CHURCHES iofTiiLHITTERS' WILL BLAZE A TRAIL FOR 'BILLY' SUNDAY Converts From Coal Regions Will March on Broad Street and Sing on City Hall Plaza Tonight. Shortly before nightfall this evening 1000 men will march on Brond street and Inllie !"'" fl'" of lh0 Clty HaM wl11 ..nK Inspiring Christian Bongs. These wen are part of an army of many thou .,,ls who, through the Inspiration Hint Wm8 to them when they heard the new w A. Sunday, baseball evangelist, do clricfl to acknowledge themselves pub- "ThCy3 can 'themselves "trail hitters," ,n Itlicy are Journeying to this city to 5v headed by the new George G. Dottcy, general secretary of the Sunday Campaign Committee, from their homes in Wllkcs-Barro and Scrantou nnd other towns In that part of Pennsylvania to E the trail for "Billy" Sunday, the mailer evangelist. .... There. Is nothing mysterious about these Jn, however, even though they liavo Msumed the strange title of "trail hit tors " for they are Just tho Bamo as mon round walking through Philadelphia ititcts every day. excepting that all of these converts are men of God They iiKsc ,,,.. on thnv will tell tho worshipers In somo BOO churches In this citv and vicinity tomorrow morning and evening. But slnco "Billy" Sunday struck the coal regions they have given up all the ways that nro not Just right, and now they willingly go anywhere on the Bttbbath to carry the message of tho gospel to other men. During the weekdays they may bo found working on tho railroads, conducting cases as attorneys In tho courts, sitting around the directors' tables in tho banks, watching tho looms, digging coal In tho wines, helping to build houses, carrying the "hod." Yes, everywhere nnd at nil kinds of employment, these same men may be found when at homo, for they come from every walk of life. But they feci they aro of ono family now the family that looks to God ns its father and they nil come willingly to preach together the same messuge that has brought to them a now life. They do not mlnco words, but tell cold facts about their lives as thoy were be foro Sunday went to seo them and ns they nro now slnco they walked down the sawdust "trail." They will appear in teams of four In churches In all parts of Philadelphia tomorrow nnd tell tho stories of their Uvea and the lives of others before nnd after taking tho medi cine tho baseball evangelist gave them. In the afternoon, at 4 o'clock, thcro villi bo monster mass-meetings for men In all pnrts of the city. Including tho different brunches of tho Young Men's Christian Association. At each of theso nuttings there will bo special music, the Sunday hymns will be sung and about W of tho "trail hitters" will lead In the demonstrations. The mass-meetings are to bo held in the following places: Orace Baptist Temple. Union Mcthorllit Chunh. North Philadelphia Y. M. C. A., Co hockslnk I' Church. Messiah Luth eran Church. Fourth Baptist Church, Central T M I A Spring (linden Street Methodist Church. Chambeis-Wvllo Presbyterian Churh, Hethanv 1'ieshvterlan Church. 'Ihlrd Baptist Chur. li Mount Vermin Methodist Church. Last Alleghens Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, Et Paul's Reformed Episcopal Church. Lat mlrhiel Presbyterian Church. Inurth Re formed Churili. Hrldcsburg Mathndlst Church, Franktnrd Avenue Methodist Church, Her nuntovvn V M. C A., Logan Theatre. Olney Presbyterian Church, Gethsemane Lutheran Church. West rhltndelplila V. M C A.. Flint United Presbyterian Church. University of .ennsvlvanla. Darby Presbyterian Church and the Darby Itlsh Schont. I COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION CONVENTION Tlans Completed for Meetings on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday nnd Friday. The plans have been comploted for tho annual convention of tho Philadelphia County Stindny School Association, which will be held In the Messiah Lutheran Church, 16th and Jefferson streets, on Monday. Tuesday, Thursday nnd Friday of next week. 'The Business End of the Sunday School" will bo thu general theme on Monday, and tho speakers are to bo Al lan Sutherland. Thomas II. Patton and Alfred Cope Garrott. A. Lincoln Hall, the musical director, will Illustrate meth ods of teaching Sunday BChool music. Thcro will be Interesting programs each afternoon, starting at i o'clock, nnd each evening, starting at 7:15 o'clock. On Fri day afternoon the election of officers will take place. In the evening of that day A rapnfnHInn nt tn "frnnf llim" rlls. lJcts will oecunv n. nart of the time. hi the new general secretary, tho Rev. ueorge G. Dowcy, will address the or ganized adult Bible classes on the ways in which thoy can help In the coming Sunday evangelistic campnletn. BRftpSTREET M. E. CHURCH SIXTY YEARS OLD Occasion Will Be Marked by Anni versary Services Tomorrow. Tlans have been completed for an elab orate celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Street Methodist Episcopal Church, Hroad and Christian streets, to morrow, by the pastor, the Itev. 