h rever- to ay nth""f
turn 1 , """' a,1(1 Haynsford has
m.l n ,ii .
can i. i 7 """"ureu eye. aa
So for as
no chkn'r':.1;0''? all right. Thero
li. V, "v" . uaife gettliiK
-v ui ub i R UfllltMr In npfl hit
l.,: ."Tlana veiy little of his ever olay
'"K football
3Ud . ' .l'
Michigan s men. to
ii" ttv,n l"e aj they
ttorw ;cr"" "'
went at their
are going to give
i:" y
ve got, and the Syiacuve
Hie. la .....
1 lone-themtfo'T1
suggested, may have
" i am ovAr,t.. .... ...
P, fi.t- i. Vv 'n8 "a'nmg table.
bo v.r.1. "'"'"e" wa taken bai-k on
s utlmSJi 8'!uad tndar Terhopa that
5ruia,u' b,J " tryln to giv
of buuf um of rart an,i a mlnlwura
r - N Tsy wt) n7TwB- ) fsjtVrss T47erJ
wsa tue waA I M.ri Mr f"7. lim6 are- r--' InnticuSND I 1 , Pfit ottim' old Joe! "FW
- V tWiHS ISM T TJ .j-jjWit v -- V , , . ' V .... rt " Q T .
: i; . , i c ; TT s " r"we"tL gd im AwrutLr MooBctIIame 1
I v . v Z j .D I Damot is Mine, , EV. WAirenJ, f ,rS A merry 1 (Jiao Hj'uc et-cma , y MeREHOER'l
fcvMt? SAV- Mt I tCALUiT) 'y? "I-SShy MR BU-aeo wsll mlT.rvA know aftcr ai... MV uji -. ls Jv See me Soo.i
You from .mwiM-J I Mf homg-1 weil- surwaJ y I A)MT VJut that" I Ua wama-m o family LTJ JB&T " '
I BUR? -J v!jes2y yNAMe r- ( UNNV ,T tmoV vvjWe! JsJHAHAma-h i flMe p,r JJJh'' i&3T
I '
At Annual Meeting and
Banquet Last Night Mem
bers Re-elect Popular
Officials' Club members re-elected Her
man Meyer president at tho annual ban
quet and meeting held at the Hotel Han
over last night. Harry McMillan was
named vice president, and George M.
Hlmmelwrlght secretary - treasurer of
the organization for tho ensuing year.
Among tho members nnd guests pres
ent woro Herman Meyer, George M.
Hlmmelwrlght, William Charr, Thomas
Mechan, Charles Bryson, Charles Fox,
Major F. L. Muehler, Charles Holton,
Robert Denny, B. W. Miller. A. I Wnna
maker, J. Sorkln, Thomas Burke nnd
Mnrttn J. McDonagh.
A roport road by President Meyer con
veyed some Idea of the groat amount of
work done by the organization last year.
The Ofllclals' Club furnished oflllcals for
32 meets, the total ofucers aggregating
(32 men. Allen V. Cox's resignation as
chairman of tho examining board was
accepted with regret.
It was decided at last night's meeting
to appoint n. committee of three to re
codify the rules of tho. Amateur Ath
letic Union and this simpler worded
sot of rules to bo referred to the national
body at Its annual session In Now York
November 16. Tho A. A. U. rules at this
time arc most difficult to interpret he
cause of tho conflict.
Captain Oliver ATlteller, of the Cor
nell University track team, has recov
ered so slowly from his recent Injuries
In a, motorcycle smash-up that ho has
been forbidden to nttempt any moro
athletics this year.
The loss of Heller will reduce Cornell s
pnlnt-scorlng strength from IJ to 2.J.
Trainer Jack Moakley has a new
sprinter In Kcnrich Kelly, a sophomore,
who won the 100 yards In the fall games
In 10 1-5 seconds, and the 23) yards In 23
seconds. Ho will not bo eligible this
year Kelly ls tho Baltlmoro champion
sprinter. Cornell's llrst cross-country
run ot tho year will bo held on Saturduy
at Ithaca, with Harvard as iui opponent,
lteds" Kelly Is well known to locnl
track followers, as he won the "Hundred
nt the Mooso games and tho "220" at the
Fourth of July Point Breeze meet.
