2Ie&getr NIGHT EXTRA PRICE ONE CENT Ctumom NIGHT EXTRA VOL. I-KX). UG PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1914. ConmnitT. IBM. sr tit PtuuoI.EMeii Couriiir. m i t 11 & ?. BATTLE TIDE EBBS AND FLOWS; ALLIES REFUSE ARMISTICE Germans, Reinforced by 600,000 Men, Advance Near Dixmude and La Basse. French Claim Gains North of Lille and East of Nieuport. l Invaders Demand Respite at Thiancourt in Order to Bury Dead, But French Decline London Hears Zeppelins Have Attacked Fleet Off Belgian Coast. Tlic French official statement issued this afternoon admits the Germans have advanced in the fighting north of Dixmude and around La Basscc, but says the Allies have made very appreciable progress to the cast of Nieuport and between Armcnticrcs and Lille. ' German demands for an armistice at Thiacourt, half way between St. Hihicl and Mctz, have been refused by the French. The extreme left wing of the Allies ts in danger of being cut off, ac cording to Berlin statements, as a result of the determined advance of German troops. Reinforced by 600,000 fresh troops, the German armies have advanced between Lille and Arras toward Lens and La Basscc after severe fighting. The triangle in Belgium bounded by Nieuport, Dixmude and Roulcrs, again is the centre of a desperate struggle. Dispatches from Paris admit the Allies are feeling the pressure of superior numbers. Unofficial reports say the French have captured Altkirch, in Alsace, but the movement against Mctz apparently has been checked". Official statement from Berlin says German forces arc drawing closer to Verdun and declares French sorties have been repulsed. The Kaiser and his General Staff lire reported to have established their headquarters at Mczicrcs, a few miles from Sedan. Germans are leaving Antwerp, according to a report from Flushing. Wives of German officers, it is said, have been warned to depart within 48 hours. Pctrograd reports terrific disaster to the Germans in their attempts to cross the Vistula. In the movement at Ivangorod the German casualties are set at 60,000. The Vistula battle, the War Office admits, has not yet V"hed the stage of decisive victory, as the re-formed Austrian army has to be taken into account on the left, while the German centre is being rein forced by fresh troops from Silesia. Austrian forces have moved into Poland and, according to Vienna official advices, have defeated two Russian divisions in the lower Vistula. This offensive movement, if the report is to be credited, is highly significant, as it indicates an early junction of the Austrian forces in Galicia with the Germans, who have been in difficulties along the Vistula as far north as Warsaw, The Austrians also claim continued success in pushing the Russians beyond the River San. Tsing-Tao, the principal city of Kiao-Chau, German leasehold in China, is reported captured by the Japanese. Hope for the safety of the British submarine E-3, reported lost, was given up by the Admiralty. The Press Bureau announced the list of officers and men ,of the crew. , Seventy British warships are scouring the seas in search of raiding German cruisers, which have wrought such havoc with shipping. An uncon firmed report from Bombay was that the Emden, which has wrecked 13 British vessels, had been sunk or captured. A French ship, bearing wounded soldiers, was reported aground near Cherbourg. FRENCH REFUSE ARMISTICE DEMAND NEAR ST. MIHIEL iEPiiSSCTSs J hakim: a homkey of him j . llfSPO V S"2&'J trsn rut 'niitiNa LtpatK." Ott-xi. eiSv r His, s fv'vA v- E5I&W &?' &2K v JBKMBBUSMSLg ' "JIM" PROVES HIS PROWESS AS AN EXPERIENCED BOUNCER Subdues Three Troublc-mnkcrs With Expert Ease. A fight In the Palm Gardens, 611 Glrard avenue, between 'Special Policeman "Jim," employed to maintain order In tho place, and three young men caused considerable excitement there today and resulted in a victory for the "cop." An argument arose over the Insistence of the young men, tho police eay, to carry Intoxicants Into the dining room, to which "Jim" seriously objected. Diplo matic relations were cut short wben one of tho offenders struck at "Jim." When ho had finished ho was dragging thrco dazed