'William Henry Beyer. In tho morning Dr. T. M. Jackson Is to tneak and In the evening Bishop T. B. Jv'eely will be the preacher. The Rov. Henry Hes3 will address the Sunday School In the afternoon. There will be special music at all the services, atuj ln the cvenn(f a violin solo Kill be played by Edith Wood-Alexander. "HUMANE SUNDAY" PLANS Sermons Will TJrge the Beauty of Kindness. Tomorrow Is to be "Humane Sunday." nen sermons will be preached In many cnurche, throughout this city and Penn sylvania on subjects that havotodo with ie extermination of cruelty to dumb ant niais and human beings, and the need of greater kindness as tho rule for all. The plans for the day were) largely formulated by the Antl-Vlvlsectlon So ciety, but ten other local organizations interested in humane movements Joined in the work and appointed representatives the general commlttea. LUTHER LEAGUE TO MEET Annual Session Will Begin on Tues day Next, la!,' alJnual meeting of the Philadelphia in .fc r A,eaeu ls t0 be he'd on Tuesday Shurch r the Holy Communion, te tnUt et.rect' abov Thera will x At IS M"lons- at 4 and 8 p. m. ubmm f'fcrooon slon reports will be VvenTni '? a,i? offl(;e elected. In the SDeaT 8 th0 Rev' Dr ' " J i'ttuM R The Luthe."n Church and EVENING Ai-fHFiglrJ""'" "Xclthcr gold nor grandeur can rnnko tho henrt glad. Gladness ls the frultngo of loving service." These words greet the eyes of tho thousands of persons who each day pass tho Arch Street Methodist Epis copal Church, Broad and Arch streets, where they nre posted. They number only 16, but they preach a greater sermon than many a discourse last ing through nn hour. No person can find tho greatest Joy In II fo Without knowing that ho Is helping to make some one else happy. Fleeting pleasures come and go, like the rays of sunshine that peep through tho swaying branches In tho forest, for those who live to themselves alone. Those who constantly scatter Joys among their fellows, through real acts of helpfulness and kindness, are alone found always with faces aglow In tho radiance thnt shines only from tho peaceful heart. Xo man's conrclonce can bo nt rest If ho realizes thnt ho linn failed to bring needed bilghtness Into tho lives of tho sorrowful. If a man's con science Is not at peace he cnti never Include real gladness among his pos sessions. And wo always know when we nllow the opportunity to do n, kindly act to pass without recogni tion. Let us follow tho pathway of glad ness through scattering some nun Bhlnn nbout us every day. Wo need not turn asldo from our dnlly route to find thoso who would gratefully no cept It. Thoy nro ever standing by our own front door. "With the same measure that yo mete withal It shall bo measured to you again." PHILLIPS. THOUSANDS WERE AIDED BY P. E. CITY MISSION Keport of Besults Accomplished Last Year Shows Scope of Work. Last year's work of tho Philadelphia City Mission, conducted By the Protestant Episcopal Church, was the most success ful In Its history. In tho annual report of tho mission, Just mndo public by tho Bov. II. Cresson McHcnry, acting super intendent, Is tho following record: Missionary vlsltn to prisoners and tho sick nnd poor. 34,611; religious services held, 3172: celebrations of tho Holy Com munion, 630; baptisms, 313; burials, 4'J; confirmations, 72; marriages, 21. The report calls for aid to provide for Immediate needs. Chaplains are wanted for the Eastern Penitentiary, tho County Prison, the House of Correction, the Hos pital for Contagious Diseases and for Brown's Farm, Torrcsdale. NEW ORGAN FOB CHURCH A now plpo organ, costing about $000, wilt bo dedicated In St. ThomaB Aquinas Roman Catholic Church, the Bov. Mgr. James F. Trainer, rector, on Sunday, November 1. A special program of music will bo given. SALVATION ARMY ASKS ASSISTANCE IN RELIEF WORK Plight of Suffering Refugees Abroad and Depression in This Country Increase Task of Organization. Appeals for financial old to help the re lief work of the Salvation Army, In Hol land, whore It Is ln desperate need, owing to the thousands of homeless refugees who have rushed Into that country from war-rlddnn Belgium, aro to bo made throughout the Middle East section of the United States by Colonel It. E. Holz, commander of tho Atlantic Coast Prov ince, whose headquarters are at 13th and Market streets. Colonel Holz said today that tho lead ers In Holland have made urgent appeals to the army In America to assist In their work. Every one of their home and their emergency shelters Is overcrowded with refugees, mostly women nnd chil dren, and It Is next to Impossible to nnd clothing and food for them. Holland Salvation Army officers say the, conditions of tho army ln England, Franco and other