mmmmmmmmmmmm 8 EVEJNitt LiliDaiiSKPHILAJEJUPHIA, TUESDAY, 00T0J3EE 27, 1914. -I? ;I y N f I 'i-i: '",, r - " ! i I M! I Hi If f 3( if. f! Queuing gHUi Wbtpv PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY emus it k. curvris, rntaintsr. 0o. XV, Och, Secretary; John C. Martin, Treasurer; Charlts It. Ludlngton, Philip S. Collins, John B. "Wil liam, Directors. EDITORIAL BOARD! Ctscs 11. K, Ci-ntts, Chairman. P. 11. WIIALET Executive Editor JOHNC. MARTIN Rcncral Rualnsa Manager Published dally at Pcelic Lcmeb ItutlJInr, Independence Square Philadelphia. I.lDORii Cxcir1. Drond and Chestnut Streets Atlantic Cut Prct-Unlot Building Usw l"oK 170-A. Metropolitan Toner CntCAOO 81T Horns lnrurnnce tlulMIng London 8 Waterloo riaio. Pall Mall, S. V. KCWSBUItCAUSi HAiminicna IH-neip Th Palrtof Ttulldlnir Wasmisiiton HinrAC The Voit Building Nbw York lltnPAt; Tho Tlmea lluiMIng BxaMs lli'nxvt! 0(i Frledrlfh(traoe LoxnoM tlL'REAU 1 Pall Mall Eait. S. W. PabH Ltcnvu .12 Hue Louis le drand SUBSCRIPTION TERMS By carrier. Dam.t Ovtt, six cents. By mall. rntpald eutsldo of Philadelphia except uhere foreign pontnire Is required. Dlll.t Osr.I, one month, twenty-fUe cents: DAIt.T OM.T, one J ear. three dollars All mall sub acrlptlons payable In advance BELL, 8000 WALMJT KEYSTONE, MAIN 3000 BCT" Addtxtt all communications to Evening Ledgir, Independence Square, Philadelphia. XNTtitED at the Piiii.Arinj.rin rosTorncR as second- CLASS SHU. UITTF.11. rilllULI.rillA, TUESDAY, UCIOIIEII 37, 1911. Frankford Will Have Its "L" THE proposed Frankford elevated line would coat but $6,600,000. It could be completed within two years of tho beginning of its construction. It would serve directly a population of 181,400 and Indirectly it population of 29S.000. An annual fixed charge of $422,500 would not only meet all Interest charges, but It would actually pay for the entire project within 30 years. Tho city would then own, free of all Incumbrance, a magnltlcent Income-producing property. Tho new lino would save tho people of tho Frankford district about 2.000,000 hours a year. It would save them $91,000 through tho abolition of exchange tickets and the grant of general free transfers. In 12 years the assessed valuation of the 48th Ward, which Is served by the present elevated line, increased more than 500 per cent. The Increase In Frankford property values would yield an excess in taxes sufficient In Itself to meet practically the entire fixed annual charges of the Frankford elevated line. Not only, then. Is tho development feasible and logical from the financial viewpoint, but the necessity for tho improvement is demonstrated dally to every person in the section who requires transportation. The present facilities are inadequate. The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company has nchleved practically a miracle In the Im provement of the surface service over that which formerly drove Philadclphians to frenzy. But the limit has been reached. The company realizes It. That Is why it has agreed to tho rapid transit plan out lined by Director Taylor. The company and tho responsible officers of the city are In agreement that the improvement Is neces sary. All citizens who ride are even more convinced. What, then, stands in the way? First, the Union Traction Company must accept the share which has been allotted It In the project; secondly, Ciunclls must act. On these two things Frankford and the rest of the city wait, patiently but not pathetically, for there is no power in Phila delphia, working above or below the surface, that can prevent the taxpayers from getting what they want. The most that sinister In fluences can achieve Is delay, and the fight of the people to avoid that Is just beginning. Is Mr. Penrose Guilty? POI a long time it has been generally un derstood and admitted In this city that the Reyburn Administration was debauched by corruption funds. Mr. Penrose himself, it is charged, con fessed that he personally knew of one fund of $108,000, because he himself personally contributed a third of It. If the accusation Is false, Mr. Penrose has recourse to the courts to vindicate his integ rity. But he refuses to try to vindicate it. He prefers to let the charge stand, unan swered save by his unsworn denial. Mr. Penrose by his course is managing to convince a great many people, naturally prejudiced In his favor, that ho is not trying to disprove the charge for the simple reason that he cannot. A Nation's Uprising Against Rum OHIO Is not the only State in which the liquor issue is paramount today. Like Vlr- ginias campaign against booze, Ohio's is but an instance. California, Colorado. Indiana. Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Oregon. Wash ington, New Jersey and Pennsylvania are among the other States which are engaged In the same tremendous fight. It Is a whole country aroused to Indigna tion and revolt that is waging war on this foul traffic, which debauches political life as truly as it debauches men and wmen, boys and girls. Rum's alliance with dirty politics and affil iations with crime of all sorts have been traced by a nauseating trail, the stench of which no one's nostrils can escape. Its men ace to safety, efficiency and profit In manu facturing. In railroading and In all branches of legitimate business has been discovered. Rum Is a political issue, a civic Issue, an economic issue and a moral issue everywhere In the nation. Goltl for Iron SACRIFICE, dignified, significant sacrifice, there is nothing more impressive. And of all means for spreading news of nlal, surely Germany has hit upon tho most novel and the most beautiful In the Iron wedding ring. Young women married to de parting soldiers wear an Iron band Instead of the Immemorial gold circlet. More moving still, the matron are giving up their wedding rings to the melting pot of patriotism and receiving a replica of the same token that recorded a similar sacrifice a century ago, when Germany fought Na poleon at Leipzig. Again It Is the wedding band of the commonest of metals with the words: "For this iron I gave goli " Those sombre circlets are an eloquent sign of the never-slumbering patriotism of suffer ing woman. Penrose: The Prophet of Pessimism WOES and walls, grief and lamentations, disaster and disruption thse are the . rguments of the Penrose campaign. He Is trying t wash nut hl personal record of ..raness with a flood of crocodile tears. K-, try srefrh he makes reads like a tale of - devastated rrtrqtrv rostrate and ruined Kvea the Repui-'rhwp " ' rvvners who sup port him are sick of It. They know that It Is not entirely true, and that tho everlasting calamity howl for election purposes Is making business worse nnd not better. Panic cannot ba cured by making more panic; a depres sion cannot be lifted by deepening the depres sion. Tho country la awakening to the fact that business has not gone entirely to the dogs. The exports from New York last week were the largest In eight months, an Increase of $6,000,000 over the previous week and an In crease of $3,116,769 over tho same week of last year. Reports from Illinois Indicate gratifying conditions, according to Samuel Instill, of Chicago. Pottstown, In this State, resents tho "business depression" wall, nearly all tho mills there running on full tlmo. Pen rose, nlready beaten on every other Issue, Is overplaying his calamity card, nnd even tho stnnchest protectionists nro resenting his lino of campaign, because It Is bringing 111 results to their business. Insubordination in Varclown SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Is the Varo stronghold, but It Is nlso a citadel of rum. The Vnres themselves, deluded nnd betrayed, nre ready enough, politicians think, to knife Penrose. It would be tho loglcat thing for them to do It Is tho one method they havo of hitting back, and It Is the one thing that Penrose dreads. That Is, ho did dread It until reports began to come In that rum was stronger than tho Varcs even In Varetown. The orders have gone out from the rum Interests to vote for Pen rose, nnd the Varcs cannot countermand them with nny hope of obedience. They have been caught In a trnp, The legions In South Philadelphia are for the Vares first, last and nil time, provided tho Vares and rum are fighting on the samo side. Finger of Destiny s AYS Collier's Weekly: Buenos Aires has long had the most beau tiful street In America, the finest theatre nnd the best caulDDod newspaper nlant. We havo been reconciled to these things. But how does Philadelphia like tho fact that the pride of Ar gentina now leads her In population rnnklng after New York and Chicago? Forty-five yoarB ago, when the first census was tnkon, Buenos Aires hnd n population of 177,000. Today the population numbers ten timed that. Wo sus pect It Is the announcement that the Argentine capital Is to have another subway that will sur prise Phlladelphlans most of all. It will surprise some Philadclphians oven more when they comprehend that Philadel phia Is to have an additional subway-elovated system that will make its transit son'lcc the most satisfactory In America. They Stand for Brumbaugh WELL-KNOWN clergymen and laymen conspicuous for their interest In public morals indorse Doctor Brumbaugh for Gov ernor. These men are under no illusions nnd nro not capable of being deceived by subter fuge; they have known Doctor Brumbaugh long and Intimately; they nre one and all op posed to the alliance of liquor and politics. Their stand is dictated only by the very high est motives. By sophistry, implication nnd Innuendo, Doctor Brumbaugh's antagonists have tried to link him with the liquor Interests. Surely 30 years of unselfish and unimpeachable pub lic service should make a man's explicit pledge beyond all possibility of doubt. Doctor Brumbaugh's covenant with the people Is so plain that It cannot be misunder stood by any one, unless that person wishes to distort the truth: "The problem of the liquor traffic Is a