EVENING LEDGES-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, Iglii 0 0MIj flmotiB the Buestn who attended tho Sh0UswarmliiR elvcn last nlsht by Dr. and VT, Joseph Ie'dy l nosa 1Iin I,n"' thelr beAtittful homo In Pcnllyn, wero Mr. and Mr. )M Francla Gummoy, Air, nnd Mr. Henry Btlnton Coxo, Ml.11 Ilulh Coxe, Minn Mary Alice ' MSS chnrlottd Urown, MIbb Jean Thomp- MI85 Kla Heath, Miss Inez Drayton, Miss Virginia Robert, Mlsi Mnrtrot Scull, Miss Helen - ., Miss Gertrudo Tower, Miss Alice TO"", TtioniPEon, Mies J,nly TJcnekta, Miss Pauline Dlsston, Miss Anna HcchBchcr, Miss Mary Fran Flihcr, Miss Charlotte llusli, Mlsi Susan tnrtf" Wlnnnt Johnson, Lawrence Saunders, guntr Meade, Ashton Souder, Jack Curtis, James Smith, Stanley Stokes, Itlchard Tltgh man, Pof evvto"' I'hlllp S. V. Randolph, tf William Du Barry, Sherbournc Yardlcy, AMen Lee, Phlller Lee, 13 rook o Kdwards, Ed vtrd L'dnnrds, Thomas K. Flnletler, Jr., John Dr ton, Lutlwlff Lewis, Charles Pry, Henry Houston, George O. Meade, Edward llrooke, 3d, tnJ Charles Davis. Mr, and Mrs. Charlemagne Tower, Miss Helen Tower and Miss Gertrudo Tower, who have tun spending tho autumn at The Homr3trad, tfitlr summer home at Wntervllle, N. Y., will return to Ihelr residence, 1315 Locust street, today. Mr. anil Mrs. Tower will ftlvc a Inr&o recep tion the list week In December. The exact it has not yet been decided upon, hut It wilt la either December 3 or 4. A dinner-dance will k. given to Introduce Miss Gertiudo Tower the night of December 2.1. Miss M.irearctta Knowlc.i will Rive nn In formal tea and kitchen shower next Tuesday ttlernoon In honor of MIsb Jlurrjarctta V. .. .. 1. . ... .. ...al n .. , n Ttn.tM.nHi, ,1 llf nhltney, INJ3e niuuiuku iu itujiiiumi j,. yv. WrlRht will take )lnco Stonday, November 7. The guests will bo Mrs. William O'Neill, Mrs. Everett I. Brown, Mrs. William Wurtii Hur- mar, Airs. jusciJll auiLuiauu uiuwh, .ura. Charles Wharton Stork, Miss Marian V, But ler Miss Mary Paul, Miss Caroline English, lllsa Eleanor Noble, Miss Anna Sarlorl. Miss Helen Washburn, Miss Isabel Howell. Miss Esther Howell, Miss Marguerite Milne, Miss Carollno Murdoch, Miss Hllen Da Costn New bold, Ml" Arabella Scott, Miss Kranccs Ktotigh (on, Miss Isabel Stoughton, Miss Elsie Barker, Was Frances Wendell and Miss Mary Bangs. of Xew York. Mn. Joseph Coleman Bright and Miss Anna IJnn Bright, of Wlllowbank, Bryn Mawr, will entertain tho members of tho three Harden Clubs on Tuesday afternoon at their home. Mhs Alva Sargent, daughter of Mrs. George 8. Sargent, of 2030 Snruco street, has gono to Ubanon, Pa., where he will be the guest for l fortnight of Miss Klla Brock, dnughter of Mrs. Arthur Brock. Mrs. Samuel Levis, of Mount Holly, N. J., will celebrate her 100th birthday anniversary today. Mrs. Levis has lived to see live genera tion. The children of Mr. and Sirs. Qulncy Adams Glllmore, of this city, aro her great Irtit grandchildren. Mcmbera of the five gen erations will congratulate Mrs. Levis during tho afternoon. Mrs. Francis A. Lewis, who has been spend- Inj the pant week at Spring Lnke, N. J., re turned to Tho Aldlne yesterday. Mrs. Lewis tptnt the summer at her cottage at Little Boar's Head, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. J. Louis Kctterllnus, who are e;tndlng a portion of the autumn with tho litter's mother, Mrs. 'William G. Warden, at her home on School House lane, Gormantown, will open their residence nt 2016 Spruce street the latter part of next week. Miss Eugenia Kctterllnue, whose name has been mentioned among tho list of deutantes, hns returned to m'itgt and will not make her debut until next jear. Dr. and Mr. James Harwood Cloeson, of Oermantown, have Issued Invitations to a tea, !th dancing, to be given at tho Gormantown Cricket Club, at Manhelm, on October 30, to Introduce to society their daughter, Miss Jo lephlne B. C'losson. The cards of the debu Unte's brother, James Harwooa Closson, 3d, and her cousin, Charles Edward Bell, are enclosed uiiii tho invitations. The clubrooms IH he tastefully decorated with palmB and autumn flowers, and a large number if roses will be used. Doctor and Sirs. Closson and their daughter will be assisted In receiving by Mr. and Mrs. William T. Moffly. Mr. and Mm. Hairlson I. Potts, Mr. and Mra. How ard Ketcham, Dr. and Mrs. D. Itoman, Mr. d Mm. Stanley Marvel, Mr, and Mrs. John W, Borlsa and Miss Mary Lewars, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Davis, of the Glrard E.tate, win entertain Informally this evening at a email dance to be held at 1712 Chestnut a'rtet. Autumn leaves and flowers will be 11 Aid for llern-nf ltna ml.!