European countries aro so dis tressed, ns the result of the financial straits brought on by tho war and the enlistment of so many of the supporters und workers, that little assistance for the refugees can bo anticipated from those quarters, DEPRESSION HINDERS CHARITY. In this country Colonel Holz reports tha army work much hindered because of the depression that has come on during tho last two months because of the war. The relief departments In Philadelphia and other cities In the East nre being called upon by hundreds deserving employment or financial assistance. He also says that the applicants are of a different class from the usual crowds found at the re lief headquarters, many of them being hard-working men who have been thrown out of employment by the war. Relief funds Intended for distribution to the workers In Holland and tho relief (stations in this country will be received by Colonel Holz at hla Philadelphia head quarters, and will be forwarded to the American headquarters In New York, where the fund will be apportioned. CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Seventh Street Methodist Will End Observance Tomorrow, The 79th anniversary celebration of the Seventh Street Methodist Episcopal Church will end tomorrow. There will be special services throughout the day. In the morning the Rev. Oscar Ford, of Greenfield. Mass., a former boy mem ber of the church, will preach. In the afternoon there will be an Ocean Grove love feast and platform meeting conduct ed by Profs. J. Lincoln Hall and Irving II. Mack. In the evening four of the "Billy" Sunday "trail hitters" from Scranton, Wllkes-Barro and other up State cities will speak. Revival services will be held In the ttd Street Methodist Episcopal Church to morrow evening under the direction of Frederlcka and Puttie Watklns Lindsay. "The Church That Grows" will be the subject of a sermon to be pleached by the Rev. Lee E. Rife, pastor of the Norria Square Vn'ted Presbyterian Church, to morrow evening. T,rrnTr rrTT.A OLD ST. JOHN'S PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND ITS RECTOR, THE REV. GEORGE CHALMERS RICHMOND ". 5 7 A r 88 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF ST. JOHN'S WILL BE FITLY OBSERVED Rev. Mr. Richmond, the Rector, Completes Ar rangements for Big Cele bration During November. The Rev. Gcorgo Chalmers Richmond, rector of St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church, has completed arrangements for ia big celebration In observance of the 100th anniversary of tho founding of that organization. The old church, now located on Brown street below 3d, was established In 18H. It was the outgrowth of a Sun day school started In the then Northern Liberties by tho late Bishop "White, first Bishop of Pennsylvania. St. John's was Instituted as a. parish int tho diocesan convention ln 1815, and It has been self-supporting ever since. Tho Rev. Mr. Richmond has been In charge of tho parish since 1M9, nnd through his radical sermons has fre quently brought the church Into the lime light. The anniversary celebration will begin tho centennial celebration of the Holy Communion and an anniversary sermon by tho rector on Sunday, November 1, nt 10:30 a. m. In the evening thero will bo nn organ recital nt 7:30 by Profopnor Keepers. This will bo followed by nd dresses by the Rev. Dr. John Archibald McCnllum, pastor of tho Walnut Street Presbyterian Church, nnd by the Rev. Dr. Frnnk P. Parkin, superintendent of the Central District of tho Methodist Episcopal Church of. tho Philadelphia Conference. It la intended to continue tho observance through till November 29. BIG CIVIC CELEBRATION. A meeting on November 13 promises to bo tho largest of tho events. It Is to bo the "Civic Celebration." and among tho spenkers announced are Mayor Blank cnburg, Rabbi Joseph Krauskopt, Dr. Jesso II. Holmes, Director Gcorgo D. Porter, Colonel Sheldon Potter, Edgar N. Black, Charles H. Bower, Daniel E. Test, the Rev. William II. Hendricks, Prof. Daniel Batchellor. Howard R. Sheppnrd, tho Rev. K. E, Evnns, George Ulrlch und Bishop Rhlnelander, of tho Dlocoso of Pennsylvania. "The Relation of tho Church to tho City" will be the general theme of tho evening. On Sunday morning, November 15, tho Rev. Mr. Richmond will preach n special sermon on "Tho Beginning of n Now Chris tianity." In the evening of that day thero will be a Masonic celebration. Tho following Sunday nt the evening service prominent laymen, Including Principal William D. J.cwls, of the William Penn High School, will speak. On Wednesday evening, November 25. "NelKhborhood Night" will bo observed, when many clergymen of the neighborhood will be guests nnd spenk at a reception. Prof. Seott Nearlng, of the University of Pennsylvania, will talk on the evening of November 29, and following this gen eral observance tho Rev. Mr. Richmond ls