vital one facing the people and the Legislature today. In hnrmony with many thoughtful persons, I submit that local option Is a practical solution. Any legislative measure looking to an Improvement of the conditions regulating this traffic will receive my approval." War's " Silly Season" THERE comes a silly season In war even as In ordinary life. Sooner or later the cor respondents get "fed up" on battle a la cen sor, and turn their pens to less controversial and more relaxing matters. The results are almost as bad as those exercises In Imagina tion which tho English Press Bureau calls news. Badgered and bullyragged war corre spondents may get desperate enough to cable accounts of the patriotic French bull that attacked and slew eighteen Uhlans In the neighborhood of ; hut why should compositors and readers waste their time over it? It may he due to a spirit of thank fulness for not having to read such letters as Indignant Englishmen write to the London Times over the Iniquity of pay'-ig cash Into German pockets via "Tho Chocolate Soldier" and Its composer A little news and a little dignity are a welcome addition to any war. Little Journeys for a Dime EVERY day It becomes more difficult to de splse the movies. When they are bad they are horrid, but when they are good they are very, very good. Lately the announce ment has been made that the panoramic movies have been brought a long way nearer perfection. The panoramic picture Is pro jected on the walls of a large circular hall, and thus it places the spectator right In the midst of a given event or scene. He stands on shipboard and looks about in all directions, or he watches the progress of a football game in all parts of the field by merely turning his head. The movies hitherto have served pretty well as substitutes for travel for thousands of people, but what delightful Journeys the future holds In store. Buy a keg of beer and help the Penrose movement. The trade winds are blowing toward the United States, The weather, at any rate, can't be branded "Made In Philadelphia." The suspicion rests on Chicago, which enjoyed a little seasonal snowstorm last night. An article In a current magazine Is on "The Diminishing Population of France," the Ger man army, we suppose, being given credit for a large part of the diminution. "Elliott requests the public to aid New Haven road" explain those reckless devotees of truth, the headline writers. There has Ojeen a sort of Impression abroad that some thing of the kind had already occurred. While Mr. Schwab makes special prepara tions to manufacture fuses and shells, we all go on talking of the wicked war In Europe and Its probable effect on American prosperity. It takes no powers of divination to guess the particular slant of the "abusive re marks" which are said to have caused a Philadelphia dentist to shoot a client In his anteroom. No, Indeed, for the dentist hap- I pens to be named Silas G. Hertz. CAPITAL GOSSIP Government by Newspapermen Appeals to the Administration Editors Hold Fat Offices in Washington Lure of Place Often Confuses Set tled Convictions The Men nnd Their Jobs. Sptcial TFojMkcIc Oorretpondtnct. THERE has been no end of talk about Gov ernment by Commission, Government by Injunction, Government by Classes. A few years ago lawyers were Under the popular ban and much criticised by certain news papers because they could not be trusted Bafely with the making of the laws. It was nil the stylo among writers and speakers to discredit them; but they are coming back, and with them there are coming also a large number of nowspaper folk, who are playing now a remarkable part In the affairs of tho Government. It was Thomas Jefferson who said that If ho were compelled to havo gov ernment with newspapers or government without newspapers, ho would choose gov ernment with newspapers nnd let It go at that, or something Ilko that. Mr. Wilson socms to have caught tho true Jeffersonlan spirit on this subject, as ho has called Into his service a larger number of editors nnd correspondents than any other President In tho history of tho country. In Cabinet and Office IN HIS Cabinet there are two representa tives of the Fourth Estate William Jen nings Bryan, editor of the Commoner, nnd his First Lord of tho Admiralty, Josephus Daniels, editor of tho Raleigh Ncwb and Observer. Walter II. Page, long time Journalist nnd editor of tho World's Work, Is his Ambassa dor to the Court of St. James, Thomas Nel son Page, who made his first money writing for a Virginia newspaper and who Is tho author of many books, is his Ambassador to Italy. H. M. PIndcll, owner and editor of tho Peoria (Illinois) Journal, was selected by him to represent the United States at tha Russian Court. Pleasant A. Stovell, editor of tho Savannah Press, Is his Minister to Switzerland. Wil liam E. Gonzales, editor of the Columbia State, is his Minister to Cuba. Richard L. Metcalfe, managing editor of Mr. Bryan's paper, tho Commoner, was ap pointed one of the Pannma