young men to tho front door. PENN CONFIDENT OF EASY VICTORY OYER THE INDIANS THE "WORM" TURNS PARIS, Oct. SI. After several days of obscurity tho operations along the eastern frontier of France were thrown Into bold relief by the announcement today that a demand for an armistice by the Germans to bury their dead had been refused In the neighborhood of Thlaucourt. This Is about half way between St. Mlhlel, where tho Germans have crossed the Meuse, and Meti, against which the French armies wklth headquarters at Nancy and Tout have been advancing. It I: believed here that the Prenclhave gained materially In this section, and that as n result they may now be able'to force the Germans to retire from St. Sllhlel In addition, they are also believed to be in a position absolutely to prevent a junction between the German army oper- Hng with Meti as a base and the army of the Crown Prince, which has been yalnly trying for several weeks to take Verdun and batter down the Verdun Toul line of forts. The Germans have mounted Austrian 42 eentlmetre guns at St. Sllhlel and also at J-amp-de-rtomalns. and the French have been compelled to fail back from the front of this line. It Is believed, how ever, that if they can make material gains toward Meti they will also be In position to direct a flanking assault IC rjt v us3,r , 41 mcTj'i ,2 CLOUD THE WEATHER For Philadelphia and vicinity btnyally cloudy and unsettled to M3Y on- Sunday, with possibly rain; cooler Sunday afternoon and night; WMerot westerly winds. FrdtaiU,,ee lost page. against the Germans at St. Mlhlel which will make their positions there untenable. The righting In the north continues with utmost desperation. Despite every effort of the Allies, the Germans, by sheer weight of numbers, have been able to gain considerable territory north of the Dlxmunde region and also In the neigh borhood of I.a Unsafe. To offset this the Allies have advanced their lines east of Nieuport around Iaugemarck (Langhel niaroq) east of Routers, and In tho vi cinity of Armentlercs. The lighting Is still of extreme vlolonce, and It is agreed In all of the reports reaching here that It Is still far from a decisive stage. The official statement follows: On our left wing, tho battle con tinues. The enemy has progressed north of Dixmude and around l.a llassee. We have advanced very ap preciably to the cast of Nieuport, In tho legion of Langcmarck and In the region between Armeutleres and IJlle. These are fluctuations Inevitable on the line of battle, which Is maintain ed In general. v On the rest of the froht numerous German attacks, both by night and by day, have been repulsed. At many points we have advanced slightly. In the Woevre region our advance has continued In the direction of the Hols-de-Mortmaro, south of Thlau court in tho I3ols-le-Pretri and north of Pont-a-Mousson. Almost every day brings fresh word of desultory artlllory dueling near Rhelms. Many eh.lls fall Into the city, which Is now a scene of desolation and wreckage Verdun la the centre of a furious struggle on the eastern line. The French a.e striving vigorously to dislodge the Oormana at (.'amp Des Romalns on the Meuse. At that point the Invaders havo succeeded In getting a number of heavy Austrian siege guns In position. The unofficial news that the French have retaken Altkirch in upper Alsace at the point of the bayonet has caused much rejoicing In Paris. The French movement against Metz seems to have been checked. In the attempt on St. Mlhlel. the Ger mans were able to occupy the strategic peninsula of Camp des Romalns, formed by a bend In (he Meuse Itiver, and It will require hard lighting to dislodge them. It was evidently the object of the Ger- PRESIDENT REVEALS VISION OF PEACE TO PITTSBURGH Y.M.C.A. Says Future International Difficulties Will Be Solved by Year's Study of Ques tions in Dispute. CONGRESS WILL ADJOURN LATE THIS AFTERNOON Agreement Beached by Leaders Cot ton Filibusters Abandon Fight. WASHINGTON, Oct. 2l.