Personal Touches in Sports
The Idea eutfEOsted In theia columns to holj
"a l.for.glory" nanauau nr ,-","- n.
ami ulntP
id winter is meetine wui ""'"" "";" ,:
announced lt&
inuntlonol 'Wtir ln the dlmnc, running ld
25; i win inie ruin tTtday nigh" If the vUiw
. H& ?.
.;., ".. ..aiinr.liirv" street run -.
-..-. " -,, -., .... .. Minv
C?.V ?o I.iao representative, was much in
terested ami prom -it his support. th tt
JthUte? Silling to enjoy these runs, the sm.
"... of the venture is M.ured. Han-lcap will
be given novlies.
-!. nm,.iiii' riuh the only organization of
t. vinrf in iha wurlil devoted to the lnterei
of th. trick una tteld game, is tilling a lone
felt want In this section The report or the
chairman last night was most gratifying, and
it Is certain, with an Increaied memterMi
this year, greater things are to be exiwcte.l
The iganliatlon supplied over S0O official, for
various games during the past ear, wnl.n is
somo Indication of ltsaggresslveness.
Quarterback Hughltt l back in tho game
aim wdf Ee read to go against .the Crlms on
eleven on Saturday afternoon. While ost It
putting new strength Into hi. .Uv.n. Percy
HauglUon ls not Idle. The entire backfleld of
the llarvar" squad was in harness yesterday
wllh the eiceptlon of Ilrlckley. llar.twlck and
Mahan .ho e their old-time .need and the
fJ?lVv"r of Ihe Crimson bellevu that their
Uam has at last rounded Into shape, or vv I I
"o i- -y the time thoMlchlgan game is called.
The Jasper basketball team of the Eastern
T.-e began well, defeating I.ymlenhurst by
fh? rount S 35 to JT In an e-hlbltlon game.
A, -sua with a winner. Jasper villi begin
the season a favorite for the pennant.
Mike Dee has Jumped. But only tempor
arily lie Is -o'ntf o assist Pat Dw.er at
Penn' Tit showing of the Hed and Hlue in
tha Navy and Indian games ivas so good that
ev- eltort will be made to get the best In
the best possible condition and keep the,,,
!kfr mill the season is tlnlshe.1. Penn has
somJ tar" gam" ahead and there will U
need of a lot of training as well a. coaching.
rh Camden City basketball league opened
! a Tarae crowd last night. The fans
before a large crowd
of Camden are basketball craty and In last
v.r'f mterest is a trlterion lo this ear. he
City League win be as well supported as the
Camden team of the Eastern League.
vuian Nlekatls. iaib of ihe I'nl.eislty "f
lMMi?vaVii, ir-nieo has great h-pe. t-at
thi w "nsli arrival In hU home will be a
tr.liv vandldato some day He tales hU
Kt on the lact that the ou nasi. r -crew"
w'Tfgorously the flr.t evening of bis app-r-
........ vi.n,.rmn h-. the true spirit of '76.
iiir roinir throuah a bU succesiui n-tuii, i win u . "- v , u nes t.
Ah, h'uvis for him "lit he hud a nu.i.ber arrae games with hatever cluB Is training
)rfb.iVeratloa and Sas lined an 1 thrown ut there. The Atb'tle win b la Ja ioa ll
Sf Mra .samel" h T competed the MM cam again, a oiM a rldo from 8t Peterslure
pr.i with iv vrrhat tartlnwith P'es! cn If any of the pfcllly veterani Hoi that th-y
r in si i e," Ite -ubs. Tra bat la was ir bi- hn had enouv ciitbtU Kim day. tb.e
1! ,e tal V ase It wa- the lest 2' umvovit is ire flsb ng It the fay an! U.lets .W t
II if.is .. , f u's m-irt - TC9 - 9 t i wa. i,-5tu i g -ms. ler- t l,-i
..'.'I .... r. '.,; V 'it ir t . e""r tt-9 Ni't -t Isr - f"-ti-iaU tv fcava t. J
fc7. uue-c4 eu Utiaa uvuj Urn
T.rrnrr -ttt.ai.tpttta. Tuesday, ootobeb
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Of the bin
football teams of the East only five
have come this far throuah the sea
son without beinn defeated. They
are Harvard, Princeton, the Army,
Penn State and Pittsburgh. Yale and
Dartmouth lost Saturday Joined the
list of teams which have met defeat.