Isthmian Com missioners and designated head of the De partment of Civil Administration. C. M. Galloway, who served for years on tho Columbia Stnte, was appointed Civil Service Commissioner. William Bayard Hale, for a time connected with tho Philadelphia press, was entrusted with an Important mission to Mexico during the revolution against Hucrtn. Byron R. Newton, an old Sun man, Is Assistant Secretary of tho Treasury. John Skelton Williams, Comptroller of tho Currency, was the owner at one tlmo of two newspapers In Richmond, Virginia. Robert W. Woollcy, formerly of the New York World, Is the auditor for the Interior In the Treasury Department. George R. Cooksey, formerly of the Asso' elated Press, Is tho private secretary of the Secretary of the Treasury. John T. Suter, of the Chicago Record Herald, was nppolntcd private secretary of the Attorney General. In Congress THERE aro other places In the public serv ice that have been filled by newspaper men since the New Freedom, and there are men enough left among the unattached Jour nalists doubtless to take whatever other Jobs may be offered "Just to holp out the Admin istration." In the Senate and House tho profession of journalism has not been neglected by the people. Senator Ashurst, of Arizona, served his apprenticeship as a newspaper reporter. Representative Renting, from the same State, Is set down In the official record as "a news paper man." Thomas Lawrence Rellly, of tho 3d Con necticut District, "engaged In the newspaper business for 30 years." Senator Hoke Smith, of Georgia, was the founder of the Atlanta Journal. Congressman James II. Brady, of Idaho, "edited a newspaper two years." Congressman Clyde H. Tavenner, of Illi nois, has been doing newspaper work of one CURIOSITY SHOP Caesar's "I came; I saw; I conquered" had many Imitators. John Sobleskl announced his victory over the Moslems In 1681 In a dispatch to the Pope: "Je suls venu, J'al vu, DIeu a vaincu" (I came; I saw; God con quered). Cardinal Richelieu approved a book dedicated to him, with: "Acclpl, legl, probavl" (I have received, road, approved). In former days Presbyterian ministers had a blue apron which they threw over their preaching tubs. In "Hudlbras" Is an allu sion: 'When I a tub did view, Hung with an apron blue; 'Twas the preacher's, I conjecture." The present Triple Alliance was preceded by two others; the first, that of 1688 between England, Sweden and tho United Provinces to thwart the ambitions of Louis XIV of France; the second, In 1718, between England, the United Provinces and the Duke of Or leans, regent of France, to hinder the Bt'hemes of Spain. Alfred's scholars were a group of learned men who flourished during the reign of Al fred the Great. They were Grlmbald, French; Asser, Welsh; Plegmund, Ethelstan und Werwulf. three Mercian priests, and Wer frlth, Bishop of Worcester. Siglsmund, Emperor of Germany. 1367-1437, at the council of Constance in 1414, defended himself against some solecism by saying: "I am king of the Romans and above grammar." He waH ever after known as "Super-Gram-maticam." "Not worth a straw." This expression is supposed to be the modern translation of a much older one, "not worth a rush."' The rush plant was formerly used, as straw now is, In place of carpets. Before carpets were used the floors were strewn with rushes. Distinguished guests. It Is said, had clean, fresh rushes, but those of Inferior grade had either the rushes that had been used already by their superiors or none at all. In Welsh mythology, the souls which were not good enough for heaven and too good for hell were permitted to wander on earth until Judgment day. They were called "ellyllon." EXPERIENCE I havo known sorrow, therefore now I know The worth of laughter. I have been betrayed, Tried In the crucible, utterly dismayed: Henceforth with Truth forever let me go. I have known men wh poured on me their hate; How closely now I cleave unto one friend; I have heard scandal; therefore I defend The absent, when foul vultures desecrate. I have been blind to goodress; now I see The glory of her name all names above. I have known Judas; therefore give me love One hour, and I win fare eternity, Charles Uaosc-n Tint), la M-rn-j Msjuiln. sort and nnothcr since he was 13 years old he Is now 32. Congressman Louis FItzhenry, of Illinois, "entered journalism at an early ngo and has had considerable experience both In the business nnd editorial departments." Henry A. Barnhart, of tho 13th Indiana District, Is the owner of tho Rochester Sontl nol. Benator Brlstow, of Kansas, has been In tho business for 24 years, oft and on, owning during this tlmo three Republican newspa pers, one of which, tho Sallna Dally Journal, he still possesses. Daniel Read Anthony, of tho 1st Kansas District, "has been engaged In nowspapor work nil his life." John R. Connolly, of tho 6th Kansas Dis trict, owns nnd edits tho Colby Freo Press. Viotor Murdock, of tho 8th Kansas District, began tho printer's trade when