-Congreaa will adjourn at 4 o'clock this afternoon, ac cording to an agreement reached by leaders of tho'llouse and Senate today. Representative Henry, of Texas, lead ing the tight for tho filibuster of the cot ton representatives, has given up his campaign to hold Congress here Indefinite ly, and has consented to an adjournment. PITTSBURGH, Oct. 21. Light cast upon International difllcultles will bo the futuro way of wiping out quarrels between na tions, President Wilson told 000 men this nfternoan at the 70th anniversary J celebration of the Y. M. C. A., In Ex position Hall. Alluding to the recent Brynn penco treaties, the President predicted that thef provision preventing hostilities during a one-year period would hereafter serve to wlpo otft difficulties. In that period, he held the pitiless glow of publicity, of light, of truth, would prevent interna tional squabbles from ever developing Into warfare and bloodshed. Concluded en Vsi rear BODY OF WOMAN DROWNED IN DELAWARE RECOVERED Mrs. A'gnes Stroud Fell Overboard From Launch Last Sunday. CHESTER, Pa., Oct. Sl.-Tlio body of Mrs. Agnes Stroud, who was drowned Sunda afternoon by falling from the launch Mermaid, was found today in the Delaware River at the foot of, Fulton Btreet by David Henry, 1510 South Water street, Philadelphia. Henry ls the cook on the dredge Lulu. Dr. H. Turner Tay lor conducted a post-mortem. He will report his findings at the Inquest. The drowning occurred on the New Jersey side of the Delaware River, oppo site the western part of the city. With the drowned woman were her sister, Sarah, Miss Clara Powers, Charles Shaw, of Norwood, owner of the Mermaid; Frank Ochscnfeld, of 2d and Parker streets, and Harry Hannum, of West Chester. According to Sarah Diamond, she was down In the cabin preparing supper when Mrs. Stroud went to the side of the boat tu get a bucket of water. No one else was near. A scream at tracted Miss Diamond's attention and she rushed on deck to discover her sister in the river about 10 yards astern. Ochsenfeld dova overboard after the woman, but was unable to reach her. Since the drowning, men have been grappling continually for the body at the scene of the tragedy. It Is supposed the tide carried the body up the river and It came to the surface some time during tho night. The mother, Mrs. Catherine Diamond, Is lit a serious condition from shock caused by the death of her daugh ter. She ts at the home of her brother-in-law, Louis Howard, WT West 8th street. GERMAN AVIATOR PURSUED BY BRITAIN OVER DlfNKIRK Hostile Aeroplane Circles Over Gun boats in Harbor. LONDON, Oct. 21. A dispatch to the Evening" News from Dunkirk says that a Gorman aeroplane flew over that city today, and over th British gunboats In the harbor. Anti-aircraft cannon and rifles .were turned upon the aeroplane, and a Rrltlsh aeroplane ascended and went In pursuit of the German craft. TSING-TAO IS TAKEN BY JAPANESE, SAYS REPORT IN TOKIO Celebration Over Rumored Fall of German Fortress Planned Crew of Taka chiho Sang as They Went to Death. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT IN ABM William Goodhall, 23 years old, 3312 North Hope street, was accidentally shot this afternoon In the right wrist by Fred erick Keppfer, 23 year old, 113 East Tioga street The men were gunning near B street and Erie avenue Keppfer was re moved to the Episcopal Hospital. , SMALL RIOT OVER BILLS Money Scattered About During Strug gle Between Striker and Worker. Rioting nt 2d and Market streets this morning and a general scramble for 1100 In hills of small denomination fol lowed an attempt by Louis Lubln, 3131 Page street, a striking cloak and suit worker, to prevent Fannie Greengoose from entering her place of employment at 212 Market street. Miss Greengoose was carrying a hand bag containing the money and was "Just about to enter the place, where she is manager, when Lubln grabbed her by the arm. She thought he waa trying to get her handbag, and In the struggle the bag came open and the money was scat tered about the sidewalk. Other strikers and employes of the cloak and suit house rushed together, and a small-slied riot followed. A call was sent to the 3d and De Lancey streets station for police. By the time they ar rived the reserves and traffic men had separated the combatants and MUs Greengoose had recovered all her money. Rubin was ent to the County Prison for 10 days by Magistrate Hanigan on a charge of disorderly conduct. DOVE PICTUBE FOR BRYA.N Washington Women Hope Secretary Will Purchase Canvas. WASHINGTON. Oct. 2I.