- -,.,.-., n.m In. pude Naval Constructor a. A. BlfTet, U. 8: Is'., ia Jlrs. BlfTet; Mrs. n. F. Slieppard, of Ro acoke, Va.; Lieutenant Commander R. F, Keyei, v. S. N, and Mrs. Keyes; Noval Con tructor A. B. Court, U. S. IS"., and Mrs. Court; Paymaster B. V. McGee, U. S. Nf., nnd Mrs. WtGee; Mrs. MacEnulty; Lieutenant W. F. Cochrane, l. s. N., and Mrs. Cochrane; Lieu tenant Commander George Landenberger and Mrs. Landenb-rgcr, Sir. and Sirs. W. Hrlttaln, Blanche Lano and Mr. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Hdward George Livlno, who Pent th summer In their cottage at Vent Mr, he returned to this city and are occupy "l helr residence at 274 South 23d street. Mr. and Mrs Edward Toland are spending a J days In Lenox while motoring through M New Ensland States. "IW Mary Chnss Alhert nt rinltlmnra Is ng her s'ster, Mrs. Howard Liggett, at j "r apartments. VO South 15th etreet. 1 . r and M"- Albert E. Kennedy, who have I wnstajing at the College Inn at Bryn Mawr, w, optMi their house at 03 Walnut street. ' Emilia Kennedy and Miss Agnes Clarke aennedy win also spend the winter at the ""nut street house, while Albert K. Kennedy, "i ld Kenn.il, n tr j.. , ... In ifc vciuicuy na.a laKcn roonia """dormitories at the University of Penn- the" 'alttr Massey, who recently purchased Hous'Trly 3t """dale, known as the Bake Mr. ph moVc1 ,n, her nevf home- Mr- and an..'.i .u''1 Trasel am to'1' children will MU I W'Mer W,th her' PM, ' , ry B'KS. who has been visiting In neiphm during the past week, returned to Bit. i '" WHmK'eton today. y Smith, of Mount Hope, Pa., is spend w days here. Torre.?? " nbcrt R Loari wiU cIoa totlr l0eek hUS th'S Week' an4 W,M 8I,end "wvlnr i at the n,aware River Club before tt iiinV thelr hou" on R'ttenhouse street th f,r the WInUr ALONCTHE MAIN LINE vi?L?0Xl'U- J H- McQuillan Carter. fending a. fortnit In Birmingham, SOCIAL LIFE IN AND ABOUT PHILADELPHIA . tz&jii? :'imsih ! i.H JIKS. JOSEPH J. BROWN Mrs. Brown and her sister-in-law, Mrs. William Wurts Ilannar, will give a theatre party to bo followed by tea at the Bcllcvuc-Stralford next Wednesday, in honor of Mis Margnrctta V, Whitney, who will he married to Raymond D. B. Wright on November 7. Ala., Is expected to return to her home, 6337 Drexel road, on Thursday next. Over 12,000 gnrments of every description wero collected this week In Overbrook, Merlon and other stations along tho Mnln Lino for the suffering and homeless Bclglnns nnd will bo shipped Saturday to the Belgian Legation In England and from there to Belgian soil. An empty houso on North 63d street, Overbrook, was generously loaned for tho purposo of re ceiving tho articles, nnd Mis. Paul Hagemans, wife of the Belgian Consul, and her daughter, besides well-known women In Overbrook, wero at the residence every day to receive the articles. MERION The Woman's Committee of the Mer lon Civic Association has aided greatly In ob taining clothes, etc., for the Belgians by send ing out notices to tho people around tho neigh borhood. Among some of tho prominent Merlon women who contributed all kinds of warm clothing for tho war victims wero Mrs. Norman Ellison, Mrs. Edwnrd W. Bok, Mis. George D. B. Darby, Mrs. Gideon Goerlcke nnd Mrs. Row land. NAnnEimi Mr. and Mrs. William J, Mulhol land nnd Miss Ava C. Mulholland, of Chestnut avenue, will go over to New York next Wed nesday to attend tho wedding of Miss Mar garet Scott Claff and Harold Hegeman, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin Hegeman, of that city, which will take place Wednesday evening at 8:30 in the Apthorp Hotel, 79th nnd Broadway. Sirs. F. D. Walker will entertain nt bridge Friday afternoon, October 30, at her home on Elmwood avenue. Mrs. Fletcher W. Stltea, of Grayling and Windsor roads, entertained the members of her sewing club Wednesday afternoon. AHDMonE Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lee Knight, who motored to Lakewood, N. J., whore they spent several