ho was ten years old, was a reporter at 15, was manag ing editor of tho Wichita Dally Englo 20 years ngo, and Is now serving his fifth term In Congress, with tho expectation on tho part of his opponents that it will bo his last. Senator Burleigh, of Maine, Is tho publisher of tho Kennebec Journal. Samuel W. Beakes, of Michigan, was en gaged In publishing and editing newspapers for about 25 years. Senator Vnrdnman, of Mississippi, Is tho owner and editor of the Greenwood Enter prise. Speaker Chomp Clark edited a country newspaper when ho was young. Richard Bartholdt, of Missouri, Is a printer by trade nnd has been a newspaper man practically all his life. Tom Stout, of Montana, Is the editor and publisher of tho Fergus County Democrat. Senator Hitchcock, of Nebraska, is tho pub lisher of tho Omaha World-Herald. Senator Galllnger, of New Hampshire, "was a printer In early life." Pennsylvania Newspaper Men SENATOR OLIVER, of Pennsylvania, has been engaged In tho newspaper business for 14 years nnd Is the principal owner of the Pittsburgh Gazette-Times and Chronicle Telegraph. Anderson H. Walters, of Pennsylvania, Is the editor and publisher of the Johnstown Tribune. J. Hampton Moore, of the 3d Philadelphia District, was at ono time employed on tho Public LenaeR. John R. Farr, of Pennsylvania, has been newsboy, printer and publisher. . Warren W. Bailey learned the printing trade, has been engaged In tho publishing business since 1877 nnd Is now the editor and publisher of the Johnstown Dally Democrat. Wooda N. Carr, of the 23d Pennsylvania District, was editor of tho Unlontown Demo crat. Senator La Follette, of Wisconsin, owns and edits a newspaper. And Lulz M. Rivera, Territorial Delegate from Porto Rico, founded La Democracia, a dally newspaper, at Ponce, In 1889, for the purpose of opposing the Spanish colonial regime, and his paper still lives. Luro of Place w ITH all of this talent the cause of good government should be greatly advanced; but there Is not very much to show for It so far. Possibly, the nowspaper men know bettor how It should be done than how to do It; there is big difference between being in and looking out and being out and looking In. The greatest achievement of tho Jour nalists In Congress during the session Just adjourned was that of Carter Glass, of Vir ginia, who piloted tho banking and currency bill through the rough weather It encoun tered In the House. There Is an opinion among Bomo of tho older newspaper men that newspaper men have no business In public office, If they aro to feel free to give good counsel on public questions. But the lure of Place confuses settled convictions. RANDALL. NATIONAL POINT OF VIEW Mr. Perkins makes one observation which will provoke no Intelligent dissent: "Talk about tho Stock Exchange not being a necessity because we have got along for a couple of months with out It, Is sheer nonsense." Quite right. As a matter of fact, the country Is not getting alone at all without the facilities which the Stock Kxchntiitfc uppllcs, and Is not going to get along until the processes by which business enter prise Is financed have the use of the Stock Ex change machinery. .Vew York Sun. The Issue raised by Representative Gardner, of Massachusetts In his rcholution of Investiga tion, Is not one of militarism or anti-mllltarlsm. It Is one of self-protection. City Stur. There Is one achievement of which Secretary Daniels may well be proud the Introduction of competitive bidding in tho Navy Depart ment. From the beginning of his service in the Cabinet, Mr. Danltds has endeavored to obtain navy supplies at more reasonable fig ures, and he has succeeded. Indianapolis News. There Is a decided public sentiment against stopping the war In Europe by mediation or concession Just now. An opinion largely pre vails that the bent thing is to fight it out, and thus preclude from the settlement those telflsh conditions that provoked the war. The people generally would like to see overwhelmed in thla war the military power and control that domi nates the world. Ohio State Journal. Mr. WiUon has been the Administration to a greater degree than any recent President has dominated affairs during his tenure of office. What Congress has accomplished lius been done by his advice and assistance and some. tlm at h'a Insistence. Congress has not always been willing, but Congress lias had the good tense to perform its task Hartford Post. HUM OF HUMAN CITIES Suffrage Is a campaign Issue this fall In a number of States. Other cities besides Philadelphia see "Flying Squadrons." Among them all one of the most popular arguments is based on no less a document than tho new volume Just published by the Government In connection with the 13th census. There are many interesting angles de. veloped In that book besides the entrance of woman Into the more obviously feminine em ployments of laundresses and stenographers. It gives some statistics which go to show that the American who boasts that In his country