-A falr-halred child holding by the feet a snow-white dove portrayed on canvas, Is to be sub mitted to Secretary of State Bryan on his return from his campaign tour. In the hope that he will purchase It. Washington women brought the picture to the office of the chief clerk of the De partment today. TOKIO, Oct. 2. Unofficial reports printed In the Japanese newspapers to day say that Tslng-Tao hus fallen. The Admiralty refuses to confirm these ru mors, but the city Is making preparations to celebrate a great viator. It has been deflenltely learned that the cruiser Takachiho, reported at first to have been blown by a mine, was torpe doed and sunk by the German torpedo boat S-90, which was subsequently beached to escape capture. The crew of the 3-W escaped to neutral territory with Im portant documents, which the boat had been ordered to get through the Japanese blockaders. The crew of the Takachiho sang the Japanese natlonnl anthem as the vessel went down. The last sound heard as the cruiser disappeared wns the voice of the men. In making his report Vice Admiral Kato commented upon the singing of the sailors, saying: "This is evidence how bravely these men died and how they voiced their love of country In the supreme moment of danger. The commander of the Taka chiho died at his poet, on the bridge of the cruiser." But Carlisle's Blaring Band and Cheering Maidens Look for Tough Struggle as Franklin Field Stands Fill. FRANKLIN FIELD, Oct. 24. Penn's football warriors faced tho Carlisle In dians todny with a confidence of winning born of their great victory over the Navy last Saturday. The atuml.s filled Blowly. A hundred or more Roy Scouts were on hand and acted tin ushers. These In n gerat meas ure facilitated tho work of assigning per sons to their wats in the stand. The Indian band appeared early on the flcfillld. They presented a picturesque np- VARE RENEWS HIS STAND IN URGING REPLY BY PENROSE Corruption Matter Still Rests With Senator, Congress man Declares in Breaking Silence After Conferenc. Open Revolt Against Candidate Certain, But Decisive Blow May Not Be Struck Until Evo of Election South Philadel phia Wards Aroused. Congressman William S. Varo breko his sllcnco today for tho first time idnce he denounced Senator Penrose on the floor of tho House on Thursday. Ho waa ween In his ofllco In tho Lincoln Building after ho had forced his way through the police lines across South Penn square during the pollco parade. Ho talked with Stato Senator Edwin II. Vare, Intimately concerned with him In tho anticipated revolt against Pen rose, and then Issued a brief statement. Senator Vare refused to supplement It with any comment of his own, and the brothers appeared well satisfied with the situation mid disposed to rest their case until Penrose noted. Congressman Vnro said: I made my position clear In a state ment on tho floor of Congress on Thursday, nnd since that time the matter has been entirely up to Sen ator Penrose and the North American. I decline to further discuss the matter. Senator Vare had no comment on the penranco and fore red hats, red coats and , sItuat0n. ..j fuse to discuss the mat- blue capes with a bright yellow lining. , tct,. was hls ropIy to aH qUMton. Tho appearance of the band was greeted political observers who have seen the wit happlausc by the early comers. j at08t Vnro atatemcnt reBard lt n8 proof Tho weatherman provided an ideal day ; that Congressman Vare is still deter- for a football game. A light breere blew j mned to put the burden upon PenroBl)i nnd that he will not recede from his across the gridiron, nnd many who at first carried coats over their arms soon put them on. The sun was hidden be hind a heavy bank of clouds. There was a feci of rain In the air which threatened, but did not materialize. As tho hands of the gymnasium clock approach tho hour of 2, more persons began to file through tho entranco gates. Largo yellow crysanthomums. worn by thousands of the fair sex, view