days, have returned to their home on Woodslde road. Miss Edith H. Bally will be guest of honor at a dinner which will be given before one of tho large balls this winter, HAVEnFortD-MIss Katharine Walker, who has been the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Z. Tryon, of Rose lane, has returned to her home In West Park, N. J. Miss Eleanor Gamble returned last week from a short stay In Washington. CHESTNUT HILL Mr. and Sirs. J. Leeds Barroll, who have been spending the summer at their cottage at Ryo Beach, N. H., have returned to tholr homo at Allen lane. MUs Anna Louis Barroll, who has been In New York for tho past three weeks as the guest of her nunt, Sirs. William Thurston, returned to her home the early part of the week. Friends of Sllss Marlon Naylor, daughter of Mrs. John S. Naylor, of 2001 West Chestnut ave nue, will regret to learn that she was operated on for appendicitis yesterday at the Chestnut Hill Hospital. Sir. and Sirs. John C. Norrls and Miss Lisa Nan la, of IS East Chestnut avenue, Chestnut Hill, who have been at Narragansett Tier, It. I., since June, will return to Philadelphia and open their house before the 1st of November. MUs Norris, although she will not make her debut this winter, will entertain extensively, Sllss Jean Slorrls Llllle, daughter of Sir. and Sirs. Lewis Llllle, will be honor guest at a luncheon and matinee party on Wednesday, November 4. which will be given by Sirs. Ran dU Morgan. y GERMANTOWN The class of 1S92 Germantown Academy will give Hi 22d annual dinner at Manhelm. Tuesday night, October 27. Among tho members are Frederick SI. Dunn, G. Percy Brick, Ferdinand Graves, Samuel Hazard, John Hamlll, Dr. G. Chapln Jenkins, William Jordan, Samuel 8. Laird, Luther Martin, 3d, Charles E. Slorgan, George IS. Slorgan, Horace Slather Llpplncott, Allen M. Mattheaa, Wlll'bin L. Moorchouse. Charles Rogers. Jr.; Henry W. Pugh. Ralph E. and Lewellyu A. White. Mr- and Sirs. Robert SI. Janney and Sir and Mrs. Edward R. Wright motored to Atlantic City on Sunday, where they spent the day Sir and Mrs, John Blakeley, of 2303 Indian Queen lane, gave a dinner, Wednesday night, before the weekty dance at the Oermantown Cricket Club. The tnble wan artistically deco rated with crimson dahlias, and red candle shndes. The guests were Mr, nnd Mrs. Edward Fitch, Mrs. Alice Dorrance Hood, Miss Wlnnl frld Dorrance, Howard Sheble nnd Daniel Davis. Miss Phebe Ingersoll Wllmer, daughter of Mrs. Harry Yllmc ot Oentrovllle, Md., and sister of Dr. Harry B. Wllmer, of Oermantown, wilt become the brldo of Howard Wood, Jr., Saturday, November 7, at 4 o'clock, In St. Luke's Church, Oermantown avenuo nnd Coulter street. Miss Wllmer'B only attendant will bo Miss Gertrudo Outcrbrldrc There will bo no reception, as the bride's family Is In mourning, and tho weddhig will bo an ex tremely quiet one, Mies Mary Humphreys, o' 611 Pelham Road, gave a pretty luncheon to her bridesmaids, Wednesday, at her home. The tablo was taste rully arranged with whlto chrysanthemums, and whlto favors appropriate to tho occasion wero given. Tho guests Included Miss Madeline, Paine, Miss aladya Paine, Miss Agnes Lewis, Miss Anno Stltes, and Miss Emily Moffly. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis V. Tallman, of the Delmar-Morrls, left last Monday for a motor trip through Delaware and Maryland. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. William J. Shcohan will glvo an In formal danco for her daughters, Miss Helen Dugan and Miss Mario Dugan, nt their home, 1944 Chestnut street, thla evening. Tho deco rations will bo autumn leaves and yellow chrysnnthemums, and nmong tho guests will bo Mrs. Harry Flounders, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Nut ton, Miss Virginia Nutton, Dr. nnd Mrs. Felix Kntrtr, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Dlckert, Mrs. Joseph Scull, Miss Edna Dlckert, Christian Stelrlln, Chnrlcs Cnsper and Adam Carroll. Mrs. Charles Adamson, of 4227 Chestnut I street, will glvo a costume dance for her daugh ter, Miss Sarah Adamson, on Friday evening, October 30, nt her homo. Madam Roslka ! Schwlmmcr, of Budapest, Hungary, .secretary I of the Woman's Suffrage Alliance, will bo tho guest of Mrs. Adamson for one week during her stay in the city. She will nrrlvo tonight. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Reed Smucker, of 225 South 41st street, have Issued Invitations for , tho marriage of their daughter. Miss Mary Smucker, and Plerson Clement Irwin on Sat urdaj, November 7, nt 12 o'clock, In St. Mary's I Church, 39th and Locust streets. Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Adams, of 233 South SSth street, aro entertaining Mrs. Adams' sister, Sirs. John McKcnna, of Lnnsdowne, Pa. Tho Delta Chi Fraternity will glvo a tea Sat urday, October 24, from 4 until 6 o'clock, at Ho house. 111 South 37th street. ALONG THE READING Sir. and Sirs. Heniy Driver Booth have re turned from their wedding trip, nnd nre now occupying their new homo nt Huntingdon, Pa. Sirs. Booth will be remembered as Sllss Lcanora Dennlston, daughter of Sirs. Edward Evans Dcnnlston, beroro her mnrrlage " fortnight ago. Sir. und Sirs. Willis McDonald Powell have returned from their wedding trip, nnd are at present in their new homo nt Slontclnlr, N. J. Mrs. Powell will be remembered as Sllss Clara Schoble, of Wyncote, Pa. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Charles Illttehler, of H23 Christian street, will entertain nt a stag card partj tonight. His pucota will be: Samuel Marshall, Edward Dor worth, Carl F. Miller, John C. Thomson, Stnrshall Booker, Edwin Itlecer, D. A. Smith, John Leonard, Lewis E. Hall. John L. Runkle. Tho final game of a "Bridge" tournament was played on Wednesday evening, at the home of Lieutenant Commander G. A. Blffet. In the Glrard Estate. There wero four tables. The same party was entertained on Saturday l.THt by Mrs. Charles F. Davis. Sllss SInry Quirk, who has been the guest of Miss Nevada Penolt, of 2011 Snyder avenue, returned to her home on .Monday. Fiicnds of Sir. and Mm. Frederick A. Rie mann gave a dinner and reception at their home, 232S Reed street, on Slonday evening. Tho affair was a complete surprise to Sir. and Mrs. Ricmann, who are very popular In downtown social circles. Among those present were Sirs. S. A. Brcnnan, Sir. and Sirs. John Brennan, Sir. and Mrs. George Brcnnan, Sir. and Sirs. St. Ifackctt, Mr. and Jlr.s. John Butler, Sirs,. SI. Simpson. Sli3. Laura Frlscb, Sllss Belle Sle Hugh, Sites Anna JIaloney, Silts Sara Grogan, Sllss Iness H. McNuIty. Miss Grace Dougherty, Sllss Jano V. Daley, Doctor Edward Salis bury and SItssre. Andrew Dougherty and Rob ert Rodgers. Prof. William A. Davis and Sirs DaMs entertained at dinner Wednesday evening, at their home, 2011 South 18th street. Among the guests were Sllss Daisy Lynch, SIIs3 Slarlan Brown. Silas Ella Harrington and Sllss Alary SlcCJoekey. Sirs. L. O'Connell, Airs. J. Fox, Sirs. F. Hayes and Allss Stargaret Dougherty will be the hoste&ses at the euchre to be given on No vember 13, at ITth and Illtner streetH. This will be the second of a series arranged for this leneou, to be given the second Friday of each month. NORTH PHILADELPHIA The Slayer Sulzberger Club was entertained by Aliss Bertha Rosenthal, of 2S23 North 26th street, Ine,t Sunday evening. A club meeting was held In the beginning of the evening, dur ing which plans for the first annual daneo were discussed. The next meeting will be held at the home of AIIs9 Anna Bloom, 2230 East Clearfield street, on Sunday next. Sir. and Sirs. Robert SIcNell. of 23IS North Park avenue, will give a reception tonight at tho Rlttenhouse, when the guests of honor will be their son and daughter-in-law. Air. and Sirs. II. Lincoln SIcNeil, of Oermantown, who were married on October 2 at the home of the bride's mother, Sirs. Fannie Slack, in Bethel, Conn. Slembers of the bridal party will assist In re ceiving. Sirs. SIcNeil. who was Allss Grace Slack, had for her maid ot honor her sister. Miss Elvira J. Slack, and her bridesmaids were Miss Helen Slack, another sister; Miss Hazel Nutter, of Boston. Alass.; MJss Alay Guernsey, of Bound Brook, N. J.; Miss Hazel Andrews, and Allss Estelle Balrd, of Bethel, Conn. Other members of the bridal party who will be pies ent are Guy Luburg. of Camden, N J, best man; Edward Delk. James Ferguson. Maurice Carson, of this city; John Handle, New Haven, Conn., and Robert Hlleman, of Pittsburgh, ushers. TIOGA Mr. and Sirs. Robert M. Fries, of 3310 Syd enham Btreet, gae a birthday party to their daughter Slargaret