women do not perform the manual labor which is expected of them In Europe is not so well Informed as he might be. We have not reached the point where farmers find It expedient to hitch the wife and the mule to a plow, and the trend of our eco nomic development does not show that we are likely to descend so low during the life time of the present generation, but there is an Increasing disposition to employ women In occupations generally regarded as too strenuous for tho average woman. Thirty one women are said to follow the trade of the blacksmith, which is surely among tra occupations which men believe require an extraordinary amount of muscular strength. There aro 15 bricklayers; and In the iron and steel industries several thousand women aro classed as laborers, Tho great majority of tho 8,000,000 cm ployed in gainful occupations perform work which requires quickness of mind and fingers rather than mere strength. All told, tho women workers comprlso about 25 per cent, of nil tho porsons who nro following gainful occupations, and this excludes women who wont at tno trade of being a mother ana keeping house. On tho basis of this report, says nn edi torial In tho Indianapolis Nows, It Is calcu lated that ono woman out of overy four Is working for money. That most of them work outside their homo, nnd Under conditions Im posed on them by Interests which often havo more regard for their earning power than their health, Is quite certain. The vitality of tho nation is locked up In tho women. Thoy are tho mothers of a largo part of the next generation. Thoy nre, In fact, a national ro sourcc, besldo which minerals nnd timber nnd water power aro Insignificant. Yet many of them work long hours under poor sanitary conditions, undermining their constitutions and sapping tho strength which It should bo V10, woman's right to give to her progeny. And tho working woman Is not to blnme, for she has no remedial power she merely ac copts tho condition for hotter or for worse and bends to her task. THE PRESS ON PENROSEISM Public Opinion of Nnlion Demands That Penn sylvania Overthrow the Pernicious System. From the Now Tork Tribune (Itcp.). Tho Republicans of Pennsylvania have nn opportunity this year to do a great Bervlco to tho Republican party of tho nation. Thoy can help to restore the confidence of the Re publicans of other States In tho vitality and usefulness of tho national organization and Its capacity to rid Itself of tho corrupting and de basing elements which have fastened upon It AMien such elements got control of the party machinery nnd use It to dishonor Republican traditions It Is no tlmo to bow down blindly to the convention of party regularity. The loyalty of good Republicans Is shamefully abused by self-seeking bosses like Boles Penrose, who try to bind good men to work for evil and clean men to work for corruption. There should bo no question of technical party regularity when the Ideals of Republicanism aro being profaned nnd Its good namo Is being stolen by men who uso their Republicanism only as a cloak to cover their own schemes of spoliation. Palmer the Man From the New York Evening Tost (Ind.). Although tho Pennsylvania Progressives nro maintaining that a vote for Palmer Is a voto for Penrose, nnd thoso of Illinois that a voto for Sherman Is a vote for Sullivan, the Independ ents In these States will be well advised to voto for the old party opponents of tho two bosses. They Inevitably have the best chance of win ning. Duty of Republican Voters From the Ohio Stato Journal (Hep.). Penrose Is the boss of Pennsylvania's corrupt Republican machine. Sullivan Is tho Penroso of Illinois Democracy. Oalllnger Is the Penroso and Sullivan of New Hampshire. These must be elected or beaten by direct voto of the peo ple. In each case tho objcctlonablo candidate can bo beaten only by opposition from members of his own party. Illinois, with tho Progresslvo party in tho flold, is normally Democratic this year. Pennsylvania and New Hampshire are normally Republican. Democrats must voto ngnlnst Sullivan nnd Republicans against Pen roso nnd Oalllnger If these worthies aro to bo elected to tho private llfo which thoy deserve. A Humorless Joke From the Ttonlon Trancrlpt (Rep.). The times havo passed Senntor Penroso by. Ho Is one of the lingering hindrances that keep Republicans out of their own. So long as tho country cannot havo tho benefits of Republi can direction without Republican evils along with It, Republicans may expect to fare Indif ferently. Mr. Whitman, of Now York, has been telling tho Republicans of his State somo wholesome truths of late. Ills message Is sim ple. Ho merely wants Republicans to serve tho common weal. Senntor Penroso belongs to the old group who want Republicans to servo Pen rose. We nil know that, nnd dislike It all of us except Senator Penrose's majority In Penn sylvania. Whitman and the now Republicans regard themselves us the property of tho coun try. Senntor Penrose, who has always reversed