with tho gay costumes and hats of the ladles. Many women wore bunches of violets tied about with a red ribbon. University students arrived In bunches and took their customary place on the south stand. Soon tho air rnng with the old familiar bong, "Hall, Pennsylvania!" Outshlo Franklin Field the streets pre sented a picturesque appearance. From Chestnut street south on 31th tho athletic football enthusiasts come on foot and in motor cars. Flower and flag vendeis were to be seen on all street corners. Few persons enter ed the ground without one of tho articles thoy oflered for sale. Speculators with choice heats for sale did a thriving bUbl nexs before tho opening period of tho garni.. Th- I'lilveMity Rand came In late, and was greeted with a lousing cheer by the students. This had scarcely subsided when the Indian Band began to piny. In clubs and hotel lobbies talk about the game began after breakfast and kept up until persons begnn to Journey Frank lin Fieldward. Although there was little betting, some wagers were made, the Odds bolng nbout 5 to 4 that Penn would win. Theie was little Indian money In eirht. As has been the custom for years on the day of the Penn-Indlan game. Phila delphia football enthusiasts have arisen to tho occasion. Hundreds of nutomo biles dnsh about the city flying the colors of the University. Street venders with pennants of each college are at every corner offering their M-ares, and from hundreds of shop windows float lings emblazoned with the Red and Blue of Penn and the Maroon of Carlisle. Talk was general that Glon Warner would sooner win a game from the I'nl erelty than liny other team which the Indians play during their football sea son. This year the Interest Is augmented because of a poor showing made lv each team during the early part of the sea son. The Indian delegation left Carlisle, at 8:S0 o'clock this morning, arrlvlni nt West Philadelphia at 11:50 and proceeding directly to the Hotel Normandle. Kvery member of the student body who comes here with the team feels sure the Indians will win. The girls have many new songs bet to the music of popular melodies. Kach one carries a Carlisle flag and if previous records stand for nr.Mhlmt they can b counted on to make ono of the most picturesque squads of rooters which has been seen on Franklin Field In years. TWO FLEEING BANDITS SHOT Only One of Five Who Robbed Bank Remains at Large, BKLLINGHAM. Wash., Oct. 2I.ATwo more of the five bandits, who roboed the First National Bank of Sedro-Wooley of 120.000 Saturday night, killing a boy and wounding two citizens ak they fled, were shot to death early today by a posse. Only one remains at large, as one of the bandits had been killed and another wounded In a fight with officers on Thursday. More than jaooo In gold was found on the two men, both of whom were heavily armed. SPAIN'S QUEEN AGAIN MOTHER I i ii Son Born to Her Majesty, the Sixth Child of Royal House. MADRID. Oct. 2.-A son was born to day to Queen Victoria of Spain This Is the lxth child and the fourth son that has blesked the royal couple of Spain sinceKing Alfonso married th English princess la 1906. MONROE DOCTRINE FREE FROM GERMAN AGGRESSION Assurances of Respect Made Last Month, Bernstorff Says, WASIUNUTwN. Oct. 21 -Herman will respect the Monroe Doctrine and thu views of the United States regarding It. Ambast'idor von Bei nstorff, of Germany, stated this afternoon ndding that on Krp tember he communicated a note to the Stato Department t-lving this nnBiirance. Acung Secretar of State Iinsliig today said lie had nevtr heard of the announce ment atttihuted to the Kulter by poetor Pernberg, the German publicist and for mer folunlal Minister, that Germany in tends to observe the Monroce Doctrine. "I think I would have heard of It It hart been made," added the Acting Secretary. 