Teams which heretofore have guard
ed their goal line so zealously that
scoring against them Was rare have
also had touchdowns rung up against
them with startling regularity. Three
touchdowns have been scored against
Harvard, three against Princeton,
two against Yale, one against the
Army nnd two against Penn State.
Palace A. C, at Norristown,
Will Divide Patronage
With Williams' Pugilists
at the Fairmount.
Fight "fans" will have a hard time to
night deciding whothcr to so to Norris
town to ".Low" Bailey's Palaco A. C, or
stny In town and take ln Marcus "Will
lams' offorlng at tho Fairmount A. C.
Bailey presents n crackerjack bill, and so
does Williams, tho latter with the added
attraction of nn extra bout. The shows
are as follows:
Windun "Whltoy" Baker, of Kensing
ton, vs. "Billy" Coulson, of tho United
States ship Connecticut.
Samlwindup "Eddie" Dlehl. of Glen
slde, vs. "Young" Frank, ot Now York.
Fourth bout "Bobby" McLeod, of Scot
land, vs, "Cralle" Jones, of tho ISth Ward.
Third bout Frank McManus, of BoBton,
vs. "Johnny" Hughes, of Kensington.
Second bout "Young Jnck" Toland, of
tho 12th Ward, vs. "Barney" McFailand,
of Richmond.
First bout "Young" Knalbe, of tho 20th
Ward, vs. "Johnny" Dougherty, of tho
United States ship Connecticut.
palace: a. c. norristown.
Wlndup "Kddle" McAndrews, of Mana
yunk, vs. "Freddy" Kelly, of North Penn.
Somlwlnttui "Al" Kdwards, of Schuyl
kill, vs. "Young" Borrell, of Southwark.
Second bout "Eddlo" Clark, ot Mana
yunk. vs. Preston Brown, of Philadelphia.
First bout "Young" Parker, of Norrls
town, vs. "Young" Rice, of Philadelphia.
iilmmerman declares that he was promised the
full remittance, and Thomas agreed with hlm.
but says that such a step would be contrary
to tho wishes ot Governor Toner, president ot
the National League. Therefore the Incident
is closed.
Pooch Donovan, the Harvard trainer. Is tald
tu bo dickering with the University of Penn-t-ihunliv
authorities. There Is no doubt that
Penn would like to secure his services, and It
may be that tha deal will come through, as
Donovan's contract with the Crimson expires
after this year.
Mike Avery has developed Into Penn's most
dependable pinch passer.
Would you bo true to the Jlhacan crew if
you looked Into the eyes of IlrownT Cornell
Lover ot thoroughbreds will have their In
ning In New York December T to 11. Inclusive
when thu Red Cross Horse Show will be held
In Madison Square Garden. Philadelphia-! ure
much Interested and a large delegation will
make the trip.
Tha new roltcfio water polo rule for period
play has been changed to elght-mlnute halves
Two new swimming events bavu also be-n
added tu tho program, the breast and back
hand strokes It means that swimmers will
now have to turn their attention to developing
artists In those events.
Jim Coffee's exhibition against t'liariey
Klclnert at the Oltmpla A. A. was similar la
his nvht with Hauling Levlnsky In the .am.
rlnf last winter, except that Kltlnert showtd
a little more, loiuparstlvely, than the one-time
We note tliat Ihe "Haker-Collins bout wa.
stopped " Vurthermore we know who storp-d
It Hudolph. James and Tyler
If the rhlllles accent the proposition offerej
them by ihe citizens of St Petersburg, i Is
they will never regret it. 1. Petersburg Is an
Ideal slot for a trulning ground There sr
many thing which make this "western ooasi
resort one of the best camps in thu countr.
In the hist iUj.b. the weather Is Ideal Hran, h
Ul.aeV t I-uls llruwos tlt.l nut miss a d
last spring on account of r-ln Then th
rn are. In cundltl-n The UlxuiunJ ! cr .-
a new clubhouse with all ossible convenle-ve)
Is situated under Ihe grand stand alongside
ine Krouuu. u,w ..tuui. lii. nun uiuer tn.ng,
which will give the recruit aad veterans aiii.-i
a chance to perfect any phase of the catlo a
It-1 - ,.
itiv-i, ivv, t niui jwb viv iuo oay, mv 3,
Yflil W " w-j m-inj. V4 turn & a. u
SS-SV,, UVUJI VJ V-.SA " W l44
Will Meet Thursday Night
to Arrange Details of New
Interchurch Contests.