to begin a series of evening sermons on "The Economic Christ." ENDEAV0RERS WILL FIGHT CORRUPTION IN POLITICS "Christian and Bible" Theme for "Good Citizenship Day" Tomorrow. Christian Endeavor societies In this city and throughout Pennsylvania will unite tomorrow In the world-wide celebration of "Good Citizenship Day," nnd at that time Penroselsm doubtless will receive hundreds of hard blows. Tho subject to be discussed Is "The Christian and the Bible." In almost nil the Philadelphia churches the societies are to have special speak ers, and the young Christian workers will vago u special campaign against the sale of Intoxlcnnts and the control of politics and politicians, by the liquor In terests. TO TELL OF SUNDAY'S WORK Scrantou Minister Will Describe Benefits of Evangelist's Campaign. Tho Rev. O. W. Wellburn, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, of Hcranton, wilt give Information concern ing the benefits received through the "Billy" Sunday campaign recently held In his and other churches In Scrantou at the meeting of the Philadelphia Union, to ba held on Thursday evening, Novem ber 5, in the llethany Brotherhood House, !2d and South streets. Tho Rev. Gcorgo I). Dowey. secretary of the Philadelphia "Sunday" campaign, I will present some of the phases of the ' work which men are expected to do In ! connection with the coming campaign. ' 'The Famous Men's Chorus" of Bethany t Church will sing. Percy F. Smith, candidate for Lieu tenant Governor, will speak at Our Re deemer Reformed Episcopal Church to morrow afternoon nt 2:30 o'clock. In tho avonlng the Rev. Pr. August E. Barnett will talk on "The Meaning of the Prot estant Parade." Henry W. Lewis, soloist of the West Branch Young Men's Christiun Assocla Hon and of the Welsh Society of Phlla dtdphla, will lead a special song service in the Went United Presbyterian Church tomorrow evening "Billy" Sunday trail hitters will speak. William H, Crown, executive secretary of tho West Branch, will speak ln the morning. - nTTlTHTA. SATURDAY, OOTOB38B MEMBERS OF PROTESTANT SOCIETIES WILL PARADE 2000 Persons Expected to Partici pate In Demonstration Tonight. A parade of members of organizations nmilatcd with Protestant churches in Philadelphia will bo hold this evening. VIco President Marshall, Rear Admiral George W. Balrd. General Nelson A. Miles, Mayor Blankenburg, Governor Tener nnd other prominent State nnd city officials have been asked to review the demonstration. Thoso who do so will probably occupy n. stand In front of tho headquarters of the Philadelphia County Federation of Protestant Frater nities nnd Church Organizations, which has charge of the plans, at 715 North Brond street. Samuel A. Wilson, president of the Fed eration, is to bo tho marshal. It Is ex pected thnt several thousand persons will participate. The first division of tho parade Is to move from Broad and Diamond streets nt 7 o'clock. CHURCH SOCIETY JOINS IN CUTTING HIGH LIVING COST Men's Bible Class Forms Covenant Benevolent Asso ciation to Aid Members in Distress. A unique and what appears to bo a successful effort to reduce tho high cost of living is being made by members of tho Covenant Presbyterian Church of Germantown. Upon tho suggestion of their pastor, the Rev. Dr. Harlo W. Hath away, to cre.ite a beneficial society, a number of benedict mombors of the men's Bible class formed tho Covenant Benev olent Association for tho purposo of pur chasing household necessities nnd ren dering assistance to an unfortunate brother' member In periods of financial distress and sickness. Groceries and other Indispensable arti cles of tho homo nie being bought dally nt a wholesale price, In many Instances leaving a flattering discount In the pock etbooks of the members. A smllo un doubtedly will light tho countenances of many "benevolcnts" If the coal dealers send tha price of anthracite soaring up wards with tho mercury this winter. The society has taken measures of precau tion for them by purchasing coal during tho summer mouths at a wholesale figure. In addition to Its object of economy, the society has assisted In furnishing clothes and shoes for tho children of needy families, loaned hospital expenses for sick membors, advanced sufficient funds for one member to continue his studies und paid rent In two cases when lack of employment beriously threatened the existence of these homes. According to Doctor Hathaway, who has been n prime factor In organizing the East Germantown Improvement Ab soclation and a number of oth r progres sive movements In that part of the city, "It is a society to help tho respectublo poor. It prevents the men, especially the young married men, from becoming discouraged and laying down. In other words, the association helps those who really want to help themselves." The organization ls sustained by a weekly payment of ten cents