that belief. Is not to tho prevailing popular taste. The prevailing taste Is not for rule, even by Republicans; it Is for service. And there will bo no chance for Republicans to offer themselves In service so long ns tho Pen roso group remain to mnke a Joke of their sincerity. Penrose Menaces Protection Trom the TlurllnRton (Vt.) Freo Press (Rep.). The protectionists of tho United States are beginning to realize thnt we must elim inate ns our recognized mouthpieces and public representatives men who havo helped to Im peril both protection and Republicanism by causing these names to stnnd for what tho great mass of the people do not want. Everybody well Informed regards Penroselsm In Philadelphia the bnine ns Tnmmnny Hall In New York. Wherens tho way for a political party to becuro the support of tho present gen eration of Americans ns a whole Is to deserve support by clean politics, square dealing and thorough fealty to sterling principles. Trying to Redeem a State From the New York Times (Inil. Dem.), Tho greatest Interest centres In Pennsylva nia, where Holes Penrose, tho engineer of tho old Quay machine, is running for ro-election. There Is n revolt against him, nn effort to re deem tho Stato fiom the reproach of being tho last groat Stato In the Union represented In the Senate by a boss, but It Is divided between two candidate, Palmer and Plnchot. Independence in Politics From the FprlnRfleld Republican OnJ.). The Ledger Is ngnlnst Penrose, and tho Prets calls Itu stand "Democratic." All this beems like a hnikback to old dnys In Pennsyl vania politics when few dared to be Independent In politics. Rough on Pcnnsvlvama From the New York Telegram (Ind.). In the value of the snnd produced, although not In the quantity, Pennsylvania ranks first, tho precedence In value being due to the high value of the glass sand compared to other kinds. Maybe the tand In her soil accounts for the grit In her btatesmen. Something remarkable from the days of the Quaker who gave his name to the Commonwealth down through the period of Mr. Quay to the Penroses and Flinns of our own time. Conspicuously Discredited From Collier's Weekly (Prog.). If Pennsjlvaiila re-elects Senator Penrose next month, It will be hard to believe that there is much of the spirit of regeneration In that State. Next to Cannon nnd McKlnley, who nre running for Congress In Illinois, Pemoso Is the most conspicuous of the old discredited leaders of the Republican party who ure now offering n conspicuous target to the discriminating voter. Penrose is not merely reactionary. In the prebent mood of public opinion, with the unaccustomed economic conditions which we face, the Republican voters of Pennsylvania might bo forgiven for standing pat. Rut Pen roso has perpetuated in Pennsylvania, ever since Quay died, probably the most odious po litlcal machine in the United States. Aside from any political or economic Issue, this ma chine, with Ub booze affiliations, creates a moral Issue which no sincere voter can dodge. Approaching the Caudine Fork From the Columbia State (Dem.). The Hon. Boles Penrose is waging a des perate right for his political life in Pennsylva nia, that has been a reliably Republican com munity ilnco 1866, though occasionally In off ears the people rose and rebuked the bosses the Camerons, Quay nnd Penrose. Since the advent of the Republican party In 1S51, with short interregnums, the old Keystone State has been ruled by bosses. Old Simon Cameron held the primacy many ears ago and transmitted It to his son, Don Cameron, who was shoved aside by Matt Quay, whom he had created Quay discovered Penrose, and the latter has been boss ulnce Quay's death. Wallace retired from the Senate In 1S81, since when the Cam-eron-Quay-PenroBe machine has run tha old Keystone State like the widow kept tavern, but tidings from Pennsylvania are to the effect that Boss Penrose wJU reach the Caudine Forks In November. Let us hope o. SCRAPPLE To De Accurate "Is your friend an American?" "No, he's a Now Yorker." Tito Daily Argument Tho snow that fills with sheer delight Hor son, tho mother rues, Each day she has a fight to make Him wear his overshoes. The Idol Shattered Tho lltcral-mlndcd foreigner who had been touring tho United States for weeks breathed a sign of relief as he stopped oft tho train In uumuii. .tim auuu yuj wrumuea in smiles as he walked up to a ragged, dirty urchin and said! "My llttto man, I -wish to ascertain the location of tho beat hostelry In your mu nicipality, and also I shall consider It an eleemosynary action on your part If you will furnish mo with Instructions as to the most expeditious method of reaching It." "G'wan," said tho boy, "Yuh gotta mouth full of teath. Ask uh cop." , Yprcs of Battles Now, further to confuse and trip us Como dally fights along tho Ypres. With howitzers and roving snipers Thero must bo carnago on tho Ypres. No doubt tho conflicts thero nro zippers, Alonrr tho onc-tlmo placid Yprcs. Then thero aro clashes 'tween