Want More Teams.
A meeting; to organize a Junior basket
ball leaguo will he held Thursday, at 8
o'clock, in the Gcrinantown Boys' Club
headquarters. -5 West Penn street.
Tho followinB churches huvo promised
to enter teams: Second Presbyterian,
Wcstslde Presbyterian, Wakefield Prosby
torlan, Market Stiuaro Presbyterian, St.
Stephen's Methodist Episcopal and All
Saints' Lutheran.
Two moro teams nro desired In nddltlon
to those already named. Tho condition of
competition Is tho same as prevulls In the
Gormantovvn Church Athletic Le.tKUe
(senior division), -with tho exception that
the players In the Junior leasuo must
weigh less than 10) pounds each. Boys
who nro Interested should address Charles
W. Balnrldf?e, Jr., superintendent Ger
mantown Boys' Club. g,
Tho ctandlnB of tho to.tms ln tho North
west Basketball League is as follows:
W. L. P.C. W. L. P.O.
Tcmplo .1 0 1.000 Strauss 1 - .:W
Heta Delta.. 2 1 .Oiff St. Ludvvlg's 1 2 .:.13
Pt. St'p's R. 2 1 .007 Ilrethrcn 1 2 .333
Gretna 2 1 .M7 Corinthian.. 0 3 .100
W, I,. Dr.For Opts.Pts
Harvard 2
Ynlo '-
Prlnceton 1
Cornell i
Iifaycito ..
Haverford .
Dartmouth .
W. L.P.C.
Falls II. E. 1 0 1.000 Mt
V. L.P.C
A. Ger. 0 O .000
Ml. A Pfffl t I) 1.10O LM
Presbv.. O 1 .000
Stenton.... 1 0 1.1HX) Wak'cd It. " 1 .(X)0
All Saints.. O 1 .000 Congr'tlonal 0 1 .000
W. L. P. r. W. L. P. C,
First Pres. 1 l l.'" SJ Baptist O 1 ,0C
St. Ml'neU I I) t.n Westsldc... O 1 .0C0
St. Ste'ens 1 O I.ihhi Market Sq. 0 1 ,CXi
Wakeneld.. 1 0 1.000 AdviKate.... 0 1 .000
W. L. P.C. W. LP.C.
Nuvahn .1 0 1.000 Irorpinls... . I 2 331
Somtnole. . . 3 O 1 (X1 Choenne. .. I 2 .3.U
Cherokee... 2 1 .007 Seneca 1 2 .3.-1
Dakota I 2 .3.13 Mohawk.... O 3 .000
Tho schedule of the (1. 11. C. Electric Light
Soccer Enaguo follows:
Wukkllrtd v Oarllold, October 20 nnd No
vember BO; Worklngmen's vs. Pennsylvania
Reserves, October 27 and December 1; Senl-rs
vs. Inteime. Hates. October -'.' and December 3;
Wakefield vs. Worklngmeii, Nov ember 2 und
December "; Sen'on vs. GarHeld. November 3
and Decoinbor S; Pcmuylvanta llcwrvrs vs.
Intermediate!, November ft nnd December 10:
Wakefield v. Seniors. November It and Decem
ber 11; Worklngmen vs Intermediates, Novem
ber 10 and December 15 Gaifleld vs. Pennsyl
vania Reserve. November 12 and December
17; Wakrllelr1 vs. Pennsylvania Rcervcs, No
vomher 10 apd lecembor 21; Worklngmen va.
Seniors, November 17 and reeembcr 22; Gar
field vs. Intermediates, November 10 and De
cember 21; Wakeneld vs. Intermediates. No
vember 23 and December 23: Worklngmen vs
Garfield, November 24 and December 20, and
Seniors v. Pcnnsylvtinia Reserves, November
20 und and December 31.