from each member nnd tin ndmli-sinn fee of Jl. The following officers guide tho destiny of tho society: Walter S. Grlnrod, presi dent; Frank J. Kessler, vice president; William Poos, ticasurer; James Barker, counselor, and Benjamin Hollows, sec retary. WALTER S. GRINROD AND THE REV, DR, H. W, HATHAWAY . Jag sssi l&sBlHi "nVT8 BAPTISTS SOUND CALL TO ALIGN AGAINST UQDOR State Social Service Commit tee Plans Active Campaign Against Candidates Hav ing Support of Rum Ring. A Btale-wlde campaign for local OP' Hon will be waged by the Social Service J Commltteo of tho Baptist Church of Pennsylvania. Prof. S. Z. Batten, sec retary of the committee, said today that tho church organization would Join forces with tho advocates of local option and tempcrnnco workers throughout tho State in an effort to rout the liquor in terests. Tho first guns of the campaign will be fired within the next few days and the fight will bo one of tho most aggressive ever undertaken by a church organization. Besides Professor Batten, the commit tee Is composed of tho Rov. Gcorgo V. Daniels, pastor of tho Wayland Memorial Baptist Church: the Rev. Dr. Gcorgo H. Ferris, pastor of the First Baptist Church: tho Rev. Dr. George T. Webb, pastor of tho Eleventh Baptist Church, and tho Rov. O. C. Horsman. of WII1 lamspurt, Pa. Although means of reaching voters hnvo not been determined by tho commtttce, n strong appeal will be made through literature, placards or "stump" speeches. The aid of every temperance organiza tion In the Stato will be enlisted ln the fight, and through tho . -operation of theso forces the committee plans to have IhM Ita case before every citizen by the time balloting begins. RELIGIOUS BREVITIES The Rev. Snlvatore Musso, pastor of St, Paul's Methodist Kplscopal Church, tho "Italian Mission," has announced that n course In tho Itnllan language will be given nt that church. Work ls nbout to be Btarted on a con vent to be built ndjolnlng the Catholic Church of tho Assumption, 12th and Spring Garden streets. The building Is to be three stories high, nnd will be constructed of brick nnd stone. The cost will be about J25.000. Bishop Rhlnelander will confirm a class In St. Stephen's Church, Brldcsburg, to morrow forenoon, nnd ono In St. Luke s Church. Newtown, In the evening. Bishop Garland will be nt St. ThomaB' Church. Whitcmarsh. In tho morning nnd nt the Church of the Advent, Hatboro. A special musical service will bo given In the Advocate Methodist Episcopal Church tomorrow evening. In the morn ing "trail hitters" for the Sunday cam paign will apeak. Tho Rov. James Ramsay Swain will preach nt the morning service In the Woodlnnd Prcsbyterlnn Church tomorrow on "The Grip of Christ." Sunday cam paign "trail hitters" will be there In the evening. Mr. Swain will continue his studies In the Pilgrim's Progress. Part II, at the Wednesday oventng service. Mrs. Laura Wood Grebe will give nn orgnn recital tomorrow evening In the Arch Street Presbytcrlnn Church, and the pastor, the Rev. Clarence Edward Mc Cartney, will preach on "The Chambers of Imagery." "Christianity Its World Crisis and Its World Opportunity" will be the subject of n sermon to be preached tomorrow morning by tho Rev. Dr. Robert Bagncll. pastor of tho Park Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. In the afternoon there will bo ,i big men's meeting, and the Rtv. George G. Dowey, the "trail hitter" leader for "Billy" Sunday, will be one of the speakers. In the evening there will be a tenm of the Sunday converts present to give addresses. The Rev. William Mulr Auld. the pas tor, will preach on "Attractive RellKlnn" at the morning service In the Calvary Presbyterian Church tomorrow, and In the evening his subject Is to be "Can dor." At the midweek service on Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock Mr. Auld will Klve his fourth reading on the book of Amos. A successful rally has been In progress this week In Wesley Methodist Episcopal Chapel, Chestnut Hill, under the direc tion of the pastor, the Rev. Charles Wes ley Green. The Rev. W. T. Caldwell will preach In Hope Presbyterian Church tomorrow morning, and tho Rev. Dr. J. G. Bolton, the pastor, will take for his theme In tho evening the subject, "The Duty of the Pulpit and Press on Character Building." Tomorrow morning the Rev. D. Stuart Moore, ptstor of Scots' Presbyterian Church, will preach on "The Coming Time of Triumph." and In the evening hi sub ject Is to be "The Approaching World Crisis." The Rov. Dr. John T. Reeve, pastor of tho Fourth Presbyterian Church, will preach tomorrow morning, and In the evening "Billy" Sunday "trail hitters" will bo the speakers. Alfred W. Martin, of New York, wilt address the Ethical Culture Society meet Inir ln the Broad Street Theatre tomor row morning nt 11 o'clock on "False Be llefs About War Exposed By tho Present World