on Saturday afternoon. The birthday tablo was beautifully decorated in pink, and the little guests played many de lightful games. Thuae participating included Helen Hextsche. Alary Gallagher. Claire Thorn son, Dcrama Aukele. Bernlce Ankele, Dorothy Helkel, Slargaret Friea, Frank Thomson and Andrew Herschel. MUs Edith Rentschler, o Ttogs, will enter tain a number of her friends at a. birthday luncheon tomorrow afternoon. Those who will bo present at the luncheon will be Mrs. Charles Oorham, Mrs. D. G. Rentschler, Miss Mildred Hafta, Miss Mildred Heist, Miss Helen Hoffman, Miss Lilian Fisher, Miss Mary Grnuer, Miss Tllla oanss, Miss Myrtle Steutzer, Miss Thelma Grieves and Cora Tost. Miss Marian Smith, of 1631 West Erie avenue, entertained informally this afternoon, when her guests Included Miss Mabel LInd, Miss Mar garet Morgan, Mrs. Ludwlg Filbert, Miss Mil dred Williams and Miss Mary Goshorn. Miss Florence Gelkler gave a luncheon and shower today at her home, 163(5 West EHo avenue, for Miss Lillian Deckman Nagle, whose marriage to H. William Bllletter will take place next month. Pink chrysanthemums and ferns were used effectively In the decorations. Other guests were Miss Minnie Craig, Mrs. George N, Nicholson, Miss Reglna Lentz, MIbs Mildred Stahr, Miss Jane Curran, Miss Mary Corwln, Miss Helen Gegenhelmer, Miss Adnllne Froellch, Miss Ethel Kneass and Miss Constance Gosklng. MrF. Frederick S. Diet, of 33.10 North 17th street, gave a tea on Wednesday afternoon for her daughter, Miss Josephine May Dtetz, at which announcement was made of the "ngage ment of Miss Dicta to G. Harding Knauer. Mlo-! Wanda Groencveld, of 3335 North Fif teenth street, entertained her sewing circle yes terday afternoon. Her guests were Mrs. Ervln English, Mrs. Hnrry Coulthard, Mrs. Everett Zimmerman, Miss Allco Asnlt, Miss Elsa Rue tenberg, Miss Violet Shmldhclser and MIsa Rene Shmldhclser. Mrs. William Dalz, of Allegheny avenue nnd 13th street, entertained the members of her card club nt bridge yesterday afternoon. Her guests were Miss Christina Subers, Miss Mario Froellch, Miss Katharine Sohofleld, Miss Genevieve Campbell, Miss Mary Jncobs, ..irs. Thomas Seward, Mrs. John Klcfer, and Mrs. Loroy Walker. Mrs. Harry W. Brick, of 4519 North Nine teenth strtet, has as her guest for the week her sister, Mlsi Lldlo Derbyshire, of Wlldwood, N. J. ROXBOROUG1I Sirs. Surah Stager, of Pittsburgh, the guest of SIrt,. Robert C. 1'yle, of 114 Rochelle avenue, who has been extensively cntertnlned during her visit to Wlssnhlckon, gave a delightful luncheon, followed by cards, on Tuesday at tho home of Sirs. Pyle. Pink dahlias and ferns formed attractive decorations. Her guests were AtrF. J. L. Bernard, Sirs. Harry Pyle, Sirs. Fred erick Whitney, Mrs. Slllford C. Fox, Airs. Louis Slelvln Strusc, Airs. Robert Innes, Airs. J. B. Montgomery, Airs. William W. IHIson, Airs. Jo seph Thomas,, Airs. James Schoflcld, Airs. I. T. Ryan, Alrr. C. E. Farks, Aire. Robert Pyle and Sllss Katharine Pyle. Sirs. James L. Bernard, of Pittsburgh, Is vis iting her mother, Airs. B. Lehman, of Hermitage itrcet. Airs. Frederick Stott, of Green lane, will bo the hostess at the next entertainment ot her sewlnjr club, on Friday, October 30. Sirs. William R. Haggart, of 0311 Rldgo ave nue, entertained nt cards Wednesday nfter noon for the members of her S00 club. The gnme was followed by a buffet luncheon. Tho guests were Airs. Harry H. Thompson, Airs. A, I. Adams, Airs. Paxson Jnmc3, Airs. AInry Alott, Airs. Elmer Pllsterer, Airs. George Hol land, Sirs. John O. Struse, Airs. William Wil son, Airs. Benjamin Hcndren, Airs. William Ames und Sllss Edith Rlghter. Miss Hcttle Elizabeth Sheldrake, of Lcvor ington avenue, give a convcrsnzlone en Satur day night for the members of the Roxborough Current Events Club. Lawrence Fox has returned to Wissahickon, pfter spending scvciul months In Europe. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Alr.s. Frank Scull and daughter. Miss Flor ence Scull, of Vcntnor, are vihiting Air. r-ml Mm. Andrew Smith, of 6th nnd Penn streets. Clarence Fiilirmaiin. nf 411 Broadway, will glvo n plana recital on December 2, assisted b Sirs. Slarlo Stone-Lang-ston Ll't. of Philadelphia, for- merly of this city. This will be the first musical nnd jsoilul eent of the eirly winter. Sllss LiTima Uunter, of Slonrestown, has re turned from a long-.stny In tho Poconos. Sirs. William A. Davis, ot 511 Cooper street, has returned, after spending five months in S-mthein California, and Is visiting her daugh ter at Jackson, Albs. Sirs. William Wells and her children, of Sar anac Lake, N Y., have been vls'tlng AIr3 James I!. Green, of SO? North Centre street, Alcr. cliantvllle. Dr. and Airs. H. C. Garrison, of 42S North 5tn street, recently entertained a wedding reception !n honor of their sou and his wife. Sir. and Airs. E. II. Garrison, who will live In Chicago. Sirs. Theodore Webster, of Slerchantvllle, has rsturned from a long stay In her cottage at Ocean City. DEBUTANTE AFFAIRS Miss Molly Baily Will Be Honor Guest at a Luncheon Today Dance for Miss Cassatt. Two debutante affairs will occupy the busy little buds today. Air. and Airs. Charles Wlntei Bally gave a large luncheon at the Bellevue Stratford for their daughter, Sllss Stolly Wood Baily, who was formally presented to society on October 8, at a tea which her parents gave at their place In Strafford. Alias Bally Is small and very vivacious, and has been very popular In the younger set. The guests who were received by Sirs. Bally and her daughter were seated at small tables which were beautifully decorated with autumn leaves and rminll hardy chrysanthemums. Each debutante received a dainty bouquet. Tonight the, gaiety will be on the .Main Line, when Airs. Gardner Cassatt will give a small dinner-dance at her beautiful country home, Kelso. In Berwyn, In honor of her daughter, Allss Eugenia Cassatt, The dinner will be confined almost entirely to tho debutante set. and luter the guests will be augmented by a few additional guests, among them members of the very young married set and some of the older dancing men. Sllss Cassatt will wear nn extremely girlish frock, which Is a combination of lace and tulle over chiffon and a soft satin drop skirt. The dancing will continue until midnight. CHESTER AND VICINITY Sliss Eunice Benlston, of Prospect Park, has returned from a week's visit at Fort Wash ington, where she was the guest of Mjss Slar garet Bauer. William W. Johnson and family have re turned to their home at Eddystone from a visit to friends at Childs, Sle. Sirs. William Slarshall and Sirs. Thomas Devonshire, of Llnwood. have returned from Edgmoor, Del., where they spent several days with friends. Sliss Emma Calvert, of Olen Riddle, Is the guest of Sliss Violet Geary at Prospect Park. Mr. and Sirs. Irwin D. Wood, of Ridley Park are on an automobile trip through the New England States. Aliss Pearl Nicholas, of SIadion street i Uiung friends at Lennl. Miss Wllhelmlra Weber ha returned to her home at Mill Wile. N J., after a month's visit to ber sutar, Mrs. J. H Beans, at Norwood. THE t m m nnHEnVtt)ii$' ffl "' jflnnnnnlnnnfl Sr JTrnnnTHTTnfTtTiff r Trmriii 1 1 nnr'u'iTTfnfr7'1'"'T;ii'Tf HAZEL DAWN Coming to the Garrick in Victor Herbert's light opera, "The Debutante." THEATRICAL BAEDEKER ADELPiri "A Pair of Sixes," farco by Ed ward Peple. Two business partners shoot a cold hand, tho winner to retain the business, the loser to become his body servant for a year. Delightfully laughable. BROAD "Lady Betty Alartlngale," new comedy by John Luther Long and Frank Stayton. A noble lady ot 1730 marries a man condemned to be hanged so as to escape her debts. But the man Is pardoned! FORREST "Papa's Darling," musical comedy by Ivan Caryll. On tho excuse ot having a mythical non, a professor of moral psychology visits Paris und well, musically accompanied complications follow. GARRICK "The Yellow Ticket." by Michael Slorton. Floicnce Reed, revealed as an actress of stipcremlnent ability In a thr-r-ill lng melodrama of Russia. KEITH'S-AIIsa Adeline Genco, petite danseuse, In absolutely enchanting dances. LITTLE THEATRE "Arms and the Alan." Re vival of Bernard Shaw's play. Shaw said war war purgatory but 'twas before ho met the Kalter. LYRIC "Passing Show of 1911," revue from the New Yoi It Winter Garden. Frivolous and tunny. George Alonroc gives original view on "white slavery." WALNUT "Way Down E.tst." Nineteen years old and appealing as ever. Presented by a capable company. FLASHES FROM "STARS" Hazel Dawn will begin an engagement at the Gairlck