St. Elizabeth's C. C. of the American
Leaguo ls earnestly at work shuplng for
the coming season. Manager Coffey lias
arranged n few out-of-town guinea be
fore tho leaguo opening, and expects his
team to bo In first-class condition when
Referee Uoctzel toots his whistle on open
Ing night. Monday, November 9. when
tho "Lizzies" clash with North Phlladel
phla Y. M. A.
The following plnycrs will make up tho
team: Fisher, Pike, Lawrence, Fuchs.
Moore, Slmendlnger. Sohldcr. O'Brien and
St. Elizabeth's will also travel. Any
first-class team. In or out of town, wish
ing this attraction address James L. Cof
fey. 1SJ7 North 2lth street.
Right Halfback Hoban is generally
conceded to be one of the tip-top
football players and has already made
gulte a nam? for himself on the gid
iion, -,
One of the very first thlnos the
West Branch Y. M. C. A. track nnd
field members will nttempt after the
organization tomorrow nloht will be
the Institution of a weekly street
handicap "all-for-fjlory" run from Its
headquarters on 52d street. Tho Idea
has been suggested to Physical DI-,
rector Owen V. Davis, who has given
his consent to a race next Friday. The
run will be open to arty registered ama
teur athlete. No prizes are offered. The
Idea of competing for glory does not
appear so attractive to some, but to
the real sportsman Is an Ideal way of
demonstrating his lova for the sport.
Second Local in Contest in
Interstate Three-cushion
Tournament at Allinger's
Arouses Great Interest.
A big gathering of billiard enthusiasts
is expected at Allinger's Billiard Acad
emy, 1307 Market street, tonight, as tho
attraction will bo a match game between
Plerro Maupome, tho Philadelphia repre
sentative, and Hugh Heal, of Toledo, O.
The match ls tho second local one, to ba
held urder the auspices of tho Interstate
Three-Cushion Billiard League.
In tho first game of tho season Mau
pome lost to "Johnny" Kllng, of Kansas
Tho next local match will bo held at
Allinger's November 11. when August
Kelckhefer, ot Mllwaukeo, Wis., will op
poso Maupome.
The oillclnl standing up to and includ
ing last Thursday's game is as follows:
Helm, Toledo 2
lan. Chlcasu 2
Kilns. Kanrns Citv 3
McCourt. Pittsburgh 4
l.eirros. Cincinnati 2
Cooler, Indianapolis o
Maupoim. Philadelphia.... o
Mtilov, Detroit I
Krogh, Hochcster O
llensoii, St. Louis 0
Cullen. Buffalo 0
Ellis. Clnvcland 0
Helm, Cleveland o
Kelckhefer, Milwaukee ... o
Morlln. Chicago 0
Lost. P.C.
O 1.000
0 1.000
1 .7W
2 .0157
3 ,1(10
2 .(
1 000
2 .000
1 .000
0 000
1 .000
O .000
0 .tf
it .full
0 .000
Ora Mornlngstnr and Hoji Yamada will
meet In this city ln one of the Champion
H.l Billiard Leaguo matches, probably
November 27,
College Gridiron Gleanings
Princeton wins tho Intercollegiate
football championship this year that re
suit Is likely to be achieved more through
superior generalship than superior physi
cal strength. Against Dartmouth the
Princeton team seemed Inferior physically,
but the Tigers far surpassed their rivals
In generalship. And other things being
equal, or nearly so, generalship will
always win.
It was no accident thnt young Ames di
rected tho play of the Princeton team so
admirably. It Is truo that he is the son
of "Snake" Ames, one of Princeton's
greatest players of tho lost generation,
but ho is a success because ho has been
tnught football strategy and given plenty
of chance to test his knowledge and de
velop his initiative on the gridiron. It Is
a part of tho new Princeton system.
Threo days a week the Tigers play regu
lar games agnlmt the substitutes, tho
Bcrubs or the freshmen. The varsity
quarterback Is told to run the team and
the coaches stop the play Just as little
as possible.
i'ti tK' sjbjeii of quartertu.'Ks Ted Mer
rill didn't measure up to all the Quaker
loaches riueituJ of him in tha game with the
Indians 111- Individual plajlnK was not tub-
nt to irltii-lcm so much aa Ida generalship
He dt'ln i vary Ms attack aa h did (uainat
the Kaw n 't was be able to Inject as much
ginger into the players bj h usually does.