Crisis." W. II. Mlntzer and Mrs. Mlntzer will have charso of tho Second Baptist Help. Ing Hand class tomorrow afternoon, and n crowd of "Billy" Sunday "trail hitters" will pcak. Donations In cash to the Bethany Anchorage last week amounted to 15;. Dr. Howard C. Carpenter, of the Child Federation, will speak on "Conservation ' of Child Life." at 8 o'clock, tomorrow , morning, at the Temple Unlveralty Lceum services, nt the church nt Broad and Brnwn ttrrets. There will be special ' music, tea Dy rraieasor w. fr". I'lrich, and I 1 at U a m. the Rev. T- I. Collins will , preach. The Brotherhood of St. Matthew's Church. Broad and Mt. Vernon streets, will give n supper to the men of the c-nurcn on Tnuraay evening Pr. Wlllla ,.,uo;,ci aim itiiiti itl 00 tUS .-eukers. Tho Rev George ChHlm-rs Richmond will preach in St John's Church, Brown street below Sd, tomorrow mornlmr. on ' Soverign of the Soul " In the evening I the Rev John Mason Wells, of the First i itapusi i nurcn. ivonnett Square, will speak, Mr. Richmond wilt be the speaker that night in the lire houie ut Kennott Square, before a united congregation of al the I'rutestant churches of the town. At the mirnins svrvtce in the t'hurch of the Advocate. Germantown. "Blll ' Sun day carapsJffn "trall-hltters" are to speak I tc-iiorrow jn he evening the Urst mui cal service of the season will be given. 2A, 3 014. 0F Ath DENOMINATIONS iSSSf yx4BSSSlV , Mittttttt" 1 "IBrA THE REV. R. A. GARRISON A former Philadelphia boy, now pastor of Marple Presbyterian Church. Broomall, which has had a wonderful revival during the last few years, MARPLE PRESBYTERIANS' REMARKABLE REVIVAL Church Has Spent ?4O0O and Ad ditional Outlay of $GOOO in Prospect. Marple Presbyterian Church nt Broom all, Delaware County, has had a re markable revival of material and spirit ual activity during the last few years. Within tho last two years more than X40CO has been spent on Improvement!) to tho old colonial parsonage and church which have completely modernized them, and they now are models for any pro gressive country congregation to follow. There has been a big growth In the Sunday school, nnd such an active Christian Endeavor Society has been founded that It ls now necessary to en largo the accommodations, with the re sult thnt ground was broken recently for tho erection of a handsomo Sunday school building adjoining the rear of tho church edifice. When the addition to tho church prop erty ls completed and furnished there will have been expended almost J6000 on It, which will bring the cost of the ma terial growth during the last two years ut to nenrly $10,000. . , Tho pastor, tho Rev. R. A. Garrison, declares thnt ho Is exceedingly grateful to the members for their hearty co-operation to make his work at Marple Church a success. Mr. Garrison, a young clergy man who came to Broomall after threo years In the mission field of North Da kota, says tho people of tho congregation have taken hold enthusiastically of every thing he has suggested, and ho wnnts KKLK1IOUS NOTICES Tlaptlnt nAPTIST TEMPI. B Brond and IicrKn. ItrssKi.I. U. CON WELL. Pastor. . ., Jlornltur, lo.-io. uiblf Kcliooh a,jf,(i. Lvng. ... nnd hla Cornet Ciunrict will asilst the Chorus at the KvcnlnR Services. Dr. Connell will nr.-ach mornlne ami pie. OriMn Itreltnl. 7 I.'.. Win. I'owcll Twnddell, Musical Director and Orsaniat. . C1IESTNTT STREET IIAF'TIbT CIUJP.OII Chestnut at. west of 40th. GEOIiriB D. ADAMS, I). D, Taator. V.4."v-Hrotherhooil of A and P. 10 3i a. m Srlco will be conducted by. tne TRAIL HITTBUS FIUIM S IIVMTJ.n I 2 no i. m. filhle Schoul and Men's lllble j 4 i. ni. Mats meeting for men In connection . ' WILLIAM A. SUNDAY CAMPAIGN 7:43 p. m. Womlilp and Sermon by Pastor. FIFTH IIAPTIST I'Hl'llUH. SprlnB oaiaen P.OV. V QUAY nOSSEI.LK. Til. D.. D. V., Pastor. . . .. .. in .it n. m "The I'.ithn or Lire 7 4." ). m DlHclples "... . 7 in i m Olee i lull of the church, unrter the direction of Frederick J. Balmowi; also musi ' it I'ujtt rlor ,,uurtct and ruan. . seond'haptist hei.pinc, hand class meet i:M. 7th. below Gtrard nve. WM 11 MlNV.lMt and i'o. leaders. Soctlonnl meetlnir at 4 o'clock. 10 or 1- "Trail Hitters " from hcranton, ra., ln charge. ... ,. , Krl4 utght-lViervhody s Meeting, C. Thomas Heller, speaker. Social and business mem. Congregational CENTRAL, ISth nnd Oreen ts. REV. W. V. HERO. Pastor. , "Thn Church with tho Junior Congregation." Services. 11 a. m. and b j. m ; Bible School, 0:-"i m Ilrrxel Riddle Whip Clnsnci DREXEL BIDDLU BIBLE CLASSES. Our City Home at 1017 Jlount Vernon ktrect opens this evening. All welcome. Ethical Culture ALFKED W. MARTIN will speak on 'Tnlsw nellefs About War. as Exposed by tho Present World Crisis," Broad bt Theatre, Sunday. 11 a m. Public oolcomo. 