58,000,000 INSURANCE POLICY Issued Today In Name of Philadel phia Police Fund. The largest Insurance policy ever Issued was written this morning by a Hartford I'onn , company to th Police Department of this city. Th poUcy cam, for fe.oo,. u, and U made out la the name of th PhiUdflpiua Police Fund Kuili member of the police- force, under th high price policy, will pay a. roonth 1 premium In lieu of death assessments collected under the former system The members of the police department voted to accept this policy several months ago. uttitudo of demanding a denial or tho withdrawal of tho charges made In the North American. PENROSE GOES TO NEW YORK. Senator Penrose Is In New York to dny, according to attaches of his office In the Comonwcalth Trust Building. What ho is doing thero they declined to say. They knew nothing of any reply to tho Vnre ultimatum for a denial of tho charscs or action of some sort against the North American. In political circles It was said the Tenrose trip to Mew York might mean an attempt on the part of the. senatorial candidate to seek Influence to offbe: the pmbnlile opposition of the Vares and the great vote In South Phila delphia. Later It was learned that Senator Pen rose had gone to New York to see United States Senator Root. Men In the confi dence of Senator Penrose said that he was conferring with Root today, and that ho would not be back until tomorrow aft ernoon. Penrose went to New York with two objects In view, according to those who knew the destination of his trip. Though optimistic they admitted that oven In the Inner circles of tho Penrose camp mis givings were growing, and that every one admitted the dire need of some Influ ence to bolster up the Penrose candi dacy. It might have been in this cause that Penrose went to see Root, they sold. Nationally known Republican SDeakers I who could mnke a hurried tour of th State f-ir Penrose would be of some value, thry thought. Root' could us his Influence to obtain them. It was said. The other object Penrose might have had. they explained, was a talk with Root as legal adviser. This would cover the best course for Penrose to adopt In the North American complications which developed on Monday. Ellhu Root's knowledge of law and his knowl edge of diplomacy would be of service to Penrose In the present difficulty. It was explained. Advisers and politicians closo to tho Vares today said that the downtown leaders had decided to adopt a policy of "watchful waiting." They are waiting, the Vare lieutenants said, for the next move by tho North American, which pub lished the debauchery charges. That there will be an open revolt Is m certainty, they said, unless the charges are fully threshed out to the satisfaction of the Veres before election day. Ono downtown worker, who was in conference, with Senator Vare yesterday, said that Representative Vare was prepared to pro tect his personal honor at any political cost, and that the feeling amonr tho South Philadelphia politicians was that the Vares would take any action against Penrose to force a satisfactory repudia tion of the story. Tho Vares, he said, would probably wait until the eve of the election before openly revolting against Penrose as the climax of the challenge to Penrose by Represen tative Vare on the floor of Congress Thursday. NO ORDERS TO SUPPORT PENROSE. Although the expected open revolt failed to materialize yesterday, no orders hava as yet been issued by the Vares to their workers to support Penrose on Novem ber 3. Unless such orders are Issued, the Vare men aru agreed Penrose will bo knifed in the Vare wards. Vare workeis from South Philadelphia and from same of the uptown wards hava men In conference with Senator Var slnee Representative Vara on Thursday challenged Penrose either to prove or to refute the charges. They same out of the conference iniprwmed with the belief that the Vares wanted them to work hard for the State ticket, anil to make no move to line the Vare supporters un for Pem-ose. The general belief is that this time South Philadelphia could not be persuad ed to vote for Penrose. "The North Americans revelation U the straw thai troke the camel's back." said on man, a prominent Vare leader in the Mill ' Ward. "The great mass of ta Vetera 4 re will take matters Into their owj ! . bands this time, and the result will I unpleasant for I'tnroae doubt If aj'1 '" an 'order from headquarters to sup , nZ Penrose would be obeyed" , '' So bitter U the feeling and o"xtt, Concluatd on Fsc I :M;