Slerrell needi to learn to do what the Pnne-
on vai-hes are trvlns to teach their quarttr
i k in U,l:il.' - to run the team with Julj
.I'sri t v - with daring
n- "f the CTifttcjt quarterback the eol-
-BO .rid hjs ever seen tvaa Vlneent feteven
mi, who piloted the Penasylvanla teams In
IKI end 10 gievensun vtas, of ioure. i
marvelfus filivllual player but h' general-v-p
Ms abllitv to site up an opiosent's
an-st mid sirniKth were what m-.de hlm
-I aluable The I'oaiha lellom tolil giiiv-
n-n h .v t plun hi utttu-lt In a gam lie
i .il, n-1 bis laniua an is ha vv.nt aim?, a
r. r.tt ut his ipiuieuts.
I't is the rt i'I t4leat Merrall uae,ls to
c' -, Hf has ehiwu hlOM4lf a cnmpeteiit
tr"vi In sotn.' trylGn situations aud atout a'l
recti, now to wake himaelf a resil lader
i to trust his Initiative, to ttudy his opp.
in and not to be afraid to open uu tha
(i mm oi he uu uutil th last few minute
tt tho Inrl'.an gme t'litll the Uut qosrt, r
bo lined iji the sort of aatn tha In.iUtn
wl'hrj tni hid he not chanced hi tanks
when tm rtl- be woull havo risked a defoat
or at best a scoreless tie
rcD.n(yIvirri c"v-ht; SJS blivz (Ji'y r-rre-'e.!
wttb the rraietnus ork of 'ba i -b
u fearu. f-T H t i"nvl'u In a tei-a x-i
v.cOY6r ItacU as tjulciiy aa UomaU did alter
27, 1914.
Director Owen V. Davis Has
Issued Organization Call
for 7 P.M., and All Mem
bers Invited.
West Branch V. II. C. A. will bo a
factor ln tho future ln all local track
and Held lines If tho plans of tho enthu
siasts do not miscarry. A mooting of
those Interested Is scheduled to be held
in tho gymnasium at the Kid strecthead
quartcrs tomorrow night at 7 o'clock,
whan the plans for a permanent organi
zation will be perfected.
Physical Director Owen V. Davis hai
sont out notices to all the nthletlcallr
Inclined members to bo present, and
Judging from the favorable replies a line
organization at tho very start is assured.
A flno lot of material is to bo had ut
West Branch. Thero aro boveral star
athletes on tho roster who will oncour
ago tha novices.
In order to stimulate greater Interest
in tho running game the West Branch
Y M. C. A. physical director has agreed
to' tho suggestion of holding weekly" all-for-glory"
street runs. Friday night the
first attempt to stage such nn event is
planned. A number of local star distance
men havo been Invited to compete in
the scratch two-milo run. and Faul La
funa, Stanley Root and others may bo
expected to be on hand. Members of
tho Vlctrlx Catholic Club aro willing to
help and will send a squad to help mako
tho first "all-for-glory" run a success.
Collins and Baker Go Three Hounds
nt Lancaster.
LANCASTER. Pa.. Oct. -6 -Tha wind-up
at the Lancaster Athletic Club, which was
scheduled to go six rounds, with Charley
Collins nnd "K. O." Baker as tho partici
pants, came to an abrupt end In the third
round when tho heads of both fighters
came together in a. clinch and Collins re
ceived an ugly gash over tha eye. Collins
previous to this incident had all the bet
ter of tho contest.
In tho other bouts "Mlko" Doroney and
Young Carr, of this city, fought six fast
rounds to a draw: Bill Wilson knocked
out Jim Tyler In the second round, and
Tim Doronoy, of this city, and Frnnk
Erne, of Detroit, boxed a draw.
tho Plttsburch and Colgate defeats and thin
beat tho Indians. Itucknell and liroun ln a
row. The Ithaean- fairly swamped tlrown. and
tho Providence men wouldn't have stored at
all had :he ttuamns n t ufevd a lot of sub
stitutes in thf last quarter.
Tile linrretslvo feature of Cornell' woik
was that the It linen n made nearly all their
KSlns by means ot the r-nnlns. rushing same.