1'ranklln llome FRANKLIN HOME FOR THE REFORSIA TION OP INEBRIATES, Oll-OW Locust st. Sundays. h p. m. Service conducted by JUv. J. V Ohl. Lutheran MESSIAH LUTHERAN ., "The Friendly Church" liltli and Jetterson all . DANIEL K. WElti-i:. PSTOR. lo xo a. m. "crouton Converts. 2 so p. in Ulblo School. F. Nevln Wlest. Cornet Soloist. 4 iio p. m Billy Sunday Mass Meeting. Fourth District, In charge of 20 converts. T-W P. in.-Musical Prelude. Sermon and Prayer. Tho Sihmldt String tjuartel. Tb Jajtor will preach. TABERNACLE. ''"" on'' "'pruceWm. J. Mil ler. Jr . tn-lV 7 Pi. S S. 2 so pm. TEMPLE. Wt and Rare-Rv A. PoHlman. M. D.. 1Q.:U) a. m . 2 an and 7 4 V Mcthodlnt Episcopal CHURCH OF THE ADVOCATE. Wayne Ave. and Queen Lam. Germantown. HUV.DSTO.NE HOLM, Minister. tu. 45 Addresses by Scranton dclcgatrs T.4-Monthly Musical Service by nuartotto anil chorus choir. Director. Mr. Frank M. Oonly Orrinlst. Miss Mary S. WaU-r THE FIRST M ETllODtST CIlURCft IN IIBRM VNT'.VN CHARLES WESLEY BURNS. Minister. Morning servlie. lo 4.V- lilt HOMER W. T-PB. Kvenln' servtfe. R A I ires- by MISS CLARA CUSHMAN. ol China , . . , . , Music hy vested bov choir. Welcome. THE FIFTH bTHKKT TEMPLE HORVCE K HOLTSRVGKn. Minister. Mr H.' preaches at loth services. MOUNt'HURMON, lth and Porter Rev. FT C Thomas it , S. 8.. 2 Su p. ni. Set nnd anniversary of dedication. PARK AVENUE CHURCH, Park ave nnd Norrls t REV. ROBERT BAUNEU-, D, D.. MIS.- Ill 3I1 'L CHRISTIANTY - ITS WORLD CRISIS AND IT WORLD UPPOR. Tl N1TY." 7 45-KVANOKl.ISTIC MEKTINC1. AD. DRESSES BY TRAIL-HITTKHS" FROJJ SCRANTON 2 .TO-ORBAT MEN'S MBKITNO AD DRESS HY DR DEO U. l1VBY. EXECU TIVE SECRETARY of lb BILLY S-NP..V CAMPVBJN. THE MUSICAL FIXATURE of IBs day a Mto at each wrvlce by MIS. UHAS8MUCK. SOPRANO bKVENTH ST M K. 7th nnd Norrls R i: JOHNSON. "BUi Anniversary mtlRU(l m so a. m.-Rv. Oscar Prd. ( Uroafttld. Mass. .1 SO p. m -Ov-mib Orove Luva Feat sad Ilom Caintnc. conduits! by I'rsfg. J. Jn. coin Neall aal Jrvln N. MV 7 45 p in -Billy SunO-v Trail Illttw tress Scrntoi . our raw will tU the story of thlr ionvrioR. Public cord U Hi we'.coimd ,3t ST M E church" ' 41.1 and .liiwi eta BENJAMIN P CU1.LEN tatnWlr 10 Hj b i -Billy Suay- Trail Hutars. J IS nJ 7 45 m -Rowva! ,srvfce uuiU. direction of -"rJJr.'k and I'attU Watktni LlBdy. -OHitttulosT all ek "s New .Irrus-l-iH (SucdrnUorgUiul LKK-ONK FKOM THE TKKF-, U t'e u- in i" sp. Brion MuiKljt mnrnii, 1 lhr P-tor. Ih Rev harks H..r .i .u tl (hurh pf the Nw JeruwiU : ( ) .atnut sts. ServKi at It t. k St lor at OM. All eVt i Ire body 1 mclceait, " nt, 1 k'verj. EC activity. The young people have done much lor all tho work, and, although there wa no Christian Endeavor 8oclety at tho church when Mr. Garrison took charge? three years ago, II now ban ft live organi zation with a membership of about 7S young mon and women. Ha work would bo worthy or the pnuo ot a srem ""!' big city churches, although started only about a year ago. The members of tho congregation been faithful attendants at tho mid week services, ns well ns the flVenltiK services, as have also the young people. Mr. Garrison has become exceedingly popular with the members of his church, nnd, through his personal Interest In the Boy Scouts and other young people s ac tivities, he has won tho loving devotion of nil the boys of the congregation. Th young clergyman was once a mem ber of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. He ls n graduate of the York Collegiate Institute. Princeton Uni versity nnd Princeton Theological Sem inary. THE JAWBONE A magazine to promote church unity. ! the title of a little magnzlno published by n group of Influential laymen and min isters of Philadelphia and vicinity. The Jawbone takes Its nnme from tho Scrip tural Jawbone usod by Sampson to slay the Philistines. It is heralded as "a re ligious magazine with n punch." Fred erick W. Korcross is editor, and Daniel E. Welglo, associate editor. Bishops, dis tinguished members of the clergy and In fluential laymen will contribute to this unique publication. rtnuoious notices Presbyterian Alien sTnr.rrFpnBHHVTilaiAN church," 1th and Arch. . nev Clarence rJdnard Macartney, D. O., will preach. 10:43 a. m. "The Blessings of Forsiveness." 8.00 p. m. "The Chambers of Imagery." 7-4S p. m. Recital on Turner Memorial Organ. n. Pontifical March Lemmena 1). Communion ClarK c I'rajer I.e Malgre. THE FOURTH "prtESHYTKRIAN CHURCH K. 47th at. nnd Klncsslnff ave. Minister. The Rev. .fnhn T. Hreve, D. D. 1(1-45 a. m. "Thn Christian Hplrlt." 7:4,-, p. m. "Trail-Hitlers' " meetlnir. Feur converts of "UUly" Sunday to glvo their ex perience. HOPE PHESnYTEniAN CHURCH, Mil and WlKirton et. Minister. Rev. J. OKAY BOLTON. D. D. Rev. WILLIAM TAYLOR CALDWELL, Aa slstnnl. 10 4" n. m Rev. Caldwell will preach. 7 4., p. m Rev. Dr. Bolton, subject, "Th Duty or the Pulpit and the Press on Char acter nulldlnc." NORTHMINSTER CHURfH 3.,th and Baring tt. W. COURTLAND ROBINSON. D. D.. Pastor. Music by a superior Quartet and Organ. 