Theatre Slonday, November 2. In "The Debutante," a now musical play, for which Harry B. Smith provided the book, Robert B. Smith the lyrics and Victor Herbert the music. Sllss Dawn's, tour 13 under the management of John C. Fisher, who was the senior partner of the lirm that originally produced "Floro dora" In this country. The scenes of "The Debutante" are laid in England and Paris. For "Tho Debutante" Slatmser Fisher has engaged nn excellent cast of players, among them belnj Will West. William Dnnforth. Alan Atudle, Rob ert ti. Pitkin. .Steward Balrd. J. Abbott Worth ley, Thomas Reynulds, 2oe Barnett, Alaude Odell and Sylvia Jason. Store tlmn 100 per sons are connected with the organization sup porting Sllss Dawn in the new venture, which includes a complete orchestra, selected by Vic tor Herbert. Alme. Alia Nnzlmova, the Russian actress, opened her season nt the Apollo Theatre, At lantic City, last night, In Basil Hastlng'3 new play, "That Sort." Allss Elisabeth Alorbury, who has been a dramatic ugent foi Sti years, and John W. Rum sey have announced that they had purchased tho play agency of Selwyn & Co., as well as that firm's Interest in the American Play Com pany, an organization for the leasing of stock pluys. 5 Archibald Selwyn, Edgar Selwyn and Crosby Galge, composing the firm of Selwyn fc Co , therefore retire as authors' agents and will henceforth, as theatrical managers, devote themselves entirely to the production of plajs. Sllss Atnrhury and Air. Rumsey have arranged to combine their interests under the name of the American Play Company, Inc.. with a cap Ital stock of $m000. nnd have purchased the piny agencies and associated Interests of Sel wyn & Co, Elisabeth Marbury, tho John W numscy Play Company, tho American Play Company and the Do AIlllo Company. This new corporation will handle not only stock plays but original unproduceil manuscripts, and win confine Itself simply ,0 representing drama lists. It will not engage either in the produc tlon of plays or In their purchase. Tho Amerl. can Play Company. Inc.. represents such cur rent successes as "I'nder Cover," it p3y3 tn AMl'SJIMK.VTS WALNUT Mat. Tomorrow snc. r,oo. 7Sc WAY DOWN Ji A S T 1U.1 It, l4 .. ... -.fi,. f(,l . Neu Wwk-KuBenlB nialr. "A ralLTliuREvU B, F. KEITH'S THEATRR i ADELINE liENKE. the www, V . ' ,.,. surroun-w . fW fcs i Mile uani.wi. ourrouii'itij h lireat hho .w. ."'". . ,,, tsnn A .1 I..,;,"-,"' viuginT OCT YL K6.TEII SCJIAVTKTt wt$hr- ADELPHI "' "'aswiT "A PAIR OF SIXES"" --MF--0 . "KJ L)Br. NIXON'S HARNEYOII.MORE SKvint7nTZ GRAND taSEfrPES Today 2:15. T40 PICTURES ' KELLIORs; ACADEMY Seat, at H.rp-, U,9 l1lw PHILADELPHIA Tomor, ORCHESTR Aolui' $".&" DUMONT'S W," ?"g5w EMPIRE MATINEE TODAY LI.y WATi-o.va BIO SHOW DRAMA Advertise," "Within the Lnw," "Kitty Mae Kay," "The Money Makers." "Seven Keys to Baldpate," "Jerry," "The Law of the Land, "Joseph and His Brethren," "Potash nnd rert mutter," "The Fasslnrr of the Third Floor Back," "Evidence," "Disraeli," "The Dummy" nnd "The Salamander." Emmet Corrlgan hns been engaged to creaU tho role of Daniel Pegotty In "The Highway of Life" at Wallack's Theatre, New York, next Slonday night. "The Battle Cry" Is to be produced by th Shuberts nt the Lyric Theatre, New Tork, Thursday night, October 29. Charles Frohman and Klaw A Erlangcr will produce Hubert Henry Davles' play, "Outcast," with Elsie Ferguson In the leading role, at Syracuse next Slonday night. The Winter Garden management announces that "Germany" has been added to the ensem ble number called "The Call of the Colors," In "Dancing Around," the new Winter Garden show, In New York. The German costumes were not ready for the opening night. George W. Slonroe, comedian of "The Pass ing Show of 1811," tells the following story: "An old actor lately told me how tho elder Wallack once played In n romantic drama. In which, after taking an Impassioned leave of th heroine, he leaped on a horso placed In the wings, nnd dashed across the stage. Wallack objected to this nightly gallop, and it was, therefore, arranged that one of the supers, who closely resembled the actor, should mako th ride. He was accordingly dressed exactly like Wallack, and Font to the theatre to rehears. Ho carried off his part well, and tho stage manager departed. But the super was not satisfied and complained to a young member of the company who happened to be present. 