If they Intend to operate the frrnard bass Jt
al (this tar they are not ehowlni; their hand
right now This Is sood football sense, because
tho runnlnc. rushing Kims li the basis of a.
good attack nnl roust precede the forward
Ijjs and other upen !!-.
Cornell has ttvo mrt Important Karnes, with
MUhljaii "n November It and Penns Ivantiv
on Thanksgiving Day The Ithaeao want to
win them both, (specially tu bea. Pennlva
nta And unless this PcnnBVlvanla team Hnds
Itself pretty oon. or Cornell slumpn off at the
end of the soam, tho I tha cms will et.iml a
Rood charue of breaking all retards by win
ning two sunesstve years from Pennotvanta.
This Is not a prediction. It is (imply to point
om that Pennsylvania has not yet develuue.1
an impressive attavk. while Cornell la quickly
rounding Intu form.
PltlNCHTOX, N. J.. Oct. ST. Princeton ta
no pointed for the Yale and Harvard frames.
and the regulars are not to be driven at top
speed during this week- A majority of the
varsltv men were kept out of scrimmage work
yesterday and will be worked out by easv
stages with un eye toward reaching top form
a week from Saturday.
CMBltirOF. Mass. (Xt. JT -Tat Brukle
will t the only heav weight that will nnt r.
turn to the line-up this tear ls un.iieul
rvrtaln b "th who know" KunU whm
her hoy returned home Mrs BrUkley express.. I
herself as Intending ta speak ChurUs if h -went
Into the gum agala AssurBtu-m haw
been given ber that tha drcpliU'ktr will n,t i
used under anv conditions. I-'-an IIarlUk
llradtee aad Mnhan were behind the line in
eteriia' prattles.
NEW HAVEN. Conn. Oct. 27 - With Wil
son. I. (lore ii nd Alnawortb rwurnl-g liUv
Yale will get diwn to hard work for 'i.igie
ns Saturday Wilson. I.e Owe aad Ainswortl)
r glwu a rrst with a orub u '"spmin
Harrv Cnovi-rse's steam yacht. Captutu Tal
bot wilt leave the Infirmary VVe.taes.tsy or
Thursday. HlgginUttfcant won't be able to
plk) t-ftora the I'rlaeeton game
Farm School's eleven bag October 1
November 7. November 21 and Tbankairiv
Iuk Iay opn. Jt would like to bar from
rtrt-cias high schools only Pominuta
eate with Charles N'uubaum. Kami
Svhool nar Doyleatown, Pa
KKXS-XGTON A. CV Tommy Keeaan Prop.
Kruslagton Avs and Ontario, ht
AMATHK W"X1V AMl-KC.r r I-ri
Ti'iiifl" Mgbt Txinnrr w ' iSbt
Admlssloa .1 god U ccau.
Great Form Shown in Match
Play and Tournaments by
Norman Maxwell and M.
M. Jack.
Based on tho Improvement In form of
some of tho older golfers and tho nppear
nnco of now stars among tho younger
devotees of tho royal nnd ancient game,
tho Pcason just closing has been ono of tho
most successful In the history of the Golf
Association of Philadelphia. While thoro
Is no ono In thin district who can bo
classed with Oulmet, Evans or Travern,
still the competitions this year have
brought out players who, If they develop
ln the next fow years as rapidly ns they
havo In the past, will undoubtedly becoms
famous nationally.
Tho most promising of tho youngor
players of whom little or nothing was
hoard previous to this year aro Norman
II. Maxwell, Aronlmlnk, and M. M, Jack,
Merlon. Tho former showed what ho
could do In tho Glest tourney at Whlto-
marsh, when ho defeated S. V. Anderson,
Hon Air; I.. . Doming. Whltemarsh ;
Walter Reynolds, Aronlmlnk, nnd then
capped tho climax by defeating that ster
ling Atlantic City golfer, Maurlco RIslcy,
runner-up In tho Now Jersey champion
ship. Jack's rlso to famo has been mado In
a short space of time. At tho time of tho
HL Martin's tournament but littlo was
known of Jack except at his own club.
Ho won his first two matches, going
around in 76 in tho first Hnd winning on
the 19th hole ln his second. George C.