10.00 I Itev. Mr. Dowey will address Broth- I erhood on the Punday Campaign. 10:13 I PUBLIC WORSHIP WITH SERMON. 2 so I Iillile School. 71." I Christian Endeavor. 8.00 MUSICAL SERVICE. Choir will ren I dcr Stabat Mater," by Rossini. STRANGERS ARK COnDIALLY INVITED SCOTS "CHURCH. Bread st.17clowltforrlT7t. D. f-TUART MOOIIK D. D.. Minister. Kino "The Coming Time of Triumph." 7:4r ' Tho Apprcni lilnsi World's Crisis. ST PAUL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bnltlmoro nve . cor. f,0th St. NBA J. HEVERIDUE LEE. D. D.. minister. 10 4Ii a m lulillo Worship 2 ."!u p. m CJradcd Bible School. 7'4." t. m Evening Worship. Dr Lee will preach morning and avonlng-. Music by solo fjunrtet choir. Allseat frca. TABERNACLE I'HBSBYTEniAN CHURClf, Chestnut and .'17th stH. REV JOHN ALLAN BLUR, minister. 11 u. m. Rl'tv Sund.iv "Trail Hitters." h p. m. "Things That Really Count." A tnlk to oung people Come. WEST HOPE. ( orncr Prctnn nnd Aspen st. REV. CHARLES E. I1RONSON. It. D., Minister. REV. CHARLES H. WHITAKER. II. I).. As-lstant. in I!0 a. m DR BRONSON will preach. 7'tr, p. m Kur "Trnll Hitters" from the "Billy Sunday me,-tings. ScrJnlon, n 111 I speaK. iviioii',a,mi I'l'iainreiiiAA i.ijl.ui.'ii 42d and Pint sts JA3IKS RAMSAY SWAIN. Minister. M.r.o Brotherhood. 11 00 Worship. Sermon. "THE "RIP OB CHRIST." J:4.V-Bhlo School. New scholars Invited. SO0-Worship Addresses by Wllkes-Barre-Sernntnn converts. Wednesday at s. Pilgrim's Progress. If you aro looking for u church home Come thou and all thy house." I'rntrolnnt Episcopal cTfi'RClf OF THE HOLY APOSTLES 21st and Christian sts. Rev. George Herbert Toop, II. D., Rector. 0.00 a. m Holy Cumraunlon. In "On. m.- Mnrnlrg I'rnver and Sermon. 2.J10 p. m Sunday School and Bible Classu. 7 .I" p. m. Spetlal Musical Service, StraiuO by tho Rector. ORGANIST -I red Lyman Wheeler. HARPIST Flirenee Adelo VVlghtman. VIOLXNI&T Hazel Hartman. PARISH OF ST. LUKE AND THE EPirH ANY. Wth street below Spruce. Rev. DAVID M. STEELE. Rector, e. in Holy Communion. 10 a. m Sunday School It a. m Morning Prayer and Fermon. I p. rn. Evening Pruycr. Anthtm and Ad- dres. organ, harp and violin prelude, Interlude anc1 no'tludc. Mr. William K. Newberg. Baritone Soloist, The Rector will preach at both services. EPIPHANY CHAPEL, 17th and Summer streets. s a m.--H"ly Communion. 11 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. - 43 p m. Sunday School. i,. rr. Evenlnc Pmver and Fermon. U-v. liivi.vii a. McOltnvv will prr-ch, ST. JEORiE'.tllstand Haiel ave.Rev. "oT t-l ria emun, t ho. i" .' anu i w ST. JOH.Vh, Brovvn below .Id Dr. Richmond prea he tomorrow ln .'0. 7 45. ST MARK'S CHURCH lutn and 1-icust sts. The Rev EI.LIuTT WHITE. Rector. Sur.'ay 7 and s jl iy communion. . . 10.XO, Matins: 11. choral Eucharist, and 8 Em Choral Evsmimg. nil 7, 7 4 and 0 a. m. and 3 p. m. The Rector will be the preacher on Sunday at 11 a. m. i ir Wednesdays and Fridays at 12 m. th Litany ma be said and Intercessions for K'aie nude. THE HOUSE OF PRAYER. BrHnchtonn, Rev. II G. (I tncrni, Minister. S a. m., Holy Communion. 10 hi. Morning Prayer and Ser mon! p. m.. Evening Prayer nnd Address. Ilcliirmeil Mh and l;mi,hln Rev. John D. , K SO and S. S S., 2:30. KIRST N - 1 Hicks. I-asior, HElDEI.BERii. Ilith and Oxford ts. Dr Zartmun. S. rvbsn. 10JSO, 2 30. 7:15. Itefnrineil Eiiisrnpal OUR RKDEKMGII llh and Oxford "sts. AUGUSTUS E. liRKTT D. D. lleetor Evening topi . 'The Meaning ot the Protest ant parale." S.'iu. p.v p Smith, candidate for Llsu traani Clover nor. fcncUHst Utrrary ."orletjr ALLAN I- BENSON, of 1'earsen'a' Msgailntl will simk on - Ballots Before Bullets," ut Hroad tt'ct Theatre. Sunday 3 p. m , un der the up!i "f SoiUlist Literary $ltv. Music by Vki I 'n Btemt String Quartet v,dmlilon free. " 2- fjplrlliiallst 1IR ZOLLBB LKkt) WILL CO.SaT'Cf m tlaga. SunJay vto S oMeck, LL'j Columbia ve. Oerman ead English. S.i!cphorglun NEW J EB USA l.EM fpllarlan oirku, I'kimii.l.w .,! ...k...... u .. C. E. St. J ho Nlnl.Ui-lo i., stands r S. hol. It it m . Humane Shjaday will t, ofaaorvvL Th Mtalstas will pisurh cw "Tn Hurnim bplrlt." rollectiue fur vvr sufferers. l-IKARIi""AV E (l-iB)""Mv K K. Bvins -10-1',. cllo - I' v. F I HuttingsT, with organ, ? 5. K. P, Esq . JmrntUiul Law UhIIikI Prrsbytrrlan THE NOKRIi MH ARE I . P. CHURCH -IBJtcuv e.. sua & aac us'iuctUD-a, v A. RIFE, Ail Kt. tar. l44ft u 'Fuur akranton 'frsll-llltters." I 4)5. ui - Tb t'hurch Thnt "jii. I ulverll-t CHURCH i THF HK.sTORATIW""MaitJr ll 1Mb H J1m "I"; 4-M- ." 1 10 . JB'oraBlp. -unon... .SO. Suaday sklwl. itus Mu' ChrUtUH Anuwlallon iiiLi.v Me.i vi rtv ah iirniHir irooi S r.rit ,11 i e rour or atirring tastuaAr ,inklu ' fi.tru.1 VI c A ii1 l-s I Arb l eund I . in Mel, orre sitranj t , I r i I i t mm h rbby The, 1 .jn l :-,, TLwuiaj 1 I,lwu, 1 lit.. lvrumiuui tria.