tho Kaiser And allied armies on tho Yscr, Somo quite Important, others lesser Aro taking place along tho Yscr. A big gun ronrs, a shell doth kiss her; She roars no moro along tho Yscr, Oh, Of Course "Theeo politicians always throw dust Into tho eyes of tho people." "Yes, they do mako sweeping promises." The Remedy Gladys I can't get a moment to myself, Charlie Insists on calling every day and I don't sco how I'll find tlmo to keep up my slumming. Yvonne Marry him, my dear. Milady Talked Milady talked of everything As ovor hill and dalo we walkod; I had proparod of love to sing, But all my tender thoughts took wing' Milady talked. Milady spoke of this and that, And when I would her ear Invoke Sho mado mo feel extremely flat; Tho cost of living was her chat; Milady spoke. Milady chattered of her dad; I knew then It hnd never mattered; Sho told of losing all ho had; My love grow cold, I felt less sad; Milady chattered. Milady cost me quite a sum. Into the discard It Is tossed; To buy her Jewels I was dumb, Ere finding out but sho was mum; Milady cost. Milady lost mo on that walk; Alaa! that love should meet a frost I had no wealth, I had to balk; And she, although I tried, would talk; Milady lost. Milady left, and strange to say, I did not feel at all bereft; But blithely went upon my way And wondered how tho debts to pay Milady left. The Gift Kind "This is ono of Brown's cigars. I don't see how ho can smoko stuff llko this." "He doesn't," Correcting an Error The special meeting of the Married Ladles' Society for the Better Control and Guidance of Husbands was In session. "My husband formed the habit of spend ing three nights a week at tho club," said the weeping member, "nnd I threatened him with a divorce suit. Now he goes to the "Your strategy was at fault," remarked tho chair, consolingly, "hut the error Is easily mended. Toll him ho has saved you the trouble of a suit and you will not act so long as he stays away from home." Sonnet to a Queen Morose and drear my lot In life. O Queen, Since In tho moment's brutal Idiom I Discarded you; nlaa! I can but sigh And vainly wish that I could havo foreseen This aftermath of troublous days, and lean. These knocks of fato that grow and multi ply As evil harvesters who fight nnd vie Each with tho other my poor life to glean. And that In sullen bitterness I rue The day I cast you down with little thought. Does not avail to stem misfortune's rush; But ah, that I had tint discarded you; The days with golden happiness were fraught Had I, retaining you, drawn to tho flush. Real Ability "He is an expert salesman." "What? Do you mean to say he has stopped writing poetry V" "No; but the magazines are taking it." Too Nice There Is a man we think Is too Fnstldlously nice; He thinks 'twould never, never do To weur the same shirt twice. Sold The visitor had boon touring Brooklyn. "I notice little signs In front of tho newly built homes, rending 'Sold,'" he said. "Is that the way the builders boast of their sales here?" "Our hullders are great Jokers," replied the native who had Just bought one, ' tha sign refers to tho purchaser." THE BABBLING FOOL I have little faith In the politician. No self-respecting man will announce himself as a candidate for an office and then go out anu try to make people believe that he Is fit for the place. Whenever a man runs around the country exploiting his own value, it Is a sign that ho ought not to get tho office. The man who is In politics for his own sake should be klcKea out for tho sake of the public. Reform is tho paint-pot of politics. It Is the great American pastime. When a man has nothing elso to do he can start out to reform Bomebody. Reform Is as fascinating as wasteful. What comes of It? Golden conduct is not made out of paper Instincts. I have a profound contempt for tho political Pharisees who mako broad their phylacteries and say what they do not mean. Up ana down the land they go, followed by parasites who, too. would be politicians. And this is called the rule of the people. "Nature red In tooth and claw" Is the oldest of all warriors. A thunderstorm Is a battlefield and an earthquake, a submarine doing Its deadly work. The dog will chase the cat and, except In menageries, the lion eats the lamb. War Is a profitable and to most men an agreeable form of exercise a football gamo played in earnest. Every nor mal man Is a fighter. The Instinct is In his blood. Peace will come when blood is changed to water. It would be a calamity to stop fighting. What a monotonous world this would be U babies played with rattlesnakes and tho po' loved the rich. What a disappointment the deer no longer ran from the hounds, ana the meek should Inherit the earth. How im poverished were life If the English loved the Germans and rifles Bhould be turned Into carwheels. Non-resistance Is the doctrine ci the slave. What's the use preaching peace to fighting cocks or truth to lunatics! The man with rd blood is his veins win strike back. Nature always docs.