Thomas, Jr., was his opponent In tho
semifinal, and won by the comfortable
margin of n up nnd 4 to play. Later Jack
won tho Stephenson Memorial Trophy at
tho Merlon Cricket Club, and then fol
lowed that up by winning tho Golf Asso
ciation's llrst Junior Tournament in de
cisive fashion.
In addition to Jack, other youngster
who showed promise were R. W. Thor
ington and D. Rhoads, Spring Haven,
neither of whom can claim to being moro
than IS years old. J. II. Cay, Jr.. Phila
delphia Cricket Club, Is another Junior
who will bear watching.
Although Spencer L. Jones, Plymouth
Country Club, cannot bo considered a
Junior, still he is quite a young player,
and if ho shows a fraction of tho Im
provement In tho next fow years that ho
has mado in tho last two. ho also will
amount to something outside of this lo
cality. As far as the women are concerned we
havo nothing to fear either now or In tha
future The Philadelphia representatives
won tho Crimson Cup at Greenwich, and
were also very well placed In the East
ern championship. In the latter event
Mrs. Vanderbeck was third. Mrs. Barlow
fourth. Mis Caverly lifth, Mrs. Fox sixth
and Mrs. Fitler eighth. Five out of tha
first ten places leaves nothing to com
plain of. Mrs. Vanderbeck and Mrs Bar
low wero seml-flnalists In tho women's
national championship nt Nnau. A
greatly Improved player Is Mrs. E H
Filler. Merlon Cricket Club. Mrs. Fitler
hae tho best of form and a nice feature
of her game is that she does not strive
for distance.
Among the younger goLfcrs of tho fair
sex who havo by their work this season
promised well for the future are Miss
Mildred Caverly. Miss Catherlno Davis
a? ,l8S Mny Be"' n11 ot the Philadel
phia Cricket Club, and Mies E. M. Camp
bell, of Overbrook. Miss Bell still has a
handicap above ten. but In the past year
she had 12 strokes taken off.
Rod and Gun
Hunters are looking forward to the
rabbit and quail season, which opens next
Monday November 2. Yelping of the
beaglo hounds during theso October
mornings has sent tho blood racing
through the sportsmen's veins.
Hunters are cautioned not to bag more
than the law allows, which Is ten rabbits
ton quail, six squirrels and llvo pheasant,
for one day's outing. Wild turkey and
tloe3 are protected. Brer' rabbit Is re
ported to bo nice and fat this season.
Reports from Esslngton, Media, West
Chester and nearby polnt3 are encourag
ing. Commercial hunters nt Reelfoot Lake.
Ky.. received a check to their operations,
when Colonel Joseph H. Acklon, the chief
Game Warden for the Untted States,
spent a few days at Walnut Log, a
famous stopping place for hunters. Tho
enforcement of the new game law for
the protection of migratory birds was
tho object of Colonel Acklen's visit.
A party of local business men William
II. Moyor. David Kurtz. Plerco R. Car
penter and Samuel Shultz are planning
their annual trip to Cameron County
Others who will pack their togs for a
hunting trip are: William G. Rldgoway.
Adolph Ernst and Joseph Mellon, nil of
Philadelphia ; S. Moore, Ardmore; Joseph
Johnson, Bala, and A. E. Hot-rick, of
Pocono Summit
Alfred P. Lane, tho young American
short-arms wizard, who beat the world
with his pistol and revolver ut tha
Olympic Games In 1313. Is still shooting
in good form. This, at least, would seem
to be indicated by his scare of 13 out
of a pobsible CO made at the Manhattan
Riflo and Revolver Club. New York city,
the other night. This remarkable shoot
ing was dona with a military revolver at
SO yards. S shots rapid fire.
This latest achievement of the youth
ful champion means that, standing 60
leet from a tarsot with n !-lnch bull's
eye, shooting over an electric-lighted
range, against time. Lane put the Ave
shot all in the little black spot and onlv
14 seconds elapsod from the command
"fire ' to the bound of the last shot.
The Travel Bureau will glva
jou up', lal ilal.i on the exposi
tion routes with th not
attiilc attractions, train aefaud
ulrs and Kinneviioua- Pulluim
iu'l boat ai'uoaiiiiuddtloii vM
tell )w the n'utry ex
iwuuMii far the trip, including
Uoet rat Mt ruuu aaa uUmf
Call at tha
Travel Ilurruu