'Why see here,' he said, 'that thing Is too dead easy. A man with a wooden les could do It with his eyes shut. I used to bo In n circus. Couldn't I stand up on this here equine and do a few stunts?' 'Certainly, exclaimed the other; 'that would be all right. Go ahead.' 'You think the old party wouldn't object?' said the super doubtfully. 'Object:' returned the player. 'Why he'd be tickled to death. Do It. That evening, when the critical point was reached, Wallack was gratified to sec his counterpart standing ready beside the horse. 'Love, good night good night,' cried the hero, preparing to drop over the edge of the balcony. 'Stay! cried the heroine, clinging round his neck. 'You ride perhaps to death.' Way, sweet, say not so; I ride to honor. With thoughts of thec In my heart no harm can come. Good night-good night.' He tore him self from her frantic embrace and dropped out of sight of the audience. 'Go!' lie hissed to the man. As the horse leaped forward on to the stage the fellow gave a mighty vault and alighted stnnding on Its bare back. He threw up ono foot gracefully and danced easily on the other, nnd Just before It was too late, leaped Into the air, turned a somersault, landed on the horse's back and bounded lightly to the 3tage." Elsie Plloer. a dainty little dancer of "Tha Parsing Show of 1911." Is a sister of the re nowned Hnrry. who taught the no less-renowned Gaby Dcsls to "trip the light fantastic." Elsla Piker Is now 17 ears old. Her first staffs ex pcrlcnco was In "Clownland," in which she did a solo dance. With her brother, she did a tango divertissement In the "Little Parlslenne." Throughout the show at the Lyric little Elslo Pilcer, Winifred Gllrain and Ivan BankofT, the Russian dancer, flit about as turkey trot, tango and maxlxe. William A. Brady will ihortly produce a mas sive production of Thompson Buchanan's "Life." ' In the piny are S2 speaking characters and It en lists an ensemble of more than too. Among the Players engaged for the production are Sirs. Stuart Robson, Lonore Harris, Josephln Drake. Kathleen SfcDonnell, Lillian Fage. Jane Corcoran, Frarer Coulter, Dion Titherage, John Bowers, Wilter Hampden. Ralph Stuart, Ef fingham Pinto. Shldon Li-wis and Lynn Ham mond. Otis Skinner opened his season under the man agement of Charles rrnhman at the Nixon The litre. Atlantic City. In a new play by Jules Eckert Goodman, entitled "The Silent Voice. ' AMUSEMENTS r.ITtf.QTMTTT .Q,'P7,7'T opep.a Home of tha Vi'orM'i Urtzlest Photo piivl IRELAND A NATION ACCOMPANIED BT OrtOHK-JTRA . QUATITETTB Next Attraction. 'TUB LITTLEST REBEL." Cominj? )dSZi": "Thfi SnniWs" Photo Mflo-IJrama Mltlion-Uollar Theatrs GLOBE MARKET feTREKT OPPOSITE WANAMAKER'S Coitlnuom Vaudeville, II tn it A MAGNIFICENT Ml'Sl A lf!V1E"l('l?,H ,,... , . t.I..r, ., hovts A Dream of the Orient" n ..wv..,a, v...a ...i,' Al. 1X J-e. 1 AUIjE KEATURINO MADAME MAKARKXKQ AND HElt nEAl'TIFCI, OIUE.NTAI. G!RI.a fluy niriUit Trio Poller Hartwell A Co. Othra In. rlu.llnn "A nil! SL-Hl'IUSE ACT" Contiinlnif Vtll. Kn"Hn Kiaia BROAD Last2Evgs. VoT MUS. I'1 1SKE III i I.ADV BETTT Nft Week ONE WEEK O.M.T Seat. Now. FANNIE WARD V,e.'0&crV., MADAM PRESIDENT FORREST 2 Yr!? nly" En'n. i v"-1 --'-"- - Mmlnee Tomorrow, ;:I5 A REAL ML'SICAI. JOY KLAW am! ERLANliER 1'ree.tr t PAPA'S DARLING PopuUr Prlie Wednexluj- Matinee J)e-t Sate ,5i) VICTORIA THEATRE M$!!Sfr7 Q DISTINCT 1 THIRD HUi EEK 6 shows 1 VICTORIA GIRLIES IIeaie1 by A man la liilt.rrt Irene ... vmm. iwaute. .aire reri. Nellie Tapper. oiheF. AUo VAI'DEVII.I.K and JACOH , mj , Plwtu-I'la MICHAEL STRiKltJKjJ'" " ,n LYRIC lMt l'vl,uUt ,lw " t AjllX1V I""Hbrtr Utt 41 THF, PASKTNtt SHOW niV Tlmee A Wonderful Dame Crate feeniailej) GARRICK - ""tL"?- "-SCE ,Ln. Yellow Ticket "KB" SUPPORTED BY AN A 1.1. STAR CAST PcpjUr Prtee Wedne.d.y Matin... B,t Seal. ,150 ctTiv. LIBERTY SJ-a7." LUVfi S MUUEL ct '- HEHKCOA Or SUNNY BROOK p.( Oct 'ARM ' 'c'u.irerAORPHEUMi1. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm ! Octob.r 2 BrlnclB Up Father rPVio r.irrlo ThoofKn TH AfcO NEXT WEEK HEATS NOW ELLIi- l "THE WHIRL OF THE WORLD" CASINO "&. amn u-r iw "Arms and the Man" """"" 7 k. on bal. at Bel OHic. o4 Qhabtl Bre.