J NIGHT NIGHT EXTRA ma&tt EXTRA PKIOE OltfE CENT I. . .- VOL. I-NO. 38, PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1914. COFTUKJHT, 1014, BT tHK PDUtlO 1.KDORK COMMHT. $1,000,000. Penrose Rum Fund-Northeast Urges Rapid Transit. Germans Falter on. Left Many D ie in Mine; 282 Saved A DAY'S JOURNEY WITH" THE CAMERA MAN i I. '1,1 .I i i 1. 1 M i i n i i j 1',w e',is arc coliectcd ior war sufferers at City Hall. The picture to tne lett shows donations being received by mail. The centre pictu.e is mat of some practical gifts for the little sufferers' comfort. At the extreme right is shown how the gifts are assorted by women of tiij . . Child Federation, who are doing the noble work of helping to fill the Christmas ship that will convey America's expression of her good1 will to the shores of Europe. DR. MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH EXPOUNDING CAMPAIGN ISSUES MEN FLOCK TO AUaTRO-HUNGARlAN CONSULATE HERE TO ENLIST FOR WAR COLONEL ROOSEVELT HAS RETAINED FAMILIAR SMILE . . , . i j fwpa .... jj v . mk a TODAY. TH.R kiHfST vim r rut i-hjt. wimtfr piirrrmtr war mrt nv a cttud dcoti-t.. , " "wsWTm,na u. rau,..., .suPPOHTKiiKV,,,,, , ' ,' HE CITY ,woafU !!, fnoiOGKAPttS WKK SNAPPED AT WINDV COKN' IN, THE CENTRE OF THE CITY M ' '38 1 ! :' i II I imn vim 4 .fc 'if jf ; .t